bOANI) COUNTY.! August Int. Nashville Students August lit. i urcus una wee it irum H cdiiesday. Tliero are now 410 ii;.ne patents i:i tire asylum. Tlie Nashville Students will ray i:i this ;i:y On August Int. The Lake County Examiner has been pur chased by Beach Bros. Goldsmith's btore looks much improved since bepaiutiiiK' the name. i it us s. Lambert, the new tinners, make n ( Iecialty of well iliiv iny. j See the advertisement of the. Na-hville Sai- ' deuU in another coluinii. Eugene Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 meets J next Miinilny evening. I Remember the lecture on the Tabernacle in ! the1 Brick Church Suu.lay evening. I Dr Geo II Flett, of Uoseburg, has located in I Eugene for the practice of liia profession. ! The G A II Post met last evening to make ; proper arrangements for memorial services. I Osburn 4 Bclshaw are the s iL'agetits f-.r the ' "Tanaill'd Punch," the Havana-filled .V. Cignr. j Farmers, are hereby n..tiiied that the St. ; Charles Hotel will nerve first-class meals for 25 cents. Iielva Loekwooil arrive 1 in San Franci-co last Wednesday. She will lecture in this city August 7th. Grant Osburn laid the corner stone of his hew dwelling Thursday morning with proper veremonies. The Laying of t!ia Corner Stone. Last Tuesday, the day s.-t fur tho laying of the curlier stone, was a hiaulifcl one. The' trains, brought u fair iiuiiibu' of vi.itor", while , several inn Ircd cam., in vehi.-l.-s. At J:l!'.l 1'. M. the Gr..ud Lodged Ougo,, ! lard, on amount of his liberality toward tin I STATE APPORTIONMENT Universit; (i 11 IWris. 5ii. Copy of Alumni poem of University for . i . .,, , , . .Ini., u-riu,,. , .i r..i I.e. I N (o.ltra. I 0; Inte-eM on Irreducible School Fund, e.a-s ol ;;. C ibdi-k: ."s. i late Ci' Kl: I' M Wilkin and wife. lip fioin the foundation t.f Egyptian 1' M Wilkins aiul wife. i- ti 'e poi-m of Ins.1, wrl.t-n by tlie l 11 II Pierce, of Vi-iieoiner Barracks, 1 i nil t at llhineh.ut's Tlict-r and was opened ill i J X Gollro. I iminle t..r;ii. OJi.'-rs present: T. (i. Kennies. 1 pr.'piuvy ut t'.e Mate l mversiiyj (i. M., .1. C. Fullc-toii, D. (I. M.; ('. as S. V., I. C. Clark us (i. tiny asG. T, T. J. Bahcnck, He!!, G. (; U. 1!. W'a-h! ilctruo as t! The Portland printers did nut arrive last Tuesday, but will probably come up on next Tuesday's train. "It is the bss," is what smokers say of "T&nsill's Punch" 5c Cigar. For sale by Os burn k Belshaw. Geo. Thurston intends building an addition to his house. Alexander & Davis have the contract for the work. Dan Bass, a gradiiato of the State Univer sity, is now helping .Jeff Kenton survey the boundaries of the Siletz Indian reservation. I have three nice residence lots that I will ell for 8140 to $100 each: .J0 down: balance in three years, interest payable annually. t i to. M. MlI.I.KII. The temperance meeting were discontinue 1 last Sunday evening. Over 7"0 signed the pledge during th meetings. Alhiiiiluugh is now lecturing at Salem. One day last week Mr. Win. Killiu g.wnrth, i of East Portland, had one of his lingers broken I while trout fishing on tlie Sandy river. It w is I not done by the strength ot a lisi., but by a J boulder falling upon it. I will sell on Willamette street, on Saturday, j August 1st, at 1 o'clock, one stop organ, nearly new, in tine order: to he m I without reserve to highest bidder for cash. )o not fail to see it. (i. V. Kinskv, Auctioneer. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks C'.mpinml, purely veg etable, taken internally, positively cures rheu matism, neuralgia, tooth i, I'e. chills all I fever and csiiinp olie. Sold by il-boiii-ft Co.. Eo cene. Agents, Midi, JI"Iimiii Woiulwar Portland, Oiegnn. Messrs Win Zii.'iiiiei'niaii and l!d lVvm, both i well known in Mie.'i in1, lef; rimiMd ie mi a tiio with a s'nnv, in the shape of a sletv. pliean j. 'I'h'y eXie.?t to trav. l tl.roii-ii Sooth, ro a:,d ' Kiistern tlreoo, i 'all.'nrni i,, I "t il i , Idaho, Wns'dn-.'toii ninl Montara, taking about line year's tiinr for the entin; nip. Jeff. D. l'ellti'll ;.i;-i !.eel: anvointed Deputy lnit"l Elites Nirfvir, mi... r urev tral t ! it i-in . mid wll !eau- ?.!oiid:iv for tlo rillet. Irsen avoii, vIot h" ;:o.-s t M. V, ('. lh.ckm.i-i J. w.,.J. ;. O. S.-j ; i:.-v. .1. tiilfry a- (i. I i M..C. lloihsasi;. S, I)., i;. II. Stansiiury us (i. -I. I'., II. J). Harris, (!. Mewaid; d. II. Lewis as (i. Stand lie i:vr; I). 1!. MeKlroy as id jiearer; II. S. II ran I Tvler. 