The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 09, 1885, Image 3

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Aa Old-Tim Concluding Demonstration
nd Ranqueu
Reader, did you ever form one of a
party of old-time log-roller? To the
city folks and the latter-day people of
easy hablU, the very name may f ound
Btrange.but I assure them that nothing
else ever done afforded people a more
genuine admixturo of fun and bard
work I bun log-rolling. To-day, the
generally accepted signification of the
term is to the effect that somebody is
tampering with Congress or the Legis
lature to secure the passage of some
personal measure. In the good old days
of pioneer simplicity it had another.
A man purchased a heavily timbered
tract of land and set about reducing it
to a state of meek and lowly submis
sion to the plow. He and his sons and
nephews and brothers ground their
axes and went into the forest to sweat
to the low bass notes of ten degrees be
low zero and hew out a farm. Thev
chopped all winter long and carried oil
the best timber to the saw-mills, and
split some more of it into rails with
which to fence in the clearing, and left
the tough and gnarled logs lying where
they fell, and the brush piled in great
beans to be burned. All through the
chill and biting winter, the trees fell,
and logs weie trimmed of their brush,
and with the first promising days of
spring, came the log-rolling the grand
concluding demonstration and bitmjuct
of the season.
The word went out that Sam Smith
would have a log-rolling on a given
day. There were no gilt-edged, blue
bevel invitations with the words "at
home" printecTon them in type which
nobody could read, but Sam Smith's
boy was sent around to tell the nearest
neighbors about it and their boys spread
it at the singing schools and spelling
schools, and the announcement was
read from the pulp.t of the country
church on Sunday, and so everybody
was bidden to Sam Smith's log-rolling
the women to aid in cooking, the
men to aid in gathering the useless tim
ber into great stacks to be burned. The
women brought kettles and dishes,
knives, forks and spoonsj the men
axes, chains, yokes of oxen and strong
bodies. By sunrise the clearing was
full of busy men. The seductive "whoa
haw" of the ox engineer smote upon
the morning air, and the logs
were snaked along the muddy ground
to the place where the heaps were
to rise. The men and teams were di
vided into squads, each squad to erect
one heap. Sum Smith bossed the job
and did not lift a pound. II s principal
duty was to sit on a convenient stump
and shout "heave, o heave!" which he
usually abbreviated to "he o he," to
encourage the m n when they had
an extraordinary heavy log to "bo put
upon the already high "heap. The eti
quette of these gatherings did not per
mit him to lend a hand, although when
twenty men could not lift an unusually
heavy log to its plaee, it was his duty
to declaro that he could easily do it
himself. This was generally accepted
as a challenge of strength, and the men
lifting would strain their lights out to
plaee the log.
By two o'clock, the logs were all in
and the clearing looked bare and
stumpy compared with what had been
its appearance in the morning. Si.m
Smith mounted the highest log heap
made, and delivered himself of a tor
rent of thanks to his neighbors, closing
by inviting them to go to the house
and eat a "snuek." The snack was usu
ally one of the must bounteous dint c s
ever spread. There were no frosted
cakes and tine confections, but
there was plenty of chicken ai.d
as good bread and rich gravy
as were ever made, and mashed
potatoes, and beans and hominy, and
ham and eggs, and canned tomatoes,
and dr ed green corn, and pickles, and
stewed, jammed, marmaladed, jellied
and preserved fruits and berries, and
lucious green apple pies, and pumpk n
pies, and cook es, and fresh milk and
doughnuts, and as good appetites to
eat them as were ever sharpened by
hard work, and when all were so foil
they had to unbutton their vests, the
box of home-spun smoking tobacco
was brought out and the jug of old rye
was passed, and the men fell to spin
ning yarns while the women ate and
cleared away the fragments of the
meal. At four, the men again repaired
to the clearing, and the torch was ap
plied to the heaps of logs, and when
darkness came on, the old folks went
to their homes and left the young ones
to enjoy burning the broth and spark'
ing. 1 he next day there were some
sore muscles in the neighborhood, but
no headaches like those experienced by
the revelers of to-dav, and Sam Sin th's
clearing was ready for the plow
Through Mail.
The Sea of Galilee.
