The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 09, 1885, Image 5

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County Jil li empty.
Tramp printer numerous.
C'berrle beginning to ripen.
City Council meeU next Monday evening.
For good dentUtry go to Taylor Eberly.
frrofcaS how! ! at beimck price-J. M
Mr Cleaver has had his agricultural depot
The highest cub price will be paid for wheat
by F B Dunn.
Photographs finished neatly and artis
tically at Winter'.
During thii week drummer have been un
usually thick in F.ugene.
A fiae line of lilk plushea in all ahadoi
aud grade at F B Dunn'.
Miet Hattie Coleman in teaching a school in
Josephine county with good success.
Osburn mowers can be purchased at the
tore kf Prttchett k Forkner for 880.
Orders can be left fr the Cuburg saw mill
t the store of McClung k Johnson.
Teams have been crossing tVt mountain on
both the Military and McKenzie routes.
TJgi bes,t candies and oranges: can always
be found at E Bauin' confectionery store.
Mr 8 H Friendly has shipped a large
mount of wfeeat during the past two months.
Lane County Pomona Grange will meet
with Siuslaw Grange on Saturday May 9th.
Several parties have been In town this week
in attendance upon the Commissioners Court.
Two excellent rooms to rent Inquire of
.. Joshua J. Walton.
Work is progressing on Prof Hawthorne's
aew residence, the frame having already been
Ice oream, soda water and lemonade at E
Baura's, one door north of the St Charles
Several auctions have been held upon our
streets this week. A sure sign that meney is
A party nt young folks from from this city
and Springfield ascended Spencer's Butte last
The Good Templars basket sociable at
Rhinehart' Hall last evening was well at
tended. Bee C B Cole's ad in another column, con
cerning his running a hick to the Belknap
A team took a spin new the Eugene bridge
one day this week, breaking up the wagon
County Commissioners Walker and Jennings
were in town attending Commissioners Court
this week. ,
The drug store of Osburn k Co has been
cleaned aad the floor painted. It bow looks
The Immigration Society will hold a meet
ing at the Court House this evening. The
publio is invited to attend.
A Scotchman playing a basr-pipe on our
streets hut Wednesday afforded our citizens a
brief entertainment.
The Guard does all kinds of job printing
cheaper than any other office in Lane coun
ty. Call Snd get estimates.
The special school cloeed yesterday. pic
nic was given that day by the students and a
very enjoyable time was, had.
A meeting to prepare (or the proper celebra
tion of the coming Fourth of July will be
held in this city iu a few days.
Mr S H Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your grain elsewhere.
If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps a full assortment.
E Bauin sells the best oigtra and tobacco
ever oflered for sale in Eugene. Cigars from
8 ct to 25 ct apiece, and all pure Havsnna
W W Moore of this office bas purchased the
engine formerly owned by Mr B F Dorris, and
will establish a wood sawing business here
this Fall.
The Oregon dairy commissioner, April loth,
condemned two ton of olemargarine in com'
mission house and wholesale groceries in Port
land. We call special attention to the Foley
Spring advertisement in another column.
To camper the use of water is cheaper than
ever before, only 75 cent per week.
Wm Christian, T B Luckey and Mr Davis
put a boat in the Willamette river Friday,
April 80th, at Butte Disappointment and fished
to Springfield. They caught 170 trout
A freight train nf 57 cars passed through
this city last Tuesday morning being pulled by
two engines. It was the largest train that has
passed through Eugene for a long time.
The open air concert given by the brass
band last Saturday evening was highly ap
preciated by alL We hope they will be of
frequent occurrence during the Summer.
The pastors of the different churches in this
eity are invited by J W Geary Post, GAR,
to deliver discourses on the Sabbath proceed
ing Decoration Day, of such a character a it
suitable for the occasion.
Ahorse trainer named Baker, evidently a
tramp, was arrested for disorderly conduct by
Marshal Robert last Wednesday morning.
