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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1885)
it suimalrd DulojBf. "Where do I ca upt' he inquired, and vu shown the lower Ifrlh next to mn. "That's my pigeon liolt, in ill All right, old on, just, watch my motion whit I file myself away." At thin juncture lie was desired to turn over his revolver to the porter, whiuh he declined to do ia very spir iud manner. ' M "Old Dad,' (his revolver), and me always sleep together, and we don't want no divorce," he explained. The conductor remonntrated, hut ws advised not to try to "braid this mule's tail "This here's a slrTpm' car, aiu't itT he at length inquired, "Yea." "Well, why In the don't you let people sleep when they've paid and gone into your fame! If you're aim ing to keep peoplu awake, and want company, just danco into the next car; there's lots of folks there that don't want to go to sleep, no how, and they'll be glad to see you." the conductor withdrew and my friend pulled off li's loots and stretched himself, with many comments in an undertone on the poverty of the sur roundings. "In about ten minutes this erratic person had his had out in the aide. ''Say, you y" to the porter. "Well, sahr "Come a runnin'," The porter drew near and was hand ed a pillow alout as dig as a pin-cush ion. "Take away that gooseha'r thing, commanded the cow-hoy. "Don't you want a pillow, said' asked the porter. "That ain't no pillow and I don't want it no how; I'm afraid it will g"t in toy ear." "After this, silence, and for a short time I s'tpt, I roused up, however, at an exclamation on the part of my neighW. "Hold on there, my son, jist drap them boots." "I was oulr jest gwine to black 'em, 1W ,'Drap 'em." They drapped." "Jest gwine to pull them spurs, I reckon. "Now, don't monkey around luy camp taking things no more. If you want anything, spea'c for it. If you can't speak make, si-jus, and if you can't make signs, shako a bush. You h'ar me" "Yes, sah.B "After '.his, silence. The wheels and rails again sans together and the cars again kept approving time, and pres ently I slept without interruption. Sound Advice. Jim Webster wan brought up before an Austin justico of the peace. It was the same old charge that used to bother him in Galveston. After the evidence was all in, the judge with a perplexed look, said: "Dut I do not comprehend, We lister, how it was possible for you to steal those chickens when they were roosting right under the owner's window, and there were two vicious dogs iti the yard." "Hit wouldn't do yer a bit of good, jedge, for me to 'splain how I cotched dem chickens, for yer couldn't do hit yerself if yer tried hit forty times, and yer might get yer hide full oh buck shot do berry fust time yer put yer leg ober do fence. lM lies' way for you to do, jedge, is fur yer to buy yer chickens in de market and when you wants ter commit any rascality do hit rn de liench wlmr you am at home." Sitt ings. The horse of a Wilkinsburg (Pa.) dairyman has developed nr. extraordi nary fondness for tobacco and will chew a ten-cent plug or half a pound of smoking tobacco mixed in his fe-d with the greatest relihh. Wlrnacolt the animal was given small pnrticles of the weed, until now, in the prime of life, he craves it the same ns his .has ter. "Yes," remarked a conceited young Kachelcr, "I have the greati-Kt admira tion for the fair sex, but I never ex pect to marry. Oh, dear, no " "In deed," remarked a lady; "then I am to understand that you not only admire wonieiij but have a sincere regard for them as well." 1ST?" !H . J Notice. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT I will not l rMpavilde for tor del or debts extracted bv uiy wife, t'yniha U Atnl key. fmm end after th iUu kr4. Itl thi. 6lh day of June, 1S8 at Eugene Citr, Oregon. IU.uasis G, Milk St. Fassisa Tais Xotiix Airoo.1 iliuner c U had at IVkee't h.iM f ?3 e-nl. Citation. To tbeCooiitv Court of tlx State of Oregon for tlx County of Lane. . la tli matter of tin estate of Rowland Sim tiiom, dictated. To Jamci H common, aud all persons in tercttd in said iUte: IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF Oregon you are hereby cited and required to appear in tlie County Court of the State of Orcein for tlie County of Line, at tli court room there if, at Kujo-tie City, in tlie Comity of Lane and SUto of OreKnu, on Monday, theGth. day of July, J863, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, llitu and thera to allow cause if any there he, why an order should not tie made for the sale of the following de.cribed property to. wit: Lot 4 sid 5, mid W i of S W J of Sec I, T 17 N K 1 East, iu Lane County, Oreijon. This citation in directed ti he published in the Ki'iiknr ClTr l'ARI for four successive week liy sn order mad by Hon (eo 8 WaRlihurne, Judge of said Court, ou the 27th day of Aiay, 1835. JnnKMI Mcf.MS, Administrator of iiaid Etate. F; rm and Stock Ranch for Sab. 320 acre of level land 1G mile northwest of Eugene and 6lnihl southwest of Junction; 70 acre of growing grain, balance iron-l ttture land, all umlrr good fi-nce; i:u buihlini;. Haid land lies adjoluing the town ot Kiiiithfieltl: good school; send weekly in.tiL Said place is a good twk ranch for rattle hog or sheep. Unlimited inountuiu rn,.e for cattle. For price inquire at the liUAUl) ollico or of Geo W (iibsnn. Kinlthfirhl. To Stock Eaisers. YoungSampson. Tbli fine horns will be all wed tn serve mare the ensuing sn a mi. i-oimncn'in.,' April 1st and enlinif Jnlv 4lh. 185. nt M irt' stable in K"- n C'itv. and at I 'reaswell, Oregon, on the 'olniig ten: Kin"1e servic-, $ 10: seemi, t 5; Insurance, t'iO. J -niilp I M t v ce fa n-D If re I; e:inti, nt I he i-nd of the sea a nt insurant when the mire In known to le foul, or if sold or trail -d before thia ia known, the luMiiiiiu-e li forfeitnt. Cure ia tiken tn prevent avoiden, but reN.nnlble f r none that may occur. Miri-aciube pastured ou roaiuinaole term. DKscitirTio xxn rrniGiirr. SnmiMon la a hunitiiiil luv. 7 yeara nl1 A-rilW,lH.-l.); w,-i,-h ob-mt 18(0 lb.; i 18 haiil hl-h aii'l will 'Mport:o!ii-l, ami ia run ai lei el by in-Mt ni'ii that e Mm a Mug me - nin4 the fi'ient iwttt in the Stale of hi age. II wa eirvd bv Adventure, he by Empemr, t tirrt thnn li;lll r-'l Cl.vileolule ever tin-p-rt-'l to Oregon. Adventure' ilnin waa a Hue lli-nrr in ire. SainiMona dnm la wi-11 known In Slai i"n coiintv.beiuu formerly owned by Mr. John Orchard, and a a fine mare ami ifooil breeder, hv but few if anv nix.