5 Too Mb for the Trnmp. "S'tip!" Thn exclamation wnn uttored I'y a fciilzert of Brady utrert, and aa tliree ' I'd at ft tramp who had called to auk for dihlli r. "Not much!" "YOU Won't chf 'Koairr 'fhpii I'll make you!" 'Hjj ahead!" Did the citizen pull o(l' liia cost and Kpit on hi hand and knock Uip tramp into the middle of next week! Nf, ttir! He put his finger into hm mouth and uttered hrp wliintln, and lii wifn came to the door with a ho lmndle in her hand and inquired: "W'hat, another! Well, look out for uplintent!" Her husband ttood aiilf and mIip made a rush, hut when thn weapon came down thn tramp waan't, From the other Hide of thn fei ce lie lifted liin liat and gently hut firmly odserved: "Any woman who striken a man nave in the way of ktndneHx, dexervea the gallows! Keep your cold vittles and o to Halifax!" At the beginning of the present cen tury all Christ iatm were rigorouily excluded from thn mosque except in the case of the mosque at Tunis, where ft Christian workman wan allowed to enter on nil fours to repair the clock, "becaun," an the sheik wuil to lii coerligionista who objected, "in case of repair, is it not true, 0 true believer, that a donkey enter this holy place carrying stones on his hack; and is it not true that ono who doe not believe in the true religion is an rks and the ton of an ohhI Therefore, 0 brothers, let thii man go in as a donkey." African colonization has already affected the price of elephant. An Indian exchange quote Asilin eh phanti aix feet high at $2000, tiyers at $750, and panthers at $173. Yet at recent sales in England elephant have been so'd as low as (SCO, six lionesses with cubs at $700, a tiger that hnd devoured two keeper brought only 4252, and a panther was traded even for ft poodle. Seventeen year ago ft lady stuck poplar riding whip in a yard at Salem, now owned, by Samuel Has. The other day a cord of wood was cut from iU The tree measured twenty Mix Indies across tlio stump, ho lertno is the ground there that it is not safe to . allow a cow to stand in the mud over night lest sho sprout into an elephant or rhinoceros.- W$x. t-l 1 ... 1 " .1 '"" Slierilf's Sale. i NOTICE 13 HKKEUY GIVEN THAT hy virtue nf all execution duly imiueil out -nt the Circuit Court ef he Ktato of t regim tor Lane County, by the Clerk thureuf ami -to me directed, on to-wit i April 21, 18l."i, upon a judi(uient ami decree of forcloiura reudored in taid Court April 31, 1SS.1, in favor of A I' ,'Jillieit Mid F M liilheri, part Bare nudnr the linn name of tiilhvrt flri', "plaiutill'a, anil aijaiutt A J Harlow and M 1C Itarlnw, ibdendautii, fr the nun of ?:M0(KI -in U 8 gold ooiu, and $'2Z IH) iioial aitorupy fee, and Ooeti and dihuhieuiiiiiU nf anil, with intereat nil aald judgment from iUt thereof at the rate of ten per omt per an num, and a decree for.th tale nf the follow ing ileaorilied murtynueil premiae t. wit: The taat J nt the S W f of motion 8, T SO .4, 11 4 VV, in Lane county, Oregon, Now therefore, to eatiafy laid judninit attorney foe, ct, accruing coat and ex. peuaea of aale, I will anil tha almv ilracrilo ed real property at iubllc'kuction to the hlvhrat lilililer, for oaah In haml, ut the Court llouae door iu Kuirene t 'ity, laue County, Oregon, on Monday, June 1, INNS, between tha hour of 9 o'olouk a nt sad 4 p m of aald day. Dated May 1, 1SS& .1. It. CAMWKLU Slierilf of Lane Co, Or. Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 13 HERLIJY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an xroutimi duly imued out d the Circuit Court nl (lie Mtate nT Oregon for Laoi County, by the Clerk thereof and to me directed ou to wilt My 7, 188. -upon a judgment and decree nl forvtlaure reudored iu eaid Court April SS. in fnvnr of 8 D Holt plaiutiir, and agninat .Arnoa Dunham, Eliaa Uuohaui, Wit Cait Wright, and Samuel May and JU Sender partner, doinu buaineaa unihr the linn name and etyle of May ft Kviiden, defend anta, tor the eum of f-.'SI7 70 in U S gutd oin, and the furtW amn of f'.'H) 00 at'y fee in aaid auit, and coata and dialiiirenieiit of aaid u it, with intereat on aaid judgment from date thereof at the rale nf 10 per cent per annum, and a decree for the tale of the ttillowinii deacribed mortgage iromiae, to wilt beginning at a iniiiit U 8 hi i nt ,. ' the 8 K cr of ai 7, T IU S, It S then., runhing north Ilk) rd, thence raat 72 rode, thenoeeouth 6i hK thrnou wcat "i nla to place of beginning, e intaioitig 72 aerr. Alao beginning at a p-int SO nnla et limn tha 8 K cor of aoo 8, T l S, It J V, ihem-e weelWriHla, thence north I (ill rnia, tlo-oce aat 00 roda, thence routh (i() riala to plac d beginning, omtaiuiug 50 acre all in Lane. County, Oregon, Now therefore, by virtua of aaii rtecution and to eat lily aaid judgment, intereat, etty lea, ooata, auoruiug ooate and expeiura t at. I will aell the above described ninrt ragel premiaee at publio atictnn In Oia bigheat bidder, for caah in hand, at the Court Hnuae door in Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon, on Mmy, Jrm 8, ISM, between the hi ora of 0 oVIikIi a in ami 4 )'cl4.k p mof aaid day. Pte4 Mar 7, ISS-V J. It. CAMI IiKl l. Kherilf of .an Co, Or, CONTRACTORS AXD BULDERS Eugene City, Oregon. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FUR iiUlinl upon application, J. ib work a ciulty. 4lKFic r. In the reur of Hendricka & Eakin'i bunk Imllilintf. Did You Know That H AD BOUGH THE ENTIRE BUSI- nes of Swift, Combs and Co., for CASIf, and have t full and complete atnek ..f HTAI'LK ami FANCY UKt M'ERIKH, CROCKERY, WOW) and WILLOW WARE, nml a thousand other tiling needed in tv-ry fa-nily, all of which will ba told at lleuroek prices. We handle the holcet i'lnra and finest I'reneli Caudle. Our Hakery will turn out dally only the heat Rrca I, i'ie, Cake", Cookies, Etc., that din lie liible, a-f-tl W. B. PRIORI. i. B. rSNUna. A. WlltEUR SPHKICFIELD, OREGON. Lumbormcn, Country Mcrcliants, and Millers. Cash and other ready pay buyers will consult their own interests by giving us a all. And the way to lave monr y It to buy where you van liny The Cheapest: 1 Will Mil Groceries, Glass Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Chenper than anyone in Eugene for CASH. If yon don't holleve It cull and examine my GOODS AND ITUCES. I pay cash for Country IVoduca, Hide and i ura. A. faOtiDMHiTII. C'uslt 4rocer. Goodi delivered free to any part of the city. Lumber. .....TEOEa- Coburg Saw Mill 'Is running and will run all Summer, r Bills filled at short notice; James C. Goodale, Proprietor. Order can he left for the ('obi rg aaw mill at the ator of Mol'lmm & .fohnaon. i, O. Hkmiihickh, a D. Ekx, Ja. HENDRICKS Es EAKIN, Eugene City --Oregon. Sk-ht drafta on NEW YPPK. SAN KKAN. CISCO ami 1'OliTLAND, OUEtiON. All cillrctiiia entrusted to ua will receive epecial attention, Ieioita re-ived eubjert to iheek. In made on appMvvil aevunty. ami a crn.nd Hanking huninc dune on reamnahle terui. Administrator's Sale ! PURSUANT To AN OUPF.H 01 THE ll. n. tie.,. S. Waahbunir. Jn.l,-. ..I ,1,. t'.ninly Court, of the State nf (Ireknn, t . r Ijtne county, ma le on the i'Sth ,Iv of Sri tern , ber, liwi, 1 ill, SAITKDAV, the Mill I b My. IX at 1 o clmk M. at Cttaue t,roe. I Jii- fouiitv, Orvs..n, aell at public m. u.