The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 18, 1885, Image 7

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Midgets who llaiikrupt t'niiit--tlnK K
"Po you know," aid a professor of a
dime museum, "that Baron Ma-jri, the
brother of Count Magri, who wedded
Mrs. General Tom Thumb, is also mar
ried? The baron is quite as tall as the
count, but his wife, a very attractive
lady, is six feet one inch high. He has
live children who all take after their
mother, for some of them are twice as
big as he is.
" His eldest son, a lad of eleven years,
used to jokingly pretend that he was his
father's grandfather. He was so much
bigger than his father that the latter
was unable to correct him for his mis
chievous pranks, and had to send him
home to Italy to be spanked.
"It would amaze you to know how
bright and intelligent these miniature
people are. Countess Magri is compe
tent to be a professor at Vassar Collece."
and I warrant you that she could hold
ner own wun Misan a. Anthony and
Lillie Devereaux Blake in a debate at
woman-suffrage convention. All the
miniature people are very sensitive
about being thought small. For in
stance. General Mite feels as tall as a
grenadier in the Queen's Guard, and
some of the little ladies pride themselves
on being slender ana willowy like Ken
tucky girls.
"All little people are very dignified,
and are much hurt at being compared
with children and babies. Lucia Zarate.
a Mexican miniature woman, becomes
quite angry when she is likened to a
baby. She is twenty-one years old, a
loot ana two inches nigh, nnu weighs
only four pounds and a half, bring less
than hall the size and weight of a baby,
"It is wonderful what good appetites
the miniature people have. Tom Thumb
ate more than Chang, the Chin&ie
giant Any of the little folk will eat as
mucb dinner as a man six feet high.
Giants, as a rulo, have small appetites.
When we boarded Chang at one of the
large hotels here they thought he would
eat a great deal, and so they charged
mm as much as n he were three men
Instead of going through the bill of fare
from beginning to end and then repeat
ing, he ate no more than the average
boarder. 'Hungry Joe' could eat more
at a cold lunch than Chang could m a
whole week. It took three beds, how
ever, to make one bed for him to sleep
in, ana so we aid not complain at pav
ing nine dollars a day for his board.
"1 knew a very grotesque-looking
bourn American dwart, who used to be
exhibited as a wild man without lan-,
gunge who fed on raw meat, and who,
was lncapamo ot understanding evert
signs. AV ell, after the exhibition was
through every night that dwarf used to
go over to a restaurant and order all
the French dishes on the bill of fare,
read a Spanish newspaper, talk French
to the waiters, and ask questions of
Americans in fluent English. Ho had
an enormous appetite. He didn't weigh
much, but he ate like an elephant, lie
used to polish oil' three apple-dumplings
for desert.
"Some of the miniature men have
been jolly good fellows. 1 have known
some of thorn who could have put a
whole company under the table drink
ing beer. They have a tolerably easy
life of it. A very small dwarf will get
$500 a week, or twice as much as a
leading man at a New York theater. I
have known $800 to be paid for one
week's engagement to a phenomenally
small dwarf. Of course the dwarf who
gets $100 a day may draw $i00 a day
to the museum.
"Miniature folk sleep about like other
people. Some, however, go to bed with
the owl and get up with the lark, and
are always spry and lively. I find most
all miniature people intelligent, genial,
and good-natured, pleasant people to
know. Ar. . Mo r ni iki Journal.
What Pussies the Folk of Ah Fork,
Where Water It Half a Dollar a Barrel.
In some sections of the northern por
tion of Arizona the question of water
supply, even for domestic purposes, is
a very serious one. This is particularly
the case at Ash Fork, a station on the
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. A scries
of very lovely and fertile valleys sur
round the place, and plenty of grass
grows for the support of large herds
of cattle, but no water can be had ex
cept from an occasional "tank" during
the winter season. At Ash Fork the
railroad company attempted to sink an
artesian well, but after reaching a depth
of nine hundred feet the drill became
fastened and could not be removed.
Many futile attempts were made to ex
tract it, but at last it was abandoned in
despair. All water now used at that
station and by the residents of the town
is brought by rail from Peach Springs,
sixty-live miles to the westward, and is
sold at fifty cents per barrel.
