CITY AND COUNTY BRIEF MENTIONS. (dreg on Kidney Cure. County Fair Wednesday. Drummers a scarce article theae day. , iia are improving (lowly but ure?y, Rwim hai new sign, which ii quit nobby Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trouble. Considerable sickness throughout the conn' The Slualaw Fair was rather poorly attended this year. Try Oeburn k Belshaw' Veen cigar. They fe the bos. Oregon Kidney Tea U the beat known rem' dy for kidney troubles. Titus k Lambert, the new tinners, make a (specialty of well driving. For all kinds of school and blank book, call at the pnstoffioe book store. County Fair begins next Wednesday morn ing and continues four days. The Guard does all kinds of job printing heaper than Portland prices. A goodly number of Lane county people at tended the State Fair this week. Mr. W. a Humphrey has just had finished an elegant residence in Roseburg. Ditchburnhaa given up the Home Hotel and a man named Dunn is new its proprietor, If yon want a good plat of oysters, Ed Eaum's is the place where yon can get it. The Wasting place in the city at Ed Baura's. Oysters, ham and eggs, tea and coffee, at all hours. feead the I X L Store's new advertisement la another column. It will pay you to peruse It carelully. Two ruffians tried to rob Mr J W Clark last Sunday evening near the brick yard but did not succeed The County Hoard ot Kquallxation has been in session this week correcting errors, etc, in the assessment. Dr. C. A. Shelbrede. formerly a dentist at Cottage Grove, has moved to Roseburg to practice his frofession, The M E quarterly meeting begins to-day at 3 pm. Services at the regular hours on Sun day. Quarterly conference on Monday. The Guard received a large lot of stationery ' from San Francisco this week, and is now pre. pared to do job work cheaper than ever before. Quite a number of Lane county people left for different sections in Eastern Oregon this week, where they intend permauently locating. Oiburn Jk Co. this week received several bar rels of ooal oil It is o first-class quality snd they are retailing it at 40 cents per gallon. Give them a call. The difficulty between Germany and Spain teems to be on a standstill. Nevertheless, Oi burn k Belshaw are selling the finest five-cent cigar ever brought to Eugene. The hrtfie Sammy Tilden has arrived from Coos Day and is in training for the County Fair nsxt week. Several other horses are also being trained on the track daily. Mr. A. J. Babb called at the GllARlt office, one day this week, and informed us that he it ready and willing to board fnur University students at $3 50 per week. Next. We hear it rumored that A . Ptioit last week tried to steal a rido from Junction to Salem on the brake beam of a railroad cur. He was dis covered, so our informant says, and "lired off- . Eight car loads of freight arrived fur our merchants last Tuesday morning. And still the impecunious railroad company claim it will not pay to run over one freight train a week to Eugene. One o the largest stocks of hoots and shoes ver brought to Eugene has Just arrived at Matlocks'. They were bought direct from the manufacturers in the East and Will be sold on Vary reasonable terms. When symptoms of malaria appear in any form, take Ayer's Ague Cure at once, to pre vent the development of the disease, and con tinue until health is restored. A cure is war ranted in every Instance, At Matlock's a very fine line of ladies ahoes of the celebrated H D Holbrook make, direct from the Eastern manufacturer. The ladies of Lane county would do well to call tt Mr Matlock's store and examine these goods. The tenao ty with which people abide by their early faith in Ayer's Sarsaptrill is ex plained by the fact that it is the beat blood med icine ever used, and is not equalled in excel lence by any new candidate for public favor. At the meeting of the M. E., South, Con ference, held at Albany, Rev. B. R, Baxter was appointed to be pastor of ths churches at Mohawk and Coast Fork. Junction will be upplied in the near future with a minister by the Bishop. Th wheat crop it short'and the bop crop is large, but worth nothing. On this account Osburn A Belshaw have concluded to sell a hit cigar for S cents. Remember the saving of 5 cents on a small article it quite an inducement these hard times. A Blaine hat appeared on the street one day this week. What a world of reminiscences it called up. It was only after the wearer had called np several of the boys and asked them What they were going to have that tbey topped guying him. A fir in