-n, v in ni.ni-m Dnitirr.ror cxah in hand, the following penMm p.rtv, Ix li.njinu to the eelate of 1 h. Kldn, ,le,v,l, vie Two h r , tt (on hay, 'M Im.hi 1 ,um, J wcn, 1 aaihlle. I a, t truck whreU, 1 harrow, 2 av, 1 VtiMMMU a, millet er., i pitch fH,, aloivel idow fttrai-. I Ur. k'. I Krain rra.lle, 1 Imi.h vtlie, ) mowing aevthe, I pa le, 1 niatUH'k, 1 alinvel, 1 avonpahovrl, 1 maul and wetl.-e, I lir.i axe, S m- arp Mm I hwt .-, --.-s main, I ll.ilir ClieHl, jikj ll n-'ur. ! 1 irua. 1,..,.1,,1 , Liu-tifn furiiif.ii. tc j l'.te.l May 1, 1Y I . - 1. M Vwn-M. I Alunnltrttrn( ,t.te. km I Mm hm, mm Co To Stock Raisers. 1 tv' 7j Young Sampson. Thl flna horse will b allowed to serve inirn ttie ensuing st-ioum, ciitimiciiuhu; April lt anri ending July 4th, lMS.r, at Stewart s stable, in Ktiueiie City, ainl at IreMswi-ll, Urr."i, on the folluwiiiif Urnw: Single service. S10: eam, l.ri; h surance, $20. Leap payable "hen aer vice in rendered; season, ut the end nf tin ara auli; inaurnnce, when the Innrn i known to lw with ("ill. or II audi or traded Mure this ia known, the insurance I forfeited. Cnre in taken to prevent accidents, hut resimnsihl fur mm that limy occur. Mures cm be pastured on reasonable term. CUCBIPTIOX A.SD PBOIOREK. Sampson If a Wutiful liav. 7 ysnr old April 'J'i. 18J5: weighs almtit 1810 l!; Is 18 hands lii.-li ami well prnimrtinnrd. and I" cnn" itiTl ly inoxt men tlmt hm him an hrinj one Aiwwif tlm liii'Kt huriwi in th Suite of hi ac. Me waa airl by Ailvrnture, he hy xmerr, the tiritt th'irou'htireil t'ly.liUlo err lui Hirtd to Ore.'nn. Alventuro' il.im won a fine Henry innre. rinminion'i rfmn ia well known in Murirni ounuty.liein foriin-rIyniie.i by Mr John Orchanl. ami aa a Hue mare an'l K'mvI brteiltr, baa hut fuw if any aiiperioni In tne Mat, l'or lurluer p.trticulari inquiia el tlieowneV. T. J. DUNTON, Owner and Kepir. sr 0. ia rH 0 MR. LJV W H a-l v 1 at B n 3. laJ ai-a uM B i v. r ; 9 J mm l j ) s 1 3 2 a J3 3 2 S aju "S 3 9? WILL EXCHANGE II 1 nvK KUCENK' mill company Jl heieby tnliea the plc.iauro ( announu lug that t In y mi: take W3SEI - at any warehouae north of Etiy.ne City in vxchaiii( fur 1LGUR, mil FEED, ETC., at bcir mill in Eugene, 'fho Compnuy will tuke, w he.it reccipla, prperly aigned to tliein, anil iice tntht to the ntvuer of the xhiiio on mill buok for the amount in buhel, r. i 4 co. . .lulv 3J. 1SS4. 2.l!tn St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. II. Watkino, Prop. incut. Iiars;oit moderate". 7 U-tf Will be mailed ri-ry to all arr.lie.anui V and to cuttomera at lut vuar itliout nt i. prlr onlertnir it. Itcontuhn Illustrations, prices. uvH.TiHiona a:;a uireeuone iut it r'antln nil csolAble and Flower KKUDS. Bl LIIS. Kr. D.M.FERRY2iCO.0EJir TTJrTOriOX DIRECTORY. CENTENNIAL LIVEUY STABLE J. J. Eaton, pro. First clnaa Trains, liugsdea, etc. toallKiiutaat rensonablo rate. Hay and traihfor aula, lloa.ldimrti r Corrallia atnss. 