Judge Shaw found the prisoner gu!lty and
sentenced him to four days in the city jaiL
Persons who are wearing artificial teeth
that look unnatural and distort and destroy
the natural expression of the mouth, or
"won't stay up," should call on Henderson the
dentist Special aims will will be t-iken with
soch cases. No charge unless satisfactory re
ult are obtained.
Several boy have been amusing themselves
by entering the enclosure of some of our citi
ten without permission and taking cherries
therefrom. The irate householders intimate
. that they will hve them arrested if they cm
tinue in this manner. Boys, a word to the
wis U sufficient
Messrs 0 R Bean and Itobt Campbell left
for the Upper McKenxie last Wednesday
morning. They will pay particular attention
to the bear question, and on their return we
expect tr bear some huge bear yarn. Mr
i Campbell took with him material to build a
eabin at Foley' Springs, wher he intends
taking hi family about June 1st for the
(Dosing Summer y
feoshen Items.
May 6, 1885.
Rain is what We want now.
Ask Johnnie who it was that rode the mule.
MLu Oliie Foreat, of Eugone, is visiting her
friend, Miss Nettie Stewart
Our school is progressing finely under the
able management vt Mr Luo'en Parker,
Misses Leathe and 16 Matlock and Miss
Xellie Hampton took a horseback ride Sunday.
Miss Bflle Gray, of Baker City, is at
preseut visiting at her uncle's, Mr J D Hamp
ton. His favorite song was "Mollie Darling,"
but in the future we think it wiU be "Eliza
The base ball ground is the boss place to
make mashes so wo noticed lat Sunday
We were pleased to see the smiling face of
Mr Ed Cay, at our dance May 1st Come
agin La.
Mr Ed Matlock, of Pendleton, is at present
visiting at the residence of his uncle, Mr J W
The dance of May 1st given by Mr Whiting
at this place was a success. All who attended
were well pleased.
Messrs Will Yoran and David Day gave
Goshen a call Sunday, and joined the boys in a
game of base bulL
Mr Jas Wagoner and family went to Cot
tage Grove Friday to visit their daughter,
Mrs John Harms, returning Sunday.
small party of young folks went picnicing
Sunday, the party coiffcthig of our postmaster,
one young laxly anil gentlemanof Pisgah district
and a young lady of Eugene.
There must be some attraction at the black
smith's on the corner, as the young man from
Pleasant Hill makes his regular appoint
ments Sunday afternoons. The Belle bas no
attraction for him now.
Were the Corvallis Sports Taken In.
Recent development make it appear that
the Corvallis sports who backed Frank Lewis
so heavily and lost so much in his famous race
with C F Gibson at San Francisco, wore sim
ply dupes, a tough a it may be on them.
The story now is that Lewis is no other than
the famous Jack Gibson, who came to America
from England in 1883, and surprised every
body with his speed, running under the names
of H Wheatley, John D Ryan and Jack Rob
inson, and it is now claimed that his race in
San Francisco waa (imply a put up job to
fleece his Oregon backers, but of the truth of
this we know nothing. We hope it is not so.
Below we give an item from a New York
sporting pper( which gives one version of the
The 125 yard foot race between Frank
Lewis ot Corvallis, Oregon, and C F Gihson,
which took place at Central Park, San Fran
cisco, March 6th, in which the latter won by
less than hve I est. looked considerable like a
job. Lewis held the lead nt lOOyardsi and
his slowing down to let Gibson get in first,
was perceptible to all who ever witnessed a
sprint race, f rom all accounts Lewis struck
Uregon in e eurtiary ana surprised the natives
by his fast trills and was not slow in getting
good backers. Thev followed him to Frisco
ami have paul dearly (or theif acquaintance,
his description tallying with that of Jack Gib
son. 1 think frank Lewis and JackUibeon
are one and the same person. One thing is
certain, had he tried in his race with C F Gib
son he could have won easily.
As Lewir came to the Valley over a year
ago and is now said to be in the stock business
in Eastern Oregon, it is possible the above is
Smithfield News
May 12, 1885.
