The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 16, 1885, Image 2

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I.Ii.CAHrBEM Freprletor,
;A little older every day.
A lit t ! nearer to tho closet
(Nearer the ending of the troy,
Kcarcr the lung repose.
'Nearer tho time when o'er our head
' Phall spring tho blossom and the grass.
And frifiids will murmur: ."lie ll dead,"
A by our tomb they pass.
iNearer tho time whon shall oust
Ad anchor by tho mvstlo shore!
And nee mid f l and know, at lust,
What we could not before.
Ah I how the years go rolllngont
fjllow short the step to manhood's prime,
low aonn tho gold of life In gone
into the vaults of Ximol
Cincinnati Enifitrar;
Her Devices to Conceal the Cruel
ties of an Insane Husband.
A young girl, who had just arrived,
was the center of a group of women
on tho porch of the old-ftwhioned hotel
!ln Wildgrapeisle, a little inland the
medicinal qualities of whoso springs,
.especially in the, ease-of nervous com
.plaints, were just beginning td" be
.known, ono lovely August evening.
"And now," suid alio, after the usual
welcoming Speeches and compliment
ary remarks about the beconilngness
of her traveling costume had all been
made, "tell mo who is hero,"
"Oh! tho old set," answered two or
three of her friends together. "With
the exception," added two or three
more, "of Madam Whims," chorused
all the rest.
"Madam Whims," repeated the now
arrival. "What a very odd name."
"Oh! It Isn t her real name," ex
plained several of the group in one
voice acain. "Her real namo-
"Supposo ono of the party enlightens
mo while the others remain silent, ' in
tcrrupted the girl, laughingly. "It's
rather confusing, you know, listening
to a chorus on a subject of wliicli the
listener happens to' bo in tolal Ignor
ance. I on, maud, used to bo a capital
storv-teller In our school days, and
that Isn't far enough away for your
tongue to have lorgotten Its cunning,
and so suppose you narrato and oblige
;yours truly, Hull Morrison.
"Thore isn't' any story to tell, Hell,
, ray dear," replied the youthful, bright
eyed matron thus singled out. "The
cases Is simply this: A lady Is stopping
hero she eume about threo weeks ago
whoso namo is Kleanor llulpin, but
w hom our circle with common consent
have dubbed Madame. Whims, because,
my dear, she really is the whimmiest of
Svnlmnien. Tun "intended hope you
all sec it."
"I recognized it at once," said Bell,
"having mot it many times before,
notably in tho old verses which, if my
memory serves mo aright, runs some
what In this way.
When Kve first wooed with love so kind
i Hor Adam culled her woomnii;
lint w hen ilia brought him (f rlcf and woo,
Why, then ho culled her woumait. -Klnee
then the men declare the fox
With follies nvcrbrliniiiln',
. And so they've changed the namo again,
And now they call thuiu whlmmen.
"Am I to co on, or havo vou any
more verses to repeat?" asked Mistress
"lou are to go on, ana go on
quickly," answered her sprightly
friend," "for I haven't had my supper
vet and I shall soon be awfully miuery
You said last she was tho 'whimmiest
of whlmmen,.' Tray tell mu what
shapes her whims take? '
"Oddities of dress, principally,
i ben wo tlrst beheld her, two
ulayj 'after her arrival sho had kept
.her room in mo interim sou wore
sort of turban, apparently evolved
.from a large, soft, crimson silk hand
.kerchief, tilted rather raklshly oyer the
left eye. It was not altogether unbe
coming, but It was extremely queer,
In a few days the turban wasdiscarded
and she appeared In very long, very
jlooso gloves, morn, noon and eve,
breakfast, lunch and dinner, for nearly
a week. Xheu she came down with
ii-ane, a handsome one, and walked with
an aflectod little limp foranother week
iThen a laee scarf graced her head,
tied down over her ears, my dear,
with big bow under her chin. And
;to-night, warm as It Is, she has several
raids of white illusion twined around
Iter throat and standing up at the
'back of her neck in a manner that
strongly suggest an Klixabethan ruff."
, " hic-li suggestion of an Elizabethan
ruff I suppose I ahull have the pleasure
'of seeing. 1 said Hell, "as each of mv
,lady i vagaries seem to last for several
jdaya. H'tt tell mo something about
herself, iTlaud. Is sho pretty? Is she
clover? Is she wife, widow or divorcee?