-rior In the State. Fur further particular Inquire ol the owner. T. .1. lU'XTOtf, Owner aud Keeper. bin li hk V CONTRACTORS AM BUILDERS Eugme City, Oregon. DLAN3 AXD ESTIMATES Ft'R- L nlahed iion npiilluatiou. Job work a apecialty. Oi rirs-ln the rear of Hendricka & Eakin'a bauk liulhliim. I G. IlKNDRICitS. a n. Eaki.s, Jr. HENDRICKS b.EAEIN, Eugene City - - Oregon, Slant draft on NEW VOUK, SAX FUAX CISCO and POKTLAXl), OltKtiOX. All collection entrusted to ua will receive eiial atti-ntmn. Ilepoaits received aubjectto check. Loam mvle on approved aecurtty, ami a eeueral ilankin hunneiw done on reasonable terina. Est rayed Howard. A tuitublo rewnrd will le imiil to anyone that will ujve infuriniiti.ui to the micli'n.ij.iif1 Unit will lial to (he tiiitlin of tho lolIcrwuiK ilrnciilkd hoiwj: Due bay pony, bald face, ami branded J 0 on the left t: II . One browu hoine, three year old. Oue iron giav liily, thrt.- year old. Ou aorrel, with blazed, three yean old. U. W. t'ooKHKir. Central 1'iiiut, .Tncktun county, Onvii, nr to tlie lil'Aitu (iiriiil Citation. Iu the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for l-ane ('ouuly. In tb. matter f the ealnte of 'l honiai 11 Khlcr, ducea-vl. To all perou intieteil in ihu e atata i f ThoiiMa II KlvJer, lUcea-vd, Krecliuti: Ixthhxame ok -i hi: si-ate ok OiVjion you ure hereby cital anj r unlie.l to apHr in the County l nuit ol 1 1. e fiat of Oii'Kon, lor the County of Ijioc, at the Court I loom thereof, at Kiiip-ne Cii, in the ('. iinty of Lane, on Mom the Gill d.iy of July, 18S.", at 2 o'vl.ick m llm alhrnooii of that day, then and there to lmw tU" il any exut, why an order lwuld not 1 1 iinulf tor the tale "I the (ollomnj; ili-ncnbed ral entail, to w il: li li ami 7. of .Vu 31), (' 2U S, It 3 W, ooutaiiiiiiK XV' : acrt. AIo betiinuiii at S NV corm-r "i J Y McFar lai:d'a donation laml i luim. Iln lue K to X K Corner of ibniatioii land il .iui of tie Nuiall, theiu-e S with the line of the I J mi mll donation huol vlnim t corm-r mi X bank ol ctk, them a triylit line in a X W direc tion to placo i'f briiinme. oiiitaiolnK lis acrea mora or le, in S.- 3d, T 2t It .1 W. Alan bKioiiiiK at S V c m- of J Y Md'ar Und'a donation l.not claim, them-n K far wioujih to make It acre, thence ia a 8 K lirection to the "L !r of Iwi Small's dona- tinn land claim, theiica iii a X W direction t plane of IxKii.hiog, containing 14 acre. Alw J4 K ol H K J of Sec 2.1, T SO 8. It 4 W, ci'iiUinii'i! 40 acivt, all iu tjine County, Oregon. Uilnett, ll-e linn Oeo 8 U'al,lurne r - .luilye of the C'-unty Cnurt f the " Slat- of Oregon, for tl . County id i EAI. Ijine, Willi Hi. teal of the C nrt I allire.1, thia Cth day of Juue, A W-' l, I SS.V Alt'; Wr. Clerk. SummonSe In the Circuit Court of the Stala f Ore- ou, fur Latia County. Mary Y. Vaunrder, i'laiulifT, v. J II Vanordcr, Defendant. To J II Vauorder, the defendant above named: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon yon are hereby uinmoned and rerpiired tn be aud appear in the Cin uit Court of the Ktata of Oregon, for lane Coun ty, and answer the complaint of lbs plaintiff in ti.e abovb entitled suit now on file tgnul you with the Clerk of said Court by the lirat diy of the next regular term of aaid Court afu-r th. publication of thia aunumm for aix uu -emive week, in the Kunsvs City .iCAltu; and you ara notitied that if vou fail to a; a alK.vo reijuired, the pliiutiir, for want of ucli anawer, will ap ply to the Court for the relief ilemandi-d in the complaint, to-wit; That tiia marrinc;. contract now exitiiij( between pbiintilf and drf'iidnut be diolveil, and that the plain till have nod recover from defendant her coti and