The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1885, Image 4

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...AUGUST 15, ISS5
1 Bcbcl Coimailoi.
Tim three Houtheru men who ore
matt loved by the Republican presx,
ore Gen. Mahone, Gen. Chalmers and
' Juhn S. Wine, their candidate for Gov
rnior of Virginia. The latter, owing
to the cuHtom of receiving the leading
colored men in hid kitchen was highly
unpopjlar among them. In ordr to
pveCaj. Wise a certificate of pood
character, Mr. Blaine wrote a letter at
testing the fact that Capt. Wise is a
yood Republican, and thus invested
liim in the odor of (sanctity. Of the
proceedings of a convention that Mr.
Blaine vie wo with so much satisfaction,
the New York FoH says:
After the Republican convention in
Virginia this week even the most au
dacious Republican organ in the North
can hardly venture longer to wave the
bloody shirt. The band played
"Dixie." a tuno abhorred by all good
Republicans; the boss of the conven
tion was a "Confederate Brigadier"
whose proudest, boast still is that lie
was Lee's right hand man in the re
bellion; he was greeted by his follow
crs with the "rebel yell;" the tool
. whom he placed in the chair "has a
a famous record as a Confederate sol
dier, and greatly distinguished himself
at Fort Fisher where he was several
times wounded;" and this "rebel" was
upheld in wielding absolute power
over the body by a delegate, upon the
ground that he deserved confidence be
cause he had "laid down and been
sawed into in tho hottest days of the
Confederacy." To maintain that it is
ull right for, a Republican convention
to la thus controlled by "rebels," and
all wrong for "rebels" to tako any part
on tho Democratio side, involves a
measure of stultification which must
stagger even a Dlaine organ. We find
that the successful candidate for
Governor was lauded as a man who
had "shed his blood in Shenandoah
county" asainst the Union. Thero
was but one thing moro that tho con
vention could do in honor of the "lost
cause," and thai was to declare in
favor of pensions for robol soldiers. It
was done Among the planks of tho
platform is tho following:
Wo proclaim for such annual appro
priations as may lie adequato to
-provide for the care and support of dis
abled Virginia soldiers who need such
The attack on Gen. Black, Commis
ioner of Pensions, one of tho braveRt
.soldiers of the Union army, shows
how hard up Republican papers aro for
campaign material. They object to his
pension of $100 per month, but in al
their articles they fail to state that he
was disabled for years from pursuing
any occupation, and that ho has suff
ered constant pam for twenty years,
Gen. Black's only fault, in the eyes of
these critics, is that he is a Democrat.
. Gun Grant was laid away to rest last
Saturduy, with the greatest honors
ever actorded an American citizen.
New honors will gather around his
name, and posterity will do full honor
to him. As the American peoplo turn
away from his tomb they wish that
peace to the spirit of tho great leader
that he strove for tnd Ictt as an inheir
itanoo to his countrymen.
No, Oh! No, John Roach never re
ceived any money from tho Govern
ment. Nothing but a trifle of ?10,
333.C2G.35. Mr. Roach could well af
ford two campaign contributions of
103,000 each to a campaign fund, and
then have something left for the hard
winter of Democratic rule.
Of tho twenty-two pall lienrcrs at
Lincoln's funeral, only seven are now
aliv?, viz: Simon Cameron, E. K Wash
burno, Colonel If. O. Worthington,
Rev. Green Clay Smith, Alexander H.
ColTorth, Henry L Dawes and John
Conn ess. .
Nevada is happy. John Mackay
has shied his hat into the ring and
eays he wants tho United States sena-
torship. Jim Fair says he wants to
keep it. Both are worth ?2.000,000
and mean business. A vote at Carson
next winter will lie worth 15,000.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, re
cently elected the entire Democratic
ticket by COO majority. This is only
another evidence of the strength and
popularity of tho Administration of
(irover Cleveland with the people.
(!un. Sherman is the last one to rife
And remark that he is pleased with the
new Administration. He thinks that
the Union soldior is getting a fair
If precedent ruLa Mr Grant will
receive a pension of $5000 per year.
That is the sum that was voted to Mrs
Liiicolu, Mrs. Garfield and Mrs. Folk.
