The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 20, 1885, Image 5

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State University.
Commencement Week. "
Although Corninenoouieut week for 1885 was
ushered In with weeping skies, it wm celebra
ted with as much eutkusiura auil ardor u if ;
the splendor and beauty of the Italian heav
di had overhung our little city. Our annual
holiday lacked only thia one feature to have
made the exercisea a perfect success, and that
wai not in the power of our people tu beatow.
The Uuiyersity ha built its waytoward success
and hat become by the able and liberal man
genient, and the untiring efforts of a oorpt of
instructors aeconl to none other on the coast,
an institution which is a credit to the State
of Oregon, as well as a source of the greatest
food, The future prospects of the University
are bright indeed.
; The auditorium was appropriately and ele
gantly decorated. The lofty moms never pre
sented a more beautiful appearance with the
graceful festoons, profusion of flowers, and
numerous pictures aud oil paintings.
. Rev. Mr. Anderson, President of the Mc
Mtnnville college, preached tb baccalaureate
. . . .. it Tr i.
sermon Sunday morning in ins university
Jimm1 to a lame audience. The address was
of a high literary aud scientiho order, and
showed the speaker to be one of the advanced
thinkers of the r ge. The rausle for the occa
sion was furnished by the orchestra, who fur
niahwl the musio for all the exercises) of com
mencement The following are the names of
the musicians: Miss Ada Page, piano; Geo.
Orr, - cornet; John Pringle, violin; Heibert
Johnson, flute; Matt Bridge, vlollnoello,
1 Monday.
By invitation of the students, Mr. Mattie
A. Bridge delivered a lecture Monday evening
in Rhinehart's Hall, taking for her subject,
"Social -Breakers." Mr. W. J. Roberts, in
becoming style and ease, presided at the meet
ing. The speaker sustained the high reputa
tion she has already received as a lecturer. A
large audience was present in spite of the
neaVy rain that prevailed.
The annual address before the Laarean
and Eutaxians Literary Societies was deliv
rd In the chanel. Tuesday mornincr at 10:30
t m', to a large acd appreciative audience, by
Hon W D Feston, of Yamhill county. It
was scholarly and was replete with instruc
tive ideas. The speaker took for his sub-
J sot, "f ounuauona.' tie saiai rureiy
speculative philosophy has but few devotees,
and there is much to be said against a too
constant reference to matter solely within
the domain of moral ethics. By the cos
tfaubn dropping of the waterfall great
earerns in the bowels of the earth are made.
The man who is at all times lectured upon
his faults will soon resent ths supposed in
jory, and be turned from really good im-
5 irises to baa motives ana possioiy evn
eeds. I assert that the child is moulded
and its mental aud moral life completely
outlined prior to ten years of ago. After
that time the circumstances of its life large
ly control or shape the good or hid impress
ions received prior M that age. The family
hearthstouo may ut be revetted a a "fouu.
elation stone" in the building to be reared,
but to the child, who is to he the future citi
sen, and not the future felon or public pau
per, It is indeed a milestone in the journey
of human life yea, it is the inonumeut from
which he starts and which towers iu view in
all his wanderings. The puhlio school, in
fact every attempt to teach the young are
agencies, applied to lay foundations in the
civil lite of a country, that in time will be
its only security against oppression and
anarchy. The university and college is
only intended to apply to the larger needs in
this respect. It u quite commonplace to
note the fact so universally understood that
many of our greatest meu and women were
trained in no advanced schools, that many
of them were not favored either iu wealth,
position or influence. Why is it true, that
these boys and girls, without advantages,
are found leading their more favored compe
titors at the final outcome? There must be
a cause for thisl What is it? Without say
ing that the sole, cause is the imperfect foun
dation laid in youth and before the uni
versity is reached, I wish to be distinctly
understood as believing, that thia is the
general cause. The difference does not
ae much exist in the stations in life, the ad
vantages and disadvauiages, as in the use or
neglect of the opportunities that come. The
danger is not thai we have too much colle
giate training but that we are so apt to
assume, that when obtained, the end of
endeavor is at hand. The man or woman,
whe bnilds for destiny, and lays the founda
tions of future fame, must begin in early
youth. The work of temple building is not
confined to foundation it includes the
artist's touch and the painter's delicate hand,
and in the sphere of intellectual aud moral
architecture, it include i in the grand scope
every touch of human love, every reach of
moral beanty and every splendid iinpulss
that throbs and vibrates through the depth
of the soul.
Of course it is impossible to do the speaker
justice in a short synopsis, but permit ns to
ay, that the address was one of the best
ever delivered in the auditorium.
The annual addrwi before the University
was delivered by President Ellis, of Pacifio
University, Forest Grove, in the auditorium
on 3:30 p m, to a good sized
audience. It was highly sppreeiated by all
whe beard the gentleman and was a credit
to sum, as it showed deep study and pains
taking effort iu preparation. A eynopsis
would do the gentleman an injustice; it
wonld require the publication of the address
in full to give our readers the benefit of this
high literary treat
A reunion of the literary societies was held
in the chapel Tuesday evening at 8:30 P. M.
