nnp ii CITY on apt) fj "FT 1 J , J....J y jj ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEIMTION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARS A3 IIQNEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. VOL. 17. EUGENE CITY, Oil, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21), 1885. NO. 50. Site tfugntt (City Guard I. L. CAMPBELL, Publisher ani Proprietor. 0?F1CU-U,i thiEntsil) of Willamette 8tr3t bit foju Seventh uul ELjhtll Street. TSttI3 OF SCliSCKIPTIOX. Per Annu-n..; I2.f3 KcMimthi Tin Miatln 7 J ODE ON'Lf OF ADVKKTIS1NQ, RATK3 AdvertuemeuU innurtuJ bo fullaw : Out iuare, 1U line or ln, out insertion !3; ach aubieqaent idou jif $L C'a!i required in dvanos. ... Tims kirertUsn fttl be charged at the fol- winiratei: On. iquare three months M 00 tlx uionlln o uu " " one year 12 00 Transieat notices itt local column, 20 cents per lie for each insertion. Advertising bilU will bo rendered quarterly. All job wnrk must b pt; kok.ds nri.lvKiiY. SOCIETIES. EtlOHKK Ixjixib No 11. A. P. Mill A. V. TleeU Bret and third Welnesdayt iu eaeh mouth. 'tb. errsnta IJnrta l.onar o. I. o. O.E, Mt every TiiexUy itjid. '' WlMlWHAL KKCtHI'liKKr No. 6. t oa the Muud 4th We-ln l,iy in men month. UU1N 1,UWK, X'. IS, A. O. r. V. Meoca at Masonic H:tll the second and fourth F.idvi iu each m.utli. ). .M. Sloan. M. V. ICii-raTSiPK P.ht, X. 41, tl. A. II. -Meet Mtumio K ill, the Krst an I tbird Fridays of ck month. Kj order, Comjianiikh. )RD8!l OK Choskv Fllirnw. Ve"U the wt and third Saturday evenings ut Minonie Ha!L By order of J. SI. Slow, (J (!, Bum Lotion Xo. 307, I. 0. (J. T. Meets rery SUurdiy nilii ia 0 1 1 Fellows' H:ll. E. 0. 1'otiec, . C. '1'. , L'.itn.vs Srtit Bavdok ILipk M.vts nt the P. Ciiaru'a every Sun I ly aft Tun.Mi nt K. IIitin. Sejt. : .Ii. Bertha I'ooW, A't fbist.; C'.xm. Sill, .Sjc'y, Ml-n lUttio Smith, CkiuUin. Tiditxra m vlo weljinue. k BILYEf. C Jl. COI.MKH. BILYEU ?i COLUS TI - -Attarnsys anJ Cjunsoliors at Law,- Pa.ini'ios rx am, tiiu couivrs of thii Stat). Will nive sii-.'cinl a.tiMitinu tt olliutimw n;i I (ir.ihnt i m itture. UFflCE--ijr Ueudrie'c & Ka!:t' bunk. D. 1313, Attorney and. onnsellor- nl-'juv, vrnrx I'ltvjrrru ix v.w. ohmits 11 t t'i'j --wim 1 i li"! i! I'l-triit uud in fcs .S iri:ii.' C.urt of t tis .lt.it.-. I.i!rul :t;tiuti'i:i t.i c illebi iiM and tuaicrt in ir ili.tte Ceo. Si Washburne, AttorJicy-al-S-iaw, liUJUi: (UTV, - - - OltKCON OFFfCK At the Court House iySiuS GEO. M. HILLE3, AUaraa an J C:aas3llM-atrLaw, and Real Estate Agent. eitgexe crrr, - okeuox. Ofllt formerly occupied by Thuuipin i Bean. J. E. FENTON, Attorncy-:it-Lsav. KUGEXK CITY O11EG0X. 1 Special attention Riven tt Real F.sUts l'rac ite and AbstraeU nf Title. Omen Over Grange Store. T. W. HAIUIIS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Kvuidence on Fifth street, where Dr Khcdton rmerly reaided. Dr. Wm Osborne, O.Tica Adjoinhg.St Charles Hotel, OR AT TUE V DEU3:ST3RS I0F HATES arl LUOKEY. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAX BE FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when nt professionally eujaed. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, oppwit Presby rian Churck WALTON & Attoriiey-at-Lau. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. TILL rRACTICE IX ALL i HE 1 1 'onrtu of the State, Siedal attention given to roa! estate col- lectins?, and probate matters. Coll-ctuii! ad kinds of claims against me' ISr A GENERAL ill) 11 large assortment of La dies and Childvcns Hose at Vi 1-2 ds. fiood Dress Goods at 12c- Best orset in toivn for o Or, An immense stoe'e of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and XoLoa styles in CLOllfLYG. Libera! Discount for CASH. New Beoarture ! '! ii CASH .MKN VIfOJJKLPT L. .SCIIvMl, li'H .Sr, -(u.l their pii;liu ni holm;. whostf inUjv.it!. m 'J'.iiii- tj.it ice thut- A. V. Will ids fer O.V.SII ut T.i;it!y r-jjin.'