PAWN SHOP STOCK. Where tho FM'llee. Haldol. Cornet and pTtmlljr Ilble4 Cuius l'rom-Soml Muni' mJ Itellne of the War. There are seventy-one pawnbrokers Id Philadelphia ami ono humlreJ and ten second-hand cloth. w-doalors. Ia the vinduw oi ever ono oi in so mom .. . , . i , arecixmenunuur ,. , lins tnd cornets Beside th ho musi cal instrument no pawnbroker s or second-hand clothes-dealer's store window appears to be complete without an accordeon, a large family-biblo and two or throe boxes of mathematical in' strumento. Nona of these art o'es are ever of tho best material orwoikman shlp, and they all appear to be now, or nearly so. "Where do they an come fromP" suid a reporter to Y lunula Kadcliflf yesterday. Ho replied: "J can tell you something nbout tho cornets and the banjo. Ti e cornels are relies of the war. No; t icy were not picked up on the Held of Lnltli-; In deod. it Is prooable that they weie nev er flavored with powder and never got nearer to a call ti- arms or an order lo fix baronets and charge than a liall ovor some raloon In tho city, This is ' how it wan: Pur ng tiie war every man who could play an Instrument was Ira buod with tho idea of forming a b ind to lead a conquering Northern regiment mrougn me rouin. wno-iiii.i oi mess patriots went out, and others didn't, Their cornets and other wind lnsiru roonU were left on their hands, nnd be ing only of a cheap d-s -ription orid- naily, they could only find a market in tho pawn-shop. Not that the things wero bouifliLby tho broker. We doi?t buy things of that sart. They were left and nover rodeenieu, heeniiso the would' be trumpeter did not mean t redeem them. Thn ban!( s como to us In a sinv ilar way. At a certain period in tho lifo or nearly every young man t .o loiie to be a variety actor or a. minstrel , omtn on very strong. The banjo is mipposcd to bo tho appropriate instra niont to start with. "Two or three months is suflieient to drive all the neighbors mad and to cure the variety stage stniek youth of bis mania. Jlio pawnbroker oilers the only way of getting rid of the now ob noxious banjo. Of course it is never rodoumnd. i'lioro has been a cra.e for . boxing-glovos among the youn; men of , tills city lor the pait two or three years in a; is, ever since Jonn u Miinrnn made such a reputation. Theso young lenows navo a loui or iwo.'gei severe ly punched In tho faco two or tlireo times, and grow tired of the mittens. 'Undo' comes In useful axain, nnd numerous pairs of the padded sparring apparatus nppour in the window of the pawnbrokers' stores, "With tho violins it Is different These instruments are made wholesale They are turned out of factories by the doen, made on a regular pattern, all alike, Sometimes thero happens to be a fairly good ono among them, and it is pi ace a in the store oi a musle-uealur; the others aro left .with pawnbrokers and second-hand dealer, who receive a commission on their sain. There is a large factory of those violins on Kdgo ware road, London, Kng. I don't know the name of the firm, but they turn out thousands annually and send large num bers ovor to this country. Oyes, there aresnoh firms In this country. One way by which theso mimical Instruments como into dur hands is by our buying up bankrupt stocks. I don't nou muen use of doing so, howover, for they only represent capital invested and interest lost. We very seldom git rid of them exoept at the auction sales, when we sell our unredeemed plodges. . Then they go Into the country, and if every pur chaser ot a banto, cornet, or aroardeon learns to play the number f budding muslelaus In the United Mates must be unaccountable. Lots of them must be like the violin, 'born to blush unseen and waste Us sweetness on tho derert air.'" "How do the second hand ;tores get bold or tho tnstrtimeutsr "Oh, they buy them at our sales of unredeemed pledges, Thoy aro dead stock to them, but they servo to orna ment a window and attract passers-by 1 dare say they manage to sell some of them, too. Sailors aie great people for buying musical instruments. When Jack in start Ing on a eruisj he will buy a banjo or an nocordoou to play In hU leisure -Hours. "1 never Hoard a fa lor play any thing, but I bet they get some fun out or tiitiir purchase farm laborers have a great notion of being musical geniuses, too. Marke; days are good days to get rid of the snide banjos and violins. Hut there Is au Instrument which lias become a great favorite ot late years, which I imngino has sounded