The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 20, 1885, Image 4

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    ui k:h:e city guaed. a
....Jl'NE 20. 1835
Meeting o( Board of Regents.
rrao orsirtt-iALroRRKxroxpiJT.
Jua. 17. 183b.
Uncle Campl-!! Chrisman h sick.
Mr J 8 Martin went to Harriahurg
Coiuniencemont over egiin.
Lock out for the I XL Stored new
ad in another col urn a
Irving Items.
The Board of Regents mot in th ii.unuAW.
Thursday, at 3 o'clock p in. Regents m
creeent Judge M P Dead, Hon Saturday
Jirnry railing, vt Hamilton, ur fc
R G.-arr. Hon A Bush. Hon T G
Hendricks, Hon Rodney Scott and
Judge R S Bean, Absent Hoo L S
On motion the contract for the new
building was let to W II Ahrams, on Lne j ,
vtninivincr with rr(ain nfifinna I
On motion Tutor Beckman was Mr Eakin, of Eugene, father of
granted a leave of absence for two Herbert La Ian of this place, wasm
years. town last week.
On motion the degree of A M war Insurance agents have ln to eee
conierrea on J u wormian, u il Hill, Mr Martin concerning the fire, He
i .'vi.nj n a iv-i . i -
Mis Alma Spray went to Portland
Ssveral of our youns people went to
Siuslaw Sunday.
Mr Darwin BrUtow and wife went
I to Eugene Saturday.
Mr Frank Whipple went to Siublaw
Geo Noland and C A VS'oodr
On mot ion' the sum of 1 1,000 was
appropriated to the law school for
On motion Judge sL P Dead? was
re-elected President of the Board.
was paid his insurance.
Mr Hale Borrn had his hind Ladlv
cut by a cant hook while turning a log
at lOinslock s null last week.
- . n . I . - . ...
Ull motion IJUU WSa SDDronriatOd Kafnrila anil m laL-n lr II Shu
. .1 . f 1 . 1 1 -1 I I. . , . .
ur iuo uuruune m suppmnir tne uunu nas not neen well lor some time
in v wun water. n o i l hi. r
On motion the Grand Lodge of V . v i.
M. , a . ,, 6 X P ChriHinan last 1 nday as he was
uoni lift invitnl tn la Dm mrnpr I . 1
atone of the new lmiUW Pa,w w M " macn r now
On motion the sum of 1125 be an-1 Mrs O P ar.d Miws Doci. and
propriated to purchase papers and Hattio Adams went to Cn-sswell Tucs-
i.ri:i. I ....i : .... j ... r
irnvuiwia. I ult ilu iiiw?iiu going w cuniir
Wn motion the sam of f 400 was tod a v.
mirnrriirM ci rtnpcnaaA i.svira mm I h .....
ri -r r wm Inman, or Kiuslaw, brought a
uormry. Ilnnl nt tttrawKrrlna a Inn laul
'As an Executive Committee we . , .
.... . ,:. rriuay wnicn ne soia tor s.j ws p-r
earnestly desire to encourage and foster J e WM ot , , d; r
fna litprar anriotioa nf ha linmomK I. . 9 I o
J ' l .. 01 ",KIU
mm wo uceui mrui ui yiiai importance I
' I r r . i . v.
to the educational attainments of the ,.air -Ila .Mcvnougn, oi uuena
atudent" Vixto, came up to this place lat eve-
it was rvsoivcu ny tne ioaru to ,""l 't " j i mu nr
reroke the charters of the literwy parents, Mr and Mrs Damewood, who
societies, and place them under the livo ew lui!e8 fro" 'ere.
Jod 17. 1S&
.1 . .. f i . r i r. t I 4
m . r I ' uutmm lacing uu iikiiuok
1 lilt TlfkTK KttA It immiina A. '. . i . n I
III I-KM s e.i aatnrd.jr.
r- " l ' t . ,1ie e""te,t between the races and fights
i.uSrc wnes me vniverw.y StU- retulted ia fsror of the latter kt five or sis I . . 1 r I
itememlter the sale at Gov Whitea- There is strong Ulk of orjaoixing a be
ker's farm next Thursday. ball club at this pW We hope the boys
Jnhn lfn1.5n.'. -,. .: .,,mr meet wuh .Qcceu.