A short time ago a prospector, stimtii
lated by the inquiry for water, reported
that he had discovered a huge well,
about eight miles from Ash Fork, sunk in
a level plain. Parties at once repaired
thither with ropes and other parapher
nalia to explore the wondrous discov
ery. They found the locality, but to
this day they do not know the exact
nature of the curious cavern that met
their gaze. It is located on a level plain
and can not be seen until it is ap
proached very near. There is no evi
dence of earth or rock having been re
moved from the pit, which was found to
be 150 feet in diameter ami 320 feet
deep, with perpendicular walls. No one
in the party was brave enough to de
scend and explore the "well" when the
rope had been lowered, and the ex
plorers returned to Ash Fork scarcely
wiser than they were before their trip.
It is certainly a great curiosity, and
there possibly exists a supply of water
somewhere in its depths or in the nu
merous caverns or tunnels that appar
ently emerge into the dark earth below
from this curious threshold of sunlight,'
Tucson (Art.) Citizen.
That pegged shoes and boot are
still quite extensively used milit be in-'
ferred from the fact that a peg-manufacturing
company at Bartlett, K. II., is
turning out the little wooden articles at
the rate of 1,800 bnshels a day. and has'
orders on band that will require several
months o fill.
JVrfeetljr Suti.llect Ti,t ll Has Finally
round tli ICIglit Thing.
John W. Keely. v illi his side-whisker
closely clipped, his face not so rotund
as usual, and weighing e!ghteenpoundt
less than he did six mouths ago, sal
down "yesterday to tell a Itvvrd re
porter of his latest discovery. As he re
lated the story the diseove'n-r'a eye
sparkled mid a beam of satisfaction
spread over his face when he remarked
"I have at last attained the work of my
life. 1 have discovered the power
which for years I sought, and I feel per
fectly satisfied now that my discoverie
and inventions can go forth to the
world. For six months I have worked
fourteen and eighteen hours a day. The
world saw little of me, because I wac
locked in my workshop. My new en
gine is operated upon an entirely differ
ent system from anything I ever used
before. It will be known as the rotary
etherio engine. The power is ob
tained from inter-atomic air, or
rather luminiferous ether in fact
I have half a do.en terms
to apply to it This new power is under
complete control, and is greater in vol
ume by live or six times than gun
powder. Indeed, by multiplied con
centration I can make it iifteon times
greater. In a recent experiment I ob
tained 22,800 pounds of pressure to the
square inch in eight seconds. No water
is used in this engine or to secure this
power, air alone being the agent The
introductory receptacle, which holds
one half pint of air, required sixty
pounds ot steel in its construction. J
expect (but can not state for a cer
tainty) to give nu exhibition in three
weeks. This will depend entirely upon
the machinists. If they disappoint me
X can not tell when it will happen.
iSext month l will have a perfect en
gine completed. It will not weigh more
than three tons, and will be equal to
600-horso power. The apparatus .vliich
is used iu connection with the engine is
named the -liberator.' "
"How about tho Keely Motor Coin
"it has no interest in the new engine
and discovery. A company is to be
formed, but I should hardly give the
particulars. It will have a capital of
$12,000,000, and it is likely that the
shares ot the Keely Motor Company
will be exchanged lor one ol the new.
I will have the controlling interest. The
Keely Motor Company has not paid me
a penny for two years, and all these dis
coveries and inventions have been paid
for out of my own pocket To return
again to the original subject, 1 believe
that live liberators and engines can sup
ply all the power needed in this city.
The power can be stored in tubes and
transported anywhere. Iu about six
months, or sooner if possible, I will take
out the patents in this country, and then
I shall go to Kurope, where 1 desire to
exhibit my vibratory lift, tho sympa
thetic lift and several other inventions
which the public do not know of. Phil-
aaiipliia Uncord.
Fanny Ntory About a Nun Francisco Dor
A Hog That Knew What was Needed.
"You talk about dogs," said the
Judge, "you talk about dogs I can
ten vou the iu tiniest story about a
"Did vou know the dog?" said the
"I did."
"Was it a terrier, or a pointer, or a
"It was a Dandie Dinmont"
"Good," said the doctor; "they're a
very truthful breed."
"Ihs dog belonged to a Inend of
mine who used always to take him out
with him."
"A bad habit," put in the doctor;
"you should never let a dog know too
"The dog used to wait outs'de for
him when he went in location a friend.
One night they were a very merry
party and they kept it up late. My
rieml got very drunk, lhe dog finally
got restless and began to howl. A
chaniDague bottle just passed his nose
and lie smelt it and shut up. About
two o'clock in the morning my friend
came out He said good-night, shut
the door, walked in by the garden gate
all over the (lower-beds, and finally,
unable to get out, he lay down on a
rose-hnsli and went to sI-h-ii. Tho dog
watched by him till the milkman came
along in the morning, picked him up
and took him home."