One of the first things for which I
looked here was the fishing industry;
but I found it not There is evidently
only one sailing vessel on the lake, aud
but a very small handful of clumsy row
boats. When one of these boats gets
out of order there is general consterna
tion, it is said, for the art of shipbuild
ing is no longer known here. When
we sent our servant to-day instruc
tions to procure Galilee fish for dinner
he was unable to find a single fish in
the market. This is especially strange,
inasmuch a I have had positive evi
dence that the waters swarm with pis
catorial life to-day, just as in the days
when Christ called Ual.lean nsliermen
to his discipleshin.
Yet tishinrr is still carried on here on
a small scale. Even last night I saw a
boat mish out to sea with nets aboard
just as Simon did no doubt when he
was bound to "toil all night" at the
same business.
This leads me to guess or, at least, to
hope, that the citizens were not quite
so lazv and worthless in thedays of the
Son of Man. Thev could not have
been any worse. The modern Galilean
would ride two-thirds the way around
the lake on the ragged bark of donkey
or camel rather than display the enter
prise required to effect a crossing in
one-sixth the time by boat Stupidity
and cupidity are everywhere linked in
a wav that sorely tries Occidental
patience. Cor. .V. O. Times-Democrat.
An American church co-tinr $25.-
000 hns recently been consecrated in
Dresden, Germany.
The professors of the University of
Tokio have formed themselves into an
association for promoting the introduc
tion of Latin wr.tine and tvne in tilace
of the Chinese.
A teacher, speakinz before tho
Rhode Island Institute of Instruction,
recommended the introduction of health
ful story books as an antidote airainst
,L . :1 -, a., .u It .
ui i cvii vi uan uieruture.
On an average, only six out of six
teen of the children of the United Statea
are at school every dav in tho educa
tional year. Four of the romainintr ten
go occasionally. Six grow up in ignor
ance. Motion lluuijeU
Fresldent White says that Cornell.
since it got rid of Adler and Russel, and
some other pronounced anti-believers,
has resumed a Christian attitude. The
Board of Trustees is in a large majority
evangelically Christian.
Llberton, Ga., cla'ms to have a
congregation called the " Reformed
Hardshell Baptist Church." One of its
tenets is that no female member shall
wear any dress more costly than calico,
nor head-dress except a sun-bonnet
-The university which has been
building for some years at Tomsk, Si
beria, is approaching completion. Its
total cost has been $550,000, borne in
about equal parts by tho Government
and private individuals. It is intendod
that the university shall have a full
corps oi professors, loins k, on the
Kiver lorn, is an old and thriving town
on the great trading highway ol Si
beria, and the capital of the Govern
ment of the same name. The town does
a large trade in furs. The population
is about 24,000.
Edward C. Bruce, reviewing the
New Orleans Exposition in LippincoWs,
says the free schools of the Southern
States speak more in statistics than in
more concrete forms of display, and the
figures are highly satisfactory. School
buildings year by year are steadily in
creasing in number, and graded" and
normal schools are multiplying rapidly.
The colored schools are .supplying
themselves with colored teachers, which,
Mr. Bruce thinks, speaks better for the
progress of he race than any other dis
coverable sigq. Current.
President Eliot's remarks about
sollege athletics in his annual report to
he overseers of Harvard College will
command general approval. He savs
that the game of football came to bo
"played in such a brutal and dishonor
able way" that tho faculty felt com
pelled to prohibit inter-collegiate games
of football altogether, and his language
is none too strong. Ho lays down an
excellent rule when he says that "the
athletic sports ought to cultivate mor
als as well as physical courage, fair
dealing and the sense of honor." Buf
falo Express.
If you were to move about among
the churches in city, town and country
ond ascertain their true state you
would bo surprised that so many Chris
tian people have suspended active el-
forts in doing good because of somo
wrong (real or imaginary) they have
suffered at the hands of some one in the
Hock to which they belong. This is as
if a soldier, in time of war and in the
presence of the enemy, were to throw
down his arms and turn traitor because
a fellow-soldier of the same regiment
had done him a wrong. liichmond
(Va.) Bcliqious Herald.
There Is nothing like trouble
liseover to a man his real friends.
