r F 1 FT " a 1 TT ""1 1 4 1R 1i "Vi.rr ri H Li 'i:7i,ji.ijjiLrrijiLC..i r.gj ESTABLISHED FOB WB DISSE.HIS ATIOX OF DKSOl'MTIC FRINJIPLES, AND TO EARN AS HONEST HUM BY T MS SWEAT OP OUR BKOW. VOL. 17. EUGENE CIT, OR, SATURDAY, MAY Hi, 1885. NO. AM Vxt (giUf'if titty anrit; I. L. OAMP3ELL, Pjhlii'ur cu'il Proprietor. i)??IT. -') t'n ?it llt of Willamette 8t.-aHbitJm ijveuta an J Li0'Jth Street , TEllVU OK SJ3OSIPriON. Pee Annum. S3. M Mix M.Mthi 1-25 Threa JLtaths 73 OC'E ON'Lt KA-THJaj OF ADVKHTWING Adf ertisemcnts Inserted follow, i rirt inniM 1 (I ltn iip 1 -u. one insertion 83 aoh subienunt 'nscn-on SI. Co.sU required in dvaaJd. Ti ns alvartMsrs, will be charged at the fol One lonire threa months...- ft 00 " six months 8 00 " " ous year 12 00 Transient notice in local column, 20 cents per Una lor eacn insertion. -A dverlbinj bill will ba rendered quarterly. All oh worlc miit ba rain fob iw nBLlVEUY. unci tine. KnasHvLoDOi No H. A. F. anil A. M Moeti drt and third WalneiHy Inwl moDth. Umwi Rnnl TnnK Va. ft I. O. ur.u.wu.i. Vuniu.uiv. mh. n. Mti oa the U ana 4th Winelajr In monui Euueka Loooi, No. 15, A. 0. U. W -Meeu at Masouio Hall the aecond and fourth Fridays in each month. I. M. Sloax. M. W. KlLFaTRtCK PoiT, No. O. Ct. A. R.-Meets t MwniJ U ill. tie ttnt aud third Frid.iys of oh month.. By order. Cohuakdek. - Order or Choses- Fhuhws. Mefts the rat and third Saturday eveninis at Masonic Halt By order of . J. M. Sloa.n, G C. Bum Loose No. 3G7, I. 0. G. T. Meet rery Saturday night in 0 1 1 Veil jw' ITall. E. 0. Potter, W. C. 'I'. Lkamins Star Bvxdof Kope -Meets at the P. Church every 8an 1 ly afternoon at 3:30. R. Hmton SipU: Mis B.-rtha Cook, As't Bunt; Chas. Hill, Seo'y, Mis Uattie Snath, Chaplain. Visitors made welcome. I. BILYEU. C M. COLLIER. BILYEU -6 COLIIEa. Attorneys aid Counssllors at Law, KUGEXK CITV, UREaO.V. PR ACTIO a LV ALL THE COtf UT3 OF ' thi Stat Will (jive aoeci.il attention ' to collection an I probate outturn. -Orrici--0er Heudrick 4 Eikin's hank. CEO. B. DDittIS, Attorney and Coiuisdlor-at-Lnw, -IIT-ILL PR AC TIG E IX THE C3URTS YY of the vSoeoad .f u liciil District ami in ha Supreme Court of thu .State. Special attention giveu to collections and matter, in probata Geo. S. Washburn3 Attopncy-ut-Laiv, isaaEa city, - - . orep.on Ofllce formerly occupied by Thompson k Bean. ii13 CEO. M. MILLER, Attorney aal CsanaslbMt-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - ' 1 OREGON. OFFICE-Two door north of Post Office. J. E. FENTON, Attorney-at-Lawv ElTGEJfE CITY OREGON. Speoi.il attention given to Rial Estate Prao iea and Abstracts of Title. 0rici Over Granja Stora. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, whera Dr Shelton formerly resided. Dr. Wm Osborne, Ctico Adjoini.is St- Charles Hotel, ' -OB AT THE WDaH3:8T0SB OP HATE3 ani LUCIET. DR. JOSEPH P.JGILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or r idenoa whan not professionally eutfaed. Oifioa at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. ' Residence on EitfUh street, opposite Tresby rian Church. WALTOH & H3FFSIHCEH Attoi ney-at"Lo We EUGENE CITY, OREGON, "1TTILL TRACnCE IN ALL THE Special atunti:n Kiven to Real EsUte. Cd-1 lactinir: Probate maturs. ... Collecting all kinds of chums against cha Vnitd Sut-s Goremm-tit 1 Office in Waifs 'a briek-romns . a4 , s B 111 0 A large assortment of La dies and Cliildrens Hose at 121-2 Good Dnss Goods at 12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable (foods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nahby styles in CL01HING. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure ! ATKOXIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T L SCHOOL HOUSliS, whose iiitereiit ar speud their protiu at home. Take notice that- A. y. Will sell goods for CASH at raatly reduced Best Prints lb and 18 yards SI 00 Best Brown and Bbached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, aud lOcts. Clarke an I Brookn spool cotton 7S cts per Dnz. i'Liiii .iiid Milled Flrnnels, 23, 3.5: 43 and 50 cts. Water Proo cents Fino White Shirts, 75 cts and II. And all other Coeds Also the Celebrated .WHITli Sli A7TNG MACHINE! None bettor for a'.ranth, size, and durability), At greatly reduced rates. ! C-iT To my ol I Customcs, who have stood by me so 1 ins, I will continue n sell on same trms as heretofore ou tim. but if at any time they wish to wake CASH purchases, I will give all sm. as others, the f'lll credit on my reduction A. V, PETERS Goods sold as in Oregon, for Casli Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Prduce. Call and See . S. H. 'Frie Harness Shop. HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8H1STKE west of Craiu Bio'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that Jina at the The Most ' Competent Workmen j r wni en Jen vor to -.1. . it m with a tU. DUM'S A GENERAL gj f , 1 II 619 6016 Trimming silk and Sat ins in all shades. Moirea ntiq ae Silks Velvets in Colors. ; The finest stock nf French KID SHOES ever brought to this -place- BOOTS and SHOES in all grades. f E 'IES of all descriptions. f BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND vonr iiiWrnstn I Are ueruiuiientlT located uui. ' PETERS, piesras low as any ctiier CASH STORE. Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and $1. New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15, 20 and 25 cts. Mens' IT nd jrwe.it, S'lirt an I Drawers, CO ct Mens' Ovcrshirts, 75 cts. aud 61. Mens' Overalls, 53, to, 75 cts and 81. Embroideries aud Edgius at Fabuloue Low Prices. at Proportionate Rates. low as any House fflTO satisfaction to mliinn favcrl I , i.,.i, , WIHHl,. ndl'u Dr.A.W.Prather, O FFICE HOITVH FIDE OF NINTH Strevt, flpHiite tiio Suir Bnkery, Calls pronii tly nttcndod to nL;ht or 1T. Chronic disuavs a speeialty. W. V. Henderson, 33 23 XJ 2? Z S E7. ,.rK-HAS RESUMED PRACTICE ;-v il "t"'' i" ifty' nrick. "iftV'T My operations will ba lint cl;w. nnd chart's rciuMinaMe. (lid pntrmis as wel as new rnos are invited to call. DR. L. E.JONES, Physician and Surgeon. WI.T, ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL mils day or night, OFFICE Up stubs in Ilsys' bricks or can lie found at K R I.uekey .V Co'a drug btoro. Office hours: 9 to 12 ui, 1 to 4p m, B to 8 p m. un!2tf Dr. J.O.Gray, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. AU work warranted. I.aii(;liiiii itas administered for painless ex traction of teeth. DaTv. c- sehlbredeT"- DEfflTBST. 13 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED In Cottage Grove. He perforins all opera lions in mechanical and surgical dentistry. All work warranted and .atisfaction u uar.mtued. Geo. W. Kinsey, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Real estate for sale Town lots and firms. Collections promptly nttendrd to. Rkhideni k, corner Eleventh aud High St., Eugene City, Oregon GO TO Cugcno City, Oioffon, ' Forvour Boots and Shoes-Fine Goods and Lrtw Price. O. lil '.CKW ITH k SON. alTraya Cares ani novor dlsa ' points. Xho xrovl J's croat Poia KsUsvsr far S2aa sin 4 Boasti Cheap, qoioU and reliable. ,iMiVa r .i.'nnwj"nvTT-a PITCIIEK'3 CASTORIA Is not Narcotic. Children Crow fat upon, Mothers lilic, and Physicians recommend CASTOiltA. It regulates tho Dowels, cures AVInd Colic, Rllays Tcvcrishncss, nd dc troj s "WorniS. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Core, a Constitutional Antldoto for tLis tonlllo mav Crj. hj Aoeorptloau Tho nort Important riaoovory since Vac .. atnatlou. Othor remedies Kiay relieve Catarrh, this onreu at jny etage before Conscmptlox aetu to. 7EBXSSC2MO J1S.L II, Croceris Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Groceries, Provisions, ' Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Soar, Notious, . Green and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware. ' Crockery, Etc Business will lie conducted on a CASH IiASIS- Which means that Low Prices 2rc Established Coodk dtlirrrrd wilhonl liarie to Enyn UL KINDS OF PPODUCE WANT El rirliih we w'H far thu hklient mirkei prW ' J i, I'.via; SDSff 1! HISTORY OF h RICH mi now a Pro- pertor Wminl f ir Tirmjr Itiiri for a Pnrrhawr. On Saturday tliTe nrrivod t tli Gilinnn Hotel in thin city, a plainly or ra'.hor poorly drossoil, cadaverous look ing man alout fifty yean of age who took a dollar room. Soon thereaftnr it was whispered that tho new arrival was Thomas Ctush, tho man who had sold tho Drum Lumniond mine, in Montana, for $1,CCO,000. Half of this a mount is xaid to he deposited in thHrt-ITittlM.hl Tank In this city, and tlm other half in a Montana hank. It was noticed during tho million aire's prenene in tho houv that he spent no money hi could pottsiMy avoid. On Sunday hit ot&ed wliero thn Catholic Church was, and, instead of hiring a carrian and traveling as becomes a man of ho much wealth, he trudgiil on foot to tlm church and hack. On Tu'isday ho left for hi Iiuiiih in Montana. Yesterday a gentleman was met who knew Mr. Cruse well, and ho said: "Yes, I am wull acquainted with him. For th past twenly-ljvo year he has lienn a. prospector in MonUna and Idaho, and hm present wealth is dun to the fact that h is ono of tho.sn fellows that get hold and never let go. Why, it's twenty years sincn he struck tlm mine that hn Knld for more than a million and a half. In order to develop it hn would work for a while for others to ohtain a Ktaku, for gruh, tools and powder. Then he would put in his time on the mine un til his funds went exhausted. Finally he struck pay dirt and, his enthusiasm knew no hounds, and for three or four years hefore lie sold oul he madit a living out of it. How? Why, ly extracting a few hundred pounds of ore and tnking it to his cahin and reducing it to a pulp in a mortar and washing it out in a bread pan. You sen the mine; although rich, could not he properly developed without capital. Deiiig of a secretive disposition, lie had a door ut tha entrance of his hid den treasure whicb ho kept' locked at all times, and tint miners used to call the place 'Crush's Prison.", Tho Btoryof the great richness of the miiut spread far and wido, aud hig offers were made for it. ' Among those who mado an offer, for the initio was Mackay of Bonanza fume, hut the hardy proiipocter knew' full well the value of his find, and would not soli until he et his figure. Cruso wns a stayer from away hack, and don'l you forget it. Had. it. been me I- would have sold out long ago, ' v i Finally an English nyndicato com inonced to anglo with tin lucky ' pros pector, and at ouo timo negotiations reicluid such a stage' that that tho pa pers wore drawn iipnd read to Cruso, who was also represented by his attor ney, A clause in tho agreement was read by which the purchaiiers could buy tint one-sixth interest lie retained, ihould they ho dusirit. Tliisjarrod on the old man's ear like a false no to to an orchestral leader. "I want that Mtricken out, and I"l ,'ivA you.just live minutes to do mo. If you don't thu jig is up," sententious ly said the man who had waited twen ty years for a purchaser. "Well, but that's a mere formality, and It'js not likely the company will want to freeze you out," said the rep resentative of English capital. This aort of expostulation was kept up un til the hands of ihu clock marked the expiration of the five fateful minutes. The jig's up," alowly and sternly said Cruse, - And indeed it was, and the failure toacoejit to the request made by Cruse cost SlOO.OOO extra, and it was sever il months before ho resumed negotia tions. Had the clause been stricken out fivo sixth of the mine could havn lieen purchased for tl,5u0,000, but when the negotiations were resumed $1,000,000 wero afked and received frr five sixth