The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1885, Image 3

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    Boot and Shoe Store.
.A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Will haratftar keep t oompLu tlock at
Ladies'. Misses' anfl Chita's Shoes!
Slippers, White and Black, Sandals,
And In fact everything In the Boot aid
Shoe, line, to which 1 intend to devots
my especial attention.
And guaranteed as represented, and will
be sold for the lowest uricee that a irivwt
wiii-iv etui uo aiiorueu.
-V. Hunt.
f ,
IS tile Xille OI XraUG !
Will do work cheaper than any other shop
in town.
Horses Shod for $2 Cash
With new material all around. Resetting
uiu www i. ah warraniea to
give satisfaction.
Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olive Sts
c. 3r. HORN,
Practical Gunsmith
. Fishing Tacklos and Materials
Sewing Machines anil Needles of All KMs for Salt
Repairing done In the neatest style and
Oons Loaned and Ammunition Furnished
Shop on Willamette St., opposite Postofflce.
Book and Stationery Store,
Postofflce Building, Eugene City.
I have on hand and am constantly receiving
ii aoaumuuiit ul tue oest
Blank Books, Portolios, Cards, Wallets,
Repairing of Watches and Clocks
executed with punctuality and at a
reasonable cost.
Willamette Street. Eugene City, Or.
. Pumps, Pipes, Metals,
House FnrHisMGi Goods Generally.
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Eugene City, .... Oregon.
Central Market,
Fisher &Watkins
W'ill keep constantly on hand a full supply of
Which they will sell at the lowest
market prices
A fair share of Die public patronage solicited
We will pay the highest market price for fat
catue, nogs and sbsep.
Shop on Willamette Street,
Meats delivered to any part of the o"7 free
or cnarge. junu
Practical Drncast I C&emist
Brashes. Palats, Ulasa, Oils. Leads,
toilet articles, Eto
Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded.
Honesty He warded.
New York Sun.
"Can you help me a littler asked a tramp.
"I am hungry, and can't got any work at
my trade."
uaiis your trader asked the gentle-
"1 am a glass worker."
"What kind of a glas workerT
"Boer glow worker."
"Here is a iienny for vour frankness"
"Tlmnk you. sir," said the tramp, grate
full "I'M I. i.. .1. . i '.' 5
uoieruury American: a truly western
l..4.l . I .
wuy oi putting It u that of The Cleveland
Press, when it says that "grasshoppers are
becoming no hold in their numerical strength
in Carroll county, that they now insult un
protected females on the street after dark."
The Wedicewoml "Silver" Picture.
Lrland's London Letter.
bo far as all the evidence coos it
seems to show that somewhere between
1780 and 1800 two processes were known
to ana practiced by the shrewd manu
tacturing philosophers or w arwiekshire
iuu mouuiuouno uuo lor copying
painting a rapid and cheap me-
cnanicai operation, ana one lor pro-
uucing pictures on silver plate or
silvered papor by a photographio pro
Not lied, Yellow and Blue.
1'opular Science News.
It has been proved that all possible hues
ol color may be obtained by mixing red,
green ana violet in various proportions:
hence it is decided that these are the three
primary colors.
Eugiru City Business Directory.
BETTMAN, O.-Dry goods, clothing, groceries
and general merchandise, southwest corner
w lllainette and fcighlh streets.
BOOK 8TORE-One door south of the Astor
House. A lull stock of assorted bos papers,
Pima anu iaucy.
CRAIN BKOS.-I)ealers In lewelrv. watches.
oiuuks ana musical instruments. Ulamelle
street, between seventh and Eighth.
DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer In stoves and tinware.
Willamette street, between Seventh and
FRIENDLY, 3. H.-Dcaler In dry goods, cloth.
K ana general mercnaniliae. Willamette
street, oeiween fctgnth and Ninth.
GILL, J. P.-Physlcian, surgeon and druggist,
postoHlce, Willamete street, between Seventh
and Eighth.
HENDRICKS. T. G.-Dealer In general mer
chandise, northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth streets.
