I Bom Grasahonoer Tales, Since tbo Invnsi jn of northern California by tha cnushoppers, tlioro has been a markeJ revival in tho literature oppertaiuiii; to Uib lutarcstlng insect. "1 remomtcr in Tl," wIJ a mombor of the Grain Exchange yoitorday, "I wag coming across the plaint, ell, sir, I was rented iu a car rcadin? a newsrnrer, about noon, when suddenly it rrew quite durlc, and I thought Euro a tcnih e stoi m was on us. It was a cloud cf grasshopr ew, so thick that wnen tnoy settled on the car track they stopped the train. There was goo J food where we were Just then, and it brought the toppers to a halt. We were blockaded for twenty-four hours, until a rnowplow was telegraphed for, and when it cut the way for ns it left a bank of 'hoppers on each side higher than tho smokestack of the locomo tive." "That was protty bad," said another broker, "but I have teen worse. We were camped ono sutnmor in Kansas, making a mrvey for a new town. Tho 'hoppers struck us at night, and in the mornins; we thought the end of the world had come. Tbcy wore piled, sir, twenty foot deep over our encamp ment, and we were nine hours tunneling out of teem. If we did not happen to have a lew g ant powder cartridges to blast out air holes we should have been suffocated before we could have struck a shovel into tho mass." "Didn't you hive any of thcnii" inquired a warehouseman, who bad seen a good deal of western life, "What do you meanr asked the broker. "Just this: I was caught in tbesani9flx you have told about, once, in Kansas. 1 was in chargo of a mulo team, hauling supplies to a railroad camp. Among other things. we had several thousand yards of canvas for tents for the men. As soon as the grass hoppers struck us I put my gang to work, and in a short timo we bad a canvas sock made, balioon fashion, only bigger than any balloon you ever saw. Well, sir, we filled it chock full of 'hopiers live 'hoppers and bitched it on to the wagons, and w hen the mule (started to go our caged 'hopper went wilb them." "No, sirree; they hauled our wagon for ever 78 miles, when they Lroke down and wo bagged a new lot. It beat mule power all hollow. Then it has occurred to me" But bis audience was gone, and the western man, growling, "I Fiiipeso tho o darnel fools think I'm green," walked o(f to liud a more credulous and attentive nuditory. Want a Turtle License. lloston Courier.) "A Would-be Toot" writes: "Moving that I possess a faculty for rhyming, I am ambitious to be a poet. As I have heard a great doal about tho poetic license, I am anxious to know whether or not it is neces sary for motakiout ono of the-io licjnset, and if it is, whero I shall apply for one." The prrp:r person to nrplv for poetic license, it skeins to us, is Walt Whitman. At all events ho uses tho po3tic license himself frequently, and with remarkable gjceois, be.ng abl, through its aid, to mnko "Af ghanistan" ihymo with "grcon cucumber." The Flower of the League, Jeff. Joslyn. Wind on the 1'rnliies. Ch:cao Herald. "The prairies of tbo west are great places for wind," said a telegroph ojierator. "I used to have a station out in Nebraska, right out on the open prairie, and tho way the wind blew there was a caution. But it was a lucky wind for mo. At a station about thirteen miles west my girl lived, and as I had no Sun lay trains or business of any kind, I used to go up there and stay over Sunday. But a living horse from Saturday night to Monday morning cost me too much money, and so 1 riggo 1 up a soil on an oil tie car. All I had to do Saturday nisht was to hoist my sail, push that tin cur out on the main track, and in less than an tour I was at my journey's end. For more than a year 1 went to sea my girl every Saturrliy night by means of thut soil cor. l'retty sleek, wasn't itP "Yes, pretty sleek. But do you moan to say that the