THE -EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATURDAY REIT. 28, 1835. 1 Sorlbero Outrage ' Tha Oregoulan's attention is called to a telegram of the 20th inst, part of which appeared in it columns: "Third Auditor Williams did something lant week that no official of United Slates Treasury before him ever dared to do, said a gentleman who is hijjh in politi cal circles. 'He found a colored man in his department working as a clerk when lie came into his present position. Will iams, seeing that tho man was capable and efficient, placed him at the head of one of the divisions though there were a lot of white clerks who thought they should have been selected for the position, though they are all Republi cans and, therefore, supposed to Ihi in favor, of giving the colored man an equal chance. There has leen some growlingover General Williams' action, ilr. Sherman has been talking of the Tights of the colored people in the Ohio canvass, but nobody ever heard if bis promoting one of them to any important position while he was at the head of the Treasury Department, and this act of justice was left to be done by c Democratic official. Two years go, when the colored voters of Cin cinnati asked that one of their number be placed on the Republican Legisla tive ticket, the request was refused and the nomination given to a while man. Tliero is a vast difference be tween preaching and practicing among Our Republican friends, I can tell you. 'lhe Sun Francinco Examiner, with its characteristic enterprise, has se cured the exclusive right to publish on the Pacifio Coast, Ileury George's new work on "Protection or Free Trade, and will run it as a serial from week to week, the first two chapters appearing in last Sunday's Examiner. It is writ ten in admirable style, strong, pointed .and able in thought, and is as interest ing as a novel Mr. George in this, .-as in his other works, claims that the progress of civilization, depends upon tho prosperity of the workingnmn which in turn depends upon high wages, and ito secure this result he favors absolute . freu trade. He says that protection is supported by tho ignorance, passions and prejudices of the masse?, just the Kainn as the thrones of despot are up held by these qualities, and that inves tigation and education will yet achieve tits downfall in every form. Whether one agrees with Mr George or not, the boo'c is one of great merit, and will attract world-wido attention. i Iowa paper: "Now that the colored voters of Mahaska county have some .of them dared to vote the Democratic ticket, the Republican manager; Lave commenced systematic efforts to i prosecute and intimiduto them. Upon i a trumped-up chirge of alleged voting several of them were arrested and would have been jailed, but fcr the tfact that Democrats came to their res .cuo and furnished bail. The HepuMi can party is the great friend of t he colored man, as long as ha votes the Republican ticket Ten years ago a standard carload on all first class railroads was 20,000 pounds, tho weight of tho cars boinq .20.500. In 1881 the load on most roads had increased to 40,000 pound but the weight of the car had increased to only zz.uuu rounds. 1 lie master car builders of the Pennsylvania road Shave now adopted cars to carry 60,000 pounds, while the weight of the cars will be very little increased. The sub etitution of steel for iron rails has made the change possible. The Panama Star and Herald of the 14 th, says: "We shall see in the month of OotoWr the first section of the Panama anal opened in its full Jencth, breadth tod depth. The first section will comprise a water way from Colon to near Tiger bill a distance of twelve kilometers," or about two miles. Dr. A, IX Adams, associate editor of ithc St. Helens Coluuibiuu, was arrest ed last Monday on a charge of crimi nal libel preferred by E. II. Flsss. ed itor of the Mist, the opposition paper. Jn iU last issue the Columbian stated that Flagg got drunk in Portland and bad to soher up in the city jail. State elections will be hold this year as follows: Ohio, October 13; Vir ginia, November 3; Iowa, Minnesota, JCew York, New