The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1885, Image 5

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"The Private Secretary."
Be SWilT null) in auother column.
Only one arret made last Vilniday.
Ill license fur the circus utttcd Eugene
Cltr $75.
Eugene Engine Co meet at their hall next
Thursday evening.
Th frame work for the new depot build
ing it already up.
Mr Dr Millie Svanoe 1 located at Marsh
field Coo comity.
Titu k Lambert, th new tinner, make a
specialty of well driving.
Baker ha had mine new lettering done on
th window of hi hotel,
- By the State census it appear that Portland
ha a white uopulatic.u of 21.9K1.
The attendance at the State University this
Fall and Winter promise to be large.
Joe Donihne ha again been promoted and
i now deputy sheriff of Lake county.
"The Private Secretary" will be given at
Ithioehart' hall on the 20sh inatant.
Eugene Bristow U now braking on the regu
lar freight train between Portland and Junc
tion. M M Flaherty ha moved to hi McKenzie
ranoh, and will become a genuine granger in
Farmer are hereby notified that the St.
Charlea Hotel will serve first-claw meal for
35 cents.
Th West Shore for August i out. It im
prove with each (ucceeding number, and thi
latt i the beat of all
Oaburn & Belshaw now have a nobby new
eipret wagon. They deliver good im
mediately upon tale.
Harveating ia progressing rapidly, some crew
having alieady finished. The yield ia pro
nounced light, while the berry ia plump.
We call eapecial attention to the adver
tiaemeoU of the Bnianke Medicine Com.
paoy. It i (aid to be a aplendid medicine.
Col J B Fithlan, late city editor of the
Portland Standard, ha purchased the Union
Sentinel Fith ia a good newspaper man and
will win tuccess in hia latest venture.
If the Guard ia not up to its nsual excel
lence thi week, lay it to the circus, as the
compositors were bound to take a vacation
on the day it performed in Eugene.
Mrs. Belva A. Lock wood, if Washington,
D C, delivered a lecture at Rhinehart' hall
last Monday evening to a meagre audience.
Her hearer were not pleased with the lee
We take the following from loot Thursday's
Benton Leader: "Rev. J. S. McCain, of Siletz
agency, while di lying from Newport to the
agency on laet Sunday, iiet the buggy, and
Mrs. McCain' arm was broken.
liast Monday's Oregoniun, containing an
Account of the Omit memorial services in dif
ferent portion of the Lrnited States and Eu
rope, behides the othei news of the day, cer
tainly proved that it is tin enterprising paer.
The public school of this place will open
Meptsmber 14th under charge of thu new prin
cipal, Prof. F. Euueue Patterson- of Minne
sota, who or ri veil hare Monday afternoon with
his family to make this tlu-ir permanent home.
We acknowledge the leceipt of th Harney
Valley Item, a lively littlo newspaper, pub-
y Mr Horace A Di'lari at Burns, (irant
county, On gun. We wish the proprietor
success in his new venture.
The Overland Monthly for August is on our
Utile, and deserves mention. It is devoted to
the development of the country in general.
Yearly ilwcriptinns only 4. Published by
the Overland Moithly Fublibhiug Company,
San Francisco, CnL
"The Private Secretary" company perform
at Rhinehart's hall next Thursday evening.
It has the name of luing one of the best com
edy companies in America. Everybody should
attend. The Portland papers compliment the
play and company highly.
From the Salem Statesmai we learn (hat
there have been three application made for
scholarships to the State University from
Marion county. In all there are five vacan
cies. The tuition is gratuitous, and the only
expense the student is liable to is that of liv
ing, and that for books.
Mr James J Couistock has been stopping at
the St Charles Hotel several days this week.
He is pretty sick row, and the chances seem
rather against him. We hope that he may
again recover his wonted health, ai he is as
true and liberal hearted a man as can bo found
in Oregon, Dr, Jones, of this city, is attend
ing him.
Report is to the effect that there is likely to
be no small amount of litigation over the
building of the fish wheel at the falls, Oregon
City. The luud on which the foot of the lad
der will rest is claimed by the 0 K & X Co,
And is leased to parties in Oregon City who
refuse to relinquish it under any circumstances.
