FEED RATIONS. fho Kind and Quality of Food Rwjulrad far Working IIorsM. Of the many millions of hones on farm and elsewhere in this country. It U certain that a large portion lose much of their effectiveness from lack of proper feeding. This is especially true of farm horses, which are more commonly fed with that which is most easily secured or least easily sold, rath er than whn that which carefully con ducted experiments have shown to be the best and cheapest. In the food of boivei at active work the best will al most always prove the cheapest, be cause tho efficiency of a team is paral leled by that of the men engaged in using it. Farmers who complain of dear help can not afford to keep it era ployed either in iiBing a poor team or one so badly fed that its natural effi ciency is seriously .inpairad. This subject has received most atten tion from the managers of the street car companies, city liveries und omni bus owners, who all depend for their profit on the cheapness and effective ness of the'r team labor. Some of the e have made many exp:r'ments in iecding. and the result of these can be profitably studed by farmers. The work of street-car horses is more se vere than is found at long times on the farm. A horse that will thrive and do cood work on hard paved streets can be trusted with the same feed ng any where. In fact, fa lure is never allowed to arise from imperfect feeding. As long as a horse's feet stand soundly under him he can do a full day's work. All this is done with street-car corapa n es on a daily ration of sixteoa pounds of ground corn and oats, mixed with sixteen poumU of tincly cut hay for a horse weighing 1,200 pounds. This ra tion is varied somewhat to suit the in dividual peculiarities ot different ani mals. There are large and small eaters among horses as among human beings, but on the average this will be suffi cient for horses of this weight. Most farmers feed more heavily than this and with a much greater propor tionate increaso in bulk. . This consti tutes a very common mistake in feed ing. Kelying largely on hay to furnish nutriment, the strength required to bo exerted can not be hud without so largo bulk as greatly to impede the horse s freedom ot movement. We have known farmers to feed more than tw ce as much hay as is given in th's tation, while diminishing the grain to tho low est po nt or even giving none at all. The horse, of cour.-e, cau live on hay; but it is very unprofitable food to be given him while at work. If hay is given in excess at other t'.mss, or as the main portion of his food, it will cause unnatural, distention of .the stomach, which will impa r h!s ellio en cy afterward. Ground grain is the cheapest form in which nutriment ca:i ba given to work ing horses. But to produce tho best effect it should bo mixed with cut hay, not to give greater bulk, for this the horse's stomach does not require, but to make the food more porous in the Ftomach, so that the gastric juices may more freely work through it Meal alone, especially of corn which ha scarcely any chaff, will compact in the stomach and be less easily digest ble. The heavy chaff of oats is one of the reasons why this grain is so valuable for horse feed. Another is the oat abounds in n'trogenousormuscie-'orm-ing food, and is therefore worth more per pound where strength s required than corn or oil meal, whose chief con stituents are carbonaceous or fat-pro-duc'ns. Regard must be had to tho kind of work to be done. Liverymen, whose horses are required to make fast time on the road, feed more concentrated food than the managers of street oar horses. Uemember.ng that porousness of the food in the stomach is all that is neoded to insure good digestion, the meal ration may be proportion If in creased. Just eno.igh hay cut up to keep the mass of food porous, like a sponge, is sufficient If oats are ground alone, the hull of the oat will furnish so much of bulk that little cut bay will be needed, and for a pait of this wheat