diabtiravnieiit herein. Thi auiinnoii n publiahed by order of Hon It S I -ii, Jude of .aid Court, in the Kl'tiKNK ClTV lit'AKU for aix anuueoive week, which order i dated May 21, 18-Sj. Dated thi. HOih day of May. I88.V lllLVKU k CnLI.IEn. . Atty'a for llaiiitirf. CI W I 5 d I wa - 1 as yi SM t 3 p 3 o c o 5 5 ia" O Kjftkl' alflllB Ml 3 WILL EXCHANGE HUM rnilE KUrtEXK MILL COMPANY X hereby take the pleasure of ai.nnunc inj( that I hey n il! take WESES.'Oi? at any warehouse norlh of Kugcne City in exchanu for FLOIR MILL FEED. ETC.. at heir mill in Kii)eu.- The Company will lake wheat receipt, property aijpiwl to them, ami (live crtilit to the owner of the auie on mill books for the ainnunt iu bushels. P. E. & CO. Juiv 3J. 18S4. . a-i-Km St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. H. Watklns Prop. Xa- tail Et?3i'lfl ico;l Una's." infill, ( linrsctt modorntc. 7-14-tf WVr rS V AlX ABt.e TA ALU Will b. malkttirnir a? Uall apnlicanu Y II C. tTTi and to cuMomen of year a imout oruerlnKtt. It contain. Illuatratioci, prices, dcicrlption. ar.d dlreollon for planting all VejT-table r.nd Klowcr SEEDS, Bl I.IIS, eta D.M.FERRY&CO.0611 TUFOriON DIRECTORY. CEEXXIAl. I.IVEKY STABLE J. J. Kiititn. lint l'ir-t 1-iMB 1l...n. AA V nil point! at irammAlile ratem HaV ftn I t ... KritiiiitiruH, jisMiHiuarwrii 1 4rvam nUct. sio aio aio In evci iiciK'bbrrhi.Hl on the Tai-ilio Coast For ull paiti.uUn a ldreiM, A. L. UAXi'KOFT. Saa 1 iiwa TUTT 1PILLS 25 YEARSjW USE, Tha Oreatoit M.-di-al TrinniDlt of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oaaul npiK-ilir, tMiwrlaeiMlivr, 1'nia la the hccil, with a dull .cniutllon ia the bark purl, Tata antfrr the .hoalder-i klade, l'slloc. after ealluc. wliSadiw liu-llantlsa to exrrllon of body jranlod, IrritabliilT of trnwr. Law .plrlta, with a leelluaul bnvlng arilmed eune imj, Weariueea, Dlrzlures, i'luileriac at the Heart, Dot before the evca, lleadarke erer the rluht eve, Urvtlpwaem, with llfuldrcnaia, Hliibly calored I'rtacaad CONSTIPATION. TUTT" fiLLKaracapecinliy atlapted to such raws one iloae eiln-ta aocli a (liana "f f"1'! .liTiMtOBitunUutlieaufferpr. Thvy I nrrea. the S petll.,nnl rauM I he Knlr 1 1 'a', aia aMeU,iiiu me .irm Ml r ' rTanl Art Ion oa Ik.- jr.ln.- I. -.ti .-. Murray M...V. lOtfS llfllfl DYE. Okat lUta or l eliauanl to a GUKr lliu'K h a .Initm application ol Una DTK. It niiart a natural color, apt. tr.Maniane..iily. N1 I I'V Drnxirl.ta, r rnt bv einr on iwl"to( 1 1. Cftlcr444 Murray St , New Y.rk 3 tm 0 . unoaki rre itiSK 7 G.T.BOYD, GENERAL BLACKSilTH. Junction t?Uy, Or. Wagon nnl -Machine repairing promptly attentleil to. Slieoing and niachin repairin. a ppHci.iltv. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. 10CXEY, DEAl.tR IN Clacks, Vach3s, Clialns, Jewelry, Etc. llcpaii-in lVomitly Exi.'cuteil. CaTAII Work Warranted. -! J.ti. Li;- KEY, t (?o'a Cric k Willamette atreeL Wonderful German Inrigora'or, THE OLDEST, Oil BATES! and l!ii.S'l It Ji.MKlf V fr tb .ciireofXervnu ami 1'hyaic.d De Qbilitv, Vit.d Kxhitii.Hihm, Ht-tiii-UJuhI WeiiknriM, l.oi f Miiiih..i. rrv-xi;, i.....,u i ij.. 