The exercises consisted of an addrese of wel
come by Mr. Wm. 8. Shaw, and the annals
by Mr. 0. P. Coshow and Miss C. S. TowelL
The address and annals were both good and
showed literary merit The evening was
pent in listenlug to music and In social con
verse. A pleasant, sociable time was had.
Wedneday-I0 A. M.
The graduating exercises of the third and
last Normal elate was held Wednesday morn
ing at 10 A. M. The auditorium was densely
parked by strangers f row a distasee and the
chinos ot Eugene and vicinity, to witness the
xtrcMee. " After svprarw tT Kv7"G- W.
Simpson, and a song from a qnartette consist
ing of V.isses Vina Gore and Carrie Test and
Mr. K. Collier and H. & Johoion, the Nor
mal graduating cL m was introduced in the
Hawing order:.
Delivered an oration entitled, "Self Reliance."
"Owe no man anything." As we journey on
the highway of life, along which, so many are
travelers, we oceasaionally meet some wayfarer
who may be heard muttering, "the world owes
me a living." Yes the world owes you a liv
ing, if you earn it Read the history of the
rich iu all ages and countries anil you will hud
almost invariably tliut those who have attained
the goal did to with unaided efforts. They
began life at the foot of the ladder, ami reached
the topmost round by self exertion. Let every
man strive to gain treasure by his own houest
labor; for the only money that truly benefits a
man is what he has earned himself, Thegroat
est men are those who have cut their. way
through the granite rock of difficulties. Self
reliance is the master key that unlocks the
door of all difficulties in every profession or
calling. Young friends, you are the architects
of your own fortunes, 'l ake for your guiding
star self reliance keep at your helm and steer
your own ship. Work ami guide your ship
till you are safely anchored in the haven. '1 lie
great lights of the intellectual firmament
sprang from bumble parentage, In generations
past it was thought that self reliance was not
a requisite quality in woman, but the nine
teen.h century demands a broader, deeper, tru
er education of the faculties. Great is the con
trast between the old generation ami the new.
Butterflies of fashion are fast becoming extinct.
Tbe true women of our lau I realize that help
leanness is not a virtue. That God did not
place beings ou earth, created after his own
image and endowed with immortal souls to
waste their time iu giddiness. He placed man
on earth to be a growing end exhaustlets
force. The world was placed within his reach
to be seized and conquered Realms of infi
nite truth appear alxive Inviting nun to visit
those shnreswhere rewton ana jicrscuci sail
ed, a Columbia of the skies.
Delivered an oration on "The Ultimate Ten
dency of Mankind to Infinite Variety." "If
man were limited to certain routine of action
and thoughts, tlio whole course of his existence
would bo a dull monotony. But the infinite
variety, which our Creator has caused to be
prevalent in all things, makes the contempla
tion of the progress of man from the earliest
stage of his existence the most complicated yet
pleasing line of thought or course of study. To
ascertain the fitness to utility of a stick of
timber a carLenter elances lemrthwise of the
same from sue extremity; so lot us look to the
characters of mankind trom two extremes,
thereby being doubly able to comprehend.
The speaker illustrated the two extremes by
Dickens' novel. Martin Chuxzlewit The two
extreme natures suggest to us not the essence
of all virtue, but the importance of self con
trol. Besides this individual self control there
is a barrier against infinite waste among the
varied societies and institutions of man. This
barrier is the splendid maxim that shows the
likeness of all churches to pictures, and binds
the civilized nations of the earth to one grand
brotherhood. "Incertis unitas; in duhitis lib
ertas; in omnibus caritas." In certain things
unity; in doubtful things liberty; in all things
charity. One of the evils of the human race
is intemperance. This is brought on by temp
tation through the appetites, which are either
natural or acquired. Morals are the prime
ministers, as it were, of the mind. All varie
ties unite in doing good. They arise from his
nature. Tbey are a certain and constantly
operating force. They commence with man s
existence and terminate only with life. Thus
mankind has joined hands and are marching
through the paths of science in quest of truth,
"the ultimate end of knowledge,' which Hacon
says, "is a storehouse for the glory of the
Creator, aud the endowment of human life."
Chose as the subject of her essay, "Trodden
Paths." Prehistoric man was a reasoning be
ing on the path of civilization. As a spring
in rising from a lofty height and flowing down
ward spreads its streams according to the
depth of the descent, stage after stage, until it
reaches the lowest level of the soil, so it Is
with the -human raoe. The first pushing for
wards of the pathfinders, in search of fame and
knowledge can be traced back to the time of
the Aryans. They kept emigrating to uutrod
den lauds until now they cover the whole globe.
