It. Legal A.poot. Oh, Mr. Smith," nid young lady it a church fair, "I want your help for a mo ment "Certainly," replied Mr. Smith, "what can I do for you!" 'I have Jurt told a tidy for 113 that cost IS cents, and I want yon to tell me what per centag that laf" "A transaction of that kind, my dear Mia B.," mid Mr. Smith, who ia a lawyer, "get oat of perceatage and into larceny." That Infant Hrother Again. Llfel Enfant Terrible: "Say, Mr. Snobby, can you play cards r Snobby: "Why, no, Johnny, 1 cant play rery welL" E. T.: "Well, then, you'd better look out, for ma ayi if Emma playi her carda well ihell catch you," She Didn't Want "'Kutui Standln' 'hoar aid Afrlcani." Harper Bazar. Mr. Sqnashnm, a jovial old acquaintance: "So, Ellie yo' see I'm allers goln' to call yo' Klie so dis am little 'Rastus wat I las' saw a baby In yo' yarmst Why, how he has growedl" Mrs. Sorghum (Ellie): "Yar; his pa set he tinka he'd make a good muse in a mus'um; but I tell him I doan want a chile ob mine standln' 'longside ob wild g'raffs from Bohneo, an' Africans, an' sicn like." Brother Gardner on Ilone.ty. Detroit Free Press "Doan' look fur infallibility in de human race," said Brother Gardner. 'We has all got our off-days an' our weak spots. When I gin Trustee fullback de job of reshinelin' my cabin I fully believed dat he war an honest man. But I didn't nan' him de money to buy de nails, nor did I sot around wid my eyes sbet an' let him mix third class an' first class shingles together. It war' my dooty no to frow temptashun in bis way. "When Whalebone Howkor comes to me an' axes fur de loan of a dollar I believe him honest and truthful an' upright, but I take his notes fur thirty days jist de same. If I didn't he might be tempted to lie me outer it It am my dooty to see that he doan' drap any of his vartues by de wayside. "I doan' 'speck to find de truth in ebcry- body. I doan"speck to find all men honest Some men kin shoulder about two of de car dinal vartues an' walk frew life all right, but when you add another you am gwine to break 'era down. While we may consider all men faVly honest we musn't advertise t'2 re ward for 150 lost yesterday an' 'speck de finder to hire a street kyar in his hurry to restore de lest cwh. While we may reasonably expeck all men to speak de truth, we ain't gwine to get rich outer caskin' checks fur strangers nor believin' what we read on de circus posters. "Ize been turnin' de matter ober an' ober In my min' fur dose many y'ars pas', an' I has come to de fixed conclushun dat de right way am fur to regard all men as straight, but to keep yer eyerpeeled fur defects. Let us now open on the 85th degree an' purceed wid de purceedms." . Keataurant Kapld Transit. Chicago News. "Waiter," said a gentleman who had or dered his dinner at a fashionable restaurant some time m the dim past "will you send out for paper and ink and a notary and two witnesses?" "Wha' for, sahr "Oh, I just want to make a will leaving that dinner I ordered so long ago to my heirs and assigns forever. That's all" They hurried that man's dinner right np and he got It within two hours from that moment Thrown Off Bis Guard. Burgerzeltung.) Landlord (to agent for firm of wine growers) : "Bow is it you sell your red native wine dearer than the whiter Agent: "Do you think we get the color for nothing?" A Cowboy's Obltuarr, "Now hang me," this wild cowboy said, "m rush in and paint the town red. But alas for his plan. He encountered a man, Who buried him 'cause he was dead. A Kentucky Christian. Kentucky State Journal. "Not a Christian, sir; did yon say he was not a Christian?" "So I've always believed, Mr. Blogg." "Then there's where you've always got left" "Does he attend divine service regularly f "Perhaps not But this I do know. He regulates his watch by St Paul's church clock tvery morning. He told me so himself. Not lAriatum, indeed r Oar Oldest lUllrosd. Gain's