EUGENE CITY GUARD. M, L CAHfBKlik - TrtprleUr. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. HOI WINTER. Irs! Winter, ho! Winter, KlfiK of the northern bliutl You meet us nil. you ureei uhhII, Wltliirrip that I ret-ten fust. Inrtl pomp you've uuthertrt up Vour roviil rolwi o( utiow, And by their tmllliiK men ilmll tract Wlmtevur wiiyi you go. Tour xriin rulaluera all, nlack! Make Mil a irnul train Of bltltiK nU-t and utilising winds And Ice anil fmsen ruin. The rich with fnra and blazing hearths Vour carnival may acorn, While Mirth and Cheer umy reign su preme. From wannull eve till morn. Hut ha! Winter, ho! Winter, What about Hit poor, Who've no mroinfliolil Hnlnt the cold. No bribe or nine-euro To 't at bay the miiixiiiK day, Or (often down the iilurlil, Who note the thli keulnx wlndow panca With luklnic Inmrta affright Who draw their liable eloxe and'alng Tlielr ultlverlnw liillnti, Then aleep and Un ion of meaming feasts That huiiKer alKi p upille To wake at morn with ahuddi'rlng aenae Ol ImiKthened I at and cold, And find that tfiwiit .yet Want huth wroiixht Ita trace within the (old. Hal Winter, ho! Winter, Hard your rwlxn on llinae; God pity niii'li! and aeml warm hearta To all who ntarve and freeze. Maria IUirrr.1 UittUr, l Ciiie iya Current. A QUAKERESS. How Jaok Dormor Foil In Love With "That Horrid Girl." Kate Inglcby stood at tho drawing room window In Uiir.on street, tapping the tip of her little Wellington boot Im patiently with horrlding-whlp. Aiiharp summer shower wui pattering down up on the stroet, and Kate wait waiting until it was over lo go out for her dally ride. Not that a shower of rain made, as a rule, much difference to Aliss Inglcby; for sho was accustomed to go out in all weathers, Shu wa'tod to-day simply becauso tho friend hint promised to rido with declined to go out in a heavy thunderstorm, for whloh exeroiso of wlso discretion Kato heartily despised her. 8ho was getting very impatient. Thero seemed no end to thu straight white rain shafts that tame swiftly down from thu heavy clouds. Alias Ingleliy's chestnut mare, led by a groom, was walking up aud down out side. Kato loved her dearly; but there is a limit to eijiiino ull'cction, and nt last shogot ipiito tired of watching her. On tho opposite side of the street was a book-seller and librarian, to whom sho was accustomed to subscribe for tho few throe-volume novels, which at odd times she skimmed through. It struck her all atoneo that her uncle was din ing at his club that night, that sho her self had no engagement, aud that she had no book of an exciting nature wherewith to while away the solitary eveninir. She gathered up her habit in one hand and sallied forth, picking her way gingerly tiero-s the muddy street. Sho went Into the buck part of the shop, and stood turning over a whole heap of works of dot on winch lay piled togeth er on the counter. Miss Iiigleby had a tall, well-made figure, which looked its best 111 a ridinir-liabit. She was it handsome girl, ami yet her beauty was not of tho order thai is universally aumireii. She had bi ght brown eves, a small retrousse nose, a mouth that was full of decision and character, ami a small head well set upon her shoulders. She wore her dark hrowu hair cut short all round her head, like a boy's, and In a profits on of thick crisp curls, upon which her riding-hat now sat a little bit to one s tie, with a decidedly rakish air. Alls Ingleby had manv ac complishments, but they were all of one character. She could ride, fish and swim; she was a good actress and a elever ruimlc; moreover, she could smoke cigarettes with enjoy- mont, and shoot rabbits with precision. Jn addition to all this, sho was the ao- possossor of lifty thousand pounds comfortably invested in Government securities. Willi all theso advantages, it was, perhaps, not wonderful that this young lady Hint a very nigti opin ion of herself. Kate had heard it said that if you wish others to think well of you you should begin by think ing well of yourself. Sho was deter mined to stand well In tho opinion of other people; to be liked aud admired was a monomania with her; so she set a good example to mankind by a (mir ing and liking herself immensely. As she stood iu the far background of Mr. Adams the book-seller's