Cloudy but no rain.
The dance at Smithfieli on the 1st was a
Two burials at this place on the 2d, Miss
P Richardson aud Samuel Foster of Irving.
The merchandise of the Smithfield store
recently owned by C E Byers, will be sold at
publio outcry by J F Kirk, assignee, on Tues
day may 12th, for cash in hand.
Onlt Onk AproRTioNiiiNT. We take the
following from the Coo Bay News, which is
self-explanatory, concerning the apportion
ment of school money under the new law
asd by the last Legislature:
Salem. April 21st. 1885,
Hon J H Robert.
MtDearSih: Your favor of lfith inst,
received. In reply I have to say that my
opinion is that the amendment only contem
plates one jl) apportionment per district each
year, and this is to be done in April, ud taken
out of that apportionment only. .
E. li. a'cElrot.
Installed. At the last regular meeting
Lodge Deputy Smith installed the following
officers of Butte Lodge, No 367, I 0 G T, for
the ensuing term: W C T, Geo Yoran; R H
S, Rose Midgley; L H S, Merta Graves; W
V T, Jennie Brown; Sec, L S Rowland; Asst
Sec, Tillie Parks; Treos, Chas Mulligan; F S,
L 0 Beck with; Chap, W J Babb; W M, Iula
Babb; W D M, T D Rowland; I G, Chas
Currie; 0 O, J D Smith.
Election or OmctRs Following are the
officer of the Band of Hop for the ensuing
teimt Supt, Alice Babb; Asst Supt, J D
Smith; Fres, R F Reasoner; Sec, L S Row
land; Asst Sec, Anna Wooleyj Treas, Jennie
Hartin; Chaplain, Mrs Reasoner; Usher,
Mary Loretz; Asst Usher, Hattie Walton.
Hook k Ladder Co. At a meeting of this
company held last Monday and Tuesday even
ings, a new constitution and by-laws were
adopted. Mewrs Elmer Cleaver and W H
Alexander were also elected as dule(,att to t'ue
State Fireinens Tournament St Astoria.
Thajiis. Mr Wm Seavey left at this office
last Monday morning a mess of fin trout for
ye editor, for which he ha our thank. Mr
Geo W Fletcher and the two Seavy boys
hooked 103 of the finny tribe lait Sunday.
LoTs Purchased. Mr Win Durant has
purchased the vacant lot just east of Mr S H
Friemr's residence, paying $300 for the same.
It is his intention to build a residence on the
same during the coming Summer.
Boex. About ten miles west of this city,
May 4th, to the wife of Mr Ben Owen, twin
daughters. Ben is now the happiest man in
Lane county , and will hardly speak to a com
ruon man.
Notice. Th Directors of the public school
will open tb bills to furnish wood and award
contracts on Monday June 1, 1885.
Cottage Grove Items.
May (1,188a.
Mrs Comstock Went to Portland one day
hv-t werk,
Mr Comstock's mill broke down again
Mr Ja Young, of Latham, was in Siuslaw
last week.
Mr Frank Wooley's baby died Thursday add
was buried Friday. j
Mr Owen Maxwell is up in the mountains
again this week.
- Mr Lcroy lkmewood, of Goshen, came up
to this place Saturday.
Mr Mat Foley, of Siuslaw, was In town
Monday and Tuesday.
A great many of our town folks went to the
picnic at Cresswell Saturday.
Mr Chas Miller, of Upper Coast Fork) spent
several in Siuslaw recently.
There will be a picnic here next Saturday.
A pleasant time is anticipated.
Sheep shearing ha been vigorously going
on for the past few days in this vicinity,
Mr O R Chrlsman and wife, of Eugene, were
visiting friends here Friday and Saturday last
Mis Matil la McCoy passed through town
Sunday on her way to Cresswell to Sojourn for
a time. 1 J , i
' Mis Myra Cathcart and Mr Beokley, of
Oakland, came in on a vieit to friend here
last week.
The personal projierty of Mr Tho Elder,
deceased, is to be sold at publio auction on
May 16th.