The girl who calls a man bv his
first name noon earlv acaitaiiitaucj is
not likely to be called by his last. X
J. Uerahl.
Betsey, on old colored cook, was
mooning around the kitcnen one uay,
wlten her mistress asked her if she was
ill. "Xo, ma'am, not zactly," said
Betsey; "but de fac' is, I don't feel am
bition 'nough to git outer my own
way." Harper's Bazar.
"Have you embraced all tho oppor
tunities here offered you for prosecuting
your studies?" asked the doctor. And
the sophomore blushed, and said he
believed he had embraced them all ex
cept the cook, and she was too big for
him to reach around. Brooklyn Eagle.
"Smith, why don't yon get your
diamonds insured?" said Jones.
Where can I do that?" innocently
asked Smith. "At the United States
l'late-Glass Insurance Company, of
conrso." replied Jones, and a coldness
has grown up between them. l'itts
burgh Chronicle.
"Why do you suppose the feminine
is used iu speaking of the moon?"
asked Kosciusko Murphy of Miss
Esmeralda Longcollin. "because she
is so beautiful, I suppose," replied
Esmeralda, w ho is on the shady side of
thirty-live. "No, it's because there is
no finding out how old she is," replied
tho lunatic Texas Sif lings.
Two girls met another, who wore a
jersey which was patchel in places.
"Gracious me!" said one, "just see
what a jersey that girl has on." "That's
no jersey," r. plied tho other, with con
fident"'. "Yes, it is, too; I guess I
know." "Xo, it isn't either; it's an
al-darney." (P. S. This is a dairy
maid fact warranted truthful) Mvr
chant 'Traveler.
A Boy and a Bee
An hiinil'le boy with slilnlnir pull
Wi'iit uladlv slnirliiff down the dale,
To where the cow with tho brindlc tall
On clover her palute did rcjrule.
A.biimlle-lee did pilljr nail
j-'itr over the soft and shadow vale.
To where the lioy with slnnliw tmil
Was milking tho cow with tho brindle tall.
The bee sat down on the cow's left ear,
llor heels flow up tln-ouirh the atmosphere,
And throiiKh the It-avesof the chestnut tree
The boy soured Into eternity.
Cleveland Herald.
Mr. John Rolfe, Champion Bicyclist of
Australia and hngland, writes to tne at
mm. Melbourne. Australia, that In the six
days contest for the championship, after
riding 8 consecutive hours each day, his
limbs became still ana sore, ana ne is pos
itive he won the great race, and was
enabled to ride another 100 miles against
tim immediately afterward, from the
wonderful effect produced bv the use of
SL Jacobs Oil. in training ana racing, ne
calls it his boon companion, and re com
mends it to all athletes.
If the thousands aid tens of thousands
of weak and weary sufferers throughout
the land, who, in spite of care and skill,
re steadily drifting downward, could
have the benefit of that singularly Vital
izing Treatment now so widely dispensed
by Dr. Starkey & l'alen, of 11U0 Uirard
St, Philadelphia, the help, and ease, and
comfort It would bring to wasting bodies
and depressed spirits would be blessings
beyond price. If, rsadcr, vou have an
invalid wife or mother, or daughter, or
sister, or any one w ho is under your care
or dependent upon you, and to whom life
has become a burden through weakness
and pain, consider seriously whether you
are not bound, in both love and duty, to
give this sufferer a chance of recovery, or,
at least, the blessing of ease from pain.
You are offered the amplest means of in
formation in regard to this new Treat
ment If you can examine testimony
without prejudice, and can weigh evi
dence with judgment and discrimination,
write to Drs. Starkey & Palen for such
proofs In documents and reports of cases
as will enab'e you to fairly examine and
decide for yourself. Thiy will be promptly
All orders for the Compound Oxygen
Home Treatment directed to U. K. Math
ews, 6(16 Montgomery Street, San Fran
cisco, will be tilled on tbe same terms as if
sent directly to us in Philadelphia.
A hmmtv of five cents is paid for each
crow killed in Cape May, N. J.
"A little Are is quickly trodden out
Which, being suU'ervd, rivers cannot quench.