'i'he procevs-oii was funnel at P. M. under command of Sir Knight Ceo. S. Wadi biirui", liraud .Marshal, i'l the following order: Iv.igeiie I! ::id; I'. i;en.t City Lodge and Chap ter, together with i Siting brelhivn, U'.i sti g; Ivanhoe Coinni ui.lery, No. with a detach laent of thi gon C i.uiiiandery of Portland, in full unif. mi, strong; the Grand Lodge; Hoard of llegeiits; faculty, und ciii.Mis mi foot and in carriages, 'I'll,, rout-, of procession was tlie Kim.' as publi-he I last Week. Upon reaching the grounds the colunm was halted, and ui'h open r inks the Grand Lodge was cseorte I to the platform undent finely decorated arch. The following exercises Were then had: Music bv the band. Invocation bv liraud Chaplain Bell, for 1885. OmiT. Si'lloni, Srrr., ) KiciKNK Cut, July '-'7, ISW. j The amount let oil to this county and now in the hands of the Treasurer being (Higinal arti l,s of incorporation f ;U77 V.. niui there boiii 410.1 of ! Union University .ssocietloi-; .1 .1 Walton. ! school nge in the county, entitles each to 7" I 01. Copy of i he election and names of the .. .. . . . . ! .... ... I. .. - i-.:.. i-..: .... ;LLI""- Ills;. 11, Mill n lor-eiois Ol UIOII L III . L- .-Ib.v , . , , Ass.H.i.ti..n; .1 .1 Walton. I IhstS, I lcrKS, Cominiiiiifutioii of charges by the Grand Master tliroiigh the Senior and Junior Grand Warden. Music by the .-hoir. lo ading iit of deiosits by Grand Secret.!! y as follows: LIST ok iutusits. Xo. 1. lhigrossed iii piichnient: "This :tone was lHi.l July -.'S, A 1 ISs:,",, , rSo, by the M W Grand Lodge. V A M of Dregum '1 hos G lieames ct Jacksonville, Grand Mas ter. Kxecutive Coininittee, under whose iin mediate directions this b-iihling was construct P'l, T G ll.ndrieks, It S Bean and Itodney Scott. Architect, W II Williams, of p,rt. laud; eontraetor, W 11 Ahrains. of lhigene; Supeiinteiideiit. LX Itoliev, of Hiigene." 'J. Copy of act locating State University at L'ugene: deposited by T Vt llelidii ks. ;t. Copy of act, appropriating money fcr building: L Bilveil. 4. Copy of lion M P 1) adv's report to Gov eitiorns 1're.idi'iit of the Hoard of Ii'e.cnts for years en-ling June id, lS.s;l ami June oM. lfiSI: f. Coii-iitiition of the Mut ixiai! S iciety, with list baiter members; Ma Hendricks, in behalf of tin i ty. (i, ('opi s of the original correspondence con rerning the In. ing of the corner stone, between the Hwcutive Committe and Grand Master 1 to headquarters and dispersed. In the evening Je:ini"S. I .aiues ol l-.xeen'ive -11. j li'.. IIilorv an I org.mi.ation of .1 ttearv Pint No 7, li A 1!, IVpaitmeiit of Oregon; J i D Mvers. i :. List of all graduates from 1S7S to 1.' and programme of eve.viscs for 1SSS; W 1 SI iter. I 01. A large photo,raph of first University building. V A lankiu. O.V l.i-t of olli. ers of Oregon from first elec tion in is 1 1 to the piwut t iin.-: G M Miller j 0-i, Photograph of the graduating class of ! l.sX'i; T C .ludkins. 07. Grant memorial edition of the San Fran ' cisoo Chronicle; duel MeComack. f.S. " ,p,nt di Salon," composed by Celia GoliUluitl,; bv author. i ..'.I. Mi iiKXK Citv lii AKD, Vol 1 Xo '23; J B Alexander. 711. Copies of the I'.l i:rXK CiTV Gi Alin ot dai. s No.' 11, ls70, Nov L'.'i, ISM, ami July '!', 1Ss."i; I 1, Calllpnell. 71. Lit of oilicers and members of Ivmihoa C.'iinnanih ry No1.', lv T; K B Dunn, K C. 7-. A '.'."i cent piece carried across the plains il. 1S.';I by depositor, lluoch Moult. 7i!. liecord of J W Gtary lieli. f Corps Xo 4, 1 ep,iitinent of Oregon; Mrs 11 Fry. 71. Oregon Daily Statesman of July 20, l.wi; li .1 llelldllciis. 75. S;iani-h coin SI years old; J 11 Ellison. 70. Pebble pick- d up near tomb of George and Martha Washington; Alberta Shelton. 77. Programme f Commencement e.rerciscj June I I, ISSii; T W Shelton. 7S. Ancient coin made 00'.) years be fore Chri-t, dug from the catacombs of Home; J M Hudson. 7'J. Specimen of marble from Washington monument: Dr T W Shelton. I Ml). Sliver medal from the World's Indus trial and Cnttn Kxposit.on at New Orleans; Miss Alberta Shelton. til. Specimen of Obsidian from Yellowstone Park; Mm T W Shelton. Mi "hip of marble from Girard College; Mrs T W Shelton. Depositing casket by the Grand Treasurer, with music by the choir. Testing quality of the stone, by Grand of ficers. Bedding stone in cement, by Grand M ister. Consecration of stone with corn, wine and oil. by Grand Master, with final proclamation. Oration by Prof. J W Mernt, of Jackson ville. The address was well written, and deliv ered in line style. We requested a copy from the gentleman, for publication, but lie courte ously declined. The procession re-formed and marched back Sch Committee of lio.inl of lo.'g' Uts. architect, contractor, super-iut-n h ut. and contract p:i . of building. S. I.i-t ol m -ii:!. r.s of tin- Hoard of Kegents and oili vrs of the Cniversi y. 0. r'iliv cent gi'h! c .in, in, ide in California mint in I.SVi; Ciiarles r. 10. Coiisrituti'C and by-laws and li-t of of ficers am, m-ml a reception was given at lihiiiehart'sllail, the i which was numerously attended. The com mittee of arrangements are to be congratulated lor the able manner in which they managed the whole alfair. For Sale. Nov ii, l.v U Copy & X ul ting. . j II .1 in.. I.'