Mr E W Whipple went to Eugene last
Saturday, where she visited friend several
Mr Huffman and Mr Hatsell, of Lower
Siuslaw, are her among their old friends
Mr Thomas Gough ha been stopping at her
father's, Mr Carey, for the purpose of having
her babe doctored,
Mr Leland Wharton ha gone to Lakeview,
Lake county, where he intend running a
butcher shop.
Mr Noah Bony and wife, of Cresswell,
passed through town Sunday on their way to
SiuslaWi They returned Monday,
MrTG Hendricks and family and Mis
Maggie Medley, of Eugene, were visiting at
Mr Darwin Brlstow's Saturday and Sunday.
Road Law.
The duties of the Supervisor under the new
road law are substantially as follows:
L He shall apportion the labor to be per
formed in hi road district uccordlng to th
valuation of taxable property owned therein,
the ratio of one day work for every one
thousand dollar assessed for state and county
purpose the last preceding year; provided that
any person may, in lieu of each day work to
be performed according to till chapter, pay
into the hands of the Supervisor the sum of
one dollar and fifty cents, to be expended for
labor or material on the publio mads in the
districts wherein the said property taxed is
2. He assesses two day work to be per
formed by every male between twenty cne and
fifty years of age, except persons who are a
public charge or who are too infirm to perform
The Perkins Farm. Mr H C Perkins last
Thursday left a small basket of fine cherries at
this office, grown on his place near Eugene.
These are the first of the season for which he
has our thanks. He informs us that he will
haye at least 1000 bushels of peach plums this
season, besides other fruit in like ' proportions.
His farm is specially adapted to fruit culture,
being rich land ot a sandy soil Some day it
will be worth a large sura of money, as it is
only a question of a few years when places of
this kind will pay handsome profits.
Short Crop. Parties who have orchards
should not neglect to make arrangement to
take care of their fruit The latest advice
from the Eastern State go to show that the
fruit crop there will be almost ad entire failure
this year, as the Winter ha been so severs as
to not only kill the pioipects, brut in many
places ha killed the fruit tree. With a fail
ure in the Eastern State and a good crop on
this coast, will be assured of a good price and
a demand for all our dried fruits.
Boss Fishermen. The boss fishermen re
potted thus far this season are certainly J A
Deadmond, Marion Watson and B J Dead
mond. They put in a boat at the Spore'
bridge on the McKenzie last Tuesday and
dropped down to Peoria, on the Willamette,
reaching that point Wednesday evening.
During the two days they succeeded iri catch
ing 541 fine trout.
The New Conductors. Conductors Geo
M Stroud, DC Bogart aud A K Colburn
have been relieved from duty on the West
Side road, The vacancy created by the re
tirement of Mr Stroud has been filled by C H
Carter, that of Mr Bogart by M C Webster,
and that of Mr Colburn by C W Klien. No
reason ha been assigned for the removal of
the three conductor named, '
Farm for Sale. The T II Poirrdeater farm
9 miles below Eugene, 3 mile below Irving
and 4 miles south of Junction, on the old stage
road, Is ottered lor sale on liberal term For
particulars inquire on the pretnises
Elizabeth Poindexter.
JjOSJ. A watch charm with gold quartz on
face and moss agate back; probably lost be
tween Samuel Swift's and the Underwood resi
dence. A reward of $2 wilt be paid fader upon
return to M Bridge.
Notice. I am going East and dorinc my
absence Hendricks k Eakin will attend to
my bovine.
James SanrbD
Eonene, March 29, 1885.
Died; At the residence of Samuel Howard,
near Irving, April 30, 1885, Mr J C Foster,
aged 26 yean, 2 month and 18.
Wasted. A good horse to drive, either
single or double; weight about 1100 lbs. 8 P
Sladden on tbe Bean farm.
1OT Sold. Mr Wm Durant one day this
week sold hi lot on oak street to Mr Pritthett
for $375.
