The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 13, 1885, Image 5

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Buy Hfcyward hand grenades.
The festive strawberry still liaeers.
Trrrip printers visit m fthnoit daily.
For'good dentistiy go to Taylor A Ebsrly.
Bee citation in another column; ao farm for
ale. ,
Several imall theft Lave been reported thii
Etigene will celebrate the coming Fourth of
Geo Melson baa bad bit blaokshith shop
painted. '
The West Shore, of Portland, continue to
The highest cash price will be paid for wheat
Fhetographs finished neatly and artis
tically at Winter'.
A wedding will take place in Eugene next
Vedneday evening.
A fine liue of ilk plushes in all shades
aud grades at F B Dunn's. .
The city tax tor the ensuing year has been
placed at only, three mills.
Hay harvest will commence in earnest as
soon a the weather clears up.
"Peek's Bad Boy" Comedy Company will be
here one week from Tuesday.
Oaburn mowers can be purchased at the
tore tf Pritchett 4 Forkner for 880. ' .
The best candies and oranges can always
be found at E Baum's confectionery store.
Two excellent rooms to rent. Inquire of
Josuoa J. Walton.
lje cream, soda water and lemonade at E
Baum's, one door north of the St Charles
.. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars will
meet in annual session at Eoseburg next Tues
day. 1
The delegates to the Grand Lodge of Masons
returned home from Portland yesterday after
The health of Mr J E Xttebery, who is
now living at Pleasant Hill, is said to be
quite poorly.
Geo Filter's team, attached to his meat
wagon, took a spin one day this week. The
breakage was slight
The Guard will print a full report of Com
mencement next week. Extra copies can now
be ordered at the office.
The Guard does all kinds of job printing
reaper than any other office inLaue coun
ty. Call and get estimates.
If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps full assortment.
Hon John Hobson, the newly appointed
tollecterfcf customs at Astoria has qualified
'and entered upon the duties of his office.
Mr S H friendly will pay the highest
cashmarket price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your gniin elsewhere.
There will bs meeting , of tie Board of
Directors df tfie Lane County Agricultural
(Society at Rhinehart's Hall to-dny at 10 a in.
E Banm sells the best cigars and tobacco
ever ofiered for sale iu Eugene. Cigars from
S cts to 25 cts apiece, aud all pure llavunna
Geary Post, G A B, on June 'Mi, paused
resolutions thanking all who so kindly
in makiiur the exercises on Decoration Day a
success. ' .
An Eastern exchange says that Joaquin
Miller h sn aspirant for a Consulship. It
further says that he is a welcome visitor at the
White House,
One of our oitizens of a speculative mind has
been figurin on the amount of wood consumed
In Eugene during year. He makes the
mount over $35,009. ,
It is said that there are a large number of
bids fdr the construction of ' the University
building. Tltey will be opened next Tnuraday,
and the contract let
Our old friend D C Ireland has purchased
the Yamhill Reporter and will take charge
soon. Ireland is a good newspaper man and
we gladly welcome him back to the editorial
At the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch
Masons, held at Portland this week, J K
Weath erf ord wrs elected Grand High Priest.
Mr F V Oshurt "of this city was elected
Master Third VaiL
' Persons who are wearing artificial teeth
that look unnatural and distort and destroy
the natural expression of the mouth, or
"won't stay up," should call on Henderson the
dentist Spicial aims will win oe laisen wiui
tuch cases. ISO onarge unless sausiauwry re
sults are obtained.
Bogardus, the notorious tramp telegraph
operator, paid Eugene a professional visit last
Sunday. Adair, the railroad agent here, gave
kim an order as follows, for a meal attha
I3t Charles Hotel: "Give this man supper.
The tramp haviug "pard," changed it t
read, "give these men supper." After getting
the meal for himself and friend he left on his
Journey southward,
A Western editor has recently discharged
. his compositors becaiso he thinks the wagts
demanded an imposition, and therefore intends
doing his own typesetting. In the next issue
of his paper he says: "oWinG To tAe Xorbi
Tant Wges dEnunded by Printers wE hAve
cunCludep tO do oUr owu t.fpesE tinjr ix tqe
fuTure; and aUqough Zl wE neveE leAmned
Iqe bdsinwsl? wE do nOt see uy gEeat
ln.tstcrY in tqe alt."
