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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1885)
X, CITY AND COUNTY. BRIEF tlKXTIOXS. Pleasant weather. Farmers are busy. Tay the printer anil be happy. Lumber U cheaper than fur year. Not ao occupant In the county or city jail. Lota ( hay coming into town. Prices low Corner atone ceremnnie one week from next Tuesday. There are 283 primmer in the penitentiary at Salcin, Roastingears are to the market from South eru Oregon. Stinit, the real estate dealer, visited Port land tbii week. The hop market in the East shows uo signs of improvement Thii U the busy season with the agricultural Implement men. The work of constructing Frof. Collier' res dence has begun. The friendbii do; trembleth now. The dog catcher is In the land. Sam Friendly ha one of Job'a comforters and still he ii not happy. Blackberries and black bear are said to be plentiful t tho mountain. Dr. Hemenway i now practicing bi pro fession at Li nkville, Oregon, Mr. J. O. Day has the thanks cf the GfAirn fork basket of fise peach plums. Joe Huddleston propones to sell blacklierrics in his patch at 12J cents per gallon. Mr. O. It. Bean hag moved to the old S. A. Ogden property on Eleventh street Dr. Sharpies hurt one of his lears slightly in jumping from his buggy last Saturday. Our thanks are due to the Deadmond boy for a mess of fine McKenzie river trout. Tne Directors of the McKenzie wagon road returned home last Wednesday afternoon. Day k Henderson have put up a new awn ing In front of their store on Eighth street. We understand that the Siuslaw Grange will erect a large and commodious hall this I all Notwithstanding the dull times we have re ceived ten subscriptions this week for the Guard. Farmer are boreby notified that the St Charles Hotel will serve first- ilass meal for 25 cents. There is eompla'nt that the bounty for kill ing wild animals is too small It should be doubled. At the raffle lost Saturday evening f r the wax fruit, Nightwatchman Witter threw the lucky number, 39. A party from Eugene will leave in a few weeks for the purpose of making the ascent of the Three Sisters. Lecture No. 8 at the Christian Church to morrow tiL'H by Frof. Campbell. Subject, . "Call of Ahrahaiu." It is said that the O. A C. P.. R, Will build ta new depot here during the coining Summer. It will be 20119 fret Workmen have commenced on Mr. E. K. Hendrnn's dwelling. However, cards have hot lieen sent out yet Th Gateway He'aM, of Astoria, Ims nimin fchanu'ed han Is. Messrs. Ta'nvige iV Turner ore now the puhlishert. The hecdra to th. mountain continues. TIits are said to be over one hundred people nt the Foley Springs alone. Much rk-htenus ind'gnntion is felt at the slowness of the srson that holds the appoint ment of superintendent of the fish ladder. Parties visiting tho McKenzie Bridge should tall on Fr'ss'll, where they can get meals for 25 cents. Board and lodging, P5 per week. I have three nico resilience lots that I will sell for $140 to 81fi0 each; $20 down; balance in three years, interest payable annually. Geo. M. Miller. The Chinese are taking chances on tan hi this city. It is reported that some of the Mon golians are as much as ?300 loser during the past week. The water in the mill race has been shut off tor the purpose of allowing workmen to put in the roller machinery that arrived from Minne apolis recently. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. W. H. Alexander and Miss Huttie Johnson, on the 2lst instant. They have our congratula tions in advance. No strangor should leave the city without a box of "Tansill' Punch," the Havana-filled 6a ciirar. Sold by the box at thousand rati by Osburn & Belshaw, A large number of our sportsmen went hunt ing after the festive crouse Thursday, the gain law having expired on the 15th. A consider able number were bagged. lieal merit and satisfaction or no trade, has made "Tansill Punch," America's finest 5c. cigar, the most popuUr brand on earth. Do you smoke them? At Oslurn & 's. Of the Iowa excursionists, CO of the journals represented were Republican, 17 Democratic, 14 independent, 4 greenback, 4 agricultural, 2 local, I anti-monopoly, 1 society, 1 college, 1 tempcrante and 