Farmers Take Notice. A good dinner can
U had at Baker's hotel for 25 cent.
County Court.
lit Law.
... f . . . . i. . . IT - l..
vuwciiv i.innuay morning, tfiay , xooo.
Present-Judg Waslisluirne, Hieriff Camp
bell and Clerk Ware, T!i following business
was disposed of:
L Salomon vs It M Blachteyt to recover
money. Judgment for $316 45;
J L Page vs Orvill Green; to recover
money. Judgment for plff Of $10915, $10
atty fee and costs.
In the matter of the estate of 3 J Arthur
deceased; ordered that Geo F Arthur appear
in Court July 6, 1885, aud show Cause why
real estate be not sold.
In the matter of the estate of Rowlsml Sim
mons, deed; ordered that heirs appear in this
Court July 6, 1885, and show cause why tro
perty be not told.
Commissioners Court,
Met Wednesday morning, May ft) 188V All
the officer present Th followina proceed
ing were had:
In the matter of the application of J E
Brown and others for the survey and location
of county rdaili ordered that G W GiU.n, A
N Green and Daniel Smith be appointed
viewers and James Noland surveyor, to meet
June 20, 1885.
,1b the matter of the petition ot John Cogs
Willi, aaU others for the survey of a change in
cuinty road; ordered that W R Walker, T 0
Maxwell and A D Burton be appointed viewers
and Jarae Noland surveyor, to meet June
29, 1885.
At this time the court appointed J II Hill
supervisor of road district No 67, for the year
1885. .
In the matter of the petition ot Eli Perkins
and other tor change in county road; ordered
At this time it is BrtloKd by the court that
J M Spore be appoluted superintendent of
the repair on the pier of the McKenxie
bridge at the Davi ranch, and he is author
ized to let the contract for said reair at pub
lio outcry at the July term of this court, ac
cording to plan and specifications to be ac
cepted and approved by said superintendent
and Geo S Washburn e, county judge.
Total allowances for the term, $3,624.23.
Another wedding reported on the tapis.
See new Sheriff' sales in another column.
The up stairs of Peters' (tore ha been re
novated. The hose team's uniform look quite nobby.
They drill nightly still.
Baker new hotel bas procured a coach to
call at the arrival of all trains.
The Foley Springs promises' to be the popu
lar resort the coming Summer.
Geo Hale left a hen egg at this office this
week that measured CJ by 71 inches.
Catterpillars aro said to lie damaging fruit
trees in some sections of tbo county.
A sleight of hanri performer has been ainus
Ing the boy this week on' our streets.
The finishing touches are being placed, upon
Mr Park s new resiileno near the Univenity,
- Vf acknowledge the receipt of some publio
documeuta from ex-Repressntative George.
Thahks. .
The county is having a hitching rack placed
around the west sido of the park south of the
The picnic given near Coburg ysstenlay was
a grand success. J ule Washburn actod as
orator for the occasion.
The northward bound train yesterday morn
ing killed a fine milch cow near the Uni
versity by running over her.
Walker Young, yestnrduy, shipped to John
son, the butcher, In Portland, two oar load of
very tine stall fed beef cattle.
Mr Frank Belshaw, last Saturday, let the
contract for the building of his residence to
Mr W H Alexander for $C40.
Tame strawberries have been lilpied to this
place from Southern Oregon, this week. Tho
ruling price was 25 cents pel box. '
Stinit is pushing work at his quarry wext of
town. He has a good quality of stone anil w
hope he will make a fortune out ( it.
The finest tame strawberries thai have yet
arrived in Eugeae came from the Mohawk val
ley. They were fine large luciou berries.
A few showers of rain fell here last Thurs
day cooling tbt air greatly but not dampening
the ground very much. The grain is badly in
need of a soaking rain.
The best family remedy is undoubtedly
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Puriflor. Harmless,
it accomplishes relief wher many other medi
oines fail to do so. It may be safely glyen to
the infanta well as the adult
We ' take the following from the Union
Scout: "Mrs Lou Lllis, ne Ellsworth, of
Billings, M T, Is the delighted mother nf a
bouncing boy, which was born April 1st" Th
estimable lady is well-known here.