tho death-note of the cheap banjo nnd acoordeou. I moan the orgulnetto, Anybody enn play thnt. It requires no learning and Is not very expensive. All that you have to do is to blip in a per- lo rated sheet ol paper, something like a weaver's pattern-card, turn a liandlo and there you are. J ho harmonium was a great enemy to the banjo, but it cost too -much money aud required ft lot of carting about" "Well, how about tho big family Bl blear What does a pawnbroker want with lliemf" "You'd be astonished at the number old. A wave of 'revival niee tines' ia all that Is neeeary to create a regular Doom in laruiiy lUbies. J. hey are opened halt a do;.eu times, the name and birth days of the family inscribed in them, and back they coma to us. From ut they always go to the second-hand dealer or the Junk shop. What becomes of them afterward I oan not say. I guess tha small grocers and funotlon shops get thera for wrapping paper. Mathoiuat'cal inttrumonti aro a drug in tho market We have more of them than we know what to do with. They are conerally bought fiom bankrupt tot'k, and eometimes are merely put on sale iu pawuhroker' windows lor a a commission. Then thera Is anothor source from which all theso article come in great abundance-the mock auctioneer or "Cheap Jack.' Theso gen try got rid of their wares In tho same ratio as their wit enables them to per suado eoplo to buy. It is not long be fore the real value of tho goods is dis covered, and then they are taken direct lo the' abode ol a cood and lovinir I nota.' who never refuses to lend a dof lar or two upon nythin'.-fHWMlr1lW?herand rinse the botUo with tkiii ISmes. - PETROLEUM. iuti i Miliibimril Mini lit Minx fuel Inrrv-mlng. Petr ileum in t nil appearance des- tinod to effect changes iu commerce and industry, second only to those wrougni uy sicam nseii. i ciroicum i " - . . . WttHto ,H nir(,n(ly b,.ln. extensively u-eJ ,or ,,., on lMHlan rauwavs; mesioam- amps on u.eiftj.n iho nommcwo Tl J I L . i I i I . . u :s sn u uiai cruug reiroieuin, n.wr a fiiw days' exposure to the air, may be used for tho same pur(1oso with perfect safety, ami petroleum fuel can " livcred at Ilatiim at twenty-six shillings a ton. If the scheme for running pipes from Paku to Datum be carried out, it oan be laid down for very much less, lint weight for we ght, pjtio.eura goes nearly three times as far as coal, and coal being worth at llatum from 2 to L.i a ton, It follows that worth oi the liquid is eiiunl to from H to I'D wort'i of the Solid fuel. Tho extinction of our coal fade with Kuss'a has bo como a question or a lew mo in. JNor is this all. lVroleum coos Into far les bulk than sol d fu d, and can be handled at fur less cost. If it could bo used by ocean-going steamers for long voyages, tho gain would b! ono; ni-uis. Ifv storins the o 1 in the ballast tanks, Iho space now occupied lycoilcoull be ut'lizej for cargo; and as tho I. re are fed mitoiiintically-the pctroleu.T. boinsr nulver.zo 1 bv a let of suoerheatcd steam the co-.t of" Moking would be re duced to nlni'isl tioihitisr. And this is no lu -re dream, a present reality. So s nipl ! is tho fuel to use, and so re liable I tho a't on of the pulverizer," wntcs Mr. JViarv.n, "ihat tho J'.nlisli and liussinn engineers, lunn ng tiie fct .'amnrs from llaku to tha mouth of tho Volga, told mo that, having turned on and adjust, d the llamo at starting, tliev concern themselves no mor about the tires until they roach their destina tion In a couple of days lime. re troleum is; moreover, clean to u.-o, and mnkes no smoke. Anotlur and hijrhly valuable pecu liarity of petroleum is Its existence in places remote from coal measures and whero coal for st..ra or any otlur pur pose is simply unatta nahlo. more nre lariro dciioHils of It In llclueliistan, the Punjab, and prohnb'y In other pnrts of India. It ought to bo found in tho West Indies, in tho f'oiifrlere listrict of St. lucent, tho pilch-lake reeion of Innldad, and on the Isorthorn coast of Venezuela. Enterprising capitalist in want of niit'cts for thn r money could not well embark in a mo.e promising ndvcntuio than a quest for petroleum springs, i ho new fuel Is not likely lo supersede coal In hngland; but the strugglo for cxlsteneo and the lowness of freights may compel its adoption by all steamers which make long voyages. iho resulting economy in our ran.dly lessing coal measures, though it might not be viewed with satisfaction by the owners of colliurio., would be an ad vantage lo tho community, and In definitely postpone that dearth of fuel with which our industrial supremacy has so long been Spectator. PREMATURE An tlnderUkar's llellef That Teopla Are Often Uurled Alle. The world would be horrified," said William S. McCarthy, an east side un dertaker, yesterday, "if it know tho number of bodies that are buried before is oxiincu uneo in a wiiuo one oi theso case come to light, but no steps are taken lo prevent their rocurrouco. Umitiitl.IitfW tlin li..ii-tnt..l S Mn Kn..t I I , , i nil I iwene years ago nas worried mo ever sii:co. i was sent for ono day to take chargo of the body ot a man in Division street. 