In regard to the discharge of engineers corps
on the Central and Southern' Pacific railroads,
General Manager A N Towne says that the
force was laid off on the score of economy, as
no road building is being done. Eepaiis,
which have heretofore fallen under the direc
tion of the staff of engineers, will be done by
other emnlove of the road. All work on the
California and Oregon has been suspended and
will not be resumed again for some time.
The remains of Mrs Nellie Noah, daughter
of Mr H COwen, arrived in this city from
Townsend, M T, last Sunday at 4:40 p m, by
SDecial train. Funeral services were held at
. frr,;w rw1anra Mmutav mornimr at 10
o'clock. Prof Condon conducting the same.
The remains were interred in the Masonic
cemetery, being followed thereto by a large
Concourse of relatives and friend. The rela
tives of the deceased have the lympathy of
tkair mu frimds ii Lane county and
Council Proceedings.
Council Booms,
. EruKSK City, Juue 8, 1885.
Council met pursuant to adjonrnmeut
Present Mayor Dunn, Conncilmen Mo
Clung, Chnrch, Don is, Friendly, Bilyeu
Recorder aud Marshal.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
proved. Finance committee reported favorable on
the following bills and oo motion, warrants
were ordered drawn for the several amouuti:
Oreg(.n State Journal, 1.50.
Jas Maine, S3.
IVngm, Wheeler A Co., $13 79.
W ft Shaw, St 1 23.
Robinson 4 Church, $21 70.
Jas Warnack, u50.
I) H James, $1.00.
Hudson & Ynran, S2 39.
' C K Norgrave, 2 0UL
. A Toff.lmire, $100.
John Stowvll, SoOO.
O E Rolierts, 33 23.
Ed McCornack, 812.
J udiciary Committee, to whom J T Witters
petition was referred at tho last regular meet
ing, made a verbal report unfavorable to said
petition, and on motion rewrt wns acceted.
, Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred
the matter of reducing the license for shows,
theatres, iwddlem, etc, reported against making
any change iu the license, and upon motion
the report was accepted.
Committee on .Srtvcts reported unfavorably
toward petition of JH D Henderson; report
wan read and ujHin motion accepted and placed
on tile.
Committee on Streets, to who was referred
the petition of opening Mill street reported
fav.-rulily upon said petition, and upon motion
re pm
irt was ncuepteu anil street onleven opened,
ommittee on Streets, Fire ami Water, to
whom was referred the matter of locating
cisterns to litttor protect the city from fire,
submitted a report which was read and upon
motion laiil on the table.
Amilication of Francis M Freeman request
ing to be appointed nightwatchman in case a
vacancy - should occur, was read and upon
motion laid on the table.
The following bills were read and referred
to the Finance Com mittee:
D.-iskill A Day, 2.75.
Wm Christian, 7.00.
Ostium & BeNhaw, 3.50.
F B Dunn, 35,00.
Oregon State Journal, 1.50.
Jas Warnack, 1.50.
Pengra, Wheeler ft Co, 19.74.
J D Brown, 2.50.
WS Shaw, 115.00.
C E Roberts and J C Alford, $3.00.
Qren Moore, $0.00.
A. J Babb, 6.00.
McCornack 4 Collier, 2.10.
J H Hutchinson, 1.00.
Jas, Gcer, 2.00.
E A Farrington, 13.75.
At this time the Council ordered a tax levied
of three mills on the dollar for city purposes.
On motion adjourned.
Wst S Shaw, Recorde..
Crow Items.
June 8, 1885.
Can't we have a picnic?
Haying will soon be in order.
Joe Gates Intends giving a dance on Ihe 3d
of Jdly.
We are wondering if we will get to attond a
Fourth of July picnic.
Mrs Inman, of Eastern Oregon, is visiting
h )r sons, W W aud D D II iiiton.
Several of oir farmers are building barns,
sheds and granaries since the rain.
Tho way the mail for Long Tom has to come
to Crow Is aunoying to the Long lonimers.
Died, June 4th, of croup, a six year aid son
of Mr and Mrs Geo Bryant Funeral Fri lay.