There will be a meeting of the directors ot
tbe Lane County Agricultural Society at
Rhluehart'i Hall in Euxene City. All the di
rectors are requested to be present All who
are intensted in the success of the fair are in
vited to attend. J. b. Churchill, Sec y.
John Binebart, of Summervillo, is danger
ously sick. His wife is also not expected to
live, she being afflicted with dropsy of th
heart Union Scout Mi Rinehart ha many
friends here who hope to hear of the early re
covery of himself and hi wife.
Mr ' H M James has had the finest cloth
shade awning in town placed in front of his
store. In the centre it has a fine painting of
Mount Hood from a view on the Columbia
river, baring a river steamer in the tor
ground. It was painted by Mr Robt Lane.
MrJas Wilson, formerly of Dayton, W T,
ha rented th south room in Baker' Hotel
and intend opening saloon in th same Hs
has a three years lease at $40 per month Mr
S Warshauer has rented th north window in
the present bar room for a tailoring establish
ment, and a partition will be erected dhriding
the present office.
A dispatch was received her last Tuesday to
have a hack and dooVr' at the depot as a
man was bleeding badly at tb nos and h
wanted to atop in Kugene and have proper Aire.
Th trentlernan Droved to be Mr John Wil
liams, of Halem. and father of Hon K Wil
liams. He was found to have hemorrhage ot
the bead, bnt after proper medical ear it wa
stopped and he is a well as ever now.
Mabbieo. At the residence of the bride's
parents, near this city, May 6, 1885, by BT I
D Driver, Mr Elmer Emerson and Mis Nelli
Driver. Tbey have the comrratulatkM of
many friend.-
Sorlator E P CtuVinan was in towH Hiur:
Mr T N Segar
ha returned home ttM I
Mr A C Briggs paid Corvallis a visit this
Bob Hayes leave for th Foley Spring next
Dr Scarbrottgh, of Cresswell, wa in town
Mr M S Wall! paid the metropolis a visit
this week.
Mr E K Henderson returned to this city
last Tuesday.
Mr Frank Crouch, of Oakland, it in town
visiting friend;
Mr Robt Thompson, of Salem, paid this
office a pleasant visit last Wednesday.
Mr Eugene Buchanan, of Walla Walla, W
T was in our city several days this week.
Mr H C Humphrey and wife arrived in
Portland last Wednesday. They are expected
home to-day.
Mr J W Rowland ha gone to Corvallis to
teach a class in penmanship, H i an excel
lent instructor in that branch.
Mr A J Johnson, who went East in the in
terest of a number ot blip grower, returned
home last week. He says the hop market is
Mr E T Henkle, tlf Independence, at one
time a resident of Eugene, has been in town
this week visiting friend. We acknowledge a
pleasant call.
Mr Geo Fletchei arrived in Eugene last
Saturday fmm San Francisco, where he ha
been working for the past year, for the purpose
ot visiting friends. He left last Wednesday
morning for Salem where he ha aocepted a
position as guard in th Oregon State Peniten
tiary. Mr C W Fitch, accompained by her chil
dren, left for Jackson county but Tuesday
afternoon on a visit for her health, which hu
been very bad for th past few month. W
hope the genial climate of that section will
give her renewed health, Her business is in
competent hands and will be continued
A party consisting of Eugene Luckey, J as
Noland, C Marx AHd Julius Goldsmith left
for east of the mountain via the McKenzie
route last Wednesday. The first two named
have 300 head of cattle to receive from Mr
Geo Milllcar. on the 10th inst, after which the
whole party will spend a month fishing and
hunting. We wish the boy a pleasant (rip
and safe return.
The War has Ceased.