Procrastination may rob'you of time, but
by increased diligence you can make up the
loss ; but if it rob you of life the loss is ir
remediable. If your health is delicate,
your mind depressed, your whole being
out OI sorts, aepena on it you are seriously
diseased. In all such rases Dr. Pierces
"Golden Medical Discovery" will speedily
effect a genuine, radical cure make a new
man of you and save you from the tortures
of lingering disease.
The Black Hills tin region is found to
be much larger than was supposed.
Catarrh 1 mueo purulent discharge saused by the
presruee and development ot the vegetable parasite
aiuojba in the Internal lining mrmbnuie uf the uuee.
This penult la oulf developed under favorable circum
stances, and these are: Morbid state of the blood, aa the
blujhted corpuicle ot tubercle, the (erra poison ot syphi
lis, nierenry. tuiurnea. from the retention of the effete
mutter of the akin, auuureawd Defroiratlon, bedlv fen.
tilated sleeping apartuienta, and other poisons Uiat are
germinated in the blood. Theee poiauna keep the Internal
linin nwiiilrane of the noee in a eoastant elate of Irri
taUon, ever ready for the deposit of th eeede ef these
feruis, which spread up the nostrils and down the
aucea or back of throat, causing ulceration of the
throat; up the eustachian tubes, causing deafness ; bur
rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; usurping
the proper structure ot the bronchial tubes, ending in
nln.n.r Minatinintlnn and death.
Many attempts have been niede to (Uncover a cure for
Oils dlHtreeslnif Ulsease Dy tne use ui uuian-nts ami uuier
ingenloua devices, but none of tbeae treatments can do
a particle of good until the parasites are either destroyed
or removed from the mucous tissue.
Home time since a well known physician of forty years
standing, after much exiierimenting, suoceeUeU In ill,
mtveriiiir the necessaiiv combination oi hnrredients which
never faila In absolutely and permanently eradicating
this horrible disease, whether standing for one year or
forty years. Those who may be suffering from the above
disease should, without delay, ooniiiiunieate with the
manaiiers, Messrs. A. H. Dillon Hon, 305 King Street
West, Toronto, and get full particulars and treatise free
by enclosing stamp.
When Baby was sick, we Rave her C ASTORIA,
When she waa a Child, she cried for C ASTOltIA,
When she became Miss, alio clang to C ASTORIA,
When she Lad Children, alio gave tliein CAST0IUA
A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcer
ated Vllea hss been discovered bv Dr. W illiain Ian In.
dian Keinedy) called Dr. William s Indian File Oint
ment. A single Imi has cured the worst chronic cases
of 26 or 30 years standing, no one neeu snner nve nun
wtM aftr aitnklne this wonderful soothing medicine.
Letlons. Instruments and electuaries do more harm titan
n.J William's Indian File Ointment absorbs the tu
mors, allays the intense itching (particularly at nifclit
alter getting warm in bed), acta as a poultice, gives In
stant relief, and Is prepared only for Files, Itching of
the pnva te parts, anu lor noining else.
u,.,l what the Hon. .1. M UoflinlieiT. of Cleveland,
says about Dr. William's Indian File (liniment: "I have
used scon s of File Cures, and It affords me pleasure to
say that I have never found anything which suve such
immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's In
dian ointment." Kor salens all druggists Slid mailed
on reoelpWif price, SI. F. ltichaxls a O., 427 aud i'il)
Baiisome street, corner Ulay, Han r rauctsoo
Large quantities of sturgeon are said to
be converted into salmon in Mi inc.
Piles, fistulas and rupture rad
ically cured. Hook of particulars two
letter stamps. World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, iiullaio, jn. x.
Baltimore is to have an electric railway.
Regeneration for
enfeebled systems suf
fering from a general
want of tone, and Its
usual concomitants.
dyspepsia and ner
vousness, Is seldom
derivable from the
use of a nourishing
' diet and stimuli of
appetite, unsided. A
ineuicine mat win
j effect a removal of
? the speclha obstacle
F to renewed health and
vigor, that la a genu
ine corrective, is the
real need. It la the
possession or this
u requirement
makes Ilnstet-
Htomach bitters
effective aa an in-
rant. Fur sale by
all Druggists and Dealers generally,
f am an nM man Vnr 98 TPars I IIUlTlTCd With
ulcers on my riRht leg as the remilt of typhoid
fever. Amputation waa utfKe"ed aa the only
means of preserving life. The doctor could do
nothing for me. and IhouKlit I inunt die. For
three years I never had a ahoe on. Bw-ifts
Hpeciflc has made a permanent cure and added
ten years to my life.