1 educational. Mrs. Jacob Conser, the first of the week, received a telegram informing her that one of her brothers had died that day near Lafayette, Indiana, of heart disease. Mrs. Conser has the sympathy of her many friend. Mr. Phillip Cantrell sent to this office last Monday a bunch of raesquite gross that meas ured over eight feet In height It will be sent to the office of the State Board of Imtuigra tion in a few days. Who can beat it? Dr. Taylor' 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg etable, taken internally, positively cures rheu matism, neuralgia, toothache, chills and fever and cramp colic. Sold by Osborne ft Co., Eu Cene. Agents, SnellHeitshu & Woodward, Portland, Oregon. "I remember," said a Junction boy to his Sunday-school teacher, "yon told me always to atop and count fifty when angry." Yes! Well, I'm glad to hear it It cooled your anger, didn't it?" "Von see, a boy he came into oar alley and made face at ma and dared me to fight I was going with him. He was Bigger') me, and I'd bar got pulverized, I re membered what yon said and began to count" "And you did not fight?" "No, ma'am. Just as I got to forty-two my big lrother came along, and the way he licked that hoy would have made your mouth water. Lw going to count fifty and th -a run.' Council Proceedings. Ccimil Room, I ElMiENE Citv, July 1.1, 18$.). j Council met pursuant to adjournment. Prcieut t'ouncilincn Don is, Friendly, Luckey and Bilyeu; Recorder and Marshal. President Dunn being absent, meeting called to nrdur by Recorder Shaw and Coun cil. Friendly appointed Recorder pro tern. Minutes of lt meeting real und ap proved. Finance committee reported favoraW' on the following bills and on motion, warrant were ordered drawn for tho several amounts: Driskill & Day, SS2.75. Win Christian, 7.00. . Ostium & lli-hl'.Hw, s;i..0. B Dunn, U'K.MI. Oregon State Journal, $1.50, J as Warnack, 81.50. Penura, Wheeler & Co, $9.74. J D Brown, S2.J0. W 8 Shaw, SI 13.00. C E Roberts and J C Alford, M.00. Oren Moore, tti.OO. A J Babb. MUXl McCornauk Collier. 2.10. J il Hutchinson, $4.00. Ja Greer, $2. CO. E A Fanington, 913.75. The following bills were read and referred to the Finance Committee: Oregon State Journal, 52 .r(). C K Roberts, 5. Home Hotel, ?4 20. Robiusou ft Church, 30 03. I L Campbell, 37 05. V S thaw, 2G 10. On motion of Councilman Dorris the rules wero susponded and warrauts ordered dnwn on the Treasurer in favor ot the following named person for services rendered nu the 4th of July as special policemeu; James Warnack, $2 50. J 1) Bron, 2 50. Frank Brown, $2 50. John Henry, 2. On motion the Marshal was instructed to put in culvert on Willamette street as fol lows: From Rankiu's corner to McClarenV; from Elison's to Ream's; from tho M. E. Church to Swift's, aud from Friendly' to Mrs, Luckey's. At this time the matter of supplying the city with waterworks was converged upon by Dr. Sheltun and the member of the Council, but nothing deliuite was done iu regard to the matter. Ou motion adjourned. S. 11. Friendly, Recotder pro tern. The Mortgage Tax Law. We herewith print the syllabus of a recent ibcUinn by Jude Doa ly ou the Mortgage Tax Law. Tne foreigu companies asked for an in- Miction restraining the different Sheriffs from collecting taxes upon their mortgages: Morten ire Tax Law of 1882. On the ques tion of wnethcr this act of the Legislature con forms to the constitution of Oregon, this Court billows the judgment of the Supreme Court of tho State in Auimfoid v. Sewell. 11 Or.. 07, ami Crawford v, Linn county, Id., 4.S2; and oh the tiuestion it is in conflict with the constitu tion of the United States, the ruling of this Court in the Dundee Mortgage Tiust Invest ment Company v. School District No. 1, 19 beli. Kcp., A.M ami 21 M., lot, is followed. An nut tor raising remote. Jim mortgage thX law does not levy any tax or raise any rev enue, but only provides tint when a tax is lev ied or n revenue raised that morU'iiges shall uimtributt) thereto as land. I'm-qual uKsesMiienis, Where tho law re quires that mortal ;es rdn, II be valued for tax ation at their face value, ami all lands at til ir '"true cash value," ami tho Assessor of a County willfully ithd uniformly