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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1885)
THE EUGENE CITY GUARD.' - - SATURDAY JUNK 27, 1835 Oregon Produce. The Rural New Yorker, one of the moot widely circulating agi icultural papers in the United States, sent n upecial reporter to New Orloans, wliuso report are truthful and conftcrvutiv in the extreme. The upace given to Oreqon in its regular mention of states is equal to that of Ohio and Missouri combined, and is greater thnn that of New Yor'c or Pennsylvania. The fo! lowing is an extract: "The produc Hons and industries of Urcgon ore most happily shown, and many a visit or has been crandly surprised by the wonderful exhibit of this great Pncfii State, especially in her soil products, Her careful display shows high rank, Wheat, without irrigation, yields CO bushels per acre. The straw is six feet high, heads six inches long. Oats grow over seven foot, straw an inch and a half around at the base, heads sixteen inches long, yielding 126 bush els per aero. Sixty-three grasses are shown. Timothy, seven feet; Ken tucky blue, (ive feet four inches; red top, six foefc two inches, Oregon takes second place to no other region on the Pacific slope for fruit of any ' kind, and her prosont winnings in I for ticultural hall bear out the claim. The vegetables shown aro of immense pra portions. A rutabaga wnighs 58 pounds; a turnip 89; a head of cabbago 41, a potato 8; onions measure 17 radishes 13 J long, 10 inohes around carrots 32 long, 17 around, and so on, There are excellent wool lloecos, and manufactured woolens. The great sal won industry is wt-11 displayed in cans. nd alivo m tanks. I ho mineral co lection includes many dim specimens of all leading ores; and the entire Statu cxhiwS is one of special merit. -. 0 . ....... Hereafter the paper on which the national bank notes and Certificates le printed will bo of bank noto quality. with a single blue silk thread running thro tgli each note or certificate. Si mi lar paper, with one or more bluo silk throads, will be used for other Govern went obligations, except checks, drafts and stamps. Chocks and drafts aro t bo printed on the same kind of paper, with oilhcr'bluo silk threads or a wa ter mark, as tho Treasurer of the United States may decide. Hereafter, also, tho find seal will be placed on the notes under the direction and in tho office-of tlm Treasurer, instead of at tho Bureau of Engraving and Print ing, it being regarded as indispensable that this imprint should not bo made in the building whuro tho eecuritios are executed. The changes were recom mended by the report of tho comnu's sion which has been invo8Li-ating these matters, and its report was approved iy (secretary Manning. Tho Republican organs throughout the Stat' aro clamoring for an extra Bossion of tho State Legislature this Fall far the purpose of electing a U S. Senator. They do uot seem to take into consideration the expense that would necessarily ensue, nor do they Boom to care. Tim people and tho tax payers generally aro opposed to such i course, but if uov. Moody wishes to force such an issue- to tho front, let him do so. Tlit Juno election will thereafter be hold and the Governor would Gnd that tho extra session was a whito elephant for tho Republican party. Tho times are hard, and mon . ey was never scarcer, business is de pressed, and yot, in such a time, tho Governor is asked to still further bur don tho people. Furthermore, if he calls an extra session, let him bo a can didato, and ho will learn tho views of the voters on this point. They will speak through the ballot box with no uncertain tone. By tho first of next month, says Tittsburg dispatch, every iron and stool mill of Pittsburg and vicinity, with oiiq exception, m ill be using nat ural gas as fuel This will reduce con sumption of coal in that place, of over 33,258,000 bushels por annum, or ono- Bevonth of tho yoarly output of the re gion tributary to Pittsburg. While this is a big saving to the manufactur era, it