Mr James Hnddleston's pasture cam near burning over the same, last Tuesday but with the aid of a number of Eugene people and (h street sprinkler the fire was extin guished before a great deal of damag was done; loss, nominal A Dt Boatman and wife wert in tswn few days this week. It is the general opinion that the Dr Is a bilk. Anyway, that is the way the Southern Oregon papers intimate. Tht couple left Eugene Monday moruing, af ter pawning some jewelry. Mr. A. J. Crow, who lives south of this city, informs ns that he has lost five horses thus far that were worth at leant looO, and he till hae another one sick. He says Wm. Blao Ua has lost eight head, while several of his neighbors havs lost one each. The diaea baffles all. Prof D W Coolidge, formerly of Des Moines, Iowa, will permanently locate in Eu gene for ths purpose of teaching piano, organ sx.d harmony. He comes well recommended ts hi eight years of teaching and the excellent advantages he has for study eminently quality him. H will return to Eugene about the brat ot October, and all that have not mad ar rangement with him can learn terms, etc, at Ciwo Bros' mosie store. Edward Espey't "Repose." One of the finest paintings ever shown in Portland is now exhibited in the gallery of Messrs Sanborn k Vail, acd iu a few days will be placed in their window. The pio ture referred to it Edward Kapey "Repose, which was exhibited in the I'arit Salon laat Spring and took the tecoud prtee. The subject selecttd it a striking one The place is a little cove on the coast of Brittany, wheic about a tcore of sailors were washed ashore from the wreck, and their bodies being so badly decomposed when discovered that they wore buried in the cove. Thoir laat resting places are marked by crosses, soma of which are lean ing to one side. The eketch was made in the Autumn season. The scanty growth of grass in the marshy cove M turned to brown. There is no sign of life in alt the picture, and only the grand ocean wave just rolling in and breaking on the beach shows sign of tnotiou. The pale moon has just risen above the eastern horizon and its ray light np but dimly the solemu spot. No more tilting nsme could have beeu choaeu than "Hepoac." The painting has beeu very elegantly moanted in a rich, wide gold frame. Its site it about ten feet loin bv six wide. Out of 7700 new pictures offered for exhibition in the Paris Salon last season only 2200 were accepted, and out ot the last number "Repose" took the second prize This record tpeakt volumes for Mr. Espey patieuc and faithfulness. Through the kindness of Messrs Sanborn k Vail, the re porter wat allowed to copy a few translated ootices from Paris paper given Mr. Espey't picture while on exhibition iu the talon. Mr. Wolff, the most eminent art oritio in the world, wiiting for Figaro, tsid; "Mr. Espey hat rendered yery happily the effect of twilight upon the seashore in his oompo. sition entitled 'Repose. The following it from a Paris paper called Le Matiu: "Kd Espey't 'Repose,' exhibited n hall 20, is among the original American pictures in this year's salon, he hat simply and knowingly treated his effect of twilight, adding to au odd and original subject artistic worth." Another Paris paper taysi "Mr. Espey has found the complement of natural aud iuevitablo death scenes, in its strength af flicting aud almost poignant, which he calls Repose.' A saudy mursh planted with crosses over which gllateut a pale moon, and through all the scene is a look of complete adiiess. ' Evening Telegram. Letter List. The following letters were uncalled for at the Pnstoffic in Eugene City. Or. . September Akina, J A Akin, Miss Carrie Appongi, Mrs I) E Basye, Theodore Barger, Miss R A Bell, Felix Bodie, Mr J Bonn, T J Hochlnen, Josephine James, Julia H . Jones, C M Johneon, Dr Theo H Johnson, Walter S Inman, Mrs Uaunab King, hlias Long. P 1) .'audill, U C (2) LaS.e A Kobiusnn Luke, J R Linville, Joe Lnveland, Walter G Luther, H B Mayhew, Susan Miller, M Orr, Gwwie Pane, W W Plover, Geo Pircy, .Margaret Piller, Miss Prim, Mix Ida Heiliinz, Wm Rttsxell, J J Shilling 8 3 Serdle, Julius Settle, Minnie Seever, John H , St pman, Sandrew Smith, P O Smith, J L Smith, Z S Stalker, ahey L Strange, .Nathaniel Stnrck, Jacob Taylor, Sarah Taylor, Melville ampbell, r n 'arlyn, E O 'lark. Geo N Clark, Mrs J M 'lark, Mrs Maggie Onissharg, W P Conway, Jaiu-s E Cure, Hiram iimmlng, Mr r M Davis, Mica Addie Delanv. Mr Will Dawson, Thomas Davis, Curtis laylott, Mr Geo Drury, Rolit Hii'-'irleshaiin, Robt Erwin, Geo vans, Miss Minnie