shop, there entered two gentlemen, who came running in for a moment's shelter, and who stood in the doorway with their backs turned toward her, leaning upon their dripping umbrellas. Mr. Adams bowed obsequiously and addressed one of them as "My Lord," Is'gginghim to take a seat "My Lord." however, a slim young mau of about twenty-eight, declined to be sealed aud went on talk ing to his friend. Kate glanced 01100 at the two figures in the doorway, and she noticed that my lord's friend was tall and fair, broad-shouldered and de cidedly good-looking. She did not tli nk, however, that she had ever seen either of them before, so she paid no particular attent on to them, but' went on turning over the novel ami dipping into third vluui"s to see if she liked the look of them. The two oung men t.ilkcd. It d d not occur to Kale to lit''ii, vet suddenly she heard one of them -the tall handsome man renisik: "That's a g I sh-lookiug chestnut walking up and down -I wonder who It Itching" to? ' "(Hi, 1 csi-i tell you," answered the other. "It belongs to that horrid girl -by." Knt start !. and shut up the book she ws ling r eg wiih a snap. An e x prssio'iol imrrur came inm her eves, coupled with a Hunk anuieiii 'iit that was alnut comical. She listened in very esmi-sl to what m'cht come next. "What m:k-s 10111 1 h r horrid?" n-ked tho tall man, laughingly; "has nhe snubb.'dyou, Kyrle?'' "Not she; I don't know her, thank God. She has got fifty thousand, they sav." 1 see nothing horrible In that She oug it to suit you down to the ground, you g nteel pauper!" She'd be dear at the price, or at any price, In fact; whv, she swims like a fish, climbs trees like a monkey, talks slang like a school-boy, swears like a trooiier, shoots like a keeper, and smokes bah! like a chimney I" "What a category of crimes!" "After that, do you care to be Intro duced to this elegant heiress, Jack?" "Not If I know it, thank you! If I had a chance, I should decline the horor. A woman of that description is revolting. I would go a long way to avoid coming aerossner." The shower was over. The two frie ids nodded to the shopman and took their departure. After a ni mite or two Kate came Into the front of the shop. "Wh were thou two g wtlemei?" she asked of the man. i'Tho slight dark ono Is Viscount Kyrle, mis, Lord Grcyrock's eldest son." "And the fair one?" "Mr. Dormer, a great traveler, miss; he has just returned from the East" Kate colored hotly. Sue mounted her. horse and rode away; and it was characterist e of her that she utterly forgot to call for the friend she had promised to ride with. Instead of going anywhere near this lady's house, she turned her horse southward and rodo impetuously up to a certain doorway in South Belgravia with which she was familiar. "Is Lady Kllerton in?" Her adyship was in her room dress ing for her drive, sho was told. She bounded upstairs, two steps at a time, and burst like a whirlwind into the front bedroom. "Good irraclous, Kate! how you startled me!" Lady Kllerton, a pretty little woman of some two-and-thlrty years, whoso eclicato pink and white fairness, good temper, and prosperous circumstances generally, had somehow preserved her from looking her full age, sat before tho to'let-tablo arranging tho pale-blue bows 01 lier bonnet-strings. "Adela, I have seen him!" cried Kate, sinking down on her knees by tho side of her friend. Lady Kllerton looked nervously round to see if her maid was still in the room, but finding that that damsel had discreetly retired, she inquired: "Seen who? not Jack?" "Yes, Jack, us you call him-your brother, Mr. Dormer. Lady Kllerton continued to pat down tho llaxen curls 01 her fringe with lov ing lingers, regarding her pretty face attentively in a hand-glass mo while. "Well?1' she imiuired, unconcern ediy, turning her head from side to side. "I hate him!" said Kate, with tragic solemnity, Lady Kllerton jumped, and tho glass fell out of her Hand upon tho dressing table. "Good gracious!" And he hales me," continued Miss Ingleby, in a deep voico of horror. "Do you mean to tell mo that you hnvo met nun somewhere, and quar reled nlreadv? What crush 112 bad luck! What did he say to you?" "Nothing." "Whft (ltd you say to him, then?" 