throw out of employment thous ands of laboring men. S, IX Pctingill has taken charge of the Portland Standard, Mr. A. Noltner retiring. Mr. Noltner has published the Standard for nearly ten years, and lias accumulated but little money in all that time and for all bis labor. He was deserving of better success. The new editor, Mr, Pctingill, is a true Domocrat and an able writer, and should le liberally supported by tho Democracy of Oregon. We wish him success financially and otherwise. Tlinextc-iitoniigrWHl,oPp.rp!a8ue ii Culiforuia may ho (,allWcl from an Mtract fro(1, ft C(tlifo,,lia IJftpfir; ,.Jt i not often that grawlitippprs uro gath- ered by the ton, but tuch was the caso at the Ntitonm vineyard, near Foboni, a few days since. The 'hoppers were coming in full force toward the vine yard, when it was at once decided to make a determined cflbrt to drive them oil and protect the valuable crop from total ruin, which would have been the case had no attention been paid to the matter. Water was turned full into the ditches running through tho place, and all hands turned out to beat the bushes and drive the 'jumpers' into th? water. They (lew in myriads before the drivers, lighting in the water, where they woro drowned and washed down against the screens. In this way over 185 grain sacks were filled, and the lot weighed fifteen tons. In num ber they were estimated at 60,000,000. The cost of cleaning them out was $3,000, as it took a large number of men and considerable- time to chase them, but it saved a very valuable crop of grapes and fruit. This extensive vineyard and orchard extends for miles on each sidu of the railroad above Fob som, there being over 2,000 acres in vines and 500 in orchard." Tho real colloquial acquisition of any foreign tongue is stated by Dr. Wolshe in a recent work on .lin Linguistio Fac ulty to bo extremely rare. He thinks it next to impossible for a man to Irani to sneak his own and even onn other language, so as to speak both of them with a proper intonation, inflection, v cal ring, pronunciation, accent and flu ency, and finally, so well as to be a' to translate from cither language into the other with correct phraseology, word collocation, and idiom an epigra matio article on the topics of the clay and a serious disquisition on a prob lem of art or literature. Apart from the mental qualifications which must b united in one individual to enable him to really master a foreign tongue, there are many of a physical character which evidently can be but very rarely overcome Tho oldest paper in the world, the Peking Gizette, has lately taken new lease of life. Established in th year 'JIl, the ruking liazette, has been published regularly sinco 1351 Under tho arrangements three editions are published. Tho first, the King Faou, printed upon yellow paper, con stitutes tho official gazette of the mid die kingdom, tho second, the Haiti Paou (commercial journal), also print ed upon yellow shoots, contains infor mation interesting to the trading coin munity, while tlm third the Titan Paou (provincial gazette), printed upon red paper, consists of extracts from the other two editions. Tho total ciriula tion of tho three issues is 15,000 cop ies. I lie editorship is conmlcd to a committee of six members of tho Acad omy of Han Lin. Tho Latin text is being generally adopted throughout Germany. A sc cinty exists largely composed of scion tide and literary men, who advocate its use. No money contributions are exacted. The members simply agree to adopt tho L'ltin typo in printing their own works, and to encourage its adoption by their friends. It is pro posed to abstain for tho present fron any definito regulation as to orthogra phy and a particular form of type, but to do with capital letters, except at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns. Little Baron Magri, brother of tho Count Magri, to whom tho widow of Tom Thumb was lately married, has beon oreited for being a giy deceiver. T 1 . t ft. I m ie is accused or. wing mo laihcr ot a child in