The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 29, 1885, Image 4

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    mmiHi cm guard.
The Wool Question in Ubio.
,i . Tho frauds rocontly detected at the
f orts of New York and Philadelphia,
aya '.ho San Francisco Examiner, re
specting the undorvalua:ion of wool
'imports from foreign countries has
been preaoutod by tho Derndcrata of
Ohio to tho people of that State as an
tissue- of the very greatest interest and
'i'n'portnce to them. The tariff of
1883 relating, to wool is especially of
fensive to the wool growers of Ohio.
The clause in it relating to wool was
framed ly a conference cororaiUee on
which there were one Democrat, and
four Republicans; the Democrat, Mr.
Carlisle, of Kentucky, voting against
it, . Mr. Deck and other Democrats in
tho Senate refused to serve on the com
mittee, because they were absolutely
' opposed to the intended legislation. It
; wan a contest Letween the wool-growers,
mainly represented by Ohio, and
tho manufacturers of woolen fabrics in
the Eist. ' Senator Sherman and the
itepublicaiH in the House from Ohio
voted in favor of the manufacturers
and against the wool-growers. The
Senator afterwards pretended that he
was ignorant of the clauses in the tar
id' relating to wool end promised to
have them changed 50 as to protect the
Ohio wool men. But it was never
'done. Of late, the manufacturers of
, carpets in Philadelphia have import
ed immense quantities of good
wools liable to a duty of 10 and 12
cents per pound. lue&e wools were
classified as an inferior grade at the
Custom house and admitted at two ann
A half cents a pound, This extraor
dinary reduction of duty was madu by
, a decision of tho Treasury Department,
which not only deprived the Govern
tnent of several millions of revenue,
but gave the favored importers and
" their confederates the opportunity to
. itut millions in their pockets. The fact
that this decision was withheld from
publication required by law, so that
parties interested in other communities
.' should be kept in ignorance of the
astounding partiality tells the whole
story, and reveal the motive which
inspired this glaring breach of trust
The Ohio wool-growers therefore com
plain, first, that the law was devised by
the sharp practice of a conference to
operate agaiitHt their special interest;
secondly, that the law, bad as it is
from their point of view, has been ad
ministered to their still greater injury
by depriving them of ono halt the pro
tection to which they are entitled un
der it. In the one case a Republican
Congress is responsible for the often
sivo legislation: in the other, a Repub
lican administration is responsible for
' the frauds committed by its officials in
tho Treasury and the Custom House.
Tho issue is an important one, and tho
. Democrats cannot help reaping an un benefit from it.
The Atlantic ocean steamship record
bids fair to bo reducod indefinitely,
like the trotting horse record. Times
were and it was not so long either
, that nine days was regarded as a rapid
i : passage between New York and Liver
pool. 1 his has been cut down gradu
year !y year until now the Etruria, on
her recent trip to England arrivod at
Fastnet six day, five hours and thirty
hvn minutes from the time she left the
dock. . Even this passago will probably
be beaten by one of her rivala
Those acquainted with the various
incidents of the Grant obsequies in
New York comment freely on the fact
that ex-Prebident Arthur, who rode in
the same carriage with Mr. Hayes
. never addressed a remark to the latter
during the wholo period they rode to
gether, Mr. Arthur looked morose
and miserable, while Mr. Hayes had
his old time careless and indifferent
manner. New York World.
There waa a small rebellion in Colo
rado last week, It was quelled by a
bullet in the leg of the rebel He
had fenced in 30,000 acres of public
land and resisted arrest for contempt
of court in failing to romove the fence,
with the above result. The law is be
nig executed without fear or favor un
der the rule of Crovcr Cleveland, as
the land grabbers are finding out.
Young Mr. Foraker, who is talking
his party to death before the campaign
fairly begins in Ohio, is warned by his
friends that his speeches were mainly
instrumental in badly defeating him in
the Gubernatorial race two years ago.
Judge lloadly, it will Ve .remembered,
said nothing, and took his malaria
' The First Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral last Tuesday made the following
Appointments of postmasters in Ore
gon: Prairie City, J. W. Mackay;
Fultonville, T J. Meiller; New Era,
M' A Jessee; Amity, J J Jolli&on.
And still tho "offensive partisans" are
being dispensed with.
Tho announcement that John Roach
is ablo to pay two hundred cents on
the dollar has deprived that interesting
baukroptof at least five per cent of
the sympathy due him.