HODES, C.-Keeps on hand fine winos, liquors,
tiKin nun a pooi anu Diiniiru tame, Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
HORN, C1IAS. M.-Gunsmith. rifles and Bhot-
guns, breech and muzzle loaders, for sale.
Itopairing done in the neatest style and war
ranted. Shop on Ninth street.
LUCKEY, J. 8. -Watchmaker and Jeweler.
keeps a fine stock of goods in his lino, Willam
ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store.
McCLAREN. J AMES -Choice wines. Honors
and cigars, illaniette street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
PATTERSON. A. 8.-A fine stock of plain and
lancy viBiiiUK carus.
PRESTON. WM.-Dealery In saddlery, har
ness, carriage Trimmings, etc., Willamette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
POST OFFICE-A new stock of standard
school books just received at the post office.
RENSIIAW. WM.-Wines, llqnors and cigars
oi ins dgsi quality Kepi constantly on hand.
The best billiard table in town.
'V. U. IlenririckM.
iving purchased the store formerly owned by
T. A. llendricks, we take pleasure in in
forming ine putiiio that we will
keep a well selected stock of
consisting or
Dry Coods, Boots, Shoes,
Crockery andTobacCOH
In fact our stock will be found to be complete.
By honest and fair dealing we hope to be able
to secure a liberal snare ot the
publio patronage.
and examine our stock and prices before
purchasing elsewhere. '
We can always be found at the
Where we will take all kinds of Produce
In exchange for goods.
Feb. . 1834.
McClung & Johnson,
We would announce to the citizens nf thin
county that having purchased the entire stock
of merchandise of the Lane County Mercantile
Association considerably below the original
eost, and having added largely thereto by re
cent purchases for cash.
Our Stock is now Complete!
And second to none In this county. We cor
dially invite a careful eiamlnalion nf our
stock, as we know we can give you satisfaction
both in goods and prices
Onr Aim Is te aril the Beat Voods
for ths Least Hoary.
Call nd eiamlne our Broods and be ron.
vinced. even If you do not wish to purchase.
We always take pleasure in showlmr eoods and
giving prices.
Liberal DlsesaaU for Cash.
Foreign and lemeMtle.
Cholera is Increasing In Paris.
Maud S. has lowered the trotting record
to z:ot$.
A Chinese leper has been discovered at
California's wine crop this year Is est!
mated at 15,000,000 gallons.
a sunttsn wetgmng ixuo pounds was
caught oil Wood Island, Moss.
Hog oholera Is prevailing to an alarming
extent in portions of Illinois,
It Is reported that Osman Digna was
kuicu iu me msi niu at ivaitsai.
Hiel has been sentenced to be hanged on
the ltith of September, at liegina.
John Moppin was taken from the Munro
City (111.) jail by a mob and hanged.
TThe Virginia Democrats have nominated
General tits Uugh Lee for Governor.
Hy an explosion in a mine at Sheepskill
Hollow Cut, Pa Ave men were killed.
At St. Louis Ave men were killed by
sunstroke and two by lightning in one Cay.
The Royal electric light factory at Mon
treal was destroyed by nr; ions,? 1, 000,000.
By a boiler explosion in a brewery at
Peru, lud Marcellus ilurtch was killed.
Rev. Dr. Galushs. A ndersnn. nf Chimin
has been elected President of Vassar Col
lege. At Rising Sun, Ind., a dozen business
houses and dwellings w ere burned to the
Prof. Adams, of Ithlca. N. Y.. has
accepted the Presidency of Cornell Uni
The Scotch riflemen won hv ntcht nnfnt
the match for the challenge trophy at
In Florida Oil is thrown into nnnria and
standing water to prevent mosquitoes
from hatching.
StAnlfV IllintloV tha anrnll.lrnnu-n
nalist and author of tlie "Spoopendyke
Papers," is dead.
At Redwood Falls. Minn.. Thi-drI T
Alexander shot and killed Chas. Mowers,
his father-in-law.
Neal Thornton, the
dered Policeman Daniel Sheehanat Jopliu,
Mo., was lynched. ,
A 12-VejtF.nM IVIV ntm1 .Ino ria nrann '
living near ML. Meridian, Ind., committed
suicide by hanging.