Wm. It, TIhed, Hall Co., Ca.
I have taken Swift's 8peciflc for blood poison
contracted at a medical college at a dissection,
while I was a medical student I am grateful
to Bay that It (rave me a eoeedy and thoroiiKh
cure after my parents had spent hundreds of
dollars for treatment.
Auni STUS Yt KMiKU M. P., Newark, N. J.
My wife from early girlhood has been suffer
ing from rheumatism, rhe has tried many
remedies, and I inunt frankly say has derived
more benelit from Hwift'a Hneritlo than from
all the others, after long and faithful trial.
ItEV. JakI Pikkck, Oxford, Ga.
Swift's Specific Is entirely xt gelahle. Trea
tise on lllood and Hkln Illnesses mailed free.
Tiik Swikt Si'KciricCo., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga.. or 158 W. 23d KL. N. V.
All Sorts of
hurts and many sorts of ails of
man and beast need a cooling
lotion. Mustang Liniment.
Some people make a business of cheat
ing themselves, either bv eatinir verv mean
and cheap food, or else by enllng too small
a quantity of good food. El her way is as
bad policy aa it would be to buy a colUn
insstiid of a suit ot good clothes, just
because the coffin would cost less. Poor
diet means impoverished blood ; and that
means misery. Brown's Iron Hitters
enriches the blood, gives it the iron It
needs, and tones up the whole system.
Cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, weakness,
malaria, etc
Several families are reported to have
been drowned in Medicine river, Kan,, by
a water spout Several families ot movers
were camped in tne bottoms, many of
whom lost their lives. Iutrge numbers ot
stock were drowned and large fields of
crops entirely ruined.
When it is the old-fashioned blue mass.
blue pill sort and insist on using Dr.
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellet," a
modern medical luxury, being small,
sugar-coated granules, containing the
active principles of certain roots and
herbs, and which will be found to contain
as much cathartic power as anv ot the old-
fashioned, larger pills, without the latter's
violent drastic e Heels. The pellets operate
thoroughly but harmlessly, establishing a
permanently healthy action of thestomarh
and bowels, and as an auti billous remedy
are unequaieu.
The new collcse buildimr of OberlinCol
lege, Ohio, will cost (UO.OUO.
for Ilronrhlnl. Asthmatic and Put
nionarj- oniplalntM, Jirowns Jlron
chiul Troches" manifest remarkable cura
pro)erties. 25 oents a box.
Tby Gkrmka for breakfast.
This medicine, combining Iron with pme
TfitetaMe tonics, quickly and completely
I'urra DTaprnalit, Indication, Wrnknraa,
Impure ilload,;t!aleiria,lbllisand Fevers,
and Nenralatsu
It li an unfailing; remedy for Diseases of tbe
Kidneys and l.lver.
It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does aot injure the teeth, cause headache.or
produce constipation lhn Iron mrtticintnlo.
Itenriohesand purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and llelching, aud strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, tack of
Energy. &c, It has no equal.
tf The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
. Wholesale Agents, rortland. Or.
The Greatest Medical Trinmph of the Age I
Indorsed all over the World.
Lossof appetite, Nausea, boyelsops:
live. Pain iu tho Head,w 1th "a dull senr
satipn In the back part, Falnniider
the phoulderblado, fullness after eat
ing, with adlsinplinatlqn tojxertlot
of body prmlnd. Irritability of temp
er. Low splrits,Los90f memory ,wlth
a feeling of hagjieglogledjome
duty s weariness. Dizziness, Flutterj
ingohjHeartjDotsbefore theeyes,
Ygllpw Skln.yeadaoheiRestlessness
atnlglit, Highly oolorea urine.
TUIT8 PILLS are especially adapted to
such cases, ono dose elfocta BiiVh a ohanga
of feeling aa to astonish the sufferer.
They Increase the Appetite, and cause
tbe body to Take on Fleah, thus the sys
tem is nourished, and by their Touio
Action on the Ilgetlve Organs, llega
lnr Wtoejs are produced. Price lilt rent..