Before their irresistible energy the most form
idable obstacle have become as cobweb barriers
in their path. It is natural for every man to
wish for distinction. By dilligtnce much may
be accomplished. You may work in the dark,
yet one day light shall shins in upon your la
bor and you may never, with your own Hps,
declare victcry complete, others will soma d ly
behold in your lifework the traces of a great
and thinkiug mind. Follow no path blindly
because others have followed It, rely not upon
others assert your own individuality. Let oth
ers live as they please. Be inc irrupt in your
deeds, and in your inmost thoughts
and lesl'ngs; your views of duty not narrow,
false and detestible, but a savior of life to all
around you. Let your speech be always with
grace, seasoned with truth, honor, manliness
and benevolence. Be of the prudent who fore
see the evil and hide themselves from it; and
not of the simple who pass on nnd are pun
ished. Life to youth is a fairy tale just open;
.i i L -
to urn age a taie to reau tnruugn, enuing in
Chose as the theme of oration, "The Future.
The chief works of human intelligence are re
ligion, philosophy and art In these are in
ter woven the silver threads of human psy
chology. Upon these, nations have arisen.
flourished ana disappeared. I lien H we wouia
solve the problem of the human intelligence of
the fun -ewe must know the status of the
Brand departments of the human mind iu the
. i n i :.,:i:
iMUIt, meir UlliUCIimj mm " wcruil VI uituwuM.
leligion, the chief bond of human society, is
not a product of the present civilisation, but is
contemporary with the world's history. The
history of religion will be seen to be intimately
connected with every stage of advancement
When mankind are less attentive to the differ
ence than to the resemblance of their religious
worship then nations in sweet symphony can
Sing praise to rnocnicia, tne uirm piace ui let
ters, and Palestine, the cradle of religion. Phi
losophy as well as religion, cannot be accredited
to this age; although the torch of progress has
been borne ever onward by the present civili
zation. Yet the germ of philosophic thought
originated with Plato. Iu the last 23 years
America has solved a great and social evil that
has troubled the nation tdnce its organiza
tion, that of slavery. Wehnd ourselves con
fronted by three more great problems first,
the social and political status of women: sec
ond, the liquor qesiion; third, the Chinese
question. These are the great questions that
must be settled in the future. W ith the in
crease of wealth art always receives encourage
ment, lift us take a prospective view of uie
future: I see before me a nation, whose sons
and daughters toil nobly for the right, who go
forth in long processions to set ve humanity. I
see the treasures of earth made sunservient to
the common good, I see our v:wt territory
peopled with a God fearing race, 1 see our na
tion as the vanguard of U kI's hosts. I see the
the sword raised as only the symbol of jurtice.
I see the aciencos far removed from their pres
ent unfinished state. The scroll of the century
is rolled together, the work is done.
Read an essay entitled, "Hidden Treasures."
"Two glorious futures lie before us. The
progress of the face here, and the progress of
man hereafter." Even the happiness of the
present is mails up most! of that delightful
discontent, which the hope of better things
inspires. "We wait all our lives by the side of
our Bethseda waiting ths uneasy quicksands."
But it is through our own efforts and trials
that true happiness comes; we should not
wait for the angel alone, lest In our waiting
we fall asleep and others grasp the treasure.
S1.,w and rtstieat mast our Drocress be. All
nature proves that we must work and wait for
the treasures we win. If we could ask the
most worthy men of any age what their lives
signified to them, they would tell us their
! greatest achievements stood at the side of
sorrow. v hat a treasure the mind w, yet ws
know so little of it Those who make the
' most of the disappointments of life will see the
iu wt of its meaning. While tramping far iuUt
the mysteries searching for treasures unknown,
we paint tlio picture of our lives which like
the landscape stretches away in its sunshine
and shallow, itt forests and streams, its tuouu
tains aud plains. Our school life too has hat1
iu trials. But now we see it only gives more
vivid outline to its happy experience. This
day even has its sadness, cur happy band will
soon be scattered. The shadowe of care may
hide us from each other, and lines of duty lead
us far apart. The faces we have learned to
love will look at ns through the windows of
sacred recollections, and mion memory's walls
of our Alms Mater will be hung pic tu roe of
our lives.
Chose for the subject of his oration, "Proper
Incentives to High Intellectual Attainments."
All incentives to activity and Industry, wbeth'
er internal or from without, are motives, but
our coiiceiu lies rather with those which
should direct an upright miud in the prosecn
tion of. a scholastic career, than with the
incentives which may actually constitute the
moving forces. In conceding to uieutal cul
ture the dignity of an ultimate Mid sufficient
end whlcd all other utilities are to oe esteeuisu
as of mere secondary iuuxirt. we place the
whole intellectual movement in a higher post
tion. fortified with all possible security against
ilufeat. and furnished with the best uuarantee
of ultimate success. Conducted on any lower
principle the enterprise must needs languish.
They tell us that it is a conclusion, that "the
mental character, no less than moral f -receive
its nxed cm and ineiiaceauie impression nere;
that tlio present life is essentially a probation
for the intellectual nature as truly as it is for
the mora'. Whoever wills thoughtfully with so
high an argument must become conscious of an
incentive to intellectual activity mora potent
than the world's fading interests can iuspire
the incentive that shall preside over all his be
nign hours that shall invest with dignity, or
even with sanctity, the entire scholastic life,
and advance after mental discipline as even
the humblest capacity ia capable of achieving,
an inappreciable value which shall a thousand
times outweigh the ills imposed by study or
by poverty that shall apiiease all the solici
tudes which in many forms and degrees beset
the student's career, and shall arouse an essen
tial manliness to pverawe the illusions and
base anuetites and passions which under lower
auspices so often corrupt and enslave.