A Democratic county convention in
Pennsylvania has declared in favor of
tariff reform. The world moves.
vNimonirnal trowih.
Not long since there was a chronic
dispute between Chicago and St. Louis
as to which had the greater populatiou.
For a time the contest was very close,
but within a few year Chicago has
grown so rapidly as to leave St. Louis
hopelessly in the rear. Uiicagnans
speuk condescendingly of St. Louis as
'our largest suburb: 'and ule signs
fail, tho inhabitants of the city at the
junction of the Mississippi and the
Missouri have another rival in their
own state,' Kansas City is growing at
a rate hardly paralleled even in the
West, and if it maintains Its present
rate it will soon rank among the most
populous cities on the continent. Twen
ty years ago Kansas City had only
5000 inhabitants; it now has 150,000,
or a doubling thirty times. In 1870
it was assersed for 19,000,000; its pres
ent assessment is upon $50,000,000.
In 1875 the exchanges at its clearing
house were 820,000,000; last year
they were $177,000,000. Only 145
permits for new buildings, with t
value of 9232,000 were issued in 1878;
last year 2121 permits representing
buildings vplued at 43,000,000, were
issued. Better still, while the city
debt in 1870 was tl,600,0C0, it is now
only (1,000,000. Kansas City is
the chief railroad center in America,
after Chicago. Road operating
27.000 miles of track, convert there.
This is an exhibition of development
remarkable even in the lnited States.
The decision of the Paris municipal
authorities to cremate (he bodies of
patients dying in the hospitals is td be
commended. The burial of cholera
victims in the infected districts of
France and Spain has den re much to
spread the epidemic. Regarded from
any standpoint, cremation seems the
best method of disposing of the dead,
especially in overcrowded communi
ties. Exchange.
The latest roorback of the Republi
can organs is that President Cleveland
and Ex-President Tilden have fallen
out. This latest is intended to take
the place of the Cleveland-Hendricks
lie, which is worn out and ancient.
Although it is denied by all parties, i?
will not avail. The Republican press
want a quarrel between them and
they will have it so, if only in thoir
Ireland is still greatly superior to
other countries in its capacity for man
ufucturing linen. Her spindles num
ber 874,788. France comes next with
500,000. Then Austria and Hungary,
384,908; Germany, 318,467; Belgium,
316,040; Scotland, 205,263; England
and Wales, 190,808, and Russia, 1G0,
000. "So much for having a President
whose sense of duty toward the army
is creator than all the influences
society could possibly exert to defeat
the just reforms that will be mstitu
tod." This is General Hancock's view
of the President's order sending a lot
of society officers back to their regi
Sherman and Sheridan dined with
Joe Johnston in New York the other
day. "Now this is 'ard,' as the mourn
ful Eccles would put it; and it is all
owing probably to a Democratic Ad
ministration, toe.
The country is now a union or a na
tion if you please, but it has no Ion'
ger any North or any South, politically
speaking. There are a number of lun
atics at large in the land, however, and
a few unreconstructed radical editors.
Savinnah, Georgia, News.
By the latest esti nates, tho fisheries
of Great Britain are rated worth (5 ',
000,000 annually; the United States,
second in the world at 143,000,000,
and Russia, third, at 826,000,000.
Sir Hoses Montelioro's fortune is
about $5,000,000, and goes to two
nephews. The title of baronet dies
with him, as he left no children.
Tho Emperor of Japan can trace his
descent for 2,500 years in a direct line
during all of which time his family has
been upon tho throne.
That dread disease, the cholera, is
killing its thousands in Spain. The
daily death list from its effects
reache 2,500.
Oregon Appointments.
Th following fourth -grade postmasters war
appointed for Oregoa oh th 18th Inst; Major
A. O. Brown, Marsbfteld, Coos county; J. A.
Heard, Jefferson, Marion county; Uus E. John-
on, JUtfayctle, ismhill ctmnty; Mm. IM.
Moore, Kowburi;, lfcuiglae county; W. i;.
Mi-Daniel, llixirislmrg. Linn county; Elmer K.
Montague, llnon, l.inaviuiity.
Th following appohitme nti wer mad on
tlx 2Mb hot: I. H. Miller, Melford, J. W.
Matlock, Uoshen; Edward C Phelps, New
acrL YVicf) Awake Druggists.