'Nothing," she repeated, gloomily. "Then, what on ca.'th - are you ma I, Kale? for goodne-s' sake, explain " "I was in a shop; lliev came in vour brother and a dreadful friend of his. Lord Kvrle." Adela nodded; the "dreadful friend'' was a particular crony of her own, but she I t that pass. They began talking about me Lord Kyrle said 1 was a 'horrid girl' he described me as a sort of wild unl mal, a torn-boy who climbed trees, a vulvar creature who swore and talked slang-oh, it was shameful!" "Well, but Kitty, people do say that jou are fast, you Know, suggested her friend. "What do they mean by 'fast'? what does anybody mean,' sho cried pas sionately; "they don't know them selves. It Is true 1 have lush spirits, ami that I like bodily exercise, but I never did the dreadful 'things that brute said of me." "Cigarettes," murmured her lady ship. "And where s the harm! there s no aln in a cigarette! Hut I haven't told vou half. After ho had g von this de lightful and perfectly veracious sketch of niv character to vour brother, he mentioned the amount of my fortune (that was correct enough), and asked him if he would like tube introduced to me; and Mr. Dormer replied that ho would go a long way to avoid coining across me! There what do you think of that?" 'T00I1! Jack will like vou when he knows you, Kitty, as 1 do.' Aliss Ingleby got up from her knees, and began pacing up and down the room; suddenly she stopped behind her friend's chair and put both hands on her shoulders. 'Adela.. vou know vou meant vour brother to marry hush! don't exclaim, and don't deny it; 1 know exactly what you are going to say, so you needn't say it, l-ady i.uerion had got very ml. "I don't think you are nt all to blame, my dear; if 1 had a great friend worth tidy thousand pounds, and a n ee impecunious brother, 1 should do mv best, too, to bring about a coalition of forces but Atlcla -let me won t do: "Kato how vou do jump at conclu sions!" murmured Adela' confusedly. for Alissjlngleby liadJJ-datcd the case exactly. "Mv dear, it won't do; I am not to- ing to run the chance of be ng snuhl e.t by any man, not even by the brother of mv greatest friend. 1 refuse to 111 el Mr. 1 Winer, and 1 am not coming to Fosborough next week." Who could have believed that so simple a stat .111 -tit could have created suen a storm? Lady Kllerton sprang to her f.vt ss thougn she had J -en snot; she turned hot aud cold, ml and white bv turns: sho stormed and she raved; she en treated aud she coaxed, she declared that without Kato she would be un doneher party be a failure, her house a howling wilderness, wherein every body would bo bored to death; and, wore than all, her private theatricals would have to be put off altogether. Finally, she burst into passion of angry tears, which threatened to end in a lit of hytiries. Then, suddenly, Kate relented. Very well, then, I'll come, and I'll act in tlio theatr cals but on one con dition only. None of the people you have asked for the week know me. I shall not como in my own name, but as somebody else." "What do you mean?" "I shall come, not as Aliss Inglcby. the heire s. the fast-, slangy, g'rl' she jerked out the words spitefully "b it as Miss Kosu the Quakeress, the daug . tcr of your old governess." Miss Hose? a Quakeress?" gasped Adela Kllerton. "Yes, my name Is Rose, Katherine Rose, so that will be true enough." "But a Quakeress how can you do it? Shall you say thee and thou?" "No, that is out of date, they don't do it now; but I shall wear drabs and grays and be demure oh. very demure your brother will think me charm ing!" "Don't be sarcastic; but surely it can't bo done somebody will recognize you." She tossed her hat off and se'zed a hai' ietish. Away vanished all the crisp dark little curls that rippled all over her bend, a straight parting, flattened locks falling back on either side, low ered eyel ds, a little perked-1111 mouth that lookoJ simplicity itself; the whole expression of her face, almost her very features, seemed to be changed. Lady Kllerton burst out laughing. "My dear child, everybody says rightly; that you are the cleverest amateur actress in London! Why, 1 don't believe even James would recog nize you?" "Sir James must be In tho secret, of course, but no one else; it will only be for four days, and then I go on to the Wigrams. You agree? All