Chose for the theme of her oration, "Charac
ter Building." "There is nothing worth
doing but what is worth doing well" In
this great drama of life, we have each beeu
assigned a part to play. Some of ns will
through the acting of our parts keep steadily
rising higher and higher, until we reach the
topmost round of Fame's ladder, for which
we have toiled so long ami earnestly, oa
with the characters we are building. This
character is not formed in a day, but it
begius wiih our lives and ends with them.
We are uonstautly adding to it every day;
we are constantly changing it. George
Kliiott says, "Character is not cut in marble,
it is not something solid aud unalterable; it
is something living and changing, and may
become diseased as our bodiesjdo." As oue
leak will sink a ship, so will ono mean
dishonorable aot work its iullueuca upon our
character. In making . our characters we
lirst want a solid foundation. One word
may perhaps change our whole life; it may
render our lives miserable or it may make
the.n full of happiness. Then we would do
well to be careful ol what we do and say.
In childhood, the iolltninces by which we
arc surrounded, will cling to us through life,
so we see the necessity of good moral training
to make us true men and women. Kvery man
that has a character has certain habits to keep
up. Iu th chcracter of the Greeks and Ro
mans we find much to admire, especially the
firmness ami stability. What a fueling of awe
steals over us when we enter the presence of
one of those grand, noble characters! how he
elevates and strengthens us! how he revives
our drooping spirits and gives us fresh strength
to begin the work anew. What beautiful
structures characters are? and how grand we
can make them. So peacefully and wonder
fully made are we that we can weave the
meshes of these characters into terrible powers,
or we cau make them as pure and spotless as
the driven snow. We cannot all Le Shake-
speares, nor can we write our names among
the great novelists, but we can make a charac
ter so bright and beautiful that they will never
become dim nor fade away, and will be a bless
ing to the world.
C. 8. P0WKLL,
Chose ss the theme of her oration, "What
Tho' for us no Laurels B'oom." While cast
ing a retrospective glance over the history
of nations, especially our own, the thought
comes to us: how many lives have ceased to
flow, aud haw many forms have been laid
away under the sod, uukuelled, uncoifiaed
and unknown except by Hun of whom it is
said not even a sparrow shall fall to the
grouud without his knowledge. There are
others, though sunk beneatn tne loaming
billows whose memories stand ont in history;
never to be forgotten and never to be erased.
Some at the end of their noble and victorious
career, returu to their homes with a orown
of laurel leaves encircling their brows.
Glory gained from selfish principle is false.
It is easier to die nobly ou me oatuenem
than to live uobly on the fluid of life. To
be truly great we must be greatly true We
ought always to be as desirous ot shunina
applause as receiving it. Is it not true that,
ou this field during this march, the wiping
away of a single tear is more glorious than
conquoring nations. If we could but read
the past history and seoret thoughts of our
enemies, we should there find sorrow sad
suffering enough to disarm all hostility,', to
turn our feelings into pity and love. When
this battle is over, aud we are all assembled
in the Camp of Heaven, there to answer to
the final call of the muster roll, may we say
with Paul, "I too have fought a good fight;
I have finished my course; I have kept the
faith, henceforth thord is la;d up for me a
crown of righteousness."
And now, dear friends, in the name of the
class, the duty of saying the saddest of all sad
words falls noon m. We; are standing, as it
were, upon the brink of a diverging river,
which is inviting us to launch our barks and
sail. Or w mi-lit compare it to a road along
which we as a class have been traveling side
by side for scve.-al years. As we Iwk to the
rinht we see an iudex which points to a future
suitable to one member, to the left one which
is the choice of another. But time never
pauses nor turns bock. We can linger here
only a moment. As we stand upon the thresh
hold of our school life we look Innguishimtly
back, our hearts fill with a with that we might
have left our monuments a little less tarnished.
The past is gone from us forever, the future is
in God hands, the present only our own. Our
desires and the purposes for which we came
here was to gain knowledge. To-day we leave
tlit' preparatory school for the greater college
of life. We, like our ivy vine, have been
climbinj by the assistance of a trellis. Now
ws leave our support, but rnay we ever keep
the desires and upward tendencies given us by
our alma mater. We must press on though
we can never reach the goal to which sbs ever
point us. It is as impossible to reach the
bounds of learning as to reach our natural hor
izon. To-day we cut loose from our old moor
inir. our alma mater, but no matter how far
ws float from hw, we shall ever feel her influ'
erica, r riends from afar and
near, to you
who have rome to see and bear us on
he on
.' on the final stage of our sch1 life, you who
have welcomed us so kindly to your homes,
we say good-bye. To the board of regents, you
who are the guardians of this noble Institution,
we wish you a long life and health to continue
this work; to you we say good bye. School
mates, who remain to tread these halls of
learning, you who have done so much to make
our last appearance among you as students,
pleasant by the graceful festoons whioh deck
these walls. For this ws thank you. May all
your efforts be crowned with success. Adieu!
beloved members of ths Faculty; Though we
go from you to-day we take your Influence with
us. In future years we will recall your kind
advice and remember your examples. With
swelling hearts we bid yon good-bye. Dear
classmates: As he lesvos on the bosom of
the stream for a time float together, but sooner
or later are separated, some strand upon rocks,
others on overhanging boughs, and still others
iijH-n shores, so it will be with us, on this
great stream of life. But the tender remem
brance of happy days gone bye will cheer aud
encourage us In our duties. To these sacred
walls, to you, dear friends, kind teachers
farewell Dear olssmates, a link in the chain
is broken, the last bond is severed farewell.