. i lie -it 1'rintn Id an ! IS yards. H 00 ' Best Bnnvu and Bleached .Muslins, 7, 8, '.I, mul 10 cP. ('larks and Brook spool cotton 75 ets per D.jz. Plain and Milted l''lriinds, 25, 35: 45 ami 50 ctu. Wat.!r l'rm , cents Fino White Shirt y 75 cts and SI. And a!! Other Goods at Also the Celebi aved WHI.TK Sli ,VIN"C MAOI-TIKIi:! Xone butt 'r for s'rt'ti.'th, size, and durabilityl, At jjn ally rednel rales. H-iV To my ol 1 Customc-s, eho havo stood by me so I niji, I will coutiuue t i s( ll on s.oi tnii as heretofore on tim-, 'nit if nt any time they wish to make CASH .iip hau. I v.iil crieo all siu. ad others, the full credit on my reduction A. V. 1'K'I I.KS j I M y Goods sold as in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest rice paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See S. H. Friendly. arness HAVING OPENED A XEW SADDLE AXI) HARNESS SHOP ON Pth STRE west of Crain Bros'., I am now prepared to f unii.ih everything in that line at the LOWEST JEZ&.aZ?Z3&. Tim Jfost Competent Workmen re employed, and I will endeavor to ,ne with a call, y IIP 18 BUM'S I (II1 Trimming silk and Sat ins in all shades. Jloireantifae Silks Velvets in Colors. s The finest stoek of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place BOOTS and SHOES ; in all grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. J;UH ')YO!TM P.-MDCKS. DOAIW AMI yimr inw'ivsU I Are penniuiently locuted uiui PETERS, B Ui a i-illi i'1 ijc.i, as low us any (,t)ier CAMH ST011K Kino Cheviot Shirt. M, 7 uU nnd SI. Xew Av.oitmiiit 1ivs (loodii (No Tr.udi) 15, 'J I ami J" ct.s. Mihik' Underw-r. ShirtH and Drawein, 50 ct Mens' Ovcn-MrU, 75 -tH. and SI. Mens' Oveinlls, ,'), 05, 75 cU and il. IhnljroidcihM aad K.lyiiw ut Fnbuliiu f.f.w l'rict-s . Proportionate Rates. low as any House give satisfaction to all loma favcr ! HI Shop. Tim Inras of Did. , A Lima letter to tin; Chicago Iritcr Ootau wiys: Xo nmu can see lVru without wondering at tho grandeur, the industry and intrlligencp of the Incus euijiiio. Tliry had arts which tb. world has forgotten; knowlod which the world never know; thrift which tlnur comBn'rorn could never i n- flatc, anJ wealth which made tlioiu the pry of every adventurer of the nx- tecnth century. Their temples and palt were lnu't of hewed stone from qua(rien that the naniish have not litMHi ahlo to ilwcover. and the means fuy V?iich they lifted blocks of granite weighing hundreds of tuna is a problem A? f I . II . 1 no aniujuaiun nas neen anio to solve. iiiey Knew now to narilen copper until it had an edge as keen and en during as the linest of modern steel. They had ornaments cf gold and silver and cut jewels as skillfully as the lap idaries of to day, and their fabrics of woolen and cotton are spun and woven as smoothly as modern looms can make, They burpaitcil modern civilization in many things and had a system of gov ernment under which inilliuns of peo ple lived and labored as a single fam ily, with everything in common, know ing all arts but thoso of war, and wor shiping a deity whoso attributes were utmost parallel to tlio.so of the Christian Cod. Hemmed in on one side by the im- p'aesable snews of the Andes and on tiiu other by a desert, lifted above the rest of the world unknown to them, in spirit us well us fact, a? peaceful and ..! calm us tho Andean stars, they cs Ui.li.ihed a system of civilization in which, for the first time since, creation, tlai equal rights of oyery human being were recognized by ihem as a symbol of (lie infinite, the omnipotent, whose force and majesty their simple logic could not understand; while, the sun, whi.se heat and light made 'existence osfiible, wis recognized as the, source' of all good. Ueneo these two elements, (lie sun and the ocean, were person i lied and were the objects of thednens1 wor ship. Twenty Years ,lgn, Ju-it twenty years ago Thursday, July JiOth, says t ho )el Js'orle llecortl, the ill fated steamer Iiroiher Jonathan st i tick u rock Miincwhi r in the vicinity of Voint .Vr. (ieorge and sank. Out of the passengers on board but two weio r.aved. About landed ut Crcs ei'ii! v.'itv from Ihe steamer with seven- t ---. ;n'i sons on board, eleven of which i ' e.o'.l to the vessel. .Since that ' U'tous search bus been luado ala.n-i every Summer for the wreck. . : . .ii bottom has been draped in DO . , I -1 ions from where it was ' r-'i.; went down, but as yet no v. i; . . ... I.t-en found. That the ves- i-l I. .' Mil gone to pieces is evident fi'iui lie) fact that nothing of the steamer, save somo of her light upper works, has ever come ashore, and but few of the bodies compared with '.he number on board. What is her con dition at the present time, or iu what particular place in :he caverned deep she now lies is a mystery that perhaps