The niniltoncit ! Id Wuibinjlon. . Senator M. C. Butlnr, of S u(h Car olina, in the liBiulHoniRxt man that lin Wn in Wnithington thin Winter. Tim wonum enthuan over him and court him, Imt he ha, lieen u'd to that .irt of thing ulna he wore curl, and said hit prayer at hii mo'.htVi Itnoe, And accept ilmir homagn wllh uch grace and disnitV that it disarms criticism. lie married a woman neven years older than himself, who wan at tlm time a 1naujr, and with whom he was much in love. She has Titian red hair, lovely features, a perfect figure and exrtulsitfl hands and feet, and is the daughter of a house whose race has been distinguished for generations in politics, in the social world-hlu-blooded, rich and tainted. He has two daughter! one of them a deliutnnte, and three sons, the swond a isradiiate of Princeton College, and now Vice Consul at Liverpool, England, who inherits his father's exceeding lieauty and faseinaiion, and who also has !ril liant talent Senator Butler's mother was a sister of Commodore Perry, of Lke Erie fame, and he dears astrikinu rrsemlilancn to his famous uncle as he is painted on the wall of the capital at the head of the Senate fctaircase, where the naval engagement is illustrated in high colors. Senator Duller is a man of superh manners, and has very tine alilitie-Hohtnn Journal. People have very dillereiit id'as ns to what politenefs is, A rudem-im in in one would lie overlooked would lie instantly frowned out of all repetition in an ugly one, although th latter might lie entitled to do it. We have plenty of account lately of a young lady in Washington, young, rich, hand some, who has dehuted this season and i determined to attract attention, which she does )y performing alt sorts tif eccentric feats, such ub xpeaking tn a gentleman she has never lu en intro duced to, telling them to king her cream, and hring hern douMe quantity drinking out of a Untie, etc. It may lie eccentric, hut most people would think it vulgar. When l)avy Crockett was in New York, forty year ago, he called on Phillip Hone. Jle Mild Hone who was then Mayor, was the politest man he ever met. "For," declared Crockett, "he said in his own house, 'Take a drink, Mr. Crockett,' and turned hi hack while I took iL" Summons. In tht Circuit Court of ths Stat of Ortgou (or Line County. B C Curtii, Naiotiu", v Thomu Curtis, Defendant To TIiiiiiim Curtis, defendant above namdi IN THE NAMK OK THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby uiuinniied aud re quired Mi appear anil answer plaiiitilf. com. plaint now on tile suntt y.-u in th Imvh entitled suit with th Clurk n( said Court, on or before th 20th day of April. ISH.1, it being the tint day of tint next reuular term nf .aid Court, to be hoUcn in said Count), at tli Court lloue in Em-ene City, Orison. Ami you am nntilisil that if you fml to answer ssiil oni laint m herein rrquiied, the plaintiff will apply to tlm Court lor th relief demanded in the coinplsint, tn-wit: For a (Inure of said Court diaaolvinu, the marriage contract now exialinu between plaintiff and defendant, anil for judgment Ifain.t defendant for tlm coat and diahurae Rienti nf thi auit. I'uhliahed in the Kcoknk CiTV Ci'Aiin nW(Mlwr for i ciiii-eiulivo uerka, b) order of Hon It H Bean, Jnde nf aaid Court, which order ii dated February 24, IS85. UllYKU it Col.UMI, Atty'e for I'll!. Did You Know That H AD HOUGH THE ENTlliE BUSI- neat of Swift, Coml)3 and Co , for CASH, and hav a full ami complete atm k f KTAI'I.K and KANCY (JKlK'KUlKS, CKOCKEIt Y, WOOD and WILLOW WAKE, and a thousand other thing nwlnl in nr family, all of which will Li sold at lied roe k price. W handle the liolrrat ItfAra and Caret t'rVMrh 'milln. Our lUWery will turn out daily only the Iwst Bread, Ties, Cake, Cookie, Etc., that ran la Bad. 2 T-tf Dr. J. 0. Gray, DEKTIST, iAFriCE OVLUGIUNOE STORE. All J work warrntl. Laugh intf km aduiiuLtered for paiidesa traction of teetii. WANTED. "1 A AirlllMA'LE O1 ALIEU JLVlUUU Isilta, for which a tr-sid prio will be paid. Inquli. at the old sash and den? fartory, nut to Cleaver', agricultural Implement wajrehoua. 