The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1885, Image 7

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    JParrly Allegorical.
The New Orleane Exposition Costume.
He Still Doubted.
llik'HKO News.
"I see there are a number of counterfeit
Bank of England notes circulating in this
"Yes; and what's worse, I think I have one
of them."
"So? What are you going to do with itf
"I don't know. That's what trouble mo."
"You might put it in the church contribu
tion box."
"No, not yet I'm not dead sure it's coun
terfeit" Bow the Anti-Fee System Worked in a
. . . Southern Hotel.
Detroit l'ost.l
- As we got into South Carolina we were
joined by a judge from Pittsburg. I forget
just what court he was judge of, but he had
been traveling south for his health, and had
just figured up that he had paid out 15 in
fees to waiters, and was mad all the way
through. He vowed by his baldness that he
wouldn't pay out another red cent, and we
encouraged him as hard as wo could
When we went up to the hotel the landlord
gave us a big room with three beds in ft A
big negro brought the trunks up, and when
be was ready to go the judge called to him
and began:
" Colored person, stand up 1 Now I want
"Colored person stand upf
to say to you that I Bhall expect prompt ser
vice without fees. You have brought up my
trunk; that's all right it was your business
to. I shall want water, and I may want a
fire, but If you even look fees- at me I'll
throw you out of the window."
We were there two days, and the waiter
was vigilant, humble and willing, but as wi
made ready to depart tho morning of the
third, in comes a constable with a warrant to
arrest the judge for threats of personal vio
lence. It had been sworn out before a jus
tice ten miles away, and the complainant was
the negro waiter.
It took the two of us to hold the judge
down on his back during his first paroxysm,
and when he had cooled off a little the negro
slipped into the room, and said:
"White man, stand upt Now I want to say
''White man stand up"
to you dat a flve-dollar bill will settle dis yer
case jist as I feel now, but if you goes to callin'
names or pullin' hair or kickin' I'll stick fur
$351 Dat justi- who made out dat warrant
am my own brudder, an' he's jist achin tt
send some white man ter jail fur six months:
We sat on the judge again for about -0 min
utes, at the end of which time he banded ovel
the amount and was pronounced sane.
flitting a Dude to I'm.
Oil City Derrick.
"Weally, ah, I beg youah pardon, miss, If )
intrude," said a dude from Cincinnati, th
other evening, on discovering a pretty girl
milking a cow.
"No intrusion, sir," said the girl, blushing
like a rose.
"Ah, my dear damsel, cawn't I assist
"Certainly, dr. Just stand where the cow
can see you."
"Of course I will, me chawmer; but whai
do you want the cow to see me fuahf
"She will think you're a calf and give down
her milk faster."
' '
A Kingdom for Home The Rtnerlrnre
of an Indianapolis .Man In Making m
"A few years agV' laid the shabby
man, scratching his head through a con
venient holo in his hat, "I had a fever
to be the owner of a fust trottinjr horse,
and it didn't take me long to find a ninn
wbolmdaiironiisinfrsix-niniitlis.iilil n,it.
"I bought the embryo trotter, paid
yiuu ior uio animal, ana put it on past
ure. In tho fall several horsemen ad
vised me to let hira run on pant tire this
winter anu 'freeze htm out.' I did so.
and tho next spring when I went to look
at tho animal I tliotijrht he wouldu
bring over ten dollars. But I paid his
jiiisture-bill, hired a colored boy to rub
him down, the long hair came oil' and
he began to take on tlesh.
"1 was advised to get a careful man to
break him, and when I began to impure
for such a careful man I found the town
was full of them. 1 hired one for twen
ty-live dollars, and in two weeks some
thing got wrong with one of Uie horse's
legs. 1 lie breaker, without askinir,
hired a doctor, who took the horso to
bis stable to board, for which he charged
me one dollar a day.
'I took the horso away from the
creaKer, anil, considering myself im
po.d upon, refused to pay tho bill. He
sued me, nnd, running in all the stable
hands and horsemen about town as wit
nesses, he had an easy victory; and I
had heavy costs to pay.
"I then got another man to finish tho
breaking. He drove the horse oneo or
twice nnd then made a discovery that
pleased me very much. 'You've got a
line horse there, said he, 'one that will
make a trotter.' I began (o think I had
a Goldsmith Maid or Ked Cloud. 'This
horse ought to be put on the track.' Ho
took me aside and told mo very privately
that ho would undertake the animal's
education for one dollar a dav, but not
to tell the terms to any oue as it would
injure him m his 'profession.