right, then I come!" "And if I don't make that young man fall head over ears in love me in four days." said Aliss Ingleby to herself, as she ran away down stairs, clenching her littlo list as she went, "then shall I vote myself forever unworthy of tho name of Woman!" A week later Jack Dormer stood in his sister's littlo blue and white bou doir at Fosborough Court in the County of Wcsscx. Ho had just ar rived and tho dressing-bell had rung, rung, but still Jack lingered chatting to his favorite sister leaning with. his back against tho mantlepieee, to the no small danger of the China menag erie of wild beasts which were ar ranged thereupon. "And whom have you got staying in the home, Ady?" "Oh. not a very amusing party, I fear; old Lord and Lady Sale, Air. and Airs. Halket, Airs. Ritchie and her daughter rather a loud girl, you re member." "Yes," shudderingly, "her voico Is a never-to-be-forgotten item of her presence." "A cousin of James', George An drews, a clerk in tho Board of Trade and, let me see. who else oh, only little Miss Rose." "Who is Aliss Rose, pray?" "An insignificant littlo person; a daughter of an old governess of mino." "Rose Rose. 1 don't remember the name." "No; it was before your time, you were a baby then," replied Lady Kl lerton, tranquilly; for when a woman has ui'iile up her mind to tell lies, she is generally a thorough mistress of the art. "She is a Quakeress," she added, calmly. A "Quakeress; how amusing! I don't think 1 ever met one in society befoie; does she say thee and thou?" "(Ih, no; that is out of date now," replied Adela, quoting her friend's in formation on the subject; "but you are not likely to speak to her, Jack, she won't interest you, poor little thing. And now rcully, my dear boy, we must go and dress for dinner; look at the time!" "By tho wav, Ady," sa d the young man, as he followed Lady Kllerton up stairs, "I hear an outrageous character of that friend of yours, Aliss Ingleby; she is not here, I suppose?" "Oh, dear, no!" "Well, I'm glad of It, for I'm suro 1 shouldn't have liked her." "You will s-e her next week nt the Wigram's ball." "Well, 1 shan't dance with her, that Is certain." "Won't you, my friend!" muttered between her lips a young lady, who in the gathering twilight stood above them upon an upper llight of stairs. "We will see about that!" Jack Dormer took Airs. Halket in to dinner ho was rather pretty, but ex cessively dull; the ladv on the other side of him was Aliss liitchie, with a loud voice she on tho contrary was lively-over-lively, indeed, to please him and sho was moreover singularly plain. Jack, who was a perfect epicure on ih'J subject of women, felt 'in tensely bored between the two. In the. intervals of eating his dinner and keeping up a desultory a-ul forced con versation, his eyes wandered perpet ually across the "table to where, exactly opposite him. sat a young lady in "a high gray silk dress. Tho dress was the first thing that struck him about her. There was all around him a great exhibition of bare ueeks and shoulders, and of fat arms displayed in all their unlovely length. Jack, who was fresh from a "long residence in the Fast where the charming mystery of veiled womanhood had exercised a strange fascination over his somewhat ovcr rvtined and sensitive mind, regarded theso customs of nio.lern Ktiglish lifj with something akin to disgust "It is a remnant of barbarism!" said Jack to himself, and then his eyes rest ed once more satisfaction upon tho young lady opposite to him. Her dove-gray dress was softened at the throat by folds of white tulle; her sleeves were long, only displaying tite rounded whiteness of her wrists and anus up to tho elbow. Then from look ing at her dress he began to look at her face. Her long eye-lashes were for the most part downcast If she looked up, the glances from her beautiful browr eyes seemed to him tJ be modc-t and intelligent He noticed that when sli talked to her neighbor her voLe wj !otr and gentle; how different she e,-ined from all the other women! How s mple, how' womanly, how good, was 1 he expression in her quiet face! Who tvas she, he wondered, and then sud denly he recollected; of course this was M ss Rose, the Quakeress." After dinner, when the gentlemen joined the ladies, he went straight