Messrs E R Luckey k Co art always alivt
to their business, and apart no point to te
nure the bott of erery article in th-'ir line.
Tliey have secured the agency for the cele
brated Dr. King's Now Discovery for 'Con.
amnption, the ouly certain cure known for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds Asthma, Hay
rever, Ilrunohitia, or any alleuttua ul the
Throat and Langs. Sold on a poaitivt guar,
aute. Trial Bottle free. Regular aixe, f 1.
Notice. , ' !
I will hare ft aale. about September 10.
188.1, 12,0(10 split ceilar fence pnta, at my mill
in Coburg. 1 liu price will he 11 per hundred.
. . UOODM.K.
Cobiirj, Aug. 22, 1885. i
The State University.
We take the following front the editorial
column of the Oregon in o of last TnetdsyV
The report of the President of the Re
gent to the Governor, printed yesterday,
(hows th State University to be prosperbnt
a a acliool and in it finance. Th number
of students snrolled in the eo'legiate diibdrt-
ment during th year wa 144, all thltlgt;
considered, a Urge attendance. Ths receipt
of money for the year amounted to $11),.
322 83, not including a balance at $1124 04
left ever from lat year. The whole ex
penie of th year amounted to f 18,155 16.
Ther low reinaiu in the treasury available
for general uae $2291, 73. It will be teen
by examination of the statement of diaburie-
tnent that th management ha beea eco
nomical and careful, and that the whole
fund it clearly ccouuted for.' '
The appropriation made by th Legislator
at it laat teaaion for an additional building
"an i table for th oie of the University," i
being expended by the regent in the man.
ner authorised. It it expeoted that the new
building will be ready for us at the" begin
ning of tils' School year, or ihortly after. It
will afford facllitie long beetled, add its
erection Will lutrk a definite forward ttep in
the career of th University.
We cannot enter Into th ditny important
detail Of th President' report, indeed
nothing ha boon left unsaid, but th action
of the regent in atfolithlng the "to-called
normal course," deserve particularly to be
ovmineuded. The normal coarse, a it wa
attached to th University, wa limply a
device fo graduate a large cfas each year
apon alow and easy taudard, and it effect
wa to uepreciato the value oi geuaiu grad
uation. Jo this matter the regent have
thown better widin thau the Legislature,
which hat been far too free in granting nor
mal charter to schools which are not nor
mal school at all. leaving out of Hie ques
tion th propriety of normal edocatioa under
State authority and at State oott, the Legis
lature ha doui wrong in designating as nor
mal (drool a number of local establishment
which are nothing more, in fact, than acad
emic. The State ihonld not have divided
it educational effort till iu the futnro, when
a oollege might properly have been estab
lished wmewhere in Eastern Oregon. Two
Stat Schools iu th Willamette valley and
none el Cwltere, is a manifeit injustice.
It is to be htfped that the time will come
soon when the primary or so-called "pre
paratory department" of the Stat Univer
sity can he abolished. Such a department
ia a positive discredit to a school of the rank
of our State University. It ha betu con
tinued mulor a general policy of "respect
I'll a,, tnii . m 1 1 1 ii..mij HH..v. m. "
circumstances, and its abolition mast be ex
netted on an effect of the ueneral develop
ment. The regent have realized that a
university to be successful, and in harmony
with it situ -rt ion, must be a growth, ancr
that the conditions of educational ellort,
population and financial resource hj Oregon
must man trie growtli nere aiow. a con
siderable advance noon the "country col-
Ii-m" status has been mail during the past
five or six years, ami (irogres may bo ex
pected to lie more rapid iu the fttture. The
State University ought to be the pride of
our people, and its diploma ought indeed to
bo a "patent of honor."
It would Le uugMuious to omit from any
discussion of tli University a word of ac
knowledgement o the important services
freely rendered by the,. Board of Regent,
and particularly by its President, judje
Matthew P. Diadjy who' has devoted k
much time and interest to this labor of lv.
It it not ton much to tay of Judge Heady
that he has been mid is t ho chief promoter
or puiiiiu mailer uouciuoii io mi nui":.
His efforts have secured for the University
a icoreof important advantages, ami to them
may be traced diroctly it present statu.
To turn tn smaller matters, Judge DeadyV
annual reports are model of complete ami
cicai statement, and their method might
prolitably be copied by other who have to
report npou th management oi pnono at
tain and th expenditure of public money.
Tax-Payers' Notice.