Take out yonr wooden foundations snd
rock that will not stand tha weather, Send
A Stinit a card aud order rock that will
stand like flint glass. This rook is a vol
caniu tufa, a beautiful browd stone. Read
Euurnk, Oh., April 13, 1885,
This is to certify that I have made a
thorough examination of stone brought to
this city by A Stiuit, alio weut and made
an examination ot the quarry. Th (tone i
a volcanic tufa nud thero i an endless
amount of it. It is extra good for all kind
of wall foundation, doei aill, basement
and all kind of cemetery work. It can not
be injured by frost or heat, therefore I pro-
nouiue it a valuable rook.
Guhtave IIicketiiier,
Marble doaler,
Messrs Stearns k Pattl, of the Mohawk
Mills, would resjiectfully invite the attention
of those needing Lumber or Shlngta to their
new yard established on the comer of Wil
lamette and Eleventh streets. All kinds of
dressed or rough lumber delivered at the lowest
rates. Call aud get estimates.
. J. McClanahan, Agt.
Low) 8 iNSTiTUTdD.lrvIng Lrtdge Ifo 79;
I O O J1, was Instituted last Saturday night by
Hon ,1 J Walton, Grand Master, The follow
ing clinrtef members were eleotid officers for
the ensuing term t A Dotid, St, M G; 8 E
MoClure, V G; J M Kitchen, S; James He
gen, T. There was about one hundred visit
ing Odd Fellow present from Eugene, Juno
tion, Harrisburg and Springfield. Thirteen
members were initiated, making twenty-nin
member in tbe lodge. The work of insis
ting the lodge wa not completed until Sam
th next hiorning.
Bake Ball We take the following from
last week's Corvallis Gazette; At the meeting
of the Corvallis Eclipse Base Ball Club held
Tuesday evening, it waa decided to challenge
the Eugene nine for a friendly match to be
played on th Harrisburg ground on the 17th
Inst, if the challenge I accepted. The Eclipse
is a good nine, Th club Is composed of the
following members: W Lyman, catcher; Ed
Thayer, pitcher; Isador Jacobs, 1st base; M
Cosper, 2d and captain; 'felt Burnett, Sd'bas;
Tom Callahan, short stop; Chas Young, I f;
Fred Itayburn, o f j A. Bumbaiver, r f.
Died. At 5 o'clock on Wednesday morning,
May G, 1885, at hi residence at Scio, Linn
county. Oregon, Solomon tusick, aged 81
year, father of Mr J W Cuslck, of Eugene.
Mr J W Cusick attended the funeral Service
which were held on last Thursday He ha
th sympathy of many friends In this city.
I W Baibds Minstrels. This troupe per
formed at Khlnehart's Hall last Wednesday
evening to a goodly sired audience. The
troupe is a gd on and deserving of liberal
patronage wherever they rmry appear. We
hope that some time in the future they may
again visit our city.
A Lakob Savino. As was generally
known the county advertfsed to let the
keeping of paupers just prior to the
last term of Court When the Gouit
met it was found that those who had
been keeping the indigent had bids in
for about one-bslf what they had here
tufore received1, therefore the Board
concluded to let the poor remain where
they are now kept. The highest price
will be oirVy S3 per week, while the
average will lie but little over $2 under
the new order. It is estimated that
the county has been savrd ahont $2000
per year by this little stroke of diplo
Judge Washburne and Mr. II. C.
Perkins will leave for Lakt county
next Monday.
A Quarrel Settled by' the Knife:
y iKtHriln y aWii noon Jhiiii' An;
diTHon and Mr. Duncan arrival from
Lower Siuslaw, about 40 miles distaht
frorti this placo for tho purpose of con
sulting with Mr. Q. B. Dorrie eon?
cerning a stabbing affray:
From what we can learn the pti'ud
ulars seftirt aliout as follows: Monday
May 4, Oatar and Frederick Fflfllf nietj
Thomas Andhreon on a trail, all being
residents' of Indian Creek iri life west
ern part ot tha county on the road to
Lower Siuslaw, when they assaulted!
hira with clubs; tho' parties having had
a dispute over some land 4 short time'
previous. On Wednesday May bth,
the two Funks and a mttn flamed Holt
went to the ranch Ot a Mr Duncan,
where Anderson and Duncan were '
putting in garden, wheri Frederick
funk and Holt com merited clubbing
Anderson and Oscar Funk sssaulted
Duncan. In the affray that frllowed.