1 lie man was a ta lor, nnd had fallen ovor while sitting on his bench sewing. Uo was a big, llcshy man, about forty years of age, and weighed about two hundred and tifty pound, 1 lio body was warm and tho limbs were Iiinp. ldd not beleve tho man was dead, and t-a'd so. His friends told me that a physician bad pionounced him dead. 1 was ordered to put the body on Ice a", onco, tut I delayed this oper- at Ion, on one pretext or another, for neariy two days. During this time tho body lay cn tho bench iu the little shop. Finally I could delav no longer. The limbs were t-till a limp as when I iiist examined tho body. I prepared the throatcned.-iOdon 0i ... buvs a bil to vet tha discount many learnqu men, aunougn no esiau- mercial society, acting on " tint miioh t think. Now. It nU n m'UKers. ins Binciures upon raui unnoticed; or. if they are body for burial, and the next day It was ropressiblo pertinacity and lordly as burio.l. I do not believe that man was sumption of the average male drum- dead when the earth was Hhnvelcd iu on hiacollln. If the same thing were to happon again I would let somouodv else dollni burying. "About iho same time a young ...... . . i woman living up town was supposed to have died very Mid leiiiv. A physician was called in, lie said she was dead, An old - woman who wa present thought otlu rwbo and insisted upon it that shn was In a t ranee. Iho body wa bur'od. A few weeks later tho olu determined tj la'ihty herself about it, and br bed the grave-diggeti to d sinter th. eo Ilia. The lid was r- nuived aud a horriblo sight was socn. Tho young woman had como to lifo and had made a terrible btrugglo for liberty. Her hair was torn out, and her face was frightfully scratched. She had turnod over on her (ace. 'A person Is conorallv believed to be dead if thoro is uo action ot the heart or pulse. But if a person is ia a trance there is no action of the bean or pulse. A vein should bo opened. If blood flows the person is not doad. This operation would take about thirty sec onds, but it is not often resorted to. suppose tne porson is suttoring from a temporary suspension of animation. Before he can recover the use of his faculties an undertaker comes in. and he is put in an ice box, where whatever life there niav be In him is frozen out. Tho Board of Health should take hold ot this matter and devise some means of ascertaining beyond all doubt that life is extinct before the body is burie I. I have thought of a good many differ ent means. A receiving vault could be built In every cemetery where bodies could be placed until decomposition had begun, when they could be buried." .V. T. Sun. TY r1ie.n tv-itfln out & raw rrvr li Into small pieces and put thera in the oul - 1 w,ln amepooniut oi sail anu tablrspoonfuU of water. Shake all i.t. li i t i. ! clear wstor. . ip AS DRUMMERS. flraiom Why They Can Not On On Itnml and Compete With .Men. th I Tho women aro bcg'nning to follow nearly a 1 the occupation pursued by moli, sa d the proprietor of an f ni- n ID, men t ap-encv lin-towi. ! knl .i ' o 4 k - - womon registered for employment to canvass for books, to solicit for adver- tmcnK'nts, and to canvas i for lifo imur. I I .... i anco companies, out. strange to sav. I no one has expressed a will nTicss ta on tho rott(I M a eonera, dsrulnmcr I I . I. V. T ... iur a mruu iiiuriaiii 10 iiuuau. x va pec; it to como, though, very sooo. The iiid cations po nt that way now. Nearly 30,000 women are idle in New York to-lay.' Somoof them have tal ent and energy enough to make suc- c issiiu urnmmers, iieeisuro. Tiicy have women drummers in En gland, why not in America?" asked a lopoitiir lor the Ainu ana Etprrn. voii. i:io reason is plain. Somanv avenue to .make a 1 viug in the United Mates are open to woman, thev natur ally shrink from an occupation that woiiiii Keep uiem