innv ESTAIILISIIED FUR TJIE DISSEMNITIOX OP 0E10M TIC PRINCIPLES. AND TO UU a PXEST UTING BT TUB SWEAT OP OUR BROW. VOL. 17. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1885. NO. 37. V 1 PI? 1. 1 J El mi A IS Si hum 1 1 .ii VI 11 '1t (S-tjfiif .iCtttj Cord. 'I. L. CAMPBELL, Publisher ani Proprietor. -Oi t'n Eitl or Willamette Streatbatwaaa Sjventa unJ Eighth Street. TERM? OF swaaipnoN. Per Annum... Sit Monthi.... Thr Months. ..82.5T .. 1.25 .. .75 OCR OXLT OB ADVKKTiaiNQ, BATES Advertisements inserted t-o follows t One iiu ii-a, 10 lin tr 1 us, one insertion S3; each subsequent $1. Cash require.) in dvance. Tim. alvertiser will ba charged at the fol owiu, rate : On. square t'urea month J(l 00 ' iix months 8 0" " " oueyenr U Oa Transient notices in local culuinu, 20 ceuts per lia. (or each insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All )ob work must be paid por i! pcuvkhy. ...u.1iin Ha 11 A r nil A M MmU Ant and third W.lnesdajrs in wli rasath. ' mu Brine Bnrra T-onns No. 9 I. O. O. F. Me-its every Tiieslay vcoing. Wimawhu. Encampu kkt No. 6. ' hIi a. th. Id and 4th Wetneslays in each month . - Eouixn Lodoe, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meets at Masonic Hall the econd and fourth Fidays in each month. I. M. Sloan. M. W. KrtPATRicK Post, No. 49, G. A. It.-Meets . t Masonic Hall, the fint and third FrbUys of ach month. By order, Commander. Oaosa or Chose FatE!(ns.-Meet the nt and third Saturday .veiling at Masouic Hall. By order of J. M. Sloan, (; Burn Lodos No. 3G7, I. O. G. T, Meets v.ry Saturday night In O 1 1 Fellows' Mall. , E. O. Potter, W, C. 'I'. Ladin Star Band op Hops -Moeta at the P. Church every Sun t y afternoon at 3:30. fi. Houston. Supt: Mis Bertha Cook, Aa't flupLl Cbas. Hill, Sec'y, Miss H ittie Smith, Chaplain. Visitors raado welcome. L. BIIYEU. C. 11. COLLIER. BILYEU U COLIIER. Attorneys and Counssllors at Law,- EUGKNR CITV, OREGON. PaACriCE IN ALL THE COURTS OF this State. Will xi special attention to collections and probate uiatUrs. . OrriCE-Over Hen Iric' &'s bank. - CEO. B. D303, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Lciw. -17-ILT. PRACTICE IX THE CDURTS W of the Second Judicial District anil in he Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections and matters in probate Geo. S. Washburne AUoracy-at-Law, JU3KN1S CUT, - - - OREGON Odlce formerly occupied by Thoinp-wn & Bean. iylt3 GEO. M. MILLER, aVttornaj ani Couas3ll3at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OKEGON. OFFICE-Two door, north of Post Office. J. E. FENTOjS, AUorney-at-Law. KUGENECITV OREGON. Special attention given t.i Raul Estats Prao' ice and Abstracts of Title.' Orrici Over Grange Store. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and; Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Rsidenc on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton formerly resided. Dr. Wm Osborne, Ofico AJjainins St- Charles Hotel, OB AT THE WDina'.SIOiE OP HATES irl LULKEY, DR. JOSEPH P. GILL,. riAX BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or rs- Videnoe when not professionally en-eii. Otfic at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE.' llesidence oo Eii'hth street, opposit. Presby ' riaa Church. JALTON & K9FFSi:iSER. Attoincy-at-Law. EUGENE CITY, ORECOH. WILL rRAClICE IN ALL THE Special attntin siven to P.eal EUte, Col tVitinc; Prbat niaturs. . ' Cnllw-tin- all kin.I. of cUirot ajainst th. Unitd Stat Government OffiC in W'.b' brick rooms . nod I. Ill 1 A GENERAL mm 19 Ml A large assortment of La dies and Childrens Hose at Good Dress Goods at 12o. Rest Corset in town for 50c An immense stoe'e of N ew and Seasonable Goods. Fine . Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOUIING. MM Liberal Discount for CASH. ; New Departure 2? WO I ATK0N1ZE THE MliN WHO UKU 1 t SCll 'OL ilObBKS, wlios. iiitervstt- ar spend tUeir prolits at Uoiue. J uue nonce mat. A. V. Will sell goods for CASH at greatly re luced prices, as low as nny ether CASH STORE. . Best Prints lb and 13 yards SI 00 Best Brown and Bloached Muslins, 7, 8, i, aud 10 cU , Clarks an 1 Broohs spool cotton 7ft cts per Dot I'la.u nd Milled Flrnuels, 23, 33: 43 ami 50 cts. 1 Water Proo , cents Fino White Shirts, 73 cts and 31, And all Other Cosds Also the Celebrated WHITE SEATING MACHINE I None bettor for s'T3n,'th, sie, and durability), At (fi'eatly reduced rates. HT To my ol I Custome-a, whi have ikm! by me so I mg, I will continue t- sell on same tvms as herjtnforo on tini, hut if at any time they wish to make) CASH purchases, I will give all im. as others, the full credit on my reduction A. V. PETERS Of Goods sold as in Oregon, for r Cash 0 Highest Price paid for all binds of Country Prduce. Call and See . S. IL Frien HainessSliop HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8th STttE west of Craiu Bros'., I am uow prepared to furnish everytbiux in that line at tb. Competent Workmen i Are employ!, and I will enJt jvor to ; ma with a call. o$tmmm BTOJPB Trimming silk ani Sat ins in all .shades. Moireuntique Silks Velvets in Colors. Hie finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place- . 'BOOTS and SHOES in all grades. , . GIWLERIES of all descrivtions. v f f r BUILD YOUIl BRIDGES. KOiDS AND your interests ! Are uerumnentW located an PETER. I Fine Cheviot Shirts. 53, 73 ots and SL Sew Assortment DresS Goods (No Trash) 18; 20 and 23 cts. - . Mens' Underwear. S'tirti an I Drawers, 50 ct Mens' OvershirU. 75 cts. and $1. ' Meus' Overalls, 50, CO, 73 cts and $L Kuibroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Low I'ricei. at Proportionate Rates. . low as any House Credit give aatisfacticm to h ma favcr a. 8. entitle bwlm II 5 my Dr.A.W.Prather. O FFICK SOUTH SIDE OF NINTH Street, oiuit. the Star Bakery, Call promi.tly atteniled to night or day. Chmnio diseases a secinlty. W. V. Henderson, 353 ES PJ Z? EST. er"-r HASKKSUMED PRACTICE fot': r '. with IKc in llnvs' brick. Urj'rffl My openttions will b. Orit class and rhares reasonable. (.)'.d putrons as wel lis new ones are invitrd to cull. DR. L.E.JONES, Physician and Surgeon. W7I1X ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL T mils dnv nr nielli. OFFICE Up stidm in Hays' brick; or can ho found at K U Lnckey A Cos dniR store. Office hours: 9 to 12 ui, 1 to 4 p in. 0 to 8 P m. nnU'if Dr. J. 0. Gray, BEHTIST. OFFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. AU work warranted. Ijumhinit ifiw administered for painless traction of teeth. "TUY. C SEKLBPiEDE7" 13 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED in Cottage Grove. He perforins all njiera lions in mechanical ami mimical ilvntistry. All work warrnuteil and .atUfac:tion miaranteL Geo . W. Kinsey, ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Real estate lor sale Town lots and frrrna. Collections promptly attended to. RH)liKN( e, corner Eleventh and Hu;h Sta, Eugene City, Oregon J. DAVIS, lenoral faihr ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE IN THE le st of style at reasonable rules. Pants from $7 "p Shop ami residence on 01 i v. street between Sixth and Seventh, on ; Castosia. , Kotlier. I2zt end rhyticlans rocommend It. IT 13 HOT r'ARCOTL'. C CENTAUIl LINI3IENT0; llio "World's ercat rain-nc-llcvliig remedies. They lical, tootho uud euro Burns. Vv'ouiids, "Wealc Back und HhcuinatLsm upon Jllan, and Cpralns, Calls end Lameness r.po:i Coasts. Cicap, quick and reliable. C CPCHT.1 cf ilusVuz tenets., CaciHo. CracItUus IaUca la tli Head, r.tid Lroath, EoaTrocs, and any Catarrhal Com-IaL-it, can to exterminated ty Wel To lloyer'. Catarrh Cnre, a Const tutlosal Antidote, ly Ab.orp tioa . The most Imnovtant Ela . covory since Vaoliiation. Dii;! J. lliUi, Croceris Provisions, Will keep on hand a xeneral assortment Groceries,' Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Koarw, Notions. Green and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow War Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK HASIS. Which mean, that Low Prices are Established' Coodi dtlirertd vitlionl har;e to Enyti ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED -r whl.h w. will pay th. Linboft market ftict, JA i. rv fa- Cliil(lieii H H M W li'I iilulit Mifh.ini i. A roccut notioH of a inxclinnlo in Mttfwcl)u.spti!i who in Rn expert in that do pnrtnnt of natural hitory of whicli the) liutti'rHy in ihn chief ri'prPHontalive Hi'g"i'8t other and niinilivr instanoos. It nmy he that the nxactness required in mechanical work dovelops a tasto for clo.s study, or it niay he that nat ural history and pur aciitncfl Ih'co.iip. pleasant toiU to thn monotony of mo- chnniaxl work; hul it in the fuut that nome practical, day-working mechanioa Ktmd high in some Bciontiiiu speoinl tie. ' v . '. . , ' Thrro ii a nm(-hinint -a lino tool maker who is well known, and wide ly known, an ai; amateur astronomer. Ho Iiah conlrihuted importantly to thn science; and is not nurpawed in nicely an J prechwne.w in designing astronomi cal mechanism, Another w an expert atwl engraver by choice and n. a paalime, and yet, incrediMe m it may appear, lie is a mil i t It or forger, handling steel and iron in hars and ihe hf avy hammer of the liliickHmith all day, nnd doing delicate steel engiavings at nigh or on "off hours." lie has nearly finished de signing und engraving a series of plutes representing the childish legend of the ' Denth of Cock ltoliin," tlie proofs of which are really fine. Ono loft thn machine shop three years ago, and set up as an engraver on jewelry, plate, and similar articles. lie originates all his designs, and rarely makes a second drawing. Ho is a wonderful producer of elegant and leg- ilile monograms. A set of six silver buttons for a vest, all uniformed in general design and no two aliko in particular is very artistic, and yet he designed and engraved the six while the customer waited perhaps an hour. These two Instances show that the hentof the authors was naturally artistic rather than mechanical. , Ihere is a young man 30 years old, who is hetter authority "on 'the flora of N'.'W England than some of the au thors of accepted text hooks. . The fiehU, pastures, winkI and hy ways are his haunts when he has an hour "in the season." Ho is not surpassed as ft herhulist, and is quoted as an authori ty where he known. A surgeon was spoiled wnen. another man, a iiiachiuis', went into tin? shop. lie acts at call in setting hones and. reducing aprim. He ia so successful that he is m the confidence of the pro fessionals, who are not ashamed to profit hy his suggestiona Sciontifi American. Rol Worthy. Colonel llerimides Kodson, a promi nent citizen of Arkausaw, is dissatisfied with Cleveland's administration. "Let me tell 'you," said he to a parly of friends the other evening, "that follow Cleveland is a fraud." "A fraud, eli'somo one said in re ply. . "Yes, sir a consummate fraud. I called on the gentleman. He received me very graciously. I rather liked his a rt it . I . appearance. A trine tiui, nui pieasant. 'Mr. Cleveland,' said I, 'suppose we slip, out ai.d take something.' He looked at me strangely, ' hut made no reply. 'Mr. Cleveland,' I repeated, 'cupposr we dodge around and take a snort.' Still he did not reply. That ended it with me. A nun who can act ho discourteously toward a guest is nU worthy of a prominent position There used to he an old gentleman in one of the parishes of Louisiana who was noted for his tremendous deport ment and punctuality. Arriving in New Orleans for the first time he ao costed a young man aliout to n who was standing on the oorner of Canal street, "I wish, my young friend," said he, taking out his watch, "to go to the St. Charles Hotel." "Well," said the gilded youth, "you may go, but don't stay hut half an hour. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers was organized in Marshall, Mich., nearly twenty-four years ago. It has now more than 16.000 inem l.ers, and has laid out over $l,000,n00 in insurance Is-nefit, and given away over $500,000 ti the neeJy, frequently not n emWrs of the Order. A t'oiillral fable. There ii not in all Russia a news- pap,,,. tjmt iir print th fact(l in re j gard to the military situation. The nearest approach to anything like a critical view of it was published ' in Prince Mestchenky's Citizen in the form of a political fable entitled "The Bear and (tin Whale." This represent ed a hetr sitting hy the seashore ad miring the view, Presently the whale of all the oceans swam up and asked him what he meant hy approaching so near the whale's frontier. The bear answered back defiantly, and both engaged in a fierce war of epithets. "Tlio whalo shook with anger and roared, and the lear roared Wk again. They made such a noise that all the fishes pf the ocean and oil the leasts of the forest trembled with fear. The bear would liked to have skinned the whale, hut hn feared the water, and the whale was aware that he would be de fenseless on shore." So after bellow ing for half a day both dropped from atiguo." Why oho Drmtil Like I Mai My thin boots wore out in tew days. I forgot to hold up my dress and covered my petticoats with mud. My bonnets were spoiled one after another by the rain. I generally re turned from thn expeditions I took ' dirty, weary and cold, whereas my young men acquaintances, some of whom had been the companions of my : childhood in Derri, had none of these : inconveniences to submit to. I there- i fore had a long gray cloth ooat mads with trousers to match.' When this ; custume was completed by a gray foil : hat and a loose woolen cravat no one j could have guessed that I was not a young student in my first year. My ; boots were my particular delight. 1 should like to have gone to bed with them. On their little iron heels I wnnderei. from one end of .Paris to the other. No one took any notice of me or suspected of my disguse. Georg.i Sand's Autobiography. There is a thrivim commerce in the township cf Freudenstadt, in Baden, thn satisfactory condition of whicli goes to show mat communism even nay W productive of wealth. The township contains 1420 inhabitants, each of whom lias as much wood for building purposes and firing as ho wishes, while ho can send his cattle out to pusture on the common land during the Summer. Schools, churches, thor oughfares and fountains are all main tained by the commune and ev?ry year considerable imgrovements ' are made. $25,000 was spent in 1883, for in stance, on establishing a new water supply in ironSpipes, A hospital, too, has been built and A pavilion in the market place, where the original com munal band plays on fete days. The villagers have never paid a singhi far thing in taxrs, but, on the contrary, euch year a distribution of the surplus revenue is made among them and each family usually obtains from 112 to $15. All this is done with about 5000 acres of pine forest and meadow land belong to the township. The military discipline of Germany is proverbial. About a year ago a traveler tit Germany came icrpsa an oflicer employed in superintending some details of military railroad transport. Ho had been a Captain during the Franco German war and had allowed his company to be surprised. After Isiina imprisoned for eighteen ni"iiths hn was placed in the military railroad service and told that ho was never to receive promotion. Being surprised by an enemy is regarded as the one un pardonable sin by the Germans. "Won't you have another piece of pie Mr. Featherlyf isked Bobby hos pitably. His mother was entertaining a few friend at dinn?r ami the dessert was lieing discussed. "Thanks, Bobby," Jealher!y replied, laughingly; "since you are so polite about it, I believe I will take a small piece more." "All right," id Bobby, "Now, ma, re.nemlier your promisp. You saiJ if it was necessary to cut intj lh a-cond pie 1 could have two pieces."