piM. Maccarcmi, beans, dried peas, ai d lenliles antagonize ia a marked degree the desire for a'cohol. . In the treat ment of alcnlioliHin fnrir.accou foodn ahould he used in preference of all oth- 'Don't m afraid!" said a nol to a German laborer. Sit down and make yourself my equal." "I would haflf to lilow my liraiita out," wag th reply of the Teuton. Dr.A.W.Prather. AFFICE SOUTH SIDE OP KINTH Street, opposite the HUr Hakery. Calls fimmi-tly attended to night r Chronic disease a aecialty. day. W. V. Henderson, 3D IJ 20 '2? X 3 T. HAS RKfUMKD PRACTICE with ollh-e in Hays brick. YV My operations will be first- class nml charges reaaonahle. OM patrons o wl n new cnes are Invited t call. Dli. L.E.JONES, Physician and Surgeon. ITTILTi ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL T Y onlln day or night. OVFH'B Cp stairs in Hays' brick; or can be found at E it Lnckey k Co's drug store. Office hours: 0 to 11! m, 1 to 4 p in. 6 to 8 p in. tiniviti Dr. J. 0. Gray, DEHTIST. OFFICE OVfcltGUANGE 8T0HR All J work warranted. Laughing ga administered for painless ex traction 01 teein. DH.V. C SEHLCREDE, DIE 111 JCJ J Q T3 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED JL in Cottage (irove. He performs all opera tion In mechanical and surgical dentUtry. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. Geo. W. Kinsey, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jteal estate lor ale- town lots and ti'mis. Collections promptly attended to. Kkmidkncb, corner Eleventh and IliH SU, .tugeni i;ity, uregou J. DAVIS, liiorsljailor. ALL KINDS OF WORK DONKINTHK liest u( style at reasonable rates. Pants from 7 up, Shop and residence on Olive street between Jlixth and Meventh. ' . always Caros anil never dlaap" fcolats. Tho world's great Polna Heliever for Alaa and, Boast Cheap, quick evad rcllaXla. HE PITCHER'S CASTORIA U not Narcotic, Chlldrcu grow flit upon, Mothers like, nd Physicians rccotumonj CASTOKIA. ItroKulatoatho Uowcls cures AVlnd Colic, allay rovcrlshncss, uud de it roys Worm. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Cure-, Constltntlomsu AatidoU for this terribl malt tty. ky AbsorpUon. The most Important Discover? sine Vae inatlon. OUior rmediM may rUT CaUrrk, UJ ear MUj atc bofor Coaiaaanttoa MUla. . Crocerls "J Provisions, Will keep on band a genera! assortment Groceries, PmvuIoui, Cured MeaU, Tuliacen, Cifcura, Canilies, . Candles, Siais. Notions, (jreen and Irid r niita, W ood aud Willow Vara. CriHkrry, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASH UAS1S. Wldrli means that Lew Prices zn Established oL J1S . 1 , Ccsdi dcIlTcrtd wiihonl bar;e to Eojci ALL KINOS OF PRODUCE WANTED nr whi.h w will pay the hli;Wt maik.t JAS 1. 1'AUK ' Summons. In tli Circuit Court of tlie State ( Ore- K"u t"f County. Mary K Vauorder, Plaintiff, v J II Vanordor, Defendant. To J 11 Vanordor, the defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon you are liuruby uirm wed ami required to lw and appear in the Circuit Court nf the State of On-goti, (or I.aiie (,'otiii ty, and answer tlie complaint of the plaintiff in Ine abovt entitled unit now on tile against you witli the Clerk of said Curt by the first day of the next regular term of aaid Court after the publication of this iiininiiina fornix Duc.'fl.isive weeks in tlie Kvukxk City .iUaku; and you are uotilied that if vrni fail to appear at above required, the plnintiir, fr want of auch answer, will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in the compluiiit, to-wit; That tiie marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant b dissolved, and that the plain till have and recover from defendant Iter costs ami disbursements herein. Tlii summons in published by order of Hon It 8 Mean, Judge nf iniri Court, in the Kuoknk City Guard for six successive weeks, which order i dated May 21, 18o5. Dated this 30th day of May, 1S8.V ISll.YEU & ColXll'.K. Atty'a for Plaintiff. Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 13 IIliUEUV GIVEN THAT by virtue of u execution duly ii-nued out of the Ciicuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon for Ijiho l'ouoty, by th Clerk tlientof and to me directed on to-it: May H, 1885, upon a jiuluiiiHitt rendered in said Court April 1SS.", in favor of bmis Sidoinon ulaiutifl, and against. , K Adkins dufeudant, for the sum of (fobU 'M, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from date of judgment, and 8-r7 7-1 oosts. con mantling me to satiofy said judiiiuiit out of the property heretofore attauhed in said aetioii de.crihed as follows to. wit: All the right title ard interest of said defendant, J V Adkins, in aud to the growing crop of wheat, oats and barley, and any Icane to and on the donation land clain of E 8 Ad kin, in i,nne County, Oreiioii; al-o one liuckeye twine binder and one lloliuuii Krnm cleaner. j Now therefore, by virtue of said execution aud to aatiufy stnl ludument, coU, aooru nig coats aud expemtes of sale, I will sell the above described property at public auction to the highest bidder, for caxh in hand, at the Court House door in Eugene Uity, uino Uounty, Oregon, on MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1883, between the hours of 9 o'clock a m and p m of said day. T. It. CAMPBELL, Sheriff of Lane Co, Or, Dated May 14, 1885. Lumber. ....3F3E03. Is running and will run all Summer. Bills filled at short notice. James C. Goodale, Troprietov Order can he left for the Coin nr saw milt at tlie store nf AloUluur A Johnson. s CONTRACTORS AKD BVILDERS Eugene City, Oregon. I5LAXS AND ESTIMATES liihei upon aiudiration. FUR Job work a Hieoiulty. OKFIi'K-Iii the rear of HainlrlMti I'ulitnV uauK liiillilliig. I G. IlENIIIIlCKH, a II. Eakin, Jr. HENDRICKS 6 EAKIN, Eugene City - - Oregon. Rlirht tlitfu m WW Vnii' civ vn i xt CISCO and l'OUTLANU, OUEtiON. Atl collwtiona entrusted to us will receive speck attention. Iposits rewive.1 subje.tf check. Loans ??',. ou approvetl Hnirity. .and a reneral iMuikiug euuuvsa done on reasonable terms. Hons; is Scares, And tli, way to save monry la to buy where you can ouy The Cheapest. 1 Will sell Groceries, Glass Ware, Hood and Willow Ware, Cheaper than anyone in EugKna for CASH. If yon don't believ, it rail aud eiamin my 1500DS AND rUICK-S.. I ay cash fi Country Produce, Hide and Fur. a. ooLnsniTii. i. isnh Urorrr. gk1 delivtisd (re t any part of the city. Coburg Sarllil BANKERS, To Stock Raisers. YoungSampson. This fine horse will Iw allowed to serve msres the eiiHiiini; season, coinmenciui; April lt and t-ndin;; July 4tii, I800, at Stewarts sUble, In Eugene Uity, and at Cresawell, Uregon, on the following kriua: Sin-de service. 10; season, 815; iiitfurance, 20. Leap payaide when ser vice is rendered! season, at the end of the sea son; insurance, when the mare is known to le with foal, or if sold or traded before this is known, the insurance is forfeited. Cure is taken to prevent accidents, but resionsible for none that may occur. Mares can be pastured on reasonable terms. riiwcuirnos amd rEoiuiiEr. Raiiipeon Is a beautiful bay, J years old April 211, 1885; weighs about MO lb; is 18 hands lii'h and well proMirtioned, and is con sidered by iiiodt men tlmt see him sx hein one anions the Hnent homes in the State of his ae. He wan ir"jd by Adventure, he by Emperor, the tirnt thoroughbred Clydexdale ever im poiU'd to Oregon. Adventure' dam was a rme. Henry umro. Samion'i dura Is well known in Marion couiity.boing fonnerlyowned by Mr John Orchard, and as a fine inure and (rood breeder, has but few if any superiors in the State. For further particulars iuipiiie ot the owner. T.J. DUNTON. Owner and Keeper. 