Evans, D U indlay, Alex lemiiiL'. Mrs Frank Fowler, Sam A irant, Mr iraliam, Jas Hansen, Loren Horn, A W Homson, Carl A Tolilreilge, Mary J Tarrell, V W Henaon, Mrs Mary V Thomas. G K (3) Hermann, .J H Wahath, U D Woodruff, E T Wagner, J I) Wheeler, A Webster, W N (5) A. S. 1'ATTKRSON, P. M- Coburg Items. Cont'RO, Sept. 21. The outside work on Wm. Vanduvne's resi ence is finished, and the plasterers are now at ork on the same. A sociable was given at the residence of Mr. G. 1!. Waul last Friday evening. It was a pleasant affair and was well attended. Mr. John Cochran and wife and Mrs. Ths. Vanduyne returned from Kitson's Springs last Saturday. They report having had a pleasant trip. Mr. Thos. Vanduvne's house is finished and the family expect to move into the same this week. It is a handsome dwelling and a credit to tne town. Mr. Samuel Thomas hat told to Wm. Pa- Ianey fifty acres of his farm for J000. The land sold was the residence and improved part or me piece. Miss Nettie Wllloughbv, who has been sick for the past five months, ii again Very low and her death is momentarily exected. San Fran cisco doctors Lav cl arge of her case now. . Special. Immediate; Delivery Stamp. These tttmpt are now for sale at the Eugene post office for 10 cents each, This system will insure the immediate delivery of a letter by special messenger upon its arrival in all cities with a population of 4000 on and after Oc tober 1st. The dimensions of the stamp are somewhat larger than the common two ceut stampi of dark blue. Design: On the left an arched panel bearing the figure of a mail messenger boy on a run, and surmount ed by the words "United States;" on the right, an oblong tablet, ornamented with a wreath of oak and laurel surrounding the wards, "Secures immediate delivery at a special delivery office." Across the top of the tablet it the legend "Special Postal De livery," and at the bottom the words, "Ten Cents," separated by a small shield bearing the numerals "10." The only office in Ore- goo that will come under the head of the immediate system will be Portland. Notice. Mr. B. H. James having retired from business and being desirous of tetiling up, requests all those indebted by note or ac un w immediately can tna make a set tie- He can be found at his oHic in the Court House, ready to receipt for all debts due him. Take Notice. A good dinnsr eaa bad at Baker's hotel for 24 oenU,- Smithfield News. 8MITHHILD, Sept. 19. Mr. Jordan has commenced his Fall term of school at this place with a fair roll call. There will be a dance at Mi. Thos. Ho. land's to night. Hope they will have a good time. MisR Sarah Forgby, half lister to Mrs. nyers, it going to start fur ber horn n . 1. Monday. K B Hayes and J E Richardson passed through here eu n ut for the Slate Fair ouu day laat week. 1 heir stock looked tine. Messrs Klras ami Richard Ratcliff calcu late to cross the mountains thit Kail. Kliaa will stop at or near I'nneville, while Richard will journey on to the Big Beud country. Mr Jas Bouuds. the book rgeot, it around again trying to toll the Isdiea a book that will team them now lo make Sixteeu diner- eot of slapjacks (nun one pan of dough and twelv other kinds of Johnny sake. Buy on. A wagon wth four horses attached upaet fro.n a grade on the Wild Cat yester day. Mr UK Chamberlain, of Dallas, the driver, was badly bruised, having hve rib broken, and the wagon and hor et went overboard forty feet into the river. The party, consisting of U K Chamberlain, T J Gardner, J H Smith, D J and J M (irant) the last named being city marshal of Dallas), went to the Siuslaw couutry to hunt and fish, but not rinding any game, concluded tu return to Smithfield aud chaaa a few dayt for deer with U. W. Gibson. Afur hitching up they had not gone far on one of the narrow grade on Wild Cat before one of the wheel hone stepped into the lead bars and became frightened and the whole team stalled to ran, when one of the wheels struck a log that stuck out in the road, throwing the whole business over the grade. The team wat not teriouslv hurt, and the tongue and scat were the only parte of the wagon that were damaged. The party arrived here at 3 o'clock Saturday, arid Mr 0 VV Gibson hitched np his hack and took Mr Chamberlain to Monroe, fioin whence he aent by hack to Corvallis, where he could meet the train. Moon LtuUT. The Military Wagon Road. During the paat two weeks fivt or six resi dents of Silver Lake, Lake county, have pur chased in Eugene City between $4000 and 15000 worth of goods and hauled them over