810 10 10 AVEWTSHAnu!:rn lu eveiy neiuhhrrliiMHl n the Tacilio Coant. For all iH.Kliiildrei, ' A. Ik UANt 'ROFT, 8a Fraa.'im-o. TUTT PILLS 23 YEARS IM USE, Tat Greatest Kfi-al Vriamph of Ut Aff! ai i ri ji' ,1'fr uaij SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.M.of nppeilie, li.nrel. root ire, i'ola la th. hend, with a dull acnutloo In Ik. bark pnrl, Tula nuiler ibo ahanldrra blade, Fatlnr alter callus, wtia ill Inrllantlon I. earnloB.f body irmhJ, lrrliHbllliy .l lenawr, Low eplrlta, wlik feellacef taneliig egleeted pome Imt, Wearlueaa, Dlaalneav, I'lutterlnc nl lb. Heart. Ilel belorolh. err, Headache er lb rlaht rye, Uentlcnunc", lth ifnldrennie IlltUly c.lnrod I rtocae CONSTIPATION. TlTT'x I LI.9 aro especially adapted to uch rnsos ono die eilccl socn m ehaiiir-'e'f lHitnRHtnntnlli tliowirTerr. THei Inereaa.tli. nrtUe,nmlcaiiUi bol t I I . k. b'l.all. I '' III" ' I nunrUhnl. nr. !, vToulo Aellon en the IHualveOrBa.tri,lr)olaar jr.vln, . i. ivt-i. .-. -I I Vltirra V "--i- fffrrs iiaio dye. (Iku lUtn or Viii-ki:i; olmoKed to a Ouwr Iu.x k by a liii ,ilicuiton ol tin. litK. U loipar' n nutuint color, ad Instunlanmo'ly. ld-l by ltnisjjUita, or nl Ireinrwon iwlruof Office. 44 Murray St , Nw Ycrk. t asavs&anM 'rsiaJ""- WlaW is G. T. BOYD, GENERAL BLACKSilT! ef miction City. Or. Wauon ami Machine lepainng promptly atteutletl to. SheoiiiLr nnd niachin- repairin- :t 8M'ci;ltV. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LACKEY, DEALER IN Hocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly ExecuU'd. fcirAIIWorU Warranted, itj J.H. LU'JKKY, KlUwurth (Wa Briiilr Willamette atreet. Ifoodei German Invlgera'cr, THE OLDEST, GltEATEST and JiKSM- KE.MEUY fr the cure of Nervous anil 1'hynicd De- uminv, yi A UJiml Wealii 'A'lj iXEailinu t !ftrt.; 1 GdiitoLi Qhilitv, V'itul Exhaustion, Seuil UJiml Weakneea, L" of Munhoixl, Memory, ami Kelnxeil ebled condition i.f the tG nitn Viini'iy organs. '' ! (0 " fTEtmi-r CniEa Impoten M'i?i i,iy. Early l ecay, Lonnf Vianr. 'eiuiiitti , eHKiieae, anu .'t lllr r,-'- "-.i ..ir ... a i.r..i ..ni . ...1 ""t: : I nr.... i i i .1 " rnrvH ui t uubiil ill i'lliirn hiiii - me auuae or ixevaae 01 Aiutu LSv -. rivy. 'f'-J It permnnertly prevent all lUnmituriil Lm from the aya- I Otein, ua thouiauila can atteat wl n -1 ir have uaed the Jfeinedy In thn JftQ o'"""' fl,",rt'r "f atentui v wh y it line been hrfoie the pnhlic. ft-vW' O i jg .noted a wonderful rei which reme Oily, tnninir the ncrvea, alreuth ZeuinK the luueclea, checkiuu the waitte, iiivigoratintr th wholu ajalriu, and reatiriiurtlie aillicted tii IIkaltii and Hapfink.su. tZ Tha DiKitur willareetofnfuit 81,000 for a 11 we umiertitkeii, nut cared. The retiauii ao ninny can not vet cured of Veakue hih! the aliove diaeaaea ia mvintf to a coinpliiution called "Protatorrhe," which nquire special trett'.nieut VARICOCELE or WoiiMT VwNa of the Sc-mtmii. Often the uiiiiiected cauae of Lost Manhood, IIkbii. itt. kc. Dll. LIEHIC.'S INVIGORATOR, No 2. with one iieculinr amcial treatnirnt ia tht only cure for 1 inetatorrhea. l'y it .Manhiaiil ia re atnred and the hand of time uioved back from a'e to jouth. If pi'uples appear on th face, if yon become lixtlewaud deaKUideiit liH.k out for the com plication with V.tdl Weiikneatand hm of Vitality known a Fit atatorrhea. Hundreila of liven have beeu lost for the want of proper treatment forthia cuinplicatioii, and thouauinli. have lost all their property and pleaaure in life from It effect. 