!lf wife, what kind of a husband has
, "Well, she Is not ugly, rather pretty,
in fact, and somewhat clever; so we in
fer from what conversation we have
had with her, which Is very little, for
'it is one of her w hints to have her hus
band always at her side, and you know
how hard it is for women to talk to
each other w hen there is a man around.
By tho by, we also infer from the
never-varying brightness of her face
that she must be a very happy, very
;sweet-Umered woman."
"And her husband?"
"Oh! yes. I was coming to him. lie
is a solendid looking feilovr (though
Kate lhitton, who la given, you know,
to finding rcsemblanco to animals in
human brings, declares there Is a hint
of tiger about him), but we are none
of us particularly Interested In hira,
ibecause, to tell the truth, my dear, he
hasn't shown the slightest Interest In
any of us."
"And how docs he appear to regard
his wifo'a whims?"
"With extreme Indulgence. I see him
looking at her T-eculiurities of dress,
sometimes, with the kind of smile with
n kieh a fond parent regards tho trick
of a spoiled child."
"Spoiled child, Indeed!" hero Joined
;in a sharp-nosed, thin-lipped elderly
dame who had evidently thus far been
holding her tongue with great difficulty,
"I have no natienco with him. Win
don't he make her take off those fal-de-lals
(Maud hasn't told you about half
of them) and dress like a Christian? I
would, mljrhty quick, if I were he. But
nshedou't I should think that compan
Ion of hers Mrs. lirei'g who seems
be a sensible person, and to have some
Influence over her, might prevail upon
her not to make a show of herself.
"Perhaps she is the sort of woman
who can t be prevailed upon," said
"I guess you are right," acquiesced
Mistress Maud, with emphasis. "She
has a very determined look at times
about her mouth, though It is a small
and smilling one. And her big, dark
gray eves meet your gaze almost dull'
aniiv. '
"Defiantly? Impudently, I call It,
resumed the sharp-featured lady, "and
Vm sorry for her husband, I am, for
altogether, I've no doubt be has a pre
ty hard time of it. I m sure il I were
a man shouldn't want mil wife tag
ging 'round after me every step took
especially if I had a wifo like Madam
Whims, eternally devisln' wavs and
means, In spite oi her pretended devo
tion, ol attraetln attention.
"That is false!" said a voico from the
drawing-room window, and the next
moment Mrs. dregg, a tall, pale wo
man, clad in black robes, stepped out
upon tuo porch
"Knlse'.' ei-hi
echoed the unlovely spin-
"Yes, 'false;' and totmy mind the
time has come when the truth should
bo told. I can not, in consideration for
her, take tho dreadful responsibility of
Keeping my mistress secret any longe
Ladies, that splendid looking fellow
bo bound to the Hide of his wife would
had It not been for her angelic love an
devotion, have been long ago the in
mate of a lunatio asylum. Don't be
frightened, ho has never hurt any one
but her. For years he has been subject
to Insane paroxysms whoso fury he
vents upon the being ho loves best In
the world. Once over them he Is as
sano as you or I. For several weeks
past these attacks have been much more
frequent than ever before. But no ono
baa suspected them, even in this
crowded hotel, for having, as vou have
already suggested, Miss button, some
thing ol the Hirer about him, It is but
stealthy bound, a noiseless, heavy blow,
or two or three received without
murmur and then ho sinks into a pro
found slumber from which ho awakes
utterly unconscious of what ho has
done, to laugh as you do at his wifo':
wnims. iliac iantastio turban con
ccaled a wound in the left temple; the
long gloves covered bruised hands and
arms; the scarf was tied about a swollen
neck, and tho yards of illusion wrappe
nround her sjender throat to-night hide
the marks of cruel lingers. 'Madam
Whims!' Madam Saint, I say! 'He only
nuns mo, sue prays, when I threate
disclosure. 'Ho only hurts me and
does not mean to do it, as you well
Know, liregg, lor he loves mo, hn loves
me dearly and I adore him. What he
does in tho wretchod moments that ho
is not himself I can boar, but to be
parted from him forever oh! that I
could not bear.' She came here In the
hope that tho waters might do him
good, but ho has, as I have told you
grown worse, and after to-day's ex
perienco It would bo crimo for mo to
remain silent any longer. '(Jivo mo
the namo, please, of tho best physician
lu tho mv Ood! what was that?' sho
broko oil" suddenly to exclaim, as
pistol altot rang out upon tlio air, and
then she fairly Hew back through tho
drawing-room, out Into tho hall, and
up the stairs that led to her mistress
apartment, followed, almost as swiftly,
by the horror-stricken women who had
been listening to her story. Throwing
open me door or tho sitting-room sho
entered, leaving tho others huddled to
gether In tint threshold. "Too late
too late!" she cried; "look there." And
there on tho floor,, beside a couch
which held the form of his wife, lay
tho lifeless body of Luko llulpin. "Ho
has killed her in one of his insane mo
ments," continued tho companion in a
shrill, unnatural voice, "and finding
iter ucau on awakening has taken his
own life with tho pistol I thought
had so carefully hidden from him.