wind blew in tho same direc tion every Saturday night during all that timef "Of course I don't." "Well, how did you manage it those nights when it blew in the other d.rectionf" "Easy enough. I had anotuer girl at a station fifteen miles east." Wide Awake in Hj Time. irhiladelphia Ca ll Jones Now, isn't this nonsense? Bmith What's nonsense? "This paper says that Bismarck believes in bald-headed men, and always selects them for his assistants." "Well, I don't see any nonvjnse about that Bismarck wants wideawake men about him, and he needs them, too." "Wide-awake men!" "Yes, bald-heeded men never get drowsy, especially in fly timo." The Deadly Cake. iWaiihiiiKtoa Hatchet Too Busy Housewife You know that coke I made for tbedoir boys and sent eway Saturday? It has never arrive!. 1 wcnler what's the reason? Much Worried Domestic There was a rost.nan took to the hospital in great agony Monday. I shouldn't be surprised if be knows. Louisville Commercial: A new snap for the office seeker to work: "Mr. President, I have read tout si,tar's new book anl I am delighted with ik" nii. J U t"y PAW ''it W W GRANT'S LOVc FOR HORSES. Ill Skill in ii llnrelmelc IttoVr While a II y Still Itriiirmherf d. Grant's love for horses U a matter of history, lie wu a lino horseback r'ller ng a boy at his little country homo in Georgetown, (),, through which, he loved to ruin stamlin on his bare f.c on a sheepskin tied to tho back ot iiis liore. Tin' only thin; ho really ex celk'il in at West Point was his r d nj. lie was tin? most daring rider of the school, and in jumping the bar the oili cers who were accustomed to hold the bar over w!i cli tho horses were to :o as low as tho'r waists for the others, juit it up even w'th and abovo their heads when it was (irant's turn to jump, 11 saved his lifo in Mexico by his ruliivj; abilities by throwing himself at the s tie instead of staying on the back of his horse, anil when he was in the While House bis horses were the wonder of Washington. (rant's Arabian horses are. I think, on (ieneral lieal's farm, near Washing ton. They were given him by the Sul tan while 'he was in Turkey," in 1S7S The Sullan had taken him over his pal aces and pi-omuls, and finished up with his stables, lie had his attendants show off his linest horses, ami asked (Jraut to pick out the linest for himself, telling him he would make him a present of it. Grant at first was reluctant to accept so valuable a present, but one of the Sultan's officers interposed, telling li'iil he would offend His Majesty by a refu sal. He th 'n sclccte I a 'dapple-gray Arabian steed, and the Sultan formally presented it to him. The Sultan after ward sent it to him at New York, adding to his present another Arabian as black as jet, and as magnilieent in form as tlie one Grant had chosen. The two horses arrived in New York in tho latter part of the following year, and sporting men admired them greatly. They were taken to a blacksmith shop to be shod, and many persons came to see them, trying to buy their old shoes, or even the nails, as mementoes. When the horses were taken from the boat to the stable, one of them kicked a spoke from a carriage which they passed, and po-l (irant twelve d illars' to pay damages. "Carp," in Clcrelttinl l.cwL r. . m AN ATLANTIC OASIS. The Orange droves of St. Mli leu l's In tin Charming Azorci. Out in tho Atlantic, over 1,-00 m:le from Land's Knd and about GOO mile? due west from Lisbon, lies the beautiful Wand of St. Michael's, tho largest of nine islands forming the Archipelago ol the Azores, ll is beautiful in its varieh ot mountain, lake and valley scenery, in the rich verdure of its cultivated lands, its e-iiab!e, mild climate ami in its wonderful thermal spring. The prinivpal co'iiinerce of St. Michael's i? the orange crop. The mode of picking and packing remains