Grat IlalRor WiiiKKF.Ks changed to a
GloshT Black byaslntc'o application of
mis lira, it imparls a miiunii ooior, acts
Instantaneously. Bold by DniggiBta, or
sent by express on reuelpt of $ 1.
Office. 44 Murr St.- " York.
Palmer & Rey, Type Founders and Press
Dealers, make tpeciul Quotations on Type
and I'rlntinor Material to Purchasers In
the Northwest. Nob. 112 and 114 Front
street, Portland. Oregon.
lie direct Importers of Norman htalllnns from
France to California. Every one is recorded hi the
National Ktister of Norman Horses, and those In
want of this claw of Horse., If desired, can tiurcliase
them on one or two years' time, at reasoiiahle Inter
est, with satisfactory security. We will sell chta(wr
than the same claw of HtulllonS can I bonifht any
where else In the United KtaUis. rietid (or Cat-
Petulant. Honoma t o C nl
sMscll Goli Mai
Save hair, fcargeat
Factory la tne Mate
iU,a,XMUil mt.
11 etUlAbeadl 14
t Gold Medals, 1 Kilter, and
Viral Premiums.
veicfl ... i30
Jt U JI Hatches all Had of Ig-p
tVassJl AUslsMfrossWtottOi
awutffl.i.M.ninMMLMmulaslla. 1L Ksrialnshow
to hatch and rain efalckrns DToStablJ. Ctrcnlan free. A4-
drasstJKTALLatA LMUt'bATUK OO.. retalusae tei
1 & .St -
(TP 1
lift ill
1 1 J-l 1 1 11 I I
-"SI I 1
j I ii in
i in vii
. .. , !1
An Kleyen-Year-Old Ulina-Novel Header
Huns Away Krora Home TU. Mesang.
He Left llelilnd Hint.
Two detect' vei arrived from tho East
:mt eveninir In sctirch of a b v nnmed
Shepavd, who ran away from New York
several week ao. Mr. Shetiaid Is a
New Yoik liiuik. r and ha ollercd a
reward of J10.1KHJ for the safe return
of his son. The detectves w.ll aepa-
i ate here, one going to Texas among
the cowbovs. and the other, a'tcr
t aveling iuroiich Wyoming, will go
to Ar.zona. J he ollicers were inter-
irlawu I Iw a t.tll,i(tn. fkf till, I.Pttltf
I IL " V I I M .V J'.'. !H1 w..v " ' - -
lust n'ght, and the following particu
lars Ol 1110 DOV S CSCItpituu were
It is the oi l story of dima-novel
reading. Fred, tho ni suing hoy. no-
cumulated a choice l.urary oi an sen
sational lifrature extant. Tho last
novel he rend was found on his desk
at school, open at the place whore a
young cowboy detective unmasks Irs
father's murderer and carves him into
mincemeat to quick mimo while holil
insr the m nor villains in subjection
with two revolvers held in one hand.
Scrawled at the bottom of the page
was the line: "Imo iroln est to uoa
cowbov detective."
Fred's tin savings bank, which must
linvn .,.it tiimt.t atail In ilimiw niul ntlitr-
ters, was found broken open and en-
t rely ilespoiieu oi its content, iu
body saw him make his departure, but
it was mado in the old romant o way of
going to rest early on the plea of a
liciiilacho, and then climbing out of tho
window on an L, and then down the
His mother is greativ uisueseti ovt-r
rnul'. i-nali m.t nmf fclwt lias baked
cookies aud made preserves enough to
keep him at nomo a year niter n is
),r.iiirlit SJIlB rirrrit llpeillv h r
refusal to give him a tU nee tart only
llio uay oeiore ne run awu.y, mm
remembers that ho has hinted that she
wouldn't bo troubled with him very
tin mi. Hit more
AHIl svili l'ta v " ......... .
coollv, and says it will bo a good les
. , i. i i.i t.,.H,
son lor tne ooy. iooouy wuum nun
tho youngster, who is a pert youth of
eleven birthday anniversaries.
Tho detect ves nrd urged to activity
bv the larco reward, and will make
thoroiiL'h search of tho Vt est lor tlif
child who wanted tJ be a "cowboy tie-
tcctivo. " Cheit nne Leader.