VV W Hiuton has one or two car load of
(TIlAli t'Al ttlii which he will shil) to Portland
Mr Green Hayes, who for a year has been in
Extern Oregon, is visiting his uncle, It it
The horse race will come off next Saturday.
We will then tell which horse we "knowed
would beat
Micses Easter Hinton and Amanda Richard
son are visiting nt B M Richardson a, Thoy
will return to tlieir home, Monroe, soon.
Rev Mr Cooke, of Jefferson.was visiting his
, t , 1 I 1 .
son Horace last we?K, ana prenuueu ui tin
Elliniiker school house Sunday, May 31st
Most of the old settlers attended the
Pioneer Reunion last week. They all report
plenty of fun, Pioneer cake, chicken and some
thing out of the brown jus.
Jas T Richardson and his mother went to
Monroe on a visit Saturday. Since his return
Jim has been sneaktne the name "Annie," as
thoti'jh somebody in the little town of Monroe
went by thaj name..
Fire Cisterns.
It is probable that the Council will build
a large number of firo cisterns this Fall.
The committee on fire and water have
located the following streets as the proper
places for the erection of cisterns in the
future. From these points it is claimed
that most of the thickly settled portion of
tho city can be reached, taken in connection
with the present cisterns and the mill race:
Corner of Fifth and Willamette.
Corut-r Sixth and Lincoln.
Comer Sixth and Washington.
Corner Eighth and Lawrence.
Corner Ninth and Charlton,
i Cwncr Eleventh and Willamette.
' Corner Thirteenth mid illamette.
Corner Tenth- and Pearl.
rVrnur Twelfth and FerrV. .
r'nrnnr Twelfth and two blocks cast of
In looking up the lucat'ons the Chairman
of the Committee, Couueilmau McClnng,
found that the street two blocks east of Ferry
has nvr Iibhu named. Some of the Uouu-
oilmen propose to name it McClung street,
which would be eminently proper.
Oregon Statel University.
The exercises during Commencement week
will be as follows:
Sunday, Ju.n'b 14.
Baccalaureate Sermon, by Rev E C An
dersuii, I'rusiduut of the McMiuuville Col
Ti'EsiiAY, June IS. .
10 A M Address before the literary eo
eieties. bv Hon W D Fenton.
3:30 P M Address before the University
hv iltitr J F Ellis. President of the Pacific
4:30 P M Planting of the Ivy, by the
Senior Normal class.
Eveuing Iteuoion of the literary socie
ties. . .
Weusesdat, Jcke 17.
10 A M Graduating exercises of the Nor
mal class.'
3 P M Planting of the class tree.
5 P M Alumni meeting.
Thursday, Juke 18.
11 A M Graduating exercises of the Class and Scientific departments.
Eveuiuz fteunion of the Alumni.
Fourth or Jult. The citizens of Engece
W iyncbi.lid to celebrate the eominii Fourth
.f Julv. Ses the adveriement in eno'ber
Leaburg Items.
, June 8, 18S5.
Blacktierrles are ripe. v
Our Sunday School is still in a proierous
The log ruuuers have got as fur as the mouth
of Camp Creek.
Mrsrd Mrs Lynch, of Eugene, have been
spending the past week with us.
It used to be fashionable for gentlemen to
take off their hats on entering Sunday School,
but it isn't now.
Mr John Siler.whn out his leg while logging,
is some better but is still In a critical condition
and his recovery doubtful'
Mr Seth Moore, Mrs Mansfield and Ed and
Clara Allingham, of Pine, Lirin county, start
ed across the mountains Tuesday. ,
A dance was given recently at the residence
of Mr Moore, in honor of his eon Levi, who
had just roturted from east of the mountains.
Gold hunting is all the rage. Mr G C Clark
and negro John started Saturday to prospsct
on Blue river. About 35 Chinamen have goue
to the same section.
Rev Mr Wood, of Springfield, pscached here
Sunday. The house was crowded, and an
paid good attention to the very able sermon.