We will lee what the State will do about it
The following person have been elected
officer of Eugene Citv Star Band of Hope
for the ensuing term of three months;
Superintendent, Miss Alice Babb; assistant
superintendent, Mr J D Smith; president,
Mr L H Johnson; secretary, L S Rowland;
assistant secretary, Mi May Babb; chap
lain, Mrs C A Wooley; treasurer, MissMtrta
Prof. Joseph Emery received the appoint
ment a agent at Klamath. No better ap
pointment than thi could have been made.
It was quite complimentary to Prof. Emery
that the place was given him without any
special effort on his part to secure it As an
agent he will be trustworthy, honest and faith
ful both to the Government and Indian wards.
We congratulate Secretary Lamar in securing
uch an efficient public servant. Benton
A writer in the Overland Monthly for August
igning himself A. L Loryea, writing on
"Grant and the Pacific Coast," say that
"among the early friends of Grant on this coast
were the late Ben Simpson of Oregon." Ben
will be surprised to learn that he is among the
ailent, "late" majority. He wa married not
' long since to a buxom Georgia widow, but thi
fact surely could not warrant any one in call
ing him "late." I launch the opinion out on
the broad sea of thought that Ben is a good
a a who "passer of dead men ye'.-Sutes-
Council Proceedings.
Council Rooms, J
Et'tiENK Citv, Aug. 10, lSS.'). j
Couuci' met pursuant to adjourumcLt.
There being no quorum present, adjourned
outil August 1 1, lSSo.
Coi'Nra Rooms,
Ei iiENE Citv, Aug. 11, 1SS5. j
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Preseut President Dunn, Cnuncilnivn
Church, McClung, Donis and liilyeu.
Minute of last meeting read and ap
proved. Finance committee reported favorably on
the following bill and on motion, warrant
were ordered drawn for the scvoral amouuts:
Oregon State Journal $ 2 50
C E Roberts 5 IX)
Home Hotel 4 20
Robinson t Church 6 U5
I L Campbell 3(5 1),")
W S Shaw 2rj 10
The following bills were read and referred
to the Finance Committee:
Dunk McKee 4 SO
C E Robert 7 50
Win Moore 1 f(
U V Dorris 3 2,'i
Pengra, Wheeler & Ci 3-' J.l
W 8 Shaw 5 10
F M Wilkins 1 .':
E J McCluuahan 4 00
At tin time an ordinance (granting C E
Burrow ct al the right to erect gas works
and lay down pipes in Eugene City for the
manufacture and distribution of illuminating
go) was read, and up in motion of liilyeu,
section 3 of said ordinance wo amended so
as to read "for five years," instead of "for
year." Then after mine interlineation
of lection 4, upon motion of Dorris, the or
dinance was adopted as amended.
Upon motion, the Committee on Priuting
was instructed to make new coutracts for
firinting, and to have the same dono at the
uwest figures.
Upon motion, adjourned.
W. S. Shaw, Recorder.
Dexter Items.
August 13, 1885.
Aunt Mary Hunsakeris visiting in Eugene.
Mr. Blevin starts to-day for his home in
North Carolina.
Miss Lulla Handsaker contemplates soon
making a visit to friends in Illinois.
Threshing is nearly done, and so far as
known the oat crop is good, while the wheat
is not good.
Mr. Thomas Barbre' family, also a number
of persons from Pleasant Hill, are spending a
few weeks at Kitson's Springs,
Uncle Dan don't speak to common folks
since he has got to be gian Ipa agiin, and says
it must be called G rover Cleveland.
"The quickest time on recoid" was made by
C. 1 Williams ii making his big drive of logs
to Spriugfield, and we are pleased to learn that
it was a success in all respects.
Shakespeare said, "Lord! Lord! How this
world is given to lying!" ami when he uttered
this statement he must have had in his mind's
eye your correspondent from this place two
weeks ami, signing himself lota. While the
people here do not cure a straw for what was
said, they all a 'tee that for downright false
hoods the article referred to eun't be excelled.