Interview. "What are the ages of our oldest rail roads." "Oh, well, you might nsk me what were the oldest roads. Ttio first road ever built in England the .tomans built nearly 1,500 years ago. The next kind of roads put there were tramways, which began about tho close of the eighteenth ceutury. They were generally made of wooden rails. The firht iron was put down on these tramways about the time tho Americans were resisting taxation say, 1767. Uy 1811 there were nearly 200 miles of these iron trams in Wales alone. Locomotive engines wore first suggested in England about 1820. Then a passenger railroad was built in 1825, the cars drawn by horses. Tho first railroad lino of any note on the globe was from Liverpool to Man chester, chartered by parliament in 1820, and it offered a premium for a lo comotive engino, and the premium was won by George Stevenson, whoso engino ran thirty miles and back on her trial trip, making as high as thirty miles an hour, which is pretty good running now. That first railroad cost ifl20,000 a milo. The samo year the Haltimore & Ohio railroad had been laid for a few miles, and six miles had been put down of tho railroad from Charleston to Georgia. The latter railroad James Edgar Thomp son, afterward president of tho Penn sylvania railroad, was the engineer of, and ho was a Pcnsylvanian. " Tho road from Liverpool to Manches ter was finally opened with engines in 1830, and the duko of Wellington was a guest. This road was the pioneer of all railroads financially as well as materi ally. In 1838 it was opened to Birming ham and to London, and by 1850 tho general British railroad system had been constructed. There were nearly 1,000 miles of railroad in England in 1841. The English spent $300,000,000 in ten years to build railroads. Tho Ameri cans had by 1835 nearly 24,000 miles of railroad. It is said that more gunpow der has been spent to build American railroads than was used in tho whole war of the rebellion. The first big American tunnel was on the Pennsyl vania railroad in tho Allegheny moun tains, and cost $450,000. The lloosao tunnel is about one mile and a half long." Keeping a Hemp-Hook. Chronicle "Undertone?." I always take a look through a scrap book when it is presented to ue. I don't know anything that gives me an idea of tho less oblrusivo tastes of a person better than a scrap-book. Like a dairy most people at various periods of their lives begin to keep a scrap-book. They go and examine all tho stocks in town and generally end by buying one that is too big or too small. For a day or two they read with a pair of scissors handy. They have laid in a pol of gum and a brush. They clip what they don't want as a rule, to begin with, because after they have mado up their minds to keep a scrap-book, they ilon't find any of tho kind of paragraphs they used to want to cut out, and they must cut and pasto something. They "dive furiously at a paragraph that has no particular mean ing, that is quite foreign to their tastes. But thoy must start in. For a week or so thoy aro moderately faithful to that scrap-book. Then they begin to cut things and lay thorn aside to be pasted when convenient. They succeed in tilling half a dozen pagos. Then the heap of cuttings grows larger and larger until it is in the way, and some day in a fit of semi-disgust, semi anger, they throw the bundlo into tho tire. Years after they find odd clippings in unused drawers and unfamiliar corners, and they puzzle and puzzle as to what they cut them out for. The Laws of Physiology. Exchange. I used to know a very excellent lady who for several years was an active worker among tho poor. She became lame at length, and was eoufined at home. A religious frienjl wroto a notice of the lady's enforced abandonment of be nevolent activities. Uno sentence was this: "God has thus crippled her that she might have leisure for holy reflec tions." Seeing