.l ! t"r I'l M Lain r, J...;. I......1.....1 n.,.l r,rti..fA .km, nf Oiw. f the I Umvan Society of ' lnr -.Wmlll .j,,,), ,ul, ,,, 20 acres rich botlnm prairie land. Lies 4) miles north of Kngcne and - miles east of Irving station Will be sold together or in i!0 acre lots, at from SS to f l.") pel acre. Payinunt can be the I uiveisitv of Oregon: W S Shaw. 11. Impressions, on lead of the seals of the Coiui'v and Circuit courts of Lane county W li .MeCornacl;, Depu-y 12. Copv of i-oi'-titntion of Oregon, adopted Il I' Karh irt, f Slate High!; f Li'-ertv Hall mid bell; Mas- 1 1 1-v of State, i untile in cash, iiart cash with approved notes Democrat; Stites I at one or two years, or will tike wheat ai market price. Lnqiiire of O. M. Mtl.i Kit or T. J. Smith. 1"i. Iiiipn ! I' K thai 10. Cpy, :id 1SS ,s; i:v. si' -n of thf -:f Orcgt n on lead: f Cuive ;.) Y.I, atahigu-'S for 1177-'7tt hi, I'resi lent I'niver- 17. I. 'st to ine is. Copv !l . I. c, and tu o ' i 1 1 ! i ii I i.-i -r r l:i. I'rog follill a e i ..! yoverument, coir ie'. IVnmg ,ns a'Meiic-II. i .. ' ,' M l .1 - ,..; ;.. .. . . .1 wiiu.-n hv 1UI1MI.J ri.i)ii, " - I .ill t ci in I k' I.Lt"li We t ike the foil, of of'.h -r hislc. I. o cons: copy i i li,'.' s. ,; ..; ,,' j i I! Mil:. ii. .1 r.iin.u" of li; si. r.i itv, t ig 't v r with T-1 I i,e-',i ,., -. .11 M i' Dei iy; I. For Sale. The Moor.-s farm, miles from KuRenp,- isoll'eicd for sale on easy terms and in tracts i to niit purchasers. Contains 1700 acres of of Lri- ("Hiiitv from K.1 i i. ta I i:i mi j be laws of M 't'" '"'st L'l'iiii, bind in Lane county. Inquire s a:, d ue of oiv inizatioii ' ' ' B MonilKS, .Salem: or (iliO M Mll.l.KII, I'.ogeue. a lu: s an I li-t of I if o eiciip illy. iin: ' iss tl-. e :i 111, ."ii addli'ss to I l ean, member U- nu a San V i' ramus Caples i i con.l'ie cable cars. 1 1- h is s:i' going to take a course College aboi.t . ugi. st 1 learn that Bob has "i; r...i. fcorresp iiiili'iic-. to the Sum! tv .'d'i"ut v: ol the al.irket stre.-t. his money and is the Hastings l.uv " We are ;. leased to 1 '!" at last. is. Ill' ot das-- "!'. Copy of a.'t mi! In ri.'i'ig tin- eonslriiclion ai: 1 Inn,. -! ing an . ii: ,;. -.. hi-;lding f..r us.- ol I,!,.- I'niv.-isity ol Or,-,,.,,: U !' Maihart. 'Jl. List oi oille. 1. 1 an I lnembi r.s of Lug- lie Kngiu Co o 1; , o :..(.kwilh. List o,r county oIliiM.s of Lane county: .1 Or Farmers. Store your wheat at the Kugeno City Mills: The Ugliest cash price paid to farmers, and a 1 1 om San Pi ran- Mr Thoui. s. a geatleinaii Cisco, was taken very sick Hotel last Wednesday. He was a member in Rood standing of the G A li. and the I'o.-t here hearing of the Paine, immediately pro vided two irses and rendered every assistance possible. The sick man is now thought to be beyond dagger. , Rev. I. D. Driver -'"Hve-ed a very able ser ' mm. in the M. K. Church last Sabbath morn ng on "Faith." Few ministers in (he United States possess the power of illu-'i'etion that this able divine does. He has a faculty, most Commendable in a preacher, of giving some thing original with every sentence, in such a manner that his sermon is remembered after another one is preached. Albany Democrat. The editor of the Oregon Denn cra'ic Jour nal was in Portland n few dayi aga, where he met several friends whose acquaintance he formeil in lSiM-l. soon after he came to (ire Ron. Among this numbec he mentions Judge Strong, who appeared 'Vh-'erful, (onlial, and genial as ever:"' Dan llo!i"ii, "polite, dignified and cordial;" Colonel ,lo.. Teal, "an nurompro mising Democrat," who used to furnish juicy Rteaks to the old fort at The Dalies and to the O 8 X Co; and Gov Wl.iteuker, gentleiinuly. frank and outspoken, the sain- as ever, whose hejn,honors rest easily on him." Ware, Cl-r '.'.'I. Copy of the pi'oi'.edings of the Gran 1 Lodge A F .V A M of Oregon, held June !). nt the St Charles I ,HV' l-Mi-cliim of .smvention -f Loyal ami Select .Master, l,e,l .'l, INS.,; ! J Jlal,. cock, Oi .in I Secretary. 'l. List, of cit.- Ollieers, tl 1 1 ' 11 , 1 IP I'M of Colll- premurii for all i milling w inter wheat. Oi'aimiI .Nsini'. 