After the valedictory, President Johnson, In
a neaj address, presented each member of the
class with a certificate of graduation. The
President also awarded Miss Viola A. Colbert
a certificate of irraduation. She belonged to
the senior class, but was prevented from tak
ing part iu the exercises on account of sick
ness, being quite ill at her home near Craw
fordsville, Linn county
Instrumental musio during the exercises by
the orchestra, a cello solo by Matt Bridge, a
vocal solo by Miss Mae Underwood, and a
song by the quartette, contributed to the en
jvyiuent of the occasion.
Weduesday afternoon at 3 p in the class tree
of 18C5 planted their class. The address was
delivered by Daniel W. Bass and abounded in
fine thought and expressions, and was dulivered
'n a mot excellent manner. The class tree
poem written by Oregon's favcrite poet, Sim
L. Simpson, was admirably rendered by II F
The class tree was a "Lainbortianua ," one
of the species of ths pine, whioh grows gen
erally on our mountain ranges. After ths ex
erclses of planting the class tree, the audience
adjourned to the auditorium for the purpose of
listening to the seveuth anuual exercises of ths
. Ths exercises of the oveuing were opened by
an Instrumental piece by the orchestra. Mr.
Wallace Mount, of the claw of Ut, and Presi
dent of the Association, delivered the Intro
ductoty address in a few well timed remarks.
The response was delivered by Miss Anna
Patterson of the class of '85.
Mr. H. R. Clark sang a solo in good style,
entitled "When the Pale Moon Arose Last
The oration, on the subject, "National Char
acter," was delivered by Arthur L. Fraxer, of
the class of '82. It was well prepared, and
received much favorable comment from the
J. N. Goltra, of the class of '81, read an
original poem specially prepared fur the oc
casion. It showed rare thought
The annals for the occasion were furnished
by Mr. A. C. Woodcock, of the class of '83,
They were Written iu a quaint and original
style, and faithfully chronicled the doings of
the members tor the pajt year, i hey received
considerable applause, showing that they were
appreciated. Ills reference to the late la
mented Prof, Emery K Burke was particu
larly wull timed. From his report we find
that the association uow u umbers 60 members,
34 ot whom were present On account ot au
accident Miss Elma E. Lock wood, of the class
of '83, was prevented reading au essay she had
prepared on "Memory." Tho members of the
association have reasons to feci pruud of their
seventh annual exercises, as they were very
interesting aud instructive. .
election or omcKKH roK 1880.
The Alumul, just after the exercises, held
an election of officers, which resulted as fol
lows: President B. B. Boekman. class '81.
Vice Presidents Nettie A. AlcCornack, 78;
J. A. McOuiun, 7U; L. II. Wheeler. '80; 0. a
Williams, 81; Edward Boiley, '82; ti. & Mo
Clure, '8J; 0. W. Sharpies, '81; It F. Rea
soner, '8i
Orator Geo. Nolaud, '82; alternate, C. M.
Hill, '81.
Essayist-W. T. Slater, '83; alternate, Ml
erva Starr, '80.
Poet lUubie Spiller, '8.'; alternate, Edgar
Annalist J. It Whitney, '84; alternate, S.
W. Condon, '82.
Seoretary-O. M. Hill, '81.
Executive Cummittee-C. M. Hill, '81) Net
tie McCornack, '80; It S. Bean, 78.
Thursday 10 a. m.