And see, see, wringing her hands while
the tears rolled down hor cheeks, oh!
what a pitiful sight she played
'Madam Whims' to tho last." And
pressing silently forward they saw that
the dvinir womnn. with anmn wllil I.Ik.i
of hitling tho aet that had cost her her
life, and shielding him who was dearer
to her than that life, had with her last
strength draped a gauzy shawl over
the knife-wound in her breast, but tho
tell-tale blood had dripped through
and stained the white silk dress sho
wore with spots of vivid red! Margaret
t.mmge, ii Detroit tree tress
He Let His Cows For Beans.
"If Smith don't keep his cow out of
my garden I will kill her. I have shot
her side full of beans every night, but
sho gets in mv garden the next night
just tho same as if nothing had hap
pened. I believe ho turns her In mv
garden." "Of courso ho does," said
ones, "for I saw him do It.." "What
the dickens does he do that for?" "To
get yon to shoot his cow." "To get me
to shoot his cow? What does he want
me to shoot his cow for?" "Because
ho is a Boston man and his cow brings
homo enough of your beans to support
his family. Ho 'keeps his boys busy
icklng tho beans out of his cow's hide.
Take him over a bushel of beans and
his cow won't get in your garden for
a week." Aim Beacon.
Lately the distance between Lon
don and Kdinburgh was covered in
three days by a trievdo rider. This
feat was surpassed a week later by an
other traveler, who accomplished the
four huudred miles In two days and
nine hours, considerably more than
half tho distance being traveled In the
first twenty-four hours. A medical
writer in tho Lancet warns all "cyelo"
riders to beware of large wheels which
are accompanied by small saddles. Ho
savs that unless a rood-sized sent is
provided, serious evils may result.
Among the victims of cholera at
Naples was an old woman aged one
hundred am' three years.
Combined Rltlll and Judgment ltoqullt
In It Manufacture.
If a sheet of gold leaf is held up
against the light it appear to bo of a
vivid dark green color; this means that
the light Ss transmitted , tli rough the
leaf. When it is considered that this
leaf Is a piece of solid metal, a better
Idea of the extreme tenuity of thick
ness of the leaf can be comprehended
than by any comparison of figures;
nothing made oy tue nana. or man
equals it in thinnest 'This extreme
thinness Is produced by patient ham
mering. tho hammers weighing foni
seven to twenty pounds, the lighter
hammers being first used. When the
true method of this beating Is under
stood, the wonder expressed sometimes
that gold leaf beating should not be
relegated to machinery ceases; the art
belongs to the highest department of
human skill and judgment. Appren
tiecs have served a term, and have been
compelled to abandon the business, be'
cause they never could acquire the
requisite skill and judgment combined
necessary to become, successlul work'
The only pure gold leaf Is that used
by dentists lor tilling carious teeth, and
it is called foil. It is left much thicker
than the gold loaf for gilding Indeed,
it could not be beaten so thin: for thin
or leaf told an allov of silver and en ri
per is required to i-upart " tho requisite
tenacity. Dentists foil weighs six
grains, five, four and three grains per
sheet, or leaf, according to its thick
ness. The last operation on the leaf Is
annealing. This is done over a char
coal fire, tho leaf being laid singly In
sort of corn popper a square recepta
cle with wire bottom at tho end ol
handle over which is held a similar
cover to prevent the flame from carry
ing tho leaf away. An Instant s ex
posti re to the (lame induces a red heat,
when the leal is laid on a sheet ol f
The material for gold leaf and den
tist's foil is coin gold. The gold Is pre
cipitated by munatio and nitrio acids
over a tire to separate tho gold and sil
ver, the copper of the alloy passing oft
in the heat Tho silver from gold coin
amounts to about seven pennyweights
to eight hundred dollars worth.of coin
tho amount usually treated at a time.