'Tlirougli her attorneys, Mary Hays lias presented to the county court a petiti hi, asking the removal of Ger trude DcLli, from the piiardianshil. of the person mid estate of Marv Teresa Metier, a I minor Judge Moreh.ud has made mado an order directing the parties interested to ap pear at thu court house on the flth of August to show causo why thn petition should not S. l. 10. 11. li l.'l. II. LV lo. 17. is. 10. M. 'Jl. jii. J4. 'Jo, JO. 'J7. JS. JO. :io. 31. 3.1. 34, 3.V 30. 37. 38. 3D. 40. 41. 4J. 4.1. 44. 43. 40. 47. 4S. 49. 50. 51. 5'J. 5.1. 54. 53. 50. 67. 5S. 59. 00. 01. OJ. Ii.1. 03. 07. Hi. i,.l. 70. 71- 7'J- 7.1- 73. 7ii. 77. 78. "9. hi). SI. 8-.. 8.1. K4 i3. 80. 87. KS. 89. 90. 91. 9J. la r .1 1'Calluoii n: C V Fitch OS C M llaiiiilton 47 J F. Fi nton 574 M J lhllcgas 19 Il X Calef 53 Thomas lluley oil Win Welch 'JO T Beiishaw 311 J F Kuk. OS K I' II ay Held 53 FO Ihnciaon 'J'J J W Matlock 70 M M Kcclcstou J7 W II Spaugh 31 (i W Kobe, is J7 li W Turnbow 73 Win Tucker 44 J S Churchill 118 J 1 Stewait Jl J C Jennings 49 J M Gearhart 40 Allen Bond 30 (ieorgi. Sears . 73 J 11 Sharp 75 F. I' Bediuid 3J J W Mollct 30 WWXecly JO P N Shelley JO B S Hylaud 33 Jerry 1'iper 11 G W Hale 01 M F Chapman 30 S S Stevens. H U'iogard J S Douglas Jesse Soveru D (i Palm G L Gillrey ...... 1! K Walker Sydney Scott George Smith W W Hintoi, W W Cat heart... S Handsaker I N lleuibro W 11 Martin Kit Whited J P l ay lor W G I'lirkerson . . . WJ Kill S G I.indslcy J It Crow S G Thomson J W Cox F.iigenu Finn Charles lla llcy . J (.' Iiinian J T Dow ualdson. . . , F. Geer XV F Smith A XV Mo., re James" In h i, C M C W Davis Mis S I'l String J M Dick A I) Hylaud Ill IVrkius W II Walker P M. ssey Jus A Walker S W llarpole W II Hill J II Whilimire J W Toiler 1! K Kilsav HSTilton". Jas II u kins. ....... J T Hunt I'hilo Wilcox S I, Bond Palmer A) re J T Montgomery. . , A F. Whitakcr II l'ost Thomas l'oie T 11 Ferguson A. W. I'.m:nsu, 54 . 31 . 30 . 4.1 . JS . 74 . 31 . 30 . 90 . 37 ,U9 . 4'J . JO . 4.1 . II . 3J . 30 . 47 . J3 . 39 . 48 . 34 . 37 . J7 . 51 . 3J . 17 . 44 . 37 . 30 . 30 . 30 .150 . 27 . 31 . 40 . J.I . 23 Id '. 2 . 2.1 . 40 . 27 20 . 17 . 2.1 . 20 . 13 . 40 . 31 . 31 . 20 , 20 . 10 . 20 Amts J 02 25 51 00 35 J5 430 50 14 J3 41 25 39 75 15 (HI 24 75 51 HO 41 23 21 75 52 50 20 25 23 25 JO 23 50 25 3.1 00 S 50 15 75 30 75 HO (Kl 27 (HI 50 25 50 25 24 00 27 00 19 50 19 50 20 2.) 8 25 45 73 JJ 50 40 50 38 23 27 (HI 32 23 Jl 00 55 50 J3 25 22 50 07 50 27 75 9ti 75 31 50 15 00 32 25 9 75 24 00 22 50 33 23 17 25 29 25 30 00 25 50 27 75 20 25 38 25 24 00 12 75 3.1 (10 27 75 27 00 22 50 22 50 1 17 (HI 20 25 2.1 23 III) (10 17 25 18 73 10 50 21 (HI 17 25 .10 (10 20 25 15 (HI 12 75 17 25 19 50 U 25 31 Ml 2.1 25 2.1 25 19 50 15 (III 12 (HI 19 50 Cottage Grove Items. riioMot n i'Kri.u:oR;,.riiiNir.dT. July W.1H8.S. Born, to the wife of Mr. Stryker, July JOlh a sou. Miss Addie Medley returned to Engine Sat unlay. Dr. Hoard's family has not been here, as stated last week. Mr. John Topp, of Oakland, was In town yesterday and to-day. The picture gallery is a thing of the past. It has gone to Boschurg. Miss Helm Adams' term of scIuhiI on Silk creek ended last Friday. Mr. J. J. Coinstock is confined to his bed with a disease of the kidneys. Mr. Johnsoi JWhile died Monday at An 'clock I'. M. Was buried Tuesday. Farmers commenced heading and threshing grain in this vicinity Tuesday. Mrs. Xancy Ctrtwright, of Siuslaw, is vis iting at Mr. L. Ward's, of this place. Dr. J. W. Harris basset up a drug store in II. 11. Chance's new building. Mr. Hugh Hoi en has been in town visiting his sister, Mrs. Scott ( busman, of lute. Mr. Akeley, who has been traveling lor his health for a year or so. is among ua again. Mr. L.iwson Stable, of Colorado, arrived hero Tuesday on a visit to his aged parents, who reside in this vicinity. 0;uue a number of our citizens were at Eu gene Tuesday attending the laying of the cor ner stone of the new University buildinR. Messrs. Henry Damewnod, Henry Hawley and 1!. W, Veatch left hero Saturday for La fayette, whither they go to work at harvesting. Mr. John Kennedy, of Empire City, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Hugh Thomas, of this vicinity, returned home Tues day. We hear of the Coast I'm ken in the neigh borhood of House's mill being greatly excited over a moving ligjit that loo been seen tliero of nights. Some say it is a ghost. Mr. Brooks and family parsed through town Monday on the way to their ranch on Howe river. They have si Id their place on the sum mit near the Siuslaw neul to Mr. Xathan Damewnod. Mr. J. F. Spray started for Eastern Oregon one day hist week, accompanied by his wife and father in-law, Mr. li, Itivding. tho latter