The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 25, 1885, Image 1

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' ""
1 I1U
ill U J JUll IJ
VOL. 17.
NO. 55."
PMWitr an I Proprietor.
I'mO'S -0 i t'i iivt si 1 of Willamette
Street b.'twj jo Seventh nu 1 Eighth Street!..
Per Annum...
Six Months....
Tare. .Mm tin.
.. 1.21
Advertisements inserted bo follow :
One iiinm, 10 lines or l'ss, one in.ertin $3:
icli ube'aeat innerl.un $1. CuaU reipiired in
Time lvertisers will be chared at the f"I
owim r,it st :
Oninpiire throe months 01'
' " nit months S ,"'
one year.
12 00
Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per
iae for each insertion.
Advertisin',' bills will be rendered quarterly.
All job work must be paid kos on hei.ivekv.
Vrniisn Lodor No 11. A. F. anil A. M.
MeeU flret and third Welnewlay. iu each
Vk. Hpkhcfb Butt lonoit No. 9 I. 0.
aLSO. F. MeeU every Tuesday evening.
Zfuft?? WmtvrKALA Kncimpmkkt No. 6.
eett od the Idaad 4th Wednesday, in eai-h month.
Euoese Loixie, No. 13, A. O. V. W.
Meets at Masonic Hall the second and fourth
F.-idays in each month.
.). M. Sloan. M. W.
KiLPATBirK Post, Xo. 40, O. A. II.-Meets
t Masonic Hall, the first and third Fridays of
ch month. l!y order, Commanhku.
(tllDKR OP ClfOSEN FniEns. Meets the
rat and thirl Saturday ncninirs at Musoiiic
Hall. Uy order of J. .u. m.oan, ( i .
Uuttk LoiwK Xo. .V,7, 1. O. C T. Mct
very Sitiir.lay iii-'ht in () 1 1 Fellows' Mall.
E. 0. 1'uTTtn, . C T.
Lkahini Star Baniiok Morr. -Meets at the
I". Ohiirch every Sun t iv afternoon at S::lit.
K. ! iston. Supt.: Miss li-.-rtha ''ook, .As't
flupt; -has. Hill, S-jc'y. Mi-s Hattie Smith,
Chaplain. Visitors made welcome
niLVKl'. c- M. rol-LIKK.
-tt0m3ys and Counsellors at Law, -
L tnis St-ite. Will 1,'ive s;ei-i:il attention
to collections ail I probate inattors.
Ki'lCK -Over iluiidriuk ft Kahili's bank.
ceo. 3. mm,
AUornni and. Counsellor-
a I-Law,
XVtt.. PI'.V'M'K 1XT1IF. CiniTSi
Y of tin Sre.iad .!a licial iii,ri.t and in
)i i nr.!. n l' art m fin it
a il i:c -aiio.i b'iv.-n ta c
tirtUers in omli.i'.e
'.lections .ind i
3. Washburno
r'.U iHXIi CITY, - - - OKF.CON
Olllce formerly ocjupic.l by Tliom son &
llean. li's':t
Attsrnay and Connsallor-at-Law, and
Ileal Estate Agent.
uuaaxEcirY, - oheuon.
OKFICE-Ttt'o doors north of Post (ttli'-e.
A tto r airy -:t L;i w,
JsUtJEXiS CITY oKEtlOX attention (ivn t i UA I'.'t.ito Prac
ice an t Abstracts ot title.
Office Over Gran'o Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Gtoro.
llvsidenceon Fifth street, where 1 r Sueltoii
formerly resided
Dr. Wm Osborne,
Adjoining St- Charles Hotel,
idence when not professionally eiia'ed.
Office at the
Residence on Eighth street, opposite I'resby
erian Church.
Attorncys-sit-Law. ,
t C. nrt of the State.
Social tuntien given ;o rial e tat, co
I,.,,.. , .1 ikntlitit. n ft t. I"..
Coll tiiu; 't kinds if i.aims a.-ain-t thr
Unitel Stales Government I
Ottice in N alton Iiru k- room i an i .
A large assortment 1 of La- Trimming silk and Saf
eties and Childrcns Hose at ins in all shades.
12 1-2 ds.
Good, Dress Goods at live
liest Corset in toivn for oOc
An immense sf (,': of . Yew
a fid Season a hie Goods.
Fine Cashmere in every
.Vew and Nobby styles in
Liberal Discount for
lew Departure ! !
TWO 2?23.SOI3;r
t a i i;(.mi:t;i!: mi:x who
a. .-st Il-JKI. il'l !., wliosc interest.- art;
-p'-nd tiieii profits a(. lioii.e. Tjuvc notice tliul-
t : 4
Will ell ,'o...l.. for I'.'.Sl! .it ,Tiat:.v r-.- luceil pri.