This reduction and separation of tho
metals is tho usual method, and docs
not require special description.
The pure gold is then melted in sand
crucibles with the proper proportions of
silver and copper to produce the color
of leat desired, very line ornamental
effects being produced In gilding with
leaf of different shades. Tim thud met
al is poured into iron moulds, making
bars seven inches long, one and an
eighth Inches wide and one-fourth of
an inch thick. These bars are forged,
like iron, between anvil and hammer,
to even the edges, and then rolled In
powerfully-geared rolls to a ribbon not
thicker than writing paper and ono inch
wide. Of course, in the rolling as in all
the processes, there must be occasional
row comes the tlrst of the beating
processes. Ihese squares of gold (one
men Bquarej are piacea in a pne alter
nating with larger squares (four Inches
or more) ot "kutch" paper, a material
made from a pulp of animal membrane
raw-hide, intestines, etc. and the
outside of tho pile receives a square of
parchment. J ho hammering then be
... . . .
gins with a seven-pound hammer on
a block ot marble that rests on a
solid foundation. After one hour's
beating tho pile is warmed at a lire to
anneal the gold, a process requiring
care, so that tho kutch paper be not
burned.' Four hours of healing suftlces
for this preliminary process, 180 squares
of gold being treated in ono pile. Tho
final process requires great skill. Th6
Imrtially beaten squares are puekod as
lefore. 'but with alternates of gold boat
er s skin, until tho pile, contains IKX)
sheets. The beating is continued with
increasingly heavier hammers until the
final finish with the twenty-pound
hammer. The gold-beater's skin conies
from Kngland, and tho best of it and
tho most of it is made by one family
f rederlck 1'erkius. lhe skin is so
thin as to bo almost transparent, ami
yet it is double, two thicknesses. It is
prepared from the larger Intestine of
the ox. Kaeh sheet of tho skin is
rublu'd on each side, la-fore the pack is
made, ami whenever tho pack is rear
ranged (placing tho outer gold in the
center and vice versa), with a powder
made from calcined gypsum of a very
pure sort, imported from Germany. This
is to prevent tho gold from sticking to
the skin.
In beating, tho work of spreading the
gold is from tho center of each square
of gold out toward tho edges, and the
finished squares are thicker at the edges
man in the center. A contrary spread
ing would split the edges and ruin the
squares, lu rearranging tho squares in
the process of beating they are some
times torn, but another piece laid on as
a Uiiteh, lapping over tho torn place,
will bo firmly welded In tho after beat-
i'lio finished squares are cut to a size
of three and three-eighths inches, and
packed in a "book" holding twenty
lite sheets, the paper leaves being
rubbed with red oeherto prevent stick-
i hese books of twenty-live sheets
are sold at from thirty to lorty ceuts
ach. The cutting of the leaf is done
by knives, which are simply slips of tho
outer shiny shell or skin ot tho .Malacca
cane such as is used for walking sticks.
he outer rind contains silex or flint in
minute, invisible particles, forming a
jHH-uliar edge. Steel will not answer
the purpose. bcuntifio American.
The length of Welsh names is
proverbial, savs the London Urayhtc,
but even Tally seems outdono by the
title of a Mahrathl work lately published
in the Bombay Presidency, e. : Shri-
makapadvaratnamala," which means.
erses describing the death of l eshwa
Madaw Kao 1."
-The following is said to be a literal
translation of a paragraph in a French
novel: "V astmg herseit between her
brother and his intended victim tho fair
Inea exclaimed in a voice that vibrated
ith agony: 'lludolpho, do not kill
un, lor it vou d d he would surely
The treasury of the Baptist Homo
Missionary Society is in such a depleted
condition that appointments have been
only made for six months, fears being
felt that money enough may not be con
tributed to pay a full year's salaries
Chicago Inter Ocean.
There were 600 Frenchmen at Ox
ford the past term quite an unprece
dented number. The general stylo of
living demands less expense than form
erly, and no man linds it now wcum
bent on him to give wine parties as of
At sTSunday-school convention, ob
jection having been raised to the nn
healthful influence of many of the books
in the libraries, a superintendent nno
and suggested that they should oe
weeded out and sent to the poor chil
dren out West Harper's Bazar.