The auditorium of the State Uuivorsity,
Thursday, presented a charmiug appearance,
the day set apart for the regular graduating
exercises. The room was densely packed by
ths beauty and manhood of Eugene aud
vicinity to witness the exercises. Upon the
platform were seated the Board of Regents,
Faculty aud grauduating class. All seemed
to lake a just pride in the noble iustitutiou
from whose portals was about to be seat
forth another class to do honor to her. At
the appointed hour President Johnson intro
duced Prof T F Campbell, who delivered an
impressive and appropriate prayer. Aftor a
song by the choir, the griduating class was
introduced in the following order:
a w. bahs
Delivered an oration on the "Potency of Fed
eral Patrioage." Have we a government of the
people and by the people? What Influence does
Federal pi.tronage exert upon our political sys
tem? What are the avenues to power? Are
purity of character and Integrity of purpose the
essential qualities of political eminence? True
patriotism is a strong tense of our interests in
the preservations of the free Government of
which we are members. Such a sentiment as
would render the yeomanry ol our couutry In
vincible and deaf to the demamls of mercenary
politicians. So long as mankind shall continue
to bestow more liberal applause on the expo
nents of party than on public weal, the vhirst
for political power will be the vice of the mt
exalted characters. For 2500 years the chief
interest In politics has been ths struggle of the
people to gain freedo.n and purge the
body politic of its political leeches, it is only
in our tiros that the struggle seems to be ap
proaching its end. Party has chosen ths peo
ple's rulers. Tbey used then people's officers
to pay for party services. An active move
ment is on foot to institute some system of
civil service reform, which will relieve the
president of making nominations. No admin
istration has had the patriotism to thrust the
spoils system out of the body politic. No
President, n party, is alone responsible for
iU existence, or chargeable with it continu
ance. Iu germ seems to have been imbedded
in the selfish nature of mankind; its origin to
have antedated the foundation of this govern
ment It controls conventions, dicta Us plat
forms and extorts pernicious promises from
candidates for public honors; it extorts contri
butions from ths Dennis's treasury br tbe as-
. .( ..l.i; un.nla Pt.
. "-iurnv uu souum . --
' rooae. nowsvsr aroeaui n vnm. wm
ways be odious to those do not share IU bene-
fits. It is ths natural result of our system of
natmnasa rule. As was said bv Hon. Goortre
1L Pendleton. "Each President, however
srong may be his personal characteristics, steps
in a current, the force of which is constantly
increasing. He can neither stein it nor con
trol It, much leas direct his own course, as hs
is buffeted and driven hither and thither by ths
uncertain and unmanageable forces." Then if
we would remedy this evil we must first reduce
the emoluments of the otHces to correspond
with the services performed. We must de
crease the offices to the actual number needed.
Lastly we must have more love for country
than for party. More patriotism and less love
for nepotism. Then and not till then shall we
have a government of the people, for the peo
ple and by ths people.
Head an esxay entitled, "Act Well Your
Honor and shame from no condition rise;
Act well your port, there all tbe honor lies.
While this admonition seems inteuded for
all, it is especially addressed to the young.
To them it ootnes as words of encourage
ment to a rakcu an inquiry as it were, how
them may best secure the promised reward.
Honor is the synonym of success the reverse,
failure. Success is nearly always the prize
of worthy, resolute effort But w here there
is a lack of energy or a doubtful oourse
pursued there is no desirable reward no
laurel for the brow. "Good actions only
crown themselves with honor. So with modest
merit To the deserving it is uf the moat
ennobling kind. Let the aim be high, and
the means employed just Determine to
succeed, cultivate ths heart and improve the
mind. For they who live but to accumulate
wealth are a failure. Determine then to
succeed. To determine is to will. Will is
the monarch of the niind. Nothing is
impossible for the mind to accomplish.
Combined with courage the resolute mind
is invincible. And while we resolve to suc
ceed let us not forget "Moments are the
golden sands of time." Kvery day is a little
life aud our whole life is but a day repeated.
Our success in life generally txars a direct
proportion to the exertions made. If we
aim at nothing, we certainly can achieve
uothiug. Industry is the heir of fortune;
the compauion of honor and honesty, Life
is no idle game, no farce to amuse and be
forgotten. It is a fixed, stern rcality "fuller
ot duties than the sky of stars," Swoat of
the brow, of the brain, and even of the
heart inoludea all that is great and glorious
iu the history of life all that mankiud is
wont to admire and vonrrate. Success in
all things is seen sitting euthroned the
queen of the world. To win her favor is
within the power of all. We may make life
what we please. Over our moral and intel
lectual being we havo oontml; let us look,
listen and learn wherever we go. In con
clusion we would say, let us press 00 un
falteringly and if we cannot lie the great
rivers bearing on rich trophies of effect to
gladden a world, w-e can be the small
streams by the wayside, afford ing the re
freshing draughts to the weary traveler as
he passes that way.
Chose for the theme ot his oration, "Our Ad
vantages." In looking back over the pages of
history we notice that the prorress of civiliza
tion and the Improvement of machinery have
greatly inoreased our advantages. The pro
gress of civilization was formerly very slow on
account of the roving habits of our race and
their limited means of procuring food and
clothing. But within the last few hundred
years, after mimeroui overthrows by barbarian
hordes, there apiieared in Europe our Chris
tian civilization which is rapidly overspread
ing all the earth and showering Its rich bless
ings upon all mankind, Ths fostering care uf
this civilization gave rise to many inventions
which have wrought many advantages to our
race. Among the inventions we might men
tion the printing press, the discovery of the
,xilarity of magnetized iron, the progress in
machinery and education, the development of
railroads, the power of etiam, and others too
numerous to mention. The Universities have
not only increased in numbers, but have great
ly increased in facilities for giving instruction.
Our nation always has been and is now receiv
ing untold benefits from the educated of our
laud. Take nwav the schools and universities
ami our people will soon sink into barbarism.