returning to his homo and family there. Mr. Spray intends locating east of the mountains. This part cf the county was visited with the heaviest thunder storm we have ever known in our residence in the State of nearly eleven years, Sunday. Bain fell in places until the water !un In gutters the depth of several inch es and hail lay on the ground three inches deep after the lain reused. This was up the Coast Fork it few miles. Monday ovening was the worst at til is place, Tho lightning and thun der vvs fen: ful, but only a moderate fall of rain. Veritv. Mohawk Items. July 27, I8S3. mon l milieu, and seal ot Lugeiie City on lead; bo granted. l ortlauil Standard. I Ins is W S sh. w, City B, colder. i the. little orphan girl of the Into Mrs. Midle r 25. I.i-t of ollieers and members of Eugene of this city. We hope that the person de City Lodge No ll A F& A M, for ISS.-,; Alex i c.lar,.,l the guardian will carefully husband I ockcrliue ..... , , the property of tho pareutlcss child. Jo. t opies of the Oregon Slate Journal of 1 1 3 1 Nov J!, l.sili;; Feb pi, 1S70: May 28, I,s70; ,. .,", .. . Jut- ih l.'vV,, and June 2 h 1:1111 K a d I"""-" - 1 bnkir.K lirm of Hovcy, 27. Photograph of Faenlt v, pan of Board of I Humphrey k Co. has been dissolved by mu tual consent, Mr. W. T. I'cet retiring. The remaining partners will carry on the business as heretofore. Mr. Peet ,1 family will leave shortly for Minerva, Olii", where they will tako up their permanent residence, Mr. Pert having purchased an interest in a bank in that city. We are sorry to lose Mr. Peet from our community, as he is a man of in tegrity. Thn loss of tho gentleman and i family will be pirticul ir'y felt in our social circles. nt m, and views in and about Eugene: 0 L Winter. J--. Ilugeiin City i;.gi- r, Vol 1 No 1 and Vol 1 No 42: Hudson A Yoran. 2.1. I'li'iti eraph of the l.i'e WM Bristow, one of th" I niversity's early friends; his sou Darwin Bristow. .'Id. S imples of Oregon wheat, hermetically sealed in .;h:ss with a one and two cent postage stump: I'atte.-s' ii, l'.'lii. ,V Co. 31. Oipvof tic State Journal of June 0, Iris.',: II l; Kia.-a'.d. 3J. Lnpn-snii of seal of Eugene City on K- ul: W S Shaw, City lie. order.' 33. Ciei.stituti.ii, and by-law'i ritual, death notice, application for Incmberddp, beneiieiarv I'Ttifi'Mt'., list of lodges, and Pacini: Coast W.-it .-iim.i.'i of A i) C W of Ou-gon; ; B Dor ris. (Iran I M,i-:er Workman. 3t. Impression of seal of Uniiersity rn lead; I The place was foiim l.l n alt. in, ."secretary of l.oanl. 3."i. "Pen Pictures of B-'preseptative Men of i iliegin; i lank K li'idgkin, Assistant iSecre tarv of Slat-. IK'..- I'h Dor ris. Illicit Distillkuy. - On Monday last an intimation of illicit distilling was brought to the ears of the revenue officers, and T. J. Nel son was dispatched to bring tha offenders in. about forty miles south- ' - ' J U..u.Se..r.-t..ryf Board. ' east f IVtland. where the work of distilling Honor from fruit had been done year. The i parties wero tint put under arrest, but their graph of Geu Jos"ph Lane; (i B j business was broken up. Tho mutter has been 1 1 a. i.,.r... i. it g r :.: . . . t, T, , ., OlOUnlO' l"i"l III1! . ... . . Illllllissii.lirt IIVIT, oi. "1 v of tin. Portland Daily News of I , ,, ,, , , July 'J I. I' s"i; V.'iMie Jauies. : who will investigate it .n full. -Standard. IIS. ( ..j.y of original order of Be ard of Com- - mis'-i,.!!, is for the rale of school lands and! BrilM'.li. The Baker county jail was burned management of the fern!.-) arising therefrom, ! last Tuesday rmrning, and tho following pris- iuiy 2.-., j -.ii, a Ti-puiig L niversity i bni! lirg an 1 sit ; .1 .,' Walton. I ..... 39. Copy of deed of .gift to University fiom I ' -.. H.-nrv Villard of :.'5'J,lKit) for endowment fund; j House Back. Four gcntieiiie7r"i,.,Jjiai T G Hendricks. Kuuene last week with some not stork from 1 4 Lut ' l';"". members "f l.aurean So County Jsilpt. Public Mot'l.'ng;. At a public meeting of the citizens of Big Praiiie, to tako into consideration the lu st way to raise means to repair the county roas! from A. D. Hyhnd's to J. II. Hill's, the fob lowing persons were duly authorized to receive subscriptions in money or work ami to super vise tho work on tho mail: John II, Hill, A. J, Loose and T. B. Cannon. Jas. A. Walk Lit, Chairman. Sam. AnilLf V, Secretary. Any one feeling an interest in the matter is respectfully requested to see one of the super visoi8. New Depot. At last Eugene is to have a new depot The contract has been M to Mc Farland & Davis, contractors.' The old depot will be removed and the new one constructed in its stead. Tho