pay Oregon a visit this Fall I T 1 0 0 ' meek ery Stordy evening
ii- r n . sod bars a good tune, ceoaidenni the small
. -... .u.i, Tinning at nnmber of meinbem.
the rraiiifnri nf Ranalm. TV...:. I
MrJHI.wsll has averr Um, knee,
! Miss Hanna, of Corvallis and Miu"D'ct "M caoaed by striking it against a
l.uiu mis oi lvoselmrg, visited Eu- board two weeks ago.
gene thia wet k. Our Snmlay School has a large atUadaoca
Mr B B Beekman during ... Rm. every bunday, and we see no reason why it
mer will leave for Europe, where he I houIJ ook complete anccesve.
will spend a year or more. I Oat school is progressing nicely under the
VV. P 4 r , -laoagemens m A im Mora Montgomery,
.v- . .uunuay tr- wnn a daily attendance of over thirty ch4
ning at Rhinehart'a Hall See adver-
tiseuient in another column. Our merchants are baring very dull times
Mr Runnpl :j 4i.. nothing ia do but whittle; while
.1,. nZlZ a- V ' FT. V blacksmiths all tbey can do io the way
the Guard office a pleasant call this Lf repairing machinery.
wees, lie is a sterling democrat Arr.ngen.ennU have been made with Mrs
Xfr TW;n .j .r Mattie Itridiie. of Knstne. who has lectnred
AJlutw W1I( Ull .. . "... ' .... ..
nii.m. n aiiorertne united Mites on Udd hello w.
. -6.. -..vcuui-u commence- iuip, to delirer an address on that subject at
ment exercises in Eugene this week. the Irvi-g hall on Wednesday afternon at
Mr Geo Noland" .n oM i5m. 1 .,0f" ec5u.? 9 ..'ybody is
, 6, ,nvltea eapedauy lho. who nerer ne,r(1 ,
hAff tin nrtitf Ana .f (V. I . J I. I I . ... it . .
j I " ' " " ui biiu icuuiiii; mil" icvLura on ini inniprz nr tinii riinaaiiin
yers of Astoria, accompanied the ', fire Th lady is very highly praised by all
uoys ilOIUA. I wuen:er sue dm lectured in tne past
,1 AIxkkck05.
alias 15oiM, of Salem, has been visit-
ing at the residence of her aunt, Mrs L JuJKe R &
Best Selection BOOTS & SHOEfl
lew (roods
Low Prices.
Goods must be sold. The
largest stock in town. Goods
was never offered as LOW.
All goods warranted perfect.
Now is the time to save your
money. Buy your Goods at
the great
L. Store
The Largest stock of CLOTHING.
control and
On motion adjourned.
management of the
Bids For Erecting the New University
Mohawk Items.
June 17, I88i
To much rain.
Grain rusting.
tev. Baxter preached at Stafford
The following were the bids for the
erection and construction of the new school house last Sunday. .
university A little son of N. P. Hammitt has
W. IT. Abrams $18,820 been quite sick, but is around again.
w. n. Alexander mouu r n .,! t t i j n
W. 1. Catnobell 22 331 L. Me887,?-.".nd M- Jtc.n nd.Gc0-
ir T...I- ,,',.; ript'r.ot iakimo,are visiting relative
D. w. W.rortwy.'"" .Torm ndfrirnd8hpro-.
J. W. Bridge, Portland.,... , 2G.580 Our old friend and co-worker, Jas.
Fenton & Co 26,600 H- Cornm, who "plies the shingle" at
Hobbs k Co., Portland 28,493 Central School, was here Saturday and
w. ivoueruon iy,ouu ouuuaj imuuig nu iit-si gin ana aiany
U. It JJeUurgh 2'J ,940 inenua, lOiuo some more, Jim.
At will be seon by the bids Mr. V,
Riian roliirnal
...u nil mui-IIUO Ul BCr MUM I. lUri . - --O- "
Prof Spiller, in this city, during the 'rom Coos Bay last Monday.
Mr. S. H. Christian has arrived here
Air thas It Templeton and wife, of and will let the contract for a resi-
Portland. were in Eugene several days Idence, to be built in the southern por
u: u j' . . ... ...... . .
una wri-n aitenuing tne exercises at won oi me city, in a tew days.