the Military wagon Mad to their homes. W have been iuformed by these buyer that if the road was iu a safe condition there would be purchased in this place annually between 25,000 and (20,000 worth of supplies by peo ple in that section. The question then for our merchants to consider, is whether they are going to ait idle with their hands folded and ailow this trade to go elsewhere, or whether thev will lake meaauret to assure them of this imiiortant trade for years to come. The quet tio.i, of course, will he asked, "What can l don to control the patronage of the section al luiled to!" It is easy to answer said problem. We are informed upon good authority that with the expenditure of the sum of 12000 th road can lie put Iu such comlition next Muring that will insure our merchants the much-da-sired trade. Will our merchants rails the amount and expend it by putting the mad in repair? By projier Mjtition and reprexentAtion we believe the county would help the matter along by a lilieral appropriation. Who will start the movement? Of course many will say the road couwary, who have received thou sands of acres of the Jieople's domain, should tie compelled to keep the highway iu good condition, wilh whom we cordially acres, but tins seerus to he sn iuiosibility. 1 lis lanrtt were procured dnhoneitly, ami without per forming the eervicea that they should have been required to do. Nevertheless, our people must put the roa I in repair at their own ex p ne or lose this valuable tra le. We await with interest their action in this important matter. Reduced Rates. Mr J S Churchill, Secretary of ths Lane County Agricultural society has received the following fr-ra E P Rogors, Goneral Freight and Passenger Agent ot the 0 k (! railroad: "Your favor of the 10th Inst came dnlv to hsnd and contents noted We will make rate from all stations in Lne count v and return, for your county fail, which meets Sept 30th, of round trip t riff rate. On freight for exhibi tion at the f sir, we shall charge tariff rates on itgoinir to your faii and on presentation of certificate to our s.'ent at Eune, issued by you as secretary, and bearinir the seal of the society, that articles have been on exhibition ana have not changed hands and have paid full rates going to fair, they will be returned free, Millinery. Mrt Withrow desires to inform her num erous customers that she has moved her mil linery store to the building occupied by the Brownsville store, one door north ot Hum boot and shoe shop. She also desires to say that she has just received from the East a tine stock of millinery kooda, which will be sold at very low prices. Give the ttore a call ana price the ijoods. Bitter. Dr Sharpies again reports Mrs Church the victim of the Mohawk tragedy as being better. The chances now are very fav orable for ber recovery. Her mind is still weak but it gradually growing stronger. In a conversation Wednesday the asked who hurt her, and what bad been the mutter. She say she thinks her husband has gone to Yreka but Is not certain about th matter; and further that the last lime she saw him was on Saturday when he was burning brush. It is probable that in a short time her mind will clesr up lunuer aud she be aide to relate the story of the murder. Fine Display Seoubku. Through th ef forts of Mr George M Miller agent of the im migration boaid of Lane county, th state ooard has been fortunate enough to secure th ipleodiddlkplayof grasses, grains and vegetables oi)Mr Geor'e Belahaw, which is being exhibited at he State fair. When the fair is over Mr Belthaw's entire exhibit will be brought down to this city and arranged at the board rooms. This will be a fine advertisement for Lane county. Portland Telegram. The exhibit of Mr Belshaw will be shown first at the county fair here before it ia taken below. Coshuls at Portland. There are now eight foreign consuls luxated in Portland, as follows: C. C'aar, Germany; A Labbe, France; Jas. Laidlaw, Great Britain; John McCraken, Ha waiian Inlamla; Guntaf Wilson, Russia; E. S. Larsen, Denmark; F. G. Ewald, Chili; A. Wilson, Swedtn and Norway. Chkistia. Chibch. Preaching at 11 A M. Sunday, Sept 27 Subject, "The Atonement." Lecture, 7:30 P. M.; subject, "Individual Lib erty based on Individual Responsibility in "-"""""""J- Married. At the residence of C. T. Hale, in Cbesher precinct. Sept 18, Iwtt, by T, J. Neely. J P, Mr Joel D Mays of Lane county to Mis Ellen Ukellry of Crook oouuty. Bobs. -In Cheaher iirecinct, Sept 11. 