building will be Go.tJO feet, 12) feet between ceilings, and divided into oflices, two waiting room's, baggage room, dressing room, etc. In the Center of the build ing, next to the main track, will be placed a bay window for the convenience of the agent, who thusly cm. sea up and down the track. The contract price is the noighliorhoodiif $1200. Lake county, as they said, for the purpose 41 C, pi. s of making a race with Hon. B. B. Hayes, 23 au 121, 1 Monday last they sent for Hayes to come to 1 12. (', town, claiming they wanted to run his gray : lodges : horse. Hick iuimnliately came in and pro posed to run them 300 yards for any amount they might name. After considerable tilk he agreed to run them 40D yards for t0.K a ide, they to carry 125 pounds and he t carry 1.15 pounds. Wlun they came to put Tip forfeit money they would not agree to run the race in Lane county, but wanted to run in Salem, to which Mr. Haves, sensibly, would not agree. The gem r il opinion here h that the professional In.rse rtcers from Southern Oregon tried to "run a hlntf," and being unab'e, made the s-J.-m prop -sitioi, to cover their b?ck down, as th-y were aware that Mr. Hues would not m ike a race to be run outside of Lane county. Darwin Bristow. iv . iregouiau ot .inly DlEli, At the family re-i lence, n.-ar 1. 1 am, Or"z,.n, July 27, lss.1, Lldtr Wm. J I son Whits, aggd 41 years, 5 months and days. B'T.N. In Jacksonville, J-.i.y l".;l , l--"., !ie "if of Ss:rps ; M-si'oiipi-1, a -n- nivrsit f the I' ; Si -rim.' Hill. v it imitations i-cnt to difTernt lodges a:.d I' committee of anange ments. 13. Fragment of Plymouth pock, Mass., on whi -h the Puritans lam!- I; T C .ludkins. !). Chip from Washington monument; TO Jii !I;1i:s. I'.. Fa''ror.i "big tr.-."Cal; TC .ludkins. 4d. Alas',;. U..s; j' 0 .1 ildkilis. 47. Elm l-.'.f froi. 1 gryiimis of Harvard Uni-ver-i:y: T ( ' .1 i:dkin, 4S. United Slat's II) cent currency rot" is. s-i-d 'ind-r act "t 0,, of March 3, lS'i i, Mis I; S I V,m. 4.'. A 0 -hillirg c irr-ncy not is,inl y th" .-l' i v . f N-w J. r-y on March 25, 1770;"II C Hutiiphr.-v. .''I. Li-t of State 1. hi er- f-r l.-s",; I.N l!-mey. .".i. i 1 1 .peeiin. us fr.-n MrGM Whitney's min- J. i I:-. mill"; Mi-s N'.-ttie Whitto v. 52. '.' pv -fO .lv p.i' l : Prof T F Campbell and wife aud Katle'riie; Stutnp. Li-t "f tnrit.b.-rs an I 1 res:jt ( fllcers of M ig n-C;, . ; t r No. pi, l;.,y4 Arch Mason-: 1 ! B -tt'u in. Secret ,rv. Pieof p r- w If.einl aboi.t 1 ) fe.t m.,v s irfi-e of ii,-rrth "nth- farm of M Wi'ii-s in Uir.e comity; KM Wi!kin and wif-. "''. . t;i' ut t' the iniui'TV -.f Hcnrv Vil- on.-rs were burned to death: Louis Miller, Gen I Plumb, Sain Brown. Win Lamb, charged with ' larcmy, an 1 John Coob-y, for murder. Fred 1 Winkl.'inan, the murderer of Allen and Bivers, I who no doubt was the incendiary in this case, I is now coiilin -d in the Baker City jail, under clos-: guard, for safe keeping. He was severely ' burned before being re-cued, and may not recover. 1 O.'.i'lT.u.HT-'. - A p irty of capitalists arrived in Eugene by Wednesday afternoon's train, on I a tour of inspection of the Willamette Valley. Among the number were Hugh Lodgers and ' Mr. Mackenzie, of Portland, a ca-hier of a New Y'ork national bank, and a hanker of 'London. 'I'l,- party l-ft for Oorvallis, bv team, aliout 5 P M of the same day of their ' arrival here. They were highly pleased with , the vall-y. For S.W.K. On easy terms, 11 acres adjoin ing lots of J. B. Harris, at S2J5 per acre; also adjoining clove about 31 acres at $I.V)p-r aT', nil on r ilth street, l.ugene. Une lunrt., Miss Celia Goldsmith. We have received a piece of music for the piano, composed by Miss Celia Goldsmith, of this city, and pub lished by Wiley B. Allen, of Portland. It is entitled "Newport di Salmi." Local musicians are very loud in their praise of Miss Gold smith's first attempt at composition. .May success crown her eiforts, To P.K Closed, The Postmaster General, "in recognition of the nation's loss in the death of General Grant, ud in participation of the lamentation and expressing reverence for his honored memory," has ordered all iostofhccs of the Union closed between 1 and 5 P. M-, August 8th. Wanted. .Mr S Nelson, who lives on the old Bean farm, desires to purchase a good sound horse that is broke to work singly, of the following description: A gray or bay, 4 to (i years old, and weighing at least 1,100 lbs. Noncr. Mr. B. H. James having retired from business and being desirous of settling up, requests all those indebted by note or ac count to immediately call and make a settle ment. He can tie found at his office in the Court House, ready to receipt for all debts due him. Makhiei,. In this city, July 23, 185, by Lev. O. Parker, Mr. Jan. G. Turner, of Mc- bin n; balance on one, two and three yrs at : Minnville, to Miss Clara Pengra, of Eugene. 