"He took tho prodigy and trained
him for three months, hvery sundav I
went out to the exposition track to see
him. Every timo the trainer told mo
with enthusiasm that he was the most
promising 'young hoss' ho had ever
seen, and lined mo with vanity, lint I
had neve seen my horso ro. Une day
I found that the only training' ho was
getting was in being driven about town
at night in a beastly state of mtoxiea
tion (tho man, not the horse). Before
this I had supposed that all horse
trainers belonged to the temperance
"So I took hossy away from this
follow and sent him to the Southern
Park. Tho track was a mile long, which
I was told would be better. I got a new
driver, wtio, alter going around the
track, pulled up and said:
.. .111. l J - . . 1. i .1 ! 1 M
nut uo you ask ior mis uossr
" 'Don't want to sell him.'
' Tt.'u n rrrwwl nnn nr Iia will a If
he's handled" right. He's been nearly
spoiled, though. They'xo got him to
hopping. But I can bring him out of
" 'You can? What'll you cliLrge?'
" 'Well, you've been swindled so
badly I'll be easy with you a dollar a
'.so I employed him. In about a week
I called to see how my tiotter was get
ting on. 'He's doing better,' said the
trainer, but ho still hops. Ho will have
to have his teeth leveled up.
"Holy terror, thinks 1: what have his
teeth to do with his hopping. Hut I
concluded to have his teeth fixed, and a
man with a black satchel came to do the
" 'Don't ho wabble or hitch a little
when you drive him?' inquired the horse
" 'Yes, a good deal,' said the trainer.
' 'It's his teeth,' said the dentist. So
lie levcied up the grinders nnd 1 paid
him livj dollars.
"But somehow, although my horse
looked prettier when he smiled than he
ever had before, be didn't seem to im
prove in other respects. I got hold of
the man who groomed the steed and
after putting a couple of silver dollars
in his hand pumped him.
" 'It's as much as my place Is worth,'
said he, 'and you musn't give me away.
Your horso hasn't been drove hardly at
all. When they seo you are coniing
thev hitch him tip and trot him a little
and I can't get a chance tomb and feed
him as I ought.' I told hira I wanted
him to work on mv horse and would pay
him well for it. 'All right, boss,' said the
"Two weeks later I saw my horso
again. The driver said he had never
seen a horse improve so rapidly in his
life. He told me ho had been giving
him medicine, had loosened up his hide
and made his hair to lie down. He got
five dollars away from mo for that. I
wanted to know how much I owed him.
He figured it up. There were blankets,
and toe-weights, and boots and a big
blacksmith bill. . and training, etc. I
paid his bill. and took him away. On
the way driving back to town I tried to
overtake a funeral, but the last carriage
in the procession distanced me and the
hearse was out of sight.
"Still the horse had every mark of a
trotter, and I put him in the hands of a
careful trainer at the State fair ground -i.
One day this honest man said to mo :
'This is no track for a hor.-e like yours.
You ought to send hira to Cleveland
the linest track in the world. There's
nobody here to appreciate a good horso.
L'p there somebody'll see him. I'm
going to Cleveland, and I'll take him
there for you. He needs to be worked
for awhile there, and I'll work him for
"So off to Cleveland. Tho horse was
gone about two months, and I never
heard anything about trainer or pupil
wntil one day I received a postal from
the stock-yards. My horso was there.
I found a 'bill attached to him ($10.1),
and I wasn't to have the horse until the
money was paid. I paid the bill, and
slipping the halter over my hand ass
that I was, it ought to have gone over
my head I started to lead him home.
I never knew until that day exactly
how many bones a horse has. He seemed
very groggy on his legs, and as I
lookcdat hira a strange illm came over
his eves. He stretched out hid neck,
trembled, and fell down.
"After a gasp or two all was over.
The dead-animal man can tell the rest."
i The shabby man arose, borrowed a
chew of tobacco as a plug was going
around, and passed out Indtanapolu
Journal. t lA,
Let it be clearly updeistood, that Com
pound Oxvgen is only made and dis-
1 tensed by l)rs. Starkey & l'alen, 11U1) and
111 Cilrard street, i'Madelphla, Any
Hubstance made elsewhere, and railed
Compound Oxygen, is spurious and
uxirtldess, and those ulio try it simply
throw atcay their money, as they will in
the end discover. Send for their treatise
on Compound Oxygen. It will be mailed
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment w ill be rilled by II. K. Mathews,
621 l'owell street, between Hush and Pine
streets, San Francisco.