Quite a-number of young peop'e from Camp
Creek were present
Last Tuesday the school kouM where May
Babb Is teaching caught fire. The teacher aud
scholars went bravely to work and in a short
time had the ceiling torn off and had reached
the flames when some men arrived. The house
was saved thnuyh badly damaged. , It was
insured in the Stato Insurance Company of
Directors Endorsed.
Cloverdale. Laue County, Oregon,
June, 8, 18S5.
To Whom rr hay Concern. We, the
patrons of District No 2, do heartily endorso
the action of the Directors iu discharging
John L Tait from our aohool as teacher, as
not being ft suitable person to teach:
John Hamlet George Petty
J R Sollars Alex Eaton
A 8 Canon J M Wilhelm
C W Fitch J M Gordon
C S Spencer Alex Monroe
J B Cruzan
C. Winzbnried.
A. J,,
Jas. Pabker.
Reduction of Rates.
The 0 t C R R recently made ftuother
reduction for the Bhipmeut of grain and
mill stub's in car load lots. The following
ii the rate per lCD.lbs from poiuts in Lane
' Cts
Junction City..... ..- 19
lrviiur .'..A.... 20
v.,,:. r.;.&.
Springfield '21
Goshen 21
Cresswell 21
Walker 22
Cottage Grove.... . 22
Latham 22
-The raduotion amounts to about one cent
per 100 lbs t all points in this county. .
Central School.
The second month of . school in District No
41 closed May 29th, with the following report:
No pupils em oiled, 21. Average number of
pupils each dy, 18; average number of dayg
by wh pupil, 19; number of days taught, 20.
The following were not absent nortardy during
the month: Martha Hinton, Mary ftoel, Ad
Noel, Nettie Gates, C lay ton ti niton, Water
Noel aud Bert Noel. The following were
absent one day only: Belle Gates, Jnhu
Gates, Sylvester Ranch and Rich aid Hayes.
1 T it n. ....... T....l.-
All persons indebted to E W Whipple &
Bro's, either by note or book account Will
please call and settle the same. Our store
is burned ana we mutt ooueci wm uwuvj
lue us.
E. W. Wnirpu a Bros.
Cottage Grove, Fob 25, 1885.
Attention, Firemen..
All members of the Department ftre request
ed to meet at the En due House at 1:30 o'clock
this afternoon (Saturday) in full uni'orm to go
to the 2 o'clock train and receive the hose team.
R M. Day, Chief Engiueer.
Firemems' Tournament. At the Firemens'
Tournament at Astoria our imys sot away with
the second' prize in the dry hose contest, timo
1.091: and Astoria tho first la L031. In the
wet hose race, Salem, No, J, won the 1st
in 50 1-2; Albany No 1, the second In M l-Zj
The 300 yard foot race was won by Peter
Grant, iK'o, 33 seconds, Geo Noland 7 feet
behind; McGhee th'rd. Astoria won the rest
of tie pri -es in reirai kably yiod time. .Wm
Preston was one of ihe judges. ,
From the Oregoninn we learn that while the
Eugene ttain was exercising with the cart of
Asloria Hose Company No 2, late on the eve
ning of the 11th. the butt of the horecatre
loose, flew around with the wheel and made a
total wreck of the cart Burt Duuton, who
wr.i on the ton;rue, was struck on the leg oy
the coupling aud received ft severe wound.
Youno Compohkr. We take the following
Complimentary notice of one of our deserving
young ladies from last Wednesday s Standard:
In the amiable person of MiseCelia Goldsmith,
if Eugene Cicy, Oregon, we may look for most
brilliant accomplishments iu musical art and
composition. Being but 10 years of age she
has comiHised two real geirs of waltzes, en
titled! "Newpsrt de Salon" and "Willamette
Rippling," for piano. The same are now
being published in Philadelphia, Many of
her Prrtland friends are eagerly awaiting their
arrival Considerable copies are already
spoken for.
Bon. In Portlaod, last week, to the
wife of Hit Bollax, ft eon. Grandfather
Goldsmith is very happy thereat, and the
Above notice will explain hi recent visit to
the inetropol:i. We are informed that the
boy bas been named Eugene, In honor of this
Card or Thanks. -Mr J K Crawford and
wife take this method of extending their thanks
t the many friends that so generously gave
their services during the recent illness of their
Fabmxrs Taii Notice. A good dinner can i
1 1 had at Baker's hotel for 25 ceuts.