President Cleveland has gone into
the Adriondacks to spend the Summer
Iowa Democrats are asserting their
ability to carry that State this Fall.
Fire ni Alkali.
Fire broke out ut Alkali, Oregon, at
10 P. M. Friday, August 7th, in a
building occupied by a lottery racket.
The Iokh is about tlO.OOO. Linder's
saloon, Hendricks' butcher hhop, a
building owned by J. Service, and W.
A. Riclkcy'H general merchandise store
wero totully destroyed. There is only
a small insurance on llu'key's stock.
The greater part of the stock was saved.
Much credit is duo Robinson's circus.
Without their help it is probable that
Keeney's saloon, Graham's saloon,
Heppuer tfc Block man's general mer
chandise store and tho Oilman Hotel
would have been destroyed. Tliie is
the first Gre in the town of Alkali.
One of Robinson's circus employes was
nearly killed, while working at the fire,
by an ax flying off the handle and
crushing his skull.
From tho census just taken by the
agent, says tho Pendleton Tribune, the
Indians and mixed blood living on the
Umatilla reservation number 896 in
all, of which 730 are Indians and 1G6
mixed bloods. The Indiana have 7UQ0
acres under cultivation, on which they
have raised 15,000 IiukIipIh of wheat,
509 bushels of oats, 900 bushels of
barley and rye, 2000 bushels of corn,
and 3000 bushels of potatoes'. They
have Cl'OO head of horses, 500 head of
cattle, 409 head of sheep, and 250 head
of hogs. This is exclusive of the
mixed bloodn, who ore mostly wives
and children of white nu n that have
obtained a footing on tho reservation
and are cultivating considerable land
by reason of such relationship.
It was a severe blow to the Re
publican managers, snys the Exami
ner, to seo with what unanimity the
South and its soldiers last Saturday,
united with the north in honoring the
memory of Grant. It destroyed for
all time thn possibility of a sectional
issue, it is curtain tnut Iroin now on
tho patriotic and intelligent people of
tho Union will sternly rebuke any at
tempt to revive thn bitter memories
and unhappy feuds of tho pas:.
The large way in which farming op
erations are conducted in California is
indicated by the fact that A. H. Rose,
an Oakland farmer, has just failed for
$800,000. ' When the biir ranches of
California are subdivided, and owned
by thousands of small agriculturists,
such failures as thif will lo impossible.
And if this result is secured through
the insolvency of thn great Irnd barons,
tho faster tho failures occur the better.
Tho special train carrying Manager
Koohler, Superintendent Brandt and
tho V, S. Railroad Commissioner,
General Johnston, from Ashland to
Portland, Boveral days ago, made the
run of 311 miles in cloven hours the.
best time ever made on the road. The
train left Ashland at 7 A. M., stopped
an hour at Roseburg, and reached
Portland at 7 P. M.
The President has ordered the men,
who have audaciously fencd in miles
of public lands to, remove the obstruc
tions at once, and commanded all Fed
ederal oHiciul having authority, to
sen that they are removed. Favoritism
and neglect of duty will not be toler
ated under this Administration nnd
those lands will soon lm open to the
Tho Republican party would lose a
few voles if it advances n new idea
or pronounce its sentiments on certain
questions, and this being so, "mum's
the. word. The dillerence between
this kind of Rxpub'uatiisin and that of
twenty four years ago is marked, and
is not altogether to the credit of the
It is geni-ral'y' conceded that tho ap
pointments made by Mr. Cleveland are
better than tho average appointments
made by any of his Republican prede-
cesvors; but when mistakes hsve boen
madi, thn President has had the cour
age to revoke com missions ordered for
u n worthy men.
By the new census of lh Cheyenne
and Arrapahoe Indians, it is found
that there were twL-e as many Indians
reported by th old census than actu
ally existed. The saving in beef nnd
flour nlone will amount to 8105,000
yearly. Truly, the work of reform is
Stephen A. Douglas, Jr., deliyeied
the memorial address in honor of Gen
eral Grant at Council Blurts Saturday.
Fifteen thousand people were present
local Market.
Kcursi. August 14, 1885.
Whkat-bVXa OTo wr bushel on board of rat.