bran may bo substituted. Four or tivo pounds of hay per day may t.ius bo mado ti Ferve to givo bulk to a m.xiure 01 con centrated food, consisting of torn and oatmeal ground together with an addi tion of bran, and perhaps a small quan tity of oil meal, say a quarter to one half pound of the latter in each feeding. Tho bran and meal are excellent to keep the bowels in good condition, though just at the times of severe work tho oil meal had bitter be omitted. It is wiser policy to keep the bowels working freely by judicious feeding, rather than to allow tho horse to be come constipated and then dose w.th physic. There is much more virtue in bran and wheat middl ngs as food for working horses than is "commonly sup posed. In many places bran is sold as cheaply by the ton as hay. For giving strength it is more valuable pouud for pouud, and it is nearly as good as cut nay as a divisor of more concentrated nutriment. Wheat middlings are also excellent, but they need to te mixed with a larger bulk of cut feed to insure compaction in the stoma h. If hay can not easily be obtained straw w.ll answer as a divisor, though the quanti ty of hay absolutely required is so ' rau.-h le s than is generally used th:it a very little wdl sullieo for a horse's food during the working season, pro.idcd grain or meal can be had in abundance. Owners of horses in cities have long learned economy in the use of hay feel, which might be profitably imitated by many farmers. Having to buy every thing that they feed, city people kooh learn to calculate closely as to rompar aiive cost and efficiency of feed. Too many farmers act as if hny was pro duced with little or no expense. Should they reckon the interest on high-priced land and the labor in securing the crop, they might easily find their home-grown hay the costliest feed their teams could eat M.ost farmers are averse to sellirg hay, which is usually proper enough, as this has a tendency to exhaust their Foils, but they have no such prejud ce against sellirg the coarser g ains that Uke from the toil a greater vah e than t ic r ume we ght of the best timotbv Lav Hence they feed hay and sell C-a' n under the nJjtaken notion that this is tha best way to maintain the fertility of their farms. Tlioy should know and consider that the manure from a ton of wheat bran or wheat middlings, contains more of the valu able elements of plant food than the manure from a ton of t mothy hav. We are not advising farmers to sell hay, but a plan of feeding which sub st.tutos gra n or wheat middlings for less valuable feed will enable them to get more work from their teams, make more valuable manure from their stock, and thm enable them to do better farm ing in every respect American Culti-cator. FEAThERS. Ihe Various Cses to Which They Arc pllrd Tho Trade In New York. What a marvel of skill and beauty Is comprised in the mechanism and adap tation of feathers, and yet how little are these points regarded by those who wear them and throw them carelessly aside! Few persons ever have any con ception of the extent of the trade and the capital involved in the collect'on, commerce and preparation of these ex tensive spoils from the feathered tribes which are now so eagerly sought for by merchants and traders, who pate the skins of feathers into the ultimas- sier's hands, to be prepared for the use of tho ladies; for the fair sex secure the most clio ce and costly for themselves, although they have not the exclusive use - of feathers, as military eagle plumes w.ll testify. In New York c ty alone there are about one hundred persons largely and spec ally engaged in feathers, as im port ng merchants, dealers, feather manufacturers, plumassicrs, natural ists, etc. The declared valuo of the foreign feathers as received was in 1874 a little over $2,270,000. Fashion causes great changos. To what var.ous uses noes the ue .trover now applv the covering of birds in different countries tor quills and leathers in the arts and industry, for upholstery