"That's nothing," sajd the doctor.
"You just wait a minute. Two or
three nights later he went and called on
his friend again and took the dog with
him. The dog waited outside a little
while and began to howl. Another
champagne lottle was thrown .tt him.
He smelt it, winked to himself, and
trotted oil'. He went home, scratched
at the door till the servant girl opened
it, attracted my friend s wife's atten
tion, iuade iter follow him to a pile ol
plauks, and whined till they got out a
a very long and broad one. Then he
directed tliciu to where his master was,
and when the door-bell rang and the
door oj eaed the revelers found the dog,
my friend's wfe, tin; servant, and a
stretcher. 1 hat dog knew what was
needed, you bet'' ban Francisco
Zcbebr i'aha, who has been ' ar
rested by the English Government for
collusion with hi Alahdi, is believed to
have retained and safely invested sev
eral million dollars of the immense
wealth he possessed in the davs of his
power at Khartoum. A year ago he
spurned contemptuously Gordon's
imposition to make him Assistant
Governor of the Soudan, prophesied
Gordon's destruction and the fall of
Khartoum, and added, "Sooner or
iter I shall return to the Soudan.
Allah is great!" He was then living in
Cairo with a thousand Nubian retain
ers about him.
Well, if you have strength to push your
business, it is well. But many a man's
business has broken down because the
man was broken down, and had no push
In him. If you want to mak a success,
build up your system by the use of
Brown's Iroa Bitters. Mr. W. M. Win
free, of Petersburg, Va., says : " There is
no medicine equal to Brown's Iron Bittlra
for reneral debility." It cures dyspepsia.
enriches the blood and strengthens the
eon. wm. d. tain.
A reporter of one of our Philadelphia
dailies spent a morning with Judge Kel
ley at his home In that city. The Jurfge
gave the history of his Illness and recov
ery, substantially as follows :
I had, as a harvditary victim to catarrh,
uttered for years. 1 was subject to vio
lent paroxysms of coughing. Straining
for relief had produced abrasion of the
membranes and daily effusion of blood
from my throat For four years I
passed a portion of each Congressional
vacation in the Itocky Mountains or on the
Pacific coast But my breathing power
continued to diminish, until tn toe early
summer of 187U it was a little more than
a panting for breath. About two years
before this my attention had been called
to Compound Oxygen. A friend who had
great faith in its efllcacT advised me to
try it. On reading Dr. Starkey'a adver
tisement I threw the little book aside, and
declined to resort to the Treatment, on the
ground that it proposed t cure every
thing, and was consequently without
adaptation to any particular disease. I
grew worse, and in the summer my
breathing was so short that a cough, a
sneeze, or a sigh, produced such acute
pain at the base of the left lung that I
felt it neceMary to clone up my affairs, as
T .1:1 i i .).. r u V. ....
4 uttt tkji veiinx A cvmic mac jvr auify
days. Nor do I now believe I would have
lasted for that time had I not found a
potent curative agent
"I had lost none of my prejudices
against Compound Oxygen, but in very
desperation, seeing that it could not make
me any worse than J was, and as medical
treatment had utterly failed to meet my
case, I concluded to try it. After a thor
ough examination, Dr. Starkey, to whom
I was then a stranger, said : ' Sir, I have
no medicine for either form of your dls-
easo (alluding to the catarrh and the
bleeding at the throat), but If you will
give me time, I ean cure yen.' My re
sponse was a natural one. 'You are
frank In saying you have no medicine for
either form of my disease, and yet you
propose to cure me. By what agency will
you work this miraclef 'The Oxygen
Gas,' said he, 'is not a medicine. Unas
none of the characteristics of medicine
compounded of drugs. These create a
requirement for continual increase f
quantity to be taken; and, if long per
sisted in, produce some form ot disease.
But Compound Oxygen produces no appe
tite for itself. It passes by Inhalation,
into the blood, and purines and invig
orates it. The system is thus enabled to
throw eff effete matter. You will find by
experience, if you try the Treatment, that
it will not increase the rapidity of your
pulse, though the beating will be stronger
under its influence."
"This explanation removed my objec
tions, and I could see how such an agent
could operate beneficially in cases of a
widely different character.