1'iice of either Iuvlorator, $'i Caae of aix Uittlea, 10. Sent to any addresa, covered securi ty from olwervatinn. ilt. LIEItlU CO, treat aucceRfully by Hnincciipathy every form of ripcciid, l'rivate r L'hronic Diaenao without mercury or niweoiia dniK'S. If vitality i drained fmm the ImhIj-, nmueiou diseaxea follow that buIRe ordinary meiii'ul trcatiiient. If ullowed to continue, the unnatural loea cans' Coriminiptiiin, Din lietea, Hii'ht'a licae, Inennity, Ktc, Cure Uiiaranteed. Doeiixe of the lii-nito-urinnry nrjiinn, kiilneya, liver nnl bladder nieiiul!j treated. liiea-ea of Women Siililv Cured. QUALIFIED and KEdl'ONSlllLE.-nr Li. bi & Co, from' EiiniM, are organized in CMiipliance with Caiiomia M.'dical Law. IHpliiuin pMcureil hy regular colloeiluentioii. and are now m their nineteenth year nf special pra-tice. Miait pnwerfu' electric Ih-H free to patient. Dr. Living Wocilerfiil JVIonin tii; Healer or Self Ma.'n ilizim, theieateat curative inven tion ot the ave. Every man or woman can now be their own Mnunelic Healer. It can be ued without the aid of n pinfew-ionul haml rubber, conaequently no biu fee to pay. I'rlce, t complete. Sold ONLY at the Dr. Licbi Diayeiiaoiv. Call or addreas McbixOlNpensari-, 400 Ueary Street, Sim Fruucinco, Cnl. Tilvate enterance 45 Aliiaon atreet, four block up Geary from KeaVny. Main entiamx thrniitfh Diaenary Drue Stor. A6F.NTS WANTED EVERYW1RI To handle our 1 I.I. I S. I'A.IIILY lili'.I.ES. ricw huoM-rltiiiii uuou uow run y, Cm n.o-l eie-aut ever inx-duod. MiiH-rU l'joio, A.' li'immin excluiodili,d.rcctiyli'.iiior.ei Irr ourown .mile, and aiauiliird pnUloaUouH: Hut's Jlanuul, Ill-torlM, ela Wu oiler uurivn'.lcd la. (I .owiunl,iUi exclualre territory. WcM toua. BAinD & D1LLOH J'liN'thmia.MniinfictnPowiiTnl Importci.lheM aiUUtaWiaet. IU1.4 i4 b. CUXtL 6,. tU-tUO, l-lm Farmers Take Hotice! HAVING PUKCIIi SED THE COUX ty right fi r the nu king the Coutiuuous Concrete Pipe, For subirrL'fttion, umlerdininiiij and conduct inj,' water, I am ready to make contract for laying piK'a. At-JKMS-Eune City.L. D. Smith; Junc tion, Worlmau Sous. J. D. Love, Manufacturer, Eurtae City, Or. a. 0. HOVKY, II. C. tll'UPHRKT, W. t. TECT, Notary. Attorr.ey. Cashier. LANE CGUNTY BANK. 1I0VEY, HUMPHREY i CO EUOENB CITY, OR. Deposits reTlved subject to check. Ioans made on approved securities, Suht Drafts drawn on POKTI.ANI), SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Exchan drawn on the princial Cities o( Euroe, Collections made on all points and a Keneral lUnkinji busiuea transacted nu fivoralde term Stf.nl MILLER BROS., l'tL(R1 lM Field, Vegetable & Floiver Seeds mtrt,tt Errf I'wt, Ttt, t'lrliliitriEh Sii!)SiHiNnSTrrr. - rosmsn, On. atn: Notice. mo CONSUME IIS OF LUMBER IN J. FpringfieldwilEiveiw City. Fnui ami afler thie ilate, IdlU for all um- jber itelivervd hy mill tee in will be due ami payable a f"li: llilla will lie delivered thmnKh the nnetnttice or otherwiM on or before the Sthofem h month, for all lumber delivered during the previnii nioulli, and cuatomera will le waited upon for poyuiei t at their renidencea or place of imcine on tin 10th. On all bill met promptly aa Indicated or pnid at our nOSce in S'.riiigrieM on or before the lO'.h, a diacomit of BUcU pi r thousand will be made, but pnaitively no dieuut will be made nileaa paid o above iirnviiled. SpniNOKlfLD, Feb. IH, 1S83. A CARD To r vdio sre suffering from the error and iniliscrctu n of vonth. nervous weakness, oarly decay, louiiof manhood, Ae.. 1 will send arecijie .. . : -i, -i.MM.