The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 01, 1885, Image 1

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    jL JIL
la J M ilJ
VOL. 17.
: i- -.aajr lit .-.-.. i:.:.-.-'-:-'-irroj:r:'.-;uu i
NO; 4&
JCIif (Sajcaf (City Guard.
PMiihir an I Proprietor.
0?i'J .5 -'J i t'n-Kvt si If of Willamette
tt.'djtbiUjjii -Sn'.-ai aa 1 Eighth Street.
tsxu? o? 3'j3 4j:upn.i.v.
Per Ann i n 82.
Sit Mmthi !;'"
Thr .I mills
Advertisements inser'.e'l to follows:
Onu i lira, U liu" or I -as, one insertion ?3;
h subid Hint iiiseu.on 31. Cash leiyairoil in
Ti in alvjrtiser.i will bj at tue foi
wiuj r vtii:
Una iu,jVre threa months 81
mi m mills o uj
" one year 1-' OJ
m l .. !n I.... I I ....... Oa .... ... unf
iransien. h ili-ci hi luuiuni .... .
iae for each insertion.
Alvertisiuj bilk will 1)3 renlereil quarterly.
All ioh Wfirk must hi run fob n.v iikmvkuy.
P.nnrNK lxiuo No 11. A. P. in.l A. M.
Aleut. Hrt ui tlurJ We IncsJiiy. in each
Kpfni-kh IIiittk lrf)riK No. 0 I. 0.
tO. V. Mestsevory Tncslny i veiling.
';-itlw Wimiwhai.a EseiMPUKKT No. H.
Hti on the 2,1 uni tcb We luex.luys iu each month.
Euuexr Looik, Nn. A. 0. U. W.
lileiitj at Masonic Hall the second aiul fourth
Fi-Uays in each month.
J. M. Sloan, M. W.
Kilfatric Posr, Xi. 41. C. A. II.-Meets
t Mttnnu 1111, fie tirst an lair.l Fridays nf
eh month. Ky or l.-r, Cjmmasheu.
OhoES 0 OllOSF.V FltlKNtW. Meets the
rut ami thirl Saturday tvoniii.'s nt Masniic
HalL liy or.lsr of .1. M. Sloan, li l'.
UurrE L ms X . 317, 1. . fi. T. Mrot
rery S it i.-.hy iiiit i:i Oil If i!l-
K. 0. 1'ortEit, W. C. 'J'.
Levikni Srvn Bivdov Uiu'e-MU at tl.c
P. O'lur sh ev-ry .S in I ly nftiriioon at 3::i ).
K. Hi Htm Si;it.: MU H-.-rtha Cn.ik, An't
fi'-ipt; tVia. Kill.'.S'j'y, Mi llattie Smith,
yinnlain. Visitors m hI j wolcmi?.
h. BltiYKl". C. M. ((ll.I.IIClt.
-'ttarmys aiJ Caunssliors at Law,
Eir.SN'i ciry, )!!: jo.n'.
t'.iit S:i'.-. WiH zU , ul atti;:iti.m
to cillsctioiM an 1 r.i.,ti matt -v-i.
O.'Klcs--0vvr 1 1 -ti lri :'t & Kt'.iiu's K.n't.
ceo. o. wm,
Altwivi-j an I Counsellor-
Tiir,!. l'iiv.'i'i in v.w. onrr.s
1? hi i S.- ' 1 1 i li--' il l.Oi.t nil. I in
lit? S lrif! ii (' irt .i; t!m i'.j.
.S.r-:iil a',tMti ' i givt-H ti i-.i'.lv'i'liiii.i anl
ms:M in
d 1 1 a3hburnc
tcu i'avz cirv, - - - o;i;: iQN
Oflleo .n.rly oj.-ujtSel by S
Bean. i.vsi"-J
G:0. M. MiLLES,
Ato)7 ail Cjiilbat-Lr.r( aaljV.
Ileal Estate Agent.
OFFICi'-Tvvo (lonr.) nu t'.i of PJt O '.i :k.
Ku;sE-;.i citv o;;i:g.)X.
S,-3hl ! ti siv.n ti Itnl Estati Prat:
les an I A'itra.-ti nf l'itle.