The President has appointed Israel Law
ton to be Superintendent of the Mint at
San Francisco.
Was the way it appeared in the proof-slip.
The argUH-eyed proof-reader, however,
knew the quotation intended and changed
it to read: "Shoot Folly as she ilies."
Pope. Of course It was an error, yet how
many are daily committing; much graver
errors by allowing the first symptoms of
consumption to go unheeded. If atllicted
with loss of appetite, chilly sensations, or
hacking cough, It is suicidal to delay a,
single moment the use of Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery," the great
and only reliable remedy yet known for
this terribly fatal malady. Send two let
ter stamps for Dr. Pierce's complete treat
ise on this disease. Address World's Dis
pensary.Mcdicol Assoclation.Uuilalo, N.Y.
An election riot occurred In Lampassas,
Mexico, recently, in which three men were
killed outright.
Catarrh la a muco-purulout discharge sensed by the
presence ami develi't'iiieut of the vegetable parasite
amictia In the internal lining nicmhraue of the dim.
ThU juu-aaite U only develiicd under favorahle clreuni
atanccs, anil these are: Morbid state of the blood, m the
blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the genu poiaon of syphi
lis, mercury, toxiciuea, from thi retention of the effete
natter of the at In, suppressed peraplratlon, badly ven
tilated ileeliini aiurtmcuts, and other liolaona that are
flcnnluau d in the blond. The)' polaolia keep the Internal
ining membrane of the noae in a eoMaUnl state of Irrl
Utioll, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds ef these
genua, which spread up the noatlila and down the
fiiuoes or luk of throat, causing ulceration .of the
throat; up the eustachian tuhea, canning deafness; bur
rowing in the vocal oorila, causing hoarseness; uaurping
the proper atructure ut me oroucuiai tuiwa, euuuig ui
ljultuotiarv eonauintttlon and death.
Many attempt have been made to dlaeover a cure for
th la iliatreaalng ilisraae by the uae of inhalenti and other
ingenious devices, but none of these treatluenU can do
a'partlcle of good until the paraaltoa are either destroyed
or removed from the uiucoua tiaaue
Home tiuie alnoe a well known phyaloian of forty years
tauillng. after much experimenting, succeciieu in un
covering the ucocaaany combination oi ingredients which
never faila In alwolutely and peyuianeutly eradicating
thla horrible rilMeaae. whether stainlinir for one year or
fortv Venn. Thoae who mav lie Buffering from the aliove
Ulaeaae should, without ueiay, communicate won uie
niHtiiurer.. Meajira. A 11. Illlon a Bon. JUD Kinff Mreel
Weak Toronto, and set full varUculan and treatise free
by enclosing stRinp
bVa Thraal Imbmisi and f'nna-h 'a Itrnnrhinl TrnrhraV likn all
other really goon tmn;s, are lmiiaiea,
and purchasers should be careful to obtain
the crenulne article nreuarea UTJUiixi.
Bkown & Sons.
1 ) . . 1 . 1 : 1. .. I . . .1 : n n nnmliaDa TvTl l-
find a full stock and save ten per cent, by
calling unon Palmer & Key, 112 and 114
Front street, Portland, Or.
St. John has opened the Prohibition
campaign for 1n-3 in Illinois.
Delicate diseases radically
cured. Consultation free. Address
World s Dispensary Medical Asseclation,
,.-. I XT X"
IJUI1UIU, . 1.
At Stronisbcrcr. Neb., two married
wonieu eloped with a saloonkeeper.
Till? nVT.V STTUrTT.Y flnit-rlaRS Pho-
Cnllorv In tho Northwest A bell
&. Son's, 21) Washington street, Portland.
ivnmnv Hi'KriKROK Itthing. Scnly. Pimply,
Kcrnfuli'tii. anil C'ontniflous Diseases
of the Hlood, Skin, and Scalp, with Iams of lluir,
from Infancy to old aire, ure poBiuveiy curcu uy
PiiTwuiia KKHoi.vKNT.thcnew blood Duntler.
rlf.HHUf.a t h bloiid anil wniDirulion of Impuri
ties and poisonous "lenient, and thus removes
the cause. . , .
ivrifTDi ibn imnt Pkln Cure. Instantly
allays ltchlnn and lnntimiiiution. clears the
Skinans) Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, and
restores the lluir.