unaltered Kim e early days. The city, l'onta lVlada. the capital of the island is set in the midst of orange gardens, and tho air in the early mornings or late in the even ings comes laden to you with the fra grance of the orange blo-soms. Kit her in the town or .suburbs you see the gates of many orange gardens in vitingly open, and jitti will be politely invited to walk m and help yourself to Towers and tnut. If von are astranger the "cabi ca" or head man of the garden will briii;i you a bunch of lovely cainell as and a branch on which bane clusters of ripe oranges, acd invite ou to be seated mi a garden bench, for though il is !h e month of l'elini:irv. you can e:i;ov sitting out oi doors. I here voil can wateli ilie juvenile to'lers sort ing the fro t and dried leaves of the Ind iri corn. The picker can cat. a many oranges as he pleases, t;il take away ever, evening a b.ig or baket full of I'm t tluit. has fallen from the trees, which he sells at tbinv or forty for a penny.--.i'.Mv Hour.. - SPIT UPON. A On'ril AIY'run Custom Whleh Is Not I iin lilrtccl an I mil mii( v. Mo.-'1 pi'Oji'c consider it one of the wor-t of indignities to be spit upon, r.nd vet. aec.nil iig to Mr. I boinson. :tlmg ha- a very different signilica'.iou with the Ma ai of Central Africa from that which is given to it elsewhere. With tlii! M:e:i: it expresses the greatest good will and llio be-tof wishes. 'It takes the place of the c inipliments of the MMMin. and you had belter spit upon a damsel than kiss her. You spit when you meet, and you do the same on leaving. You seal your bargain in a similar manner. As 1 was a Ivlion (med icine man) i f the lirst water, the Maai Hocked lo Hi" as devotees would do to springs of 1'oaling virtue, and with the aid of o'-casioual draughts of water 1 was eijiial to the demand. "The nine copioiislv 1 spat upon them, the greater was their delight; and wilh pride they would relate lo their friends how tlie white medicine-man honored them, and would point wilh the greate-t satisfaction to the ocular proof of the agreeable fact. It w as certunily rather ilryirg work for me when I had a large iiiimoerto operate upon, and 1 reipi.ivd the aid of bullets and stones in my mouth to stimulate tlie production of the prec ous fluid. "Hmve.er, their simple faith in the cllicacy of il made me suppress my feel ings, and give them plea-ure. How could I, for instance, resist tlie upturned face of a Masai maid: and w hat belter reward could 1 have than her del glited and gra'ef;;! glance when I expectorated upon the little snub nose soeagerlv pre sent 'd?" .' outlt's Coniixiiiion. A cow attached to the (iubi rnato- rial mans nil at jelicrson :tv, .Mo., Ii.iviiic I:, e i milked for live vears bv convicts, now refuses to allow anybody in citizens dress to approach her. .V. Luii in I'un'. Johnny Cake: Two cups of butter- m Ik, t.iie eg pie -o oi Duller tlie s .e of an egg. t ea-poonful of salei atus. one pint of nii'el a id one heaping spoonful of llour, a I-tie salt anil a spoonful ol sugar. 'A..' Household. Kngl'sh officers nro killed off fo rpiicklv that they seldom have ime t' grow to be (Jenerals. Minncitj o- lril'um: One-fifth of the whole populatioi of Switzerland is in the schools. 1 NO FLAT-ir.0.13 IN C.I1.4A. il ir the Chliiam ni T '( to t'..t Laundry It II 1-1 en-,. .Many penplu i I. eve that th :r fl.iiiainan of New York com from the l'lowerv Kingdom an v : .,( se.l no lauxdivmaii. o'.i'i i g is :i: .v o" lo the trutti. In Ch na llicc an nil's, collars or sh'rt-1 o-onis - ,: er. Ironingls an unknown avt. lU-a bing is e lected bv leav'ng l',e c; t on. linen :ir siik in the sutisiiir.e. A lla'.