purposes, for adornment of the person, or for more absolute clothing in garments, whethet as muds or cuffs. "As light as a feath er," has passed into a proverb, and the commerce in bird skins and leathers, extensive and valuable as it is, is nei ther bulky nor ponderous. The largest quill of tne golden eagle weighs only sixty-live grains, and tho entire plu mage ol an owl out an ounce and a half, whde the feathers of a common fowl of two pounds and a quarter will only weigh throe ounces. In the ostrich both barbs and bar bulcs are long, soft silky and . apart, and the barbulcs thus disposed charac terize that form of the feather called a plume, and which constitutes in a commercial point of view the most val uable product of b.rus. The natural color of feathers is pro duced by the internal arrangement of tho colorless plates of horny matter and not by a iy p'gment. This is also tho cause of tiie iridescence of varying shades of color on some beetles' w.ugs and nacreous shells. - The different thickness of tho horny fibers interferes with the 1 glit and produces the play of colors. Almost any artificial color can. however, be given to feathers by dyes, and taste, skill and artistic ar rangement have done much to supple ment the rich natural beauties of the stolen plumes we appropriate so reck lessly. The principal foathers entering into commerce into any quantity are those of the ostr.eh, vulture (so called i, egret, osprev.'goose, swan, turkey and Seacock. Ihe chief downs are eider own, goose down, swan's down ar.d estridge or ostrich down. The feathers and down of many other birds are used, but are of less importance. Al though horsehair, woolen flocks and a numb r of vegetable stuffing mate rials have come into extensive use, the feather bed as an article of luxurious ease still holds its own in many circles. The dressed feathers chiefly used are those of tho white, gray and common goose, and what are termed in the trade poultry feathers, which include those of turkeys, ducks and fowls. 'J o fill a small-sized three-foot bed-t ck and pillows about twenty-seven pounds of feathers are necessary, according to tho kind used; of poultry feathers the most are required. It has been aptly observed that a love for feathers is among the prett est vanities, the daintiest whims ol men and women, i rora a str.ctly pu lo sophical po nt of view it may be con sidered exceedingly absurd to rob a bird ot his clothes, and use them as additional adornments to our own at tire, liut fashion, both in savage and aivlized circles, enforces strange va- garies. 1 lie aoongnai races oi roriu and South America, Africa, the islands of the Pacific and Indian Archipelagoes, eloried in their feather plumes and cor " tt i.'. .. i.. .ii-. i.. OnetS, long ceioro ivuruj:ii wiius m- areasod commeroo so largely in this di rection. The jaunty hat has given a great impetus to every novelty in the jhape of feathers for decorating it First, the pheasant plume wos intro duced as an ornament for hats; then followed the ptarmigan, peacock, trogon, impcyan and argus pheasants. lhlM heron, sea mill, black cock and owl, and now almost every variety of plumage may be seen in the nais oi m Hi. H and childien. According to scarci ty and fashion, some kinds of feathers nnoasionailv command a fabulous price. Thus certain s irts for hats have reached fortv dollars to s xly dollars the pound weight, relican leathers, fmm their soft, velvety appearance and their taking dyes readily, are in much request; so are tuoso oi lue iiamingo, anrl what are known In commerce as lnnr and short osprev, which included ihn''miioh-Drized short egret These fpnthers ransre in price from four dol lar to sixteen the otitic?, according to the whiteness of color. A new ana very nrntiv ornamental application of bird Lin in that of the entire head and plumage of some showy bird for fans and Kr screens: and the brilliant little h.l nf the hummine-bird family handsomely mounted as necklets, car pendants, brooches, eic. jonn novui siMjf.ies of bird jewelry. Brooklyn Laglc. Even thieves and murleiers should h treated humanely, but to serve term in the Penitentiary ought not to be to attend a picnic Kashvilk Amtr- icon. LATE NEWS SUMMARY. Fertlsa aad. Doaatotlc. The Grooklyn Navy Yard has discharged all its employe. Forty carloads of ttrawbu-rlea are ar riving dally in Chicago. Doth of the Garfield boys eraduato at Williams Colleee next month. 