Seven negroes were killed and three
wounded by a car thrown from the track
atbunance, Georgia.
Miss Margaret Mill, nf Stjitovllln X r.
died from strangulation, her false teetk
having fallen into her throat.
The Western Unloa Telecrranh Cnmnsrv
has subscribed 8.5000 toward the fund fcr
a monument to General Grant.
About tllirtv Mexicans ArA ronnpli In
have been killed by bands of hostile In
dians on the Texas frontier.
Sir Moses Monteflore. whose hnnnWlth
birthday was celebrated in all parts of the
world a few months ago, is dead.
Bill How shot and killed M. T. T. anH
his son at a ranch thirtv miles nniitiienHt.
of Fort Reno How escaped to Texas.
SubHcriDtions to the extent nf nnm
have already been given in Chicago toward
an equestrian statue to General Gnnt in
that city.
Ex-Governor Leland Stanford, of Cali
fornia, has given 2.000.000 to the Innnrd
Case School of Applied Sciences at Cleve
land, Ohio.
It is repsrted In Londsn that. El Mnhdl
offered to ransom General Gordon for
?zou,iuu, out the English Cabinet declined
to pay tnat sum.
At Omaha 200 barrels of alonhnl anlHtn
iu tu nuisw opringsuistiuery exploded,
destroying the builalng and killing a man
t . U . 1IT1I1 o. i . .... .r . .
iiauien wooawara.
The nsmber of eggs shipped from Europe
to the United Stales each
clpally from Antwerp and llamburtr, is
icpurteu at u,uw,uuu.
Two families numbering seven persons
were swept away while attempting to ford
ine v ainui river near Douglas, Kansas,
All were drowned save one.
In a collision on the Grand Trunk Rail'
road, near London. Ontario. r,nn Mp.
Fadden, a locomotive engineer, was killed,
and several persons injured.
A row boat containing three young men
was run down at Newberg, N. Y., by the
barge Charles Spear, and David Mc Walker
anu jonn u,. luttie were drowned.
The barm of Solomon Kinsel, near Ma
rion, N. U, was destroyed by lightning.
a. negro named warier, his wife and child,
utaiuK reiuge in me sarn, were killed.
In a recent battle between the Govern
ment forces and the revolutionists in the
united Mates of Colombia, 1000 men and
seven government generals were slain.
During a storm at Wllmintrton n1
the Diamond State Iron Company's rolling
nun cuuapseu, aiiiing ueorge liley and
Wilbur Jones. Other wnrllinnn wum In.
Airs. Saurnrn Klnrpv nf KunAnLI TnA
set a can of gasoline upon a hot stove, and"
the fluid exploded and burned her IS-months-old
daughter to death. The lady
nwiaisu uauiy uurneu.
At Bainbridge, Ga., fifty masked men
battered down the Jail doors and took nut
luomas uranuey, nanged him and per
forated him with bullets. Me had been
arrested for wife-beating.
ii. a. uowman. oi Miami. Texas, was
k "rt
taken from jail by citizens and given 01)
lasncs wim a Heavy buirtrv whin, each
stroke drawing blaod. He had assaulted
ills wile with a fence paling.
In the contest for the leatrue hssn bull
championship the Chicago nine still main
tains the lead, with the New York. Provi
dence, Philadelphia and St. Louis clubs
lonowmg in the order named.
A life-boat containing fifteen men. which
started from Yarmouth. Ens-land, to res-
cue the crew of a wrecked brigantine, cap
sized before reaching its destination and
eight of the crew were drowned.
Sixty criminals sentenced to exile In
Siberia, while on the way thither from
Moscow, began a desperate flu-lit fnr lih.
erty. Twenty were shot dead and thirty
cscapeu. i wo soiaters were wounded.
A passenger train on theGaorcIa PuMflc
Railroad fell through the trestle at Musca
tine station. Mark Smith, a train hand
aad William Berry, engineer, were fatally
injured, and two men had their legs
Near Charleston. 111.. Miss Nettle Sells
aged 16, was on a horse with her 4-year-old
brother. The little fellow fell off. and
in trying to get down to him the young
lady alighted with her heels on his breast,
KiujuK uiiii inntautiy.