-inm, therefore, is in China a writ 'r.',. As washing is n purely pliy s eal labor, in volving no intelligence whatever, the social status of a lann lrvnian in the Middle Kingdom is the lowet po sible. His pay there average-i about ten cents a day." In the 1'n ted Slates this con dition of alia is is recr-cd; laundry wo"k is a line art, and the pay seldom falls below ijl't a week. Ti e org'n of the Chinese laund y in Ann-r ca is tpiite odd. When gold was li seoiered in California the news spread ail over the world, and in due time r-'ached China. As told by gossips an I as published in the newspapers and niagaz'ues of that land, there was far across the ocean a country in which tlie liioirriuis wero solid gold, and in which the poorest laborer could cas ly earn twenty taels (V-') a day. This news' to a populace whose da ly toil brought in from eight to thirty cents a day was a revela:.o:i. All who could beg or borrow the necessary cash set sail f r the (Jillm (iite. Upin this came the contracts from tho rail road builders of the We-t. They could not obtain American laborers for less than !?" a day; but they could br ng over unliniit 'd numbers of Chinese fot almost any pr'ee. Mongolians have been imported from Hong Kong and Canton lime and again for .' a month and board. Th s movement culmi nated in Ibe lmild'ng of the I'lron and Central l'.ieilie. These employed over lO.tMl) Chinamen. For several years mining and ra lroad const met ion gave employment lo the multitudes of Mon gols who Hocked to the e soon s. They all did well and tho'r letters to their homes, and more espee'ally their con tinual rein'ttaiu'es served to increase the desire to emigrate to tho United States. Then came a sudden change. Mi.ies and mining became unpopular and to a certain extent tinprolitable. liailroad const ruction dropped o 1' seventy-live percent. As a result tens of thou -amis of Chinese were thrown out of employment. In a strange land, confronted by a language and customs whose genius was diametrically oppo-cd to their own, they were without warn ing thrown on their own resources. Many adapted themselves to their new surroundings and became cooks. nurses, donicsies, street -sweepers and express men. The inaior ly. iiowever, became laundry men. Wall I. ting, of San Fiau ciseo, noticed in 1 ":.' that all Ameri cans wlio bad money wore wh'te starched linen and paid enormous prices to washerwomen for wa-hing and ironing, lie opened up a laundry in eo:iM'iU''iieo, and by charging lower rates than bis competitors succeeded in budding up a large and remunerative business. His friends and relatives soon followed his example aud enjoyed a similar success. THE DREAD OF PERSIA. Only WulHncr fur Sumo Ingenious Yankee tn he I sell us ll Ne vsnliT. "l'er-inn bread," writes our corres pondent now in Afghanistan, "is a very peculiar production; it is made in large tlaps, in so. ne cases abo.it a yard long. If ever (he lVrsians reach the advanced slate of morning newspapers they might have them printed on their bread, so that they could read tho news while they eat and swallow everything liter ally. On seeing these large ilaps 1 have often thought that they must re semble the blacksmith's leather apron, which was the old standard of IVrsia; if the bread is not made after that model they have managed to pro duce an article very like it. not only in size but in color and toughness at the same time. We have had now nearly two months' experience of this material, and it was a delight on coining here to get to our breakfast tlie lirst morning bread that was made on a somewhat later model than an old leather apron. The chances of lidding a change in this detail of our daily life on reaching the Indian camp had often been ibscu-sed on . the way, particularly at breakfast, when we were hard at work trying to masticate pieces of the leather kind. One of our party said he knew Major Kind, the commis sariat officer of the other camp, and that lie was not a man likely to come away w ithout