values the inort nigra ou lands therein Ht their face value, and the lauds therein fti only one third of their cosh value, suc'ci assessment is illegal, ami the pay inent of the two -thirds of l lie tit thereby im posed on said inortn.f s n::.y he enjoined. Tender of payment of tax. A suit to enjoin the collection u! a rr.: cau iot ne maintained in the courts of the I'ni:. I S;ntns, unless it appears that tho plaint ill ban paid or offered to pay so much of such tax as lie concedes to bj due or as may be shown that bo ought to pay. Fr m the way we understand the decision, the loan companies must pay one-third of their taxes before they can have any standing in omit. Then the case will be brought wholly npon'the fact whether the different Assessors honestly, and without fraud, assessed the prop erty of the different counties at a lair and rea sonable value. The constitutionality of the law has been sustained. We believe that the counties, in time, will collect every cent due up m mortgages from the loan companies. Fourth of July Hbau. This is how they do it up in Hcppner, The editors of the Meppuer Times and the Gazette, of the same burg, have been indulging in some language towards each other not over-choice, and the mutual feeling between the two 'jaill shoverj was not tho most cordial and lovely. Ou tho glorious Fourth of July the editor of the ('aaett, knocked the editor of the Times down and then sat on him till he hollered "nulf." This is business. The same means " ris suggested to the News and Orogonian for the settlement of any little ilillcrence bo tweeu them. There 11 some sense iu that way, aud the public is not tho snllclcr, Statesman. Iowa Visitor We take the following from the Nevada, Iowa, Watchman, which explains itself: "We stopped at Eugene for a !imitu time, aud strolled through its streets. It is a beautiful place, level, and much reminded n: of our Iowa homes. The Commencement exercises of the Oregon Uni. versify were being held und all were warmly welcomed. Yards were thrown open to all, and but for the limited time we might have carried ofT some of their most prized treas ures (nothing personal Webb). Fruits and flowers were in abundance, and all well pleased, aud found it alive with people to welcome us." Rates of Posi ack. Many people suppose that postage has been reduced. This is u mistake. It will take two cents to carry a letter the samo as it did before the first of July. No one-cent letter will go. The let ter covered by two cents may weigh an ounce, instead of half an ounce. This is all tho change iu. postage on letters. Do not fool yourself by putting oo one ceut only ou any writteu or staled letter, but p it on two cent as heretof.rre or your letter will remain in the postotlice for want of sufficient' poet- Notice. Mr. B. H. James baring rrtned from business and being desirous of settling up, requests all those indebted by n ite or ac count to immediately cail and make a nettle- men!. He eau be found at hi omce id tbe Court Hon;, rtadv t j receipt for all debt . 'due him. Cottage Grove Itemi. KKOMOUU gPEl'lALCORRKsnvjiWiST. July 15, 1S85. Miss Kate Spray went to Salem Tuesday. D. Uristow made tljiug visit to Eugene this Muck. Mr. John Tapp, of OaMuud, wa in town this week. Ed Waud, of Eugeue, wa in town one day this week. A o.called show was hire Filday and Sat urday evenings last. Mr. Henry lloren and wife aro visiting h' mother, Mis. R. II. Hazl-.'toli. No raiu yet, although wo have had strong indications at times for a week. Mr. S. E. Veatch had a line mare to die Saturday night. Cause unknown. Mi- Addie Medley came up from Eugene TucM'ay on a visit to friends here, Messr (i. W. Ozment and Hiram Wiu gard, of Siuslaw, were in town Tuesday. Mm Dr. Scai-brnuirh. of Cresswtll, was visiting friends here the sirst of thit week, Dr. Harris, of Eugene City, has beon in town a couple of times oil professional bus! ucss this weok. Mrs. J. J. Comstock returned home from Portland Inst week, w here she has Leeu vis ing for several weeks past The funeral of the lato John England was readied at this place last Sunday by Rev. C. A. Wooley of Eugene City. Mr. Melviu Damewond and son Nathan went below one day last week with the in