Another caw of threatening to kill the JL Ehureh fMrSatard-Jiwl! HardWaTO and all kinds Of Agrf"
was heard before Justice Kinxev this ini? to a lurco and unnrpnlati'vo mj;.
week. The defendant was dismissed ence, on woman suffrage. Cultural ItTIT.! fiTTl PT1 f R
as there was no evidenca aainnt him. UlUKUiai AlUJJlCmtiiL& ,
ine Agricultural lioard added two
mishcs t-va and Uallie harliart; who races to tneir speed programme, at
have been the guests of Mr and Mrs their meeting last Saturday. First, oTOPr ttv77 i a t u u ,
Wesley Shannon during the week, trotting race for Lane County raised JUJC On W illamette Street, Opposite Guard" Office
returned to their home in Salem yes- year olds, 1 mile, first money 120,
torday. second money $10. Second, walking
Mr Johnny Williams, formerly of 1 ra,,e; Prem!u1ra .10' other
Junction, has purchased the old Kin- 'asme8f ,of 'P1' "nporUnc was
sey planing mill property, where he ;ra18ctfL. The talk about a change
will establish a brewery in the. near 'n ""? well be entirely aian
funr& ' doned, for it cannot be done at this
. 'ate date, and it was so decided at this
v e naa wntten up a coiwideraiiie meeting,
amount of editorial matter but on
account or giving a lull report of I c,m" OI unney, who lirea near
eommenenii.iit wm m.lll LeItr' "oa 15th
leave it out. . ,r.Tnomas Matthews has returned
IU Abrams is the lowest. I here was
a differeuco of $11,120 between the
highest and the lowest bid, and
btweentho next highest over Mr,
Abrams of 11,480. A large number
The picnio was well attended consid-
weather. In the
aWnca of Prof. Thomas Condon.
Messrs. J. H. Goodman, J. F. Mulkey
and Jas. II. Corura made some very
interesting and appropriate remarks.
tlissCora Holoomls school favorod
. - , ....... i w . v ..v . , i . .. nvuvn'i l, 'UI 1.1
oflaSorers will be employed on the us with a sons and recitation which were
t. ' I l: C I li I 1 y-.. . . . .
uuuuing mis cummer, wnicn win good, vnas ltouman's scliool render
rrove of material benefit to tins ninw nnn vm -ri;ial.l ti, i...,
. I I o J ..w vi. aim 'H at
The estimate of tho architect for the of order prevailed, altout 300 persons
cost oi tne nuuuing was f jo.vuv, and present
and Ilest of the Seventh day,
The Rev O Parker lias lieen sum
moned to Rosel.urg to attend a funeral
He will be hack to day, Saturday, and
will hold services in St Mary's Church
of this city to morrow, morning and
-l..? I I .....
. .1,1. j f , I pennon nas neen circulated tins
ColNesmith, whose name is inarp- ""V1 on week asking the railroad to run the
.. . a ... - I I I1D llir VIUUH tr VII1 1 II Tr. smflll KPIiL IMA all-
Fine Harness Made to Order.
J. H. Klein,
Eight Street, - . . Eugene City.
er, of Alliany. . Mr Sherman, tha radrosd managsr of ths 17,a1 T T 1 . .
' . 1 Iowa Prea Kxcnrsiiin, and N. VV. Durham, T TanK 15rOS- 1x11111 PTTI PTlf. (InmnaTITT
ofKturesat "Porter of the Oregonian, stayed orer here " xxx- XllipifJlilCil U VJKiUXyJ
II lu i;...n ThursiUy nicht. iiivoliintarilv. th haaina
from his Eastern trin
Among former University students Three bicydisU from Yamhill county
..otbiiig ajujj.-m- mn weec. wo Iiuuceu I m mwb una weea.
Seymour Condon, Wallace Mount, A About three bushels of cherries were tak
1 r rarer of Portland: and A O. Con- " tn" eP"t loT th excursionisu.
dit and Eil ward McAllister,
The third of the apnea
tho Cluwlinn Church will be given to- 'hursday night, involuntarily, they hating
morrow, Sunday. June 2 1st. at 8 t m. P" hih iniu-
Subject: "Work of the fourth, 'fifth , M'-.:. J. Epgertand wife, of Columbus
pcut inursaay ingn. Here, V acknowl
wige a pleasant and fraternal call
members of the Board ware surprised
when the bids came under that
Col. Nsimith Dead.