Jersey, IYimsylvanin, Massachusetts, November 3; Conneo ticut, November 3. Cov Moody has appointed Gen. John F. Miller, of IJnkville, delegate from Oregon to attt nd tha meeting of tho National Live Stotk Association which meets at SU Louis next month. Hon Ira Davenport has U-eii nomi nated by the Republicans of Neur York as their canJidat for Governor, A little speck of war appears on the European horizon, but the prospect that it will not c,row much larger. is A recent novelist tells a touching story of a faithful wifit. Her husband enjoyed or years a prosperous business and large income, and lived lavishly. She practiced a careful economy in se cret, and when ruin suddenly threat ened him, and he revealed to her his despair she brought down from a se cret drawer in her chamber a large sum in gold and laid it on his table; and this sum of $50,000 saved him! The clover writer has forgotten that gold weighs something, and that the wife must I ave struggled down stairs under a weight of 250 poundsl So.newhat similar blunders are not infrequent in romances describing the hand'ing of coin at the gambling tables of Europe; so that a few exact figures on the huI- ject may he interesting. Except a few of the very rare substances hardly seen out of labratories, gold is the heaviest and the most precious metal we know. Thus, a cubic foot of pure gold would weigh 1,024 pounds, or more than half a ton, and would lie worth $331,131. All the gold injthe possession of the human race might be stored in a cellar of moderate size. It is supposed to amount to about 15,000,000,000; and pure gold to this value would just fill a room fifty feet long by twenty seven feet eight inches wide, and twelve feet high. Thus, the vastest accumulations of capital known in th.H world may be conceived of as packed in a very s nail compass. The Republican press is striving to persuade Gov. Moody to call an extra session to elect a U. S. Senator. Our opinion is that he can manufacture as good a Senator as the present Legisla ture can turn out, at a saving of over (30,000 to the people of Oregon, a big item tlWe hard times. The Gov ernor, if an extra session is called, must be held responsible for their action as he well knows the history of tha rein ark able body. The individuals who assert that need'd legislation demands an ex tra session deceive no one not even themselves, assuredly not the Gover nor. The piping voices of these little statesmen would never have been heard had the Legislalure been Democratic, and if they knew that a Democratic Senator would be the result of the ex tra session, no hint would have retched us of distress for want of law. We simply want to protest against the un necessiry and profligate waste of the people's money. If the Governor calls an extra session, he will find that he has paid dear for his whistle. From a partisan point of view at would be em inently satisfactory to us. Smuggling from Canada to the United States is not only very brisk, but the smugglers are bold in avowing tneir ousiness. 1 lie tallowing auver- tisemcnt appears in papers along the border: "For sale A farm within two miles of the boundary line at La solle, Province of Quebec, on which s row of buildings hns been erected es pecially for trade purposes. No other house within two miles on either side of the line. Coal houses, under sheds Btibles, hay scales, etc. The stand is well known to the Americans, and all kinds of goods, such as liquor, butter, horses, gruin, nay, etc, li'iil an easy channel into the states at all times. A good, active business man can clear his $100 a day, or night, trasides making on an average slO.OOO a year of net profits." Announcement was recently mad of the discovery of a vein of gold bearing in Michigan, The Detroit Free Press says that this gold boom is no hoedletuj clamor of inexperienced men. The men who are backing it ore aiders of experience. I here is plenty of rock with plenty of gold in it. It is reported that over 11,000,000 changed hands in various ways during the recent yacht races tor the queen s cup at New York. A large portion of this sun was expended