Citicvha noae, an exquisite Skin Boautlfler
and Toilet ltequisite, preparen irotn iaitiuuh,
is indispensable In trvatinifSkin Diseases, Jlaby
llnmm-a .Skin lllf'llllHIieaAnauiieu BIIU uuy oam
Sold everywhere, I'rlce: cutici;ka,wu., kb-
Boi.vknt, I; SOAl', Wc, iTeparoa oy tne i-ut-
TBK IIKI'O AND I 1IEMICAL 1 11., Iiumun,
t Send for " How to Lure Skin uiseascs.
I have had a cancer on my face for many
years. 1 nave tricu a preai many rcinsuiua.
but witnout rener. i nuii" u.
ever Deinir cunu. it. iwunmh
k!...:t'.. &.....t(li u'btob I nnvA
ruruuin .ciiiic.u pwmvb oyv....... ......... - --
taken with Rreat result. My face is now well.
ana it is iiiipunbiuie uiruie .j
In words for what this medicine has done for
me. Mkh. Olivb Hakuman.
Monroe, Ua Sept. if, i.
Q.:.'. Culfl. In. nttnul PflllPW ftt tllV
nniliB nfii-voiw nan iuiiu h - -
face, and has almost made a new man of me.
T. J. I KATb;, n uciwa, ria.
have had a cancer in my right ear for three
years, i tneu every rcmwij
practiced, to no permanent Kod. Swift s Spe
cific has wrought wonders for me. H Is the
best blood puriller in the world.
, . u II,. L-1..Mn.A Ala
JUI1N C5, fllUHH"",,
euriri'a ' Snor-ifln i entirely vciretable. and
saems to cure cancers by forcing- out the im
purities from the blood.
Trcatiso on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
Tub Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Oa.. or lit) W. t'Sd St.. N. Y.
The heat Rlnod Purifier and Tonic Alterative In nae.
Tfc nnl-lilv enraa all riiiuaa.-a nriittnatllia from a dis
ordered atate of the lllond or Liver, hheuniatlain, Neu
ralgia, BloU-hM, Holla, I'lmples, Herofula, Tumora, Halt
Kheum and Mercurial I'sins reallly yield to Its purifying
propertlea It leaves Uie Wood Pure, the Liver and Kid
neys healthy, the oompleilon bright and clear
Wa0lesale:8rxer. ml Comiissloii Meitots
10 North Front St. Portland.
Baa Francisco OWce 18 Front Ht.
rTuutlann enmmlaainn WheaL Wool, lions. Beeda,
Furs, llliiea, (nilckena, Egirs, Lonilier, Hoop-polea,
Ralmon, Mill Feed, Oats, barley, Oniona, Fotatoea
liacon, Lard, etc Account salea rendered oa day of
sale. Head for our market report. tXirrespoodeoot
and eoasigumeDta soUdted.
hM M Kctal
8av Lmrgtnt
Ftvrtery ta tae kUK
mi MHO
Ml 1 III 1 1 X
I in Hllil
si lllklVkt
The Tenderu y to Wom:m'a Drrsii-H Hits ol
The fashions this spring tend towar.l
ample fullness in the buck, the lon
botillant tun:es and npron overd retries
lining much more favored than pauier
effects. Pleats, folds, untiiiuo draper
ies', vests, waistcoats, round waists
with belts of ribbon or velvet, hooked,
clasped, buckled or tied, are each and
all of "universal'' mlopt'on.
Tho bodices to many of the new in-in-cesse-lips
of found. ition ilk are now
very iYiieiiily cut low in the neek,
while the second above, of lace
or grenadine, is high to the throat -a
becoming and very pretty fashion re
vived, and one eu-cedingfy comfortable
during the torrid days anil evenings of
July and August. The iir.nce.sso-slii)
is cut to lit the form like a glove, much
gored in front, and moderately full in
the back, as the slip itself is but a
beautifully tinted foundation for the
laco or "other airy draping, which
wholly veil it.
lrcs collars are worn immensely
high this season, in military fashion,
and are most generally made of velvet,
uo matter what thediessitself is formed
of. Some of these are made wholly of
plain velvet, and fastened in front by
two jewelled collar-buttons, secured by
a giuii d-chain of line gold. Ut hers are
braided, gold-embroidered, piped, or
lace-edged, top and bottom, to suit in
dividual fancy.