" Dr. Starkey said that the cells of my
left lung were congested with catarrhal
mucus, and that he believed the gas
would at once address itself to the re
moval of the deposits and the restoration
of my full breathing power.
" I began using the Treatment, and at
the end of three weeks teas able to report
an improved appetite, and the ability to
sleep several consecutive hours, with a
measurable relief of the pain In the lung.
"Notwithstanding the intense heat, I
remained in Philadelphia during the sum
mer. Before Congress assembled in De
cember, my lung had been relieved of much
of Us nauseous deposit, and I was able to
breathe tcithout pain.
"I am now more than ten years older
thanl teas when I first tested Compound
Oxygen. I have had no perceptible effu
sion of blood for more than six years. I
breathe as deeply as I did at any period
of my young manhood, and my natural
carriage is so erect as to elicit frequent
"You ask if I still continue the Treat
ment. Whenever 1 feel a fresh cold, or
suffer from the nervous exhaustion which
follows excessive labor, 1 resort to Com
pound Oxygen. I have the highest confi
dence not only in the Treatment iUelf,
but in Drs. Starkev & Palen as gentlemen
of skill and integrity."
A "Treatise on Compound Oxygen,"
containing a history of the discovery aid
mode of action of this remarkable cura
tive agent, and a large record of surprising
cures Tn Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia,
Bronchitis. Asthma, etc., and a wide range
of chronic diseases, sent free. Address
liM. Starkey & Palkn, 1109 and 1111
Girard street Philadelphia.
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
T.... uml.j k.u v f ...v......
(l-'l Powell street, between Bush and
Pine streets. San Francisco.
An epidemic of hog cholera Is prevail
ing near Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
Kucture. pile tumors, fistulas.
and all diseases (except cancer) of the
iower bowel radically cured. Book of
particulars two letter stamps. World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
New xora.
An eye-deal person The oculist.
CATARRH A New Treatment has been dis
covered whereby a permanent cure Is effected in
from one to three applications, rartlciilars and
treatise rree on receipt or siamp. a. ii. iuxon
& Hon, 305 King tit. west, Toronto, Canada.
Fok Clkansino the Pkin and PcalD of Birth
Humors, for allavinir ltrhinir. Ilurnine and
Inflammation, for curing the first symptoms of
kczema, l'sonaMs, Milk ('runt, Hcall Head,
Scrofula, and other inherited skin and blood
diseases, I I TK ( HA, the great Kkin Cure, and
li'tktra hoap. an exquisite Kkln lieauuner,
externally, and Ci'Tici'KA Hkhoi.vknt. the new
Wood Puriller. Internally, are infallible. Abso
lutely pure. Bold everywhere. I'rlce: Ct'Tl-
f-irSend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases.
A Remarkable fore of a llorwe.
In the fall of 1K3 I had a valuable horse
taken with the pinkeye, reeultinir in blood
poison. After nine mouths of dox:toriag with
all the remedies to be found in home books,
despaired of a cure. Ilia riuht hind leg was as
larye as a man's body, and had on It over forty
pinning sorrs. He was a most pitiable looking
object At last I thought of Kwifl'a Specific
and commenced to use it. I used fifteen bot
tles. In August last all symtitomsof tbedisrase
disappeared. There have been no signs of a
return, and the horse has done a mule's work
on my farm ever since.
Jamrs L. Fleming, Augusta, Ca.
January (, VSbi.
8rift's Rpeciflo lf entirely vegetable. Trea
tise on Blood and Kkin Diseases mailed free.
The gwrrr HpmrirCo . 1rawer I, Atlanta
Gtv, or US W. 3d tit. N. J. 1
There Is no truth In the report that yel
low fever exlsu at Vlcksburg.
It seems strange that it is necessary to
persuaae men mar, you can cure their dis
eases by offering a premium to the man
who fails to receive bene lit. And yet Dr.
oage undoubtedly cured thousands of
cases of obstinate catarrh with bis "Ca
tarrh Itemed," who would never have
applied to him, If It had not been for his
offer of the above sum for an incurable
case. Who is the next bidder for cure or
The Emperor of China has ratified the
treaty ef peace with France,
Irritation of the Throat and
Hoarseness immediately relieved by
"Browns Bronchial Troches."