10 510 310 WEWISIP""" la very twltfhhiifhortd on ill IViric Co. Vvt full particular, ahlrfw, ,.J.liANVROrT. Baa J'rMciecA, ' Osburn Oeisliaw Estray Notice. TAKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED, near Cnliurx, lane County, Uremic, en Deo let, jMtM. On three year old eteer; oolor, black and whit nixitt!, branded on each hip with the letter Ci ear mark ewallovr fork n each and under bit In riuht One oow three yean old; color, white and black iMtted-branded U on each bip; ear marked with under half .lope In rixht ear and crop otf tlie left. HhI.I cattle cam t-i my fai in about Auxuit 1'ith 1884, and are brrax hy. Hexht hroHia. Decmrr 9, 1881. A, U. UOVKf , U. Notary. IlLMHHHKI, W. Attorrey. , eiiKT, Caahler. LANE CflUKTY BANK. 1I0VEY, IIUMPIIUEY Si CO EIJCfENE CITY, - OR. DrpnaiU revived .uliject to check. , Ioan. made on approved aecuritiea. Kiitht Drafu drawn on POltll.AND, SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. EichanK drawn on the principal Cities of Europe. Collection! mail on all MinU and a general Banking bu.ineu traiwacted on fivorahl terma. Of either sex admitted to the PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE On any week-day of tbe year. Tb College Journal, containing informa tion of the course of study, rates of tuition, board, examinations, etn., nnd cnti of plain and ornamental pcnmanslii'. free. Address, A. P. ARMSTRONG. Lock Box 10t PoBTtisn, 0b. plfln trrlllnq, rlctii mevllnn thli paper. TUTPS PILLS 23 YEARS IN USE. Xat Oreatart Modiftl Triumph of th Age! 8YMPTPN13 OF A TORPID LIVER. I.aeeofwaiH'llte. ISuwrUcnalive, 1'olnla the head, wlib a dull etmnllon In eUe bach part, Tula under Ilia .boulder, binds, l''ulluc.e after eatlug, wli k adle Inclination lo rxorllonof bodr .rmlnd, Irrliebllliy of temper, Low aplrlte, wllh a foellngof bnvln nrslretod eume dutr, Wearlue.e, Dlzxlnra. Huilcrliif at lb Heart, lota bcroretbe tyc, llcadacke ever the rlebt ere, Ueatleunnaa, with tfnl dreama, lllghi colored I rlae.aad CONSTIPATION. A TVTT'M PlLI.a aro eiperlully adapted to uoh rm, ono do.e eirouta sucli a lmii8iff'niiiiHloaiilonllitliourrerr. The InereaM Ue . ppetlte.and t-au. the hod V. Th fill" Hie ;;' Bowrl.hed, .n0y ih lr Tonlo Arllon on 11m lilveaU v Oraaaa, fteanUr Htool. .re proiliii'. I. I'rtrnr. -I I lHirry i...L TUTT'S HAIR b DYE. Obat Hair or Whiukkks changed to a Quiur 1ILCK by a iIiirIo aiiplloallon ol tin. DTK. it Imparl n natumf oolor, act. Bold by Drug!!., or .entbyeipre.Hon reoolptof at. OfTIoe.44 Murray St., Now York. fj ana s n 2 ULE TO kUA Will be mailed rnrP to all applicant. and lo cuNomen of lal year a unout orderlnrlL It contain. lUiMtration., price.. deicriptloni and direollon. for planting all variable ana f lower, ui i,n, etc D.M.FERRY&CO.c"J'r AYEE'S Hair Vigor roatorei, with the gloai and IresliutM of youth, fudnl or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or uxp black, a. limy be deilred. By It nae Unlit or red balr may be darkened, tlilu balr thickened, and baldiieu often, though not nlway., cured. It check, fallliii of the balr, and Umo lalv a weak and dekly growth to Tlgor, It prevent and cure, .curf and daudrulT, and Aenl uearly erery dlieaM peculiar to th oalp. A a Ladle.' Hair I)re..lo, the Yioor It uueipialled i It eouliiln. nelllier oil nor dyo, reiidoi- tbe hair .of I, gloixy, and liken In apiiearatire, and liojwru a delicate, agreeable, and laetlug perfuni. , Mr. C. P. IIiik hkk write, fioui k'irby, 0., J it' II J, Imt : " lMt la. I lo. v balr coinuivnoed (alllog out. and III a .tioil time I became nearly bald, I uied iwrt ot a l'ltle nf AYKH'e It AIH Vhioii, wlileli .lotd the fall. lug of the