the means ol baking good broad, but we had been so long used to that l'cisan kind that these a suraiices did not inspire much hope. There had been doubts, bill these were dispelled lit our lirst breakfast, liutter actually ap peared o:i the table with the bread. I fear that for the moment wo either forgot or thought lightly of tlie splendid pillaiis in tlie breakfast prepared for us bv tic Oowriiorof Khorassau's cook at Me-he.l, or the many delica nes Ali Mardati treated us with at Sarakhs. One man while munching a great mouthful of bread and butter - the amount in bis mouth slightly interfered with his articulation tut we made out that he meant to say it was almost as good a -i arriving at Dover. Of course he meant to add that it was :if;cr having been a long time in the Ka-t away from England, but at '.hat moment he bad not a moment to spare, and left the sentence in its incomplete form as here recorded." AfjItunUUtn Cor. London Daily .Yf (. -During the various carnival festivi ties at Vienna, the palm for eeecit rie tv was carr'ed oil' by a "beggars' ball. ' Tic guests were rigg"d on! as thieves, pickpockets, coitu rs, defaulti, g c ih ei's. anii 'd burglars, and r.t-e.i's of the low'. lyp". One of the m ? ani'iong repr '-eat ilions was a group of men uarroll'ng vloleiitlv. tl'i'T f.C'es era clied an I noses Mec lii:g a parody on (lie I v'ly scenes that .M:ii"'iei"S it: iiir. I'r.. i w-r" dslrileite-l fir lh" t dr .-! I and siisianel clre.r.c't 'i s. The lirst me lal w as won be a w..:uan. who.e toijet bri.-t.'cd with tiny revolvers. PLAGUE-STRICKEN PLYMOUTH I I)oa n Kiniilai- Itnnuer Threaten livcr one ot I'm 1 HowFnblio Attention is Directed to rational I'enli. lltihi-leriN Y.ll TriMK.mliiH-i-lihllainivliSi iithn4 1 "Judge," mid a young lawyer to a very successful senior, " tell nic the secret of your uniform success at the bar." "Ah, young man, that secret is a life study, but I will give it to you t n con dition that you pay all my bills during this session of court." "Agreed, sir," said the junior. "Evidence, indisputable evidence." At the end of the month the Judge reminded the young man of his promise. "I recall no such promise." "Ah, but you made it." "Your evidence, please." And the judge, not having any wit nesses, lost a case for once I The man who can produce indis putable evidence wins public favor. I had nn interview yesterday with the most successful of American adver tisers, whose advertifiug is most suc cessful because always backed by evidence. "What stvles of advertising do you use?" I asked II. 11. Warner, Ksq. "Display, reading matter and para graphs of testimonials." "Have you many testimonials?" In answer he showed nie a large cabinet chock-full. "We have enough to till Beston, New York, Chicago, St. Louis and riiiladdpliia morning papers." "Do you publish many of.theni?" "Not a tithe. Wonderful as are those we do publish, wo have thousands like them which we cannot use. 'Why not?' Let me tell you. 'Warner's safe cure' has probably been the most suc cessful medicine for female disorders ever discovered. We have testimonials from ladies of the highest rank, hut it would ho indelicate to publish them. Likewise many statesmen, lawyers, clergymen, doeiors of world-wide fame have'becn cured, but we can only refer to such persons in the most guarded terms, as we do in our reading articles." "Are these reading articles success ful?" "When read they make such an im pression that when the 'evil days' of ill health draw nigh they are remembered, and Warner's safe cure is used." "No, sir, it is not necessary now, as at lirst, to do such constant and exten sive advertising. A meritorious medi cine sills itself after its merits are known. We present just evidence enough to disarm skeptics and to im press the merits of the remedies upon new consumers. Wo