Try Germea for breakfast
When Baby was air V, we (are her C ASTORIA,
When the was a Child, she oried for CASTORU,
When aha beaama Ml, the clang to CA8TXJKIA,
When aU had Children, she gave theoi CA5T0&U
A mr cur for Band, Hleedlnf, Itching and ricee.
sted Pile hu been discovered ti Ir. Wulitm Ian In
dian Kemeuyl called 1. Williams lmlla Pile Olrit-
nieui. A tingle box hu enred the wont chninlo ease
ul or 30 yesrs stautltug . no on need suffer Ore min
ute after emtlvtn this wonderful lootlilne medicine.
LeltouB. Instrument and eleotiiftrie do more hertn than
looa. William Indian Pile Ointment tleerW the tu
mor, alltyt the Intents Itching particular! at night
alter getting warm la bed I, act a pouiuoe, flrea In
last relief, and 1 prenared only fur fUei, Itching ot
tne pnra te parte, ana lor nnunng eiae.
Kead what the linn. J. M IVrnuhem. o( CTeTelend.
ayi about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment: "I bar
used scores ol rile Cures, and It anortls me pleasure to
say that 1 have never fuuud anything whictt rave suob
immediate and perniaueut relief as Dr. William's In
dian Olntmeut." for sale by all dnuiuist and aialled
on receipt of price, 1. (,' V. Klchanls a Co., 4.7 aad l&
sansume street, o truer uiay . Han rrauclsoo
Txrd Lome has been elected President
of the Itoyal Geographical Society.
Is sometimes exhibited In our public ex
hibitions. When we gaze upon some of
the peculiar freaks dame nature occa
sionally Indulges in, our minds revert
back to the creation of man, " who Is so
fearfully and wonderfully made," The
mysteries of his nature have been unrav
eled by Dr. K. V, Tierce, of Buffalo, and
through his knoweledge of those mys
teries he has been able to prepare his
"Golden Medical Discovery, which is a
specific for all blood taints, poisons and
humors, such as scrofula, pimples.blotches.
eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers ana
kindred altections. By druggists.
M. de Lessens will take the Presidency
ot the rrencn exhibition in iwu.
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
VegetaMe tonics, quickly and completely
Cures Dyepepln, Indigestion, W'fwUnr,
Impure Ilload, dIaiarla,CaUUaJid FeTcra,
and Neuralsla.
It Is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys and Liver.
Wt U Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
omen, and all who lead sedentary lives.
. It does sot injure the teeth, cause
produce csnstlpatlon aWler Iron strdirinn do.
Itenrlcheaand purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscle and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, &c, It baa no equal.
MB- The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. 'lake no other,
aaeeetjaf SaovJS CNMICat, CO (ILTIIOSI. ID.
Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or.
I01tTLAl, OBF..0.,
A Boarding and Day School for Girls,
Under the suwrvuinn of The Kt. Kev. H. Wistab
Mdkris, I). D , lilehnpof Oregon.
Thorough instruction In KnglUh, Art, Languages,
Vocal and Instrumental Munlo and Bookkeeping. A
corps of thirteen teacher. Pupils admitted at any age
and into snj or all of the department. The new term
begins on the KIHHT WKDNKSDAY of BElTKMUhlt
Catalogue sent on application.
A Boarding and Say School for Boys.
1 ent management begins SEPTEMBER 1
ttov nf nv am or dee" re
r a
I advancement admitted.
Boys fitted for college or business. Three Yale grad-
us tea among the teacher.
Hnecial Instruction In Pen
manship, Drawing, Music and Modera Ijtnguagea. Dis
cipline strict Nu bad boy admitted. For oatalogue
and circular or any Information, address
W, HILL, M. I , Head Master,
P. O. Dbawkh 17. Portland, Oregon.
Established 1861. P. O. Bos MS.
Grain, Produ and General
No. SIS and SIS Davla Btre.t,
(Member ef S V. Produce ichang. Consignment
and orders will receiv prompt attention. Cash ad
vance mad. . .
Wlolesale ' Grocers ami CommissioQ HertiaBts
10 North Front St. Portland.
San Franrlsoo OWoe IB Front St
Handle on eomrulseion Wheat, Wool, Hon, Reeds,
Pur, Hides, Chickens, Kggs, Lumber, Hoop-pole,
Salmon, Mill Peed, Outs, barley, Onions, Potatoes
Baoon, Lard, etc Aooount sale rendered on day of
sale. Send for our market report. Correspondence
and oonshinmenta solicited.