Many of the most expensive white
costumes designed for afternoon and
evening wear the coming season, have
round waists made very plain, the rich
embroidery and lace garniture being
expended upon the sleeves and the front
portion of the bodice only, tins often in
the form of a lace waistband or a Fed
ora vest of embroidery. This plain
mode of making the waists is employed
for the reason that en suite nre the
pretty little zouave jackets, of cither
dark ruby or dark-blue velvet, to be
worn above, thus revealing only the
white waist beneath, from throat to
belt in front, and tho dainty lace
Bleevesjfor nine out of ten of the'.oiiave
and Kussian jackets ure sleeveless.
Satin-linished silks, gros grains, Ot
tomans, lino nnd heavy cords, nnd 1ns
terless armiires are all imported among
the tempting array of silks for the sea
son. Light qualities of grog d'Ecosso
and gros de Londre are preferred,
among Ottoman silks, to tho very heavy
Muscovite cords in vogue during the
winter. (.!ros-grain silks in coarse and
fine cords are manufactured in a great
variety of attractive weaves and iinli
ties. The brands of tho new gros
grains made by standard firms aro
distinguished by a beautiful satin
luster, and aro exquisitely soft and
rich in appearance. There is a steady
demand for these handsome goods, and
a line quality of gros grain will be
found nioro durable, mid will give
more satisfaction in general wear than
any of tho scores of "fancy" silks nnd
satins now in market.
An exceedingly rich and beautiful
recption dress was lately completed,
which would bo a novel nnd graceful
model for other less expensive toilets.
Tho bodice and train were made of
palest niauvo satin, brocaded in
arabesque patterns of raised velvet
of a tleep violet shade. Down the
front, from belt to tiny knifo pleating
of satin at tho foot of the skirt, were
lad folds of plain dark velvet, the
center forming one very wide panel
coniing directly in front This single
panel was hand-embroidered in colors
of palo mauve, shading to heliotrope
and violet, in silk and nrrascne em
broidery. The narrow vest front on
the bodice was decorated to corre
spond. A bridal dress of white silk,
with a panel and pleats each side of
white satin, tho panel hnnd-t mbroid
ered or painted, would form a lovely
toilet. A still richer one of satin, with
panel covered with a network of pearls,
beads nnd chenille, would also make a
most elegant dress for a bride.
French flannel, rough-finished bison
cloth, cashmere and serge tiro among
the mod popular suitings now selected
by ladies who do not care for checked
or striped iroods of cheviot or tweed.
Ottoman cloths, in rich and sheeny
fruit shades, or in nuns' gray, olive or
golden brown, make very tasteful and
ladylike suits, while tho serges nnd
poplins now sti lavishly displayed upon
the counters of every leading house are
chosen by many on account of their
alleged durability for traveling and
utility costumes. - i
Gray, fawn, help', all shades of
brown, from cream-brown to tho red
dish and golden tones; deep, rich color
ings in Neapolitan and royal blue, wine
reds, garnet, dark greens, and black
aro all fashionable colors; but" terra
cotta, crushed raspberry or strawberry,
and all' sickly artistic tints have had
their day. "Exception, however, is
made of "the new pale half-shades of
yellow greens ami willow and frog
pond greens, which have been urged
upon the hands of doubting leaders of
the trade, who were assured that these
most trying hues would "take" in
America, the land of the blonde and
tho home of tho fair. Not so, however,
thus far. They servo most ell'ectiveiy
in lending' a refreshing delicate
vernal look to the shop windows in fine
contrast to tho dreary, drab state of
things outside, but fall most lamentably
short inside, in sale or favor either in
dress fabrics or in millinery uses, for
entire bonnets or their accessories of
lace, flowers, or feathers. N. Y. Even
ing Post.
A retiring Ju Ige in Connecticut
has a rcraarkablo record. The Hart
ford Coirnufsays: "Judge Torrance
occupied the bench of tho New Haven
Common Fleas Court on Friday, prob
ably for the last time. Of tho hun
dreds of decisions he has made while
Judge of that court, none has ever
lieen reversed by tho Supreme Court of
Errors and only ono has been changed.