traveling alone con stantly and meeting m m of all kinds and dealing with them. A woman with energy and talent enough to De- com ) a successful drummer would pre fer to lecture or become a bookvagent. A merchant, as a general rule, ra mar- r ed and settled. A woman, then, can not call her charms in to aid her nni.'ii in getting merchants to buy. As a book-canvasser, she can tackle tho blushing young bachelor and the sus- cent til i young man, and got a sub- sr ber on her beauty or winning ways. No singlo man would dare to refuse a pretty 1 or charming woman. Jot s thn married merchant. no has to buy and sell again, and purchase every sea on. His bills amount to tliou nnds, too, and he watches for close conipet t on lo get bargain?, for it means many hundreds perhaps saved to him. With a woman he would not like to speak of cheap offers made by other traveling drummers, and ask for rebates and reductions, lo avo this trouble he merely says he docs not wish to buy. That settles Mrs. Wom an Drummer right there. Could or would a woman drummer, you think, adopt the method of the typical drum mer now oa the road? Let lis see his programme: lie arrives at the town; puts up at the best hotel and kindly consents to dr'nk with the landlord. nnd tell him how glad ho was to leave Smith's hash-hou-o at the next town in order to get to b s hotel; makes ar- angements witii him to play a little draw-pokor after tho merchant havo been v, sited; he goes to. see a merchant; asks him to come around and seo his sojuples on cnhibitfm at the hotel; merchant refuse's. He asks the mer chant to drink. They do. They smoke cigars. Xho drummor swears he can dii count the figures of the other drum mer the merchant has been buying from. A dispute arises, and several hours are consumed in drinking, talk ing, and smoking. The result is mer iu i iv 14 14 n iu vr nig iiaTUiiu" iui to places where trade has already been established and take orders. They do not work upon any new business. Here in the United States drummers must not only sell to old customers evory timj, but worK up new ones Tho r success depends on it. Tho old customer is l able lo be persuaded to ull IIUIU li WW II II Ij UIUIUIIICI W 1IU tulLra n n .1 1ttnlrti fte titiiKj I Vttrtmnn. ftl ,lous(lg know these facU too w U) k.iinn nisi uiiuna iui ssviii.-v v viukh i and that is why women are not em ploved in that capao ty, "A line must bo drawn somewhere, and tho very nature of the business do- bars them at once, there are jlcnty of womon in Xew lork to-day plucky enough to go on the road, but they are wiso enough also to foresee the result A largo lifo insurance company em ploys a woman to canvass for policies among wo. lion only. They Inform me that thus far tho trial has given cmi nent proofs of tho fitness of ono cood talking woman to got others of-her sex to insuro their lives. The company will shortly put seven or eight on tho road indifferent States. If there should evor bo an American woman drummer with tho requisite qualities and tho ir- mer. then I w.ll sav the time has ' como to let "women vote and entor tho prie- H'lg of sluggers.," -.V. 1". Mail and fcrinss. AN EXTEMPORIZED MARRIAGE. The Cruel Treatment of an Kjryi'l1"" Offl- iter to firatlry a IVnmm'i Curloalty. The magnificent extravaganoe of tho late Khedive is well exemplified in the small palaco ho built for tho Kmpress Eugenie, anJ which has nevor been 0C' copied sinoe. Here, too, an instance of thorough Oriental arbitrariness oc curred. Tho Empress, while thanking tho Khedive for the magnificent recep tion he had g ven her. happened to say that the only thing sno hail, not seen was an Arab marriage. "Indeed." said the Khedive, "this shall soon be reined ed." So ho sent for his A. D. C, gavo him one of his Circassian slaves from the harm, presented him with a largo dowry, and told tho as tonished dtllclal that everything was to hp ready in two davs. Accordingly on the second ( ay thenl was a graid raarriago a VJrabe. Tho Empress was greatly pleased, and the A. D. ('., a man far more European than Egyptian, and who spoke several European languages splendidly, found himself :n'lissolubly attached to a Mo-1 hamtmd in wife, while all along it bad been tho dream of his lifo to marry a European lady, onj educated 1 ke him self, and 'with whom he could asso ciate. But he knew he darvd not re- fu e, and so an accident settled his whole future life. 1'hree Mon'.hs in th Soudan. There are some verv odd th ns to interest