teution of renting a farm, so we understand, Mr. J. F. Spray sold his trotting mare a few days ago for the sum of $500 to Mr. John Stewart and Dr. T. W. Harris, of Eu gene. Mis Hellon Adams and her scholar killed a large rattlesnake not far from the school house where she is teaching one day last week. Verity. Pleasant Hill Items. Harvest is going on in full blast. Sam Parks returned with Lige Baughman to Seattle. What did 1 tell ynu--it would be another deacon's case? II. B. Mrs. Sarah Williams of Seattle ia visiting relatives at this place. (1. W. Hunsaker made a trip to Eugene this week on business. Can't I have the opportunity of setting on thejury? I. W in. I'll give you to understand I'm an "inde pendent cub," aud don't propose to be ruu. Jim B." "It's not the amount I'm after, but to es tablish the reput ir.ion of my character as a workman. M. b. Miss Clide Barbre is with us again, We hope she hadi a pleasant time with her school. ' . For Sale. One hundred and fifty-five acres of fine hard-wood timber laud, and 20 ucres rich bot tom prairie land. Lies 4 J miles north of Eugene and 2 miles east of Irving station. Will bo sold tcgetlier or in 20 acre lots, at from $8 to ? 15 per acre. Payment can be made in cash, part cash with approved notes at one or two years, or will tike wheat at market price. Kuijiiire of 0. M. Mn.i kr or T. J. Smith. Farmers. Store your wheat at the Eugene City Mills. The highest cash price paid to farmers, and a premium for all choice milling winter wheat. The Corner Stonr. As yet it is impo. sible to give a regular programme for the laying of the corner stone of the University building on tho 28th mst. The Eugeue Baud will furnish instrumental music for the oc casion, while a choir will give the vocal music. The halls of the city have been en gaged for the evening for a collation and dance. The Oregon Commandery of Knight Templars of Portlund will be present in full uniform. It is expeoted that a special train will be run from Portland. The line of march has not yet been agreed upon. Blue River Miner. Much prospecting is being done in the region of Bins river, in thif county. Three men have discovered a well defined quartz ledge that promises to be fairly rich. It is thought that it will assay in the neighborhood of i'iQ per ton. A quantity of the ore has len rent to Portland to lie as sayed. About thirty Chinamen are at work in t-lacor diggings in the same region, and it Is said they are making contdderable money. BawAlis op Ice Cheajj, Forty or fifty per sons were poisoned by eating ioo cream at Jacksonville on the Fourth. Boys, beware, and don't take any f'lolish chances of losing your girl by feeding her Ice cream. She is bound to appreciate your kind solicitude and carefulness in protecting her from a horrible death through eating ice cream and, besides, you will have 50 cents more to cpend for beer with the boyc, Fhum CoRVai.lih. A party from Corvallis consisting of Mr. W. M. Mansfield of the Cor vallis Leader, A. P. Churchill of the Gazette, Mose Neiigoss, Mies Ne-jgass ami tiie Mioses Jacobs' spent last Sunday and Monday in Eu gene as guest of Mr. ami Mrs. J. E. Fentoii. We acknowledge a fraternal call from Messrs. Muiltfield and Churchill on Monday. Purchase!!. -Mr. John Stewart and Dr. T. W. Harris, one day this week, purchased of John Spray, of Cottage Grove, his trotting mare, paying $4."A The animal Is 5 years old, und trotted a mile the other day over a very rough track in 3:08. This is certainly fast, considering that the animal had never raceived atiV training to sjieak of. To Thresh krme.v. The improved West inghouse Threshing Machinery and Engines !r ""nteed to be the very best iu the market Consult your interests by sending for circular to Z T Wright, Portland, Wre Km. Also dealer in Hancwck Iuspirator, s'utnpn, Belting, Oils, etc. Contract Let. Mr. Cy. Watkin has let a contract for a dwelling, bam and fence to be b'lilt on his lots jtn-t east of Dr. Harris' house, -Messrs. iiarnsou 4 renton. 