An unknown person placed dynamite In
a shock of grain on Mr. Dearderirs farm
near Wabash, Ind., and when run through
a threshing machinean explosion occurred
which fatally injured Mr. Deardorff and
wounded several other persons.
The gallantry of an engineer named
George Murphy saved the lives of a num
ber of passengers on the West Jersey Rail
road near Atlantic City. The train ran off
ths track, but the engineer stuck to his
post, checking the speed of the train, but
sacrificing his own life in so doing.
Recently the wife of Abe Deuser, a
wealthy, eccentric German farmer living
near Bloomington, Illinois, sued him for
divorce, and had him enjoined from dis
posing of his property. This so incensed
him that he drove all his stock, Including
horses worth 82,000, into his barn, and,
setting fire to It, burned the whole thine to
the ground. He Is missing, and la believed
to have pmrposely perished in the flames.
FLOLR Per bhl, sUndard brands.
t.zo: otners, f;((o-a.7a.
WHEAT-Per ell. valley, 81.171-91.20
Walla Walla, 8l,12t1.13.
BAULKY -Whole, V ctl, 0Jcfl.00:
ground, ton, MlwciS.
OATS-Choice milling, 35:Wcj choice
teed s(jtx:.
RYK-Perct', 8l.602.
' CORN MEAL Per ctl, 82.50&3.
nnMivvi nai
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Per ctl, 82.50
PEARL BARLEY Per lb, 4iS5c.
OATMk'AL-Perrb, Alc
MIDDLINGS Per ton, 8lU(&20.
BRAN Per ton, 81112.
CHOP-Per ton, 10(u20.
HAY Per ton. 87ni.U.
HOl'S-Per lb, 7(Hio.
BEANS-Percll, pea, 82.5efflf2.75; small
whiuss,82.50(ii2.7:)i bayos, 8a.5tXA3.75; lima,
83.25: pink. 83.
BUTTElt-Per m. fancv roll. 20c: Inferior
grane. is; pickled, lo(o;aoc.
CHEESE-Per lb, Oregon, 12il3c; Call
loniia, i;it.iJc.
EGGS Per doz. 15c.
DRIED FRUITS-Per lb. aDDle. 4ffi5Ac:
puteu piums, California, lie: do Uregou,
10c; peaches, halves unpeeled, 114o; black
berries, 14.15c; prunes, California, 7,(alSa;
raisins, 82.25(a,a.o0 f bx.
RICE China, No. 1, 85i; fdo No. U, 85J;
oauawicn islands, xso. 1, V Iu, 7C
VEGETABLES Beets. 81: cabbaire. 8!
2.25; caulitlower. f doz. 81.25ul1.50: eel
ery, V doz, D0c(.8i; cucumbers, (f box,
81.50: green corn, doz. 10c: green neas.
V lb, K5c; loutous, new, 2c; rhubarb, :;
tomatoes, v uox. ?l(a,t.wi.
I'OTATOKS-New. lb. 1c.
POULTRY Chickens. V doz. spring.
f .Dt.i; old Jsa.&u; ducks, ju; geese,
$mLt.w. turkeys, r ii, iu(3)l.jc
iiAai rer id, li(o)i.s4.
BACON Per lb, oj10.
LARD Oregon, lltoilll: Eastorn. 11
"1: ....
r icklks rer o-gal keg, 81.50.
SUGA1W Ouote bbls: Cube. 71: drv
granulated, 7jc; tine .crushed, tic; golden
j, ojc. ,
UOAKY extracted. Tic: comb. Mo.
COFFEE Per lb. Guatemala. IDs: Costa
uica, lijc; uia aovernment Java, inc.
TEAS Young Uysou, 25t)5c; Japan,
12(o)55c: Ooolong, H 5.")s.
CANNED GOODS-Tomatoes. tfdoi, 81:
vegetables, V doz, SlCa)1.50; salmon, Lib
tins, t' doz. el.2o: jams and ie litw. V doz.