Lank County Faiii. At a meeting of
the directors, the time fur holding the fair
was changed to September 30th, October 1st,
2d and 3d, Sealed bids will be received for
the privilege of selling pool on the track,
and will be opened lit the meeting in Sep
tember, i The premium fur tho oiih mile run
nine race, October 1st, has been increased to
J-10. Tho rates for license wore fixed as
follows: Two horse wagon and driver, $2 50;
cider stand, S3: fruit, coffee, cigars, pies,
etc, 8; candy factory, nuts, cigars, etc, $10;
museum, etc, uudor canvass, 10; single an
imal, under canvass, ."; minstrel troupe,
per night, $15; books, maps, etc, vender, S3:
stencil plate cutter, $2; circus, per night,
$25; theater, per night, $16; Rale of article
iu pavilion, per night, $3. The eecretaty
was instructed to publish the fact that hay
and straw would be furnished stock ou exhi
tion free. It was ordered that each director
sign the order changiug date of holding the
Did Not Know it was Illegal. The
Benedictine monk at Mt. Angel, whoae dis
tillery was closed by Collector Whiteaker a
short timo since, have miule application to
the Collector of Internal Revenue for a com
promise of the case. They claim that they
being foreigners did not know that it wa
contrary to law to distil liquor for their own
use. They had two stills at work making
apple jack, or apple brandy. It i a liery
spirit, and a sample of their manufacture,
tested by the commissioner, is 13 per cent
above proof. It tastes as if it would burn a
hole through an iron pot, but age will tone
it down, and when this stall has been stored
away in the "archives" of the monastery for
a score or so of years it misfit be pretty fair
tipple. Oiegonian.
Memohial Service. According to request,
the business men draiied their store front in a
becoming manner last Saturday morning. The
front of the Court House wa also draped in
iiood btyle. In the evening a large audience
was present in the Court House to take part in
exercises. On motion, Judge Wushburne wa
chosen chairman. The choir furnished some
excellent ii.usic during the evening. The fol
lowing ifentlemen delivered short addresses:
Profs Hawthorne and Lambert and Rev
Simpn, Hon L liilyeu, Judge Washburne
and Mr H Fry. The meeting was certainly a
success, A good feeling being noticeable among
all present
MouxtaiH Partt. The mountain party
consisting of Messrs. C. M, Hill, Sterling Hill,
W. I. Vawter, T. C. Judkins and J. N. Goltra
have returned home, while the other members,
Messrs. Waltou and Eakin, will arrive in a
few days. The party made the ascent of the
middle one of the group of the Three Sisters.
They repot t having had a splendid time. Mr.
Sterling Hill killed a deer, the only one cap
tured by the party.
BRCIHEn. A correspondent from Cresswell
sends the following item of news: "As Mr G
W Rhinehart was returning from a visit to Mr
Geo Day' place last Wednesday evening, the
wagon ran against a stump and Mr Rhine
hart's foot was caught between the stump and
the b'ake, bruising the member considerably.
He is now confined to his room with the
same. We hope he may speedily recover.
University Well. After digging nearly
forty-nine feet, Messrs. Johnson and Nelson
have (truck a good supply of pure wholesome
water, there being about twelve feet of water
in the welL The well is eight feet across, and
is Incite-1 at the eastern extremity of the
grounds just oppite the old building. The
board intends using ac engine for the purpose
of iiinr.lvintf the I'niversitr buildimr with
i water from thi well.
Cresswell Items.
August 6, 1SS5.
Mr. Corel is visiting her friend, Mr. Tait
Mr. J. Burkhart is iu thi vicinity buying
Mis Belle Carol returned to Portland
Hop are very poor thi year. No one in
tend picking.
Rev. Richardson gave u a aplendid ser
mon here Sunday, to a large crowd.
We wonder what young lady took Mr
Win. Zimmerman' eye last Sunday here.
Wo miss Mr. Wm. Miller's family very
much since they hare moved to their farm.
Mr. Dan Kelsay, well known in this vi
cinity, ha left our town. We mis him
Very much.
Messrs Win. Zimmerman and Ed Bean
nave Cresswell a line show Saturday latt. A
inrgo crowd attended.
Mr. Jack Eaton 'vss seen in town last
week. No wonder; it l a girl and weigh
10 pounds. Mother doing well.
Darliso JunaB.
CiiP.sswell, August 12, 1885.
Harvesting is about over. ,
Mrs Carl, of Portland, is visiting friend in
this vicinity.
Mr Walter Rhinehart and wife will start ror
their home iu Eastern Oregon soon,
Mr Row and family Are visiting relative
and friends in Linn county this week.
Mis Mae Parsons is going to Coburg Thurs
day where she will spend A few weeks.
Mr G U Rhinehart's fine dog waa bitten by
a snake, from the effects of which it died.