Oats 20c bushel. '
l.ARi- ll(u U'Jc per lb.
men -Sides, Uc; hams, llOJ.l'JJc; shoul
ders, 7(" Sc.
Hi'TTM-SOW 25o per IK
EiMiH-liJc ir dot
Cmmaa 2S .V) per dm.
Fun K-$4 wr barrel.
1'OTA.Toiii -3tK.i 40c per btiaheL
A Reliable Article.
For nU r;trie, pmh, and a dewire to gt such
goods as i I give the trulr Mlisf action Osbnrn
i Co the llniL-gist, lent all coral t in. They
sell lr Ihstar.Wa Cough and Lung Syrup, be
cause it's Ihs txrst Medicine on the market, for
Coughs. CVlls, Croup and Primary t'ousump
ti'D. Price 50c and tl.
tichool Directors' Meeting.
L'ugknk Citt, Aun. 8. 1883.
A postponed meeting of the director of
Solioul Llutritt No. 4 wu held this day at
the otlice of Dr. ratteraou; full board pre-
Seven npplica'ions for the positiun of jan
itor were presented. Mr. J. Thymer wan
reappoiutud janitor for the ensuing year.
Ordered that the city council be requested
to appoint Jos. Thymer assistant marshal or
watchman, to serve as such (hiring hu ser
vice as janitor, for the better protection of
the school buildings and grounds. Tho clerk
wis directed to present tins request.
UriterRU that our puliliR school commence
on Monday, September 14th, ensuing. The
teachers recently choscu are accordingly
Ordered that Mr. Zack Porter, contractor
for the delivery of forty cords of wood, be
paid for the same $140.
The Silverton Murder.
Coroner Warrincr, of Marion county, was
notified lost Monday of a double tragedy at
Silverton. After examination he funiMies the
following particulars: C. F. Libby and Arthur
Patty were partners in the sash and door buai
ncss at that place, where they have been lo
cated for several months past, the latter, a
young man, having, boarded with the former,
who is a man of family. At 7 o'clock A. M.,
while jounK Patty was washing back
of the house. Libby took a double-barrelled
shotgun, heavily loaded with bullet and shot,
placed the muzzle close to young rutty s kit
ids and erontied the contents into his body.
The young man stagcered iifew steps, exclaim
ing, "What did you do that tor!" nnd tell tor
ward on bis face and expired. Libby tbon
walked into bis house ami put a charge through
bis own In-east, killing him instantly. No one
ever heard of any unpleasantness between
them, and both were respected. It was gen
erally supposed that old man Libby was weak
minded, as no cause for the murder can be as
signed. Cure For Piles.
Tiles are frequently preceded by a sense of
weight in the back, loins and lower part of the
abdomen, causing the patient tn suppose he has
some affection of the kidneys or neighboring
organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion
are present, flatulence, uneasiness of the stom
ach, eta A tnoistuin, like pnrspiratinn, pro
ducing a very disagreeable itching, after get
ting warm, is a common attendant Blind,
bleeding r.nd itching piles yield at once to the
application ot Ut Jiosnnkos I lie Kemeriy,
which acts directly upon the parts affected, ab
Korbinir the tumors. allayiki! the intense itch-
ins nnd effecting a iwnuaiient cur. Price 60
cents. Address the lr Itosanko Medicine Co.,
l'icpia, Oliic. Si 1 1 by Ojbura i Co and W b
Lee, of J miction.
For Sale.
One hundred and lifty-five acres of fine
hard-wood timber land, anil -'t sens rich
bottom prairie land. Lies 4 J miles north of
Kiuene and 2 miles east of Irving station
Will be sold together or in '.'0 acre lots, at
from $8 to $15 per acre. Payment can be
made in cosh, part cash with approved notes
at one or two years, or will tike wheat at
market price. Kuquire of G. M. Mili f.k or
j . .i. smith.
For Sale.
The Mnnres farm, 3 J miles from Eugene,
is offered for sale on easy terms and io tracts
to suit purchaser!. Contains 1700 acres of
the best grain land in Lane county. Inquire
of t; 11 iMoOlits, Salem; or UKO iL, MILLER,
Having sold my entiro stock of Furniture
and Undertakers goods to M S Uullis, all
thoso indebted m me will find their it-counts
placed in the hands of (ico S Waslilmrno for
collection. You will please settle at once as
my business i
must be closed. '
.1. It. ItEAM.