Notice it hereby giveu that on Monday,
September 21, 1S85, th Board of Equaliza
tion fur the Couuty of Lane, State of Ore
gon, will attend at th Court House in t-vid
connty, and continue in tession from day to
day tor on week only, at tho ollice ot the
County Clerk, tn publicly examine the as
sessment roll and correct all errors in valu
ation, description or qualities of lands, lots
or other property, and all parties interested
thnrein are hereby notified to appear at th
time aud placi above mentioned.
P. J. McPhersov,
County Assessor, lne Co., Oregon.
Hard Times.
WW1 nncy is close, wages and prices low,
expense should be eut down iu every house
hold. Economy the watchword for mothers,
head off Doctor bills by always keeping in the
bmwe a bottle of Dr Boeanbo's Cough and
Lung Synrp. Stops a cough instantly, relieves
Consumption,' cures Croup and Pain iu ths
chest in un night It is jut the remedy for
hareHimeo, Price 50 oonts and $1.00. Sam
ples free. Sold by Oaburn at Co and W 9 Lee,
Wild Cherry and Tar.
Evervbody knows the virtrt of Wild Cherry
and Tar as a mlief ami cur for ay affec
tions of ths throat Mid lunirs, combined with
these two ingrediunt are a few simple healing
remedies in th omrmositioii of Dr Boeanko't
Coush and Luem SvruD moklrw it lust the arti
cle you shcirid always have in the home for
roughs, uuus, uroup ana enwemttx i rioe
50c and $U Samples free. Sold by Osburn
A Co and W 3 Lee, Junction.
Six Miles South, of Eugene, Saturday,
September 6th.
I will sell at publi anetioa to the highest
bidder, at my farm six mils souta of Eugene,
at the head of Saucer creek on Saturday,
SkmuBin 5, 1885, between the hours of 10 a
m. and 1 p. m., th followingldescribed proper
ty to-wlt:
20 head of cattle.
12 head of calves.
1 span of good work mart, weighing over
120011m each. -
3 colts.
A lumber of good hogs. ,
1 WRtron and harues.
2 pluwi and harrow.
And numerous forming utonsifs. too many
to mention.
ALo a pott ion of my housohold gvxls,
lh woiwrtv will be sold without foil, and
tbote vaiitiuL- good bargains should be in at
tendance. I will (ell or rent, on private
terms, my farm.
Etjjenk, August 15, 1885.
BinrcTtox. Farmers and others or hereby
notified that meals will b served at the Bt
Ch u-le Hutel htrtafUr fur 26-esBtx.
Buy JIayward hand grenade.
For good dentiatiy go to Taylor & Eberly.
Th highest rash price will be paid for wheat
by Fit Dunn.
Ask your druggist for a package of Oregon1
Kidney Tea. ,
Photograph finished neatly and artis
tically at Wiutcr's.
A An Hue of tilk plushet in all shade
and grade at F B Dana's.
Th best candies and oranges can always
b found at K Bauin's confectionery ttora.
' Ice cream, tod water and lemonade at E
Baum't, on door north of the St Charles
Hotel. '
If voa are in want of acricultnral machin.
y of any kind, remember that Mr J M
ehdricks keeps a full assortment.
E Bamn tellt the best cigirt and tobacco
eVer offered for tale in Eogen. Cigars from
5 ct to 25 ctt apiece, and all pure llavsnna
I have three nlco residence lot that I will
sell for 1140 to 160 each; $20 down; buUnc
In three jfean, Interest payabl annually.
Oio. M. Mills a,
Dft Tafidr's 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg
etable, taiirh internally, positively cures rheu
matisrri, neuralgia, toothache, chills aud fever
and cratrip colic. Sold by Osborne Co., Eu
cent. Agents, Snell. Heitshu 4 Woodward,
Portland, Oregon.
tlbhss Wanted. Mr S Nelson, who lives
on the old Bean farm, desires to pnrchato a
Criod sound horse that is broke to work
singly, of the following description: A gray
or bay, 4 to 6 years old, and weighing at
least 1,100 Iht.
)m Kidney h
Nature's- Own Remedy,
Will speedily relieve and permanently cure all
the various difficulties arising from a disor
dered condition of the
Liver and kidneys.
It is perfectly harmless and can be given to
the mmt delicate woman or child. For sale by
all druggists.
Wholesale Agents. Portland, Orrgon.