The people of thi vicinity have concluded
to pick their hop and pay Vi cent a box.
The circu train which passed through here
Sunday caused great excitement anion; the
Mr J L Slipp Is expected to return to
Cresswell oon. Look out, boy, or ybu will
be left yet
Hi smiling face wa seen going up the road
Sunday in a buckhoard with A fair ote by hi
ride. Look out, boys, don't let him get ahead
of you.
Blue River Mines.
There are thirty-one Chinamen working on
the placers.
Messrs Hatch, Mason and Wind have ar
rived in the mines and gone to work.
There are about 30 white men working and
prospecting in the district
Four parties from Marion county passed
through Eugene this week ei route to the
Several parties will leave Eugene in A few
day for Blue river to prospect
The three camps in the district bear the
high sounding names of Chinatown, Treasure
City and Niggerville.
Since our lost issue the following ledges have
been recorded in the County Clerk's office, the
ledges being located in this district:
Web Foot Ledge-Locators: J M Davis and
MAI homos.
Kock Point Ledge Locators: Alonio Will
iams and ltobt E Willis.
Ja'per Items.
August 11, 1885.
Items scar.-e.
Weather dry and smoky.
Rev, Miller of Springfield delivered an
interesting sermon to a fair audience at this
place last Sunday.
It is rumored that a new baking machine
is to appear iu our neighborhood. We hope
it will be a success.
We are informed that C. L. William has
delivered hi run of log in the pond at
Spriugfield. Thi ia the largest run of log
that ha ever been made on the river; also
the best time, the run beiDg made in abont
thirty day. Honey.
G. A. R. Services. The service held by
tho Grand Army last -Sunday evening in
commemoration of their beloved brother and
general, were largely attended. The mem
bers of the post and the relief corps marched
to the hull in A body and occupied eats of
honor on the stage. The hall wa decorated
appropriately. Dr J P Gill presided in an
excellent manner. The choir furnished
splendid musio for the occasion. The prayer
waa rendered by Rev Vf G Simpson. The
funeral oration was delivered by Rev Lam
bert, and was of deep thought. The
meeting adjourned with benedictiou by Rev
Jill) Henderson.
Thbehhino Crew. One Oliver, few day
before harvest began, purchased an engine and
threshing machine on credit When harvest
began he hired a crew and ha threshed A con
siderable quantity of grain, collecting nearly
all the money for the same. Wednesday the
parties who supplied the engine made a de
mand for money, but none being forthcoming,
they attached the engine. Qliver then turned
the thresher over to the party he had pur
chased it from. Tli laborer hired were left
without anything in sfcht excepting about $40
dually Mr. Zumwalt for work, which four of
them garnisheed fur their work. Those not
in on the garnishee are exceedingly wrathy.
Drowsed. Last Saturday Eve person in
a tail boat were carried over the Cascade in
the Columbia, a short distance above the
Cascade Locks, and drowned. The name
of the parties were: Wm. Heffron, whe is
known by a number of people in Eugene;
James Snyder, hi wife and daughter 5 year
old, and George Hansen. The bodies hare
not yet been found, and probably never will
Pretty Good Waoes. A bilk who wa
arrested at The Dalle for begging had with
him a memorandum of hi succes a a beg
gsr, beginning the 15th of January. Hi
account (bowed that lie had "collected"
from that date to the time of hi arrest
toll 15. Begging i a pretty good bosintt
after all.
First Story. The brick work of the first
story of the new Univenity building fans
been completed And the work op the second
story has already commenced. Tb work U
being done ia 6rt-:l tyl.
Junction City Items.
August 13, 188
Weatln r still hot.
Mr John Milliorn is much better.
Mr Gore still lingering but uo hope of life.
Our blacksmiths are doing a thrifty business.
Mr Hendricks ha recovered from her se
vere illness.
There ia something; new in Junction City.
Guess wlirt it is. Well, come and see.
There are but few house vacant here now
and there are persons h oking up hout every
day, .
Harvesting is progressing rapidly ami the
farmers are hurrying th wheat into the ware
houses. Cupid sway ha been curtailed for some
reaton unknown to the oldest inhabitant of
this place.
One of our saloon ists has at hut furnished
bonds an 1 is happy, A good Christian weut
on his bond.
Mr James Hoffman has sold his residence on
Holly street to Mr W G Pickett, who has al
ready moved in.