Buy J lay ward hand grenades.
for good dentistiy go to Taylor it Kberly.
The highest cash price will be paid for wheat
by X li Uunu.
Photographs finished neatly aid artis
tically at inter t.
A line line of sill; plushes in all shades
and grades at r IS Dunn s.
Tho licit candies and oranL'ei can always
be found at L Isaum s confectionery store.
Ice orvam, soda water ami lemonade at E
Baum's, ouo door north of the St Charles
The GfAitD does all kinds of job printing
cheaper tliau any other otlice m Lane eoun
ty. Call and get estimates.
K ltauin sells the best cig'irs and tobacco
ever ottered for sale m Lugtme. Cigars from
5 cts to 25 cts apiece, and all pure Havsnna
I have three nico residence lots that I will
sell for $140 to 8100 each; &20 down; bulancs
in three years, interest payable annually.
(iKo. M. Miller.
llr. Taylor's 7 Onks Comimuud, purely veg
fltunl.t. taken intei-nallv. tsisitivelv cures rhen
matism, neuralgia, toothache, chills and fever
and cramp colic. Sold by Osborne A Co., Eu
gene. Agents, Mien, Ileitslm & w oouward,
Portland, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
by virtue of a writ of Eiecutioo duly
i stood out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Lane county, by the Clerk
thereof and to me directed on to-ait: August
7th, 1SS3, upon a judgment rendered iu said
court December 0th, 1S7S, io a suit therein
and pending wherein A H Spare was plaiu
tilf and A Lurch and B Lurch were defend
ants, for the sum of $4783 73, said writ
commanding ire to mako the sun, of $97 SO
with interest thereou at the rate of 1 per
cent per month from the 3d day ef Novem
ber, 1S84, and being unable to riud any per
sonal property belonging to said defendants,
I have levied upon the following described
real property, tn-wit: One-eighth interest iu
the N W i of S W i of See 7 T 21, S K 2
W, Will. Mer., containing 40.90 acres in
lane county, Oregon, together with all the
dams which may have been constructed nec
essary to hold logs or water for practical saw
mill purposes, aud also the right of using
and brincing water from said dams over any
land o red or occupied at the date of con
veyance of saul premises or therealter to h
W Whipple & Bros by Samuel Brumbaugh,
I.ydia Brumbaugh, Thomas Brumbaugh and
Mary Brumbaugh.
Now therefore by virtue of said Execution,
and to satisfy said judgment, interest, cost
and accruing costs and expeuses of sale, I
will soil the abjve described real property
at public auctien, fur cash in band, to the
highest bidder, at the Court House door i
Eugeae City, Ijine connty, Oiegon, ou
Monday, September II, 1S3,
Between the hoars ef 9 o'clock A M and 1
o'clock P M of said day.
Dated August 13, 1S85.
Sheriff Lane county, Oregon.
Keynote to Health.
Health Is wealth. Wealth means indepen
dence. The keynote is Dr liorsuko's Cough
and Lung Syrup, the best Cough rtyrup in the
world. Cures Coughs, Colds, Tains in the
Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption.
Price 50 cents and 1.
Store your whoat at the Eugene City Mills.
The highest cash prico I 'aid to farmers, and a
premiu'n for all choice milling whiter wheat
At the Depot,
IS pgr hmi.
But it is THE MAN
that has been buying
Bread, Cakes, Cigars,
Tobacco, Etc., at the
Store of
For the past month
and found that lie was
Making at least
25 Per Cent.
thereby. He has had
Kicking him because
he didn't 'TUMBLE
W. B. Peng r.u B. J. Pengra. A. Wheelfb
& Co.
Irrl if
D n r r?
Having pleuty of grainery room and good fa
cilities for storing and handling wheat
at our Springfield 51 ill ware
house we respectfully so
licit a share of
The Business in that Line.
We propose to do a strictly legitimate storage
business and formers wishing to store
will do well to consult us be
fore making their ar
rangements. rEXGRA, WHEELER CO.
BpriDifivlJ, July 14, 1S5.
i in in
WE, US fe CO.