1Ti contra-t H-Kkl,W0. Personal. Senator Coleman was iu town last Mouday. Rev. Dr. Geary paid Albany a visit last Monday. ( H. Libby, of Portland, gave tni office a call this week. Miss Vena Adair ha been visiting In this cijy seieral day. Mr. Isaao Steven intends moving iu to town in the near future. Mis Minnie Star, of Junction, is visiting fi iends iu this city. Mr, Giilsi Chrisman rtturnrd from the Foley Springs Wednesday, Al Fletcher, of Coifsx, W. T., was in town several days this week. Miss Nellie Pluminer, of Portland, Is visit ing Miss Mary Hill in this city. Mr. Al Jackson and wife, of Portland, will arrive In Eugene to-day ou a visjt. J. 0. Whipp, formerly of this place, is run ning a marble shop at Jacksonville. P. F. Castleman was in Eugene Weduovlay. lie has just returned from Prineville. Mr. Geo. A. Dorris ami wife returned to their home at Astoria hist Wednesday. Mrs Wm Renshaw, list Tuesday morningi left on a visit to L'niou comity, Oregon. Mr. Dorwin Bristow, of Cottage Grove, paid Eugene n short visit last Thursday evening. Mr. It. C. Owen accompanied the Portland gentlemen to the Foley Spring last Tnosday. Mr. T. II. Shiun and family, who are now at San Diego, Cal, will soon return to Eugene. Mr. M. Suit and family, of Summer Lake, Lake county, were in Eugeno this week on a visit Mrs. Swanson and family left last Tuesday for Colfax, W, T., where they will visit for a time. Mr. McFarland, of Albany, Is visiting at the residence of ids tister, Mrs. M. J. Odell, in this city. Hon II II Gilfry paid friends in Eugene a brief visit lost Saturday. Ho is looking re markably well. Mr. C. M. Horn ho been if. tho Siuslaw country during the past week trying to gut sight of an elk or dei r. Messrs, Peet, ('rain and Church are at pres ent fishing and hunting in the vicinity of the Deschutes river, east of here. Messrs Wm and Hugh Renshaw left last Wednesday for a hunting expedition iu the neighborhood of tho Foley Spring. Judge J. J. Walton mid family left for the Belknap Springs yesterday morning with the intention of stay in a couple of weeks. Mr. W. T. Crowell, traveling acent for the Sacramento Record Union, pai 1 this office a pleasant call last Wednesday afternoon. Phillip Van Siliuyvcr, the hop buyer of Portland, was in Eugene lust Wednesday. lie reports that the outlook for hops is bad. Mr. .'.lines Simdford. of Big Prairie, bos re turned homo from a visit to tho Ivwteni Slates, lie is better satislied with Otrgnn than ever. Mr. W. L. Archambeaii and wife, of Port land, visited relatives and friends in this vi cinity last week. They returned home Mon day morning. Miss Ida Black, daughter of Hon. T. J. Black, of Ualsey, and Miss Mollis Bond, of Irving, spent a few days of this week visiting Miss Vina Peek of this city. Mr W II Jones of Yakima, W. T., who has been visiting here several weeks returned to is home Kit Monday evening. Before re turning he subscribed for the Gii.lHii. Attorney J. E. Kenton returned to Eugeno last Monday a changed man. He was shorn of a greiitor portion of his beard. On fact he consoles himself with is that It cannot be laid to Ids wife. Mr. J. L. Rollins was Uken to Portland yes- terday morning and will enter one of the ho -pitals at that place. We are sorry to say that it is generally believid that he can live only a few weeks at the most A crowd consisting of Mr. N. J. Taylor and family, Mrs. Trumbull and daughter, George Craw, Mr. and Miss Emma Boiinett and Miss M. Fitch left for the Foley Springs Tuesday. They will be gone about three weeks. . Mrs, M. IL Drummnnd, of California, who was visiting at the home of her father, Thomas Calloway, of Benton county,, was Instantly killed by a runaway at ( 'orvallis Monday, the hack in which she was riding being capsized. County Clerk Ware went to the Foley Springs last Wednesday morning. Professor Woodcock acted as deputy during Wednesday, Mr. Walt MeCornaok, the regular deputy, re turned homo Thursday morning and took charge of the office. The party from Portland consisting of Messrs L. Flcischner, Sain Lowenstein, W. II. Wil liams, II. B. Litt; and Mr. II. C. Owen, of this city, left for the Foley Springs lost Tues day morning. They took with them two ebony lined gentlelnen who will set as ser vants. Fleischner is captain of the company and Owen is first lieutenant. John Ruiiinhon's Great Show. Mr. D. S. Vernon, general manager of John Robin sons great world