the traveler in Porto Rico. The "switchmen on the ra Iroad are col- P"1 women, the telegraph operator at AriA aif IhA ifnt nni is ft nnrtvif nih u I y . . r, , ' , , " " b" wd chain his leg, and the gar- 1 oon si we ttpi.m-raenu oauninr - nace werein namen w ia pigta u. WOMEN promised , Would a woman do that? .8."e1(l "Cflt:o" am0D Wrict4 the level and the square. BURIALS. whv women are not drummers. w"r.e a tr flo - c.' ln B"er Ws on in any way. as likely as THE PROPER WAY. How Great Medicine Arm trough llefora the I'eop e. The patent medicine man who knows the public, who understand the allure menu of print, knows thn art of ar - nnirnir rWAr,tiv ,K.i.,-t'uimiu I n n I " ' - Yeaia ago, a simple announcement was enough to brin? medic na into notorie- i " n tyj lut in those days people believed in captivating print. Uhe advertiser must now adopt some mode of decept on. lie has learne.l, or at least has come to believe, that the people look uiion advertising as an amusing dodge, This bel ef hasc.itise.l advertisements of gnat display tos nk into d s repute. 1 lie man who to sell something must not only s iow the superior ty of his goods, but mns illustrate the pleasures which the, pu lio fhall experience by dropping into his house. Prof. Staggs, who has care fully considered all these po nts- a gen tleman whose medicine is known all over the country desiros us to insert for h ra several hundred dollars' wonh of advertisements. Consequently, without farth'T excuse, we submit the foliowing: rrederck Willmm may have o - 1et"d lo aiv ont tending lis son n. a fa .-twhicn is transmitted lo u- by able historian, but A,;n ding ad verso circ.imslnr.c-v. to one could kep him . from taking Maggs' Pr lie e it Projo tiles. till, remarked sam Johnson, "mv m'tifortune is great, r rora tho ; arent whom 1 love, I have inlu r ted scrofula. 1 am a sufferer among men, a laughing stock among women. Why did not my pcoplo lake Ma 'gs' L'mphatic Las- I ...,9" lllfis. rreucr fk the Ureat. in an address to h's irooits said: My men my fel low men it is with tho most profound gratittid j that I a Idiess you. The for- tunes of war are indeed Htful, but the cordial prepared by Profo'sor Stagg is as enduring as tho 'cucklc burr' on the back of a black sheep. 1'ai k clouds have come over us, mi do i t lor-ei to take htaggs' Mun'o tal (Jeewhiliken- ism. Tne hr ght sun rise in the we it and seta in tho cast, but, my dear people, don't loso sight of this nvd'einc. My governmer.t was beet by fees, my kindred were suilering un- der tho inlluences ol nostalga, but when 1 was, persuaded by my druggst ti swallow a half pint of Maggsi Ki ln ribus L'numCo ifumaton Nuggets, tho saw-m 11 shook off its lethargy and proceeded t do its work W:th neatness and telegraph Several years ago my son was Iay. He objected to getiing up at morning and making a tiro. 1 ho doctors gave up hope, but threo doses of Mag''S Hilar ous Hot Helper caused a complete change. Now the soft youth arises at morn n g and splits kindling wood. I would advise all parents who e ih I dren aro similarly affected to usj the samo remedy, "Gibbon incurred the displeasure of I W It ii A.J A. 1 .Lt I - . . hR" tsken. 0 h;.r ':. " kB0 tha. the .ngless W, en we orm- fuge of - Professor Staggs would have smote him in the neighborhood where it would have done the most good." iiite,, said thcancientph losopl e.-, 'is uncertain.' It is unnecessary lor a modem writer to attempt a refutat on of this assertion, for we all know that it is true, st II thore s a way by wh ch we can avo.u death. luko bt.iggs Lightning Laughters. Price ono dol lar." It is sa'd by men who accept holy writ that Solomon was the w sost man who ever lived. We will not attempt to dispute this, but we all Tnii-t ac knowledge that he would have been much wiser had he taken Stagg's Stom ach Strengthoncr." Talleyrand raid that language was made to conceal thought, but at last he was compelled to acki owledge the fact that Stagg's Liver Lifters are super natural in their eltects. "When Cn'sir was stabbod. he lifted k'a eyes and said.' 