Junction City contains the hardest name,
but the person bearin that name is quite use.
ful nevertheless.
Why is Junction City like Ohio' Republican
nominee for Governor. Because it contains
four acres (B oraker).
Obsequies iu memory of Gen Grant were
duly neld hero last Sunday, Rev W M Hous-
tou conducting the services.
Miss Jennie Caldwell and her sister Mrs
Sadie Pearson are going to Salem to attend
the Willamette University.
F M Cummins is home on visit from New
York City. He look a if bread and beef
were plenty in that metropolis.
Mr J J Baher has taken the family of hi
brother, W H Baber to the Foley Spring for
a few week in hopes of improved health.
Mr W G Pickett ha purchased a one half
interest in the warehouse built by R V How
ard A Sons, of Louis Salomon and ha assumed
the entire management of the same.
Mr J H Berry returned lust Monday from
Sodaville whither he hail gone for a triul of the
water in exectation of benefit, but he thinks
they were injurious iu hi ailment He is in
feeble health. J. C. Clifi'
. publ7caucti6n7
Six Miles South of Eugene, Saturday,
September 19th.
I will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, at my farm six miles south of Eugene,
at the head of Spencer creek on Saturday,
September 19, 1SS5, between the hours of 10 a
m. and 1 p. lit. ( the following described proper
ty to-wit:
20 head of cattle.
12 head of calve.
1 spun of goisl work mares, weighing over
120.) lbs each.
3 rolls.
A number of good hogs.
1 wagon and harness.
2 plows and harrow..
And numerous farming utensils, too mauy
to nention.
Also a pin tion of my household goods.
lhe property will be sold without fail, and
those wanting good Imrguiiis should be in at
tendance. 1 vi:l sell or rent, on private
term, my farm.
EuOKNX, August 15, 188").
Jasi-er, Or., Aug. II, 1SS5.
Fditor Guard; 1 wih to correct a mis
taks made in the Dexter items which np
peaed in your columns August 1st, signed
"Iota." Tho gentleman status that I bought
a half interest iu Jack Keeney's stole for
$2800; also he reports it being rumored that
Miss Delila Bristow was to be employed by
me as clerk. I wish to inform the gentle
man he ia mistaken in the name, it being
James Keeuey instead of Jack Kecney; also
in the price paid; and, furthermore, I wish
to ttate that Mr. lota ia very much mistaken
in hi pretended rumor. If the gentleman
wishe any more information, he will please
call at Jasper, Lane county, Oregon, where
he will be enlightened on the aubjoct.
E. B. Handsaker.
Died. In thi city, August 12, 1SS5, Cur
til, ion of Mr and Mr A T Coukerline, aged
1 year, 4 month and 9 day. The funeral
took place Thunday foreuoon at 10
o'clock. The people of Eugene (ympathize
with the bereaved parent in their aflliction,
Notice. Mr. B. II. James having retired
from business and being desirous of settling
up, requests all those indebted by note or ac
count to immediately call and make a settle
ment. He can be found at his office in the
Court House, ready to receipt for all debts
due him.
For Sale. On easy terms, 11 acres adjoin
ing lot of J. B. Harris, at 1225 per acre; also
adjoining above about 30 acre at 9150 per
acre, all on Fifth street, Eugene. One-fourth
down;. balance o one, two and three years at
10 percent interest Apply to S. Nelson, Eu
gene. Horse Wanted. Mr S Nelson, who live
on the old Bean farm, desire to puruhaso a
good sound horse that is broke to work
singly, of the following description: A grsy
or bay, 4 to 6 years old, and weighing at
least 1,100 lbs.
Lost, In Eugene, Saturday, August 1, ISM,
a young black and tan hound. Anyone know
ing his whereabouts will confer a favor by
sending me a card to Franklin, Oregon.
G. W. Gibson.
Notice. The Farmers' Warehouse is now
open to receive grain under the management
of the association with Mr J B Young in
Born. In this city, August 10th, to the
wife of Wm. Preston, a ten. Mother And
child doing well. "Pre" wear a happy
smile npou his face now.
Born. In Corvallis, August 11, to the wife
of Leo Gearhart, a daughter. We congratu
late. He can now run with Grant Osburn.
Private Sale. Mrs. Splller will sell at a
reduction her entire household furniture, in
cluding; bedding, crockery, c.