!'.., l'riiits 1'. an I IS y;ir Is 51 Oj
I'.est and )''.. 'jiehed .Mnhlius, 7, S.'.l, and
10 ct '. j
'larks an 1 Urooks spool cotton 7" ct per !n.. J
Plain m l Milled Fhnncls, 2.1, 00; I "1 und M ,
Water Proo , cents
Fine White Shirts, 7" cts and 51.
And all Other Cosds at Proportionate Rates.
Also the ( 'elehnued
Xoiie butter for srea,nli, sie, and dnrabilityh At greatly reducd rates.
To my old Custoino-s, who have st t bv me so 1 ik, 1 will continue t Bell on same
t nil as heretofore on tiin , but if at nny time they wish to make (.'ASH purchases, I will give
all mii. as others, the f all cr. dit on my reduction A. V. PETERS
Goods sold as
in Oregon, for
Cash Or Credit
Highest Price paid for all kinds
of Country Produce. Call and See
Harness Shop.
west of Crain l;io'., 1 am now prepared to l'urni.-h everything iu that line at the
Tim Most
. Workmen
Arc employed, and I will h'ovor to
mc with a rail.
Hi J
Moirea n tinne Sil A.?
Velvets in Colors.
The line si stock of French
ever brought to this place-
in all grades-
of all descriptions.
r.: von: r, a nx ;!:.-;, i; axo
yoi.r interests ! Are lieruianentiv located mid
I l1 urn
- i - s, as low as any ( tiler CASH .STuI'.K.
l'ilie ('l,CNit S!,iru od, 7.1 cts ami SI.
xew Assortment llress (ioods (Xo Trash) 15,
2) and St cts. '
Mens" I'nd u. S'lirts an 1 Drawers, oO ct
Mens' ( Ivcrshirts, 7-"i cts. and .!.
Mens' Overalls, oil, l',.", 7o cts and .51.
Embroideries and Edwins 11 1 Fabulous I. mi
lov as any House
give satisfaction to all wlunia favcr '
A. o. f 1,255511'..
MM. Ill Id
wlcmc sum vi i a
Lund for tin- riDjiIi'
The otlicial announcement cmit iini'd
, in ivci'tit dispatches of tin- opening of
millions or acres ot land lo settlement
previously kepi out i f (lus market fu-
i in, leniniiy purposes will I e frailly ing
' t.i llie w hole cininlry. The failure of
the corporations to comply with the
: conditions of t!eir res p.. olive giants agreement can lie made by which a Ho
llas boon irrefutably shown. The spoil publican Senator can lie elected. In
atlm of the popular inheritance was other winds, if no agreement can lie
proven to he without example in m i- reached then no extra (tension will lie
; history. All this was urged byieajlod. All that is desired is the Sen-
newspapers deniiiiiied that, jiiti
ticii should In? done to the people. Until
the Democrat io Administration cuit"
into power, however, very little atten
tion was !iven to this ipiesti'im of resti
tution. The new Land CViiiinissinner,
however, ranin into otlice deeply im
pressed with the necessity of fjivino; the
Hiilyeet the most careful eoiisideration.
His investigations revealed I he justice
of the demand i.nd his net ion has heen
prompt and decisive. Asaiiiiuuneed in
recent dispatches, the ell'ect of his de
cision will he to restore lo entry, under
the homestead mid oilier laws, many
millions of acres of puolii: hinds which
have lieen kept out ;if the inark"t for
years liecausn of the claims set up to
them by railroad corporatiotis. In the
siiiijlo Territory of .Moptaua over '(),
000,000 acres of the public domain
previously seipie. tered hy the Northern
Pacific ltailroad is opened. In Wash'
inuton Territory, ()re::eu and lalota
nrn many, many millions more. An
avenue is thus opened fur the thousands
of homeless people M;attcivd over the
country and hopeless of employment, to
find a im ai.sof exereisiii! their iudus
trv, thrift : i I enterprise. It should
drain t f grf.t ci i s of their idle
younn men, ho in In fertile valleys
of tin1 Missouri and the Yellowstone
will he al'le lo build for ihemxelves
comfortalile homes and surround their
possessions wii li r.ll the appliances of
civilized life, --lvv iniiner.
Evidently Iknwrs tu ''Shnil."
No looked earliest I y at the t .vo elass
hand erenales that hun 011 t!;e walls
of the corridor at l'e;iry liine.
"How thought fu'," he siul, "of I ho
III lll.ioeuieiit to provide liotllesof water
ill case of faiutin ss aiuoii,' the ladies."