Office Dvj." Graae Store.
Physician and Surgeon
Wilkin'3 Druff on I-'ifth street, where Dr rilieltim
formerly resi.le.l.
Dr. Wm Osborne,;
O.lica AJj3i.1i.15 St- Charles Hotel,
W Dia3".3TD23 :0? HAT23 arl LUOSEI.
i.lenca whan not )nife.f imially tiija.l.
Ottice at the
KesiJ-nci) on Eighth street, opp isite Trepby j
erian Church. i
WALTON & mmm.
-Vlf.L PKAniCE IX ai.i. tue;
W fniirt. of the State.
SeciiJ atteiitimi given to real e-tatf. c -l-lectiiiK,
ami pr-l).ite mart it. ,
Cfllletting a I kin-Is -f claim vit V-t
tTnit"l Stats GivrTir.nL (
Otfi" in WJtim'. I.ri k r"m 7 n I
IZT a general
mm Eifliv.1.'
large assortment cf ' La
dies and Childrens Hose at
12 1-2 ds.
Good Dress Goods at 12l.c-
Dcst Corset in town for oOc
An immense stock of New
and Seasonable Goods.
Fine Cashmere in every
New and Xoblnj styles in
Libera! Discount for
New Departure
r3 2w fins.;
I.v!'iiHizi:THi;.!L.i!Wii;i,r r
E. ;i.'ii'.'i M, iUn ; K., v1io.b tir
ATiioxizi: tiu; mux wutnKM' t
H'ouil liiLir ir..'!its m J.i.iuv. J -l.c nutic th
Will sell for OASH at -;;ra;.!y re luccJ, ns low as any ether CASH STOKE,
IWst I'ri.iU ll ! Hy-.r.ij. . .
?! 00 1
licit l' ami l'.!.-.r.''.i..l
.I is!i-is, !, II, aiul :
t'lark an 1 I!i-m';.h n"l otloa 7: eU per !)..
I'l i'-i 111 1 Mill--1 ri.'iinoli, -j, 3."i: 4"i an.l 51 !
Vat.!i-J'mh , ccits
I'ine V.'li!;.! S'lirt.', 7 ) eti an I ?l,
And a!! Olhzr Coeds at
A ' Vv i t in ; si; ,vtn
v ... , I,... i.,.. j , .... .... , .i.m'm :m
i 'o le-'s, w!in have
in nl liv
t 'T-iH as her t'li'm-o on lini . ' : 1 1 if nt any tine- thi'.V " i,i
all sin. :is -itliers. the f ill ere.lit on li y rclnoti'"!
-j ti LI
Goods sold as
I .
regon, for
1 f. i
Highest Price paid for all kinds
of Ctouatry Produce. Call and See
k?c U.1 0 HQWlJVjVj
west of Crniu lims ., I am iiu.v )r.-; we
Are empl.ive,!. nn II wilUn.lea vor to
tn v'-ih n rnV,
7 rimming silk and Sat
ins in all shades.
Moirca n fi'u e Silks
Velvets in Colors.
The jinrst stock of French
rvcr brought to (his place-
in ail grades-
of all descriptions.
f ?
l.rn.i) voui: n.'aixiKs, i;oaiw axij
y.ur ! Arc iieruiMiiviitly lovatett oun
Kiuc Cheviot Shirts. 5 J, 7" eta ami SI.
.ec Assm-lincnl Urcsi (In. ..Is (Xo Traah) 13
1 1 aiiii Jj i:U.
M.-us' 11. S'l'rii v I D.-.i'.v.jrs, TO ct
Mens' Ovcrshirts, "." cti. mul SI.
Mens' U er.ill, u 1, 0,, "o cts uii.i $1.
I'.iu'ir :i lories and I':'y ins at I'aimlom Low
Proportionate Hates.
At n: .v re eicM r.-ues,
me s.i I hi.', I wi l --iit ti ne ti noil on win e
to iiialio CASH inirehiiKi -f, I will ijive
A. V. I'lvTUKS
Wil ii Q
Iof as an;
77 .7
AND IIAKXltf-'R .'HOP 0 8th STUB
I to funiis.i everything in that line at tho
III 111! ilift
ive satisfaction to ill ml.jn.a favcr
a. s.rusnii:.