AiM 6019 Meiall
NaT hale Large
Factory In tae total
Hiviaauu mu
Ttils Crra f Sfrengllien
IngKemrtlranel Nerve
Home inn-s ..,..
rall.Nervousand Physical
Debility, iS"l .iwi.j,
Weakness, VlrlU) Decline,
, iillr, I,. Prostatitis. Kid
1 UiIKiu-ircr, ....... -
ney and UlsHrlerr'omplaiute
Disease m vie , r.i uir
LIOOS, " -"" -' "
,,f youthful follies and es
erase 1 pertnanentlf Bra-
weakening drain upon UK
ent.,....'" " i
restoring Iat Manhood,
however aompneawa so
ca8 may De, ana Vbers au otner remedies wsiv mmw.
A Prrmatwat Ore Abaolalrly tioaraled.
pnew WM per boUle.orflve bottles for $10. Bent
pon receipt of prica, or C.O U , to address, strica.
ta priests. 19 aK- '. D. XllKLI.
" to ehow ft
Mrit, will oeteol toany
I avplvlng ha setter,
ceueuii slums, UMiUjr oufl'lliHl, hf
mi l m ii ij
How lie (i lined V iliin'il,. Infiirliintl"!
Iliagll ei so i llnlv Mull.
One of I ln iiii'iiib -in of Ilit- Knli.-il
legation at Wiixliiii Inn fii.tiVirx somi
iiiti'rt'siiiio; pisii i'i-r;uilinr (icnerul
Sir lVii-r Linns I n of whom tliin -r-
hjll'llk till 1, ll,' It'll IKI of llis rcliitions tl
tl u Aiilo-Itiissi in Ii mini iry i,invttion in
C.'iili'.il Amu.
"From liis vmil i." s;i'( tills jji-ntle-nun,
'l.iini-ili'ii !i:d. Ih'c:i a mini ot
war. He lirst saw it in ihn MTvioo ol
tho Fast Inilia rnii)j::tiy, nml tl's in
gii'slu'il It niM'lf us a xuunstcr in tin
tt'iTiblt1 nic, tin;; t f 1 Vi7. Having inU- ii
for IlimliiMatii d'alt'i'ts lie siii.lifil thrin
patiently ii iut mrt'ftilly. In this w.iy
(it'iitTiil ui'ii'ri d a knowli'dt
of the seiititroiit.H nml ehnrai'ter of t lit'
rank ami lih't ftlu1 Indian army, so
that his servii e to the country has been
simply Invaluable. When Sir Fretlenek
Roberts was on his way to t'aiulaliar a
few years ajjo it was of tho tituut von
so iiencu that lie slioiiltl have some ae
on rato knowledge of the route, ami the
forces likely t oppose him in tin1
mountain hmm'-. This information
Sirl't ter LtmiMlcn, in his own time ami
way, volunteered to obtain. Three
days elaps"d and lie had not returned,
and (ienei al HoIh'I'Is beiran lo lio seri
ously concerned for tlm saf'tyof hit
dariii; stall' olllcer, and finally thoti;hl
he has been murdered. The (Gen
eral was silting in his tent latt
on the afternoon of the foil ft h day
when a tlakir. or holv man, Hinldenh
appeared, riding furiouslv down tlit
mountain tide, and want "it to pa- tin
s'Milinel, who win a grim o'd High
lander. The sacred man was an extra-ordiiinrv-lookini;
creature, and the re
verse of sainllv, as lie appt aivd to Kti
roiieau eyes, fie was almost naked, the
only garment that he wore lieiii1' a pail
of dirty trousers made of goat-skin. Hi
hair nearly reached lo his waist ns it
hung down his shoulder and back, ami
the lean, hrawuv arms were covered
will) a paste made of sandalwood ashen
mixed witli castor oil, a decoration oi
peculiar sanctity mid a powerful smell.
A nosegay of sandalwood, consisting ol
ninety-nine beans completed ihc equip
ment of this wonderful object The
man dismounted from his beast, whose
heaving thinks told of hard riding, and
in a dialect of l'ushtod or Afghan asked
to see the head sahib, 'l i e ilighlandei
tlid not understand and motioned him
back, dust then (iencral KoIhtIs came
out, and, keeping a wary eye on his vis
itor, a-ketl him in Hindustani what he
wauled. The visitor, in barbarous jar
gon, nuu'e the (icnerul umler-laud that
he desire. I an interview. When they
were alone, the tlakir said: 'lon't you
know me?' It was Lunisden, whose
disguise, dirt, wig and till, had Ih'cii so
complete as to lie even unsuspected to
a man whose imimalu friend lie had
been for ten years.