New York, while ho has a wife and tlireo children awaiting his return in Bologna, Italy. Tho baron is but 31 inches tall, and weighs but 49 pounds. If he wero six feet high with tho samo amount of badness to tho pound that he is claimed to have ately exhibited, ho would undoubtedly ie the wickedest man in tho world. It is said that the grandson of Goe the who recently died, possessed a Hum ber of the foet's writings, which rr mam unpublished. It is probable that they will now see the light Ihe East Indian wheat crop is re ported to promiso less this year, tho area under cultivation in nearly every prov ince lein, gretly reduced, as com pared with lost year, A scientist thinks that ho has dis covered that the Garden of Eden was situated at tho North Pole. In that cose it wnnhl La ! where the fig leaves came from. Gov. Whitenker took possession of of the office of collector of internal rev enue for this district on the 22d ins. The cleiks, with one exception were removed md good Democrats installed in their places. Of Gov. Whitcaker's succeKS in managing this office, there can 1)0 no doubt, as lie has already suc ceeded admirably before in 'an execu tive office. The New York World says that Blaino will bo the Repub'ican candi date four years hence. Other papers, however, hold different views. To Build the Oregon Branch. New Yoit, June 21. The Tout' financial article sayi: The Central Pacific company has applied to the stock exchange to list 5,000.000 in bonds of $1,000,000 each, bearing date of June 1, 1885, payablo June 1, 1915. The bond bear 6 por cent interest. The holders have the privilege, in the meantime, of converting the in into capital stock eight years from date. No such conversion will be made, however, at less than 50 per cent of par value. Applica tion in made to lint the bonds in order that the floating debt may be funded as font as possible, and alxo that the Oregon branch may be com pleted to a junction with the Oregon and Cali fornia road, so as to form a continuous line from San Francisco to Portland. Another bootblack in town. V Geo Thurston, of Portland, was in town this week. Eugone Engine Co. No. will drill this even ing at 7:30 P. M. The contract fur rebuilding a pier ot the Hayden bridge will be let by J, M. Spores, Superintendent, July 9th. Syrup of Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fig Svnip Co, Han Francisco. Cal, in Nature's Own True Laxative. This oleaxant liquid fruit remedy iiiiy be had of W 8 Lee, agent, Junction, or F M Wilkin, agent, Eugene City, at .fifty cent or one dollar per bottle. It is the most plcaxunt, prompt and effective remedy known, to clcansu the system; to act on the Liver, Kid neys and Rowels gently yet thoroughly; to dis pel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Con stipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. That Rarest of Combinations, True delicacy of flavor with truo efficacy of action, has been attained in the famous Cali fornia liquid fruit retnedy Syrim of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have ren dered it immensely popular. For Bale by W S, agent Junction, or F M Wilkina, aent Eugene City. D. D. D. Feeling sure of the unquestionable virtue and absolute curative qualities of I)u Haven's Dyspepsia Cure, we oiler free of charge sam ple bottles and circulars to all who are troubled with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Sick Head.icho or any form ot ntoninch Insorriuia. llio remedy oontains no alcohol, is compounded upon strictly scientilio principles, and never fails to effect a cute. A trial will convince the most doubtful of its wonderful effect . Sam pie bottles free at Oaburu & Cos drug store, Lumber. Messrs Stearns & I'attie, of tho Mohawk Mills, would respectfully invite the attention of tlioso needing Lumber or Sbingtes to their new yard established on the corner of if lamette and Eleventh streetx. All kinds o! lre-sed or rough lumber delivered at the lowest rates. C all and get eittimntex. E. J. McCi.aimhan, Agt. Notice. Iluving