Another great advantage with whlcii we are
blessed is that our laborers receive higher
waires than in foreign hinds. In no other
country do the laboreis have such opportuni
ties for rising to positions of comfort, honor
and usefulness as in the United States, On
comparing the Eastern and Western Conti
nents, we find that our continent is blessed
with the greater number of natural advanta
ges, it takes ten tunes as long to exchange
the products of India and Atlantf) Europe as
it does to exehauge the products of the Missis
sippi anil Amazon. According to estimate,
our continent is capable ol supporting a popu
lation of thirty-six hundred millions. The
condition of the millions that will soon inhabit
America is placed mostly in the hands of the
IJ 8. If we maintain and Pernetunte this
glorious liberty and these benign institutions
of our fathers, the conditions of the future
millions will be greatly improved and they will
thank ns forever. But if we neglect morality
and religion, our downfall will be Inglorious.
Orated on "Minority Repreaentatlon." To se
cure to all men equal rights is the aim ot a rep
reseutlve form ot government For this our
fathers have fought and bled on many battle
fluids. Thus, doubly dear to us should be this
principle, equal political rights for alL Dear,
because by it alone can we make the greatest
progress in civilization; it is not a mere staff
which assists man as he advances, but it is the
very path along which he must tread. A per
fect government Is one which guarantees to
each of its citizens the enjoyment of all his
political rights. A perfect representative
body, it is itvldent. would contain niemliers
from all parties, and each party would be rep
resented directly in proportion to its numerical
strength. A legislature composed of inemliers
drawn chiefly from a single party may beex-
fected to, and will, make laws for that party.
Tnluss parties in the minority have their due
representation, the legislature will not repre
sent the people. The representatives of ma
jority represent the majority and Ignore tbe
minority. Another evil to which the system
of a majority representation la subject to, is
gerrymandering. No taxation without repre
sentation at oue time fired the American hearts
to deeds of wondrous heroism. Yet the provo
cation exists among us to-day. Not so grievous
as in older times, hut just as real, the pres
ent plan of giving ths entire delegation to the
stronger party is an arbitrary assumption of
power. A system of minority representation
would make voters more independent The
indeendeuU are the safeguards of our nation.
In au autocracy of party are to be sought the
seeds of future evils to our institutions. It
was party that gave us the Sxila svstnu, the
civil war, and the "8 to 7" of 7a It lhores
us, then, as descendants of men who took up
arms to defend thoir liberties, by mutable
means, when ws see an iiniieiidlng evil, to turn
It aside that it may never become the cause of
internecine strife. The first step towards
breaking down this evil, the supreme power of
party, is to do justice to minorities, to grant
to the few, protection against the weak, to
permit to minorities the exercise of their right
to representation in legislative bodies.
And now, my teachers, the time has come
to toll you farewell. Under inexpressible
obligations to you we leave the University.-
And, as we to-day have passed before you
here, having reached the culmination of oor
college carter, remembrances innumerable,
emotions nntramlatubla have rilled our
hearts with thankfulness and yet with sor
row. For when glancing backward to the
pas, looking forward to the future, we com-
.. . p. nwtm I i r a. . a L,. rm i n 1 1 1 1... k...n .. . ! , 1 1
I our lives as yoa have taught ns to wish they
maybe, truly have we cause for thankful.
oesa. . To yoa, 0 teachers, is given a noble
art! Spread out before yoa is the youthful
mind in all its contradictious, failings, liabil
ity to err the hopes of parents and rela
tives, the dependence of contemporaries, the
future mainstay of oar nation. Submitted
to yoa for daily iospectioo, for daily instruc
tion, thus you mast guide and educate. Ia
the school room the teacher shapes the
fitare oourse of his race, Conscieus of these,
vast responsibilities we have ever found yoa
to be true. Always your effort have been to
make ns nobler, truer, better. Therefore
we leave the University profoundly grateful
to you and to those who stand behind you
te sustain yoa in your work. And now,
my school companions, you with whom we
have joined with heart and hand school
duties, school pleasures, school responsibili
ties, a word of farewell. We leave yoa fob
lowing in the path which we have found so
pleasant. And though we may be far away,'
yet our thoughts will often be drawn back
to you. Among yoa we have found friend-,
ship too strong to be broken by passing
years or intervening distances. And we
shall miss the sight of your cheery faces, the
frieudly grasp of your hands, the inspiring
influence nf your presence. Schoolmates
and teachers: The reflections of yoa will
serve, when thrown over oar imaginations,
as an enchanted mantle to carry us back
across the gulf of bygone years and make ns
young once more. When oor steps are fal
tering aud our hands tin longer steady, your
images, your deeds will remain bright and
clear. And often, at such times, will come
again the youth's joyous laugh, the unbid
den tear. Thus we treasure you in our1
memories nnd in our t flections. We can do
no more. With our hearts tilled with con-,
tending emotions pain at the thought of.