'Tako Stagg's Ko- b list Uevolut on zers.' " Jrkansaw 'traveler. EDUCATION. The Propp'nf of the Ntudjr of Creek lo Collegiate Canter. A Boston paper bemoans tho action of Harvard In dropping Greek from its 1 st of compulsory studies. It aflirms that this tends to lower tho aim of edu- e it io ti. It only tonds to educate for practical monoy-getting." Th s is a m stake. Ia oue senso it is truo that tho object of education is this, as mqney- getting is one of tho pursuits to wh ch men devote meir best ab l.ty. 1 ut mere money-getting is ncit the whole a iu of l.fe, nor the real purj ose of ed ucation. A money-grub is not an ex alted character. And vet where money a posscast-u niu pus tunnies lor u-ciui- :l I - f noss are largely increased and thepowor for good great 1,' extended. Education is not the mere acquisition of certain facts, but the discipline of the intellect in all that pei ta'ns .to the duties of 1 fe. It aims to tix in tho mind certain great prino pies from which the person can go lorward in tho general dutesof life. It does not so much matter through just what studies thn mental dr 11 is reached as that it shall be ccrta nlv at tained. Greek and Latin belong to tho old monkish curriculum studies, and date back well to the feudal times. It so happens that tho Latin has retained it v tal ty and is of use in our day. To some extent it is tho bivsis of our lan guage and is used in certain profes sions, as the law and mod c no. But Greek is uot only a dillicult and labori ous study, but relat vcly useless in af ter 1 fe. 1 he language enters so slight ly into ours, that it is rarely the ci-e that we are compelled to go back to the original for the root-meaning of a word. Hence iu chief uso is in disc'p- lining the mind of the student. In this sense, it is held that studies can be rro- Tided, having all the disciplinary value, iml vot rtnuxtttfuf nt nrmat iiiiiiri I ' v.rT . r ' . i"'" ' . bus it does not lower the grade of cuuchhou w pref . uiukcs hi more pracucak-zmfoaia cau. MERCANTILE HONOR. Quality Which Rtlll Ilu an Intrlnila I Value At tbe'reeont meeting of the National - Board of Trade, held in Washington, l the sneakers vcrv properly took a hi eh I ..., 1 tnr mamn! honor and the Ins. i . tice which should govern the laws of Um.ln. This was rirrht. From the days I cf of the "merchant princes" of Jerusalem, of Tyro and Sidon, of Koine and Car I lhage, down to the colonial periods of American history, the business of traffic on sea and land has had its advantngo lakers, its timo-tervcrs, its impostors and its cheats. But it has also had its men of enterprise who have ahvays yoked thoir (peculations to the car of honesty, and who would never consent U make progress in any other way. In the perilous times of tho American devolu tion there was the merchant John Han cock, whose honored rnme Maml- o ,t in such bold letters on our lleclaral on of Independence; thero was that o her merchant, liowdoin, up in the very center of the mercantile life o Boston; there were those contemporary merchants, Hutledge, of New York, and Morris, of Philadelphia. In tho even more perilous times oi the late war of the Rebellion, the mer- chants of our countryproduced many of its best and most tr.ei friends, hone of them poured out their money on its behalf like water; and others, of the rank and file, rushing from the count-ing-r:om and the store, laid down their lives for the Nation in tho fore-front of battle. All honor, then, to the patriotic mer chants of America!. The principles of commercial honor, by which such men are guided, are a credit, not only to their numerous and influential class, but to the human race. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule; but it is an admitted axiom of ethics that all such exceptions only strengthen the. rule. The very fact that a rule is ex copied to, proves not only its existence, but that the rule must be rrriA Vt n i-n sia J the exceptions are bad. You might as well object toChristian- I ity because there was onco a Juda.s Is cariot or to patriotism because there I was a Benedict Arnold, .as to object to American commercial honor because there have been, and still are, scoun drels and villains in the ranks of Ameri can merchants. As ono swallow docs not make a summer, neither does one scabby sheep undervalue a whole Hock It is a fact, susceptible of the clearest proof, that American commercial honor is the peer of any in the world. In these days of magnetic telegraphs and fast presses, tho misdeeds of commercial men are rapidly trumpeted abroad, not only as legitimate matters of news, but as sensations fitted to feed the cormorant maw of the greedy public; a capacious maw, indeed, that, like the daughter of the horse-leech, is perpetually crying, as it gorges itself, "Give! give!" All the while the modest members of com the scale of are passed by