1 W rV -1 5T O I 0 a s? 9 H i3 o K4 V3 a 1 81 PI 5 S3 WILL EXCHANGE THE KUOENK MILL hereby tiikei.the pleasure COMPANY of anuounO' nig that nicy wii: take VHBAT.... at any warehouse north of Kugeua City exchange for r . in FLOUi?, MILL FEED, ETC., at 'heir mill in Eugene. Thu Company will take wheat receipts, properly signed to them, and give credit to the owner of the same on null books for the amount in bushels. P. E. k CO. JulvSJ, 13S4. , aJ-fim . L .Mill ' St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. H. Vatkln s Proo. itnif ! hvperleucnil Mannge incut. Charges moderate. 7-14 tf .KERRY'S VP FORrW JAKLE TA 41.1.: Will ds mailed imrw to all kpplicanu r K t and to cusiomers of lu,t vt'ur u na,Ml ordering It. Itcouialns illustrations, prlees, descrlloni and directions for nlaiulnc all Vegetable and Flower SEKDS, Ill l.lls, etc. D.M. FERRY 5cCQ.Dsitu,T ITJrOriONDIRECTOIlY. ., " v LIVERY STABLE .1. J. rjiton, pro, r irst clans Tonms, Bugvies, etc. to all pomta at reasonable rates. Hay and v r.imw ..tie. iieaimuartors Cnrvallis stags. 1,0 10 510 WEWTSHA,E"2 in eveiy mugnhorhond on tlie Pacific Coast ror 1111 rariltuiara attdrem, A. L. BANCROFT. ' Sas Fnactsco. D V U El !?s7JT!!jbi PILL 25 YEARS IN USE, The Greatest Medical Triumph of tilt Age! SYMPTOMS Or A TORPID LIVER. I.m.bI pprtlKs Uowrl.ro.live, I'm I. la the head, with a stall rnoailaa I. ike barh ynrt, I'ala e.drr lb .k.aUrr lactam KhIIbvm after eatlae. wlife adlM larllaailon ! exertleaef kdy mt salad. Irritability of teaiaer, lwaairiia, with a leeUaeafkavlne atlecte4 aoaiedaiy, VV .arl.ru, liailare Flallcrtai at Ike Heart, l.t keloralba eyea. Ileadarka aver Ike right eye, UeaileMaeaa, with Hal dreama, lllgblyeelsired I rlaa,aad CONSTIPATION. TtTT'll 11 LI. a are especially adapted to such eaM'a, one dose nfet'i such a .hsnire of rit(liiisvtoa.'tontli the sufferer. They Inrm. the A ppr(lt,anil raiu. th b-idr I' i.ko OU fr'lrU.ttm4 lit. sv.tem 1. riltil, ai-'l rylh.-ir Tanl ArUoa oa the llurtiT.4rca.ltri(iilr ilHilllrl it-wi,, . in -J.-kc. 4 1 l urrT fc..H T. liAlii DVE. IUI I O iiKAT tltia or n iiiiKitue ehsnaej to a Cumr lit -K by a .inxi. appliutiion of tlnsliTF.. It impafs a uiitunil rolor.act tuslantannuikly. .Mil I liy Dmggista, or iit by eimv on vo'ltt of 1 1. Office. 4 Murray St., New York. SsSsusTwul? r -i .. k,,v 9 W 'Ifflri lit t) lit 4 W mi mm x..- m nut ir w WsM G.T.B03TD, GENERAL ' BLACKSMITH. elimciioii City, Or. Wagon and Machine repairing promptly attended to. Sheoiug and niacbin) repairing a spfcittltv. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. ' J. S. LOCXEY, DEALER IN !. Clocks, Wacnas, Chains, Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Executed. fctTAll Work Warranted.. J.O. LUCKEY, Ellsworth JkCo's Brink Willamette street. Wonderful .German 'Inrpalor. THE OLDEST, GKEATEST and 11 EST ifE.IEJy for the cure of Nervous and Physical De Qbilitv. Vital Exhaustion, eini Ulnal Weakness, Ixxw of Manhnoil, CCEailin? Memory, and Kelaxed Qand Enfeebled conditions uf the lienito-Urinary organs, () It Bpekuii.i Cubes Impnten Ijcy, Early Iecay, Ivoss of Vigor, rrSemir.al Weakness, and all the 2-jr sad effects of youthful follies and "n. toe ttuuna or x.Acesees ui iuatu- :i It permanently prevents all t$bl unnatural Lioss m.m the sys- 7itvm. as thousands can attest wlo It 9 nave uen ine ivemeny in ine t;!.5Qlat epinrter of a oenturv which CJL.T it has been before theDiifilic. ..;! jr 1 1 .L. 11.. 