"Them's I'm Ntiniiisliers," inter
rupte I the attendant. 'iWle-n a Cue
bleaks i.ul you throw a bottle on i1 and
liny puts it on':."
"Any kind of a lire';''
'Yes; liis or little."
"Then I'll have half a dozen put into
my colIin." Paris Moruint; News.
Half L'rtnl broiisc
The Salem Statesman says: "A
hunter drought into this oHiee yester
day a head of allied which wis half
Mongolian pheasant ami half grouse.
This may seem ipicer to a good many
people, hut there is no doubt hut that
the now ph-asant lately introduced
into this country and (ho native grouse
inter breed. There will probably he 11
new kind of wild fowl found in this
country if this is a fact. The specimen
shown had the head of a pheasant, and
winij ami tail feathers like the ueouse."
Tho (iiurterly stateuient of tho earn
ings and expenditures of the peniten
tiary shows that in.'.ti'ution to be in a
prelty prosperous financial condition.
The amount of expenditures for tho
quarter aiding June ,'i'J, l8fC, was
?G,C.VJ 82; earnings and collections,
!?G,.ri."i7 f.1), leaving a balance of expend
itures over the receipts of 121 1)7
Work amounting to SoCG Gt, for which
cash was not paid, should be figured in
the receipts. 'Ihis leaves a balance of
428 71 of receipts uhove expenditures.
Jn North Carolina, where the legis
lature recently appropriated $.'!0,000
for tho hrncfit of disabled soldiers w ho
huil served iu the Confederate army, on
the K.upposition that there would he
about 1,000 applicants, each of whom
would receive $.50, over .'5,000 appli
cants have already presented claims,
and it is thought that the whole tium
her will reach -I.OOO
If this expecta-!
tion is realized each disabled veteran
will receive a gift of 87 ').
A reliable d-aler will advertise his
goods and keep his name before the
fuhlic. A dealer who does not ndver.
Oho hna nothing worth buying, ami ill
b at you every chance he get Ex.
i:x!ni S:Nsij:i.
We have it from excellent nuiliority
. tlint tin- Republican leaders of Port
( land hao sent to each Republican j
in'm r of t lit Legislature n liL of ;
tour i.;iiiics to I ! vot' il for nu Senator, I day when there was Home house clean
pro. id-d the governor oills mi extra ing to be done in the Executive man
session. The object is to nee if an i sion she tied a towel around her lienri
atorshlp. A pledge as follows h asked
from each Legislator : " Take your
choice of these four lames, hut pledge
yourself to finally acree on one of
tliein." o more high handed proceed
ing was ever tried by any set of niie.i.
The State is to he rohbed of jl,'ll,000;
the ( inventor is to prostitute his high
otlice for party advantage; (he people's
representatives are to ho diciated to by
a ring and all for what? For a Sen-
atorship that has 1 11 forfeited. The
people have some lights in this matter,
and we inform !ov. Moody and his
coterie of political advisers that they
will not he trilled with. The wholn
ipieslionof the extra session is simply
for political advantage. There, it is
simply an attempt to 10b the people of
their dearest right the franchise of
the ballot. Gov. Mody should stand
by ami with the people. Let him an
swer this ipiest ion: If the Legislature
was Ib'iiiocralie would he think of call
ing an extra session? Xo! Then act
according to every dictate of lmicsty
anil justice. llosehurg Review.
All Inirrvicw Willi Iligglns.
l.oiiUviHo Courier loiunal.
Mr. lliggius, of the Treasury l)e
pai'tinen';, in all his talk, stands hy his
piiuciples, which arc, that to tlei vic
tors belong tho spoils. One of the
clerks dropped from the rolls in the
Sixth Auditor's ollice came into the
room of Appointment Clerk Higgins
one afternoon to learn the cause of his
"Don't you know how long you have
been iu the department?" was asked.
"Y'-s,'' was the reply.
"Well, how long?"
"Ahotit eighteen years."
"A little over eighteen years, isn't
it" asked Mr. Higgins.
"Yes, sir, I think it is."
"Well, havn't you heen treated
pretty well;"
"I suppose I have."
"Then, what have you got to say."
"Nothing, except good hy "
So they shook hands and parted.
At the last session of the Legislature
the sum of '2,00() was appropriated
for a memorial stone from this Stato to
be placed in the Washington monu
ment, in a niche left for that purpose,
and the contract for executing this
work was let to Frank Woods, of Al
bany. He has been engaged upon the
stone for some time, and expects to
limn it completed by August 1st. AI
though several Slates have expended
much more than Oregon for a memorial
stone, it is stated that none yet sent
fiom any Stati will surpass this one
when completed. It is to consist of
three kind? of Oregon stone. The
stone itself is a hrown sandstone hear
ing 011 its face a landscape containing
the coat of arms of the State sur
rounded hy fruits and llowers, the
whole enclosed with a raised moulding.