18K, to the wife of Ton. J. Cook, a ton, weighing U pounds. Brevities. Another frost yesterday morning. Mr Geo W Kinsey will sell pools at the county fair on all the races. A Bomber of studsuts have entered th Uni verslty during th paat week. Sterling Hill hat received a hew btcycls and it bow one of the happy mortals. Th Mssrs Grain Bros are having their store painted on th inside and outside. Wheat may be quoted al SS cents per bushel nek He market is rather stronger. A large number went to the State Fair this week. W will not try to enumerate them. M:s. Margaret Miller Allison has com menced suit sgainst Absalom Allison for dl vorce. The residence rf Mr Grant Osburn is re ceivlng the finiahing touches. It is a nobby house. Mr S H Friendly purchased several lots of old bnis this week. He says he will l pre. pared to purchase new hot ahortly. Miss Lena McKenzle, of Portland, is in Eugene. She Intends locating here for the purpose of teachiug vocal and instrumental mnaia. The pier under th Hayden bridge is being rebuilt. Mr Ira Walton has supervision of the woik, while Mr L N Roney it th con tractor. W learn that Dr Wm Osburne't mother re cently died in Pennsylvania and left him a leg acy of 115,000. Air w a Uox hat tiled In plat oT a aew townsita on th Lower Siuslaw river t be called Acme. It it near tht sawmill New hops continue to corns into town. We have heard of but one sale, that by Mr Palmer Ay ret at SJ cents iter pound, delivered here. In another column Sheriff Campbell adver tises tht mortgages held by foreign companies for sale to pay tales due and owing the coun ly. Correot. It rained quit hard here all of Weduesday night, which will start the grain and grass to Kiowinir nicely. However, more is needed to enable our farmers to plow. Hon David B Hill, bat been nominated by the Democrats for Governor of New York. He it the present incumbent, and will sncced himself by a big majority. The oity asks for l ids fbr tht building of a cistern at the intersection oi Willamette anil Eleventh streets. Bids roust be filed in the ofllc of the city recorder on or before Oc tobsr 6th. We learn that Hon W D Feuton of Lafayette has formed a law partnership with Judge J C Mnreland, of Portland, and will move to that city almut th first of next January where the office of the new firm will bs located Mr T N Segar has purchased two lots of Gen B Dorris in his r.iw addition to Eugene, on Willamette street south of Eleventh street, paying $290 for the same. We learn that Mr 3 will build a residence on tfie same this Fall Mr II C Humphrey ha-i been appntntod City Recorder during Recorder Shaw's absence from the city. We would advise evil doers to walk straight during the next ten days, as the Judge was a terror tu the criminal when he held the office. Wheat on the River, Hon Gen Waggoner, of Corvallis, was In the city on Saturday hint, and called at this office. The tutural curiosity of a newsman drew from him ths following: He h id been up to Eugene City on the West side and from there down on the east side to ascertain what amount of wheat was stored upon the river. He found a a lare quantity, more wheat thau has been stored on the river for several years. The prospect of the Oregon Pacitio being able to ship grain this Fall through Yaquina si'connts for this unusual storage on the river, and also accounts for Mr Wagoner's trip to Eugene City lo look after th matter. Th farmer! have ahown sound, practical Sens in i-toring on th liver and probably it will result in their receiving several cents more per bushel for thiir enib than they could have command ed if they had atored on the railroad, We un derstand it ia the intention of the O V Com pany to put boaU on the liver to run wheat to Corvallis where it can lie shipped oVtr the railroad to Ysiiuina and thence to market As soon as the river riset oiierationt in that direc tion will commence. 1 he draw in the railroad bridge above Harrisburg, if not in working or der will have to be mad so at once, for boats will run to Kurfeue for wheat as toon at the river rist's. Any delay In letting boats through the draw will be attended with results to Ue railroad company owning the biidge. A little later oa we may expect to see stirring limes oa Ih river. Albany Bulletin. Siuslaw Wagon Road. Last Tliursdsy the County Conrt let to Mr. John Brown the contract for the com pletion of the Siuslaw wtgon road, foi the turn of 2900. The following it the order at made by the Court; At thit time, Sept. 24, 1885, thit matter coming on to be heard upon tht bidt of con tractor! for the completion of ssid