tho notice. I called upon the lady, and examined her feet. It was a case of much walking with badly-fitting shoes. If God's plan was to cripple t his good woman that she might havo time lor holy contemplations, how can you explain tho fact that a poor littlo Irish corn doctor, in one little hour, set her on her feet again? Who instituted the laws of physiology? People talk as if those were not God's laws. And are they not just as bind ing and sacred as "Thou shalt not swearf" I'hoephoreacence of the Diamond. Chicago Herald. It has long been laid down as an axiom in diamond loro that the precious stone was capable of absorbing ray of light and afterward emitting them in the dark. While this was abundantly proved by theory it has been difficult to put it to an actual test, for naturally tho great diamonds of the world aro not accessible for the purpose Recently, however, a private person, tho fortu nate possessor of a stone of ninety-two karats, valued at $200,000, lent his dia mond for scientific investigation. These havo been very satisfactorily conducted, and the phosphorescent qualities of tho stone may be regarded as proved. The stone was exposed for an hour to the di rect action of the sun's rays, and then removed to a dark room. F'or more than twenty minutes it emitted light strong enough to make a sheet of white paper held near it perfectly visible, TarU' Matne of GambetU. (Inter Ocean.) The accepted design, by MM. Aube and Boilcau, for the Paris statue of Gambctta shows a quadrangular pyra mid surmounted by a winged lion bear ing upon its back a figure of the Re public. At the base Gamhetta stands, calling France to arms and decreeing "War to the knife!" At the other sides are figures of Union, Strength, and Truth; electoral urns are at the corners, and quotations from Gam bctta's most noUd speeches are graven on the faces of the pile. The Current: Indian reservation the right to try it again in the spring. UAEVIL0D8 REST0BATI0NS. . The cures which are be I tin made bv Drs. Starkey & I'alen, 1100 tiirard St., Phila delphia, iu Consumption, Catarrh, Neural el. Bronchitis. Ktmuniatitim and all chronic dirieaaea, by their Compound Oxy gen Treatment are indeed marvelou. If you are a mi Merer from any disease which your physician has (ailed to cure, write lor information aooui una treatment, ana It will be promptly sent without charge. Orders (or the Cotnpound Oxygen Home Treatment will be tilled by 11. K. Mathews, (21 Powell street, between Uubh ana Pine street, ban t ranrlaco. The World's Exposition plant building and machinery at New Orleans were sold at auction (or $l7o,uuu. "LOVE BEES NO FAULTS," It has been said: but, when a woman Is dragged down, emaciated, wan and a shadow ot her former seir, witn never a cheerful word, she can be no longer beauti ful or lovable. Nature may have been generous In her gifts, and endowed her with all the charms oi nersex, but disease has crept in unawaresand stolenthe roses from her cheeks, the lustre from her eye, and the sunshine from her heart But to be well again lies in your own power. Take Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," it will cure you; thousands have been cured by It. Nothing equals it for all the painful maladies and weaknesses peculiar to women. Trice reduced to one dollar. By druggists. Mrs. Catherine FInley was killed by lightning while at wcrk in her garden at Hastings, fseuraska. t m BESET ON ALL BIDES By malaria, how shall we escapo Uie dread In fcetion? is the question which the denizens ot fever and atrue districts ask themselves. The answer comes from (ormer sufferers who for years have escaped the visitations of the periodic seoui-go, through the protecting Influ ence of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. When tho necessity for using preventive measures arises, use this means of prevention at once. It regulates the liver, facilitates