'tv-'-A -niiil Ktif.ehlpi! coiiilitioini ..t il, UA ,:Jj I .On.itol lim i nrtiii. vf,"-Til 11) lIIH'll.V Cilia Iini-nteti-V.',' r ill 1 .,.,. I'l.... VV&f-l-' Weakiirim, and a 1 'tin wol rlct of ynuthliil fol.h- bio VO ritv. ' " Prmatiei tly preveuta al rtnuatunil I,-w f iiu tlie y .'Ttein, m tliotiaainl cau atteot vl i f 'r(..Pfo.t ciniirttr of ateiituiv wbicb pjit baa been In-fine the public. O )t ia ii.ctnl a wotideifiil retne C!ily, tonni the in-rve, xlrvntli Xeliiiij; the linieclt-, cliHckiii.' tin jjwafte, itivijjoratiii).' the wbub Hyntrm, and r-Ht ritn;thetiillictei ato an l If APIMNKMH. at! The I )iK.-t will ajfrre tn $1,000 for it o-ae mi lertnkeii, not cureil. 1'he reason ao iiiany can Hot net curetl of W eakneM am tlie aliove dLteaae i nuini; tn a complication allied "I'Mntutorrliea," which requires special trea merit. VARICOCELE or Wobiit Vwxs of the Scrotum. Ofb-n tbe tinauxpccted cuuoe of Lost Mamuhid, Dcbii. itt. kc. Dlt. I.IK15KYS IXVIUORATOR, Xo 2. with on peculiar Miecial treatni-nt i tht only cure for rroatitorrhea. l!y it .lanh.xl j. re stored anil the hand of time tnoved back from age to youth. If piaiplea appear on tb. fac, if ynn become li-tleaa and leinib nt bk out for the com plication with V tal Weakness and In-m ot Vitality known a J'rvstatnrrhea, llundreib of live have been Imtr. fnr tha want of projici treatment for thi cotnplicution, ami tli'Minan-h have Inet all their projierty mid pleasure in life fmm its etfects. Trice of either Invi-or.itor, 12. Cane of aix bottle. ?10. Sent t nny adilres, covered aecurvly from olMervation. DK. LIKIUlr 4 fo, treat aiicoMsfnlly by Hoiiieinthy every form of N-ciid, 1'rivate or Chronic l)ieij without numirv orn:ueoti ilni-a. If vitality in ilra'timl from the IxmIj, nuuiernua disease follow that bailie ordinary medical treatment. If nllnwed to continue, the unnatiinil linw cauf Conmuuption, Ilia betea, liright' Dinease, Insanity, Ktc. Cure tjtiaranteed. Dii-ensea if the Kenito-nrinnry orjiin. kidney., liver and bladder upeciullj tieated. Disease of Women Ss-edilv I 'tired. QUALIFIED and KESIM.NSU'JLE.-Dr Lit-biit & Co, from KuniM, are uranied in compliance with Caii ornia Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular coil-reeducation, and are uow in their niiieteeoth year of special practice. Most powerfu' electric belt free to patients. Dr. Lu-biK Wmiilerfid Magnetic lleuler or Self Mafc'iiatir.em, the ijrentest cumtive inv. n tiou ot the age. Every m:in nr woman can now be their oa-n Magnetic Healer. It can le used without the aid of n professional band rublier, consequently no big fee to pay. I'rice, t. complete. Sold ONLY at the Dr. Licbi Diyenswiy. Call or adilrem LiobisDitanciiaiarj', 400 tleary Street, !nn t-rnncisco, Cal. Trivate nterance 4.3 Muson street, four block tip Ueary from K-ariiy. Main entrance through Disiei'ary Drug Stois. AGFNTSWANTEDrawERI To bandl. one ll.l.t M. I'A.MII.Y It.'VI.CS. Kcw ralnK-ripliHu ftUUuu bow rux'v, la. movt elr-aut mt piixluoiL r.uierl l'oolo, A' biimn, in exeluiieUilins,il.r.'Ctly f'r ear own trnds, and siaudard rulUicalions: lUo'a II- Haul, Hl-torlcs, eto. Wo clP-r unriilcd la. d ccukjiIis villi oxcluslre terr.tury. Wnui to PAinn & DILLON Farmers Take Hotice! Having rcnciu sed the coux ty right fi r tbe nu king the Continuous Concrete Pipe, For subirrL-ution, underdrawing .-irnl conduct ing water, I am reaily to uuke contracts for laying piie. Ai; KM'S-Eugene City.L, D. Suiith; Juuc tiou, Wortman Son. J. D. Love, Manufacturer, Eune City, Or. x. o, iiove, ii. c buurHRcr, w. t. rriT. XoUry. Attorr.ey. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK. 1I0VEY, 1IUMPIIUEY A CO EUGENE CIT"5r, - - OH. Deposit received aubject to cfcecV. Imui. tna.le on appnived securities. Sight lrafts drawn on POKTI.AXD, SAN FRAXCISCO AND NEW YOKE. Exchange drawn on the principal Citire of Eurie. Collection, made on all rsdnta and a ceneral llaukiag busineaa transacted ou favorable term MILLER BROS., PtALrRS ix j Field, Vegetable fiFlowerSeeds' Imfrinl S.7f F tt, TaJt, F trliUttrt, Elc 303 Sstonp Srarrr, - - roRtXAxn, Ob. A CAItD. To aF Tdio are aulTurinjl ftoui the errors and IndiscreticDi of ronth, liervou weakness, early decay, li-sjof niauboo.', Ac, I willavnd arecijie that will cure jnu, FliKE OK CHAliliK. This gnnt riMiicdy waa discovered by a mis sionary in r;nuth America. Send a seif-ud ilrcsse-l envel e ti the liEV. JoHU'ilT. IsiUAS, Station U IV ;w Kr; VltJ 602 fSAMYST sreu. EatablMied f' r the fcciciitdic and Hly cure of Chronic, Nervous ami Special disease. The Expert Specialist, DIt. AI.I EX. AS IS WELL KXOWX, If a rt-gnliii KTM'uated phyii:in, ednrated at Uowdi.iu I'nin ye ami Vuiversity of Mulli gan. He iletoteil a liie-litne to the stndv of the t'eatmeiit and cure of disease, ailliiu hi. spocialty. YOI N MEST And midille-nyeil iikii. who are auffirinj fmm the elfects of youthful Indiscretion or excesses in n ature years, Nervous and l'dyi-itnl Drbili r.y, ImiKiti-ary, Lot Muidmoil, confusion ol ideas, onll eves, nversion In society, ltrHn ilencv, pitnplrs on the fai-H, loss of energy and l einory. fn-nili-ticv cf tirii.ating, etc. liruieur Is-r, that by a comMiialion of r medic of yr-M jurative power, the Doctor has si rraignl bi 'n-atiurtit that it w ill not only afford imineili ate relief but eriiiiitieit enre. MV HUSH I AL EXI'EKIENCE. Having been surgeon in charge of two hading hospitals) mahlc Die to treat all privat. tiouli'es with exo'lleut restilla. I wish it dis tinctly tindcrstm d that I lo not claim to per form iiuiHisiihilitics, nr to have miraculous m iis-i natural Niwcr. I claiiu only t be .kill fill ai d successful physician aud aureoii, riliilp I'Olll.r informed in mv stei-i.ilty -DISEASED OE MAX. 11 app'ying to me will receive my lionesl ipinlon of their comptiints no exi-riim-nting. I will gtiamutee a positive cure iu every ca I undertake, or foifeit t'l.lXiO. Consiiltatioi' :n ollice or by letter n.yr mid strictlv private. 'In.rgea reasonable. 'J'hoinngh examination including chemical and mii-roscopiiil annlysif s urine and advice, S5.00. Call i r address Hi- ill..,! "JCJ Kearny tret, Sen I- ram-ism, Cal. Office j hour, v f Mall ; u t" evenlur: Sumlav s, l r 12 n if 1'. S. I hnve a Vegetable ciMiis"iind, the rv .fit of MANY YK.tHHof siecial ptactice and burr' tiidy,- which under my special advice Hi rvkk r.tii.rn or Ht cxsM in the cure of Lost Matihoo.1, IVoi-tatorihea, etc Dot Barber ynDi) and trth Ecces (tine door North of Tost Office.) r VVI1IS. t CENTS. EVERYTHING J fitted up in the best of order. Sliavltic nid hair cutting, done in the moot approver nler. .TEIM1Y IIORX. rronri-tor. "Conqueror." THE UXIiEIWIUXED WILL STAND the Haillev h-r-e, "Coiiqiieror," till .-asnn at SLOAN'S STABLE in Eugene City. The horse is well known nnd has some very promising folts. which will show for them selves. He is of English draft ami Clydesdale stock. A times are hard, we propose 1 1 stand the horse at the following rates: Insurance $ 10 00 S-a. n K Ofl Single Leap 5 00 SLOAN itnos. E'iven fiv. M vch 21. ins.