commented not it is to be iudetl as no better than thev oucht to be, in fact as tarred with the same brush that has smeared some of their villainous ne'ghbors. I he duty of the press In all such cases Is to keep constantly in view the invari able distinct. ons between right and wrong. The good man should be com mended while the bad man is censured, The good man should be rewarded by the applause of the community while the bad man is punished by its laws Money is not yet the god of our country, and we devoutly trust it never will be. Commercial honor has still an iutrinsio value; a Value more precious than jew els, more inestimable than silver or gold. Philadelphia Cull. WALKING. redntrlonlsm, If Intelligently Indulged In, Conduces to Health. Every healthy person, man or woman, should be a good walker, able at any time to Walk six to twelve 'miles a day at least, and for double that when grad ually brought up to it. The points to be attended to nre, to see that tho walk be brisk and vigorous, , not of a loitering or dangling kind; that there be some object in the walk besides its being routine constitutional (i. e., not like tho staid promenade of the orthodox ladies' school), and if possible in pleas' ant company; that there bo no tight clothing, whether for the feet or tho body, which will constrain or impedo the natural movemcnt'of tho limbs and trunk, and that the walk bo taken as far as possiblo in the fresh country air. In regard to this latter particular, al though towns are increasing so rapidly as to make it almost a journey to get out of them on foot, still we have so many suburban tramways and railway lines that in a few minutes we can lind ourselves ln the country, where the air Is fresh and pure. Whenever an oppor- is iresn ana pure, w nenever an onn tunity preseuts itself for a little climb- ing in the course of a walk, it should be taken advantage of. We gain variety of muscular action, as well as increase the exertion, and we get into regions of purer air and fresher breeze at the samo time. hat may bo considered as the weak point in walking as a mode of exercise is the comparatively small play which it gives to tho muscles of the shoulders and chest, while it Ls still less for thoce of the arm. This should be compensated for by the use of light dumb-bells or Indian clubs, or somo other form of exercise which brings in play the arms and shoulders. One of tho forms of exercise which requires the action of the muscles of the arms and shoulders, as well as those of the trunk and legs, is swimming. This, however, for many reasons, can not be used as a moans of exercise except by si few, and at certain seasons of. tho year, but whore possiblo it should always be practised. The great pity is that boys and girls do not learn it, as a rule, whilo at schooL Every large town should be well provided with swimming baths, and if it could be made com pulsory fur all scholars at a certain age. J iweive, io icarn io swim, u wouiu be a great advantage to all. and also be . i... i the means of saving many lives. Herald of Uealih. " IMANENJANA." A Mnl Like to Holler Skating tbtt Helied the Feople of Madagascar, In looking over a volume the other day that contained accounts of different manias that have taken hold of nations in past years, I came aero s the follow ing, which I submit to tho consideration of roller skaters and other interested parties: Ia the month of February, 18C3, tho Europeans resident at Antananarivo, the cipital of Madagascar, began to he ir rumors of a new diseaso, which it was said had appeared in tho west or southwest. The name given to it by the natives was "iraanonjana," and the dancers were called "ramanjana," which pr bably comes from a root Big. nifying to make tense. Tho name d.d not convey any idea of its nature, and the accounts given of it were so vagus as to mystify ia:her than enlighten. After a time, however, it reached tho capital, :ti:d in the month of March bo gin to bo common. At first parties of tw) or turoe wore to be soen, acconipj. n ed by niu-icians and other attendants, di'iiein? in tho public places; and in few w. ek these had increased to hun dreds, s-j that ono could not go out ot doors without meeting bands of these da xer. It spread rapidly, as by a sort of infection, even toth i remote villages in tho central produce of Imerina, bo that having occasion to visit a di-taut part of the coixtry in company with an Kcglishman, wo found, even in retnnts hamlets nnd, more