road ac cording to advertisement, and it appearing that John Brown it the lowest bidder, it it ordered that said, contract, upon filing an approved bond," bo let to said John Brown. Work to all be completed by March 1, ltb'. Road on all grade to be at least ten feet wide, and raise in grade on rocks to not ex ceed fourteen inches to any one rod. All ttreanii and gulches and Spring brsncbes on the line of survey to be bridged in l good substantial manner. Bridget to be at least twelve feet wid and covered with sound split timber at least six inches thick. Marshy pltcea to be corduroyed. Lane county it to pay f I'.XH) when the work it completed through Beruher rock, and (1900 when the entire work is completed. Mr. Brown hat filed hit bond and will commence work on the contract immediately. Mtstebious. Recently Mr Geo Hale and totns friends went on a hunting and exploring expedition some fifteen miles northwest of ('apt C T Hale's farm, ia the mountains. While hunting one day tbey discovered cut oa a rock the following. "T Miller -June 20, 1H00. . "1 he wages af sin is death." The in scription was done in a hMdy artia'Jo manner showing it to be the work of a skillet) work man and looked as if it hail been cut in the roc at th data indicate.! as the mnaa had nearly grown over tb earn. Mr Hal in forma na that the section is rarely visited by man, a it ia a difficult enterprise to inter the receaMM of the inountaina at that point Many are the opinions exprewed why thia inscription was placed on th rock. If th pr n who performed the work is still living and this should meet his eye, will he kindly drop us a line so that we may clear awsy the mystery. Married At th resilience of S L B. nl, on Sept. 22, 1883, by A C Jennings, J P, Mr John Martin of Yamhill county and Mist Carrie Briggt of Lane county. Junction City Items. Wheat 63 cent a. Weather: Rainy this week. Miss Nina Millmru is quite ill, Th blacksmiths are wanting work now, Enictt Lee, ton of Dr. N. L Lee, it quite ill. Mrt. Ella Blew went to Portland Thurs day. Many lovort of pleasure weat to the State Fair this week. 3. E. Houston was ia the city thit week, looking eploudid. Tom Taylor it building ft neV ditcher. Tom is -juite t geoiut. Judge Washburne and G. Chriamsu Were in the city Wedueaday, Now it a good time for preachers to visit ut, at chickens are cheap. Gilmore ii crowded with drummers tiuce buying ont Harkint k Burg. The deputy sheriff came down Monday. Hi trip was a bright Star cue. Mrt. Dave llodHon is in the city visiting, the guest of Minniu Houston. Mr. Willi Kratx, of Dixie, was here on Wednesday visiting friends. Dal Gore has cot lots of tine applet. He soils them cheap at the orchard. L Salomon is selling off his fine stock of goods cheap, to make ready for well, a new stock. T. A. Milliorn is a first-class wagonmaker and undertaker; carries a good mpply of tine casketi. N. Gilmore hns purchased the variety store of Harkiua k Burg for hit ton Price, who will occupy it toon. Thev are at fine at von can trot What it? Why Bee bet boots and thoes. He makes them, too. Ay, but they are tine. Dick Warreu it about to paint nt all. Down go the art galleries. You'll toon tee all our picture hanging on the gate pott. Ladies can set nice switches of hair of all colors, line millinery goods, and d reuses cut and made on good tennt at Mrt. Kinkers. Well, there it a now sign! Hey! Yet, Mrt Mtrquain does hrat-cls.i outting and dress making. Go right in and tee for yourself. Mr. W. H. Counteu hat moved hi fain ilv back to thit place He ii the iuilcfatig able clerk at Ha ber' ttore, A good acqui. sition. Oh, but it is terrible to toe P. Marquam sweat at shaving to many oi the young swains preparatory to visiting tlio sweet six teect. Big rush. Mrt. Gilmore it expooted home from the East next week. Then the old geut must put up a good supper for ut or he will be treated to tome tin music Mr. Wm. Garliugliouse and Mrt. Mary A. Coyle, of Bentou county, were married in thit city on Wednoaday. Whoop Iu! Uncle l.illy Houston taut the worda. Our fat man, who feeds and tleept tho railroad boys, and many others, can be seen at any hour, rushing around with hit coat off and full of fun, and will mako you fat and happy; always has something new. Not to breakable as one might think, if her name is Cantvel, for she still carries a full stock of millinery, and her stock is way up tine and reasouable in price. Please tee. Can't be beat. Felix Fa in. Summary of Assessment. Assessor McPhereon kindly handed lis the following summary