-, .1 21 2ni. RHINEHATIT, J. P.. - House, sign and car ri-ve painter. Work oramnteed class. -Stock sold at lower rate than by anyone in Eugene. CRAIN BROS. D2ALEK3 IX y lorks, Wotfhri nil Jewelry. Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, elc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and wrt-a'ed. Xorthv.-cr corner of Willamette and Eighth streets. Sheriff s Sale. YOTICE 13 HEIiEDY GIVEN THAT I by viitne of an execution duly issued out o the C;r'tiit Coin t of the State "id Oiegoii, for the County of Line, by the Clerk thereol and tome direct d on tn-nit: May "". ISS.), dsm a jiiilgmeiit reuilured in said Court April 2- ISS'i, iu favor of lico W Ebbert, pluiuiiir, and nLfoin-t I) 1! Ijikin, defendant, f.-r the sum of Sir,!!..-!.", coinmauil ing me tn fy aiid jndg in i t tit ol ai y personal projierty bel.iu'ny t-i sai-i defend sot, a d it be ioun.l, then oui of any real pniperiy beh nginj to said difeiidaut Ml or after said ilati-of judgment Now, therefore, bcinn unable to find ai-y peomial property belonging to said defend, snt, 1 have levied upon the. f. Mow ing r nl proerty, to.a it: Lot No 2 iu block No 2 in Mulligan'-) addition mi the es-t iu the City of Eiigi-ne, Ijine County, Oregon, nud Will ell all tlie right, title and interest of said 1 I! Ijikiu iu and to thesi-.tue to the highest bidib-r f r cash in baud at the Court II-ue bsir in Eugene City, Line County, Oiejn.n, at public aiiitnoi on to wit; .Hon Jay. June 29, 1SS3. Iietween the li-nr. i.f 9 o'clock a in and 4 o'clock p in of s-iid ilay. Dated May 27, lssi J i:. CAMPr.F.i.L Sin-ntr jne Co, Or. Did You Know That iiwn ! Behhaw H AD P.OUGH THE ENTIRE ErSI- Bea of Swift, Comts and Co., for CASH, and have a full anil of SIAli.K ami KAX'Y GKim KKIKS, t'RlKKKKV, Wool) and W1LI.OW VAI;K, nn l a tboiiKind other thinir nenleil In evrv fa-nilv. all M which will bj suld at Uetlrorlt price. We bauiiie the C'holecMt ( Ixars and naesi arenrn atntllp. Our IlikerT will turn out tlsilr only the beat Bread, IMes, C'aie., Oxkie, Etc.. that caa be SDal, ttlt 08B0RN & CO. CRUrCESTS Si AFCTKECms. W1LLA ME! IE S'i FLET tl H. Euyi-n. f it), (1 alt i in DlllfiS, CHE MIC AW, Oll-l, ULAS8, YAi.MSIirS, cnu'JCMTi:?;, JA'JJM'IULICIXX Of id ist every kind. etc. Brsndiea. Wins ar.d liqucis of the ery qi tlil) f I n t!iti i) uic.ei WE ba nlway kept abreast of tb. timet' in our line, and without liasliriK, we think we are safe in claiming ti nt we have 111E UEST assortment of I'll I (JS in Eune, 1'articular attention it ccll.d to tur itxl . PEKFUMEIiV, 4 TOILET SETS, and CEI.LI LOID CASES For the year 1884, We shall 1 able tn fell PAINTS, MLS and l!I.LH, (of MiL a. bow Lave a large tock on biitvi) lima any hotipe in this city, and crtr frkadi --an n rt assured that anything lxinght from ua will he first-class. As we buy many of oar gi.nd East ami have facilities that few la anr rusini st have, we think wo are prepared to an lersell and furnish a IxtUr quality of (node '.ban anvone in our line in I-nne countv. We cull es-ciiil attention to I'liESCEIP. I10XS. wbicb will le (aiefully filled at all homs of the dav or niLt. The Biters' Gcide is issued March and Sept., each year: 224 pages, 8ill j laches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole picture callery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumer oa sdl goods for personal or jr'mS, . lajnil Osa. Tells how to order, and gives exact If cott