by sightseers, who endeavored each day to follow the contestants oyer the course sailed. Rufus Hatch has written a letter to the New York Sun in which he asserts as his belief that wheat will bring a good price this Fall. In case of neces sity lie advises the farmer to sell half his wheat and hold the balance for better prices. Nothing that tho Fresidant does, or refrains from doing, suits the Iler ubli can organs. If he performs a good ac tion, which he is every day doing, they are sure to hint at some bad motive for it. The hop crop of Puget suund w ill bo about 3,250,000 pounds, or 1,C25 tons, allowing a yield of 1,300 pounds per acre. It is likely that the Chinese Govern merit will claim indemnity on account of the Wyoming uiasacre. Mis Cleveland's book has netted her $7,230, so fur. She is now engaged in writing a novel. An Elegant Substitute For oil, aalta, pilU and all kind of bitter, naumous metlioine n the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Fig. ISecom nitrcdej hy leading l'h)ician. Manufac tured only by the California Fig Syrup Co, Kan Frani'iaoi. Cat. for tale by 8 Lee. uncion City: F M Wilkiua, F-ugeu City. Photograph tiuialied neatly and artie- ically at Winter's, Sheriff's Tax Sale VTOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 by virtue of warrant fur the collection of delinquent Uxn fur the year 1881, 1882, 1863 and IBS I, issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, by the Clerk thereof, and to me di rected, on to-wit: September 11, 1885, com manding me t make the sums therein named oat of the personal property of the tax payers therein named, ana if none be found, then out of the real property a set forth in laid lists. Now, therefore, being nnable to had any penonal property, I have levied npou the mortgage! or lec-nrity for nch mortgagee belonging to aaid delinquent tax payers aud real property ai follows, to witi American Mortgage Company, mort gagee-Seo 2tl, T 13 9, K 5 W, recorded ia Vol t, page 137, . mortgage recorda for Lane Couo ty, Craig Hayes mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 $ 16 00 American AUrtgage Company, morU gage Sec 2, 3, 10 and 1 1, T 1'J 8, It 5 W, Vol O, page 160, J L He.therly mortgagor) tax for 1883 od 1864 64 00 New England Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sec 20, T 18 S, H 2 W, Vol D, page 633, Alonzo V Shelley, mortgagor; tax for 1883 aud 18S4 96 00 New England Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sees 26 ' and 33, T 18 b, K 2 W, Vol D, page 647, Caleb Davis mortgagor; tax for 1883 aud 1884 64 00 New Englaud Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Heel 21 , and 28, T 18 8, U 4 W, Vol l, page 634, Chas Calloway, mort gagor; Ux for 1883 and 1884. . . 67 60 New England Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sees 29 and 30, T 17 S, Kb' W, Vol D, page 631, Geo Shultz, mortgagor; ux for 1883 aud 1884 80 00 New Eugland Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sees land 12, T18S, K4W, VolD, page 661, O M Whitney mortgagor; Ux for 1883 and 1884 64 00 New England Mortgage Secuiity Conipuuy, mortgagee Sees 26, 27, 34 aud 33, T 16 8, K 6 W, Vol I), page u'0'6, A Montgomery mortgagor; tax for 1883 uud 1S84 1 IS 40 New Engluud Mortgage Security Compauy, mortgagee Sees -J9 aud 32, T 13 S, it 5 W, Vol D, page 607, Ilois 4 Morrison mort gagor, tax for 18S3 aud 1884. . . 33 20 New Englaud Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Seo 18, T 17 8, Kl W, Vol G, page 4, Al mira Haibin mortgagor; tux for 1883 and 1884 17 60 New Euglaud Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sees 2 and 3. T 16, aud Seo 33, T 13 S, K 5 V, VoKi, page 41, W HaudU W Soothworth mortgagors; tax for 1SS3 and 1884 1G0 00 New Englaud Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee See 6 and 7, T 17 8, K 5 W, Vol U, page 33, J W Gross mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 18S4 32 00 New England Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee Sees 10 aud 24, 1 17 8, It 2 W, Vol U, page 86, J M Dick mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 70 20 New England Mortgage Security