digestion, and liberates impurities from the system, when such exist, by promoting healthful action of the bowels and kidneys. Act early. In all regions where miasmutiu vapors breed disease, it is absolutely necessary to be provided with a safeguard, and this is true, ti'ough a sojourn in such localities is destined to be brief. No one ran nfloril to breathe malaria for a short time. The Hitters is a sovereign aueclflo (or rheuma tism, debility aud nervousness. Keep it on hand. Four Arctic expeditions will leave Ger many next winter. A disease of so delicate a nature as stricture of the urethra should onlv be entrusted to those of large expert eace and skill. By our Improved methods we have been enabled to spwioiiy and per manently cure hundreds o( the worst rases. Pamphlet, references and terms, three letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 0(13 Main Street, Buiralo, N. Y. The powder mill at York, Pa., exploded, killing two men, CATARKH A New Treatment has been dis covered whereby a permanent cure is ctlrcted in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. II. Hixon & Sun, 305 King St, west Toronto, Canada. Knrh year finds "Broini's Bronchial Tf-oches" in new localities, in various parts of the world. For relieving Coughs, Colds, and Throat Diseases, they have been proved reliable. Sold only in boxes. Try Germea for breakfast Fan Ct.EANRlNO tiik Skin and Scalp of Birth Humors, for allaying lU'hing. llurnlng and inflammation, for curing the first symptoms of Kczema, t'sonasis. Milk (.'rust, bcall II cud. Scrofula, and other inherited skin and blood diseases, L'UTUTUA, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticuka Soap, an exquisite Skin Hcautiller, externally, and CL'TICuka Kkbolvknt. the now Wood l'uriller, internally, are infallible. Abso lutely pure. Sold every where. I'rice: I'l'Tl cuka, 60c.: Soap, 25c.: Hkboi.vknt, $1. Pottkk 1HI'0 AND ClIKMICAL Co., llOHTON. "Send (or "How to Cure Skin Diseases." PILLS "THE OLD RELIABLE." 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! Indorsed all over the World. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losgofappetlte, Nausea, bowels oos- live. Painin the Hea4,'ith a cluJJ sent sation In the back partTPaln under the shoulder-blade, ruCneaa after eat Ing, with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temp er, LowjpiritSjLossetf memory,witlT a feeling of having negleoted soma dnty, weariness. Dizziness, Flutter ing of the Heart Dots before the eyeS Yellowjgkin-TfleadaoheiRestJegiheas at night, highly cotorecTUflEe. I THESE W ASNIHOS ARE UNHEEDED, 6111003 IBIABI3 WILL BOOH 81 VimMlB. TUTTS PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and canse the body to Take on 1 le.h, thus the sys tem Is nonrl.hed, and by their Tonlo Action on the It;ettva Orran. Mega lar Wtoole wrw produced. Price aft tfnii. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grit FlAnt or WniKE!ta changed to a Glohst Black by a single application of this DTE. It Imparts a natural color, acts sent by express on receipt of $ 1. liuianianeuaitiy. com vj imiggmu, or (mice, 44 Hurra at ' York. WATSON, WRIGHT & CO., WMesale Grocers mi coiiusioi JMMts 10 North Front St. Portland. Ban FruiHiwo Offloe 1! Front Kt H&ofllfon eofnailMtoo Wbet, Wrjo), H'4, foetid Fiuri, tiMr, C'Uickeo Etftft, Lamijer, iioop-Mea, folmon. Mill Feed, O.U, hwltjr, Oniuni, FuUlota bacon, Laffi, etc Aooount oh. rendenrfl on dmj of Htod for 'our market report. OormiKwUcooa and eoniltfnmentj solicited. TUTrS THE NARCOTIST HABIT. How It IMnVm from Alcoholl.m Tha Un speakable M scry or lb National Iterlew.) The first indulgence in in ootiie son so legitimate; is almost enforced, either by acute puin or chrome iniomtutt. The lat ter ia perhaps the more duncrouif. The pain, if it last for weeks, forces recourse to tho doctor before tho habit has be conio in. u ruble. Sleeplessness is a mure