wonderful still, near solit iry cottages, tho sound of music, ind cat'ng that the mania had spread even there. . Tho rapidity of this spread wa3 cor taiiily remarkable, but not to Le oom- pared with what is related of the out. Dreau ot xne child pilgrimage ot urfort, when on the 15th of July, 1237, one ' thousand childr n assembled as if by instinctive inipulso. without preconcert ' anil unknown to their arents. The dancing was regulated very much by the music, which was the qui -kosl possible. J lie patients wero fond ol carrying sugar-canes about with' them. Tiiey held the.n in their hands or car r e I theiu over their flioulders while they danced. Fre uentiy, too, the might bo seen going tiirouh their sin gular evolutions with a bottle of water upon their heads, which they succeed ed wonderfully in balancing The dium was the favorite instrument ol music, but others wero used, and all wero accep able. The disease was rarely fatal; still s few ca-es of deaih undoubtedly hap pened, and tiicse only occurred, so fai as the writer is aware, where the pa tiout was restrained from joining in tlx dances. It would seem that these per sons actually died from pent-up passion or excitement. The dancing, no doubt, was so far salutary. Tho music servod to regulate and control t e wild mus cular movements that might olherwist , have proved injurious. A most remark able fact is, that the mere physical ex- ' ercise, prodigious and long-continued as it is in this disease, seems perfectly harmloss, and we know of no fatality connoctod therewith. Pittsburgh Vif faith. e A RICH DISCOVERY. ObeerTntlon't of a Sailor Juit Retnrnel From a Tolar Whaling Expedition. . One tribe was new in tlioso paiV, and boforo us whalers had nover seen white complexioned men.' So cagoi were they to get woolen goods and metal implements that they had gives tho whalers w ho had preceded us thi very fur clothing on their backs, and were rigged out ridiculously in cloth'ng of our m-.rj southerly latitudes. 0n fellow iu particular-for an Esquimaux, a tall, gaunt man come running in advance of lh! o ho s and ha I on onlj an army overcint and a pair of boots. Somebody dubbed him Abo Lincoln. He ran along nimbly and evidently fell warm enough in tho sunbeams, but in order to board us he undertook to climb up the shadowed side of the ves sel, and o'l! how he yelled from tlis cold. With somo litt'e work, we pol him aboard and t ok . him back to tha warm cabin and the steward got him a pair of heavy trousers. Well, we had a motley ciow on deck whrn the rest of the , Esquimaux onlved. The two par tially civilized tribe were rich .with fantastlo ornaments, but the new trib had old kn'fo blad s, pieces of tin aud bra-s tied ncros tiicir foreheads and various kinds of more refined good jewelry, Mich as earrings, tccklaces, brar-elets. They c -uld not speak a word of English, but soemed happy i.nd made themselves at homo at once. Aba Lincoln was -o delighted w.tli his new trous'-rs, and, in fact, his whole outtit, that he dance f about tha dock in high glee. He cut such a fancy figure that I just roared with laughter. I threw ba k my head, opened ray mouth wide and en'oyed myself. Suddenly they all clustered about mo and earnestly peered into my mouth. 1 stopped laughing and thought tncre must be something wrong with my appearance. This was a serious matter to me in those days, as I believed that my trim figure when nshore took many a girl's heart by storm. Theso half savages stoo 1 mutely gazing at me. and after some persuasion my messmates got me to open my mouth again. Each Esqui maux craned his neck forward to get a view. "Ye., thero it is. sure enouo-h ." They were looking at nie gold tiling! in my teeth. Ana they set to jabber ing and dancing around me as if mad. I learned that they took these gold fill ings to bo some new kind cf ornament. tor. brooklyn Lagle. Animals are capable of gwinimin? great distances, although unable to rest while in the water. A do? recentlv swam thirteen miles in America to re joiu his master. A mu!e and a dog, washed ovcr-boarl in the Bay of Bis cay, have been known to make theii way to shore. A dog swam ashore at the Cape of Good Hope with a letter in his mouth. As a certain ship was labor ing heavily in the trough of the sea il was found needful in order to lisrhten the Tesbel, to throw some troop horses overboard. Upon finding themselves abandoned, they faced round and swam (or miles after the TesseL Ckicaat Jountal. t