The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1885, Image 4

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Tilt mm cm guard.
8ATUB0AV JULY 11, 1835.
I. .' ..I'.-.. -I J B
Our Hanuliieturci.
Tito manufacture of this Stalo have
matin very slow progress in th past
tenty four yearn, and wo are relative
ly far beh in J California in thiu impor
tant brinsh of industry. We clip the
following concerning Boraa of the
loading onoH: "Fifty two vvw"ls, in
cluding two largfl ship?, each worth
$30,030, have mn built at the nhip
yard at Coo Bay. Nearly all the
other Oregon river steamers and the
reyenue cutter, Tom Corwin have bean
constructed at Portland. In 1880 in
manufactories wa had 105 flouring
mills, in which was invested $1,236,
300, employing 307 hands, and dis
bursing as wages 8190,822 per year,
the material and products at the anin
time realizing $0,551,245. The bal
ance: $7,20.1,012, was derived from
materials and products of all oilier
manufactories in the State The capi
tal invested in all our mechanical and
manufacturing industries in 1830 was
6,312,056, employing 3,576 hands, of
which 05 wrro fem.iles and 07 were
under fifteen years, disbursing in
wages, $1,657,046 per, year. In the
manufacture of flour, since 1630 there
has been adopted the modern gradual
reduction and roller systoin of Minne
epulis. Astoria in the manufacture
and export alona of lumber, has re
crntly made some progress, having dur
ing the yer 1831 shipped from the
Columbia river 21,000,000 feet of
lumber, while the total exports of lum
bur from Oregon in 1630 according to
United States returns, were 177,171,
000 feet; 18,245,000 laths; 5,010,000
xhitiglcs, which then n-turned to our
State 82,03), 163. Tim water por
at Willamette fall, Oregon City, ex
ceeds that of a million horses. It is
only uaml as yet in a nn'.igor wav.
The Superintendent of public instruc
tion for Oregon has recently completed
the compilation of public school statis
tics for the year ending with April.
Tiiere are 80,018 persons eligible to
-draw public money, an increase of
C151 over last year; 41,10) nre miles,
33,918 are fennles. The average daily
attendance in tho schools during the
year was 31,003, a m l com military on
Urn parents of more than half the chil
dren in Oregon, The average number
of inoulbi taught is four and three,
fourths. There are 1335 school dis
trict, in which are employed 1701
teacher 410) pupils are in privato
schools. .Tlie value of tlie puhlio school
grounds, us, ftc, ?1, 160,433 14.
Tho average silary of the male teachers
is CS." per month; that received by
female teachers is $3 j.96. Thero are
orty-tive graded schools employing 145
teachers; there are also fourteen neade
ajiios employing 51 teachers; and eiht
colleges ami universities employing 07
tejiohers. The amount of salary paid
to teachers of the last named three
kinds of schools is 8342,186 37.
Orover Cleveland has now been
President of the United States for
Ihreo months, and those who raised the
.cry that tho Mormons would lw leni
ently dealt with and favored by the
iKeuocratic Administration, are asked
to explain why it is that the law is be
ing executed with jre.iter vigor and
efficiency than ever lefoie? Thus an
other fond illusion of the Il.'publicau
party is forever shattered
A process is said to have been dis
covered for making sea wa'.er drinka
ble. It couiikt in mixing it with a so
lutioit of citrate of silver. A half pint
pint of water may be thus purified by
.an ounce of tho rotation. A number of
experiments have been made with this
discovery which have proved so satis
factory ihat it would seem that all sea
going vevels must soon be supplied
with the citrate as a lifesaving precau
tion. The Tacoma News of June 23d,
aid: "The first oil collected and re
lined on the North lVitio ccist was
collinu'd from the surface of ground on
the Tacoma's oil company's land near
lilhi and su'-jected to the refining pro
cess of Mr. Newlind. It burned with
a strong bright tl inie, and was pro
uouueed ta le of a superior juility.'
The resolve of the Tory party to gov
ern Irelaul by common law is th
greatest triuiupb of Ireland's greatest
It is expected thit the death of Em
peror Wil'iuiu, vliich is uiJ to lie
imminent, will retire Biamarck to
private life.