of er en-thing you 11 J J use, drink, eat, wear, or V n Lara fua with. Thee ana- inraluabla lioolcs contain information rleaned from tlie markets of tlio world. AVo will mail a copy Free to any address npon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Lei cs hear fmm you. Kespectfully, 1 . M0NTC0MERY WARD & CO. tar a Mfakaak ATaaaa, Vhlaasa,lUi J. W. CLEAVER Lealer in all kirn la of Agricultural Implements. AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon hit. L. C. Wmt's Nr.nva akd I-bsin j ttir MESC. a (fiimnlocil epecilio fcr KyaKria, litai nos, t'onv-ilsiotis, I its, tltrrci.. N'crulcia, iload.ich Nervous Tics'iTtion ccisfri I y tl e of aL-uador obacro, T.i I rfili s, I 1 1 prcssiu.i, Uorte-ung of the llrain inullii a in in smi'.y a-:d l-;dira to misery. Acny ar.d ileal h, Preiitu--e Old Are, Fi rnt reea. Lot. of ior in eitlier t-x, l-iroluntary I oatu, ard fpermat-o-rlioea cajscJ by OTi-r-exerticn cf tl cbiain.M.-lf-obuse or ovcr-i:idulrence. 1'ecli tcx eorlnite .me moilir. troatmrnt fln a Ui. or eix boxe .or".(U. . -"t hrmnd nrei n do" rtcc'rte'prico. Vi: CS AKANTt K MX IiOXl tucure a- y caso. With each oidt-r rrceindbjaa forsit baxca. ncromparied with 5.(0, we will fcrnd tlie purihasrr our written grarai lee to re fund the money it the trer.tment does not .fleet ac-ore. fitinninteos tssncd nrlv by WOOO Vl.I). ( I.AitU A CO., Wiclcaial9 oai Hcta.ll Xruee 1'OKTI.AND, OREGON. Orders by mad triU rccciTO iirurapt attention. SSI. 1EI.IX LE BRUITS Xrerpntive and ure, for either Sex. 'X hi. remedy beic. i: jertrd directly to the ami f thou, diseases of the Gcnito-CriDary Orawna, .-cquire. no change of d'.-t or rauseons, morcnrial jr poisonous nnoicu s to be taken ir.tenally. Vi'hcii tuken cm u ie,rttAe I j tithcrMX, 't ii iinp ssiLlctuo l in I til ) eteit.ldi'e.M.i i ut in ll-e rase tt 11 uo nrroadj anfertw I ktely alTlirled villi Gonnorbaa end Gleet, w)inarantiS boxes to cure or we will refnnd .1 e mi ncy. l'rice by n ail, rostrre paid, $ZM t;cr toi. or, 8 boxes fur f !.OX Vritun guarantee iueil byxll nthorin tl ticcrit. kr. IFrlix I f Iirt.n S S o. Sole PrapSX Yi ooi.irtr. i.Ait ii, a to, Authorized Agents, Wlieletele- cxd c-!l XMj;t;ltaV t M), OlttGCN. OnVre ' r moil will meive sror .ttentiosw FIRES Extinguished every day with tbe Hayward Hand Grenades; .. Pave ynnr lio-ne. ynur property and your lives. Tulte no other. Be sure yon get the Haywaid. G. .1 llecbt. 124 Market St, 8. T. J. M. ilEXDKlCKS, Atfent, Eugene. PETE2 EUUEY, PSOPHET.'L ITA K E TI.E ASUR E IV AXXOUXCIN 0 to tbe public that I have re-ojiened thia popular ple of resort for the year 1885, the boil. lini having I ren thnurouohly K6ttl I have arciued the servi-e nf seera) very attentive servants, who will specially care for" Uie welfare of guests. --GAMPERS-- Are cordially invited, nnwitbstan;; reports to the contrary. I'ric per week for bat ha, H' cent. Uns-erie. hay, nat. etc. caw be pr cured at the springs at reasonable price. Fish and Game Are plentiful in th vicinity of tbe springs. Tbe scenery is magnificent, aiid thnee wishing a hntniiier tour ran go to tin better place. A hack ill li run tn the aprin(.-s leayin Kueene City every Tueailav after the arrival the aiternoon tiain. Fare, t3. Board, 12 per day. Xo liquor sold on th premises. Fur further rticular a hires. FETEK RUNEY, Foloy Springs, Ijine t""., Oregmt. NERVOU3 DE frrri onau -..eTRrTfNTV.'tH