Pri'siilinilal I'rnclanntion.
Tho Prcsul.-nt of tlin United Htiirs
Ims just rrci'ivcil tlio s'ul tiilings of the
ili'titli of (lint illuvtrimis ciiizMi mul rx
PrcsidiMit of tlm Uui'i"l St'itfs, tii'iicral
t'lysst's S. (irniit, nt Mt JlcOn-gnr, in
tip St;ito of Now Yolk, to which jilacn
Iip luiil lately liccn rcinovoil in an cn
ili'avor to rolun lii.s litV, In making
itliis aiiiiouiii'i'iiii'iit to tlm people of tho
I Unitiiil Stati-s, tlio PiThidi.-iit is im
Ipivssrd with tlm uiaiiitude of tho p'jh-
iic loss of n jtrvsvt inilitnry lrndcr, wlio
w-h in tho limir of vieUny niuyimni
nious, n:id nmid disaster wreno and
st'lf Kttiitaiiml; who in i-vcry station,
! w hi'tlit r as a soldier or as a chief 111111,'-
ist rati! twioi! called to power 'y his f-l-low
countr) t'len, trod unswervingly tlm
pathway of duty, undeterred hy douht,
single minded nud Ktraiyht forward.
The entire, country lias witnessed with
deep emotion hi.) prol.injjed and patient
Ktraj'i) with a painful disease, and has
watched I y the couch of xullerinj; with
tearful sympathy. Tin1 destined end
has come at last, mid his spirit has re
turned to tlm Creator who Kent it forth.
The great heart of tho nation that fol
lowed li i 111 with hue and pride, hows
now in sorrow alioce him dead ten
derly mindful of Ids virtues, his great
patriotic services and of tint loss occ.i.
sioned hy his dentil.
In testimony of respect to tho item
ory of General (J ran', it is ordered
that the executive uiiiiisioii aiul tin
several departments in Washington h"
draped iu mourning for a period of
thirty days, nnd that pulilio liusiueas
shall on the day cf tlm funeral ho sus
pended, ami the Secretaries of the Navy
uni of War will cause orders to he is
sued that appropriate, military and
naval sen km l rendered on that day.
In witnfss whereof I have set my
hand and caused the seal of tho United
Silutes to hi! illiixed.
Done at the city of Washington tins
23d day of duly, A. L. ItSSf), urn! of
tin: Independence of tint United Slates
the 1 lO'h. (JiiovEs Cleveland.
I!y the President.
T. I1'. D.W'AUli. See. of Slate.
Tiny Wtri! Jijiii Cinjlii.
A young man liiing in a small v il
fte in Kansas, w ho had hitin I to sus
mined n "ood reputation, was arrested
recently fur roMiing tin- posloHi ce in
his II is iu rest was drought
nhout liya most pecu'iar circumstance.
It seems that he failed to get any post
age stamps or money ln-cause they woio
locked tip in nn iron Bute, hut in order
to make his roliln-ry pay him, a-i ho
thought, h-i appropriated all thn letters
I hi ii- wen! iu the oili.M nod took them
home to read and i-Namini! them, ex
pecting lo tiud sudicicnt money therein
to make his raid lemuneralive.
In going through the letters he found
one lddl'ess.-d to In., wife, uud on rend -iiiL'
it was nm izi'd to ascertain that she
had a most urd'-nt loyiT iu the person
of a nei-lil.or, a married man. llie
loving expressions found iu the letter
and the criminality that win apparent
almost. cra7,'-d tho hushand, and, forget
tim.' his own criminal conduct, ho pro
ceeded to give Ids wife nn unmerciful
heating, and then went on ti hunt for
thn destroyer of his domestic happiness.
Of course, his nciimiH gave him away.
II was nrrested for roMiing' tho post
otlico and was' tried unil convicted, and
has just l.een wiitonc-ed to three years
iu the penitentiary.
At Eiigi'iif.