The lYesulcnt'n sppoiutiui-uU it New
York aw batibfactorjr to tk? Ealrn
Doiuovratic aud JuJejiouJrut
Of the Prince of Wales the Russian
Count Paul Vasila has this to say:
"The future King of England is chiefly
distinguished from many of his coun
trymen by his complete freedom from
arrogance. His friends say that with
them ho forgets his rank, but it is only
on condition that they remcmWr it,
and his fimiliarity with others is not
lfte theirs with him. Possessing per
fect tret himself, ho never forgives the
want of it, and knows how to remind
those around him of what is duo to
him. No man in public life works
harder than the Prince of Wales. He
is constantly receiving deputations, cel
ebrating anniversaries, presiding at
banquets of all kinds and charities of
every description. He is interested in
every kind of sport and is one of the
best shots living. He may, indeed, be
called a virtuoso of the shot gun. The
condition of the laboring and poorer
classes occupies much of his time and
thought, and has set a noble example
to all landowners by facilitating the
sale of land to laborers on his own es
tate. The prince surrounds himself at
Sandringham with remarkable people
of every kind literary men, artists,
journalists, directors of 'xbihition, con
structor of railways, enximvrs, inven
tors, learned men, politicians of every
shad of opinion ami clever women; ev
ery one who is distinguished in any
way, or who has any claim to connider
atinn, is welcome to his charming
It is said that thero is one office in
the gitt ot the uoverninent that no
body wants. It is the counselship ot
Monterey. Monteroy is a good sized
city, and a very pleasant place to live
in. But the people there have never
trot ten over Gen. Taylor's capture of
the town, forty years ago. They do
not realize that the war is over, and
hate Americans as intensely as ever,
About two years ago they got mad,
smashed in the windows of tho Ameri
can consulate, ami assmlte t the vice
consul, a .uettionist preacher, lo an
able bodied citizen, who likes excite
uieut and plenty of it, Monterey offers
an inviting held.
In Maine none of the common
styles of invitations prevail. It is all
shrouded in mystery. You givo the
sign of distress to any member in good
standing, pound three times on the
outer gate, give two hard kicks and
one soft one on the inner door, giv
the password, "Ilutherfrd B. Hayes,"
turn to the left, through a dark is
sag", turn the thumbscrew of a myster
ious gas-fixture ninety degrees to the
right, holding tho goblet of the encamp
ment under the gas fixture, then re
verse the thumbscrew, shut your eyes,
insult your digester, leave 25 cents
near the gas fixture and leave the
Two of the bidder for the Govern
ment envelope contract, on their way
from llolynko to Waseington were
talking over he situation with much
assumed candor. It was readily agreed
that as the bids had been registered
there could b m risk in c: mp iving
notes; so e-ich promised to mark his
bid on p.iper and hand it over. Until
scratched away, the papers were ex
changed, and both were blank! Eich
weasel counted on the somnolent coil'
dition of the other.
TheCuuard steamer Oregon, which
is now a swift ormed cruiser, will be
the flagships of Admiral lloskins, dur
ing the maneuvers of war ships in
ltantry Hay, Itehides her ten guns
Yavasseurs and six muzzle loading G4
pounders the Oregon has eiht hteam
launch) s of high speed, capable of be
ing used ellectively as torn'ilo boats.
She will a!o receive several G titling
The author of the "Heathen Chinee"
is thus disrespectfully alluded to by
an Eastern journalist who hars him
malice. "It is said of Bret Harte
he would probably allow himself to be
kicked without any attempt at resist
ance. He might possibly protest, but
not unless he had his mouth a' ready
During May, S.Dtjfi pension certiti
catej were issued, which is the largest
num!er, says the Washington Slar,
ever granted in one mouth since the
or;auizatiou of tie office.
Abraham Lincoln, just Ixfore he
died was measured an I found to 1e six
feet, four inches in height.
Mr J Cointock, of Latham, dtwirvs to
inform lbs goixl people of Eugene and vicinity
that he has etahli!ie I a lumber yard at the
depot, with Mr W It Andrews as aeoL lit
v i'.l keep on hands all Uuls and siies of
lumber whicn h pnNie to sell at rrasonahlt
prices. Git him a call asJ seviirt itricxsi.