exposition, menagerie and circus, is in Portland. He has been try ing to get to this country since lb'S2 with the sljow, aud has at lust succeeded. They have their own train of thirty-six cars, each sixty feet loug. The show will reach Baker City August 3, play the week between there aud The Dalles; the uext week ou tho east side, and in Portland oo Monday and Tues day, August 17 and 18. Robinson gave four performances in Diver on the Fourth of July to 32,516 people. It will be in Engeuo about August 20th, Rcsmia vsj. Enolano. -The war cloud is again hovering closely around these two great European nations. Reports' are given out that Russia is again advancing upon Herat, and if such be the case, we believe England will formally declare war. The (low Gladstone i now down aad the war party haa com into power. Wheat ha already raised 2 cent per cental. If there should be war onr farmer would receive il a bushel for their wheat. Selfishness almost compel ui to pray for a little affray between the two couutriea, ., Fh(ApecTL. We have received the pros pectus of tbe Willamette Valley Educator, the first Usue of which will apiear on the 20th. Mr. S. A. Handle, nf Dallas, will lie tl e ed itor. Subscription price, CI per annum. W I wish the paer ucoets. Brevities. A chair wlrer Is in town, . , I The Engine Couiiai,y gave a drill last even ing. Ye editor thanks Dr. John Gray for a nice young grouse. The mugwump Is pretty big gam for small editor to at Willamette street is now one of the finest highways in Oregon. A heavy rain fell In Portland last Tuesday. Luckily w were spared. See the new advertisement of Osburn & Bel shaw in another column. Alxitit 300 teachers attended the late sessiou of the institute at Astoria. Mrs. Hayes, Mrs, Garfield and Aliss Cleve land were all school teachers, "once upon n time." Mr. J. P. Wilcox, of the Star Hotel, handed us quite a curiosity iu the shape of a double red June apple. Judge Humphrey haa pnr-diased a four min ute trotting hoise from E. R. Luckey, paving $130 for the same. "Why do I live?" is the title of a p'wm ont us. We reply, because he failed to present his effusion in pelson. Grasshoppers are eating everything green in nine portions of Jackson crnnty, hut their ravages are not g? uenil. Mr. Eugene Campbell, of the G I' A 111) com posing force, left on a trip to Portland, Suleui and oodburn last Thursday. Another crowd of excursionists from Port land aro expected to arrive in Eugene ou their way to the Foley Spring next week. A Mrs. Bracken ha purchased a lot in the southern portion of town ami will build a res ilience ou the same in the near future. Trains over the Oregon Pacific now leave Corvallis for Yaquina on Thursday and Satur day mornings, returning on Fridays and Mon days. Tho salary of the Uoaeburg postmaster brv ing fallen below 51,000, it has lieen made a fourth-o'ass office, This look like a step buck ward, The Iowa papers, with notices of the trip of their editors to Oregon, still pour in, and they each contain about the same information that Oregouiuiis always knew. Thursday we received three Jain's from Iowa with accounts of the recent press excur sion, viz: The Indianolo Tribune, Nevada Watchman and Oskuloosa Herald. All speak complimentary of Eugeno. The President has appointed William Josephs Bryant, ot Sehome, W. T., inspector of hulls for Pnget Sound, W. T., and William White of Wanhiimton Territory to ho Uliited States Attorney for tho Territory of Washington It costs jf,"il,avj annually to collect customs at Port Townsend, W. T. The total number of men employed on shore and on the revenue cuttr is fifty, whose joint salary is $1(1,143. The ration are 53,013, coal 53,100, and rent $1,200. The following have boon commissioned post masters of the fourth closs in Oregon by Post master General Vilas: Ernst II. Adams, Vin son; John K. Griffin, Forest Grove; Francis A. MniiKold, Gervais; John W, Howard. Grunt's Pass. Messrs O R Kenton and Westerfield Bros have purchosed the Lafayette Register. Mr Fenton Is a graduato of the State University, and we prophecy will make a splendid nowa puier man. At any rate wo wish the new proprietors success. W. A. Pea, who lives six mile outh of Harrington, W.,T., has planted three acres of broom corn, which is thriving finely. The gen tleman is quite familiar with tho cultivation of this corn, anil he says he never saw his present crop exceeded, even in the East Mr. E. P. Henderson has commenced work on the old red top school house on Eighth street and intends converting the same Into a residence. It will be moved back from the street nnd remodeled. Thus another of the old iiihto.