At Eugene City we stopped thirty
minutes. Thn comii.encemeii'; exercises
of the State University were just over
nud the crowd had come en masse tothe
d-pot. Carriages were wailing lo take the
paity out, hut I he time was so limited
that hut few wen. J!ut alas for their
pleasure. A few of these returned in
time to In lp the crowd wave us a good
hye, and the remainder in time to help
telegraph to the next station, and we
found ihem all as wo camo hack tin
next day.
In our limited i-xperiencn we never
saw ns handsomely dressed and uni-
formly fine appearing crowd as that one
at Eugene City, and the town .eemed
.tolis in keeping. Dairv nnd Farm
State of Oiikoon, )
Salkm, July :';l. 1 1? 8 .". )
It is my sad duty to announco the
denth of tlm ex-chief mngistrnte of the
nation, General U. S. Grunt, who died
to-day at his temporary residenco at
Mount McGregor, iu tho Mato of New
Tiio greater part of his nctivn life
having heen pent iu the srrvico of Ins
country, I trust that all of the people
of thn State of Oregon will do rover
oncn ta th mrniory of thn dead hero
and Kunpeud their usual lahor on t In
day of his linnl ohscqtiieF, uud in such
way as may seem proper, pay tlm re
spect that is duo our lamented chief
tain. Z. F. Moody, Governor.
Attest: 11 P. Eaiiiiart,
Secretary of State.
The Knot Will Bj Tied.
"Philander," aaid a pre'.ty girl to her
bashful heau, "I wish you'd tie this
rililion nt my throat; I can't seo how
to do it without a glass.''
"(it course, I'll only ho too glnd to,"
ho said, nnd at onco grappled the
After an unsuccessful effort of five
minutes, during which he got as red as
a hrick house, nud perspired like a
picher of icewuter on a July window
siil, ho stammered;
"I I dout't think I can tie a re
spectu'ile knot. Miss Mary."
"Suppose, Philander," shn whispered
with a pretty lilthi hlush, "suppose you
call in u preacher to assist."
Like I ho unveiling of a heautiful
mystery, the situation unfolded itsolf
to Pliiliin:!i-r, and he feels Itetter now,
A LrsMin in G;;iinin;ir.
The New York Sun's gramninrian:
"Then1," said a woman to n tramp,
"if a nice dinner, hut I nhall expect
yen Ii. saw a little wood for it."
"Certainly, madam," politely replied
tho tramp, attackuig tlm dinner with
hoth hands, "hut yctr will pardon me,
I trust, if I venturo to correel your
"My whai?"
"Your English. Thn Word Raw
is a verh in this case, singular
nuinher and imperfect tense. You can
not sivy, 'I shall expect you to hhw
wood.' 'I shall expect you in seo wood,'
is correct. If you will indicate tho
pile to me I will now look nt it as I
puss out."
The platform adopted hy thn Ohio
Uepuhlicuns does not commend itself
even to llepuhlican journals. Tho
Francisco UuHetiu calls it "narrow,
selfish, nnd iu a sense ill tempered," nnd
declrtres that it is i Mi work of "small
men, utterly iiicanahle of understand
ing the signs of thn times." The Post
says tho platform will he "ridicule I
from end of tho country to the
otlu-r," nnd that it is a hodge-podge of
odds and ends of poor stump speeches.'
Hut our Repuhlicnu contemoraries must
remeniher that it is harWork to huild
a platform for their pnrtj now, It has
nhsolutely nothing hut the high-tariff
idea to trado upon. Thn issuen thai
gave it heing ore dead. f It may win
some local contests, hut as a national
organizvion its raeii is run.
Van Ch-ve, of the Ynquha Post,
thusly duns his Hiihscrihers, nnd if they
have any manhood ntall they will liqui
date; Donations of two-dollar-and-ft-half
gold pieces from warm-hearted
friends who admire the hriliiant scintil
lations that hahitually flow from our
hehdomadal pen (our enemies will he
impaled wh n they get "on to" that),
will he received and our nutograph
kindly retunred from this office, daily,
hetweeu hreakfast and supper, until
further notice, thn ohject heing tb raise
u collossal mortgagH that threatens to
topple over with i's great accumulation
of weighty iiiterest and crush out the
life of interested people ho have kept
ii kind and i-y ii pathetic eye upon us
for many moons.