Mr Andreas a!x drsirrs a tjiiautity of wood
to sell ud tuu'.l cnun.i-i'B.
Syrup of Figs,
Msnufitt inr.l nolv 1t th ('alif.wnia Ki Srrup
Co, Sn I'nuicisco. Csl, is Xaturs's iru Trie
Lustivt. This oUuant fruit tvutdy
lusr ht hsd of V S l-, svrut, J inoti m, i
M WilLius, acent. titfvn City, at bftr
rrnts or out dolUr vr Uitti. It is the ,
I -aoant, .rooit au.1 ttfevtirt rmlv known, .
t- c.eanaj Hi st- m; to fe't oo ths Ijtvr, Kid- j
ys and lUmds in-ntlr vet thoroughly; to dis-!
pel H4U-hn, and Kcrsrs; tu curt Coo-'
stilwa, IndintioB auj lindmJ Ult, 1
W. II. Abranit Lm eltfht men st work In
his fruit cannery drying plums.
The aont for John Rohiuson'i circus U la
Portland. The show will l hurt snout th
20th of August.
A lUtcr of the Milan. Crin arrived in Eu
(tene yssteiday, on a visit, from Dakota Ter.
Sht U accompanied by a daughter.
IIn. Geo. B. Dorrii, of this city, has been
elected Grand Matter Workman nf the A, O.
U. W., of Oiegon. ' congratulate.
Yesterdays Oregon Ian sayi: "Col. L. Fie is
chner, Sam Lowensteiu, II. 13. T.itt an-1 W. H
Williams leave Monday for Foley Spiing..
They ulte with them a toiuorial artist and
will travel in ityle."
A to the Belknap Springs.
Tho invalid whose health is impaired by
excessive labor, but who is yet able to exer
cise iu the oueu sir, will find a visit to these
notable hut spruits and pleasant river, and
a fortnight or a mouth's stay among them,
vastly more efficacious in restoring strength
and tune to hit system than all the remedial
agencies nf the most skillful physician. I
can spuak niiderstamlingly on. this subject,
ud from evidences furnished by my own
personal experience and observation. I have
visited these hot springs severul times and I
have never yet leeu disappointed with a
mouth's sport or failed to meet with a de
gree of success which abundantly satisfied
lua at least. I have generally gone into the
mountains weakened iu body and depressed
in mind, aud 1 have always come out of
them with renewed health and strength, a
better digestion, aud a huoyaut and cheerful
spirit. For myself, I hare coma to regard
these mountains and grand old forests aud
all this wihl region at my settled summei
resort, instead of th buatlo and strife of
busiuesi. I visit them for their pure air; I
visit them for the inaaterwork of the Creator,
unconsciously repeating, in the words of the
psalmist, "The mountains and the hills
praise the Lord and magnify Him forever."
I visit them, too, for their grand scenery.
Truly there is a lesson in this picture, which
I will leave to the reader to interpret lor
W Inlo at the springs we organized a party
in ascend the grand C imet mountain, on
the north side ot the river. The top of this
mountain resmnblet one of those old castles
that Oliver Cromwell Mowed to pieces with
cannon shot, mid they ucver were built up
again. Our excursion party numbered eigh
teen, all ot whose names I do not remember.
Among them were .Mr ami .Mrs Frank Hen
dricks of Junction, Mr nud Mrs Fugua and
.Mrs brown of Huena Vista, .Mrs l aird ot
Springfield, Mrs. J. 11. Crew of Eu
gene, and one old lady near Gl) years of age,
lo. rt-eemlui! the mountains as sprightly as
any ol the young ladies. We cliuiU-d to
tlni top of Cornet mountain in ote hour and
a hall. The mountain is fl:it ou the top und
covered with fragrant flowers, of which we
counted sixteen varieties, among tin in the
Chinese primrose, vvrbema lieumiia, the Jap
anese climbing furn and the oianoe fern; anil
the preyed leaves of some of these varieties
are marvels of graceful beauty. .Mis Bel
s iw brought Some nf them home, and they
can be seen at my residence. In fact, this top is one great Hnwer garden, laid
out and planted by the greatest of a'l land
scape gardeners the beneficent Creator. As
wu ducuii.Lud the mountain the heat in
creased, tho sun poured down upon ns, and
wu longed to arrive at the l.ttle inaplo grove
which stands close by the hot spring. W't
were sou enjoying the shade and coolness
under the green leaves of the lesutiful trees.