of the assessment of 1885, which he hat Just completed! Acres of land 390,101 acres; total value, $2,li07,Wil: average value per acre, 16.582. Railroad land W.lM) acres; total value, $14,710; average value, SO cents per acre. Wanon road land 20.080 rtres; totul value, 912.0U0; average, 40 cents per acre. J . wu lots Value, ?ouU,420. Mortuag.'a-t072,oM. Merchandise and implements f 794,625. Money, uotesaud accounts -$720,001, Household furniture - $2811,110. Horses and mules 0,813 head; total value. $310,022; average value per head, l.'iO.IW. Cattle 14,032 head; total value, .r3,374; average 8IN.O0 ier head. Sheep-Ko,409 head; total yalue, 117,574; average $1.31 ier head. Swine 11,701 bead; total value, 24,G35; average per head, 12.10. . Total value of all property, f6,S2.1,7!X5; In debtedness, f 1,033,427; exemptions, f 4911,052; total taxable property iu Lane county, 14,102, 717. No. or polls, 1,010. The Increase In the total assessable nronertv over last year amounts to a little over 9150,000. A good record considering tli nard times. Blue River Mines. Finn is working four or five men in hit claim. Mr Minor has discovered a placer claim en the Blue that prospects well About a doxen claims on Blue river have been recorded in the county clerk's office this week. Representative Flinn from Marion county ami three other gentlemen from the same lo cality left last Thursday niorninv on a pros iecting and hunting trip up tho McKenzie. M ara. Mason, Wand and Hatch have re turned to this place. They discovered sovernl new ledges that they believe to be rich, and early in the Spring will return and develop thoui. A Mr. Clark, of BI110 river, was in town thit week, and showed some gold that he had panned out of a placer claim he recently dis covered in that section. He purchased pro visions and started back to nut in sluice last Thursday. Pleasant Hill Items. . Pleasant Him., Sept 24. Measn Wm Sellsra and K F Keeney have gone to JUeninouth to attend the normal school. Mr and Mrs Wal hams, cf Po.-tland. war visiting the furs part of th weak with our merchant, G W llandsaker. D W Uridine ha add hit sntiie stock f merchandise to G W llandsaker, and it leave our village with only ne store. Messrs G H Calllson and Ed Dorlmr With their families, accompanied by Mr J O Bria tow, started Tuesday for Eastern )rgoo via the Mcttenile road. Ml" Snodurass will teach the hrwer Pleas ant Hill school, B V Mulkey the upper one, Mi Kate Cruxan at Butte Disappointment and R fc Brutow at Cloverdal. B. State Fair. Th State Fair at Salem this year hat been moderately successful. The rain only spoiled the pleasure of thote in attendance for alxmt one day. At here tofore, it has beeo monopolized principally by the horsemen. The exhibit iu the pa vilion was very light and did injustice to our State At the tlection of officers Mr. Belshaw was elected at one of the Board of Directors for Lane county, aud Mr. M. Wil kins wat elected aa one of the Manager to act under the law of the last Legislature. Marriage License. Since our last laaiie th following marrlan lioenaet have ben issued bv th 't:ounty clerk- September 21 ut, J E Matin snd Carrie B Briggss; Sept 23d, God fried Hickalbkr and Lena Wiedman. Places Sold. -J T Martin to 8 F Keret 11.50 acres; con, 8.175. 8 F Kerns to J T Mar tin 13.50 acre. Th transfer were recorded last Thursday, Cottage Grove Hems. fltOMOUR SPKClALOOBRKHPONI'ENT.J September 23, 1883. Weather delightful; mads likewise. Mr Steve Harris Is somewhat better. Rev Mr Rourk of Siuslaw wat hor Tues day. Miss Kate Hanson returned from Eugene Saturday. Mr P T Noland was in town Saturday anf Sunday laat - Mr Avery, the tinner now occupies Mr A F Johuaon't house. Mr Hickathler is In town with his photo graph gallery again. Mr A I Johnson and family have left our place and moved on a farm , Mr Joe Dams wood returned' from East of the Mountains last week, , Mr O Q Cartwright Snd wifo of Siuslaw vai; ley were in town 1 uesday. Messrs Grant Osburn and Ed McClanahtn were in town Friday night . Mr George Garoutte It gone on a visit to relatives iu Litin county. Mr lluuh Thomas Is moving to tht N. V. Chiisman ranch ou Row river. Mr Albert Vauirhan of Alkali arrived here last Saturday ou a visit to relatives. l!v Mr Kkitiworth. the new Circuit rider of thit place, delivered a sermon her Sunday. The fac of Mr H M Walhw! was terribly distorted last week on account of a bad tooth. U,VP rhrlaman haa bia home on the mill race fixed up in good style, ready for somebody to occupy. Mr George Uawley and wife