Miss Mary Caldwell, a wealthy
Catholic lady of Baltimore, has given
$300,000 to be used for the establish
ment of a Catholic university for the bet
ter education of the priesthood, on the
?lan proposed by Bishop Spaulding.
he Plenary Council has accepted the
gift. Baltimore Hun.
Mr. John Scott, who recently closed
a ten weeks' term of free high school in
the town of Holden, Me., says that in
all that time he had no occasion to sneak
reprovingly to any one of his scholars,
lie says he has taught fourteen years
and never before had such an experi
ence as this, and he asks his fellow
teachers of this country to tell him
whether any ono of them can say as
much for any school taught by them.
Troy Times.
The new catalogue of Dartmouth
College, New Hampshire, shows that
there are now 42 members of the faculty
and 402 students, the latter being di
vided as 'follows: Collegiato Depart
ment, 244; Chandler Scientific School,
74; Agricultural College, 28; Medical
College, 44; Thayer School of Engi
neering, 12. In the Academic Depart
ment 19 are from Maine, 98 from New
Hampshire, 54 from Vermont, and 83
from Massachusetts. Outside of New
England nineteen States and Territories
are represented.
The Rochester Post-Express is doing
a commendable work in showing up
tho defects of country school sanita
tion. The yards and surroundings of
many school-houses in the country are
indescribably filthy. Some of the de
tails can not be referred to in a public
journal' and are sickening to contem
plate. Thero may be some excuse for
faulty sanitation in crowded cities, but
there is none in tho country. It is high
time that attention was called to this
evil. If tho cholera were to come to
this country it would make short work
with the people, who livo in such neigh
borhoods. Chicago Journal.
In London a "pony" is a five-pound
note, in this country a glass of beer, and
in the dictionary a small horse. Yonk
era Uazctte.
An experienced housewife in a long
article tells "how to save your dishes
from being broken." It is unnecessary.
All you have to do is to put them away
and eat off of tin dishes.
My dear sir, yon cannot always
reason correctly from analogy. Because,
for example, red-skinned apples make
the best jelly, it does not follow that a
red-faced man makes the best husband.
Chicago Journal.
"What is economy?" asks the Phila
delphia Korth American. We'll tell
you. It is paying ten cents for a cigar
and compelling your wife . to turn her
last season's dress to make it do an
other winter. Tho country is fairly
bulging with such economy. Xorris
town llcrald.
A girl who had become tired of
single blessedness, thus wrote to her in
tended: "Dear Jim, como right oft
you are coming at all; .Edward
Keiderman is insistin' that I shall have
him; and ho hugs and kisses me so con
tinually that 1 can t hold out much
longer. Boston J'ot.
-A festive dude came into our sano-
turn. He had a poem: we kiudlv
thanktum. With the office club we
gently planktum over the top of his
phizaranktura. He swore an oath
which sounded like blanktum, and gazed
at us like a dinged old cranktum, and
then there was a vacancy 1n our sano
turn. Evanscille Argus.
-" ell, JJobkins, are vou going to
the club to-night?" "I haven't made
up my mind yet." "Haven't? Why it's
time to bo there now." "I know, but
my wife hasn't got back from the
woman s meeting vet. "Ah. I see,
lou can t make up your mind till vour
wife brings it home. Chicaao Tribune,
-Sho had named Friday of the fol
lowing week as tho day for the wedding.
"But Friday is an unlucky day," said
George. '-0, so it is!" she exclaimed:
I had forgotten that ' No, it wouldn't
do to bo married on Friday." "How
would Saturday or Monday do?" sug
gested George, tenderly. The girl hes
itated and blushed a little. , Then she
said: "I I think Thursday would be
better. George." Detroit Post.
-"Does you know John Jackson?"
asked Jim Webster of Pete Simpson.
"I should say I does know him. He is
an awful sly cuss." "What hasheeber
done that was so berry smart?" "The
other day I sood hira "walking along on
tho opposite sido of Austin Avenue. I
called out 'John!' two or free times.
De niggah made out as if he didn't heah
me. 1 overtuek hira and cotched him
by do arm, and dang by buttons if he
wasn't anudder niggah entirely. You
bet ho am a sly one." Texas Sifting.