up to her and sat down beside her. "AIv sister told me who you were. Miss Rose, 10 you must forgive me for introducing myself. May I sit here and talk to you?" "Oh, yes!" Her eyes fell, and a bright color rose In her cheeks. "I have been a long time out of En gland, traveling in Eastern countries and you can't think how odd English .jc etv seems to me, now I have emu back to it" "Yes!" still with downcast eyes, playing with the dove-colored folds of Iter dress. "The women, for instance, they look so strange; so almost bold and un feminine. I suppose it is because my eye is unaccustomed. Now you, for instance, you remind me more, do you know, of the women of the East than anybody I have seen since I have been home."' "Oh! Are they not very ignorant, poor things?" Up went the brown eyes, flashing into his a look of innocent sur prise Jack laughed. "Ah you had me there. J di not mean that it is in the r ignoiianee and want of education that you remind me of them." "Oh, I am very glad of that!" with a littlo efl'us'on that was complimentary. "I should not like you to, think me ig norant." "I am sure you are not," answered Jack very fervently, although why he was so sure of it lie would have been puzzled to say. He was, however, very certa n that Aliss Rose had the loveliest eyes and the sweetest manner of nny woman ho had over met, inelu ling all the Eastern houris upon whom h s memory dwelt with so much fondness. Ho devoted hims.'lf to her the whole evening, and during the next day it was remarked that the gray frock which by daylight was of eashmero in stead of silk was never without the attendant figure of handsome Jack Dormer in close proximity. Lady K. lcrton and her easy-going husband, who had promised to do his part which, as his wife said, was only to hold his tongue looked on with amusement and with satisfaction. As to the Qua keress herself, it is diflicult to explain exactly what was in her mind about the gigantic fraud sho was perpetrating upon her innocent victim. She was very reticent upon the subject even when chance threw her alone in the society of her friend, aud received the laughing congratulations upon her acting an extraordinary quietness and a si lence which was truly remarkable. It is, however, to bo surmised that she threw herself into the part eoa amoi'e, and that the character she was portray ing was in no way unpleasant to her; for she evinced much willingness to be led Into retired shrubbery walks, and showed no indisposition to unduly lin ger in distant green-houses and summer-houses; so that Airs. R tchie made spiteful remarks about thu aptitude of Quakeresses for flirtation, in sp to of their charity-school-like persoual ap pearance; and Lady Sale murmured not original allusions to those quiescent waters whoso springs are supposed to bo run in the depths of profundity. Of courso Jack: never thought of tak ing his Quak-ress into the stables -the only place for wh'cli Miss Rose exper ienced unhealthy longings, which she had some dilliculty in supposing, lie was fond of horses, and would like to have gone to them himself and smoked his pipe there in p-ace and comfort. But it would have been a pro .'a idy to have subjected this sweet, old-tush-ioncd blossom of a g rl to the odors of stables and tobacco, and to the lower ing atmosphere of a stable yard. It did cross Jack's mind once to think that it might be a nuisance to marry so delicate aud pure a creature, from whom the coarse Iullueticesof da ly life must bo forever carefully guarded. But after all, one can't have every thing, and anything was better than the fashionable girl of th. present day such a one. for instance, us h s friend Kyrle had descr.bed to him. As the days wore away, Jack Dormer was obliged to confess to himself that he was over head and ears in love with Aliss Kst. (Jn the last evening of her vis't there were to be private theatricals nt Fos borough Court. A small farce was to be acted before a select but not a large audience, and the iianio of it was "The Girl of the Period." "Are you going to net, M ss Rose?" asked Jack of his divinity. "Oil, no; 1 could not," she answered. 