Q. E 1.
HoiSK. -'Peck's
another crowded
i iiouso last niiini. the coinpnnv con-
Tipek's Opera
Bad ltoy" drew
ColNesmith, whose name is insep- --."- !- .'
arably connected with the hutory f ? prev,ou-s rvP"" th U
n-l j:i. n. p.iu ' dience roaring with laughter from th
u Z'L.'urT rise to the fall of the curtain.
"w cutnwini jiu usava 9. I iru
the trcoDle of thi State in almoat ev- U,ouh Ue?.0,a CJ Plot- w " f u
err capacity, and he served them well . 01 ,u.n M an eS " of ,ilpt. nd
, j , -
Hit wit, abilities and simple manners
won tne respect and atlection of the
people. All will regret to hear of
oil death
merriment never flags. It is a light,
airy and comical composition, lacking
dramatic surrounding vet nierrv in
every turn, and by its quick action
lorcing a laugh troiu the most lugubri
ous. Tho play is conducive to health.
U given at the store of Mr H M ZlnVuU a i -T S i
this, Saturday, evening at 7:30 ! JUg, 'a "fd dunn th ! Uo a,,,d
. Th. .it: t :: hours jvrfonnanoe makes people.
low and he wishes to an- W? w,,new. ,l orldly
Last Ounce.
p m. The stock
A musical concert
Jouncetothe people of Eugene City L. .TV "e
that he has concluded to close the en f?ndoffiv-od 1 "" "P"11 '-""7
i. .... . r. .i . Piays, ana sriouia therelora irre-t
ureiioi's uuisi sucwn tins evening. i-.,. . n ... ,. . - :
Thi will be the last rhanej. a I.... loC.k .Bad J with it big house, and
cood. from thi. stock, therefore u iha '5 Vu" " ." 7
would be well for all to attend ti,;. N01C'"S 'rginia t,,ty interprm
Buy Hward hutJ srrDtdeL
For&HMl dentiiUT co to Tatvlur k RWrlv.
Th blL'tlMt ruK ni-irM varill 1.1 I t...a
- - r- w wU iur wucmt
v a- aj avuuu,
riietographa fiQitbed neatly and artia-
rixtlla aift IV.wa..
regular freight train to thi. place dailv . , "Ik u 1 I O.
IttBrattaaii alF rnnniitni Tlin.i.An Ti I w
Z V. ? Osbura mowers can be porchMed at U
rMVIPM t Ift llnn.hin. a! ...... k.! 1 . . . . . . K iiiumvu M1V
; "'o'-.a.c vicin, uui(M win vi t nicnett a. I orkner for SsQ.
man in town. The best candies and oranges can always
The Guild of St Mary's Episcopal foood ' tjo-ery store.
Church will ,. ak ik.iLAf ! eroaim. suxU Md lemooau. at E
r ir" ..i".:: ,7- L . . 009 aoor Bortn thaStCaarles
.ui iiauuit.-ii,on jiign street.on v ed-l Hotel.
nesdar afternoon. June ?tih. Alt a I if .., ; t - . i. ,
' . w ... wm.. ajfiitmtanu macnio-
requested to 1 present as business of "7 of any kind, remember that Mr J al
importaiice is to I transacted. lisndricka keeps a full assortment.
Mr Geo M Hovt renreaented ih. '8 ? VrittM1 wUl W h'gbeat
v,.w u Jlr. wi. -ucrail eaUbelorsaaUing your grain elsewhtra.
the Oresronian. . at Commencement I v uk. .. i a..- . .
iwiu 1.1 nc young men are graduates aver ouerea lor sale in tngeot. Cigars from
La Belle W ,m.i. Walter A. Wmwla'a r....
u i""? - ,, ,5"' Klr.' and Twine JiinUer-,
lJnf..t s alking l'lows, HoHge's Doul.le Draner H-aiI-
liitnnt I ...I . . . 1 1 . T71 . I . . .. . , . w
ii i- T" i" . ' ' " voaw s nuuy Kakes.
a Junius ana
Walkiu? CultiraUin,
lUn.lall Wheel Harrowm,
The Celebrated Hnlly Tooth,
Harrows. Etc:. Etc.. Etc..