One gentleman whom I did not kmiw shot a
tine elk, which weighed over 7W) pounds
ami was very f.-.t.
We are indebted to the proprietor nf the
springs, .Mr John Hitkooo, tor lii kindness
and accommodation. We find him ever
ready nnd willing to lend a helping hand Id
our many wants. We can purchase veget
ables lit very reasonable ligures. black
berries were found us large ipiantities
We arrived home in salely, filial with un
bounded potluninin over our trip, and only
wishing we could go sgiin and st'y lonuor.
It is something wnicli lovers of the crand
ami beautiful in nature shonld try to see for
thcmselvct. Tii' Ih.lsuaw.
All persons indebted to B V Whipple &
llru's, either by note or book account will
pt'Mso call and settle the samu. Our store
is burned and we inuit collect the inuuey
due us.
K. W. Wnirrn &, Bsos.
Cot tags Grove, Feb 2,'), lSo.
liny Havward hand grenades.
For god deiitirtiy go to Taylor A Eberly.
The liilifst cash price will bo paid for wheat
by F 11 Dunn.
I'hutographs finished neatly and artis
tically at Wintor'a
A fiuo line of silk plushes in all shades
and gradei ut F II Putin's.
Onhiiru mowers ean le purohased at the
store i f l'riteheft A Forkner for J.
Tlie best candies and oranges can always
bt found at 1) ltnum's coofrclioiitry store.
Ice cream, soda water aud lemonade at E
Paum's, one dour north of the St Charles
The Guard does all kinds of job printing
cheaper than any other ortico iu Lane coun
ty. Call and get estimates.
If you are in want u' agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that Mr J .M
Hendricks keeps a full asturtmeut.
MrS II Friendly will pay the highest
sash uiarlut price for wheat. Giva him a
call before telling your grain else here.
E Bauin sells the best cigkrt and tobacco
ever otlered for tale in Eugene. Cifsrs from
5 cts to 25 eta apiece, ami all pure Havsiina
Health of Jews'
Ouu.aoticeahle featurn about Jewish ceme
teries iu the south is the scarcely of newly
made grsves after an epidemic of cholera or
yellow fever. Statistics show that fewer of
them die thsn any other race from these or
kindred diseases. During tho cholera soonrge
in T'ulon only two orthodox Jews died of
it, while in numbers they e itialled fully 20
per cent of the imputation. Their imuiutiity
fn'ni disease, aud the certainty with which
thy rv-.-over w hen attacked by it, is ac
counted for by the simplicity of their diet
Thcv are very strict ab-mt following the
dietary laws prvtcriUil by Moses. Isu't it
a btt! strange that Motes, if he was only a
historian, should have posesed kuowlrnge
superior to that of the wisest and best pl.y-1
siciaut of the pren-nt day? He evidently ,
I bclieveil in preventin; disease rather thau
curing tnisis aiiiii i-u iiaveu s i')
peptia Cure aims to do; it acts dirvctly on j
the digestive juices of 'the stomach and both ,
prevents aud cure Indigestion and lypep-1
sit. Free sample bottles at Osbcru t Cot I
drug store.
Being More Pleasant
T the Ute, more tvptaMe to the stm-,
ch, and more trulr beneticial in its anina the j
fsinous California nqvid fruit rrmwly vmp nf
Kut i npiulr sj ctJin.' aui'thers, Trr it
K a!t by ' S Lee, Juacti and t il
WilXios, Euvu City.
Messrs Steamt k Tattle, of the Mohawk
Mills, would resxctfully invite the attention
of those needing LuuiWr or Shingles to their
new yard established on the corner of Wil
lamette nnd Eleveuth streeU All kinds of
dressed or rough lumber delivered at theluwest
rates. Call aud get estimates.