1 . . 1 . tVif 2 11 ,s ,ndee(1 wonderful reme n,l linun.lU .,. .k. J -. -'"J J V.....H, .(iv HVl Id, Pbicil bll' Jtening me muscles, clieekinK the jjwante, invigorating the whole ystem, and rertdringthe afflicted t-to Health and Happinehs. 2 The Doctor will agree to forfeit 81,000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason so many can not lint cured of Weakm-Hn nml the above diseases is owing to a complication culled "Pruitttttorrhea," which requires special treatment VARICOCELE or Won my Veins nf tlm SW.itnm fifi fl, iTrrtedC8U8eofLo8TMANU,,ou' Vtm" LIEBIQ'S INVIG0RAT0R, No 2, with our iwculiar special treatment is the onlv cure for Prwtatorrhea. By it Manhood is re stored and the hand of time moved back from age to youth, t t If pimples appear on the face, if you become listens and dt-Bpondent look out for the com plication with Vitnl Weakness and lona of Vitality known as Prostatorrhea. Hundreds f lives have been lost for the want of nnmer treatinent for this complication, and thnusniids have lost all their property and pleasure in life from its effect. Price of either Invicor:itor. 82. Cmm nf i bottles. 10. Sent to nv atMivsM. coverml securelv from observation. DJU LIElilU & CO. treat successfnllv hv Hoinajoiwthy every form of Snecial. Privets or 1'hroiiic Disensj without xneroury ornaseoua lnig8, Jt vitality is drained from the body, numerous diseases follow tlmt baffle ordinary meuiuui irvatmeni. 11 annwea -to continue, the unnatural loss causes Comminution. letes, Blight's Disease, Insanity, Etc. Cures Uuaranteeil. inieases of the geuito-urnmry organs, kidneys, liver aud bladder siiecialli treated. Diseases of omen Speedily Cured. (QUALIFIED and KESPONSIBLE.-Dr lilelng to. from hurone. are onranized in comimance .witU i;ali(ornia Medical Law, Dii.l, una procureil bv regular colleen edtuifitinti and are now in their nineteenth year of special practice. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. ut. uiimii no u erii 1 maonetio rien em nr Selt Magnatizers, the greatest curative inven non 01 ine age. r.very man or woman can now be tlietr own Alagnetio Healer. It can be used without the aid of a profosMoind hand rublier, coiisuquently no big fees to nav. Frioe. 5. 6)mp!ete. Sold OA'LVT at the Dr. Liebig j-'injeuimry. Call or address LiebitrnixpoiiKiiry, 400 Ueary Street, San rrancisco, CaL tTivate enterance 4()a alnnon street f.nn- lilooka 1111 (rearvfrom Kenrnv. Mum i,t.., through l)ispenary Drug Stoie. AGENTS WANTED EVffiK Tohuiul. onr ILLl'M. FAMILY HIIILICS. lew iubNTrlption eiliUon now ruvdy, Ui. uioet rlenut ever I'nxlucetL fuierb I'bolo, Al. titiiiiN.m excluii0(ieelims,uinietlyHiiiiorie(t f r oiu-nD trsite, and slsudurd lMiblirstloiii): Hill's itimioi, tlietorit)., eta otler uiirivnUeit In Hviiiuntn, wuli excluitlvo terniury. YVrlto to us. DAEtlD & DILLOTJ )Wtl I'.'