persistent, and to most peoplo much less alarming thing; and it is, moreover, one with which the doctors can seldom deal save through tho very agents of mischief. Neuralgia, relieved for a time by chloroform or morphia, may be cured by quinine; sleeplessness admits of hardly any cure but such complete change of life as is rarely possible, at least to its working victims. And tho narcotist habit onco formed, neither pain nor sleeplessness is all that its renunciation would iuvolve. Tho drunkard, it must bo remembered, gets drunk, as a rulo, hut occasionally. Save in the last stages of dipsomania, he can do, if not without drink, yet without in toxicating quantities of drink, for days together, lho narcotist who attempts to go for a whole day without his ac customed lose suffers in twenty-four hours far more cruelly than the drunk ard deprived of alcohol in as many days. The cited upon tho stomach ami other organs, upon tho nerves as well as the brain, is one of indescribable, unspeak able discomfort amouutiug to torture; a disorder of the digestive system more trying than sea sickness, a disorgani zation of tho nerves which after some hours of uiiReakablu misery culmin ates in convulsive twitchings, a mental and physical distress, simply indescrib able to those who have not felt it. Whore attempts have been made forcibly and suddenly to withhold the accustomed sedative they have not in frequently ended in a few days in mad ness or death. In other cohos tho vic tim has sought aud obtained relief by efforts or through hardships which, in hit or her best days, would have seemed impossible or unendurablo. One woman thus restrained escaped in deshabille from hor bed-room on a winter night of arctic severity; ran for miles through tho snow, aud was fortunate enough to find a chemist who knew something ot tho fearful effect of such privation and had the good sense aud courago to give in adequate quantity the poison that had now become the first necessary of lifo. In a word, narcotics, one and all, are to thoso who havo once fallcu under their power, tyrants whose hold can hardly ever bo shaken oil, which punish rebellion with tho rack, and with all thoso devices of torture which mediieval and ecclesiastical cruelty found even more terrible than the rack itself; while tho most absolute submission is re warded with sufferings only less endur able than tho punishment of revolt. De Quiry's dreams under tho itilluence of ouiiiin were to tho tortures of resist ance what tho highest circlo of purga tory may bo to the lowest pit of tho in ferno. ltrltlah Fertility. John Burroughs in The Ceutury. Everything betokens a race still in its youth, still on the road to empire. The full bloododtiess, the large (eet and bunds, the prominent canine teeth, the stomachic aud muscular robustuoiH, tho health ot the women, the savage jealousy of personal rights, the swarms upon swarins of children and young people, the delight in the oK'ii air and in athletic sihm-cs, the love of danger and adventure, a certain morning (rashness and youthtulueai in their look, as if their food and sleep nourished them well, as well as a certain animality and stupidity all indicate a people who have not yet slack ened speed or taken in sail. Neither tin laud nor the race shows any exhaustion. In both tuore Is yet the treshucoj and fruitful ness of a new country. You would think the people, had just come iuto potwossion o( a virgin soil. There is a pioneer hardiness ami fertility about them. Faivilius increase as in our early frontier settleineuU.