feel it to he our duty to do this. Hence, best to accom plish our mission of healing the sick, we have to use the reading-article style. Tcople won't read plain testanioninls." " Yes sir, thousands admit that had they not learned of Warner's safe cure, through this clever style they would still he ailing and still impoverishing themselves in fees to unsuccessful 'practitioners.' It would do your soul good to read the letters of thanksgiv ing we get from mothers grateful for the perfect success which attends War ner's safe cure when used for children, nnd the surprised gratification with which men and women of older years and impaired vigor, testify to the youthful feelings restored to ihein by the siinie means." "Are these good effects permanent?" " Of all the cases of kidney, liver uri nary and feinaleiliseases we have cured, not two per cent of tbein report a re turn of their disorders. Who else can show such a record?" " What is the secret of Warner's safe cure permanently reaching so many serious disorders?" "I will explain by an illustration: The little town of l'lyiiiotilh, Fa., has been pl.iguc-strickn for several months because its water supply was carelessly poisoned. The kidney and liver are the sources of physical well-being. If polluted by disease, all the blood he coines poisoned and every organ is nll'ected ami this great danger threatens every one, who neglrets to treat himself promptly. I was nearly dead myself of extreme kidney disease, but what is now Warner's safe cure cured me, and I know it is the only remedy in the world that can erne such disorders, for I tried everything else in vain. Cured by it myself, I bought it and, from a sense of duty, presented it to the woild. Only by restoring tho kidneys nnd liver can disease leave the blood and system." A celebrated sanitarian physician once said to me. "The secret of the wonderful success of Warner's safe cure is that it is sovereign over all kid ney, liver and urinary diseases, which primarily or secondarily make up the majority of human ailments. Like all great discoveries it is remarkably limple." The house of H. II. Warner fe Co. stands deservedly high in Rochester, and it is certainly matter of congratu lation that merit has been recognized II over tho world, and that this suc cess lias been unqualifiedly deserved. 1'kn Point. A (lissipAtcd man at Cincinnati sold the monument from his wife's grave. $500 RlWABD. The former proprietor of I)r. Sokc's Catarrh Remedy, for years tnado a sUnd inj? public oh, r In all American newspa pers of fcTyin reward for a case of caturrh that he could not cure. The present pro prietors have renewed this oiler- All the driiKKism sell this l'.eiriedy, together with the 'Douche," and all oilier appliances advised to tie used in connection with it. No catarrh patient Is loiiiTnbl to say ''1 cannot be cuied." You Kt lt n i" case of failure. The Government has over 3000 head of cattle on the Simcoe rencrvatiou. Itronrhltl. Sudden rhanKC of ths weathtr cause Uronchial trouble. "Uroum't Uronchial Troches" will le relief. Hold only in boxes. 1'rlce 23 cut. W TftOYALtSOJ 1 Xj rip Absolutely Pure. Tliiipowli'f never rarlm A marvel of jmrllv, ntroiKlh mui whxh'miim'iirM, Hero tc-iiiniuii -il l.imi the imliimry kiml. mui emimit lie xilil In ttoti Willi tlio inultitiiilo ot low test, nlmrt wivlit, alum or lnnh.itu r"11''"- ""'' '" aua- Huvai. Ilikixti CuttuitaiU, li Vill itrvvt, N. Y. TUTTS "THE OLD RELIABLE." 25 YEARS IN USE. IhoGroatcst Medical Triumph of th Agol Indorsed allovcrtho Worldi SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Lossof appotito. Nansoa. bowels ooc tivo. Pain in t ho Hnnd.wit h n dull son sationjn thobac!i part.Fain under the Bnouldor blade, fullneis nitorcat lngi with a disinclination tqexertipij ofbody ormind,JirUfibil.tyjpfemp. er, Low spirit3,Los9ot' memory ,witli a feeding of having neglected soma dutyi vwarlnqssT Dizziness, Flutter; ins of the Heart, Cot.s before tlioeyep, Yellow Skin-Hend'ichc,Kostlosyne!