4 Small parties of tourists are now Kolna through the Yellowstone Park. Abe Butzard. the Pennsylvania outlaw. has surrendered to the authorities. The eloslnn ceremonies of the New Or leans Ex posltioon took place on tha 1st lost The Austrian Government will hereafter prohibit ;the publication ot Sunday papers. Durlnsr May. twenty-fnur vessels cleared from San Franciseo tor Kurope, with flour and wheat At Aurora. III. Juue 1 James Palmer and his hired man were fatally iujured by lightning. Locusts are aDDearlns in great swarms In the Southern States. In Texas a famine is predicted. A severe storm visited Chicago. June 1 Three men were struck by lightning and instantly killed. The seventv-flMt annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Union was held at Saratogo, June 1st The number of sulfides at Monaco, the gambling resort of Europe, thus far this season is placed at fifty-four. Fred. E. Ilessitig. aired twenty-six. shot himself through the heart in the univer sity grounds at Madison, Wis. Preparations are being; made at Fort Worth, Texas, for a grand Confederate reunion, to be held In August There are MO 303.179 acres of land culti vated by the farmers of the United States, which Is valued at ?10,107,OUO,770. Except peaches, which are almost a total failure, all kinds of fruit in the lladson river valley promises enormous yields. Kentucky whiskey distillers have to pay 112,000,100 taxes on 14,000,000 gallons ot Bourbon whiskey. The amount is now due. Rev. Allen Wrlehl a Choctow Indian, has been elected President of the alumni of the Union Theological Seminary, at New xerk. i Fire at Ducansville, Pa., destroyed the residence of Samuel Black, his two beys, aged eight and three, perishing in the names. W. II. Sutherland, proprietor ot the In diana Dental College, at Indianapolis, committed suicide with morphine at the latter city. An explosion in a colliery at Durham. Eugland, caused the death of twenty-two miners. The lives of over 300 men were imperiled. Two lives were lost by the bursting of tile dam of Beaver Park reservoir In St Vrain canyon, Colorado. . The damage is estimated at f 10,000. The trial of Louis Kiel will probably commence at Reglna, Canada, about the 22d of this month, before Colonel Ulchard- son, stipendiary magistrate. The two newsDSoer correspondents who have been excluded from the White llonse for teleirraDhing stories of domestic diffi culties will eontest the President's right to bounce them. Sealing is over for the season. The avtrage ot thirteen Victoria vessels is 4lO skins. The largest catch by one vessel was 1.000 seals. The season is regarded as unprofitable. Fire destroyed 400 houses and Impover ished upwards of 1000 people in a small village in Northern Hungary. A man sus pected of being the incendiary was seised, and roasted alive. At Jasoer. Ind.. Deputy Sheriffs John Gardner and William Cox attempted to arrest John and George Reeves, two des peradoes. During tne struggle tne omcers were fatally shot Cameron: the special correspondent of the London Standard, who was killed in Egypt, was receiving a salary or fs.uuu per year. I he stattaara nas arranged 10 care for his mother. L. M. Reynolds. late First Auditor of the United btates Treasury, tinea Him self at the Southern Hotel. St Louis, by jumping down the air-shaft to the marble noor oi tae roiunaa. At Eau Claire. Wis.. Edward Dupuls, while at work in Walker's sawmill, fell upon the lower layer of a 4-inch belt and was carried around the pulley, being crushed to death instantly. tin