Tha Revere Wliilnr of lHi0-3l In Illinois
Three IVrt ofSnnw on Level, umll lirre
Weeks of llrlow Zrr.i Weallivr.
Tho winter of 18;H)-:H is known
nmoiirr tho uloneor settlers of Illinois
as tho time of "tho tlt'op snow. I'p
. ....
to that time it is claimed that the cli
mate of the central nart of the State
was so mild that ootton was a srood
crop in fact, that Illinois was as good
a cotton State ns ueonria. aooiii
riii-iimw 1.4'tO tin, ruin which was
falling turned to snow, wh ch continued
to fall until it lay at least three feet on
a level nil over the Slate. Then thu
rain fell and a hard crust formed on
top of the snow, tor nearly throe
w.wika n.ftirwni-il the thermometer did
not rise higher than degrees below
zero. It was useless to attempt to
break roads, and tho best man was 16
follow as nearly as possible the
same track uud beat it down sol d.
Tho roads thus bccitmii linn, while on
the sides the snow would melt more
rapidly, leaving the road high above
thu surrounding level. When most of
ho snow on tho nrairlcs had molted
these roads remained, a'.ul looked like
silver threads, stretching as far as the
ve could follow. 1 bo storm came so
inexp 'cii'dly that mo.t of the corn was
still in the lield, and there was a scant
Kimnlv fur the stock, and manv ani
mals died. Many men who were caught
bv the storm lost their lives. hvcry
thing upon which wild game was ac-
'ustomcd to It'Od wus covered tip, ami
the resu't was almost extermination.
Tho deer which hud up to that time
been plentiful, sull'ercd greatly, and
were easily killed by the turners, i ne
Tnlia-iu wlin ni'cnniiul the State had a
tradition of a previous deep snow about
........ 1,1 I A I - . II S
the year lwiu, which rivaicu me inn oi
1830-31. tHcrtjo new.
A girl was arrested In Richmond,
'a.. tho other dav for carrvinr? con
cealed weapons. Well, what of It. You
wouitin t have a woman waiK along tut
street with her tongue continually lb
view. Boston 'Transcript.
Awarded rrriulnm 13 and 1HH4
Btate Fslr, Portland, OreRon.
Mechanics' Fair, Han Francisco, Cal.
btate Fair, Bacraiiiento. Cat
Most Economical for use; put tin In six
.lnrent sizes: full 6THENGTII AND
Prepared by
Nan Franclaeo and Harramento. Cal.
For Men and Boyt. to Order and Ready Made.
Cor. Montgomery and Sutter Sti San Franciico, Cal
MANN & BENEDICT, Boceeasor. to C.C.HaSliDESi CO.
Absolutely Pure.
rarioa A marvel of nrltr,
strentith and whelesoineseaa, More economical Uian
the onllnarr ktmla, anu casnos oe au
Uoil Kith th multitude of low test, short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Bold snlr to cans.
HOT At. Kl I'owuaa l-O., IW nail arai, n. .
J. M. Halsted's
Kroin tO up.
I'he HODKli
lltrwHlrr fnm &
is. Rend for olr-
ular MmtjnlliS'
inueb valuable
Tne HIUUtL.l.K,:
I Thonnwhlired
Poultry 4 Kihm.
VI01I Hroailwajr,
'Oakland. Ual.
tne imni.
Wholesale Grocers am Cosimissica HeMaiits
10 North Front 8t Portland.
Ban Francisco Oftles-W Front Rl ,
Handle on eoninilssion- Wheat. Wool, Hops, Berda,
Fura. lllilea. thickens. Kirns, Luniher, Hooppolea,
Salmon. Mill Feed, Oeta. rlarley, Onions, Potatoes
Baeon, lnl, etc. Account sales remierra an uay
sale. Send for our market report. . Oomspoadeoos
and onnsWiimenls solicited.
qulcklyrured by thaCIVlALB Jls,THOIi. aexawo inau
0,e lllfceiTALft OF FRANl 'ft ITompS return ol VIIKW.
b I UNWAY.ui'11n,,in'',,:Bl,ritoi
nivalis, band instnimetiU, Uivuat stoi f rJIwel
Uuale and Hooks. Ilatnls s"iilied at Kastem irlooa
M. (1UAV. ynr) Post Struct, Ban Fraoefano.
Kstablished 18M. 1. O. lloi 2415.
drain, Tnuluoe and Oeneral
Koh. Slit and HIS lvl Mtreet.