Mr Hu.jli Renshsw !s again In tow n.
D E Ri.-e visited tli metropo'iU this week.
Miss Lucy Powell, ut Astoria, is visiting in
this city. , ,
Mr R R Riley was In town the fore part of
the week.
Mr N J Taylor paid Halsey a business
trip this week.
Mr D W Matthews, ef Ashland, is visiting
In this city.
Rev Octavini Parker aud wife are visiting
in Portland.
Miss Dora Hendrsx Is quite sick at her home
in Ilarrtsburg.
Judge R S Bean is expected home from
Coos county next week."
"Sheriff Campbell will sell two tracts of land
at Sheriff's sale Monday.
' Mr Wm I Friedlander, of Roseburg, wm in
Eugene several days this week.
MrS Munra, of the St Charles Hotel, went
to Portland on business Thursday.
4 Mr J L Rumsey and wife left Portland last
week for their future homo in the East
Mr D R N Blackburn, of Albany, was to
town yesterday oil professional business.
Sheriff Camnbell arrived home last Mondav
from a trip to Albany, Corvallit and Portland.
Mr L Harding aud family, of Fairfield,
are visiting at the residence of Mr Win
Rev C M Hill dolivcred the Baccalaureate
sermon before the McMinnvillo College last
Mr Gen M'llican and wife, Mrs Phoebe B
Kiusey and Mrs Jas McClareu weut to
Salom Thursday.
Hons L F Laue and A C Jones were In
Eugene Wednesday on legal business, Mr
Jones will assume his office July 1st
MisHes Ella T Arimtage and Delia Milll-
can, ot this oountv, itraduated at the
Academy of Sacred Heart, Sateilt, yesterday.
Mr J L Rollins, who has been ill for some
time past, was taken to Ashland last Monday.
Advices by yesterday's mail brings news that
he is improving
Senator E P Coleman was in Eugene last
Tuisday. He returned from east of the mnun
tains last Saturday, his (laughter, Mrs Nellie
Stewart, ftccompanyhig him home.
Mr J M Horn returned from a mouth's
visit to the Big Bend coumtry, W T, last
Thursday, lie is still of the opinio that
Lane county is the boss plroe to live.
Mrs Frank Pels haw attended the com
mon ment exercise at the Academy of the
Sacred HearryuskrMay, to witness the grail
natien of her siAer, Miss Anna L II cult,
Frank went to the Hoult farm noar Harris-
burg, to take oare of the same s few days
while the tolki were away.
Cottage Grove Items.
June 10, 188V
Mr Joseph Damnword left for east of the
mouu tains 'Monday,
- Mr Jas Young and family moved from
Latham to Siuslaw Friday.
Grandma Crow left hero luosilay for ft
visit at Eugene, Junction and Philomath
Mr J R Kendall returned from' Looking
Glass Tuesday, where he has been teaching
school. ' '
Mr Major Chriaina i is visiting hero. He
hsi a son ana daiijhtcir attending the Uni
versity. Messrs Ed Undurwuud Sid Vaughn, ll.iW
Stewart aud others started to Bohemia
Two novelties iu town recently. One was
an ox team, and the other s sled drawn by
one horse. -
Rain commenced to. fall here last Friday
mor'uiiig aud a considerable qnautity has
fallen since then,
A Mr Black, of Douglas county, was bore
Monday and Tuesday; he is prospecting for
s lumber trafic.
Mr Felix Curriu is visiting his parents,
Mr and Mrs John Curriu. Felix resides
east of the mouutaius.
We regret to learn that Mr John England
is dead. We are unable to give the date of
his death. He died in Eastern Oregon, His
father died only ft few weeks ago.
We understand that the piouio given at
Siuslaw by three of the district schools on
Saturday, was grand success. The rain
in that flection was light to what it was here.
Mr Wm Russell, an old man living alone
five or six miles west of this place, is uite
ill. Some of the neighbors are making ar
rangement to have hiiti properly cared for.
Mr Hermin Becking, who bought ft farm
of K W Vcatch of this place ft short time
ago, started Sunday in quest of t brother
who he thinks is somewhere in Uregon. lie
is ft Germa.i.