Anderson stabbed Frederick Funkgwhort
Holt and Oscar Funk rah. Frederick
Funk staggered a short distance and
fell, when Anderson and Duncan, with
out learning how badly Funk was hurt,
started for this city. On arriving here
they immediately swore out a warrant
against the assaulting parties, and
Sheriff Caniptwll leaves this morning
to make the arrest.
Personal and Otherwise.
Mr, S. Munra will go to Portland"
Monday on a short visit.
Wanted A campmeeting to atari
up, o that we will have rain.
The West Shore has .established it
branch offioe in Tacoma; W T;
The Oregon Pacific hata paid a' few'
of their employes' at Corvallis this
Mr. T. C. Jtidkins is expected home
from Washington; D. C.j in short
Hon. II. II. Gilfry add family, of
Washington,' D: 0., are expected iit
this city about June 1st
Messrs Ilaines & OfTutt will sblp &
quantity Of leather to a firm id Salt .
Francisco by this niorning'e: trKiti.
The Annual meeting of tbe State
Teacher's Association will convene at
Astoria the sixth of July and con
tinue fodr dayl
A wdman iri Idahd cdtt vo'te now. Is
it datlgerotls to obierve that the ban' '
didates in that country will btt etooteti
by handsome majorities!
Mr A Ustick, the genderaanly '
traveling agent of A M Osburne &
Co, was in town several days this week;
having just returned from a business1
trip to Southern Oregon.
A picnio was giyen it Siuslelw by
the Orange yesterday. Judge" Boise"
was the principal orator for the occai-
, i i
sion. .verynoay in aticnuanco spent
most enjoyable day:
E B MoElroy' State fhiporlritcftdent
of public inBtrtfction, proposes to ar
range for a school teacher excursion:
from 1 thin State to Chicago sometime'
during the coming Suramofr
A case before the itfrtice court hat
been entertaining the' pebble' tff Sptiiig
ficld the lurt two daysv It is a charge
agatosl a pufty of threatening to kill
another. J, 8. Churchill appeared for
the State and L Bilyeu for the de
fense. . : '
The Atkinson Comedy Company
will play in this city sometime net
month. "Peck's Bad Boy" in its' lead
ing play. The Company itf no" play'
imr in San Francisco arid is" said to bo'
a good one.
Chas Hayes, Geo. Lakin and Robt.
Ball have been subpoenaed to appear
at the Circuit Court in Pendleton as1
witnesses; Irt a horso' stealing case.
Messrs Ball and Hayes have already
gone and Mr Lakin will probkWj Ifave
Monday. '
Mr Wirt McPherson who lives near'
this city and Mr Miflkey, of Irving,
returned henfa from Missouri this
week. They report having had a
pleasant visit, but still they . are
pleased to get home. They decfafe
there is no place like Oregon.
CVchwell Items-'
Spring delights are trow feturning,
Echoes, rain.
W. W. Scott pJd Eugene a visit
this weak for trta purpose ot Having a
tooth extracted.
Open air concerts held ort the publitf
square commencing almost at any
hour desired, howevei1 the cool eyerH
ing air make it more comprehensible'
to the people ot the exterior parts or
The pichio held1 at this place Satur
day was well amended and good order1'
geWsrally. The programme was eXe-i
cuted in a tastful mantier. The r
nmVkB by Messrs lUehrrdson. Howe,
DaV,- Mulkey and others were very
appropriate and to the point. All
were pleased in a pleasant minner.
Andrew Miller and Jno. Schmits ton
ducted their candy stands. . .
WlDDHtoCiHUft. W have Just received
from ChiaW ft finest lot of wedding card
! and Invitations ver brought to Orei-n. Trices
. .i . :l 1
lor to Kwue th