- Why we itcuret it. Atiuuta Constitution. A well-informed scientist up and declare! that dimples and intellectuality are nevei found on the same person. We regret this we regret it keenly, not because we are dimpled ourselves, but because there is such a state of dimpleuess, so to speak, In this country. Gloucester Fishermen. Pitiful has Ik-oq the fate ot the Gloucester fishermen. The losses since last August count up 18 vessels and 249 men, leaving (3 widow, snd 134 orphans. ST. HELENS HALL, rOKTl,A!VI, OUF.UOX, A Boarding and Day School for Girls, CONDUCTED HYTHE MIHHE8 KOPNF.Y, Undar th. .uponiilnn of Th. Kt. YU-i. U. WisTAB Moiihis. D. I) , Binlinp of Orpiino. Tbnrongh Instruction In Knillih, ArL Language, Vocal and Inntruintntal Hunt, and Rmkkatilii.. A enrni ot tutrtwn Wwolirni. Pupil, .dmlttrd at an; as and Into any or all of tli. dimrtmtnt. Tli. new Una IxdnaontbtKIIlST WEDNESDAY o( SElTtMBtit Catalofu. aant on apr.llcaUoo. THE BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Boarding tnd Day School for Boyi. THE EIGHTH YEAH UNDER ITS PRES. ent management boffin SEPTEMBER 1 Bijn of anv ag or dufrt of adranwinnut aliulttMl. Itoyp disco ror ooiieffe or puwwm inrr xaiflgrau naU ainoni the Uwhen. Hrwdal Inntnictloo In Fn- Diannutp, Drawing, Muilcana Mm1mh uuiinu dpHne rtrlct No ba1 buys wLmitUxl. ror o IU. oatalofOM aud circular or anr tlformatloD. adftreM J. W, HILL. H. I , Head Muter, P. O. Drawek 17. Portland. Oregon. A Bosmess Edacation nOLDMBIA P. UllTII Till JOURNAL FKKK. OMMERCIAL Addreas W. H. JAMF.S l Iflt 1 Pfip Principal, P.O. IJoiUV ul VUUU1AIU, PORTLAND, ORKOOH, Orders for Sorts for all our HO. 14 SERIES of Body Type can now be filled by return mail from our Portland Branch, 1 12 & 1 14 Front St., Portland, Oregon. PALMER & REY. R. U. AWARE THAT Lcrillard's Climax 'Phg (Marine a rtA Hn lag ; thai LorlUanl'i Kaae l.rafriliacut: that LortHard'. Xavy rllppln.a. and that Lorlllartl raa0a,a U baat aud cnaapwt, quality oonaUlarad nnn ra8! FILES! FILES! .A SUHE CURE FOUND AT LAST 50 0NK REED BUTTER. A mr our for Blind. Illwdlnf, ltchlnf ind ITIoit atrd I'iIm ba. twrn riiicovm-d by Dr. W illinai (an In dian Ktmodri nurd Dr. Indian I'll. otnt. nirnl. A un.1. Imi hu etiml Ui. vur.1 rlinntlo oum. of IbV or 30 yiar Handing. No nnr nrd tuftYr nr. nun. UU .(Mr a.pljliif till. ondrfid auulldnf nixllilua Laliona liiMtruuivi.u and .ltctu.n do nioir harm Ui.n too. William ludl.u I'll. Oliituirnl aloorb. tlir tu mora, allitr. Ui. fliUxiM lu-hln. artlculrly .1 uiht afut fvtuit. aaiw ui Urtli, aru ata imiuIucw, .ivt In taut rrll.f, and I. rruarej only for FliM, Hctiluf of U private iMtrta, aim fur iinUitn. Im. hVad alial llir linn. J M tV.ltitil-ny, of Clrrrland. ar alwul Dr. William. Indian l'il lilhiiuriil: "I h.,t uard roM of fll. Curve, and It .Ifurd. n. ttlnuur. to y that I bav. n.var fntiud .nyUniif whlt-h .tv nu'h tatnidial and pt-nnanfiit rvli.f a Dr. William'. In dian OlutaMnt.M Fir aalv tiy all druirglit. .nd mailed on rorld of nrioa. II. O t. lUohariU A (to., i.7 aud at Hanaom. stmt ota-ner day. ban Krancuwo Destructive Htornm have wrought frrcnt damage to crops aud property iu lllinolH. The (Treat diaphoretic and anodyne, (or cold", (event and inllatnitiatory atticku, U Dr. 1'lerre'a Compound Kxtrarto( Snmrt Weed; also, cure eolir, crumps, rholera morhuH, diurrhti'a and dynoutcry, or blooily llux. Only 60 centH, Stintttroke are ntimerons aud fatal In all the large cltiea of the Kant. Wlra IUby w. alrk, wo ptre her CA8TORIA, When ihtnti Child, ihe cried for C ASTORIA, VTbta ah beearuo UUa, .lis dung U CA3T(IIilA, When (be W CUlMruu, ako gao Uiom CASXUUU Kvon'onr'i duty to uxe Oivvon lllood Iurlflcr. The hrt Blood rurlfliT and Tonlo Altoratlra (n nno. R quickly curia all 1)1nh orijtiuatlnif fmnt a dii orduml nUI iC Die ltliod or Utiv. lthoutnKtltm, Nrw rmltfla, HloU'titw, Hoik ritni'U, Korofula, Tmnor, Halt Klitniin and Morcurtal I'aini nwidlly yield to IU purifying jrtrtlt It Imvm lh Mood I'ur. Ui I.lvw and Kid iiryu h(lUiy, Ui oomtileilon bright and oltr FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST3. J. R. GATES & COi, PROP RS., SAM FRANCISCO. CAL. PINKEYE. A Itemarkable 'nr of a Horar. In the full of 1SK.1 I hail a vahmlilo horae Uken with the