Arrangements have been made to celebrate
the Fourth at this place tn an appropriate
mauner. The Creek Valley (Silk creek)
Base Ball Club will play with the Cottage
Grove Club on that day. '
Suit InstitutkU, It will, be rememberod
that some time since ft son of Mr J G Gray
and son of Mr SM Yoran, found two
packages of monty, 'nonnt;og to nearly
$2,00, In the old residence property of Mr
James Goodchild. After advertising the
same and awaiting one year for an owner the
money was divided, by giving the county
oue-half of the entire sum and the boys the
other ha'f. In the last few days suit has
been commenced by the heirs of Mrs Jas
Goodchild to recover the entire amount of
money f.-om 8 M lorao. Weatherford ft
Black burn are the attorney for the pLintifl
in the action.
' To Thrk.siixiimi!M. The improved West
inghouse Threihiug Macbinory and Engine'
are guaranteed to be the very test io the
market Consult yonr interests by sending
for circulars to Z T Wright, Portland, Ore
gon. Also dealer in Ilaocack Inspirators,
Pumps, Belting, Oils, eto.
Fjifis Lsx uri At the request of the
student of the University, Mrs Mattie A
Bridge will deliver her well known lecture
on "Temperance," in Rhineharts Hall, on
next Monday evening. Admission free.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Lfx-rcitK. Mrs A 8 Duniw'ay, the chsm-
pioo of Woman Suffrage in Oregon, will
deliver lecture at the M E Church thi
evening at 8 p m. Everybody cordially
invited. Admissioo free.
j1vir4i4Amitfc fit HtrlV no
tlce in another column. The one giving the
i information asked will be liberally rewarded.
Immigrants cminn to arrive.
Uuiversity Cii'ii:nencnu-iit in-xt week.
. Eii2ne ' Eniri .e Co nuels at their hall next
Thursday evening.
The auction at II M James' store is large
ly attended nightly.
AVautcd-50 lbs freshly dried clover tups
at E U Luckey & Co's. -.
'Ihe Pioneer ball at nhlnehart's Hall netted
the Association about 13.
What is needed in this country is an
office cat that will eat poetry.
Attend Mattie E Bridge's lecture Menday
evening. H will be a rare treat.
The students will give social at Rhine-
hart's Hull liuxt Weduusday evening.
The front of the I a L Store has received a
fresh ooat of paint aud now looks nobby.
Rev J S McCain delivered the address on
Decoration Day at Newport Benton county.
Remember the ball at Rhinehart's Hall ti ls,
Friday, evening. Every ticket draws a pritfj.
Crops are lookimr fairly, but the genera)
opinion is that the yield will Ihj somewhat
short. ,
Theodore Bcrnhoim shipped four car loads
of woel to Portland from tliis place this
Rev E A McAllister, of Albany, will de
liver the Fourth of July cration at the A 'sea
A boy about 13 years of age, who resides
in East Portland, is said to be do n with
the smallpox.
Rust is reported on blados of the wheat
by some of our furmors. A yet, however,
it has don no damage.
Win Moore will sta-t his steam wood saw
about the 1st of July. Consult him before
contracting with other parties.
Mr G B Dorr's sold to Messrs Patterson ,
Miller last week, the lot where they are carry-.
tug on business, fur the suai of (000. a
Advertisements oontinne to crowd the
Guard. Advertisers should remember that
we have the lnrgest list of subscribers of auy
paper In Lane county. ,
Judge J B Foraker has been nominated by
the Ohio Republicans for Governor. He is tl 0
same Individual that Gov lloadly beat so badly.
at tlieir Inst election.
"How did yon begin life!" the young m'ah
r'ked the great man. "I didu't begin, it,"
truthfully replied the great iriao. "It Was
hore when I got here. .;, ' V ,1
Brown, being asked to assist ftt lintiinsou'
wedding, said ho couldn't give th y bride
away, but he could gW the groom, dead'
away if the occasion required. "
"tVhat was the last important act thai
Geo. Washington did?"., asked the teacher l
ths juvenile history class. "I know," piped a
freckled youngster, "lie died,"
. Mr. J. B. Alexander left sit this office
Thursday a lot of Royal Ann cherries
that beat anything in that line we ever saw.