'No acting is not in vour line, I'll bo bound; vou are the 1 ast person on earth to care about making a public show of yourself." At this moment Lady Kllerton burst wildly into tho room, an open tel egram in her hand. "What nm 1 to do?" sho cried. "I am in perfect despair. Here is a tele gram from Aliss Grey to say that she can not come, her grandmother isiL-ad. Oh. what shall 1 do!" Xow "Miss Grey" was supposed to be tho "leading lady" upon whom all the success of the night's, entertain ment depended, and without whom "The Girl of the Period" must needs fall to the ground. There was, how ever, no Aliss Grey ii existence. "Oh, what shall I do!" cnd Lady Kllerton, wringing her hands and almost in tears (after all, she was almost as lino an actress as Kate Ingleby). "All the people are asked, and the supper and the stage scenery have arrived, and how can I put it all oil! Oh. Jack, what am 1 to do?" '.My dear girl. I'm iiwfu'dy sorry, I'm sure. I don't know what can le done; can nobody else take her part?" "No. Who is there? Al-ss Ritchie does the sprightly old maid, and Mrs. Halket the timid mother, and Clonel Spriggs the heavy father, and George Andrew the lover, lie is the onlv one that can act a bit except AlisxG.vy: the wnole thing dcpeude.l upon her, and who is there who can take her part?-' Then Aliss Rose said very lu s'tat ng!y: "Oh, Lady Kllerton, I'm af.nid I should do it very badly, but if yo 1 are iu such i ditliculty I would do my very best, if vou have really no one else; I would try-I learn very quickly by heart, aud you might show me." "Aly dear, you are an ongj I. u dar lin"!' cried Adela, rapturously, cl isp ing"Aliss Rose in her arms. ' How too dear and good of you! I cau t tell yoa how grateful I am." , "You are the first peron in the wort, to do a kind and good-natur.-d action, whispered Jack in her ear, almost tin' ly contradict;ng the very last rcmar.. lie had made to her. But he was h. that id;otic condition of mind w th re gard to her, when whatever a woman does or says, or leaves unsaid or n . done, seems to be equally perfec ion in a man's eyes. Neve theless. when AI s? Rose had been c ur rd away by h s '" tertu be drilled an 1 co.ieh ?d, he co .Id not h dp awning to himself that, am -able and good-natured us was Mi s Rose, he feared that her actin ; wo ild be a failure. "At such a short notice, and such a part, so wholly foie gn to her natire! Poor little girl, how can she do it?" It was with very nervous feci ngs that Jack watched the curtain go up be fore a crowded audience that evening. He saw upon the stage Aliss Roo. and yet Aliss Rose myster.ou-lv trans formed; a wealth of dark curls over her brow, a red satin dress made in tho latent fashion, and tho glitter of diamonds upon her white smooth throat; and then tho saucy glano of her laughing eyes, that seemed as if more than once they singled him out of the audience before her, the easy gestures, the perfect enunciation, the natural talent with which she went througii a part in which sho had acted many times, filled him first with amazement, and lastly with admira tion; she was more beaut fill than he had ever conceived her to lie, and her acting was so marvelous that it al most took nway his breath. There came one scene wherein the "Girl of the Period" had to smoke a cigarette, Aliss Rose went through the perform ance with a graceful ease, which, al though it made his heart stand still, was yet very far from jarring against his taste; the cigarette, as smoked by the Quakeress, became almost a poeti cal and feminine action. "Nothing," ho said to himself, "can vulgarize her; sho is the innate cm bod inent of a lady in mind." Nevertheless, he was glad when thj play was over. Tho curtain went down amid thunders of applause, and Aliss Rose, in her gray silk Quakeress garb, caino back presently and sat down nmong tho ami eneu while some im promptu charades were being acted by the others. Jack mado room for her beside him. "How did I do" it?" she whispered to him. It was perfect. 