Company, mortgagee See 7 and 8, T 18 S, It 4 VV, Vol U, page 630, A llumbree mortgagor; Ux , for 1S83 and 1SS4 '4160 American Freehold Laud Company, mortgagee See 0 and 1G, '1' 16 S, li 5 W, Vol D, page 701, Naonie Shulton mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 18S4 64 00 American Freehold Land Company, mortgagee Sec 20 and 29, T 16 S, It 3 W, Vol D, page 731, A It Vanghan mortgagor; tax tor for 1883 and 1884 185 CO American Freehold Land Company, mortgagee-Sec 31, T 17 S, K 4 W, Vol D, page 733, C W Powell mortgiigor; tax for 1SS3 and l&ttt 134 40 American Freehold Land Company, mortgagee Sees 32, 33 and 34, T 15 8, It 3 W, Vol I), page 740, Polly Mahon mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 201 W American Freehold Land Company, mortgagee T 16 8, It 3 W, Vol D, pagj 743, Melville Taylor moitgHgorjtax for 1883 and 1884 120 00 American Freehold Laud Company,' mortgagee Sect 7 and 8, 1 16 a, It 3 W, Vol U, page 745, Jest Simmon, mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 86 40 Aruerican Freehold Land Company, mortj.'agee-Secs 12 and 13, T 17 S, It 7 W, Vol D, page 749, 8 Me Conncll mortgagor; Ux for 1883 and 184 16 00 American Freehold Land Company, mortgage Sec 1 and 2, T 17 8, K 5 W, and See 31 and 36, T 16 8, It 5 W, Vol I), page 767, J M Andrew mortgagor; tax for 1883 andl4 140 80 American Freeboll l-ond Company, mortgagee- T 16 8, K 5 VV, Vol D, page 770, C H Siewell mort gagor; tax f or lsH3 and 1H84 27 SO American Freehold I .and Company, mortgagee- T 111 S, K 3 W, Vol 1), ;iage 7 A VV H Baber mort gagor; Ux for 1883 aud 1884 39 40 American Freehold lnd Companv. mortgagee i 18 and 19 , it 1 VV. VolD. ml' 781. J I Barbre morU'siror; tax for 1883 and 1884. 43 20 American Freeho'd Land Company, mrtKKe-Sec 12 and 13, I 15 8.KSW, Vol D, page 790, 8 M Farley morttrairor: tax for 1883 and 1884 105 60 American Freehold I And Company, mortgagee -Set 20 ane '!, 1 16 8. K 4 VV, Vol D, page 785, VV B Bladder morUaiMr; Ux f-r 1883 and 1884 176 00 American Freehold Land Company, uiortiraiiw. Sec 21, T 19 8, K 1 W. Vol O. lasr 20. Thna lUrhree mortLrai-or. Ux for 1883 and 1881.. 64 00 Dundee MortgBiel,onipiiy,tnortt,'arei -Sec 21 and 22, T 19 8, It a W, Vol L1, pace 200, LaKan Saunden mortviufor: Ui for 1883 and 1884. 54 20 Dundee M nrU'agv Comny, nxtrU'ak'e - Seo. 26. 27. 34 and 3. T 17 S. RJ VV, VolD. page 2W. W H Odell ami wife mortgagor; Ux fr l-83 and 184 80 00 Dundee MrtKaveCotnny.mnrtiage -Sec 17, T 21 8, H 3 K, Vol 1), pae 414, B J Penirra mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 16 00 Dundee Mortgage (mranv,mortKe T 16 and 17 8, K 4 W, Vol D, pave 736, Sternberg k Sendt-r morttratrnn; tax for 1883 and 1884. 138 60 Dundee Mortiratre Company, mortgagee -See 15. 16 and 19, T 16 S, K 5 VV, Vol 1). pair 793, Benj H viand mnrtiragnr; Ux for 1883 and 1884. 25 00 Dundee Mortgage ftmpanv.mnrti-a.'e Sec 23, T 15 S, K VV, Vol O, pajr 13, O H W et al mort tragim; Ux for 1883 and 1884 35 90 Dundee Mortiraiff ( 'orai any, morfc.'a?ee -Sec 10. T 15 . K 3 VV, Vol U, pap 23. R M Slam nio.fa.or; Ux If list-J and ISM 80 00 Dundee M rlg.-r 'omiwi y mirt-i.e T 1 J 8, R 2 and i W, Vol G, pag y. linwMe Knox mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 64 00 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgagee -T 16 8. H 8 VV, Vol'U, page 343, F O Vauehan 'mortcauor: Ux for 1883 and 1884 112 00 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgage T 17 8, It 2 W, Vol 1, page 34, D H (lagar mortgagor: Ux for 1883 and 1884 48 00 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgagee - Sec 9, 1 16 S. U 4 VV, Vol D, baire 741. K V Howard mortvairori Ux for 1883 and 1884 96 00 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgagee -Sec 19, 25, 30 and 81, T 19 8, R S W. Vol D. bag 473. Koaooe Knox mortgagor; Ux ior 1883 and 1884. .. 48 W Dundee Mortgage tympany, mortgage Sec 20, T 16 S, R 4 VV, Vol D, page 670, P II Couch mortgagor; tax for 1883 and 1884 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgagee T 16 8. K 5 VV, Vol D, page 575, D R Hill mortgagor: Ux for 1883 64 00 and 1884.. 