In this one caso tho Supreme Court ad
vised a change in the amount of dam
ages assessed."
San Franc sco gets 9(JO,000 bana
nas a month from tho Sandwich
Islands. The number of bananas on a
bunch average 110, and they bring in
that city at wholesale four dollars per
bunch. The sale is large, but to the
retailer the profit is small.
T rainier & Rey have the entire control of
the Pacific Coast business of the largest
and best-paying Eastern advertisers, and
durlna the month of May alone placed
lucrative contracts to the amount of
Forty Thousand Dollars with tiikib
Ink, water colors, crayon or oil. Send for
price list. A 111:1.1. & Son,
lit) Washington street, Portland.
When Baby vras tick, wo pcro her CASTOItlA,
When she wot a Child, alio cried for CASTOItlA,
When ahe tioeunie lliaa, alio citing to CASTtTUIA,
When tho had CkUdfvu, she gave tuoiu C ASI01UA
More than 7,(KK) homes are used by the
street-car lines in Ilostou.
Is a precept easily preached, but not so
easy to practice. If a person has no appe
tite, but a distressing nausea, sick-headache,
dyspepsia, boils, or any other ill
resulting from inaction of the bowels, it is
impossible to get up such a laugh as will
produce aldcrumuic corpulence. In order
to laugh satisfactorily you must be well,
and to bo well yon must have your bowels
in good order. You can do this and laugh
heartily with Pr. Pierce's " Pleasant Pur-
fiativo Pellets," the little regulators of the
iver and bowels and best promoters of
It is estimated that tho wheat harvest
in Texas will average Z bushels per acre.
Try Gkrmba for breakfast.
t tills soaauli tiearlv every one Ut lu. a,,Mi.
ort of toniu. I HON enters invoalinoet everr pliv
aioian'a preacriuljuu for Uiuea ulio need building up.
For Wenknraa, T.riaallnriis l.nrk of
Kncra-y. Ac., It II AM NO IQ 'AU and
Is the only Iron niedlrine that is tint Injurlona.
It Flirlchea lh llloort. lnvlaoralra I ho
hvatrm, lteatorra Appetlte.AliU 1 titration
It dona not blacken or injure the teeth, eanae head
ache or produce oonatipation-oiAar Jrua miittnu 4u
Dn. O. H Binxi.kt, a leading pbjitctu of
Hprimrfleld, O., saia:
"Brown's Iron Bitters lea thonmffhlr cood medi
cine. I nae It in my practice, and find Ita action
excels all other forms of iron. In weakness, or a low
condition of the syatem. Brown's Iron Bittera ta
usually a positive neoeesitjr. it la all that la claimed
Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on
wrapper. Tllke no other. Made only br
limits' Hand Hcxii-naefiil and attractive, con
taining list of for recitcs. information about
ooins, etc., given sway by all dealers in medtcina, or
mailed to any addreaa on receipt of Sc. stamp
SXKLK 11KITS11U it wooiurtn,
Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or.
1'iVaL.Mlj.ll cV KEY,
Printers' Materials.
Pill Presses,
for' Infants end Children.
' "CmIotU ti so welT adapted to children that CutorU earfu Co)t, Conrdlnatlnn,
I recommend It at superior to any prescription I gtomach, plarrhrea, ""o". ' .
HI Bo. Oxford t,lirooklyn,K.T. 1 Without lajurloui medicaUon.
Tna Cbttaub Coiu-ajit, 183 Fulton Itrcet, N. T.
For Men aid Boys, to Order and Ready Made.
Cor. Montgomery and ButUr SU., Ban Franciaoo, CaL
MANN & BENEDICT, euoce-or. to (J, C, HaStilfS & CO.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powile r nover varii A marvel of aurttr,
strong 111 and a lielesoineneiui More economical thai!
Uie onlinarv kinds, and cannot he mid In cohiiwU
tion with tho iimltitudo of low tint, short weight,
aluai or phosphate fowdera. Hold only in lana,
HuVAI, kUllsu i'owou Co., let) Wall street, N. V.
I'OltTI.AMs, 4) UK.OX,
A Boarding and Day School for Girls,
I'ndcr Uie uTvl.lrm of The Itt. Itev. II. WlaTAB,
MiHiiiis, II. 1, llialionof lireiiim.
Thomtuih instruction in Kiijllh, Art, lauiguages.