to and inclusive of May 31st Miss Lulu West, of St Laurens, 8. C had lain helpless for fifty-eight days without a particle of any kind of nourishment. She was prostrated by a stroke of paralysis. Aa John Newman, a wealthy cltisen of Atlanta. Ua.. was driving across tne rail road track when a passenger train was approaching, the horse balked instead of continuing forward, and the train rushed ever the unfortunate nan, mangling him to death. Prominent cattlemen of Kansas have chartered a railway to run from Dodge City to Englewocd, a distance of 75 miles southward from the Arkansas river to the Indian Territory line. The association styles itself "The Cattle Kings' Railway Compaay. "The Cook," a weekly hand book of domestic culinary art, published by Messrs. Connelly Curtis, New xork, ahould be in the hands ot all house keepers. It is bright and original, and will be found Invaluable as an assistant in the kitchen. Near Wilmington, Del., June 1, Mrs. J. W. Winn, a widow, and tbreeoinercnua rpn. and Mrs. Tonv Stefane. were drowned, The children were wading in the water and getting beyond their depth. Mrs. Winn and Mrs. Stefano went to their rescue when all were drowned. Near Reading. Pa., a boy 'named Chas, Smith dropped a knife into a 25-foot well and went down to get It, when he fell over exhausted. Isaac Doyle, aged 1(6. descended to rescue him, and was also overcome. Both were taken out dead, having been suffocated by gas. A Chinese highbinder wsa recently ar rested at Murphysboro, 111., for the mur der of Detective Lou Johnson, of St Louis He coolly confessed the crime, and said he waa Dald 8'j0t for the Job by the Chi nese gamblers of the latter city, whom Johnson was instrumental In bringing be fore the court. The schooner Onward, from the sealing grounds, arrived at Victoria, reports that on the night of the 20lh ult she collided with a whale, which was probably asleep In the ocean, seventy-five miles from land. The whale struck back, nearly throwing the vessel clear of the water, and leaving a piece of his hide on the side of the schooner. The vessel waa nearly capsized by the shock, but sustained no damage, although every one on board were thrown down. At Chicago, May 81st, Louis Reume. a drummer, shot and kuiea roiiceman um. Barrett and severely wounded Lieut Long- tin. Reume was intoxicated and bad taken full possession of a passenger coach when the train left Kansas City. At El Paso, 111., the car waa side-tracked, but Reume rushed out and compelled the train hands at the point of his revolver to couple the car on again. When the train reached Chicago, the offleere attempted to arrest him, which was not aecompusnea mnui as was mortally wounded. MARKET REPORTS. Portland. WIIEAT-Per etl. vallev. Il.i71-31.30: Walla Walla, 1.25l.sni. FLOUK-il'er bbl, standard brands, .M: super flue.2.60(a.2.75: country brands. $44.2 Di.AiNS-1'er etl small whites, f&fiO; bayoa, S2.50; pinks. t!50; butter, f 150. uv i icti-i-er lb, choice dairy, )&2oo: country store, 10l5c: Eastern, JEJc. CUKESE-Pr lb. choice local. L!3Uc: Imported, 1215c. DRIED FUUITS-Per ft, apples, 5S8c; plums, d8c; prunes, tkgtilc; poaches, 13c; raisins, 2.25 ? bx. iiUUS-l'erdoi, 121ft LARD Per lb. nails. He. tins. Eastern. 11c; tins, Oregon, lljc. OAT MEAL Common, 93.50 f cu. CORN MEAL-Perctl.3. HOMINY-Per etl, S3.75. CRACKED WHKAT-PercU,3. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Per etl, 3.7I. RVE FLOUR-Peretl,4. RICE Island. 85.S0: China, mixed. ft.75. . V EG ETABLES Cabbage, 2s; onions, fcjc It lb; carrots, 60o V sack; turnips, ouc; beets, SOc. CANNED GOODS-Tomatoes, 2,-lb cans dos, U5c81. gallons. 