Redcctioj. Farmer and other are hereby
notified that meal will be served at th St
Charlea Hotel hereafter for 25 cents.
Farmer Take Notice. A good dinner tin
had at Bakr' hotel for 25 cents.
wr . onv i
' Mr. T. F. Cainpbe'l i visiting friend in
i Monmouth.
Mr, T. B, Merry ha resigned th editorship
of the Sunday Mercury.
Rev. T. F. Campbell ha gone to Southern
Oregou tor about A week.
The Swift camping party returned from
the mountain last Monday.
Mr W G Steel, of Portland, spent last Sat
urday and Sunday in Eugene,
Judge Bean returned from a trip to Port
land and The Dalle laat Wednesday.
Mr. II. R. Clark ha accepted a position
on the O & C It II in Southern Oregon,
Dr. E. G. Clark, of Portland, i iu Eu
gene visiting. He is looking splendid.
II. C. Owen, Jr, and wife, of Prineville,
are visiting relative and friend in I.aue
Mr. Perry Puindextcr and wife, of Prine
ville, have been visiting friend in Eugene
thi week.
Messrs. Win. F. Osburn and John Gray
have gone up the McKenxiu on a fishing and
hunting tour.
Mr. Jerome Knox, formerly a resident of
Lane county, has oiened a law office at Lake
view, Oregon.
Mr. Dave Hendricks, of the Salem State
mau'i typographical force, gave us a pleasant
call thi week.
Prof. Woodcock loft for a two weeks' visit to
Jacksonville and Southern Oregon last Thurs
day nfternoon.
Mr. H. II. Hendricks, School Superintend
ent of Gilliam county, i now the principal of
the Fossil school.
Mr John Moore, has returned from the Foley
Spring, considerably improved in health, we
are pleased to state.
Mrs. John Wortman and family, of MuMinn
ville, are visiting at the residence of Judge
Washburne in this city.
It i said that Mr C D Comb wilt sell hit
property in Cameron, Mo, as soon a possi
ble and return to Oregon.
Mr. L. 11. Wheeler, of Portland, nud C.
II. Hill, of East Portlaud, have spent sev
eral days in Eugene this week.
Miss Kmuia Bean left for Coos Bay Thurs
day afternoon, where she goes to ait as assist
ant teacher in the Mar.di field public sell ioI.
Mr Geo M Miller and wife arrived from a
trip to Florence yesterday morning. They
made the trip liom the head of tide iu one and
a half days.
Mr. J. N. Goltra will leave Monday for
New York City, where he goes to enter the
Medical College of Physicians and Surgeon
a a student.
We acknowledge a plnasaut rail from Mr.
Will A Reams, representing the Dr Ripsanko
Medicine Company, of Piqua, Ohio. He ia a
clever gentleman.
Mr E L Bristow of Salem, paid this office a
pleasant visit last Saturday. He ha gone on
a trip of recreation with his father-In aw, Mr
Henry Hill to the Uier McKenxie.
Mr A Goldsmith returned home from a trip
to Portland and Bonneville, lastTuosday. He
reports having had a pleasant vi-it during hi
absence with Mr and Mrs S. Mimra,
Mrs. Iltrliert MeCnrnack, nee Mis Nellie
Condon, and children, of Dayton, W. T., are
visiting relatives nud friend in Eugene. She
is stopping with her sister, Mr. Judge Bean.
Mrs. S. P. Sladilcn, of Portland, has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs Nelson, thi
week. Mr K 1) liiirgesa, of Webster City,
Iowa, has also been visiting at the tamo place.
She i a lister of Mr Nelson,
We learn that Dr. C. D. Osburn will leave
for Philadelphia next Wednesday, where he
goe to take a course iu medicine at the Jeffer
son Cnllego. Casper Sharpie will also leave
in about ten day for the same city.
Missc Mollie and AdnaEbbert loft Spring
field on yesterday' train for Polk county,
where they will viait friend and relative a
few day, when they will join their aunt,
Mr. Laduw, for Palouse City, W T, where
they will hereafter reside.
W H Williams, Sam Lowemtcin, Colonel
L Fleischner and II B Litt, who went to Fo
ley springs some week ago, accompanied by
servants and pharapherna'ia, returned home
last Saturday, They all look robust anil heal
thy, and are eloquent in praise of the medical
properties of the wator. Standard.