FBAII BK08. IKPI. CO., PsTtlsad- On-
Of Vie 100th Anniversary
o American Indepen
aence at
- j a iw wuuBin ivwv .v. iu a.uouv. vicars I rom
of the institution and were cordially 1 8 ct 10 25 cU Pi0. "d all pnra Haranna
irnwiiul l.v r: I. I I
8.v. ..j ..1. 1 1 luaujr mviius nere. I notice.
n rm r l . 1 a .-. . .1
UUt - r .uoooy, ot ftaiem, as in Taxes of the eity of Eugene foe th. year
-n --- aiirnu-1 iooj ar now uue aai payaoi. to tbe Citf
ing me meeting of the Board of Treasurer, at Cram Bros' jewelry store, on f)U CITIIDniV lilt V a loor
R-gents. The Governor has also been Lh "o""."' Elhth "d Willamett. streets, V OAI UnUAI, JULY 4, looO.
tusr hearine the arimpm. .k. '" ' " v.rkm. wxes wui m
r.iir..t - v; a.eM',l?" within
-u .uv ... cawrai session OI I sixty Oars rota the data of this notice,
the Legislature convened this Fall. W. 8. Shaw, Kecorder.
iMt . .... uat-aa.togen.uty, Uregon, Juo. 13,
ek... . ir:..:. ,e t " . j ,l,wV " came agnnst the - " ."".. " " "c
."-'v 7s '." form of Dr. Sharpies which thww it " "aM:',mto t h UriRD
-At the residence of O It
As Accident. Last Wednesdav
evening while Dr. EbWly was pro
pelling His bicycle along inth street
p, ... ,i -, rp a . "ing nis oicycie aiong inm a
L M M0rnfn?: Jus'"" intersection of Willam
S."1! h?,"A-M' ndr,J 1 'treet, -U -hiU came ag,iat
lm Ciljf, Oregon,
A Salute of 39 Guns
at Sunrise.
two years. Mr Sharp is a brother of
Mrs Bean. . Mrs Sharp was visiting
nere wnen me cntia look sick and died
aftor a brief illness. Mr O II rean
accompanied Mrs Shsrp and the
remains home.
A Chasce. Mr. J. P. Wilcox re
cently leased the Star Hotel in this
city for three years. He hu renovat
ed the house, and now all the cooking
is done by white women, Meals only
23 cents, lodgings tha same. Ths pro
prietor has a Urge barn, of which the
use wi!l be given gratis to his farmer i
patrons. Give him a call; be will do
the right thing by yon.
Estbat XoTica.-St rayed, from about
6 o ties south of Eugene, April 13,
18S3. a light chestnut sorrel colt, with
white Strip ir. forehead and white bind
foot. Anyone knowing the where
about of the animal please write
to Prank Uianton, Eugene, Oregon.
Rt'CT.A goJ many of our farmers
Are alarmed lt thn rust has or is
about to kilt the Spring wheat. Some
declsre that tha late grain is irretriev
ably ruined, whiie others say that this
Uarui.Uko. Time will teil.
over. Dr. Ebber v made an fir, r tn
eaU-h the iron guard in front of Cram's
window to save him from fulling, and
we are sorry to say that he succeeded,
for his right hand came in contact
with one of the barl and mas nearly
pierced through. Dr. Sharrlea dressed
the wound, and Doctor Ebberly is get-
ling along as well as could be expect.!
Mjttaika Sunder. June 14. at the
home cf Jesse Grows the biidYs fath
er in Eu?ene Citv. bv lt T P
a - v.-r
Campbell pastor of the Christian
Church, Allen W. Bond and Miss
lUchael E Gross, May tha happiness
of this world and the next be theirs.
"""I ww-imiam, im VtlHtDI --rwi
oHice a pleasant call last Thn., Ull .ti.lm.4-fo Tl.A
afternoon while the Presa Eieurxi "luuv-
stopped here. He is a thoroughbred
Democrat, and elaima lliat tl.a J
- - - - -." Kiainu I : ;
old party will elect the Governor at THE FUNNIEST SHOW ON EARTH!
win nr ritviivn. -
The people of Eugene gave the Iowa A 1 KlN S 0 H I COMEDIf CO
press excursionists a cordial reception.
Several of the journalist a stopped oyer,
including one iiated scissors wiVM.
ho made remarkably good time for
wt w yaros on Uiametfe street
but didn't "iet thrM." If r,.l..i.i
then that Eugene waajust the place he Without plot but With a plir-
11'$ SI
9 107!
pose To make people
OkATORA. Eogene will funUh teo
orate rs for outside towns on the Fourth
of July. Hon. L Dilveu will orate at
Mdford and Judge Walton at Cot
tage Orovn. hugene it bound to be
heaid from.
wanted to stop at. Mayor Dunn
welcomed the visitors in an ex
cellent speech, to which a TlfntMima
journalUt responded appropriately. THE WELL L0 .T CROfERY
tv. r t-ji . .'i
nr aug-ne iiiiu piayevi several fine
Ofliccrs of flic Day:
Presidext HON. A. G. 1IOVEY.