-ical buildings of Eugene will disap pear. Pinafore, the enmlo opara, will be put upon tho stage shortly by local talent, the cast hav ing already been selected. We understand one of onr prominent physicians, who lives on Eioventh street, received an invitation to take a part. We have not been informed whether or not he has accepted. Under recent rulings of the General Land Office, persons making proofs of claims covered by pre-emption fillnirn, aro not required to give notice to persons holding such filings, and that hind covered by pre-emption filintrs that have expired shall he regarded as abandoned claims not requiring to be tormully cancelled on the records. The Oregon State Temperance Alliance has appointed the following delegate to represent them at the National Convention to bo held in Philadelphia iu Septemlier next: Dr. aud Mr. H. K. Ilines. Mr. ami Mrs. Wallis Nash, Corvallis; Elder J. W. Webb, Portland; and the President, Prof. Miller, of Philomath Col lei;oj and the Secretary, J. E. Houston, ex- officio. New University Uciliiiro. Th atone foundation has lieen completed, and brick lay ing will commence next Monday morning. The contract for the brick Work has been mb-lct bv Mr. A brains to Mr. Palmer, of Portland, who is said to lie a good workman. He haa employed several masmis in Portland, Albany ami Eugene. Some trouble lias been experi enced about getting water, but this has now been overcome by layiiu a nine from the ground to the mill pond and an engine pro cured to hoist the water. Citv Propkrtv Tracers. The followr ing city property deed have been filed in the Clerk's olfico this week. S. Ball to E U Luckey, Tots in old town) consideration, i'.m. Elmer E. Emerson U Hiram Lee, Sr, one lot) consideration, $430, Monroe Hill to J. It. Coleman, one lot: consideration. fill M. For Salr,- I will sell at a bargain' a good second-hand header and threshing machine. The header is 14 feet cut and the thresher a 23 inch cyl inder, both in good running order. ror lerms can on or address u. It Bean. Another Residence. Mr. Grant Oiburn iuteud building a' residence on tho home place on Tenth street in the near future. Carpenters are now figuring on the cost of hu work. Lecture. Belva Lockwood. the great Wash ington lawyer, will lecture in Rhinehart' par lors August lQth. Suhject. "Social und Poll -ical Life in Washinoton." Let. The contract for Prof. Collier' new dweliing has been let to Garrison & Fenton for S3WI. It 111 be a handsome structure. Crow Items. ,, , Jul 13, 1833. Iisy harvest. Work plentiful. 1 Mr. Clarence Evana i able to be about again. The health of Mr. Green Haye i improv. ing rapidly. There i singing school at thechnroh house every Sunday. Mr. 1). T. McCoy and family bavo gone to Maker City, Good bye, Dave. It i supposed that John is going to fly up, as he iias purchased a Roost. Mr. M. E. Kiak has been visiting her sis. ter iu Eastern Oregon. She like the conn, try well, Mr. Mat Kennedy has a picturo gallery near Crow postolliee. and i doing a good business. Mr. J. W. Walters has started up his saw mill and is cutting a tiue line o' lumber. Call on him. Mr. R. V. Howard, of Junction City, is talking of building a grist mill at th Duck, worth bridge. We wish him success. Mr. "Regular" i mistaken about Mr. R. B. Haves and familv 111 ill) (7 tilth A tifiraA peiiiAss at Tyo valley, Wasco county. The family went to lleppner, Morrow county, to ,viit relative. Mr. Haye returned immediately. B. X. & Co. For Sale. The Monies farm, 3$ miles from Eugene, ii offered for sale ou easy terms and in tract to suit purchasers. Contains 1700 acre of the best grain laud in Lane conuty. Inquire of 0 B Moork.s, Salem; or Geo M Miller, Eugene. CoNDicmu Newhpaperd. The last fnum her of the La Grande Gazette contains the val edictory of the