-L' tw f-lIAIn:! inai win cure you, r vji.-,-i. Thin tivat rninedv waa discovered by a mis- aionarv in South America, Send a self-mi dressed envh'pe to the Rev. JosehiT. Inuan, Station JL JS iW XtiiUtj Established 7r the Scientific aiKT aiwedycure of Chinnic, Kervotii ant! t'peciai diseases. The EpeYt Specialist, DU. AI.1EN. AS IS WELL KNOWN, IS a regular (fr filiated Jihysician, educated at Uowdoiu (.'olii(,'e and University of Michi can. He bus devoted a hfe-li:! to the study of the treatment and cure of diseases within his specialty. YorSG HEX And miildle-r.fe'ed men, who are suturing from the etfecta of youthful indiscretion or excenmrs in ivature years, Nervoti and Phyaical DeUli ty, Iniixttency, Lot Manhood, confusion of ideas, dull eyes, aveiaion lo society, desjinn dncv. liitiinli-a on tha fuire. IohA of elielvv and nemorv. frenuency of nrinatini;, eta Keinein- I ber, that by a com hi nation of remedies of urei t curative power, the Doctor has arranged hi treatment that it will not only alTord iumiedi atn relief but permanent cnre. MY HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. Having been snreoii in chaise of two lending hoanitalnl enables me to tr-at all privat troubles with excellent result. I wish it dis tinctly understoi d tli it I do not claim to per form iinniKsiliilitic, or to have miraculous oi oujiernatural pon'er. I claim only to be skill fill and auccoHsful physician and surgeon, THoltoUCHLY informed iu my specialty -DISEASES OF MAN. All app'ying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no exi-rimentiuj. 1 will guarantee a poi-itive cure ill every case I undertake, or foifeit $1,IKX). CniiKiiltatioii in oltice or by letter fiice and strictly jirivate. Charges reasonable. ' Thorough examination, including chemical and uiicrrwcopial analysis os urine and advice, 5.00. Call t r ajldreas lr. AMpii, ?C Kearny i treet, Sen Krancisco, Cal. Office hour, 9 to 3 duilj j C to 8 eveniup Sundav's. 'J tr 12 o 0 if V. S. I have a vegetable compound, the re milt of MANY YKAKH nf iecial piuctice and hanl study, which under my aiwcial advice ll.vr nevkh rAti.Rii or hiccesh iii th cure of Lost Manhood, Prostatorrhea, etc. ' Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution duly issued out of I lie Circuit Curl of the Sla'e of Oregon, f.-r Ijhio Count), by thn Clerk thereof. April 15, 18.1, and to me directed, upon s judgment rendered ill said Court December 13, ISM. in n suit then ami there lieiolin, Mlnreiii Louis Sahuu-ju wa pllf, and Hi itry ilo. re wax doit, in favor of said pllf for the uin of $I0;IS ID, and the, further suius nl $14 DO coot, and Kj tK) ntty fee, I have levied upon all the ritht title and interest ol aid Henry Moore in and t the orowin! crop i f wheat and outs and barley, and the lease held by said Henry Moore on one him dri'il and xixty ucrei of hind situattd in T 16 S, It 4 W, in Lane Ciiunty, Oregon, said laud being owned, and said lease (iiven b) Henry 1 1 m I ley. And to satisfy said jii'lg inent, omt, ntty fee and accruing costs