Prof Tho Condon, who ha been for A cum
ber of years State Geologist and also Professor
of of (ieology at the State University is visit
on the bay and is a guest of Judge Dyer. At
the solicitation of friends he ha consented to
lecture at the- Baptist Church on Thunday
evening, on The Geological Formation of the
North Pacific Coast." Prof Condon ha A n
tional reputation as a geologist, and his leo
ture will prove a treat to our citizens seldom
enjoyed. Con Bay New.
What Is) lT?-Every one In pausing the
streets ha noticed that forlnm, woe-begone
oountenance displvyed in so many (how win
dows. From appeerance one would think it
wa the picture of a married man whose mother-in-law
wa the light of hi home. One
might also think that it wa a representative
of some man who needed A dose of kidney
wort, and look around for the companion pic
ture "after taken." For the perfect picture
of despair it take tho cake. At leant, one
would say he had been out with the boys, and
hod a headache and all the other ill that fol
low a night of conviviality. Yet all are wrong.
It is only Fletcher, as the "Private Secretary,"
who appear here toon. Ex.
Laroe Plcjih. Mr. James Huddleston
left at this office last Saturday six egg plum,
the combined weight of which was 1J
pounds. One of the plums measured 8J
inchc in circumference. Who can beat
Lost- Between the St Charles Hotel And
the depot, one sjarf pin, mounted with gold
crescent and star. Any one finding the same
will be lilierally rewarded by leaving it at this
Married. By Rev. E. P. Henderson, Aug.
13, 1KS,, Mr. Charles Goff and Mis Elizabeth
Porter, all of Lane comity.
Workmen are now busily engaged on the
race track of the Lane County Agricultural
Association. Th ridge are being cut down
and the deiireiwiou are being filled. It will be
in splendid order for the fair.
W learn that the hnw of Win. Zimmer
man's butted at Me.Iford, Oregon. Mr. Z.
has taken job at carpentering in that town.
Cottage Grove Hems.
Aui:. 12, 188&.
The atmoaphert Is bluo with amoke.
Mr. Henry Gilfrey waa in town last week.
Mr. King, our efficient musio teacher, i
among u again.
The County Assessor ha been in and around
here this week.
Our town folks turned out en masse Sunday
to see the circu train.
Mr. Mack Davis, of Mohawk, i sojourning
in our vicinity of late.
Quite a number of our people went to Eu
gene to attend the circus.
Win. George and Joseph Wynn are our ac
comtnndatiiig butchers at present
Judge Washburne and Mr. L, Bilyeu of
Eugene were in town Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Kelsay of Cresjwell wa visiting
at Mr. O. P. Adam last week.
Alva Harvey, s lad about 14, wa thrown
from a horse one day thi week anil badly hurt
about the head.
Dr. June of Eugene ho been to see J. J,
Comstock, who is ill. He wa oinewhat bet
ter when last heard from.
Miss Etta Preston cf Eugene has been visit
ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin
Bristow, the last week past
Mr. John Tapp and Mis Emma Boren were
married Monday, August 10, by Win. Vaughn,
J. 1'., at the residence of Mr. R. II. ITazleton.
Harvesting is progressing finely this nice
weather, but the grain an a general thing U
not yielding a much er acre a iu former sea
sons, nor is It of as good quality, being in some
instance considerably shrunken. VmtlTT.
The Private Secretary
Will be een here August 20th and will be giv
en by the full strength of the Madison Squat a
Theatre Company, including Mr W H Gillette.
The following is the brief synopsis of the plot;
A young scapegrace named Douglas Catter
mole is living iu London lodgings and is At his
wits' end for means of staving off hi unfortu
nate creditors. He is expecting th arrival of
a rich uncle from India, who tins not seen hi
nephew for twenty years. Harry Mainland
Douglas' boon companion, is to meet in lxu
don and take to the country seat of Mr Mars
laud, his uncle, a clerical tutor named Spaniel
ing, who is to give instruction to Mr Mnrs
laud's daughter and her girl friend. The two
young fellows get up A scheme to introduce
Done las at Mr MarslamV house a the tutor
and to leave tho clerical gentleman In Douglns'
lodgings. There the uncle from India discov
ers the Rev Mr Spuuldlug, whom he luppoae
to be hi nephew, and he is furious to find a
canting, psalm sinning parson when he had ex
pected to meet a jolly young man with taste
similar to his own. In the second Ret all the
characters turn up iu Mr Mainland's country
house, and the persecutions to which the un
fortunate Spaulding is subjected before he suc
ceeds in making his identity known, the
dmukeii pranks of Gibson, the tailor, who in
dulges to fiee'v in Mr Mainland's wine, some
"materialization" foolery with Spaulding as
tho "medium furiilho the chief part of the
fast and furious fun which follows. Scat
are now on sale at Cram'.