They were nearly as large as plums. ' ,
One day this week we noticed ft life size
ai)Uing of Mr. It 11 Hayes in Grain's Musio
Store. It wis the artistic work of Miss Anna
Benner, and shows great skill and tiulbhed
The Grand I.rtdire of Masons last Wednesday
elected the following officer for the ensuing
yeart T G Reams, G M; J C Fullerton, D G
Mj A Nasberg, O S Wj B Van Dnsen, G J
Wj D McKercher, G T V J Babcock, G 8.
Manv conuilaiiita hava been made bv snl
s iribors at the Coburar liost office of not re
ceiving thotr pnper promptly. 1 lie UUARi)
leaves the pubbcution ollice in time to catch
Saturday's niaiL Ths negligent party should
take notice.
The young man who hail just male his
''Prut appearance on any stage" was telling his
fik mis all about it Did vou reoeiv any
floral trihutuf" was asked. "No," he replied,
"but I dodi-ed all the eggsl" There was tri
umph in his tone.
The Deputy Comity Clerk ha been kept
busy this week taking depositions u the
case of Mark 4 Co v E J Crow. Mr A C
Jono appeared for the plaintilT and L F
Lnuo, liilyea & Collier ami Walton & Nuff
singer for the defendant ,
Tho different Masonic Lodges in Lane
Ontinty were represented at the Grand Lod,e
in Portland by the f Rowing delegates:
Eugene F W Osburu, L N Roney and J M
llodsnii. Cottage Grove J C Whitcaker
ami AH Spare. Junction T A Millinru
B S Hyland and J R Clark.
Messrs Peet, Paine and Ebberly returned
home from the shooting tourna nont at Port
land Inst Tuesday. Mr Peet won the lecdod
prize iu the clay blackbird match. It ia but
just to say that the boys were not used to
shooting at clay pigeons and blackbirds, or
they might have done better. '
A letter front Mr W C Taylor, who is a
itudeut at the rliK-linsto Theological Col
leg, brings the news that he ia getting on
dimly. He will have charge of the Eighth
Ward Mission in that city during the Sum
mer, and deliver sermons regularly every
Sunday evening. He a so reports the other
boy front Eugene as getting along well.
A hnlieas corpus case was being tried
ehterdav afternoon before His Honor,
( bounty Judge Washburn. It is ft case wherein
Mrs Samuel farisli, ot rortiann, wnnea w
comiiel a Mr. Hawlov to produce their two
children, for which she claim she has an otler
from the Circuit Court It appears that .he
two children were the issue of marriage be
tween Mr Hawlcy and Mrs Parish, who ftre
now divorod.
Arrival of Shad.
The oar load of 'shad which loft Washing
ton last week for Portland arrived here in
charge of Mr Oed H 11 Mooro, the ftfTuble
gentleman who has visited n twice before
with oarp. It was the longest journey ever
attnmnted with vouug shad. The car wa
1 v
ib-tained from Fridav evening until Sunday
afternoon bv the washout at the Gallatin
bridge, and about 40 per cent of the llsh
died. Except for thi unavoidable dolay,
ths In. s would have been small. Mr Moore
started with nearly ft million shad, so there
were plenty after hi arrival here. About
It ),000 of the fish were placed in the Snake
nver at Ainswort.i, ana tne remninner, num
herinir between I .1 i and U , wore
brought direct to Portland aud put luto the
Willamette at anavers incline, opposite
Ainsworth dock. None of the shad are
;nore than one-half to three-fonrths of an
inch long, snd judging by the experience io
Atlantio waters, they ought to attain full
growth-say 4 to 5 pound iu three years.
-Oregonian, Jnnsllth. -
Horsr RAHfc. Ahorse race will be run
to-day at 2 o'clock, weather permitting, 12
wcbI of l!eg nii, betweed ths Lingo horse
and the ZumWalt horse for purse of $X3.
According to the agreement the horses must
be let loose by 2 15 p m, or else the one re
fusing will forfeit l is money.