TROPICAL FRUIT-Orauges, $2.50
3.50 ? box; Limes, $1.25; Lemons, $3.&0(!)
911 box; Bananas, S:J(a,4; CocoanuU,
(i(a H; apples, t box, 81.25.
SEEDS Per lb, timothy, 5fic; red
olover, 1415u; orchard grass, itlc; rye
grass, limine.
WOOL-Valley, 1013c; Eastern Ore
gon, 10(o!l5c.
SALT Liverpool, 81020 f ton.
HIDES Dry, l415c; salted, 07.
TALLOW Clear color and hard, 44Jc
V lb; prime, 44c
Man Franrlsro.
5. BAGS Calcutta wheat bags, 4i5c,
rLUUK-isxira, .00(s5.00 V bbl;s
; super-
line, j.;hj,(jm.;)U.
WlHiAT-No. 1 shipping, 1.42i1.45
I? ctl; No. 2, 81.371.40; Milling, 81.474(3)
BARLEY - No. 1 feed, $1.20; brewing,
OATS-Feed, 81.051.12J tfctl; Surprise
and choice milling, 81.35(1.40; Black.
COHN-Large yellow, $1.1581.20 ctl;
small yellow, 81.20(3)1224.; white, 81.15a
GROUND BARLEY-826$28 ton.
MIDDLINGS-8l0.sO21.5Ol ton.
CRACKED CORN-8aj(aj30 ton.
BRAN-81415 ton.
CORNMEAL Per lb, 2i34c
iiuro J(gic f 10.
HAY-Barley, 8710 V ton; alfalfa, 810
(g)iz; wiieit, f lucm.
STRAW-55cfell5c f bale,
ONIONS-New, 7.)C(ftl.25 ctl,
POTATOES Early rose, new, 4073c;
reeness. axuioc; uarnet Uhlle, oo(a.ooc.
BEANS-Small white. $1.25(1.75 f ctl
pea, 81.501.7d; pink. $1.401.45; red,$l.U5;
bayos, $ZMi&z.w; butter, $l(gil.25; liinas,
SEEDS-Yellow mustard, 21L'ic tf lt;
brown muitard. 2J(a)3c; alfalfa, $l7A20c;
canary, 34(4chemp, 34(a)3i(c; Uax, iCSic;
rape, zntazjc; iimomy, o(g,oc.
DRIED PEAS-Green, $33.50 ctl;
Marrowfat, 3c.
VEGETABLES Cabbage, 8000c V ctl;
tomatoes, UH50C box; greeu corn. V
box, 5Uc(gj$1.00; rhubarb, 60cgi76o V box;
string beans, Ugjzc V Ih.
FRUIT-Apples, 3Jc$l 4 box: lemons,
Sicily, $5.5U&ti.50; Los Angeles, 75c(jgl.50;
bananas, 82ffl3.50? bunch; Mexican limes.
$10($11.00 f box; California do, $1.00
$1.00 r box; Los Angeles oranges, $l(g)
1 Ail utpawtuirriuu t'A '1 J rtkiul- nl.....u
V bskt, lU(it20c; watermelons, 8tKa)12.50
100; currants, $2.503 if chest; raspber
ries, $30.00 V chest; peaches, 2.5$ 40c V
uox; blackberries. UZ.tJUiaXOU V chest:
grapes, 60cft,l.l!5 box.
DltlED FKUIT-Sun-dr edaDn es. He a
l'i for quarters and -24c for sliced: Aldun Si
x-iumiuer, ojtadx:; pears, sliced, &(g.ajc;
whole. 3ic: plums. Dltted.7iCa)Hic: do unuit-
ted, li(u:2c: peuches. uuoeeled. 7i(a,8c:
peeled, lie; apricots, 0c; German prunes,
c; rreucii ao, nc; nectarines, uc; black
berries, 10c; California Firs. 2(a5c: Call
for nia raisins, ?l(n l.50 for loose and $1.75
(ftii tor layers; London do, $2(g2.25.