10 p. r cent interest. Apply to S. Nelson, Lu- The Hal,t)y C0U)1. lft fr their f,ltlirB j,me " - : McMinnville, Wednesday morning. GnorsK Jlcvrnn. Sheriff Campbell and Messrs Geo S Kineaid and J W Chrrry, last KKli"CTlO!f.-Far.lers and others are hereby Wednesday at noon, started on a short grouse ' notified that meals will 13 served at the St hunt in the rieigh!.rh-.d of Wil, Own' Charles Hotel bercatter for 25 cenU. place. in-v came riome 1 iiurcuy, naving kill" I alwmt hlty turds. .V e si-knowledge the re -, ;p "I a ve-y hr.e one. Farhem Takk Notice. , at Baker's hotel for 25 cents ltlackhrrri6s plentiful Fires have done considerable damage to our forests this Summer. Crops aro gcnorally looking fairly. The rust has not ilono a great deal of damage. Several Mohawkcrs attended the laying of the corner st 1110 of the University on tho JSth. Mr. James Scott, who has been sick for some time, is still quite i'l. It is doubtful if he ever recovers. Last Saturday night between II and 12 o'clock tho saw mill belonging to Mr, Geo. Whitbcck, located in t''is valley, including about I5,(MII) feet of sills for his new mill, was destroyed by lire. It was undoubtedly the oik of nil incendiary, and parties' are strongly raspected of the crime. If he, or they, should be detected, there will be 1.0 use for u jiidgu or jury, except Jildgo Lynch. Several other tires havo occurred in the neighborhood, evidently tho work of an in cendiary. Although tho loss bears down upon Nt r. Whitbcck with unusual severity, we learn he will rebuild the mill as soon as possible; He has tho sympathy of nearly every person in tho neighborhood in his mis ( art une, who will help him all in their power. "30(1." Cresswell Items. July 25, 1SS.5. Two weddings in the near future. Boys, look out, most nil the threshers will start Monday. We had a light showor of rain Sunday morning. Mr. William Milliorn has moved to his farm about three miles above Cresswell, A groat many of tho people of Cresswell aro attending tho campinoetiiig up tho river. Miss Mollie Howe's sister started for her homo Monday. Mr. Rolnnett will build aucvr hotel in onr little town this Full. Our Sunday scho-d is largely attended now, and the little folks are pleased when Sunday comes, JouriK. WiiKAf Shipments via Yaql'sa. Mr. I'rasllvld and wife returned from the valley last Saturday, says the Ya'piina Post, where he went to see what could be donn towards inducing shipments of wheat over theO. P. II. B. to S.ii, Francisco, and thinks that with proper clfort shrpmvuts could be secured in abundance. The matter should be worked up at once, as grain shipments, to the fullest capacity of the Mad, this season, would ad vance the general interests more than any thing else. MoT.NTAix Paktt. A party consisting of Lev. C. M. Hill, Messrs. J. J. Walton, Jr.. T. C. Judkins, Sterling Hill, W. I. Vawter snd J. N. Goltra started last Wednesday for tlie mountains to ascend one of the Three Sis ters. Mr. S. B. Eakin will leave for the same destinr.t"on this nmrniiur, eipecting to over take th party at the Bridge. Pergonal. Filt.sT ScaI P. --The first scilp presented un der the i-- law was handed into County Clerk Wr Wednesday by Mr. James Snyder, who lives on the Siuslaw. It wan the scalp of a i operate It in connection with his railway b'jsf t...... ....4 ,...,.. I.n.. .u..l.....l 41.. ..II ..... ., . therefor. A. Stinlt has returned. Mr. M.J, L'nger has returned (mm Cali fornia. Miss Bertha Goldsmith is visiting friends In Salem. '. Gov, Ckadwick passed northward on th train Tuesday, Mr. Gabe Chrismsn and wife have returned home from the Springs. Andy Titus left for the Foley Spring, last Wednesday morning. Miss Emily Bristol has returned home alter quite a visit to Oregon City. Mr. A, C. Barbour, of Lower Siuslaw, gave this nlHce a call this week. State Siiicriutendrnt McElroy was in Eu gene the tirst of the week. Prof. Straiib and family left Wednesday on a trip to the Upier Columbia. Mr. S. S. Train, of tho Albany Dissemi nator, was in Eugene last Tuesday. The Taylor-Bonuett party returned from Foley Springs last Sunday evening. Mr J T Gregg, of Salem, visited at the resi dence of Mr Jetf Dimten in this city this week. Mr. J. M. Shelly was in town several day this week. He reports doing a fair business. Mr Jacob Fleischner, of Portland, paid rel atives and friends in Eugene a visit this week. Mrs H X Crain and Mrs L G Adair leave this morning fot a trip to the Eastern States. C ounty Clerk Ware has returned home. Ills family will stay at the Springs some time yet. Sairi Goidltuith left for San Francisco yester day morning, where he intends working in a store. lieprcsentatlve Yoach and Dr. Whiteaker, of Cottage Grove, wsre In town the first of the week. Messrs Geo S Washburne and G H Chris- man pai l Cottage, Grove a visit yesterday on business. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Key' J. It. W. Boll, editor of the Koseburg Review, this week. Mr. J. W. Hanson und family, of Cnrvallis, are visiting relative! ami friends in Eugene and vicinity. Dr. S. Hamilton, J; C, Fullerton and Simon Caro, of Jioscbufg, wero present at the laying f the comer stone. Mr. V. T Eakin, we learn, will also leave for Philadelphia in a few weeks to take a course of medicine. Miss Lnllie Dunn and little sister left on a visit yesterday morning to Mr Geo A Dorris and wife at Astoria. Miss Itachio King, of Pennsylvania, is visit ing at the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Osburn, south of this city. Attorney Noffsinger has returned from his trip to Florence, on the Lower Siuslaw. He reports having had a pleasant time. Hon H II Gilfry and family visited relatives and friends in E"'evro this week. They were the guests of Hon T G Hendricks and family. Mr. Chas. Lauer and family, Friday morn ing, loft for the Seaside House, on Clatsop Beach. We hope they may have a pleasant trip. Mr Henry Baxter diJ not go east of the mountains, as expected, but has been sending his vacation at the home of his parents in the Mohawk valley.' "Pap" Stroud, Deputy U. S. Internal Iter enue Collector, smiled upon us last Tuesday. His many friends in Eugene gave him a cor dial reception. Prof. Beck man was in Eugene last Tuesday at the lcying of the corner stone. Ha will leave Jacksonville for Sail Francisco about September 1st. Mr. U. 1). Holds is at present in Walla Walla, W, T. He writes (hat harvest is in full blast m that section, and that wheat is turning nut well. Mrs S II Friendly and children, yesterday morning, started on a visit to Astoria, They will also accompany Mr Chas Lauer and fam ily to Clatsop Beach. We noticed Messrs. K. P, MeComack, Wm. Armstrong, E. McDonald, F. J. Babcock and others, of Salem, in Eugene in attendance upon tho corner stone exorcises last Tuesday. Hons. P. Kelly, U.S. Marshal, J. F. Wat son, U. S. Attorney, F. N. Shurtleff, Collocti r of Customs, and G. Wilson, all of Portland, were present at the laying of the corner stone. Messrs. Church, Craln and' Peet returned home from Eastern Oregonlast Saturday. They report a pleasant trip. The party killed four deer and caught an innumerable number of fish Mr Alex Cockerline ar.d family left for a short visit to relatives In Marion county yes terday morning. Mr Wm Smith will act as clerk in Mr Friendly' store during Ales'e ab s.uice. Senator Enoch Hoult, of' Harrisburg, accom- panied by his daughter Annie, visited Eugene lust Tuesday. Mr. Hoult is one of God'i no blemen, and is the "father" of the present rail road law, Mr Alliert Dunton has had several hemor . rhagra of th lungs this week, and is still quite sick. It is sunpotwfl that running in the hose aces at the firemen's tournament was the cause of the same. ' Mrs J K Fentnn, Mrs II C Humphrey and, Miss Etta Wilkins loft cm a month' trip to Yanuina Bay yesterday morning. Messm J E Fenton and II C Humphrey will visit in the same loc.lity in about two weeks. Mr. John Cooper, who has been acting as book keeper for tr. F. B.Dunn for some time, left Tuesday morning for Lit Angeles, Cal., thinking a cha:v,"e might be beneficial to his health, which has been quite poor for some time. Wo hope the change will prove benefi cial. We take the following from last Saturday' Cnrvallis Ga.ette: "Prof. W. W. Bristow and famljy hdt for Pleasant Hill, Lane county, yesterday, where they go to visit relatives and recrea.e for a few weeks. Thu professor will sp.'iid a portion of the time in hunting bear and other small game such a are to be found in ths neighborhood of wheat fields." W. H. Marshall, the popular agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Sr. Taid railway,, accompanied by his brother, was in Lane county this week looking at a 450 acre atock farm, listed on the books of the State board. Mr. Marshall Intends to purchase a Ursa and . bear, and tlie genileuiai. received the reward .. .,, i.. wiU bur in this county.. 'I-L . 1 lt Ag--l dinner can ! f, 0ffi- ,s cotnin-morative of the int , We acknowledge a pleasant call fr-'tn the geu t si scalp. I tie nan,