The Circus. John Robinson' circus per
formed In this city Wednesday afternoon aud
evonlng. Large cnnvil of people were) in
town during the day, and. our streets hotl a
Fourth ot July appearance. The parade wa
fair, tho wagon being handsomely painted,
but tho horse were not up to th usual stand
ard. It wa estimated that at least 4,000 eo
ple attended the two performances given. '1 he
menagerie wa hardly up to the standard of
that of Cole. The show had a real live giraffe,
the first ever bro ight to Oregon, and it was
admired by large crowd of eurloiu people.
From those who witnessed the performance in
the rings, we learn that the majority were not
pleased. There wo no tumbling or horizontal
bar actiug whatever. The trapeze perform
ance wa old. The riding waa don in an ex
cellent manner, a-i w.ts also the tight wire act
in;. The catapult did not come u, to the ex
pectation formed hy the people. The exhibi
tion given by the trained dog wa loudly ap
plauded, and waa the beat part of the show.
The clown, John Lowlow, wa original ml
made many happy hits. The flying leajx
made,. the skating, bicycle riding, the swords
frnt, etc, wero commonplace and hardly
worth one's time or attention The men em
ployed by the show seem to be gentlemanly,
and not given to rowdyism. Th managers
are first class, fair minded business men. N
gambling or chance game wa permitted by
the management, which action on their part
is certainly commendable. - But our people
do not want to see any more "ten shows iu
one." Give us a good circu in one ring and
our people will be satisfied. Hard time are
unknown to a person wanting to go to a elrcua
hence we will not moralize.
Arrested. Sheriff Campbell, Tueaday
evening, arrested Scott Bond, on the oharge
of adultery, about six mile from Oakland,
in Douglas county, whero he wa engagod
herding sheep for livelihood. He brought
the prisoner to Eugene Wednesday morning!.
In the afternoon Bond wa arraigned be'oro
Justice Henderson, when lie waived an ex
amination and wa bonnd over iu the uni
of 1 1000 to await the action of tho graud
jury. Bond were furnished. On the boml
appear the uaniea of V S Bond, A W Bond
and I W Bond. lion L Bilyeu repreaentert
the State and Judge Washburne the defend
ant Later. Bond retnrued to Oakland
last Wednesday afternoon. We learn that
Thursday at 2 A M the Sheriff of Donglas
county arrested him on A (iinilar charge,
committed with the sime woman in that
county recently, and took him to Roaebnrtf
(or trial. Judge Vtashbnrne was telegraphed
for and went out on Thursday afternoon')
train. The pritonei wa taken before a jus
tice the anio evening, and again waived ex
amination, when he wa placed under $SUO
boud to appear before the Donglal county
grand jury, which he immediately furnished
and wo liberated.
Gas Com pant. The City Conn'll have
granted t.i Messrs 0 E Burrows, R Week and
A W Stowell, of Portland, tho exclusive rfgns
to manufacture ga and lav pipes through our
t.Aat. t, a that intita I
lor we pernio ei n
years, provided that work be eoimneneetl witn
in one year, and completed withiu two year)
from this date, and that they have 8000 feet of
pijie laid. The company agree to furnish g
for each street lamp at a rate not to exceed 5
per month, provided the city concludee to
liht our street with Ran. They ar also ti
furnish the city buildings ga at a rate not
higher than charged private parties. Mr Bur
row sav that the company will begin work
a toon as the pror material ran b procured
for the same, and that they do not prniiose to
sleep, now they hav procured the franchise.
We hn; the gentlemen mean limine.
.Mechanics' Fair. J. B. Congle, F-sq.,
President of the Portland Mechanic' fair,
j rays th pnwpert is uuusually good for a sno
Icessful fair. He ty the application for
space in the pavilion re coming in much ear
p' .-and more numerous than thry did laafc
year. Rural Spirit