-i aniglJtJitghlyotcTerfUrir.e; IF THESE WARNING3 ARE UNHEEDED, C::iOUD EUIASEJ V7U.lt COSH 8 CCVELirU Til ITS FILL3 tun especially mluituil to mcli ruses, one iloso ellects such a chunga of feelinn as to UxtonlHli the mitt'erer. Tliny I uerrnie the Airtl(r, uml ennso tbo body to Take ou 1 Inh, thus tho torn la iiiiurUhril, nnd hy their Toulo Action oil till) IMfcrttlvo Organ, ltHt lax SilonU lira pmilmTil. 1'rlee aij f f lilt. Okat lUin orWiiixRKiis ehnnuroil to n Guwsr Hlack by ii tilii;in nimiicntlon of thlspYR. It !iiii!iitmi imtunil color, ucts lnalniituiiooiiHly, Mold liy IiniKtflaUi or Sent by exprcK nn reuulpl of $ I. Offioo. A4. Murrs St.- "wYw-li. ft. U. AWARE THAT Lorillrd's Climas Plug Itrnrlna rt r Hn tti Hi I-nrillanl's l.riil'ltiiitt'ul: t hut ! irl 1lurl VtM T rllpptiinrt. tuitl tlt it lrlllanl'- MmlU, aro iiio U'Ht uml L'litMiH-Ht, tiuullty cuiiolilL-ruil CiforniaWire Works, 329 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, MiNlTACTVnKIIH or WIRE EVERYTHING IN WIRE D-irbnil Wtm Wu "ner ' hiiIo at l'iwoit. difiiro DcllLiod lltlC'l P"l"t restaur mui UiIok tut. lX-ini; rtj;uluily lK-cimntl wfl inm1ut:u uur custoiuurs irulust daiuiig'Ui. Dllinrr Mra J ' T'ur lfl.-" lrnnl of vary brut ntcot, Ulilllln llMC 'till tttl.miMtuuirLo' ruUin. I All niculiin ,1c wIiIIIk, cnlvantroil uuwi uiuuu, iiir jiuuiu j jiuu,imj. Wire Cloth! nf all hlmla fur Inilt Hnom, tlironlv vn, liurvusttrH, nildlo, uuj. Hop Wire! for training; lin. niiula fmm gtoc! In lung luniluiiiiudally lurtliu mriuu Gopher Traps I nml all ii'lmr UniN nt trrrw (er ( uiiilui, iHuirruUt ruU and inico. Vineyard Lines for lining ant vlneyanla, ill vliluil in iINUuicuii and uiimI ol mvul wlro. Ornamental and Useful Wire and Iron Work. A'OrK,-!IV meet Eiwiern compeUttftn hf home nmnufuctuii; uml m'U you betuir gixHLi at lower price. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. I'lAftMM. OIO. ,. 01 CI tl If A T ,Oulli;r, If xiiiiili l'iuiv; lliin.j ni-k"oi4, Und Imlrmnoiita. Uiivoxt utmlc ( Mhra lluaioaiiil llookn llumU mn plieil at l-Jinlcni l r lix U. UHAV lv,t uti-ix't, Han Krani liixv n-rri in i i li'.tiSs PULLS mm for-Infants and Children. ' "CmIotU Is so wiII tdsptWl to ehtldira that I Cmtorl enms fotte. Owflp""". 1U Bo. Oztord 8U, Srookljm, N. T. WltLul lajuriou medication, Tu Csstaus Coup ant, 131 Fulton Street, IT. T. A DiuiKoroug Case, lto ui -mi. Juno I. 18S2. 'Ten YcirKUKu I Kin miik kid with lli mint liiti imo anil iluuliy iuiim in my biu k untl -KlUNKVa. "Extcntlin to the end of my te and to my liniinl '"Which inmlo nio (IcIIHouhI "From njoiiy. "It took three men to hold mo on my boil nt limettl "The Doetnra tried in vain to relieve me, Inn to no iiiro, Murphinr ami other opiatesl "Uml lioillecll "Afler two inontlm I wait clven un to die I "When my wife heard a nciiihW tell what Hop Hitter hud (lone lor hi r, hIiu nt once ot uml Rave nie Home. The lirst ilose eased inv brain mill Heeiucil to ko hunting IhroUKh my it'ii i tor ine iiiin. 'l'llO Hl'Ciiliil iIdho rnneil mn nn murb that T k-.t two lumm, noiniiiliiiiK that 1 liud not done lor I wo inoiium. Iletoro I hail tim-d live bolllcn. I us well uiul lit uik ok himl h but iiiuii could, tor over llireo week; but I worked too Iiiuii lor my hIivukiIi. uml lukliiK a bunt cold, I nun taken wilh llio inimt uciilo anil ialntul rbi'iiinulixiii ull tliroiiKh my t.) ukm thai ever wui known. "I culled thr diHtora aKiiln anil after wvcral weekH, tbey li lt nie u i i iiilo on eruU-hra for llio, u tbey mill. I una u friend and told him my I'UHK. uml lie mill Hop Hiiici h hud cured him mui would I'liiu me. I poohi-d at him, but be wim ao i-ariii-ct 1 w us I ml need to