and expenses of sale, I will sell the above des cribed property at puhlio auction, for cn h in hsuii, at the Conrt lloii-e door in Eugene City, Ijiiib County, Oregon, to the highest bidder, on -Hominy, June I, I9H3, between the hours of 0 o clock a in, and 4 oMi-ck p in, of anid day. Dated May 1, 1885. J R. CAMPBELL, Sherill l,aiie Co. Or. Assignee's Sale, ATOTH-E 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I jLl will sell at. public auction at Smithfield. Oregon, on WKDNESDAY. May 12th, at 12 u'otock, si) of the Comls, Wares and Merchau dise assigned to me by C. E. Hyara. Tel ma of Sale- Cash. J. F. KIRK. Assignee. May 2, VSX "Conqueror." '-erstF'l THE CN EKSIGNKD WILL STAND the Ifadley horse, "Con'iieror." this season at SLOAN'S STABLE in Eugene City. Th horse, is wdl known and ha some very promisim; colts, which will show fur lln-m-selves. He is of English draft and Clydesdale stock. A times are hanl, we propose t stand the horse at the following rales: Insurance ?10 00 Sa.in ft 00 Single Leap 5 00 SLOAN IS COS.. Eiuen City, March 21, lSivj, 3 21 2m. mriNEIIART, J. B. - House, sign and car rige pointer. Work guaranteed it class.. Stork sold at lower rates than by anyone in Euifene. . CRAIN BROS. X-'fcA P2AXEK3 ".SS1' Jftrlry. Musical inslruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clucks, and Jewelry repaired and wit"Ve.l. yrtr;w cnirr of Will; 'ainett it - (u OSBURH & CO" DRUGGISTS & AFCTHECAR'Ei I WILLAMETTE BTBEET KEAB th,' Euifeii City, dealers in 1Hi DKUOS, CHEMICALS, 01L, GLASS, VARNISHES, CBUTCI-IKS, PA'UMMKLlcr, Of mist every kind, etc. Brandies. Wires and liqucij of the very Ut-t qntlilj fcrn.idiniifljj WE ha t always kept abreast of tl t; in our line, smi without lesMim. . ,i wanreeufe in clniiuini that we have 1i. iii.-vo ...... ..,t i it: I i.. l-. "I. I.KH1IVUIIH, VI JVUU lit X.JtH. Particular attention is calkd to tur it v rEEFUMERY, TOILET SETS, and t CL1.LCLOID CAStg For the year We shall be able to sell PAINTS, (,it J HRUMIEf, (of which we auw havs Q atocs oo uauu; Tlinn any hour in this cily, and nur frf,,, can rest assured that anything bought from will be hrst-class. As we buy many 0( r goods East and have facilities that ftw ia 0j busiiiPfS hae, we think we are prepared to dersell nml funiisli a bitter quality of ,f)0j biinu uiiioiic in onr iiuc 111 j.niio conmy. We cull ernecial attention to PKEsPBT- HONS, which will be raiefully filled at J t e .1 .1 ! I.& H nouiaoi i,nei unv or iiivnr. , The Buyeiis' Guide is issued Marrl, and Sept., eaih year; 224 pages, 8)xllj laches, with over 3,300 illustraUonj-. a whole picture gallery. Giveawholeaia) . prices direct to cotwmert on all goods for personal or fi tut, Tells Low to f order, tti gives exact If 1 cost of erythingyoa II J J use, drink, eat, wear, or VN-' J fu with. These sw-r InTalnall hooka contain information cleaned froia the markets of tlio world. We will mill a copy Freo tp ariy address npon receipt of the postage 8 cent. Let us hew from you. Kespectfully, MONTCOMERY WARD A Ci t at m Waau ATa thlsa, Ui J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements -AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon fERVOUS ' DSCILIT1 la. U. C. West's Nr.nvs akd l.'tMH W ME:iT, a iranmnleeU erecitic fcr Hyelir-a, lii' ne Convilsioa, i it, Kiivcus ficiuln lloadaeli'i. Norvmn ricn'rrt-rn r:.tirl I 'H el. of aboli it or o!iioci, V, id fi ll i is, I ei Ul 1 preasio.i, iKi?tpins of the liruin idi.lliiT in ' s-ini'-y a-:d KtUt-sj lo misery, dicr.jr sites' Premita.