told my entire stock of Furuituie and Undertakers goods to M S Wallis, all thoso indebted to me will find their accounts placed in the hands of Gen S Washburne for collection, l ou wilt nleaso settle at once as my uusineu must bo closed. J. R. Ream. Hre. All persons indebted to R V Whinnle k Pro's, either by note or bonk account will please call and settle the same. Our store ii burned and we mint collect the niouev IIUU us. K. W. WmrrLK 4 Bitos. Cottage Grove, Feb 25, 1883. Buy Hayward haud grenade. For good dentist! y go to Taylor A Eborly. The highest cash trice will be rwid for wheal k.. v 11 n...... " Phti)jrapln finished ucatlv and artia ... . n. Z u" it iicauy at tt inior a. A Hue line of silk plushes in all shades and grades at F U Duuu s. Oshurn mowers can 1ms imrchased at tl store if I'ritchett & Forkner for SS0. Tho best candies and oranireg can alwavs oo lounu at r. isaum conlectiouery (tore, Ice cream, soda water and lemonade at E Baum's, one door north of the St Charles Hotel. The Guam) does all kinds of lob urititint? crcaper mail any other ollioe in Lane conn- ty. lull and get estimates. If you are in want of agricultural machin ery of any kind, remoiubor that Mr J M llendricka keeps a full assortment. MrS H Friendly will pay tho hichest 3asn marnoi price tor wheat. Give him all before Belling your i-raiu elsewhere. K Panin sells tho best cigir and tobacco ever tillered for sale in Eiine. Cigars from 5 oti to '.'." cts apiece, and all pure II avsnna Money is Scarce, And the way to save money is to buy where you can uuy The Cheapest. 1 will sell Groceries, Glass Ware, Wood and Willow Ware. Cheaper than anyone iu Eugene for CASH If you dou't believe it call and examine my UUU1I3 A.U PRICES. I lT cah for Country rnxbuvi. Ii;.l. .nj Fur. A. tiOl.lKHITII. ah Urerer. Ceoda delivered free tt any jart of the city. SIR WALTER. The highly bred trotting sUllion.Hir Walter, jet black, 10 hands high, weight 1300 pounds. His carriage Is styMi ar.d lie has u record of 2:35. Has trotted in S:J and on the day after making the record of 2:35 won the two mile and repeat race. He is a direct descendant of Imported Mos senge, the renowned sire of the greatest trot ters. His co!ts are much sought after and command the highest pries. Sir Walter was sired by Marion, he by Mam brino Chief, he by Mainbrino Paymaster, he by Mambrino, he by imported Meneng: r. Dam: Long Inland black Hawk mare, she by Andrew Jackson,' he by Bashaw, he by Grand Bashaw. First Dbih: Sally Miller, she by Membriuo, son of old iuqwrted Messenger. He will make the season of 1895 at Eugene City. TO THE BREEDERS. Hero is a horse bred in the vein and im ported from Kentucky for the purpone of im proving the stock in tins State. I have placed his stud fee at half the price asked for horses not his equal. Terms $15 the season; with the privilege of returning the mare next year if she proves not with foul this year. No responsibility assumed for accidtnt Mares pastured. O. W. GlU. GREAT NORTHWESTERN REMEDY. Thoss who work early anil late need a whole some reliable Medians like Pki'ndkr's Orkuon lll.oon Fuiumn. As a remedy and preventa tive of diseases it can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipa tion, Dyspepsia and Billiousness, and puts fresh energy into the system by making New, Rich Blood. All Druggists and Dealers keep it 51.00 bottles, 6 for W.00. a 'ni3 1776. 1885. gran: Of the 100th Anniversary of American Indepen dence at II MAM A II upns CN SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1885. A Salute of 39 Guns at Sunrise. Officers of the Day: President.... HON. A. G. 1IOVEY. Vice Presidents HONS. E. P. COLEMAN, RODNEY SCOTT, ALLEN liOND, T. A. MILL IOHN, W. J. J. SCOTT. Orator. . . Judue Geo, S. Washburne. Header T. G. Ji'dkixs. Chaplain Hev. E. It. Geary. Grand Marshal F. W. Osiiurn. Aids S. 1). Eakix, Jr., and St. John Skinner. Order of Procession (The procession will form at the Court House at 10 a m, and march to the corner of Oak and Ninth streets, thence to ulamette, thence to Fifth, thence to the grove near the Eugene Mills. Order ot Exercises, 1 Music by the Band. 2 Prayer by Chnpl tin. 3 Music by the Hand. 4 -Beading of Declaration of Independence. r-Mii8ic by the Band. (1-Oration. 