1 am speechless with amazement at your acting. I had no idea you were so clever." Th s praise was grateful to her; sho was so con scious of having acted her best. "If you had studied the part for weeks you could not have do'ae it better." She had studied it for weighs. She played with the buttons of her glove, niid held her tongue. "It was dreadful to mo to see you act that part like that," ho went on in a whisper. . "Did it pain you?" Sho lifted her dark eyes and fixed them upon him, with an earnest yearing look iu them; how different was now their expression from that which ho had seen iu them half an hour ago! "Yes," ho murmured back, "because I love you, and you know it," The charades were going on upon th-' stage and the audience was in a. slate of She lowered her eyes, and a faint sm lo hovered upon her lips; was it of joy or was it of tr.uniph? a 1 tile of each, perhaps. "I love you as ou are, and yet everything you do aad say is right 111 my eyes, because it is jou," he went on passionately. A tw.nkle in her downcast eye. "Even tho cigarettes?" she mur mured. "I forgave you even that; no other woman could have acted, that, and yet produced 110 sensation of disgust upon me; and yet, dearest tell mo that you love 1110, and that, for my sake, you will never smoke a cigarette again in your life?'' "I will never smoke ac garette again in my life," she answered; and she kept her word. But she would give him no answer to that other quest on, although he urged her to do so. "Will vou tell me to-morrow night at the Wigrams' ball, then?" "Do Quakers go so balls?" ' How can I tell you will go, will you not? You are go ng to stav with people clo-ie by, 1 hear; tney w il sure ly take yon."" "In my gray frock?" she asked with a sm le. "What does your frock matter? you are always lovely in my eyes. If you love me you will be there to meet 111 :." "Very well." She answered in her quiet Quaker-like m inner. And ho could get nothing more out of lur. The next morning. AI ss Rose had taken her departure in-fore the rest of the party assembled at a late breakfast table. The ball was crowded; the party from Fosborough Court arrived very late. As Jack Dormer edged his way through the block of people at the door-way, his eye ran eagerly over the bright parterre of well-dressed women; he saw there many beautiful faces, many brilliant dresses, much glitter of diamonds upon white necks and arms, but nowhere the little gray dress and the quiet demure face of tho girl he looked for; a pang went through his heart; she was not there, then! Then suddenly, through an opening in the crowd, he saw what? A lovely woman clad in white, but white that was not so much the garb of Virgin simplicity as the imperial wit n'sses of a Queen a white that shone with the the luster of rich satin soft ened by the fall of costly laces; dia monds sparkled at her throat and ears, and glittered in shining circlets about her round white arms. Could this indeed be Aliss Rose, the Quakeress? She was not dancing: when she saw him she smiled, and held out her hand to h m. How late you are will you dance with me?" Will I not?" he answered, passing h s arm round her waist "What have yon done to yourself, to oichi?" hi mu; mured in her ear. "I have trie! to make myself loval. In your eyes." "I5oeause vou love meP" "Because I love you!" she nnswerel glmplv. And that waltz straightway bcume as Heaven itself to the infatuate I ynun man. " "Hello, old chap, yon ato ninl ing(,e running famously with the heiress!" This was from Viscount Kyrle, Wm stood behind him and shipped him playfully on tho back. 1 "Heiress? what heiress? How dt, Kyrl i. I didn't exp-. ct 10 see you tol night. Whom are you spiakin" about?" ; "About Aliss Ingleby. to be sure, tlnj fast young w un n I wir ed ,,, against!" sa d hi friend. 1-ugli 11 ;. " "I really don't know wnoin yoi mean, Kyrle!" "Oh, ho! a goo.! joke, my boy. when you have just been dancing with her, and she wouldn't dance with anybody until you came!" He lookud aeross the room; Aliss Rose stood talking to his sister; h -r face was glowing with animation an I excitement; the Quakeress in her little gray frock seemed to have van'shed. Suddenly the scales fell , from Jack Dormer's eyes, and ho perceived the truth; his sister's greatest friend, whom she had written so often about, telling him he must really marry her; the handsome, dashing Aliss Ingleby, whom other people culled "fast, but whom Adela swore by, declaring thi her good heart and her true sterling character amply made up for a little . over-exuberance of spirit in her man ner; the Aliss Ingleby who rode, and' fished, and swam, and acted, yes, and smoked