President Cleveland linn a pointed
colored men oh minister to i lay ti and
Liherin, a also to other position, and
still our RepuMican contemporaries nr"n
not happy and continue to speak fienwly
nf the uiipleftsantimss which was con
cluded over twr nty ysirs go. Thy
vo'd i ro 1 if uVut tn m iin"d,
Fai!i' Intrrro'nllons. ;
Oregon Vidette.
"Papa, what did iMr. Roach fail fort"
"For want of fut contracts, I pre- ,
sunie, Ruth " j,
"Wouldn't tho Repuhlicatn give him
any, papa?" j
"ihey weie only too willing, hut the j
Democrats havu that pleasure at pre j
' Wouldn't tho Democrats give biai
any fat contractu either?"
"Thry don't seem to he nhlo to coroi
to an understanding, my child." I
"Was Mr. Uortch a Republican;
"Coii'jidetahlo of one. He was thn
I 'est friend l!i" Republican party had
except the railroads."
"Is ho a poor man now, papa?"
"Yes; I expect ho will have to put
up with gr-.-at privations and live on
thn interest of a heggarly million or bo."
"Did tho Democrats take all his
money away from him?
"No; hut (hey refused to take all his
ships he had huilt for Uncle Sam away
fioni him?"
'What for, papa?" -
"Nothing, except to have a navy."
"Didn't tho Republicans want a
"Why no, little daughter, they only
wanted to carry tho elections.
"Do folks ever fail and get rich,
"Sometimes, Ruth."
"Don't you think Mr. Roach is rich
enough, if he has a million or sot
"May he."
"Didn't you fail in Ohio a long time
ago and como to Oregon a rich man,
"Hero now, you can go up stairs to
your mother; I want to read.
Willing to Take Krcn Cniineej.
Alongside tho roadway near the Je
rome Park racetrack a three card monte
swindler Ret up Ids' tripod. James R.
Keone, thn Wall utreefer, arrive! with
several friends, nnd looked on the
game. The gambler's pal resorted to
tho fainilur trick of slyly bending tlei
comer cf tho face card by tint .neans
making it appear that the w inning card
could be picked out to a certainty.
Keone surprised tho spectators by say
ing: "I'll tnk'o you for $50 (hat lean pick
out the juijj."
Thn sum was above tho gambler's
capital, but Ip got $10 out of his pock
i ts, unci thn stakes wern put into tho
hands of nn honest bystander.
"Now, my lino fellow," said Keene,
"you think you have got a sure thing
on me, but you haven't. Thn chances'
are exactly even, I shan't choose the
bent card, for, of course, that isn't thn
jack. You've smothered the jack in'
handling them, nud bent one of the
others. So Hie jack must be one of
the sniuoth cards, and in taking this"
one," nnd hern he placed his hand on a
card, "my chances are equal against
you. See! Ah! Yes, I've won." He
pocketed the stakes and was cheered by
tho instructed crowd.
The Kason.
To givo (he publio nn idea of the
value of newspaper space and opinion
in San Francisco, tire following from
the, California turf paper1, the Spirit of
tho Times, is published. It don't ro
lled very favorably upon tlm San Fran
cisco daily press:
"TIki reason why w have not x
preusrd an opinion in the Spreckols
Dh Young case, is simply in tho fact
that we lave not been paid to do so.
Had Mr. Spreckols published in the
Spirit the speeches of Hall McAllister
and Mr. Highton at 25 cents per limy
tin amount paid the weckliis, or 1
er lino as pnid tho Cull; or $150 per
column ns paid tlm Bulletin, we should'
have undoubtedly given De Young fits
and stood up for Spreckels, of if Df
Young had given us CampMl' speech'
to print under tho nainn circumstances,'
we should doubtless have utood up for
Da Young and given Spreckels fits, It
would havo depended entitnly upon
which card tho coin wut placHd. V
do not wish to be considered any differ
ent from our confreres in thn profei
sion; we aw fill too rthorwl for this'
, -:rth, nnd yt w rs on it." .