Vick Pbesidexts -- HONS. R P
IORN, tnd AV. J. J.
Orator. . .Jcdgk Geo. S. Washm-mi
Rder T. C. Jldkixs.
Chaplain Rev. E. R. Geabt.
Grand Marshal F. W. Osbcrs.
Aid-S. B. Eakw. Jr.. and St
Jonx Skixneb.
Order oi Procession.
Uaar, Scott k Ca's Enirines snd Threshers.
Cooper & Co. Saw Mill Machinery,
..v.uiin8 abulia,
JtiuckbjarJ Wagons,
Etc, Etc, Jutr.
Write for Catalogue. Addieas either
J. H. BHTTJRICI8. Ajrsst, Esrtis City, Ors.
prii. each ir th. handsnmest boy and
girl babies under on. year of age.
Firemens drill at 4 o'clock p. so.
Glass Ball Shooting
At 2 o'clock p. m. First prix. 10; 2d prix
5; 3d prise, Z2M.
--Plug Uglies at 5 P.M....
Wheel Barrow and Sacks Race and Base Ball
Contest duriiig th. day.
Grand dianlav nf
in th. evening.
Firemens Ball
Cnder th. auspices of th. E. It. and Co, No 1.
Arranireronta Kava lw , mAm .t. . r
and C K. li. Co. for leduced rates i fan.
R. it DAY,
Senator Allen, of Folk couuty, paid
J-.!ne a vUit this wctk.
Oiburn i IVLhaw will herrafi-r d-
liver goods in their ovu esrreaa waon.
. . . . c I
as soco as purchased. They numn bus
iness. Try them and be aaiufifl thai
they ill da hat they promise m this
A fte'n cent UrVr shop has been
rUrted in the Star Hotel Tml Fn
gne is becoming citified. j
The Picnic at Wanwatcsa.
Dosil fail ti see oar GREAT GOAT SCEXE.
JifrrT. mts u! at Craia Prv.
The reception tendered to the hose
warn mat attnded the firemens As
sociation, last Saturday, was a derrvl
and well-earned compliment. The en.
tire fire department was out in nniforn
to welcome them home, headed h ik.
Eugene Band. Speeches were made Tis. rV "W CI "l
by Judges Wanhburne and Walton. -J 1 ' ollCItOI,
Tea iVa awae-ar. iV If a 1 . . a a
- sr-T-utii uv laiwj s vnurUs,ir.vd
their friends at the firemen's hall, Physician and Surgeon.
where sjwehee were made by a number
of our cm-sens, and also aomVremark. E00iIS-Ai R r
by Mr. Geo. Noland cf Astoria. 1 EUGENE CITY, OKEGOX,
Th DmeaaaSna WlTl fnm al ftka Onnrt TTn
. . l .1 i .... .
i a m. ui snarrs vt tne earner ot Uak in)
. . t .loui uuan n n uiumiw, mane, tn
The Home of the Pecks. theacto u. .tot. aewth. cagtn.
Order of Exereiscs,
1-Muic by th. Eni
J Prarer by ChJin.
S Muaie by the Band.
4- K.linj ol D4arauoa of IadepeaJeoca.
a-Mwie hy th. BaaJ.
5- Orati.n.
7-Muaw by th. Eaa.1,
Take notice: I will sell at nblla
auction at my residence near Pleasant
mil, Lane tounty, Oregon, on Thurs.
day, June 25, 18S3, the larger part of
my personal property, such as horses,
wagons, buggy, plows, harrows, har
ness, saddles, eta, etc; also furniture,
household goods and many other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Terms: On all sums over $10, a
credit of uiua months will be given,
the purchaser giving a note with ap
proved security: note to draw 8 rer
cent, per annum. All anma nndir tlfl
Sale will commence as soon in tha
morning as bidders arrive.
Tho. who wnrk eariv and lata --- a.
'f-iLI Hi1'
Baby Show.
At ths Court II "Kim st S o'clock sharp.
s ja
sta "9