-e Old Aro, Ttuci recs, .cts f p- meitlior -x, I iToIuntury J ofMS.rid ririi o-rhcea ca.isod by ever-exortion c.f tl v. biain.o nhus9 or over-i:idulrcnce. I r.rh lex coilti: .me mo ith'a tmatmei-.t fl.rOa tti, cirfixbw .or S'i.03, st brmnil prer n.ilc- ricc;r'ef fr" locure a-y caaa. Willi enrh cider rrceitilbj' fnrs'f hxixoA. arconiimnied Willi J5.(U wo si-nd t!ie purchaser our written grariulce tor- iutiU llie money it me inntmcm aoc no w acure. (iiinrantces iuenril oi ly hy H'ii.Ari.iT.-t ci.lru A a'r "WTiclcaial'J sni Slctall Xsmcc1"11 I'OHTLASD. Of.LCOK. Order by" mall v'.'A rocciro prompt attentWi DS. FELIX LE BRUF! I laa.. mi . 4 i a?.'. Preventive end sre. for either Bw '1 his rmcdy beuux i:: jccled directly to the t .f thou, diseases of the Heuilo-Drirary OrsH squires no chniipe ot ditt or rnvseous, niercsnu ,r poisonous muicii:o to be team it ttn sllj. I Vi'licn InLrn aa a icif rlii lyciihrrHiS t is impcfB.bK' ludi in 1 1 siy tr.tiislditrste j iut iu lln rnie tf tlfe already a foit-j i.utely atTlcled with (ionDoitaa ard (ilel w.i i cur.tutio S bozrs to cure or e will rcf he nu Bey. l'rico by jrnil, rostrre ;Bid, l-1 j ver Los, or, S boxes for 8 1.Oli Wrillin gusiaaw I i'sucil l.y rll mntliorisi d agents f br. iVIis. J.e liics c 4'o.SolePropff VCIAHn. XARK &to, Altt hnrivrrl A rnrta W2iclcri?lo (id XTe iaiil'Xn3geij,'i I VIITLAKD.OULGCK. Orders v ir.ail will rt ceiTC uror - ftontioa Sheriffs Sale. XTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THKTi .LI by viitne of an execution duly iitsuetl 'i t the i:;rctiit Lonrt of the St ate of Uter1 for the County of Line, by the Clerk there" . nl tome direct d on to-wit: April! mJmMS ajTHMTHIffrr;-- 1H85, upon a judgment Jiod decree of fi-re 1 closure rendered in said Cnnrt prillM lS8.i, iu a suit then an. I there penili"! wherein N P ChriMnan was plsintift' at'l I hoinas Allen was ilefeinlant, in fanT "" said pill for the su-n nf (947 2, with inter est theieoii at the rate of 10 per cent per annum (r-'in date theren', and cusU and i"n hnrsementa of action, and a decree for tlx nale uf the fidlowint; described real proper'? to-wit; AH that purt of the donation U'"1 claim of A"deraon Hauiiltoii ami wife, Net 7fi.i. claim No 4.",, in T 20 S. R 5 W, dr cribed as follow: I'cuiuminf at the S V corner of said donation land claim, the"" east on aoRih boundary of said claim 50 ch to 8 E cri er, tliei.ee north t snnth lie of t' e (foliation himl cl.iim of It C llohina" 40 .10 ch. theiiea north 62" 30' W. on I'"' Iwtween Not 834 and 7S" to west Un'? of said claim ol A Hamilton and wife, V1 7f-". Ihein-e aotrth on wet iMiBiidary nf a" claim to place of beuiiu.ii-k, inntainiuj acres, more or le's; aaid claim of Anders"" Hamilton ami wife is part of sees 4. 9 si' 10. i T 20 8, R W. Una C.mnty. Ora N'' tin refore. hy virtsw of said executi"1 and to satify stid judgment, c-sta, act-re ;ou costs o,l exieii.ei of sale. I will s' the aho.e denciitx-d real property at pahh auclimi ti, tl, lii..,e,i hnl.ler, f-r cash i hand, at the Court Hoii doi-r in Enue City, Lane County, Ore"on, as .Mondny, Jnne 1,1835, hrtwn the heirs of 9 o'uhxk a m an ' ii'i-loeJi p in of aaitl (lay. - Dated May I.IW J K. CAMrr.ELL. fl.tr.fJUneC-.Or.