' , . AS
Cured In Nix Your by the Brink
erhol'f fjjNU-nr.
Dr. -T. B, Pilkington. proprietor of the Kye
and ttar Infirmary, and Sanitarium
for Nervons) DittraNVK, bus been appointed
si'Hnt and DlivHiuiiui for this svHtem in Oreuog
and W, T. No nevere suruicul operation. No
uain. No loss of blood.- In two months have
cured leveirf esses, who have bofora submitted
to sever operations, and only received injury.
Am permitted to nMMM. JaA- W. Wrath
erfonl, druggist, formerly' of Salem; Mr. Frank
Gardner,- machrnistj Mr. li. A. ltompey, Mar
rinKir', and olhers.
V'i)l tnef phtient at lfkur's Hotel, En
gefte, from 2:M P. M. A'dnesdy, Sept.' Uth,
(o 2 o'olock P. M. Thursday, Sept, 10th, 1883.
AddtesS for piinnlib-, ito..-
Jf. li, PILKlNtiTOX, M. I'.,
Ptirlhtml,- Oret..n.
THIS IU ffot
But it is THE MAN
that has been buying
Bread, Cakes, Cigars,
Tobacco, Etc., at the
Store of
For the past month
and found that he was
Making at least
25 Per Cent
thereby. He has had
Kicking him because
lie didn't TUMBLE"
. ' ; WE, US
Buj inord goods in the year than any other house Jn EngeD
WE, US tfc CO. . ' ,.
Sell more goods bnd at lower
Mark Very article in our line
Must $10,000 worth of goods within the next sixty ,j4y
regardless of cost. , ,
Wiil nearly give goods away to
WE, USfe CO.
Invite everybody to call and see
we, us b
E. E Luckey &Co
DEALERS IX....:...
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and sell at living figures.
In hands of a competent druggist
To Luckey 4' Bristmv
Hardware and all kinds of Agri
cultural Implements.
SJ'OttE-Oti Willamette' Street dppdsUe " Guard" Offid
Tlis9 whn wnrls nrlv nnd late nietf ft whnle
some reliable Meilkfaa lilcePFUNDER's OKiooN
liLooi) Puhivikh. As ft rt-rrteily sdil preventa
tive ot diseases it ran nut be beat It checks
Kheuinatimn and Mnlariiv, relievet" Constipa
tion, Dysiwia, anil Billiousnewi, Bnd puts
fresh energy Into the system by making Jew,
Rich IMooiL All Dru),rits and Dealers keep
it 81.00 bottles, 6 for J5.00. a4m3
New Firm I
New Goods!
New Prices I
Titus and Ue?i,
Successors to B. 11. James,
Pumps, Galvanized Ironware,
Lead , and Iron Pipes.
In fact, everthing found in a
First-Class Tin Shop.
Manufacturers of
Repairing Done with Promptness.
ra roofhcTa specialty.
Give as a call and price goods before
pcrrchaaing elsewhere.
. SHOP On west side of Willamette
street, near Eiglith.
All persons indcbte.1 to E W Whipple k J
Cui'. .iiUkaiinM nf tmnk account will I
please call aud settle tne sain. Our tore
is burned and w muit collect th money
due us.
R W. U Himjt X 13ROS.
Cotteg Grov Feb 23, l$8o.
r. jt Vrion ll will tiav the hiehest
sash market price for wheat. Give him a
call betor telling y"ur gTain eisewnere.
rw.irn mnwra ran be burrKsscd at th
str . f Prf hett k IrUr for f 0.
& CO.
prices than any house ia EngeD
& CO. .
away down to bed-rock' pyjl
& CO.
& CO.
everybody, so all AmerjjnTWv
for themselves, and you can find
jo. at tne ,
at the did Ellsworth Store.
V. D. PiNon. B. J. Pengh-u A. M'hkhii
& Co.
Having plenty of gralnery room and good b
. cilities for storing and handling wheat
at oar Springfield Mill ware
house we respectfully to
licit a share of
The Business in that Line,
W propose to do a strictly legitimate storsjs
business and farmers wishing to ttort
will do well to consult us be
fore making their ar
rangements. PENGRA, WHEELER k CO.
Springfield, July 14, 1885.
At the Depot,
ill per Thousand.
' Store your wheat at the Eugen City MJla
The highest cash price paid to farmers, a
r-reinin-n for all choic milling winter wheal