urn- tbrniUKUhi. in li'Mi lliiui in m- weekH I threw uwuy my i rutclii H uml wenl to work lightly and kept on imiiiKtho bilteiB for tlvo weekK, until 1 beiuino uh well un any muii lo inn, and luivu been no for bu yetti'8 niiieu, ll Iiiih ill so cured my wife, who hail been Hick for years; uml Iiiih kept hiTimd mv children well mid healthy with from two to llirec'lioules j r year. There la no need to he nick ni nil if these hitters are lived. J. J. ltiuiK, Hx ?iiiervlHor. "That poor iiiiulul wife. "SiHlerl "Alotherl "OritmiKhlcrl "I'nn lie malic the picture of health! "with a lew Lollies of Hop Uitterel "Will you let them suffer" T None RCriuIno w ithout a bunch of green llopH on llio win o lube.l. Mum ull the vile, poisonous blutl villi "Hup" or "Heps" lu liiuir WILLIAM BECK & SON, Whole-till' and ltetuil Dealers in GUNS, FISHING TACKLE HporliiiK1 Goods, 10S & 107 SKCOND STREET, Portland, - - - - Oregon. lliu niiuniiii juiniiivca .,.. flv., ---- ton, offers superior private und elans Instruction to tbo youiiK and inlihllc-iiKi'd of both iexf wbo di'ulre to olilaliinpraelienl education in the short est Ilinueoil.HiNieui w nil iiioniuii wurK,iiiiiiHin leant expense. Pav nnd evcnliiR sessions tbrouirh outtbevciir. mmlents ndmllled nnyllino. Cola ioguooii npplleiitlou. A. I'. AiiMsTiioSu, I'rtnfflpal. K. A. JONES, U. P. J. 0. IUIYANT, U. O- DRS. JONES & BRYANT, Physicians and Surgeons, CAN UK KOUXI) AT TIlEIIt OFFICK DAY uml nlulii. Miilwiferv nnd iIIhciimw ot wonieiiublioi iulty. Oillioiaj FiiHtSt.tupstttirii), IHIUTLAXP, OUI'.GOX. Tills IW'l.Tor llosoiwrs. tor m;itl i'ini'.l, fur (hiM'lliv uf (IvmnKt H.t'nUI of llu iri-nrriitlvHorvsaii. Thin 1 1 no iiiiHtdkit ftlMiul this iniariinii'fit, Uio con- 1 1. III. il Ml'llU nf KI.Ul. TIIIC IT V pomMilliia throiipli Oil SirU3 mil. I M I tt 4 i"0 mini v n'wiiiir tr el O'lUm. )o no ronftMinl S I tiM ' Kiwi no K-iii ftiVr-,M 'fMi ifrti.n-ilr(i ctirv nM lilt ' lJ. vi i Vl I a1 I I fM'mltu.lt.ita Itlpfo ri-i-iiiro iiirm i nKinar t-in i iii Hl.un ifiviin ni.. tninrmniUMt. ; i.uums iri ln'nenl tt'Mn thiWk SrJM KSKtnVtivmrilr loot r JT-s.U Ai,,,,!, ( tire Wli'",,Mi iv ,ir rnn. iti T.i-uaiwiii , ii.. OWIinliilitr, Vll" J- 3 WSIlKIICTfl, Irfnw i-riiiiw, lifrffl litu-oU'iH'y, Owm lulilv ,, JiVnillMi'iii, inmsiiu. - i.w4..... .,,.1 IUK.lil..r4 'oniulnlt.ts. 'ii 1 llim-iwiiw tlicMiii(,Knin. ' I- Hoik, and ail ths mlli fft-cUJ a Jijuf y.iiitliliil Mill's aiide all luiilnnUry iv ,lrlna imnn ili buwimir tin! oronr nulnrinii Lost ManhoojU cs tnay bo. 1 ,OT0 a" olb" ',-I"0"'t'' La, tta,lA A lYriiiiinrnt I if re Ahsolulcly Cuurnnlecd. nre 2 I0 ts-r IkiUIo, or (lo bottlos for 810. Hr,t ,..., roorli.tot nricu.Hr P;,U'AVi7fili in ly iirlvntn.l.y Kit. '. II. Hl Mi l l. couudwiuJ. by lolMW O' dllcc. riitr JJPJFL. 7XWX,ITiJ0 THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearny St., Sau Francisco, Cat TllKATS ALL I'llSOMC. Sl'RCIAIt AND pKIVAtH DllKASM Willi Vu.IKIirlll, Hl lXSMJ. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I Is a. cirtnln enrs Ir f 'JCi."'-. '"r'f Jii Serrouit IMtlllty, Lout i I -II .ull r.i fiiwii, nun un hip n'i. i'i-ts Ol youinnu iniiiin iCy aim eves-!!, aim m 'ol ilriiillwr Intoxicating i;ii:.-.n i'r. .M hi lie, ho is a .vfrular ph vst. wn irrmluuU' of tlio Ui 1 tr ly ol I'ciinsyivanis, th. atiroe to forfait lo- caso ot tliis km is l'ff ff.4flf-MfiVI fllll r?r his sperlal oilvlcn and tn-stincnl) will not Mir H.M) a ImiUIo. or fsur tinnis the quantity .iilt any KlilruM on rennet ol prim, orC'.O. It.lnpiivat Miiiie 11 desinil, by J'r. Mlntle, tl Heiim; St., H, l Cut Hemi for list of qucatloru and pauii-ulot. HAMI'I.K 1IOTTT.B FIIKK will bo stint to any ono pplyinK by Mtar, station ymiitonu, wx and ao. btric swrix-y lu rinud to all busliiiM t''iui'tii'iis. N. P. N. tl. Nn. MI. -rt. K. N. II. Nn 103. .0 ere .ne (vitll