..' UUa H. CilLTU Li., lUKAisU, liU Farmers Take Notice ! HAVING PURCHASED THE COUN ty right for the mi king the Continuous Concrete Pipe, For stibirrigation, underdraining and conduct ing water, I am ready to make contracts ft laying niiies. AUENTS-Euirene Citv.L. 1). Smith. .Tm, vv.... ii' ... " ' ' 1 iv.u, .. ,i IUI.U IJVIU. J. D. Love, Manufacturer, Eugene City, Or. a. O. Hovet, N. kl'strilRET, w Att4rr.ey. i. rm. Cashier. Notary. LANS COUNTY BANK. IIOVEY, HUMPHREY i GO EUGENE CITY, on. Deposits nnvived subiect to eWV. loan male on aimroved soctiritiKi. Sight lrafte drawn on PORTLAND, SAX FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. -Exchange drawn on the nrincituJ titm.nt Kunnia. Collections male on all points and a n,n.nl Banking business transacted on favorabl. terms j tf.ni MILLER BROS., IEAMBS II Field, Vegetable fiFIowerSeeds Imprrict E79 fo4, fwi, rrtiittr$,Ete TO Six-oiia Steict, - - roKTUnn, Or. almt A OAED. To all vho are sufferiii; from the errors and indicrCtitns of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, lomiitf maiihooil, Ac, I willsendareriiM that will cure you, FKEK Or' OHAlilJK. This great reuieily was discovered by a mis snyiary in South America. Send self -ad di-tweed rnv'dope to the Kiev. Jo.-stl'HT. Inma.x, atationUftw itauitj. 602 KEARHYST F.IUi. Establiiilied fr.r the Scientific and sneedy cure of Chronic, Xervout and Secia! diseases. The Expert Specialist, DK. ALLEN", AS IS WELL KNOWN, IS a regular frrvhiated physician, educated at llowdoin College and University of Michi gan. He has devoted a life time to the study of the treatment anil cure of diseases within his specialty, YOUNG MEX And mlddle-!iged men, who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or excesses in mature years, Nervous and Physical Debili ty, Impotency, Lost Manhood, confuinn of ideas, dull eyes, aveivion (0 society, despon dency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinating, etc. llemem lier, that by a combination of remedies nf gret.t curutive Hier, the Doctor lias so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immedi ate relief but lxTiiitinent core. MY HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE, Having been surgeon in charge of two leading hospital enables me to trer.t all private troubles with excellent results. I wih it dis tinctly undertor.d that I do not claim to ier forin iuixw.iliilitkn or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be skill ful and successful physician and surgeon, THoniUOHLT informed in my specialty DLSEA.SES OF MAN. All app'yiug to me- will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no exerinientiug. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit $'l,f). Consultation in office or by letter fuek and strictly private. Churges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and niicnwcnpiul analysis os urine and advice, 85. 00. Call or address. Ir. Al It'll. 201 Kearny trett, San Francisco. CaL Office hours, 0 to 3 daily; 6 to 8 evening; Sunday's, 9 to Vi 0 V it P. 8. I have a vegetable compound, the re sult ot if ANY YEAR of special practice and hard study, which under aiy special advice Hah never failed or 8rc('K8 in the cure of Lost Manhood, Prontatnrrhea, etc. Hew Barber Shop and bath. Rooms (One door North of Post Office.) OATHS, 25 CENTS. EVERYTHING D fitted up in the best of order. Shaving and hair cutting done in the most approved order. JERRY HORN. Proprietor. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL STAND the Hartley borne, "('onnneror," this sewon at SJ.OAN .S al ABLE in .Eugene City. i on norse is wen Known ami nan aome verv pronii'ing colts, which will show for them. selves. He is of English draft and Clvdemlul . .. --rf ! SIOCK. As times are hard, we propose to stand the horse at the following rates: Insurance : $10 00 nemm 8 00 Single Leap 5 00 SLOAN BROS. Eusene City, Mamh 21, 3 21-2m, RH1NEHART, J. B. - House, sign and car riage painter. Work guaranteed first class.. Stock sold at lower rates thun by anyone in Eugene. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IN- batches ami. Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry renaired and wp.rranted. Nortlnvesfc corner of Willametu ami Eighth streets. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution duly issued out ot the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. for the County of Lane, by the Clerk thereof and to me direct, tl on to-wit: Mav 2.". 18Sj, opon a judgment rendered in said Court April '21, 1SS.", in favor of Ceo XV Ebbert, plaiutilf, ami against D R Lakiu. defendant, fr tlie sum of $l."!)..v", coinmand- mil me to satisfy said ludg u-nr at ot any personal prniierty bcliing'og ', i.i,l defend ant, and if none he fou el. ill,'', not. of any real properly Mnogma t sni di fi udant un or sflti said diit nt j'lilgiueiit Jsou', therefore, In-mg iinaldH to find any personal pi-oiieriy licl.iiigiiig to s;iid liefeud. nt, I have levied upon i'ib fidlnw jug Mil profiertv. t"-vitj Iit No 2 in blin k No 2 iu Mulligan's addition on the ta.-t intheC'itv of Eugene, Ijine Cimuty, Oregon, nod w ill sell ail the right, tillo and interest of said D K Lakiu in and to Ihessule to the highest bidder f ir cash iu hand at the Court House loor in Eugene City, Lane County, Oiegon, at public auction on to-wit: Monday, June 29, 1SS5. between the hours of 9 o'clock a in and 4 o'clock n m of said day. Dated May 27, 1S8.; J. R. CAMrP.F.l.L. SSierttr Lane Co, Or. Did You Know That HAD LOUGH ness of THE ENTIRE LTSL Swift, Coml)3 "and Co., for CASH, and have a full and comnle'e stork M STAPLE and FANCY GhoCEUIKS, CRtH'KEKY, WOOD and WILLOW WAKK. and a tliouMml other things nfl.t in e-ery family, all of which will bs sold at liedrock prio-a. We handle th Choircat t'Inra and fiaet Frrncli CandioH. Our lUkery will turn out daily onlv the ht IWa I, Pies, t kes, Cookk-s, Etc., that ran be niade, 7t( "Conqueror." 0SBURH'-& CO, CRUCGiSTS & APOTHECARIES DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILs, CLASS, VAKNISHES, . CRUTCHES, PATEN T M EDI CTN'B Of mist every kind, etc Brandies. Wines and Linum. of the ery bust fpiiility fur nictlitinal I wrj-ift 1 WE have always kept abreast of tl tiu in our linn, aud without touting, we tlml we ere sale in dunning ti;at we have fuv BEST assortment uf DUL'OS in Ejgtne, Particular attention is called to our txl . PERFUMERY", TOILET SETS, and CELLULOID CASES lor the year 1884, We shall 1 able to sell PAINTS, OIL3 it, BUUMIES, (.,f which w. now; have . U. stock ou hand) lliau any house in this city, and our friend, can lwt assured that anything bought from ui will be first-class. :As we buy many of our goods East and have facilities that few ia onj business have, we think we are prepared to an dersell and furnish a better quality nf good, than anyone in our line in Lane county. We call especial attention to PUESCRIP TIONS, which will be carefully filled at all hours of the day or night. The Buyers' Gdide ia isued March and Sept., each year; 224 pages, 8Jxlll inches, with oyer 3,300 illustration-. a whole picture gallery. Give wholesale prices direct to eotuumert on all goods for personal or ."""""""v fami! tse. Tells how to order, tad gives exact If 1 cost of ev erything you II J I tiaa, drink, eat, wear, or Vs S J hay UB with. These .w Inyalnabla books contain Information cleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail cony Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hew from you. Respectfully, ) MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ax k Wabasa ivaaaa, ClUac, IU. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, -AN .Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon EJIVOTJ3 DEBILITY! SHAUt V:TR EATM ffa' V'- Da. i- ('. Wat's Nuivb aw TIhaik Uiisat. sent, a RimmnteeL sneeilio for lljtterin, 1 ini neiM, (uiivnlnionn, tits, Nervous Nintl-ia, IbwdacliOj Nurvous ProK retion ciiiited rytl,etuie of alcohol or fAibuccoi Wakefulness, Veutid De piwsiu.i. Softening of tl;o Urnin rikidtina in in-, KinilT a id Imding to misery, dtcny and doalh, Premature Old Aire, riirreiinexs. Loss of pints' in either sex, Involuntary Jms. ai d Hperoiitt-orrha-a cu'iwyi by oTer-eiorliou of thobrain.self. obuse or over-indulitoiiee. I nch box contains one month's treatment. fl.COa box, or six boxes orJl.tU, K'nt brnmil iirepaidoti ruceint of price ' sjil'AHtAJMTi'.K SIX ItOXIH to euro any case. With each order revived by ns for six buxea. accompanied with J5.10, we will send the purehaner our written guarantee tore fund tlie money if the treatment does not effect acure. (iunmntees issued orlv by Y4OIAIll, t I.AK Ji. A CO., w ja.oioaal-3 end rictoAl Zrvaejclala, I'OUTLAM), 01tl:(iON. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. DR. FELIX LE BRUITS Preventive and ( ui-e. for ritho fT. This remedy beiuir inieetail ilirecilv tn li Mjtt of those discuses of the Gimito-triiiary Ononis, requires no change of diet or nnnseous, mercurial or poisonous nieuicirts to be tnkt n internally. hen liiken am n rr vendve ty either sex. it is impossible to rm imctaiiy vrnei-esidiwasesi Id in tlie cni-e of tl.t-fe already unfaitu r.ntely allMrtrd with (ionnorl.na anil fileet. wnsiiHninteeS boxes to cure or we will rofiind the ini-ney. Prieo by mail, postsue paid, per box, or. 8 boxes fur 4,'i.oa Written guarantee issued liy till nuthoiizid nprrts. V. Felix . Itmn & 4C Sole Prop. M OODAIty. I.AHK A CO., Authori?pil Aiinta WJielacaJo and Svetsiil rrv-ggdaebB, i whilahi;, uiir.lit'A. Order r mail will receive ror nt.tentkm. Sheriff's Sale. TTOTICE IS IlEKEBY GIVEN" THAT jLl by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, by the Clerk thereof and to me directed on to wit: May 14, 1883, upon a judgment rendered in said Court April 21, 18S5, in favor of Louie Salomon idaintiir, and against J A Adkins defendant, tor the sum nf jfSti 00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent pt-r annum from date of judgrrciit, aud 50 costs, com. insndii.g me to satisfy said judgment out of the property heretofore attached in aaid action described as follows to-wit: All the right, title and interest of said defendant, J A Adkins, in and to the . growing crop of wheat, oats and bailey, and snv lease to and on the donation land claim of E 8 Ad kins, in Lane County, Oregon; also one liuckeye twine binder, one Holmao grain cleaner and one two horse hack. Now therefore, to satisfy laid judgment, interest, atty fee, costs, accruing cost and expenses of sale, 1 will sell the abote described property at public aac tion, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the Court House door in Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon, on MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1S85, between the honrs of 9 o'clock a m. and 4 o'clock p m, of said day. J. It. CAMPBELL, Sheriff Lane Co, Or. Dated May 14, 1SS4. . FIRES Extinguished every day with the Hajfward hi Grenades, Pave yir homes, your property and your lives. Take no other. IV sure you get the liayward. O. .1 IU-ht.' KM Market St, S. . J. M. HENDKICXS, Ant, En-cue.