of the Drum Lumniond niin The mine is situa ed aWt thiee miles from Dutte 'Ur, M. T., and is prolably the richest gold producing mine in the world. -Portland News. New Ruilroud Law. In a few days the Hoult railroad lav passed by the lust Legislature will go into effect. Its principles will 1 gen erally endorsed by the people. Tha, followimg is a synopsis of the bill as passed: ' .. ,i Section provides that rates must bo equal and reasonable, and no in crease of schedules in force January 1, 1883, shall be allowed, and no passen ger rale shall exceed i cents per mile. All passengers must be given the same accommodations, but railroads may. provide separate cars for classes of per- sons. No break or stoppige shall pre. vent any carriage of person or property from being considered as one continu ous carriage. Section 2 prohibits (he allowance of any rebate, drawback or other indirect advautnge. Section 3 prohibits any combination to break tho continuity of carriage, whether by changn or transfer of cars, chanon of time or in any other way. It also prohibits all pooling arrangements between competing lines. Section 4 prohibits tho charging of a higher rate for a shorter than for a longer distance in the same direction, ou similar classes of freight. , Section 5 requires railroads to keep, posted in places accessible to tho public schedules of fare, rates and classifica tions of frcightu. ' Theso schedules shall be rosted on the first Monday in January and July of each year, and rates must not be increased in the in tervening six months. . All roads owned or leased by a corporation shall be considered as one road. Section 6 provides that the carriage of property shall be considered contin uous, whether it is entirely over one road or over two or mors connecting roads. ' Section 7 gives persons aggrieved by violation cf this act the right to sue for damages in any court of competent jurisdiction; service of process to be made in any agent or officer of com pany. Section 8 provides that any director, olllcer, receiver oi agent of a company violating this law or failing to obey its provisions, may bo guilty of a misde mcanor, aud ba fined not less than $1,0.K. Section 9 includes as persons within the meaning of the law corporations, officers thereof, receivors, trustees, les sees and agents. A Fiui.lr Jlnmshinrr. Among the moonshiners now under arrest in Nashville is Miss Betty Suii'li, of Fentress county. Miss Betty is described by a reporter as "tho very perfection of physical beauty." She is only twenty one, but she is up to snuff. For several yeurs psist she has le?n running a "blind tiger" in Fentress county. The blind tiger is a very sim ple arrangement. You walk into the hallway of Miss Betty' cottage aud pull out a draw neatly fitted into tho wall. In the draw you find the fol lowing words written on slips of paper pnsti-d ou tho bottom of the drawer; "Beer, Whisky, Applo Briudy, Peach and Honey, Toddy Sour." You put a dime on cither of tho words aud push the drawer in. When you pull it out again you find in it a schooner of beer or ulass of liquor. The fair proprietor tress of the blind tiger is in danger of becoming quite a belle in Nashville. She has not been sent to jail, but re mains in charge of a Deputy Marshal, win, walks about the. city with her. It would be a pity to lock this frolick soiih) dains d up for a year or sa Be sides it would bo rough on thu blind tir- Atlanta Constitution. It was Napoleon Bouagnrt who t-aid when the conquest of the Chinese was proposed lo liimi "No; there are too many of them. Once teach them the art of modern warfare, and they will overrun Europe and crush out our civilization." . The capital of West Virginia has been located at Wheeling for t n years. On May 1, it was removed to Cimr! s ton, Kanawha county, on the Great Kanawha river, which will be the per manent capital of the state.