7 Music by the Band, BASKET DINXEll AT THE G110VE. Baby Show, At the Court House at 3 o'clock sharp. $5.00 prize each t the handsomest hoy and girl babies under one year of age. Drill. Firemons drill at 4 o'clock p. ni. Class Ball Shooting: At 2 o'clock p. m. First prize $10; 2d prize $."; 3d prize, .$2.50. .JYw Utiles at 6 P.M.... Wheel Barrow and Sacki ltace and Boso Ball l.outent during the day. Crand display of FIREWOBKS iu tho evening. FircmensBall Under the auspices of tho E. 11. and Co, Xo 1. REDUCED RAILROAD FARE. Arrangements have been made with tha O. and C It li, 'Jo. for reduced rates of fare. I X. ROXEY, J. M. AlUiAMS, 11. C. HI-M I'll KEY, It. M. DAY, E. J. McCLAXAHAX, Committee, Dr. T. W. Shclton. physician and Surgeon. KOOMS-At Mrs. J. IX. Underwood. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 11 1 I A THE CHEAP I. WE, US Buy more goods in the year than any other house in Eugene WE, US Sell more goods ana at lower ji.i WE, US Mark every article in our lin3 WE, US Must sfill 81.0.000 worth of coeds within the next sivf-r regardless AVE, US Will near in..1. . - rti.rl i nmair rt "jlc jjUuua an aj .ucitijuuusu uii xilllcl ICan DCn. pie can wear new clothes on the Fourth of July. WE, US Invite everybody to call ami see We, Us ivr ILu EUGENE CITY, OREGON. BUY THE BEST rranK iros. implement uompany, -DEALERS IX- FARM , AND MILL i&OKiEHY, Walter A. oods Uinunrs,, Walter A. Woods' Clmm 1'i.k.' Il-ip.-rs, Walter A. Woods' Sweep Enke lteapnrs, Walter A. Woods' Enrl... d (I, ur Mnwer Gaar, Scntt it Co's Separators, Gaar, Scott k Go's Plain and Tiv.uiion Hugin Coates' Lock Lever Hay Itako. Also a full line of farm iinu-liiiicry. Write for Catalogue. Address either PRAM BR0S.IMPI.C0., Portland., Ore.. or J. K. EERDR1CK3. Ageit, Ecgeiq City, On -DEALERS IX Hardware and all kinds of Agri cultural Implements. STOllE-Oii Willamette Street, opposite" Guard" Office fitness Fine Harness J. H. Eight Street, - E. E Luckey &Co "-DEALERS IN. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. SUCCESSORS To Ivclcy J- Brisicw at the old Ellsworth Store. Dr. Vanmonciscar LATK OF NEW YORK, XOW LOCATED ln.i.Sl 11UK1) MKETIOX XEll OF AI.DKlt, rOKTLAND. OKKUOX. DR. Q. VAX IS THE MOST SUCCESS "l I'Ung and Throat Doctor in America. Ho will tell vou vour trouhla without nL ii... . single qtlnition, and WARRANT a permanent T. KS m the loi'owinj dipewes: Xer- V"S. lability, Spermntorrhoea, Sem inal Losses. S.viml 1W. I,'il:.... jjjbm, .-v-.uuieu i.'eveicipment. Lack of Energy, Ininerished Rloo.1, 1'inipleH IimiediraenU to Marrin-e; also, Hlood and Jkin Disease, Syphilis Eruptions, JIuir Fai. ing.Bone I'ains.Swellinfs, Sore Throat.Mouth. lonuue. L leers. Effect of Umn ti.i . ml lSUdder Troubles, Weak Rack, ' Unminl' L nne. Incontinence, Gonorrhira, Gleet, Stnct u received searching treatment, prompt relief and cure, for life, without hindrance to businertu 1101H SEXES consult mnfidenti ally. , If in tn)iih: call or write. Delavi are dangerous. Consultation, pemonally, or bv letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thou sands cured Oitice and parlors private. Yon eenoonebut the Doctor. B.fore confidir.e your cre consult Dr. Q. Van. A friendlf le.ter or call may aave futre ,fferirl3 and sharue, and add golden yr to life. Medicines h.Ty, T,CXlnlT'lm OHic noim, 8 U 8. Terms of treatmmt, itrictly I L. STORE & CO. & CO. prices man any house in Euge .i i & CO. away down to bed-rock priC6 & CO. of cost. ' & CO. i.-l'.'l .Ail ,v oil A n . & CO. for themselves, and vou can fin,t Uo. at the 13 "37 Q 23, AND BE HAPPY! 1L Made to Order, Klem, - - Eugene City. Lumter. Is running and will run all Summer. Bills filled at short notice. James C. Goodale, Proprietor. Orders can be left for the law bOI at the store of Mcl'lun k Johnson THE-- Jsburg Saw Mil