Iowa Pi:i?ii.A3iATl0N. This association
will visit F.Uj n the latter part of this week
Tae niemls r of (he council and H. R Kincald,
8 " 1 Lampoea win ci
as a re-
eepti-u r-,:,.uut . .
Jasper Hems.
Jim- 1885.
D'a-kherri-A :ie plenty.
Mr Al i..i-y, ol Goshen, vwitiil.U
but Saturday and tSuuday:
Mrs D C Wallace Is slowly recovering
an attack of pneumonia.
The sawmill ha been repaired and is being
run by Sylvester k Co.
Mrs Frank Smith and her ntphewr will at
tend the Commencement Exercise lit the Unl.
venity next week.
We have an interesting singing school hers
under the able management of Prof B F
MulVey of Plea ant HilL -
A pleasan t surprise party was tendered Miss
May Sylvester on ber 14th birthday, May
28tli. A dune given at bur residence on June
6th was well mttended nd ft good time enjnytd
by ,
The school at thi place is pMprestting nlcsly
under control of Miss Luella Handswker, wto
has the name of tl pupil on the rnlL
Wear jlad to loam that Mr Wealvy Neet
I able to attend school, since recovering irom
injuries received from being tirOwn from ft
horse on the 1st of this month. , , ,
. . Somebody,
Taxes of the citv of Euseno for the year
1SS5 are now due and payable to the City
Treasurer, at Grain Bros' iewelry store, on
the corner of Eighth and Willamette streets,
Engene City, Oregon. ' All taxes will b
deemed dolinqneut that ant not paid .within
sixty day from the date of thi notice.
W. 8. Shaw, Recorder.
Dated at Eugene City, Oregon," June 13; '
1SS5. , ; .
' FiivsNtBH.. JVfO Citizens. The hose tearA
wiUMu'iii ViinVhy to -day's 1 o'clock train
f ruiu, A'oi i.V jtnd, it- no more than just that
tliey sifimM bo avnrl' V ft suitable reception;
tlrereftiW. the eitin giwlb we invited -t
ietmt St t'm dptit io givs them a cordial '
.welconie. The KiiK'. ne lUud have kindly -vol
unteetcd their sr i" s and will Da present In .
uniform."' li nnojl, r cjuinn will be found ft "
notice from l'hiC J'niheer- Day requesting "
all firemen in thlT.Vpartoont to be present iu .
(nil uniform. J .ot'tunv. b a'genoral turnout
Born. In tin's. city, toUe wife of George
Lakin, June 5, lsS.!, twin daughters. . . -'
r '
Of the 100th Anniversary
of American Indepen
dence at
Eugene City, OregwQ
A Salute of 39 Guni
at Sunrise.
OsSiccrs ot the Dnyi ,
IORN, tiid W. J. J.
Orator. . . Juixie GkO, & Washdurnb,
Itoudor ,T. C. Judkix
Chaplairi.... Rev. K K G ear.'
Grand Marshal. F. W. Osdcrs.
Aids S. B. Eakin, Jr.. and St.
Joux Skinner.
Order of Procession i
Tim iimiwkidnn will furm at llie Court House
at 10 a m, and march to the corner of Oak aud,
Ninth street, thence to Willamette, thence v$
Fifth, thence to the grove near the ugens
Order ol Exercise
1- Muslo by the Band.
2 Prayer by Chaplain.
8 Musio by the Hand. ,
4 Heading of Declaration of Independence.
(V Mimic by the Band.
6- Oration.
7 Musio by the Band,
Daby Show,
At the Court House at S o'clock sharp. $5.00
prize each ir the handsomest boy and
girl babies under one year of age.
Firemen's drill at 4 o'clock p. m.
Clas3 Ball Shooting
At 2 o'clock p. m. First prize $10; 2d priz'
5t 3d prize, 'IXM.
. :.Flu Vhes at 5 P. M:-
Wheel Barrow and Sack Race and Base Ball
Contest during the day.
Grand display cf
in the ve tg.
. FlremenDall
(Jndmilie auspices of the . II. and Co, No L
Arranitemerts have been made with tU' O.
snd C. K. It. to. for reduced rate of fw.
J. M. AM! AM-,
It. M. I 'AY,
( VminiUv,
throughout the SUte.