may never be solved. One of the last acts of Minister Kas son before he gave place to Minister Pendleton at iSerlin, was to send to the State Department a debt statement of the various rations of Europe as recently published there. It makes a very interesting showing when com pared with the debt of this country, which some people suppose to bo very large. Our debt, as everybody knnows, is a trifle less than $1,500,000,000. According to Minister Kasson's state ment, Austria's debt is i 750,000,000. Italy's 32,250,000,000, Russia's a little over S3,0uO,O00,0'JO, England's over 83,500,000,000, and that of France more than 5,50,000,000, making her debt per head i 128, or more than five times as much for each individual as is the debt in the United States. An Oregon woman said she would haunt her husband if he married again. She died and he married, and now her ghost yanks him out of bed and stands him on his head, und he feels that life is not worth tho living. Detroit Free ,1 Measure of Cicvrland. Congressman llarclay Henley paid the following triimte to l'resident Cleveland in his great speech delivered at the ( I rand Opera House, San Fran cisco, on the evening of August 11th, the occasion being a monster reception tendered him by tho unterrilied anti monopoly Democracy of California, on his return from Washington: "And let no man be disturbed about this administration. I weigh well inv words and speak iu terms of moder ation when I bay that if ever a man sat in the Presidential chair who be lieved iu the people, was of tho people, whoso heart was tilled with a generous and n.finly trust in them, and whose purpose, determined and unshaken, was to exercise the functions of his great ollice to promote their prosperity and well being, that man is (3 rover Cleve land. I believe there is ono thing in refereneo to which I have some apti tude. I think I can. os it were, 'size' a man up pretty well if I have a chance. I have exercised that gift on your President. I bid you note it and see if timo does not convince you of the possession by him in a marked and lofty degree of tlio following qualities: A sense of justice that instinctively detects, overtakes and heats down wrong; an honesty that the wealth and power of the world cannot shake, and which will bo found savagely aggres sive; a zeal and industry in tho pub lic service that never Hags; a strength of character and a hearing that im presses with its sturdy manhood all who are brought near him; and, deco rating and adorning these qualities, a kindness of heart that will never fail in a proper case to yield a responsive throb to an appeal for sympathy. Had Lois of Fun. Little Jimmy Jones, aged 7 years, came running home crying and spitting blood and teeth out of his mouth, while his lips were black and burned and swollen. "Oh, mercy I Is my boy killed?" shrieked tho agonized mother. A hasty examination revealed the fact that most of her hoy was ut home, and that his life and health wero also in tho vicinity. "Stop your noise!" she commanded; "you are not much hurt. Tell mo all about it, and mind that you tell tho truth." "Me and Tommy Toodles," said the boy between sobs, "wus playin' in the stable, when my holler tooth com menced to achin', and Tommy said he could cure it. He put some bluck powder iu my tooth and touched it o(T with a match." "Didn't you have any nioro sense than to let him blow your tooth out with gunpowder?" asked Mra Jones, severely. "Tommy said it wouldn't hurt, and we'd have lots of fun, said Jimmy, brightening up and attempting to laugh. "It was awful funny wasn't it? to have your hiouth burned and your teeth blown out," said tho mother, ironically. "Tommy hud all the fun." "No, ho didn't, mama. I lost all my teeth, I guess; hut you orter to see Tommy! Two of my teeth is stickin' in his nose, und one of his ears is clean gone The Mining World notes a rcmarkn bio case of dnst explosion in Germany. A sack of flour, fulling down stairs, opened and scattered the contents in a cloud through the lower room, where a burning gas tlame set lire to the dust, causing an explosion which lifted purt of the roof of! tho mill and broko almost all the windows. There can be doubt that the majority of dust explosions are, like mine disasters, due to open lights, and as this danger can be practically avoi led