" "What do our daughters need?"
asks a writer. Well, we have come to
the conclusion that they need about
everything under tho sun except
bread. Burlington Free Press.
Much excitemant has been made by re
ports recently published on the vile condi
tion ol the slums of London. In one cellar
was found a family consisting of a man
nick with smallpox, "his dying wif, three
half-naked and dirty children, and one
pi?, lu some parts there is one sin-mill
to everv hundred persons. What defile
ment ! "Yet corresponding impurities often
defile the human blood. They can be east
out by Brown'a Iron Bitters, the great
nirengthvner and lmritkr. Mr. li. J.
Strange, of Stark Ijtke, Florida, nays,
"Brown's Iron Hitters is tfce best blood
purifier I ever tried. It gives all the satis
faction a man ran want 1
To aell (foods appear to ba taHy bnxlnrM, c
peciully when tliu Kwxlsare w beautiful ana at
uac'tive aa to aeeui almovt to wll themselves. Hut
there are duties and renpoiinibihlie connected
with the life of a liead-sulesinun in a ifreat eatab
na.i. ,...,t i,l mhli h tlm eiuual bIiouixt haa very
little iuVa. tine of the laiifest houses In the ar
tbitic porcelain and Khisa business not long age
eaine near umiiiir 11a eniei saieamau mu u,
Hi, .I ll mi kiimvIi'iI h would, bis ulm
would have been a very dilllcult one to lilt. His
escape from death was Indeed a very narrow one.
When our editorial correspondent recently
called on Mr. Alonwi Clark, be found him sur
rounded by all manner of tasteful elegancies In
china and bric-a-brao, in Uie spacious salesrooms
of the well-known bouse ol uavis, coiiamore
Co., Hroadway and Twenty-Ural btB.. rcw l or.
Mr. t ;lark i a somewhat spare and sinewy gen
tleman of about M) or over. He carries wn h him
the marks of a severe tussle with disease, but
shows, both In bis countenance ana His at lions,
Uint be won the victory,
W will let Mr. Clark tell his own storr:
"My trouble," he said, "was chielly with my
lungs and throat. Originally I had a good con
sul ution, and caino of a healthy family, mv
mother having reached the advanced age of S'i
ana neingsiiu an active woman. During me ri
could endure long marches and severe fatigue,
and could lie on the ground at night without
beingattacked by rheumatism. My first Sick
ness was four y-ars ago in a malarious region in
Connecticut. The malaria got Uie better of me,
and laid the foundation for catarrh and all the
other evils I have been atllicted with.
"About a year and a half ago 1 caught a se
vere cold. My lungs became inflamed, and my
whole system was urostrated. Soon 1 showed
all the symptoms of connumptlon. I was entirel,
disabled and until, to attend to business.
was in the care of one of the best known pby
sicians in Uie city, and one of the most expen
sive ones, lint uhysicians could do little in
reaching my case. The nearest they came to
finding out what was the mutter with me was
wtien they told me that ll l had any business ar
fairs to settle, to see about it aa early as txisal
ble. as I could not last long. It was understood
at the store that I must die, and that my place
wouia have to be supplied by somebody else.
My weight, which had been 137. ran down to
110. Yet I had a Ann courage, with a sure hope
that somehow or other I would recovor.
After 1 got rid of the doctors, who had given
me un to die. I got a little better and was able to
drag myself down to the store. A couple of
luuy customers sitoae to mn about l;oniouim
Oxygen, and advised me to go to the New V'ork
oflice of titarkty & I'ulen, and see Dr. Turner
about it. I knew nothing about this remedy, but
concluded to try it, J imt on a venture. Un hiking
a few inhalations at Dr. Turner's oflice, 1 was
surprised at the etl'ecton me. It seemed a light
matter to inhale something which was without
taste or odor; but certainly it did me a great
deal of good. Mv benctlt began at once. I soon
w as able to walk up and aown stairs. I took one
' ' li ,i tn a Imuhtmnl ' ... 1. 1 ..K In I ..i nH ,nMA
. 1 1. 1 , V KWUIVll T. 11 1 L 11 1 HQ 11 , 1 nig 1 1' 1 ,111 .J
months; then I got a second. My appetite re
turned and my sleep was good. When I flint
visited Dr. Turner, I had not for months slept
in a bed. I had been compelled to take such
sleep as I could get by reclining in a chair. My
feet and ankles were badlv swelled, and I
seemed In all respects to be getting ready for the
uuacnaicer. Alter uiKing uie oxygen awnne
X began to enjoy refreshing sleep for two or
three hours at a time; I could lie la bed and ob
tain rest and comfort by doing so.