"Knowing how superstitious the Af
ghans are, Lunisden had selected a dis
guise they would not readily question,
for they are dreadfully afraid of oll'end
ing those holy men whose superior
sanctity is indicated by a degree of dirtr
iness that is appalling to the civilized
mind, lie knew the dialect of the
class ho represented perfectly, anil its
religious stock in trade iu quotations
from the Koran, so whenever ho ap
proached au Afghan encampment he
dashed fearlessly ui to it. yelling:
'Fah allah Mahomued resoul ullah,' the
mystic words of the faithful, and,
though qiiest'oned pretty sharply once
or twice, h!s Identity was never sus
pected. The information he obtained
enabled Candahar to I e captured, and
made the campaign the most successful
one ever made amid those bio ik mount
ains, ho o't"ii fatal to Kugland's arms.
For this distinguished service (icnerul was, iu July. HH, c; minis
sinned a Ma'or-(!eneral of the licngal
stall', and given a large grant of in uiey,
amounting lo about 1(1 '.O KI. This is
the man on whos report and judgment,
above all ol Iters, rest the chances ol
war that may clut'ige the entire map of
Central Asia'." II aih.tujhn l'os'.
We nre glad to learn from a vali 1V.M
contemporary that "pickled walnuts
are now introduced at dinner." If
there is anything we dislike it is to sit
opposite a pickled walnut at dinner
and not Leon speaking terms with it.
1'hiladrhhia Pre.
Lorillord's Climax Plug
bearing a rerf Ma too ; that Loriltsrd'l
, I..f nnecuti IhatLorlHard's
New Clipping, and that LorlllsrS's nud,ar
the best and cheapest, ciuallUr outuldered ?
Hon has been nartlcuuuhr deslitiielsnd attl. As a Sanitarium or llnas roa Ciihiiniii Invalid IIJ Institu
tion, with Its 10U acre nf surrmnilinir .Ttiunds, Its mairmrtoent siirinits. narks and perfect saniUry srranjfement
make it luperiur to anjrUiliui of the kind In the country. Mfdii'Bl and SvUrglcal tji nerolocy
(iliseasesof wnmen) is onr or THK phohinsnt rKiTlKM or thkHanitakium. Tlie attention of the nuslUal
profession Is Invited tn the fact that the HanlUrlum is under tli oonrrol ana direction of runilarly and tiinmniiblj
educated physicians of eitenslve Kaatern hoiltal experience and prlv te practice, whose aim it is to alfurd tlielr
Iiatlenta every ailvanbure of adentlrio knowledge. The treatineut rooui have In connection nery fnrra of
Hot and t old Water, Klertrln and Air Hatha. Merhanlral Movrnirntn
and all airt of Kleetriral Mijillsnces, with a large VAOTJIIM APHAKATVM for the development of atrophieil
muscle and Dart MEDICAL an SURGICAL for the nmreT treat
ment nf all iisroHMiTi ks and MAi.niRMATioNa, as
OAltiKM apparatnH for ths ad mm lat rat
NKKVdl'H lllhKAHKH, especially of women; I) VMI'KI'HI A, HHKUM A1IMM, HOKDKIJLA aua II1XHIU lilt.
KAHKH This I the onlv llsiratorr In th Nortliweat where oivurn ess Is manufctuml fresh and pure daily,
and where jiatientacan have advantage of chemical analysis. Hpecial liepartmenta for tlie treaimeut of Iihkak
Kra amp Ear ; Dihkasim or the Hkitl m, ss Fn.n, ViHTt'i.A, etc.; Opium llahit, Alroholism, Private Insane
fatlenu. and flir Uihianxs or a raiVATa satiks. I,y Ins-la-svard and Home (sirletly private)
for uvlles during ennnnement, where they ean receive every attention ana lie under ine constant care or a
physician. Terms for all oases depend on the nature of the case aud special attendance required. Correspondence
ana perstinaj visits iiiviuhi. iicaiion nunua-
rium- Kaat Portland. Irl J.rl.l' II 1 1.
Murceona In Chares'. Al'lre for
(Irrular and filrllier particulars, HAW
land. Orrcon. Oltlce-ItiKims 16 17.
UblM il'kl'g.N. K. for. 2d t Washington HU.
r n
A II 111 I
n ii
For Men and Boy, to Order and Ready Made.