3.25: pie fruits. assorted, $1.60, gallons, Ki.75; green com, $1.25(d)1.6u. cur fcB-y lb, Guatemala, green, 11(9 121c; Costa Rica. 121c: old Government Java. 20c. POTATOES Quote In bushels : Garnet chilis, 15c; early rose, 15c; Burbank seed lings, 271c; peerless, 15c POULTRY-Chickens. V dos, 1 1 1.50; ducks, fo&O; geese, $78; turkeys, ? lb. PROVISIONS Hams, if ft. ll13c; be con, 10ei2ic, I'lUKLES Per keg, fi.ssau.w. SALT Liverpool. $1020 t ton. SUGARS Ouotebbls: (A) patent cube: 74c; (A) crushed, 74c; dry granulated, 7Jo; golden C, 6fc; extra powdered, 74c CjSEEDS Wholesale to farmers fell, red clover, 815; alfalfa, $18; white clover, $35; alsike, $32; timothy, pi tree, $7.50; Ken tucky blue grass, extra clean, $la; peren nial rye grass, $15; red top, $12; orchard grass, f lt4; rye black, fJ; bone meal, r ton, $3b; bone phosphates, f lo. TROPICAL FRUIT-Oranges. $1.75 3.00 f 100; Limes, $1.25; Lemons, $7 If case: Bananas, $4.00: Cocoanuts, 8a. liUAN I'er ton. IKXaJl. MIDDLINGS Per ton, $2025. GROUND BARLEY Per ton $21(123. OATS Choice milling, 40c; choice feed, 333Sc. HAY Per ton. $8.509. HOPS-Per ft. 6(9c. WOOL Valley, 1018c: eastern Ore- iron. lOtaiive. GRAIN BAGS-I'er lb, Calcutta, 0c HIDES Dry, 16c; salted, 6(al7. BROOMS-Per dos, $2.25(6.50. Han Fraaelsee. BAGS-Calcutta wheat bags, 5Jc. FLOUR-Extra. $1.255.00 V bbl; super fine. $4.75(23.75. ' WHEAT No. 1 shipping, $1.4Zi1.43 r cU; No. 2, $1.57141.40; Milling, $1.45(aj 1.50. BARLEY No. 1 feed. $1.30; brewing. $1.40 for No. 1; No. 2, $1.30. OATS Feed, $1.15 1.25 etl; Surprise and choice milling, $1.35)1.60; Black, tl.10rail.2a CORN-Large yellow. $1.20ai.22H etl; small, yeuow, ti.axgii.ict; wmia, fi.KHg) 1.271. RYE-$1.27J1.321 Vctl. GROUND BARLEY-$27i28.50 ton. MIDDLINGS-2ti22t? ton. CRACKED CORN-$282tf?ton. BRAN-$1415 ton. BUCKWHEAT-$I.25(ai.50 tf cU. CORNMEAL Feed, $27.5028.50 ? ton. HOPS-4fc8c ft. HAY-Barley, $7(11 V ton; alfalfa, $8 12; wheat, $10(o)io. STRAW-65c&i5o if bale. ONIONS-New, $2.12ig2.2l f etl. POTATOES Early rose. new. 80cffl$l; Peerless. 05Col85o; Garnet Chile, OSfeWlc. Burbank seedlings. 65c: Petaluraas. 35c BEAMs small white, ft.6Wiia.Kj r mi; pea, $2&l; pink, fi.w91.oa; red, f 1.009 1.75; bayos, $2.602.871; butter, $11. 6; lima, f 1.6091.70. SEEDS-Yellow mustard, 2124c ft; brown mustard. 2(D3o: alfalfa, $171i'0e; canary, 3K4c; hemp, 3; Uax, 2i2Jc; rape, imsic: iimouny, 0490c. $33.50 r etl; Marrowfat 8c. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 750 r cu; turnips, 60900c; beeta, 40900c; parsnips, $1; carrots, 40900c; green peas, lfcUc If lb; tomatoes, f a.uu9!i V oox. FRUIT-ApDles. 2030cbskt; lemons. Sicily, $0r,7: Los Angelos, $11.75; bananas, flip? r nuncn; oiexican nines, $11912 if box: California do, 60o$l tor small boxes; lo Angeies oranges, ouc 1.10: strawberries. ISC 10 cheat; cherries. 309e5e if box; gooseberries. 4&8o V ft; currants, $4g5 9 chest; raspberries, $109 12 V chest; peacnes, ouctgai r cox. XJ ll LtU nut 1 UUU-U1 ITO MpiIVD, m, 1? for quarters and 2Jo for sliced; Allien tc Plummer, 610c; pears, sliced, 6(ft6c; whole, 4; plums, pitted, 71981c; do unpit ted, l!(a2c; peaches, unpeeled, 7198c; peeled, 13c; apricots, 9c; German prunes, DRIED FRUlT-Sun-drled apples, lie ffl k ' , Lit 1. LM a r-Kn, CmU- Derries, iuc; vmuuiumi iK owu, ' fornla raisins, $191.60 for loose and $1.75 2 tor layers; London ao, tiaz.io. NUTS California almonds. 7S8e ft for hard shell and 11913c for soft; peanuts, 4(o4jc; California walnuts, 794c: peean, 12(oU3c; niberis, lie; itrazn, iuc; nicaory, KaAU rnrnanuts. 85 V 100. HONEY Comb. 60lo $ ft for best grades; candied, 4,(85c; extracted. 44Jc, LARD-Callfornla, Una, 10-fbs, i0c, h kjiWAA-&xui2JC v io tor yeiiow. K.nllna O&Okc. BUTTER t resh roll, lancy dairy, W9 21c ft; good to choice, 171919c; common to fair, Itl9l7c; inferior store grades, 129 14c; pickle roil, cuoice new, zic. CHEESE -California, 69IU0 V D; e Ynrlr Cream. 17Hl71c. EGGS 15917c V doxen for California Eastern, 151916c, PfHTT.TRY Geese. 11.25(21.50 V pair for old and $1.752.25 far young; ducks, $59 6.25 V doxen lor old ana o&o.ou iur juuuk hina. ,ta.7: old roosters, aomo; young, $7910; broilers, $38; turkeys, live. 189 20c t ft for hens and lHfolUc for gobblers. SALT Liverpool. lKcai.BU fn; wui' fnrni fln tlln: HI- do. coarse. $10(312. HIDES Dry. t lb. usual selection. 