parting, pleasure at the thought of the
friendships we have gained, hope for the
future, wo, for the last time, say farewell ,
During the exorcises the orchestra rendered
several very fine selectlnnsf the choir sang sev
eral pieces in splendid style; a quartette com
posed of Misses Nettle and Mary McCornack
and W. T. Eakln and W. II. Gore rendered
the song, "Moonlight will Come' Again,"
which was really a musical treat; Miss Ada
Page played a piano solo, entitled "Germans'
Triumphal March," in au artiatio manner, and
Mi. J. R. Pringle rendered the "Flower Song"
on the -violin. Boquetaln innumerable num
bers were presented to the graduates by thei
many friends. At the close of ths valedictory
President Jehnson. in a short address fu'l of
good advice, presented the class with their .
well-earned diplomas, conferring the degree of
A. B. upon Daniel W. Bass, Royal F. Rea
soner snd Henry F. McClure, and the degree
of B. S, upon Anna Patterson. Thus passed
out the eighth class from this institution of
learning to do credit and hsnor to the Uni
versity and the State of Oregon.
The members of ths Alumni of the Univer
sity held their annual reunion at the residence
of Mrs. J, B. Underwood last Thursday even
ing, and spent the evenlug relating tales of
their school days, singing songs and in pleas
ant social converse, Refreshments were served
during the evening. A few invited friends
were present At about midnight the society
adjourned, to meet one year henoe.
On account nf the rainy weather the plan. ing'
of the ivy was postponed until Thursday after
noon. At that time Chas R Fen ton' delivered'
an eloquent oration, The Normal ' class tree
song words by Mrs Geo M Miller and nusio
by 1 rot f arviu was then rendered under tlis.
latter'a direction. An iron trellis supports the
Ivy vine.
The Slater-Howe Nuptials.
Married at the residence of the bride's
parents, Wednesday, June 17, 1883, at 8:30 p'
m, by Rev O Tartar, Prof W T Slater to Miss
Mary P Howe, The couple have the best
wishes of the Guard for a long and happy
matrimonial life. Compliments recoived. ' Be
low is the list ot presents received' by the
bride with the names of ths donors:
Alice and Minnie Shaw Silver berry.dishj '
Claribel Adams Silver bonnet holder,
W W Cochran-Silveroard receiver.
B B Beekman Silver castor.
Misses Minnie Scott, Ruby Spiller, Anna
Patterson. Augusta Patterson and Jennie Mc
Clure Silver berry dish. , .
- Misses Lucy hnd Lola Murch and I .aura
Brumley Silvsr spoon.
Gen Hoyt-Sllver fish knife.
Miss Alice Wallis-Siiver cake knife, . ,
Misses Emma and Ella Vandyn Silver card
Misses Hattle Sloan and Ollie Forrest
Glass caks plate.
Misses Lydia McG bee and Clara Seavey
Gloss ice set
Mr and Mrs John Howe and O P Coshow
China tea set
Miss Lucy Dampinan-Set of salt sellars.'
Miss Mae Underwood Tidy.
Mr and Mrs John Cochran Set of napkins
and table cloth. :
Misses Mary and Emma Bnnnett-Oil paint
ing. Graduating class of 83 of the State Univers
ity consisting of the following parties: Misses
l)e Etta Cogswell, Emma Cornelius, Mary
Dorris, Alivilda Dunu, Elma Lockwood, Mln
nle Porter, Eliza Spencer, Jennie Spencer,'
Carrie Walker, Mrs CM Hill, Messrs J M
Goltra, T O Judkins, S K M''". Wallace
Mount and A C Woodcock Handsome clock.
Drownkb. Our Dexter correspondent
sonds the following account of a drowning
that ocoured near that place this weekt "A
mclauoholy tooidout happened at the ford
of the river on Suudsy laat whereby Ale
Hamilton, a youth agod U years lost his
life. He in compauy with another brother
and Robt Miller were lording the stream in
two horse wagon, when the deep water
floated the wagon box olf throwing them all
Iu the water. While the two survivors
clung to the harness aud dually managed to
reach the shore, the deceased attempted to
swim out but failed. Mr Wm Miller and
his brother Richard, who wre on the oppo
site side of the river plunged in and attemp
ted to nave the boy aud would have doubt
I im liava done so had he not passed under a
a drift The two brothers labored until they
were scarcely sble to make shore. About 3
hours afterwards the body was found a half
mile down the river. Ths horses and most of
the wagon were recovered. Ths sadly atllicted
family have the sympathy ui all."
To TuttKXHKuMKN. The improved '!
inghouse Threshing Machinery and Engines
are guaranteed to be the very best in the
market Consult your interests by sending
for circulars to Z T Wright Portland, Ore
gnn. Also dealer in Hancock Iuspirators,
Pumps, Belting, Oils, etc. iV,
Horsb Rack. The horse race near rem
Ridge lost Saturday was witnessed bya larue
number flf people. The purse was $SIK).
The l.irgo horse won the race by seventeen
feet Only a small amount of money changed'
bauds on the result, outside of the purse.
The sportsmen of Eugene have challenged
the Rosoburg boys for a shooting nmt-.h at
day blackbirds, to beheld in tiie inar
Farmf.m Take Notice. A good .!'u:tiv ,
be had at BiAsr's hotel for 23 o utv