pinkeye, ronultinir in bloixl poimin. After nine niinilli. of dui'torluir with ull the n'lnediea to be fniiml In homo booka, 1 ileapttlreil of a cure. Ilia rlk'hl lilml Ick wa. an litrKe aa a tiiuii'e hody. anil liuil on It over forty running mires, lie wnaatnoHt pit initio looking olilect At luKt 1 thotiKlil of Swili'a fHtille, and enniineiieed to iihii II. I luted llfteen liol Ilea. In AiikuhI hint all aymiitiitnaof Uiei'iaeuao diHupiieurrtl. Thero lutvo bcni noaiKiiaof a return, and Ihe horse haa done a mule'i work on my farm ever ui nee. Jamkh L. r i.r.MiNa, AiiKimta, Qa. January 9, lt!. 8wUt Hpeelflo la entirely vfiretahlo. Trea Uhw on IIUmhI and Skin 1 linen Be. mailed free. Tiik Swikt 81-Kfii'irl'Oj Drawers, Atlanta Ga.. or 150 W. ll Ht, N. Y. DUFFY'S Pure Malt WHISKEY Msolulelj rare. Entlnlt) fru from fuul Oil. SECOllMF.JDrj) IT III. pmcc, $I.SO irr IMIlo Summor Complaint, DlRrrhnoa, Mala ria, Pnoumonla, Consumption, Dys pepsia, Fevers, and all Bowol TronbloH, WOKtiT CASES, prevontfd, enrod and relieved by DuliV 's Puro Malt Whiakey, endorftcd by tho leading i'liykiciiuia and Lhcoiuu of the world for in purity. Sold by Dru,itti aud Groccre. Pacific Coast Aocnts, A. F. EVANS & CO., MIT FRANCISCO, CAl. California lire Works, 329 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, AKCTAoruuaa or WIREEVERYTHING IN WIRE We offer for aale at lovwwt fljriir ikt point rorular and thick atiC Being regularly liannaod we gtiarantea our ouatomon agaiurt dauiagoa. ealingWirel Parlfle brand of vary beat ttoeL alio at luwoat marl nar not t ratoa, UIrn UnHmni All meihe. k width., (pilvanlnxl nllG nBUIll5ilu.ruiado,torpoUlUy;ard.,oi W,rn PlntU 1 of all kind, for fruit dryer., threat If If C tlUlllie, horvovkm, riddlo., .to. Unn Wiro i traln'nl' boja, mad from rtoel ia nUU II II C 1 bjng lengtk. .jiocially lor tha irurjioao. Gopher Trapsl and all other kind, ot trap, for mule, ftquirreU, rata and niioa, Vineyard Lines):? for laying out vineyard., dl- vidod In dlitanou and niadt loel wira. Ornamental and Useful Wire and Iron Work. VOTE. We mrtit Kuttrru eomprUtten hf hama nuumtueium, and msll jrwi butter gomla mt tuwrr prlcf. Th Portlanrl nti.lnou CoIIoro, Portland, Orr gon, ofTera luporlor private and eloaa lii.trtietlon to the young and middle-aged of both anxoa who de.lre to obtain a praetlcal odueallon in the abort eat time conlUnl with thorough work, and atthe leH.texnenae. IMvaiidovenlnawmilointliroiiah- oii'theyear. Studcnta admitted any tlmo ( uta- logueon appllealinn. A. v. ahmhtroxo, rnneipiti. A Clear Skin Is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Or . 2r WWU7flf P017DER Absolutely Pure. Thlanowiler never varlea A marvel of liurltT. ahontilh and Imloeninenena. tlora eonondral Utaii Iheonllnary kind., and cannot IX aoul in nanjwu. tionwith tho mtiltltmla of low teat, abort wuight. Alum or phiaphata Miwdra. Bold only In oaua. Hot At Uaatau k'owuiat Co., loS Vail .trout, N. T. 11ANUM, UKUAitH, STEINWAY.J unraua, liand invlnin HKAXICII A BACH. llahlor, KouitUh I'lanna; UunuA. tmraua, liand Inununenta. Uiiyuni .tota ai nnee. alualo and Hooka lland. nteplied at'Kaatem irlou At. (111AV. 1-o.t Street, 8iui Kranelina IC A. JON KB, U. D. 1. O. 1IHVANT, M. P DRS. JONES & BRYANT, Physicians and Surgeons, ClAN UK FOl'NU AT THKUt OFF1CK DAY J uml ninht. AiiilwiliTV and (liwiiw'S of women aB.MH ialty. Oilhcl-H FUt St,OitHtttirB), I01ITLANI), OUKGON. TM ni-'.l.T or Hfirtwrfr tnr amile ripiMwly for thcuro of drretfMRi.t of th irrnrrtlvttuivani. Vrt l nu mtiUk bout tint .iifttmnii'nt, Um ron tlnuoui ntfVju of KLt-XV T K I C I T V penwMttntf Uiroi.Rti th frtJ mnA rttoro triem to lKltMf rttun. 