cigarettes Aliss Ingleby the heiress, and littlo Aliss Rose, the Quak eress, were one and tho same person! Jack walked straight across the room, and stood beforener. "Aliss Kate Ingleby," he said, look ing her full in tho face, "you have taken mo in shamefully." She colored deeply, all over her checks and throat and up to the .very roots of her hair. Then she raised her dark eyes to his, looking at him penitently with a little pucker on her brow, like a naughty child waiting to bo scolded. "What was I to do?" she said, dep recatingly. I had the misforlune to fall in hive with you at first sight, in a bookseller's shop, one wet morning, and at (he same t me I had the mortifi cation of hearing you say vou did not wish to know mu. I could think of no other wav of persuading you to think better of me than tho character your friend gave. Won't you forgive me?" she add.;. I, softly. Ho tried to frown, but a smile was in his eyes. "On one com! tion will you bo mar ried in your Quaker's dress?" "Yes, if I am to be married to you, Jack!'' she answered, speaking his , name for the first t me with that sweet timidity which a man loves to hear up on the lips of the woman he loves. As for L rd Kyrle, he was made to feel that he had put his foot very much into it on a certain wet morning, in Ada mi, the bookseller's shop. Never theless, Kale always declared herself to be under a debt of gratitude to h m; for had it not been for his remarks con cerning her, she would never, sho de ¬ clared, have been so bent upon prov- ing to dacn that it was possible for Jura to fall in love with "that horrid girl." lidgravia. m SMALL FARMS. A Man Who 11m IIhiI KxprrleiK-n In Smalt yml I ri;e Farm . ICvpri-Sf III lrfer nie For the Fiirmer. "Small farms are the best," said Air D. K. Emory, of Longniont, to the Farmer a day or two s nee. "I know it to be a fact, because I've had ex perience with both largo and small. In Colorado a man is very apt to get tho land fever, and the result is he has more land than his means will allow him to cultivate, or, if it be grazing land, he has no money to buy stock with; his purchase is of no use to him, and, unless by somo extraordinary stroke of good fortune, ho remains as poor as a church mouse to the end of his days. "Now the man who owns but forty acres determines to get as much out of this land as possible, and to this end fertilizes it, sees that it is irrigated properly, and gets in most cases as much as hisno ghborwhofarmseighty. The natural reasoning then is that small farms, as a rule, yield the largest profits. Another reason why they pay is, that whoever owns a small farm generally has poultry, swine, etc. As the farm does not take all his time, he sees the hens, the chickens and the turkeys have proper care. Ho has a few cows and a small dairy, which, as he is not obliged to be working the land all the time, re ceives the attention needed. Tho butter and cheese from this dairy are always well made, and invariably bring the highest prices and meet with a ready sale. The eggs and poultry also sell well, the former being fresh, and the latter fat and plump, as only well-cared-for poultry can be. "On the forty acres can be grown a liberal supply of vegetables, and there is ample to them, too, the Deoessary attention. A little of every thing is found on this farm, a perfect exempt ficatioa of mixed farming. I have often heard people say of poul try on a farm, as an instance of how small things are regarded, 'Pshaw ! Chickens are a nuisance.' Y'et i know a family in Colorado which this same nuisance furnished largely with their subsistence for one while." Colorado Farmer. A Texas paper, the Luling B"op. explains in this way why it expects to keep clear of entangling alliances with the Sherifl : "We ut lize all of our stale letters, split open envelopes to get at the unwritten side, and call into service the brown wrapping paper in which we carry home our bunJies from the store. Our special telegrams are got ten through while the operator is away at dinner, and we compel, the pro prietor to set type, to sweep out the ofiica (monthly), kindle tires, fetch water, make up forms, entertain vis itors, discourage bores, and debver the paper to city subscr bers. We don't intend to bankrupt on th's l'ne."