editor. Lon f.' It. 1... not been on the "ragged edge of despair" more than about ten months: and ha and out" with considerable agility, taking with nun iirccches, boots and nice Burnside whis kers, as well as paste-pot and cisor and the fierce Faber that he so deftly shoved. He ha had glory till he can't rest; he I perfectly sail- I r imriD VUAU Willing II) Ollll and till molars and bicuspids for a living. Ex. Thirty-Three Years. Just thlrtv-three years ago this month Mr. Cha. Calloway sep arated from his brother Barton on the ldsin. he coming to Oregon and .the latter going to California, since which time they have not met until last Monday evening. Imagine Uncle Charley's surprise Monday evening, when he (ieneii nie uoor or nis resilience lu answer to a summons and beheld his long absent brother. Words fail to portray the meeting. The Corner Stone. An erroneous Iraore sion has got abroad that the ceremony of lay ing the comer stone will be a private affair on ly to be witnessed by invited guests. On th contrary it will be public, and everybody Is requested and Invited to attend Fartie hav ing any article they may wish to be deposited in the same should call and leave it at the bank of Hendricks t Eakin at once. Where it will oo, The car of Oreirnn pro duct which is to be started out by the Stat Immigration Board in August, will be exhib ited at the State and county fain of Iowa,' Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. E. W. Allen, who is to have charge nf the ear, la doing the State In the interest of the collection. Tub "Farm. "The money pun bilk is on hi way south, and intend to "work" the "suckers" of Corvallis, Independence, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, etc. There are four of them, and three of them are "capper," There is no use to advise people to steer clear of them so long as the crop of "suckers" hold out ArRicoTs. Mr. Roht Blair left at this office last Monday a sample of apricots raised on the Blair farm. The tree i 25 years old, and now ha probably fiye bushel of fruit thereon,' which is the first time it ha ever borne. The taste of the fruit Is delicious and much luperior to the California grown. IIlaukuehrieh. Mr Joseph Huddleston, of Mohawk valley, desires to Inform the' publlo generally that he ha a bountiful supply of blackberries this season He will sell the ber ries at 129 cent per gallon In the patch. Thl Is a splendid chance for those wishing to can their winter supply. IIorhs Wantu. Mr S Noltoii, who lives' on the old Beau farm, desire to purchase a good sound horse that is broke to work singly, of the following description: A gray or bay, 4 to 0 years old, aud weighing at least 1,1001b. Revenue Collector. U. S. Revenue Col lector Wm. A. 0en took official charge of his office this week and Las established headquar ters lu the building in McCully's block, for merly occupied by Mis Chainlien. Jackson ville Sentinel Holt's Stolen. Last' Saturday evening some person entered the coral of Mr. D. E. Slroison, who live near Cottage Grove, and, stole one of hi horse. The animal Is white and is branded with a slipper on one ot the boulder. ' ' Runnino Lous. Mr C L Williams started with his run of log last Saturday morning down the Middle Fork. This is said to be th largest lot of logs ever put in the river at one time by one party, there being' over 7,000 logs in the drive. For tub Lower Siuslaw, Judge Wash burne, L. N. Rnney, E. R, Luckey,' James Nolund and E. J. McCIanahan, Wednesday,' left on a Week' excursion down th Siutlaw liver to Florence. t'AMr Mebtino. A" camp meeting will be held by the if. E. Church near Hyland' ferry,' commencing on the 23d Inst and continuing' two weeks. Ferriage and pasturage will b' furnished free. Hand Cl'T.-Harry Huff last Monday bad', hi left band out slightly by the circular asr of Wm. Moore' wood machine. It wm a Bar row escape from losing hi hand Reduction. Farmers and others are hereby notified that meal will be served at the St Charles Hotel hereafUr for 25 osuU. ) Died. At Harrisburg, July 11,' 1885, Mat thew Funk, aged 31 years.' Farmers Take Notice. A good dinner eaa' had at Baker' hotel for 25 cent. Born.-July 9, ISSo, to th vif of C.W. Martin, a son.