by the use of incandescent electric lights, there seems to be no valid reason why it should not bo introduced more generally. A Western citizen who had hem worsted in a fight was told that he could collect damages. "I did collect damages," he replied mournfully. "I collected everything but a piece of my left ear and two front teeth; I couldn't rusluffict Hammer. On one occasion a gentlemanly look ing person called and expressed a fear that ho had inclosed two letters in wrong envelopes, and that all Id's pros pects in life depended' on. his having his letters back, and correcting the mis take, inasmuch as they revealed plans which he hd adopted to iave two mer cantile houses in the samojine of busi ness, whose interests clashed in every point. A similar blunder occurred in a moro delicato affair, whii a young lady was most urgent to have her let ters returned, as sho had accepted the wrong oiler of marriage, The local postmaster was unable to resist her earnest entreaties, nnd thus prevented a painful catastrophe. J5ut a whole romance might bo writteu or. tho fol lowing incident: A young lady who had been engaged to a prosperous man ufacturer, was informed a few days be fore the marriage was fixed for, that the firm was insolvent, Not a moment was to be lost, and a letter was written and posted, breaking tho engagement; when, in two hours, it was discovered that the report was entirely unfounded. '1 he report continues: "The daught?r with her parents rushed to tho post ollice, nnd no words can, describe tho scene tho appeals, the tears, the wringing of hands, the united entreaties of tho family to have tho fatal letter restored, but alas! all was vain, the rule admitted of no exception." The Royal Mail. rntrhlns Salmon in Japan! Japan must bo tho salmon 6sher'l paradise. Professor Milne, of earth quake celebrity, has recently visited tho Kurtlo islands, which stretch be tween Japan and Siberia, with the ob ject of studying the volcanoes there. He sailed around tho island of Iturup, which is about 713 miles long by 80 broad, and which is inhabited here and there along tho coast by Ainos, who are engaged iu fishing during the sea son. Here is his description of tho abundanco of fish: "Tho fish which are caught aro salmon and- salmon trout. These exist in such numbers during the Summer and Autumn sea son that their fins sticking out of the water near the entrances to the rivers look liko tangled masses of kelp, while up the rivers it is but littlo exagger ation to say that tho pools are mixtures of fish and water. With a rifle bullet you may pierce four or five at a single shot. The shingle shoals aro often covered with dead fish, which in their struggle for existenco havo become so weak that, having oncn run themselves ashore, they aro' unable to return to deeper water. A sirgle haul of a small seine brought to land a huge heap of fish, varying in weight from four to twenty pounds, the number of which we roughly estiinuted at 5,000." Secretary Lamar has set at rest by an open letter the rumors to the effect that ho was angry with the civil ser vice commissioners for alleged slights to him, and has further shown that he means faithfully to enforce the law in tho Department of tho Interior. One by one the hopes of the ofiiee seeker prove to bii broken reck It has be come) quite evident by this timo to most people that the Administration's professions with regard to civil service reform meant something. No case baa yet been shown of violation of the law, and though appointments havo Wn made that aro not defensible, on the wholo the record has been good. There have been fewer removals from offic niado by President Cleveland, though ho is a Democrat succeeding a Repub lican, than were made iu the Haine tin by CJarlield, who was a Republican suc ceeding a Republican, and has ud strong professions of intentions to re form the service, N. Y. Examiner A man having built a large lioussl was at a loss what to do with tho rub bish. His Irish steward advised bin to have a pit dug large enough to con tain it. "And what," asked the cen- tleman, smiling, "shall I do with the dirt I dig up frnn ill" To which the steward, with great gravity, replied: "Have the pit made large piiough ti" t. '..,4 cstt4 ftorrnr.tnt. 7 an 1 8. i A. S. CUKHIE. IYeis. i find thooc." J hold it all" V