"I will here say that I have found great ad
vantage in the use of the nose-piece inhaler for
my catarrh. I inhaled directly through the nott-
inis, wiin tue oesi eirect. A yellowish pulpy
secretion had been oming both from nose and
throat. The effect of the t'omtiound Oxygen whs
to cause this to stop, and with it, the pain and
uupieawut sensations i nua Deen lecling in my
'Soon I found mvsplf. In mv irrcat dellirlit.
able to attend to business, as of old. I had not
all my former st rength. nor could I expert it.
But I was rapidly gaining, and have kept on
guiiiing ever since. All lust winter I was on
duty except a few of the wetUvtandmost slushy
days, when I thought i' prudent to stay in the
house. 1 have been able to attend to ny regu
lar Business, a' it am now. ur course 1 am care
ful of myself. 1 do not expose myself to storms.
I walk with ease a few blocks every day. and
hat without experiencing any great sense of
".Mr. Clark, do you still continue the treat
ment or are you independent of it r
once in awnne tr i nave a siignt return ot
throat trouble. 1 take few Inhalations, and with
positive advantage. I de not now need to take
it for catarrh, for mv catarrh is all gone, to my
great relief. I consider myself as thoroughly
cured as I can be, I have gained most of my
lost flesh back again, and am increasing. Of
course 1 do not expect ever to be very stout.
"Are you, then, a believer in Compound Oxy'
gen as a restorer of health f
"Believer? Wrhy, yes; most thoroughly and
heartily. I cannot say too much for iu You
cannot wonder that 1 nave lost all confidence in
the old systems. They could do nething for me
nm ten me l was going to me, and they blun
dered when they told me that. Compound
uxygen nrougnt me o nut you see me now,
and did it after they had failed. Yes: you may
say that I believe in Compound Oxygen, and
that I recommend everybody who is situated as
I was to nfuke a fair trial of it. I don't know
what they make it of, and I don't rare; all that
I know about it is that it pulled me through
That s enough for me." -
Compound Oxygen is not an experiment It
is tried and true. Hundreds of others give sim
ilar testimony to that of Mr. Clark. Mai, y of
those who have experienced the best benefltB
from it are those w hom tho old-fashioned doc
tors had given ut. To learn all about Com
pound Oxygen, send to Drs. Starkey & Pnlen,
utrjKiiu u irarn street, i'liiiadelphio. for o
deeply interesting little work on the subject,
wuicn win ue sent you ny mail.
April 27th wasGen. Grant'sKid birth lay,
CATARRH A NcwTreatment has been dis
covered w hereby a permanent cure is effected in
from one to three applications. Particulars and
treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon
& Sun, 30a King St. west, Toronto, Canada.
: great rtv
for xvajrc
ii r c a
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backachs, Headache. Toothache,
orThri.lnrlltni. Hprnln. Brnlaaa,
Hum fcraldo, I'rtml Kile,
isn m units Hoiui.t r.ivs .d una.
asldtyDmcxtiuinil OMtertwrTwhtra. FlftjCBUaboC,
PirwtttHi. In It I.nnfiiam.
tA.yi.I.IJ'llr0.k tUllkmar. 14H I. S. A.
Reffcnerattoa for
enfeebled ajmtem suf
fering frum; a general
vant of tone, and Hi
uiutl oonoomitants,
dyspepsia and aer
vsuhhsi, Is seldom
derivable from the
tm ot a nnarinhln
diet sud ttunuU of
atpftlte, unaided. A
I inetllcioa that will
effect a removal of
toe epecioo obstacle
to renewed health and
vigor, that is a genu
ine corrective, la the
real need. It la the
poaw avion of t h 1 1
Pi-,, TOMACHlfW grand ruimnent
Hi i T IT Tsiiai iaS which makes Htt
aCS I TaT-TTi I'S m3 Stomach Bitters
aJE 1 I Ffk soelfeetive aa an In
at S t vunnnt. Ynrmkibv
all Dnwr i'U and Iieak-ra generally.
All Sorts of
hurts and many sorts of ails of
man and beast need a cooling
lotion. Mustang Liniment.