and Miss' Lydia Adams went to the Fair at Siuslaw yes- teruay. Mr Hetekiah Knee, formerly of thit vicini ty but of late of Eastern Oregon, wm iu town yesterday. . Mr Ed Cathcart was thought to U be; a few dayt ago but has relapsed into hit former critical condition. We learn of the Siuslaw valley folks that that there has not been rain enoug there to b of any use whatever, Mr Jim McFarland gave a party tor the benefit of tht vouug people last Iriday evening which wat a very enjoyable affair. Land hunters are numerous; four men front the liower Siuslaw have been in our vicinity several days looking for lahd to take up, , Annt Sophia Hailuton came up to thit place Saturday from Cresswell on a visit to Mr K H Haxleton and other friends in this vicin ity. Messrs Carey and Huffman went np In th mountains Saturday and cam back Sunday, aud reported having killed (with the assis tance of Mr McCoy and two sons) four deer. Mr John Tapp and wife 1-ft for their horn In UaklandTuesday. Mr Tapp had been to Salem where he took his mother and sialur. Th latter is going to attend school at that place. YgRIir. Personal. Mr. Wm. Palmor hat returned to Portland. Al Hembree left for Harney valley thit week. Senstor Hoult of Linn mad u a pleasant call last Wednesday. Mr J A Lbbert Btarted for Eastern Wash ington lst Tuesday. Mr. L. II. Wheeler has returned to Eugeuo from a trip ta Portland. Judge Washburue went to Junction yester day on professional business. Mr. Gab Chrismau is now th possessor of a "pet," located on one of Ms bauds. "Pap" Walton hat returned from a visit to Yaquina, He it looking splendidly. Mr II R Clark went to Portland this week lo accept a position on the 0 k C railroad. Miss Lenora Nichols, of Colfax, W T., It visiting at the residence ot Mr Frank Rankin In this city. Mr Cyrus Ellmaker and family, recently of Springfield, havo moved into town, where thejr intend to reside in the future, Mr James Eakln left for Union, Oregon, laat Wednesday, where he goci to finish hit law course in the office of Lis brother. Mr J E Houston, of Ashland, paid this of fice a pleasant call last Tuesday. He tayt business it ImproUng in that section. Dr Ed Mulligan, of Rochester, N Y, who came to Eugene to visit his father in bit last sickness, returned home last Tuesday. Ex-Marshal Attobery wat in Eugene ont day thit week. We are torry to report that hit health shows no sign of Improvement Recorder Shaw, Geo. S. Kincald, J. W. Cherry and George Croner left on a two weeks trip up the McKenzie river last Wednesday morning. G. W. llotchttedlor, of AlUny, Grand Chancellor Commander of the K night! of Pythias, paid the tubordinate lodge here an ' ollicial visit last Thursday evening. Trent Items. Trent, Sept 23. Rsin, rain, rain. Farmer all done towing Fall grain in this teotion of the country. Mr. Jaokton Miller left here Monday for Wasco county, to remain during the Winter. Mr. Tbot. Ooesage hat exchanged ranches with Alei. Grit tin of Fall Creek. Each will move to their retpeotiv placet in a few days. Mr. n. C. Morgan and family left laat Saturday for Kitaou't Springs, where they intend tpeuding a few dayt tor pleasure and reoreatioo. Mr. W. II. MoCall luft here last Monday , for the purpose of helping Wm. Gilfry to ' the valley with hit beef cattle. Tbey will' be about fifteen dayt on the road, On the evening of the 13th, ere tht table' curtains of night were drawing to a close, there gathered together three or four of the' fun-loving boy of thit vicinity, intending to make the night hideout to the newly married couple of that day. They waited and waited in vain for their - Pleasant Hill pals, who it seernt had promised to meet . them at a given point, but at the dawn of day was fast approaching, they had, at yet, failed to makt thoir appearance. The boys tired o' this, and afraid of being teen,, wended their way tlowly homeward, sadder if not wiser than bffore. Ms. PlUA tore. The comio opera, Pinafore, was given in this city Sept 18th and 19th to good sized audiences. The performance were good, way bImiv most of th amateur upre-entnt'ons and reflected credit on the actors, while th ia striimental tnuaio was particularly Cue. It is said that the play may be given by the com pany at Roseburg and Albany In th near fu ture. Mirkhal. Mr T J Dimton. of this city, has been acting as Grand Marthal at the State Fair this week. Hie pspers speak highly of his abilities snd nianat,-uient Marries Mr Johnny Walker was mar rli J at Oregon City tiii week tn MWa Nellie Charnian. The Gsaro congratulates.