17(a) 18: drv klD. 17918: dry calf. 20c; salted steers, 60 to twlbs. 8c Til TO VUT llnnA fu. I It,. WOOL-San Joaouln, H9U0 f ft rhalr nnrthprn. lftO(20c. SUGAR Drv granulated, Bjc: extra fine cubes, 7c; line crushed, 7c; pow itaroA ? ir flna nowdered. 8c. SYRUP American renneryls quoted at 30c in bbls. 32Jc in ht bbls, 37c In 6-gal kegs, and 4 Jc in 1-gal tins. At Lenneaa, Mo., Martha Thornbury sued the C. B. & K. C. R. It for $5,tK 0 damages for the death of her husband, John Thornbury, In the Grand River bridge accident at Sumner, Mo., in June 1834. She was not successful, for her husband has made affidavit that he is not dead and was not In the employ ot the railroad at the time specified above. At Plymouth, Pa., the body of Adam Brumm, aged 20 years, who attempted to murder hie sweetheart, Catherine Bohn, because she refused to marry him, was found by bis own Newfoundland dog In the Susquehanna river and dragged ashore. Ilruram, thinking be bad killed the girl, fled to the river and wading out some fifty feet placed a revolver to hie head and tired killing himself instantly. Tho "law of tho road," as under stood in Pennsylvania, was laid down by Judgo Kiddle of tho Common Pleas Court ot Philadelphia a few days ago. It is to the effect that persons meeting on the highway must eaoh keep to tho right This rulo is modiliod in tho case of a footman or a horseman, who can not compel a teamster who has a heavy load to turn out of the beaten track, or even a light wagon with a heavy draught If a horseman or light vchf clo can pass with safety on tho left of a hoavily-laden team it is their duty to give way and leave the choice to the more unwieldy vehicle. -We had in 1880 nearly 2.00WX)U 'common laborers." Iho number 01 clercrvmen in 1880 was 64,000, against 43,000 in 1870; tho number of lawyers 64.000 in 1880,40,000, in 1870; the num ber of physicians incrensed during the decade from 62.000 to 86.000. In 1880 there woro 4,800 actors and 12,000 jour nalists in the country. British Columbia is realizing the benefits of its excellent harbors and magnificent forests. Two nulling com panies with an aggregate production of 85,000,000 teot of lumber, are now cutting exclusively for the export trado. Thoy ship to China, Australia, Sand wich islands, and even 10 r.nginnu. A London firm of pencil-makers manufactures its shavings and sawdust Into an artielo which they call the ' Dust of Lebanon." it is sprinkled upon tho fire to remove tho unpleasant smell of cooking noticeable in a room after a meal. Eugene City Business Directory, BETTMAV, G.-Drr goods, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, aouinwoal corner Willamette and Eighth streets. BOOK BTORK-One door south of the Aitor House. A full stock of assorted box papers, plain and fancy. CRAIN imOS.-I)a!era in Jewelry, watches, olooki and musical Instrument. iiiaineuo street, between Seventh and Eighth. DORRIS, n. F.-Dealer in stoves and tinware. Willamette street, between Bevemn auu Eighth. FRIENDLY, & H.-Dealer io dry goods, cloth ing and general merchandise, wuiemeiio street, between Eighth and Ninth. GILL J. P.-Phylolan, surgeon and druggist poatoHlue, Wlllawete street, ooiween oevoniu and Eighth. HENDRICKS, T. O.-Dealer In general mer chandise, northwest corner Willamette and Mnlh streets. IIODE3, 0. Keeps on hand fine wines, liquors, oigara and a pool and billiard table, Willam ette street, netweea jugnin ana muia. HORN, CHAS. M.-Ounsmith, rifles and shot- f uns, hreecn ana muinio loaacro, inr hmo. topalrlng done in the neatest style aud war ranted. Shop on Ninth street. LUCKEY. J. S.-Watohmakor and leweler, keepsa nne stock of goods In Ills lino, lllam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. MoOLARKN. JAMES-Choloe wines, Honors and cigars, Willamette street, betwoen cignin and Ninth. PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM.-I)ealery in saddlery, har ness, carriage trimmings, etc, wiiiameiie street, between Seventh and Eighth, POST OFFICK-A new stock of standard school books Just received at uie poet 011100. RENSHAW, WM.