NUTS California almonds. 7 fa 8c tti
tor nurd shell and lor sort; peanuts,
UaAhc; California walnnts, 7 ("Hie; pecan,
U(o13c; UlbertH, 14c; Brazil, 10a; hickory,
7(o II; cocoanuts, $5to5.50 I? 100.
UONEY Comb. OfelOc lb for'best
grades; candied, 44(ft5c; extracted, 4(o,54c
LAHD-Californio, tins, 10-lbs, HfeHic;
O il) tins, Mi(U DC.
BUTTER-Fresh roll, fancy dairy, 20
22e lb; good to choice, 17(flltte; coiumoa
to lair, 1ia.lMc; Inferior store grades,
lie; pickle roll, choice new, 224c
EGGS lta21c if dozen for California;
Eastern, 14U10c.
POULTRY Geese, tl.25tal.75 nalr:
ducks, 8:1(0,4.(0 if dozen; hens. 8WXX0.7;
old roosters, 5(ajfl.0(): young do, 85.UXa
7.00; broilers, $2.003.50; turkeys, live, 15
(o,lttc f lb lor hens and lOStlSc for gobblers.
SAL1 Liverpool, I5(j522.60 f ton; Cali
fornia, fine, $14(0.10; do, coarse, $1012.
i a vv uood, bc if lb.
BERSWAX-25fav27c lb for yellow.
HIDES Dry. V lb. usual selection. 103
164: dry kip. 16(317; dry calf. 20c: salted
steers. 60 to 55tbs. 8c
bUUAK Dry granulated. 61c: extra
fine cubes, 7c; flue crushed. 7c; pow
dered, 7c; extra fine powdered, 8c
S YRUr" Amman retinerv Is nuoted
at 30c in bbls. 324c in hf bbls, 574c In 6-gal
kegs, and 474c in 1-gal tins.
WOOL-San Joaquin. ll14c if Tb:
choice northern, lH(20c.
Aristocratic circles In London are ex
cited over a personal encounter In Rotten
Kow between Lord Lonsdale and Mr
George Chctwynd, which is said to have
grown out of their rivalry for the favor of
Mrs. Langtry.
A child of N. C. Wood, of Mattoon. III..
was attacked by a swarm of bees aad
stung so badly that it died in five minutes.
Thai r-hlM'sl tnntriat- In sltomnHnfy in matt.
cue It, was also badly stung and is in a
critical condition.
There is great excitement In the village
of Stepstone, Kentucky, over the killing of
three men by Marshal Jerry Oakley. Oak
ley represents the local option party, and
his victims were Identified with the liquor
Cstacninbt of the Mational Capitol Where
llecorda are Klleit.
Washington Critic.)
it is not goneraiiy gnown that every
mil, every report, every executive, com
mu mention in ahort, everything that
conies before congress is iirosened in
tlio original. Hut this is the fact.
There is a place devoted to the preser
vaiiou oi tnese roues, and a man spec
ially cnargeu wim preserving them.
The room is a suecession of iron cor
ndors, one above the oilier, lined with
receptacles for holding largo volumes.
Commencing on tho roof of tho hotiso.
tho records run downwards in chrono
logical order. Tho books are of all sizes
down to about forty years ago, when
they assume uniformity. They aro all
leather-covered, and aro strongly bound.
insiuo oi tnem are thick leaves upon
wnien bins, reports Ana other eongres
sionitl documents are pasted in the orig
inal. Kvery kind of paper is there.
tne history oi tue improvement in
paper manufacture can bo traced in
these volumes from tho first session of
tho Continental congress down to the
present day.
it is noted, too, in delving among
these old tomes that tho later ones are
better prepared, than thoso preceding
tlicni. For instance, there is evident
slovenliness in the volumes of tho first
congress. Improvement goes o as the
dates become more ioeont. Hut very
iittio is missing in una vast collection.
1 ho tirst and second congresses are not
complete, and there is a somewhat bad
break in the continuity of tho records
in tho years just before the British
burned the capitol.