E. J. McClaxahas, Agt
Having told my entire stock of Furniture
and Undertakers g'dt to M S Wallit, all
thote indebted to me ill find their account
placed in the hands of (ie S Wnshburoe for
collection. You will please settle at once at
my buiineat must be closed.
J. K. RcAJtV
t .. . .i
New Firm!
New Goods!
New Prices!
Titus and Hrl,
Successors to B. 11. James,
l)EALF.l;3 IX-
Pumps, Galvanized Ironware,
Lead and Iron Pipes,
In fact, eyerthing found in a
First-Class Tin Shop.
Manufacturers of
Repairing Done with Promptness.
Give uh a .mil and price goods before
piirclinsing elsewhere.
SHOP On wpst side of Willamette
street, near EMith.
Glassware, Crockery,
(50 TO-
And if you
Take Your Produce There,
Where lou Can Sell
For Money.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
In the matter of t!ie estate of Him land
NKiiinnns. ilmt-nsnl.
vroTiCE is hi:i;eiiy civex that
XI 10 luniuiiiKO of mi onler nf the C'mitily
Court ol the .statu of On fur tho Comity
of I-niie, niadd anil entered of recnnl at the
reijnlar term tlioifof, to-wit, on the Cth day
of July, A D 1SS., in the matter of the es
tate of ltnwland Simmons, deceased, the
undersigned, administrator of said estate,
will, on Saturday, the l.'itli day of Auiinat,
A l ISSj, at 2 o'clock P M of said duv, at
the Court H"U door in Eui'iie City. Lane
County, Ornjoii, sell at puldiu auction, to
the liiheit bidiler for ca-h, coin of the
United Statu, all the liijht, titli', interest,
nuil estate of the said liowland Simmons,
deceased, in and to the fnllouini; dcscrilieil
real estate, situate lying and being in the
County of Lane and State of Orecon,
bounded and described n Mlows: Iits Xo,
Tour (4) and Five (", and W J of S W J of
See I in T 17 S li 1 Kat
I'erms of sale cash.
Dated ttis 11th o.iv f Jnlv, A H 1SS.1.
Administrator of the estate o: Konland
Simmons, dei;caed.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
In the matter of the estate of Thomas H.
Klcler, dn-rwed.
jLi in pursuance of an order of the County
Court of tho State of Oregon for the County
of lnc, made and entered of record at the
regular term thereof, t-wit, ori the Cth day
of July, A D 1SS.", in the matter of the es
tate of Thomts II. Elder, deceased, the no
dcrsigned, administrator of said estate, will,
on Saturday, tho l.'itli day rf Aucust, A l
bSo. at 10 o'clock A M .f said day, at the
Court House dcor in Eneno City, Ijne
County, Ori'tfon, tell at public auction, to
the hmhest bidder, for cash, L'nited States
Kold coin, all the rioht, title, interest and
e.-tate of tUe said Thomas H Kliler, de
ciaseil, in and to the following dcscrilxnl
real estate. sinste lying and being in the
County ef Line and State of Oregon,
bounded and d seri!ed as follows: 1its Xo
Six (6i and Seven (Tl, in Sec 30, T 20 S K 3
Ve. containing .Vt 73 acre ; also lteginniiu;
at S W corner of J W MeKarlaml Don. L.1.
claim, thence East to X E corner ci Don.
A claim of (iro Small, thence South with
the line of the (ien Small I n. 1x1. claim, to
corner on North bink of creek, thence a
straight line lo a X V direction to place of
bi'f;inoiiij, containing 3S seres, more or lest,
in Sec "Ai, T 20 S 1! 3 West; also booinninf
at S W corner of J V MeKarlaml Don. 11.
claim, thence S.iuth far enough to make U
acres, theni-e in a S E directi. to the "L"
corner of tieo Small lm. Ld.'claim, thenct)
in X W diitctino to plsce ot beeinninp,
containing 14 arret. Al S E $ of S E oi
Section 2 3 io T CO S R i West, contaiuing
10 acre.
Terms of tale cash.
Da'ed tint lltb day of Jnlv. A D lSV
AdministraW of the estate cf Thomas II.