(MemWr of H F. rrodute tnhane. Conslmmients
and orders will reorlve prompt aiteiitlou.
v.nees made
liaali ad-
Lorillard'8 Climax Ping
bonrlng a red IM ton ,- that Lnrlllnrd's
a..ul ..r-n.-iili (Imt I.irlhur,l a
v.,, ('llnploHS. and that Uirlllnrd's HuuUa, ars
the bust aud cuoauost, quality ouiuldured ?
A n.w. aulck. Dermsneat.atisolut.lf
esrtsia ours for lost er falllai alaa
homl. H.U.B1I wllhla a asvi earss
Bisslly wlllila s moms. Ms qusskervi slmpls, sotssSllla. Full
sirlsnslloB, sisnr rsfsrenoes sad ladl,potsble areofaeuisllaa
Sliaer I.S1 rrM, S'inrrMi n. kmi .wiminJih, n.n.i n. .
III. prruiw. - , t
1 fM.l"WV rmrrm
sui ass a 19.
S.irs rur. wllhoul .r.lloi.. Ircul.r jn.l e"""""f
imiiX UiaDUi AaEMCT. ICO TslUn Bt
tyllie El
llV"ul,ip.rallon. nicul.t "
U1XDUL A9S1IC7. ICO raltoa B
i . n.,.1,1 v. n.ui.,1 v f itr the atiova disease: bv lis
I have a positive romeilv lr ilia atioveillssase; bv IIS
.. ...i..r ,,l ill. ....I kind and of tons!
alsniHnsliavo been cures.
ln lta wl I seed TWO BlITTLFS rKKR,
se tlioaKStiilsores..s
loietherwlthaVAI.UAiii.STBBATisBoB tinst
lo aul sullTor. Ulva express snd P O.eudr, as.
' Dll. T. A. SLOlJlJ at, 1st r.arl St., Msw YorS.l
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
ehi. rtPl.T or
tor 'a msile esp, for
tlioeureot dei-aiujpn-.etita
of the senerattve ortrans.
Tiiere Is no mlstaka alioiil
this Instrument, Utt con
tinuous Hr' tin nt K1.K1.
TltlCITV permuaMlnir
thronliH tat part aniira
restore tlicnt to kmniry
si lion. Do pot roiUMind
tin. ltli Elortrle iklta
silvertix-dto core all Ills
from lu-ad to toe. It k foe
roi i ln-illars kIvIhk lull Infiirinalloli.n.ldHset.lsssmsr
Ekietrla 1UI Co.. 1U9 Wasuiiattou lik. tm-wu. JlL
Th I n C rea i M rr a jihen
liisKriiirtir aHn isr rvti
I oiilo surra
rail. Nervous and I'hyslcai
lit-inlitr, L" ( VUalltj,
Wsaliiiess, Vne aweimo,
i.....,i.IU4 tlvnraensitlva
Oouditloiis.Pmstatltis, Kld
rv and Bladder Oomplali its,
Dlsraaeaof tlielllocxI.Krup
tlous, and all theavlleltecUj
of youUiul follies and ex-
oossea ienoaDnr y1
venting all InvoUmtarj
weakenlnf drains npoo ih
avsteni, however thef oocnr
rosUirlm Ixars Manbood,
. ,.!,.... 1 tlu.
caae mT be, and where ill other remedies have failed.
A Perroaneal 'atre Absololrly Cnaranlee.
Pnea I50 per bottle, or (Iva bottles frr 10. Ben
lalfaniy Wrrt,a rraelaesl.
WN BuBloletit to abosr Its
QGs2(Sj0 QlVlli S awlyln "bf le'St.
"!!!!!!iMiuut. suuiiUr euuUiieuUal, l letuir or as
N. P. N. U. No. 73. -a IT. N. U. No 150.
f . . I
Sal H rVMl'" - , , I I I
iV- l-ti-.n? " I i
it CI
nu p-ii pipi n'A.v.
imorUAricuu.Nt -v