73 60 Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgage -f 17 8, R 4 ami 6 W, Vol D, Dae 585. VV li Purkernon mort gagor: Ux for 1883 and 1881 1C3 20 Oregon and Washington Mortgage Sav ing Bank, mortgagee Sec 16, T 17 8. It 4 W, Vol b, page 638, J H McClure mortira'or: Ux for 1883 and 1884 20 80 Oregon and Washington Mortgage Sav ing Bank, mortgagee Seo 21 and 22, T 16 8. R 3 W, Vol O, page 31, Hnlings Miller mortgagor; Ux for 1883 and 1884 96 00 Oregon and Washington Mortgage Sav ing Bank, mortgagee 1 15 8, R 4 W, Vol O, page 44, J a R Crow mortgagor; Ux for 188.1 and 1884 . . 44 80 Oregon and WaaLinton Mortgage Sav ing Bank, mortgagee Sec 24 and 25, T 15 S, R 5 W, Vol G. page 49, V M Sundaor mortgagor: Ux for 1883 and 1884. 44 80 Taylor, PbareU-S 1 or Don Id cl of Peter Sbelley, Not 64, T 18 8, R 2 W.ux for 1884. 8 85 Keeney, W D-Fract lot 2 ia fract blk K, Mulligan' Donation to Xane County; Ux for 1882, 1883 and 1884 t 73 Now. therefore, by virtu of aaid warrant, and to aatisfy aaid sum, together with coU and expenae of aale, I will sell the above de cribed property at public auction, to th highest binder, fer cash in hand, at the Court Houie door in Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon, on Monday, October 26th, 1885, Commencing said sale at the hour of 10 o'clock A. m. oi saiu ony. Dated Sept 25, 1885. J. R. CAMPBELL, Sheriff and Tax Collector Lane Co., Or. Buy Hayward hand grenades. For good dentistiy go to Taylor A Eberly. The highest cash price will be paid for wheat by V a Dunn. Ak your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney lea. A line line of ailk plushes ia all shade and grade at F B Dunn i. Osburn mower can be purrhaned at the store U Pritchett ft Forkner tor 180. The best candies and orange can alway be found at E Bauin confectionery Itore. If you are in want of agricultural machin erynf any kind, remember that Mr J Bl Hendricks keep a full assortment. Mr S H Friendly wiU pay the highest sash market once for wheat. Give him call before selling your grain elsewhere. E Bauin sell the best cigars and tobacco ever oflered for sale in Eugene. Cigar from 5 ct to 25 tt apiece, and all pare Havsnna Keynote to Health. Health i wealth. Wealth means indepen dence. The keynote is Dr Boranko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Svrup in the world. Cures t 'oughs, (;okI, rains in the Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption. Price 50 cents and $L THIS IS not m OSBURN! But it is THE MAN that has been buying his GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Bread, Cakes, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc., at the Store of Osburn i B c 1 : h w For the past month and found that he was Making at least 25 Per Cent thereby. He has had his Kicking him because he didn't 'TUMBLE' Sooner. jj ( GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES! AT THE I X L STOBEI OUR NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL SEASON ARE NOV OPEN. AND iLAVV buadred of bargain are bow offered to everybody. Our assortment of CASHMERES. PLAIN AND BROCADED VELVETS, BLACK SILKS AND SATINS, PLAIN AND PLAID FLiNNELS FOR LADIES' 4 CHILDREN'S WEAR RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, ' CLOAKING IN BLACK. AND COLORED SHAWLS, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS AND QUILTS, Is n lav that yon will actually save 25 per cent by buying your Fall and Winter supply at the I X L Store. Be aur and call and see our new niggerhead. Dry good in ail shade--something very new in Eugene. CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS! Over 8SO00 worth of Ladie' and Children' Cloak have iut arrived, direct from New York. We are selling them for lea money than they can be bought in Portland, and 25 per cent lower than anyone in Eugene, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Were never before offered so cheap in Eugene. We are selling all-wool suiU of clothe, good Hau, good Boots and Shoes cheaper than anyone In Eugene, and if you have cash, bring it to us and save 25 per cent on every article you buy. IF TIMES ARE HARD AND CASH IS SCARCE, THEN GO TO THE