-Wines, liquors and cigars of the best quality Kepi oonaianuy on aauo. Too beat billiard tauio in town. W. MATLOCK. J. O. MATLOCK. MATLOCK. BROS. BUCOKSSORfl TO T. C. Hendricks. Having nurohaaed tho store formerly owned by T. Q. Hendricki, we take pleaauro in in forming tho ptihlto that wo will keep a well aelected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONSISTING Of Dry Coods, Coots, 8hoes. BATS, GROCERIES, NAILS, Crockery andrIbaccoH In fact our atock will be found to be oompleto, By honeet and fair dealing we hope to be able W icoure a uuerui anaro wi m publlo patronage. and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elaewnure, Ws can always be found at the OLD HENDRICKS CORNER, Where we will take all klndi of Produce . in eichango for goods. MATLOCK BROS. Feb. . 1881. HcClung & Johnson UOCRSSORS TO Til LAKE COOKTY MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION, Ws would announce to the citizens of this county that having purvhaaud the entire UxM of murclmndlae of the Lane County Mercantile A au-iiit inn inniilralilr bolnw the orMnal coat, and having added largely thereto by re cent purchaaet for cash. Our Stock is now Complete And acond to none in this county. We cor dially invite a careful eiaminatlon of our ato:k, aa we snow we can giro yuu kwoiuuwuii both in goods ana prioea. ar Alsa Is to eU tho Best tioodsi for tho lai Honey. Call end examine our (foods and be con vinced, even If you do not wish to purchase. We always take pleasure In showing goods and giving prices. All Mi iMu UM a! W& KartetEates Liberal Dlstoants for Cash. Boot and Shoo Storo. A. HUNT, Proprietor. Will BOTMftor knp a eonpUU ttook of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes! BL'TTOX BOOTH, Slipper, White and Black, Sandala, nirz no shoes, MEN'S AND BOTS BOOTS AND SHOES I And In fact everything in the Boot aad Shoe .line, to which 1 Intend to devote my eapevlal atUntlon. . MY COODS ARE FIRST-CLASS! And guaranteed as represented, and will be etld (or the lowest article can be atforde prloea that a good jV. Hunt. OPPOHITION Is the Life of Trade! SLOAN BROTHERS Will do work cheaper than any other shop ' lu town. Horses Shod for $2 Cash With new material all around. Reaettlng old ahoe SI. All warranted to give sallafacUon. Shop on tha Corner of 8th and Olive Sti SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM C. 31. HOIIIY, Practical Gunsmith PSA LBS IS GUNS, RIFLES, Fishing Tackles and llaterlala Sewim Midlines anil Mil of All llnds for Sail Repairing done in the neatoat stylo aad warranted. Gum Loaned and Ammunition Furnished Shop on Willamette St., opposite Poatofflco. Book and Stationery Store, rostofflos Building, Xugsnt City. I hare on hand and am constantly receiving aa assortment ot the best SCHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY. Blank Boohs, Portfolios, Cards, WalUts, BLANKS, ETC. A. . PATTERSON. D. T. PRITCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Repairing of Watches and Clocks axeoutod with punctuality and at a reasonable coat. Wlllasaetto Mtrect, JEageno City, Or. B. F. DOIUIIS, DEALER IN STOVES, BARGES, Pumps, Pipes, Metals, TINWAIIE AND Eoqss ForMim Goods Generally. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY, And Satisfaction Guaranteed. WILLAMETTE STREET, Eugene City, - - Oregon. Central Market, ITiHlKjraScWiitlxiiiH PROPRI1TORS. Will koop constantly on hand a full supply ( BEEF1, MUTTON. POBK AND VEAL, Which they will stll at the lowest market prices. . A fair share of the publlo patronage solicited. TO THE FARM EES I Wo will pay the hlphost market prlco for fal cattle, bogs and sheep. Shop on "Willamette Stfeet, EUCENI CITY, ORECON. Meats dollrered to any part of tho city frro of charge. juolt F. M. WILKINS. TlTifintinnl Tlminrfrint 6 Hlinmint HMUll Ullll3Uil0iIIIDl MUGS, MEDICINES, Brashes, ralats, iilaas. Oils, Lrada, TOILET ARTICLES, Eto Physicians' Proscriptions Compounded.