Vocal and Instrumental Mil'io and Bookkeeping. A
curia of thirteen teachers. I'uplls sdmilted at any age
and Into any or all of t lie denartmeiita. The new term
hciiluaontlie riKMT WKDNKMDAYof BElTKMUtU
I'sUioicue scut 011 application.
A Boarding and Say School for Boyi.
1 em mannKement beuins BEPTEMBER 1.
ltoys of any ae or degree of ailraiicement sdiuilted.
Hoys Iktcd for oollege or biialneaa. Three Yale grad-imU-s
auiotiK the teachers. Hpccinl Instmctfnn in Ten
nianahip, Ilrawing, Music and Modern Lauguagea llia
clpllne strict. No hail Uiya admitted. For catalogue
and circular or any Information, eddrcaa
J W, HILL, M. II , Head Maatrr,
P. O. lilt AW EH 17. Portland, Oregon.
KstablUhod 1861. P. O. Itoi 4415.
drain, Produce and fleneral
K on. 813 nmd 315 HavtM Street,
fMcraWr of fl. K I'mdue Kichkiige). foiittfrnineotg
uid onlrrt wlU rucvivQ prunip. klUoitlou. t'tub tA
vmiom mule.
TT)ln HFI.T or Ytivmvra
tnr ' nmilo rxpiMwIy fur
the cure of demMitviernta
of trie KtnirrmUvB ovmii.
1wrv In no ntlituke touut
thli liittriimt'iit, tho con
tlnuoui fitrUn of SLUM
TH1C IT V prrmmtlria
throisfFh th. purta murl
a nioro tittm ut ooftiiiiy
. I arilun. K not roiiFO'ina
lf tin with F.loctno BflU
I 1 ilvrrtiMiltn otir ft II 111
II, lit for
LI tlin ONK RiMslrtA TMirnoM.
Knr I'ln'tilnn Hiving i uk. (nforniattoit. n.ltlrww CiMJOTMk
IvlwUio lUtj cu., lua Wiuliiutftoi. liL. C'tucutto. Ill
lug Keiiiedy and Kervn
lonle urt-a vvltUout
tall. Nervous and l'liylm
Hcl.illly, Loss ot Viullty,
Weakness; Virile Decline,
luiiHitencv. Oversensltlvo
Couilitlons. Prostatitis, Kid.
neyand llladdertlonitilAjiita,
lllstaaiaoi ine uuNMi,r.nip
I loin, and all the evilettecta
of youthful follies and ea
oesses permauentlf pre
venting all Involuntary
weakeutng drains uihio Uie
nysU rn, huwover they occur
restoring L Manhood;
however aoninltoaU'd the
caae mav be, and when all other remeuica have failed. ,
A rermanrat Tore Abeolnlrly CuaranteetL
Prioe MM per bottle, or five bottlei for flu. Kent
upon rcoaliitof pr
prioe, or,to-Mir address, sTtrloev
" IfR. '. i. f.HILI.
ny Mrvel.Hnn IriincJacofaf.
1 tiunicleiit to show ft
ilia Uenrnr
a. ulolel!
I eiiaiiitaiioua. suiutur vuuudeutlal. hf letter os at
TUtmVtvJ liyvUHIHeTUlM aaKO
No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cat
TaUTI ALL Cimoxio, Bl'KIAL and Phivat DuaASU
WITII WONtlKRrt'b bUlVlhS.
! a certain cure for
Knrvtmn lirbllUy, Lost
.WmiioW, J'nwfufairo
noea, and all the evil
ellcuta ot youthful fclllea
and fvecasea, and In
drinking Intoxleatint
liquors. Dr. Mlntie,
ho la a regular phys'.jai n.
Knuluate of the lli.'.er
sity ot l'etinsylvania, wli.
OAjrce to lorfelt MQ lor
a case ol thlsj kin.' the
1'ffal ltestorutlYi. (un
der his special advice and treatment) will not cure
II. CO a bottle, or four times the quantity f, atnt to
any address on reoclit of price, or 0. O. f. In private)
namo ir uueirwi, ny jt. .nimm. m a jiwni
S. CU fiend for list of questions and pauii-iilou
will be aunt to any one anpUlnj by letter, lUtlnrt
ymptonis, aex and tare Strict aecrecy In regard to
ail huslnoas transactions. ,
N. P. N. U. No. 81-a t. N. U. No 150.
C. '-iW .fMmtnm -