And Get (1 Worth orCoed for 75 cents. E. E Luckey &0o DEALERS IJV". DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. ......SUCCESSORS To Luckey $ Bristow at the old Ellsworth Store. LEALEIS IN Hardware and all kinds of Agri cultural Implements. STORE-On Willamette Street, opposite "Guard" Ofjict EXCURSIONS Will be Ran Over the OREGON MlflC RAILROAD EACH SATIRDAY. Commencing Sept. 19, 1885, until this adrer- usemeni is aisconunued. Fare for round trip between Corral I is and Yaquina, $3. Children between 6 and 12 years of age, 12. TICKETS GOOD FOR 15 DAYS, And 100 pounds of camp outfit free with each ticktt Trains leave Corvallis at 10 A. M. CHAS. C. HOOUE, . WALLIS NASH. Comptroller. Vice Pre. O. P. R R. LOOK JEEEEI V. B. ANDREWS IS SELLING Lumber At the Depot, FOR fill GIVE HIM A CALL. A Rel aole Article. For enterprise, ponh and a desire to eet nch goods as will give entire satisfaction, Osbnrn k O, the drnggi"ts, lead all com petition. They sell Dr. Boianko'a Conch and Lnng Syrup, because it' the best Medi cine on the market, for Couiiha. Ctdd. Cronn and Primary Consumption. Price 50 cents and CI. Samplea free. Also sold by W S Lee k Co, Junction City. tr. Tavlor's7 Oaks (Vmioiind. nurelr reu- etahle, taken internally, positively cure rheu matism, nenralida, toothy-lie, chill and fever and cramp colic. Sold by Osborne ft Co., Eu r f. Agent. Snell, Ilciubu k Woodward, Fortland, Oregon. j a n a a al 10 u mi Twin Foes to Life Are Indigestion and Constipation. Their primary aymptoms are among the romt dlitrt'm-ln of minor human ailments, and a host of dNeimes, siH.-udiiy resultant from them, mutually aggravate euch other and assail at once tle whole machinery of life. Nausea, Foul Breath, Sour Stomach, DUzlnetut, Headaches, Illllous Fever, Janndlre, Dyspepsia, Kidney Diseases, I'lles, Itlieuinat Ism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, and various Skin Disorders, are anion;; the symptom and multidiea rutised bv dcruu),Tmuut of the stomach and bowels. A Thorough Purgative medicine Is the first necessity for cure. Then the cathartic effect must be main tHined, iu a mild degree, just suflieietit to prevent a recurrence of costlveness, and at the sume time the liver, kidneys and stomach must be stimulated aud strengthened. Ayer's Pills Accomplish this restorative work better than any other medii-ine. They are searching and thorough, yet mild, in their purgative action. They do not gripe tho patient, and do not induce a costive re action, as Is the effect of other cathartics. Wlliml, tbey possess special properties, diuretic, hepntfc and tonic, of the highest medicinal value ami Absolutely Cure ' All diseases proceeding from disorder of tho digestive and ansiinilatorv organs. The prompt use of Atkk'8 fills to correct the first Indications of costlve ness, n verts the serious Illnesses which Dcrlertof that condition would inevitably Induce. All irregularities in the action of the bowels looseness as well as consti pation are beneficially controlled by Ayfr'8 Pills, ami for tho stimulation of digestive organs weakened by long continued dvicwii, one or two of Ayeh's Pills dully, nfterdluucr, will do more good thau anything che. Leading Physicians Concede That Ayfk's Pills nre the best of all cathartic medicines, nnd mauy practition ers, of I he hhrhest suiudiug, customarily prescribe them. AYER'S PILLS, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. A yen & Co., Lowell, Mass. Analytical Chemists. For aale by all Druggist. Syrup of Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fur Svrup Co, San Francisco, Cal, is Nature's Own True Laxative. This nfeasant liquid fmit remedy may be had of W 8 Lee, agent, Junction, or F M Wilkins, agent, Kugene City, at fifty cent or one dollar per bottle. It ie the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to aot on the Liver, Kid neys and Bowels geatly yet thoroughly; to dis pel Headaches, Cold and Fevers: to cur Con stipation, Indigestion and kindred ilia I have three nice resilience lots that I will sell for $140 to IG0 each; (20 down; balance ia three yean, interest payable annually. Gio. M.