Elder, dec'J.
Buy more goods in the year than
Sell more goods and at lower
Mark every article in our line
Must sell $10,000 worth of goods within the next sixty Java
n,.,. c o '
Will nearly dve goods away to
1 . .l.,l
pie can wear new cioiue3
Invite everybody to call and see
vve, Us A;
, Xi.
Hardware and all kinds ol Agri
cultural Implements.
SrORE-On Willamette Street, opposite "Git aid" Office
Fine Harness Made to Order.
J. liTKlem,
Eight Street,
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and sell at living figures.
In hands of a competent druggist.
To Luckey Bristav) at the old Ellsworth Store.
Xo. 11 Kearney Street.
Treat all t'hroale aud Special
S ? The effects of youthful follies or indis
cretion will do well to avail themselves of this,
the greatest boon ever laid at th altar of suf
ferine humanity. I1!!. SP1XXEY will "iitr
antee to forfeit $."0 for every ras of Seminal
weakness or private disease of ner kind or
characteJ which he undertakes and fails t )
tIU!)LE Ai;Kl HEX.
Thei are main t tt.e a.,e of thirty to sixty
who are troubled with too frequent evacua
tions of the bladder, often accniniionied bv a
slight'int; or binning sensation, and a
wtakvcini: ot the system in a manner the pa
tient cannot account for. Un ex.imin the
urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be
found, and sometimes small (articles of allm-
nieii wi.l appear, or tlie color will be of a thin
wlntih nue, acsin ehanxuis' to a daric nnd
t rpid apiie.iranee. There ar? luaoy men who
die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause,
which is the second t:.-e of teminal weakness.
Dr S will euaraiitee a perfect cure in such
cases, and a Leal thy restoration of the geuito
urinary oraus.
Olhce hours 10 t 4 tnd 6 to 8. Sundays
10 to 11 a. m. Consultation free. Thorough
examination and alvice, ?.
tall or aildress
1)K. SP1XXEY 0,
Xo 11, Kearney Street, Ssn Francisco.
Thoss who work early and Lite need a whole
some reliable Medicine likePl'i'XDFK's OmcoJN
Bloo Pl'BlFlEE. As a remeily and preventa
tive nf diseases it can not be beat. It checks
liheumsiimnd Malaria, relieves Constipa
tion, I)Tsptpia anl Bdliousness, and puts
frch t!ier,' into the system by making New,
Kich I'.lL All lh-iip-.i'.Uand Dealer keep
it $1.C0 bnttlet, 6 for $.Oo, a4m3
Dr. T. W. Sliclton,
Physician and Surgeon.
KOOMS-Ai Mrt. J. B. Underwood.
cfe CO.
any other house in Eugene,
& CO.
prices than any house in Eugene
& CO.
away down to bed-rock priceg
& CO.
& CO.
everybody, so all American ro,
. .. il . 1.1 il. T. I
on me xuurtu oi Juiy.
cfc CO.
for themselves, and you can find
uo. at tue
Eugene City.
Luckey &Co
Is running and will run all
Bills filled at short
James C. Goodale,
Orders can be left for the Cobr.rj; saw mill
at the store of McClung k Johnson.
Notice to Creditors.
ll the undersigned hat been appointed ad-mini.-trator
of the estate of J B England,
deceased, by the County Court of Lane Conn
ty, Oreifon. . All persons having claims against
the said estate will please present the same to
Walton & Xoffpineer, Encene lregon, r tht
nnderniinietl at t'otUije (irove, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
June ?J, 1SKV.
J. B. ExoLssn, Administratcr.
Walths k Xoffsisuer, Attys.
F:rm and Stock Ranch for Sale.
?)) stts of level land 16 milet northwest
of Eu-eoe and 6 mile southwest of Junction;
70 aires of growing train, balance food pasture
land, all under food fence; to building Said
land he adjoining the town ot Smitbfiehl!
good schil; semi weekly miL Said plsce I
a pood stock ranch for rattle, bogt or thetp
I'nlimited mountain range for cattle, r1
price inn'iire at the Graao office or of (. '
' GibcD, Smithfield.