V ' - ' --?I- '
ef 'ii 1
Mica mines near Clinton, Ala., are in
full operation
It is said that al 'dy'ssUimiliiRin society
ran easily be determined by her dress at
the break fast-table'; an expensive, showy
costume indicating that the wearer haa
not yet learned the proprieties. But no
one i,eed,lafrailofbelngcalled " shoddy"
If her loveliness is as apparent by daylight
as at the hops. Perfect beauty in never
Uie attendant of disease; above all, of
those diseases peculiar to women, and
which find a ready cure in Ur. Tierce's
"Favorite Prescription." Price reduced
to one dollar. Uy drugglsta.
Twenty-four peraoiii were killed by an
avalanee at Scvdisford, Iceland.
When Baby was sick, we gave her C ASTORIA,
When ah was a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, '
When aha became Miss, she clung to C ASTORIA,
When she had Children, she gavo them C ASTORIA
Placards announcing that the Chinese
must go have been posted at Victoria.
Above all other earthly ilia,
I hate the big, old fashioned pills ;
By alow degrees they downward wend,
And often pause or upward tend ;
With such discomfort are they fraught,
Their good effects amount to naaghw
Now, Dr. Pierce prepares a pill
That just exactly fills the bill
A Pellet, rather, that is ali-
A Pleasant Purgative, and small ;
Just try them as you feel their need,
You'll find that 1 speak truth, indeed.
The Czar has issued a ukase for more
troops. .
Trt Germka for breakfast.
This medicine, combining Iron with pnro
Vet?etaHe tonics, quickly and completely
I'urea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness,
Impure llload, JIalaria,tbllla and Fevers,
and NeuralHia. .
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of (he
Kidney and Mver.
Jt Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
. It does not Injure the teeth, cause beadache.or
produce constipation eArr Iron medicinet do.
Itenrteheaand purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn snd Belching, and strength
en", the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, tc., it has no equal.
4T The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or."
years. I have tried a, great many remedies,
hut without r-illHf. I almost firuvA nn hnnn nf
ever being cured. Dr. Hardman, uiy son,
recommended Swift's Succlllo, which I have
taken with great results. My face is now well,
and it Is impossible for mo to express my thanks
inworusior vtnat uiis iiicuiciuu uosuuuoiur
me. Mhs. Uuvu Hakdman.
Monroe, Ga., Sept. if, 1S81.
Swift's Pneclflo has cured a cancer on my
face, and has almost made a new man of me.
1. j. ikatk, wacnisa, iia.
I have had a cancer in my rlKht ear for three
years. I tried every remedy tue physicians
uracticcd, to no permanent good. Swift's Spe
cific lias wrought wonders for mo. It is the
best blood purnler In the world.
John s. jiokkow, r lorence, Aia.
Swift's Succiflc is entirely vecetablo. and
seems to cure cancers bv forcimi out the im
purities from the hi- od.
Treatise on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed
The Swin Si-emfic Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga., or IS!) VV. Eld St.. K. Y.
Fire Extinguisher,
The simplest and
most powerful ex
tinguisher ever pro
duced. Adopted by
Wells, Fargo & Co.,
the O. It. & N., the
"Oregonlanf and
over 3,000 leading
Institutions of the
Coast, They have saved hundreds of lives and
millions of dollars' worth of property.
Beware of worthleas imitations !
l"None (rennine except In bluebottle with star.
I'Kll'K. li.tK FKH 1K)ZEN.
H H (IRfl i 26 N- Fro"" S(-Portland.
. n. UnUW,1 ifi sec0n(i St., S. F.
I. M. Halstel's
'.From up.
Itruoder from $5
utv Hn1 f(ir rir-
rihulu containing
THE MODEL. rjs'i
mu cn Tamable
Poultry t KiHiH,
M Broadway.
vi kr wt hu f i
no nine.
Oakland, OU.
Msell euli McialM
Factory la tae fctate I
IU,a,XHMuaU I 1111
' WO ft Ml V(IS MI Scrotum. iMuwmife4aW
iOSr k ANKOOa PtSllin "..r.mjlyaavMlv
"ir rur. tihoul ofwrMlon. rircvl.r .nil oB.ulUtloa Vrm.
ClTIiU IEMSIaIi UZSZ1. ICO Ittita SU W lot
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
?RSifi iyj