1K not ronlwihd titt wllh F.Iurtrt brlta itverti'Mtl to rut U III f mm tund to t It to fot thpONKMMH'trlO IMirDOML ror i'in'iiiai iriT1,K ' " ininrniHiiun. Riiunw y miaOifalSfrrnIiv'n I KffV litKeinrlyiiolNrrvfi Ui Vlmilr . una Mllhout Kall.rtcrvoii.anu i-iiynicaa Deltility, liOM ol Vitality, Waaknuw. Vlrikt Deellne. Impotrury, Orerarn.ltlv Ounditlona, Prmtalltia, KkV mov anil tiladdcrt Umiidatnta, Dlwaara ot the llkmf, Krup I.Idih. and all theevili'deota of youthful follioa and ea omvc; iienuanently pro. venting all Involuntary weakening drain. uim tha iiy.U'in, however Uief occur miUirin. Lnt Manhood. V . ,.lfA.K..I tlw case may be, and where all other reuuxile. havo (ailed. A Perninncl Vwrt Ab.olulely t-unranirru. rnee J M per bottle, or flro boltlca for 110. Reni upon roo.ii.of prion, or O.O.U., to anraddn atrlot. Iyuiratn,ly lK. Us."''1:"-''"' w om atniv MnirLiiia I rnltelnco HI. " 1 a Mutllotanl to ahow It ' " " .i .tln,, aivrsria avtul rM i iuiuuuoa. .liiiiiu ouundeutiaL hr wUer or aa nwwviia mj efnpo. THE SPECIALIST, No. U Koarny St., San Francisco, Cai TtlMTA ALL CHRONir, BrtCtAL AUD PIVAT Dl.aAaW aim WoKiiaRrix Hnuuiaa, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I la a certain cure for SrrrouH Itehlllty, f.oxi Ifunioix, J'rnntutor horn, and all the avll effect of youthful fnUie) , and exeoawa, and In drinking MnxicHtlnit ii ilpJi. - L'fl '"f"'". jm minim, ,r;v ' iWl wltotaareirnlarhyatca X eZi (rmduato ol the lli' tr 7yi'i, ZWA 'ty of Pennsylvania. wl. .rIMVI (,.rl,.lt AM) a cuae of thl. kin.' U.e I'faf vV.ifolnfvr (iia dor his tpoelal advice and tiratment) will not owro ll.iiu a botue. or mur time, rue quaniitr ' any a.ldroaon rclt ol prtee, orU O. I. In ptivata name it doiiml, by In Afnff, It Xrarnj Nt., H. '. t at Bond for Hit of quratlona and paniUM. SAMVl.E JtOTTLW FRKM I will be tent to any on applying by letter, atatlna Sniitomi, aex and ae. BUict aoerocy in rejfard to I bullae tranaaetloua. IHTAIILIHIIRD IN KAHT PORTLAND IN 1M1 J and reeently rrOlud and refuniUbed with all In lateat llnprovnnent. .nd appllanee. tor th. lucceMful treatunui of all Mind leal and nurkieal dla raarH. The nirrouodlui vround.. eou.iiUni of over 1(10 acre., with tli. eileuaive bulldln.., make till, a lileaiMUit nolne for tnvaliit.. Th. meeuaniral, electrical and other apparattu and appliance, niak. the HanU tarium a complete modlcal ami lundcal liulltuta, wliere Uie yhrniclan. and .urKeon. in eharue have eveiy advan tage and unequal od faollltiea for Ui. auoonaif ul tna ment of CHE0NIC DISEASES IN GEKEIAL, And Mpedally In Xervoaa dlnorder., with .flection of th. ilraln and rlpinal Uurd; Catarrh, Aathaaat and all dlieaar of Throat. Luugnand alrpaa uea, llladdrr. Liver, Kltlneya. Htomaeb, Dlaeatlv. tlni.n.. Kheuinatlim, Herofula, Hyphili.and diaeaw. of tli. lllood .nd Mkin; dlaeaaiw of wuiu.0 and nira; Kre and Knr; diiraar. of a private nature of both mim; I'llrn, Flit U la, Tumor. luoluillniiOano.r, Driorulttea of Ui. Hack, lilp, Kent, Kyea, ate. .to. Nprrlal mom. for ladle, durinff eonflnement; ala for (ipliiu, Alcohol and Tobacco habit, and a few pri vate liiume caaea. Th apparatua include complete MV V ' P'VAppatatua for inhalation of VjV X VJTIjXl pure or oompound oiyaea aa in f arlou. diMiaara; a vaccuum apiiaratu. fur increaaluf rlrculation, developlni atrophoid Ihuua, part., .to.; Movement applianoea, Ilatha, etc The phyilctan. In chant ar rraduate In medicine and surgery, with hoepital and prtvat pra tlce, ana am competent to pniMrrllie for any eaas or per form any nirxical operation. The sanitarium, with It appliance aud facllltlea backed by IU phy.icl.n. with their attendee knuwledire and .iperience, can aafeiy pnimia. .uooea. in many ixfttauov. wb.r nuu.rou other phydcian. bav failed. PATIKNTH not Invalid treated at oar dty oDe or after .lamination at their own boniea. FRKE CLINIC for th poornery Batorday, froaa t to 4 r. u. For further information, term, circular., te., call or write. riffloe-l( and 17 lal'he Bulldlni, comer Reoond and Waidilniton atreeta, HlKTLAM), olltlMlN. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. K. P. N. tj. No. S7.-& t. M. O. Mo 164