The stars surrounding tin State shielJ
are to la- of a greenish syenite set into
the sandstone, and the snow capped
mountains are to he represented by
white marble, also set in the hrown
Secretary Manning has reduced the
force iu the Treasury Department 400
and thus made a saving of $500,000
per year. He expects to dismiss at
least GOO more and make the annual
saving over 1,000,000. This is reform.
Sol. Ahrahain has succeeded in hav
ing the county huildings located on the
railroaJ addition to Grant's Pass, he
giving the county $o00 and a one half
I interest in all his realty in Josephine
i county. Ko'iehurg Review.
An Ohio man who had drunk twelve
barrels of .cider since last fafl is dead.
, Whether ho died from drinking too
.much, or whether he peiinhed because
' the cider gave out, is not stated.
1 Tlit First lady.
! Miss Cleveland Ins settled tho mooted
question of who is the first lady in the
land. Slin settled it herself in a way
that meets pul.lic applause. Tho other
put oinn old calico dress, and with
broom and dust pan in hand, went from
room to room and made things lively
for a w hile. The servants, who had
never witnessed such a scene in tho old
mr.nsion, Ktood aghast, hut that didn't
deter, her from going through with th
work. Of course thero is going toTm
a terrihle outcry on tho part of polite
vxiety. Rut that will not dethrone
Mis Cleveland from the proud position
which the American people with a
loud voice will accord to her. The
masses of tho people will stand hy her
and uphold her as the first lady of the
land. Such homely common sense aa
she displays is right up to American
ideas. The woman who knows how to
take care of her home is the only queen
that Americans crown. Courier-Jour
lie Dues h Want to Go.
A Washington special says: Treas
ury officials are still trying to find the
address of Governor Kinkead of Alas
ka, to notify him that he has heen suc
ceeded hy Stvineford of Michigan.
Kinkead has heen dodging ahout he
tween Alaska, San Francisco and Ne
vada, avoiding telegrams. The last
heard of him he had sailed for northern
Aluski. It is probahlo that he will
not he informed of his recall until the
new Governor finds him and relieves
liin; ollieiady. The Treasury Depart
ment is also trying to relieve one of
the Seal island agents, supposed to he
at Alaska. It turns out that he has
not heen there for a year or more, hut
awaits his removal in San Francisco.
No thinks he will he allowed to draw
pay until ho receives an order of re
moval, hut it has been decided other
wise, hy placing the name of his suc
cessor on the pay roll, to dato from
June 5th.
A Good Administrallon.
The San Francisco Post, a leading
Republican paper, says: "The fact is
that President Cleveland has, on the
whole, giyen the country a very satis
factory administration so far. The
people uro convinced that he is a man
of honest purpose, bent upon doing his
best. le has made mistakes, of course,
and his policy of restoring the South
to a full share of the honors and emolu1
iiients of tho Government may ho dis
agreeable to old-line Republicans. Hut
nobody ever expected that old Repub
licans would take much comfort out of
a Democratic administration. Mr.'
Cleveland has not been iu ottice long
enough to furnish tho opposition with
material for a platform. And, judging
from the character of the man, it is
probable the Republicans will find it
expedient to trust to something besides
his blunders to supply them with am
munition." "Where rolls tho mighty Oregon"
was quoted hut once while tho editors
were in Oregon, and then tho work was
done by nn Oregon man. One of our
Fowa boys quoted "Breathes there a
man with soul so dead," i'C,' and ten
minutes after our train pulled ou( the
very spot whero the- speaker stood was
struck by lightning. Atlanta, Iowa,
The appointment of Mr. R. H. Todd,
of Spokane Falls, as deputy internal
revenue collector for eastern Washing
ton Territory, by Governor Whiteaker,'
is a most excellent selection.' Mr. Todd
resided for many years in Mc.Minnville,
is a thorough business man, and has
the esteem and confidence of those who
know him.
Gov. Noadly will doubtless Im renom
inated for Governor of Ohio and tr
tho race over again with Foraker. " He
has rnailn a splendid record as Gover
nor, and we trust will lie elected again.'
He is 0110 of the leaders of the Domoc
ricy. President Cleveland has made an av.
' r-ragn of twenty-seven appointment
per day, including Sundays, sine? ht
1 has heen in office.
; 1 i
A ' I