The break was caused by flro and by
the British taking away some of the
volumos. Thore are a number of vol
umes on hand which show the effects of
British depredations. Thev are charred
and their contents smoked and eoverod
with dirt. Hut not a word is there in
thorn that cannot bo roatl. Thus from
the dalo of the first meeting of congress
there is an almost unbroken collec tion
in the original of all matters that came
boforo that body. In later years a
great deal of ingenuity has been shown
in making the edges of the contents of
the leather-backed volumes as smooth as
thoso of any first-class publication.
The ingcuuity is the more apparent
when it is remembered that all sizes
and kinds of paper are used in prepar
ing bills for introduction, and in writing
reports anu other mutters pertiuniiii! to
congressional business. Hie originals.
when ordered to be printed, go to the
government printing olliee, but strict
care is always taken that they are re
turned. The printer's marks are to bo
seen on many of tho papers.
ror tho past thirty years theso
volumes have boon prepared by an old
gentleman who is now noarly 70 years
of ago. He has a room in the basement
of tho capitol set apart for his own use.
There he locks himself up and gives a
receipt tor the documents which aro
sent to him. lie then arrangos t hem in
his books in regular order. When he
has finished a volume he turns it over
to the nroner official and trots a reeoint.
The volume then goes to tho place sot
apart for Btieh records.
One would not think that there would
be much inquiry for what is containod
in the dust-covered old books; but thore
is. There is hardly a dav but that
somobody wants to got a copy of an
original document of years and years
ago. ihoy are always accommodated
Tho old gentleman who prepares tho
original matter for preservation is but
seldom seon. One of tho gentlomen in
chargo of tho iron corridors says that he
does not see the old man more than two
or threo times a year, when he sppears
to hand ovor the volumes that he has
Valuable Woods from India.
Foreign Letter.
Immense quantities of woods are an
nually sent from India to England, to
bo manufactured into furniture. Una
of the most highly valued of these, and
universally used, is the toon wood,
which is light, Boft and red, having no
heart wood; is not eaten by ants, and ii
adapted not only for furniture, but foi
door panels and carving. Chickerasi ot
chickrassi wood is another sort of groat
industrial value. It is a large tree,
with bark of reddish brown and deeply
cracked, the heartwood hard, varying
from yellowish to reddish brown, with a
beautiful satin luster, seasons and works
well, and is employed for furnituro and
carving. Nagasar wood has dark-rod
hoartwood, extremely hard; it is used
for building, for bridges, gun stocks,
and tool handles, but its more general
use is prevented by its great hardness,
weight, and tho consequent dilliculty of
working it. Kandebwood is light-rod,
shining, cross-grained and moderately
rhynlulogy of Fainting.
,' Harper's Magazine.)
A timid person sees, perchanco, some
accident in which human 1 i f - is pos
sibly sacrificed, or tho sensibilities are
otherwise shoekod. His feelings over
come him, and he faints. How are we
to explain it' Let us see what takei
Tho impression upon the brain made
by the organ of sight creates (through
the agency of special centers in the or
gan of the mind; an influence upon the
heart and the blood-vessels of the brain.
This results in a decrease in the amount
of blood sent to the brain, and causes a
loss of consciousness.
In the same way persons become
dizzy when looking at a water-fall, oi
from a height, through the effects of
the organs of sight upon the brain.
fioap Trees In Florida.
Chicago Times.) !
There aro a number of soap trees
growing in Tallahassee. Thoy aro pro
lilio fruiters, the berries being about the
si.o of an ordinary marble, having a
yellowish, soapy appearance, with a
hard black seed, from which tho trees
aro propagated. People in Tallahassee
boil the fruit to make soup, but in
China, Japan and other tropical coun
tries the berries are used as a substitute
for soap just as thej are taken from the
Patent medicines are estimated by a
leading English medical journal to cause
the death or 150,000 persons per year.
The thousands of finger rings worn in
this country are estimated to be worth
Autnor of Four Hundred Plays.
This exceedingly versatile play-writer was
born in Dublin, Ireland, in 18-J. Educated
for the profession ot civil engineer bis lean
ing was toward a dramatic career, bis first
play "London Assurance," being produced
when be was but 10. This was followed by
a succession ot successful plays, which have
not been equalled since the days of (Shake
speare, Mr. Bouclcault can not only write
a play, but he will compose the music,
design the costumes, make skotches for the
scenery, devise the machinery for producing
the mechanical stage effects, manage the
theatre and act the principal character blnv
self. He keeps a room at Delmontco's, Mew
York, the year round, and Is busy then now
getting up a collection of his plays with a
view to their publication.