Buy more goods in the year than any other house in Eugene
.,WE, US & CO.
Sell more goods and at lower prices than any house in Eugene
Mark every article in our line away down to bed-rock prict
Must sell $10,000 worth of poods within the next sixty day
regardless of cost.
Will nearly give goods away to everybody, so all American per
pie can wear new clothes on the Fourth of July.
we, m& CO.
Invite everybody to call and see for themselves, and you can find
We, Us A Co. at the
. . . ' ..
E. E Luckey &Co
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and . sell at living figures.
In hands of a competent druggist.
To Luckey Bristou) at the old Ellsworth Store.
Hardware and all kinds of Agri
cultural Implements.
STORE-On Willamette Street, opposite " Guard" Office
Those who work early and late need a whole
some reliable Medicins'likePKi'NDEK'H Oregon
Blood Purifier. As a remedy and preventa
tive of diseases it ciin not be beat It checks
Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipa
tion, Dyspepsia and Billiousnesn, and puts
fresh energy into the system by making Jew,
Rich Wood. All Druggists and Dealers keep
it $1.00 bottles, (i for 5.00. a4m3
New Firm I
New Goods I
New Prices!
Titus m mm
Successors to B. JI. James,
Pumps, Galvanizod Ironware,
Lead and Iron Pipes,
In fact, everthing found in a
First-Class Tin Shop.
JIanufacturers of
Repairing Done with Promptness.
Give us a aill and pricr goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
SHOP On west bide of Willamette
street, near Eighth.
please call aud settle the same. Our store
is burned and we mmt collect the money!
due os.
E. W. Wuirru t Bros.
Cottage Grave, Feb 25, 1SS3.
lrS H Friendly will pay the hichest
! cash market price for wheat. Giro him a
call before soiling your grain elsewhere.
I (inborn mowers ran t pnrchsKtd at the
I store if Pritrhttt k Forkner fur f"0.
liWiW1 In the matter of
VY U N Ufc K'b I Elder.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
the estate of Themis H.
pursuance ol an order ol the (JouitT
Court of the State of Oregon for the Cousty
of Lane, made and entered of record at the
regular term thereof, ta-wit, on the 6th day
of July, A D 1S85, in the matter of the es
tate of Thomas 11. Elder, deceased, the un
dersigned, administrator of said estate, will,
on Saturday, the 15th day of Angust, A D
1885, at 10 o'clock A M of said day, at the
Court House door in Eugene City, lane
County, Oregon, sell at publio auction, to
the highest bidder, for cash, United States
gold coin, all the right, title, interest and
estate of the said Thomas H Elder, de
ctascd, in and to the following described
real estate, situate lying and being in the
County of Lane and State of Oregon,
bounded and described as follows:1 ota No
Six (6) and Seven (7), in Seo 30, T 20 S R 3
West, containing 35.73 acre; also beginiing
at S V corner of J W McFarland Don. Ld.
claim, thence East to N E corner of Don.
Ld. claim of Geo Small, thence Sonth with
the line of the Geo Small Don. Ld. claim, to
corner on North bank of creek, thence a
straight line in a N V direction to place of
beginning, containing 33 acres, more or less,
in Sec 30, T 20 S R 3 West; also begisiog
at S W corner of J W McFarland Don. Ld.
claim, thence South far enough to make 14
acres, thence in a S E direction to the "L"
comer of Geo Small Don. Ld. claim, thence
in a X W direction to place of beginiing,
containing 14 acres. Also 8 E of 8 B of
Section 25 in T 20 S It 4 West, containing
40 acres.
Terms of sale cash.
Dated this Uth day of July, A D 1885.
Administrator of the estate of Tbomai H.
Elder, dee'd.
Croceris anJ Provisions,
Will keep en hand a general assortment
Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats,
Tobacco, Cigars, Candies,
Candles, Soaps, ' Notions,
Green and Dried Emits,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Crockery, Etc.
Easiness will be conducted on a
Which means that
lics Prices are Established
Goods dcllTertd VltllODt ibirse U BBJtl
Viw wli!,)i vi alii mv thm KIcrliMt narkil
jas I. PAGE
If you are in want o' agricultural machis-
"7 of any kind, remember that Mr J J
Hendricks keep fall assortment.