Car. Krmtomery and SntUr StL, San Franciaco, Cal
MANN & BENEDICT, u, (J, C. EaStiD. & CO.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never rarles, A ssarvel ef purity,
Strength and wheleaomeaesa Mora ronninlral than
the ordinary kind, and cannot IS) soul in coninu
lion with the multitude of low test, short weight,
alum or phumhata powders. Hold anly in can.
Hot Alt lUusu Powuaa Co.. lufl Wall street, N. Y.
Xha Oroatstt Medical Triumph of the Ags 1
Indorsed all over the World.
Loss of appetite. Nansca, hovels cos
tlvei'PaloJn the Head. with a doll eenr
satlon.ln the baparttXainjaniei
the phoulderElade, fullnois after eat
Ingi with ajflslrwUnatipniojxertlog
of body or mind. Irritability of temp
ers Low spirit s,Loasef memory, with"
a feeling of havlngjieglooted Bome
datyt wearTnegs. t)izziness( Flntterr
tag ojhe Hejirt, 6ys before theeyes,
Yellow fiRln.HeadaoheiRestlessnrvs
at night, highly bolorecTUrlpes
TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to
such rases, one tlosa ctTccts such a change)
of fueling as to astonish tbe sulltirrr.
They Increase the Appetite, anil cans
the body to Take on Flesh, thus tho ays.
torn is nourished, and by tliolr Tonio
Action on the lilfreiatlva Organs, Hcrw
lar Wtool nre prxxlnced. Prim Hit rent.
Ghat lUiRor WuinKKita chanfret to a
Gixissr Black by a slntrle nppllcjiUon of
tills DTI. It Imparts a niitiinii color, aota
liistantanennsly. Bold by DniKKists, or
aunt by express on ruoaipt of I.
ornoe 44 Murro; at
few York.
Unran, Land iintnni
HK.V It'll V BACH.
,tialiler, koeniah I'lan-); UunaA
iintnnnenta Larveat U,a el Hbeat
Musis and Booka Band anrplied at Eastern irioaa
1L IIU V. mt Street, Ban t'nuiciioo.
tor made eiprtwly for
ot tha irrMrftUvvornna,
Ttiere im no nilitek ahont
this liiftrumoiiC, tha eon
tlnuoui tr'ua nf UJCO
TK1C ITV p.'rm ting
thmt.aTh tM Ohrta ni
rvitnro (hem to bwirny
I to not ranfMiitd,
tiim with F.rtnti
ksttrto or I La
lverti-d to ruiv all Ilia
f i-nm ht'ad to f na. Htaror
Kir tln-ulrit firiuu imi Infr
iLiuuvk UAi to,, iut wiuituiiiii
thn ONt himm- rkt porroowa.
i mi Information, nJilnnu. Lbmvm
No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cai.
la a eeriAin cure for
.VnrvoiM Itrbllity, Lout
.WanfiiHMf, I'runtutorm
aN, and all ths svB
enVts of youthful follies
and exveawM, and in
drinking Inloxhmtlng
JrVruoiK. iM Mlntkt,
irnuluate of the I'l '
sltyol I'diinsvivania wr.
SKree to forfeit !C0 fur
a owe of this kin.' tie
I'ftMl frfififivs ruw
derhls tpeclsl advice and treatment) will not euro
1.60 a bottle, or four times the quantity fc'i, at it t
. - i i . .1 mvlnA ml! n Y In nrlvatis
name if dotlred, by Ji Mint I. It hfuro) Htn
B r VJe BQUU IOr IIM Ul tUCHiW W isauiijuaw
alli IVaa auss.fe In an Ana aVfmLvlntT VlV Icttcf. Utatlnfl
vmptotiii, tex ftntl afro. UtriU aocrecy in rcywd tm
tdl uuaiana w'awviuiia,
" " N. P. N. U. No. fa -a . N. f. No 100.
fur the treatment of all elasne nf OHKONIU
DIHKAMKH, eeiieelal attention lieini liven to
Nervoua UUordrra, lllsrssri ef
the IHgratlve Oraana, Throat at
Jiisrahkh and DsmsMiTiKH and all disease re
uuirlm srsiiAL treatment, fur alilih lhe Instltu-
CI liVAI'l KK (IK TIIK Hl'INK, t'Ll.'H HH)T, Krr.
Ion or pure and rom pound mxygrnfmn
peclal a