House Cleaning la Heaven.
Somerville Journal
"Do they have house-cleaning days la
heaven, mar a little Somerville girl In
quired the other day. "Why, certainly not.
dear; what put that Into your hoair "Be
cause the angel sweep, don't they P "What
gave you such a notion as thatf "Pa did.
He said you were a spectacle in a Mother
Hubbard that would make the angels
weep." ,
"How's Your Family!"
The San Franciscan.
It Is now the time of year when the sym
pathetic politician takes the voter afToctiow
ately by the hand and says, "How's your
family T' Particularly effervescent esndl-
dates get so in tho habit of this thing thai
by the time the campaign Is ovor thoy have
to wear a muzzle to keep them from saying
". How's your family r to the lamp posts and
brio-a-brao and shop windows. In fact.
although It is enrly In the season, I know
one very bail ease already. He was passing
on the street whon he encountered his son, a
young lad. Grasping the boy's hand In a
mechanically cheerful manner, be asked:
"How's your family!"
"All well except the old man," aniwered
the dutiful, "and he'll be better in Novem
ber." Itecelpe for an Kye-Opener,
New York Mail and Express.
"Eliza," said the fine old Irish gentlemsa
to his dutiful spouse, ss be awakened with
an Impression that while at Coney Island
the night before he had inadvertently ex
changed heads with the elephant "Eliza,
get me a tumbler, and put into it about a
quarter of a pint of wbiskw and a few drops
of bitters and a spoonful of water a uts
spoonful, mind and I'll see If I can take it.
And, Eliza, if Iean't, make met"
Commander of the "Iron Brigade"
of Fond du lan Wisconsin, was born in New
York state in 1827. Boon after his admit
tance to the bar he settled at Fond du lac,
Wisconsin, where he has since resided. Us
entered the army of ot the Union in 1MJ1 ss
a captain, commanded the "Iron brigade,"
and retired in 1814 a brigadier general In
1807 he was elected state senator and has
represented Wisconsin several times in con
gress. His speech at tho late Dttmocratio
National convention wherein he said, "We
love Cleveland for the enemies hehasmado"
has had such far reaching effects in ths pres
ent can vans that his portrait will be of con
siderable interest.
An I iidertakrr's IXnterprUe,
Chicago Herald.
"Does your trade come to ' you without
solicitation?" asked a reporter of an under
taker, "or is there a good deal ot competi
tion I"
"There la more competition," he replied,
"than you suppose. It has to be doue, I ow
ever, very quietly, so ss not to give offense.
I find that the mott effective wsy of pushing
ths business is with young men who
ars society men. I have three In
my employ who are great favorites
in swell clubs. I furnish them dress
suits on extra occasions, and, although they
never carry tbs concern's cards or openly so
licit trade, they are shrewd enough to ad
vertise us in their way before the frollo Is
over. Many a good customer has been made
for the business In a round dance. It's just
like every other business; as I said before, it
has to be pushed; but it has to Hdone
quietly. I'll tell you something if yon don't
give me away."
Then he took down a big book and showed
me several orders for certain costly caskets,
and under these orders were the names of
several prominent people in Chicago, "horn
I know to be alive and in good health.
"I have secured them in advance," he said.
"It may seem strange to you, but with melt's
As I was leaving the proprietor asked me
to call again, and to remember him if I
wanted anything in his line.
Could tUel Along.
Chicago Tribune.
When David Tod was governor of Ohio
a Columbus dentist once came to him and
aid: "Governor Tod, why do you not spell
your name with two d'sl I spell my name
that way, and I find on examination of gen
ealogical records that ths most eminent
members of the Tod family spelled their
names Todd." "Well, yon see," said the gov
ernor very gravely, "the Almighty gets along
with one d in His name and I believe I oan
get along with on d in mine."
yfW. S