liair, and .tarteil a new grow III. 1 lo. now a full brad ot hmr growing vigor, oiuiy, and am oonvloceO Hint but Tor Hie uieof your preparallou 1 thould bay beta entirely bald." J. W. Itovtic, proprietor of th Mr irltmr I0h) aitairrr. m).: " A VI Hi II A in Vlooa I. a moat .teelleat iremralioii for tlie balr, I iiwak of It from my own exrleoo. li. UM promote Ilia growtti of nrw lialr, and luiiko It gloaav and Mil. Tbe lilou I. alM a .iir cure for dumlrurr. Not within loy knowledge h the iremratiou ever tailed to gire eullre ulUfai'tiou." Ma. Amoi's rniBiRt, leader of Hit eelvbiated ' Falrtmirii r"uilly" of Scotllub, Voraliala, write fniui tn'im, Jum., Vk., ISsn . x r:vr elnce niv Imlr began to give il vry evlileuee of the charge which Heeling time proriireih, I have uwhI avkk' II a i it Vlooii, an I w have lieen able to loahiiain auniiiM'Miniice of youlhfiilueM a mnllerof eoiiilderalile eoiiMiiieiiee to mlul.tera, nra tor, actor, ami In fvt rvary ou who live In th eye of til public," Ms. (X A. rr.i ott, writing from IS Elm (.irri(iMr, .lnu., U. IkkJ, M. 1 w veani ago about Iwo-tblnU of niv ameoir. It thinned verv raldlv, aud i w fail growlne Uld. Oil Ming A VKH'm lUia Vio ih th falling toiiwl and a new growth onimeiirv.1, andlu about a numlb niv bend wm eMiiletely covered with .hort balr. It baa eniitlniMsl tn grow, and I. now a good a. before il fell. I regularly aed but one hotile ef the Vioor, but iiowbm It uccaaioually a a drawing.' W bar bunilred. of .Imll.r to th eflli-aey of Avrs'a Haim Viiiiik. It 1. but a trial lo convince lb moat skepti cal of It value. rarrAHfD bt Dr.J.C.AyepACo.,LowelI,Ma$i. Sold by all DriifigUt. If fTTION DIRECTORY. VENNIAI. LIVEKY SIAULK-J. J. Eaton, pro, Kirt claa l eam., Itugyiea, eto. to all uiinta at reaeonabl rate. Hay and raiaforsal. HJquArtri OorraUu itagv 2 X 2 ' H m 7? Ha m 3 F. 2 p 9 n 3 a f a a a It. S3 ' : a. S S n a a. W. H. Fenton, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Eugene City, Oregon. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FUR iiiohed upon npnlication, J oh work a ecialty. OrricK-Ont door south of Win Prriton't hiirner. aliop. Millinery Goods DllESMAKING. tTAVINfJ PURCHASED THE STOCK AX of gooli of Mum lion net t, which one is of the large.t ever tiMii;ht to Eugene, lam now prepared tn m11 the aauie at aunouixhiriiilv low priori". Th patronage of the.ladie nf Kuceiie it Mpectfiilly loliviteiL llrewmaking a rialty. Juhs. V. T. liAt WILL EXCHANGE T!IK EUC.ENK MILL hereliy taKc the pleaaure COMI'NV nf aniiouuu. nig that thi'y u il. tnk "wiacEArr .it any Hrelioue uorlh of Kuene City in xuhaue fur FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., t heir mill in Kuen. Tliu Company will take wheat receipt., proHrly iiied to them, and give credit to the owner of the nine, on mill bHik for the amount in ImnlieN, r. K A CO. July 3d. 1SS4. a2-6in Tax Notice. mAXPAYEKS OK LANE COUNTY AKK X hereby notified that the tax Mil of Une County for the year 1884 il now in my iiuiiii lor roiieouoli. Dated Nov 1, 1884. J. it. CAMPIIW.L. Sheriff and Tx Collector, Lane Co, Or. DO VOL' WANT If o, pleaae leave your order with 0. H. VAENEY. Ilnvine bought th Steam Raw Mill formerly owned by Abbott and Kern, and Indug a I'racticaLIIill ttun I think I can udve tatitfaction. tirain anil l'ruduce taken in exchange for i.uruuer, Add re. C. II. VAlJNEY. Long Tom P. 0., Lane Co., Oregon. St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY", OREGON. w. H. Watklns, Prop. yrr ail Eirr.rlrapail nnxf nifut. Charges inolrrl. r n tf Geo. W. Kinsey, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Heal eatate for aale-Town lota and frrru (Vllrction. promptly attende.1 to. Kkxiukni r, corner Eleventh and High Sta., A9.MINI3T,?AT3.T3N)riO:. riuiu;is MKItKI.Y OIVEN THAT (lie umlenogneil la Ix-eu duly an. Hiiitfd by theOiuntv Court of Lane Cotm ty, trh-on, adminiatrntor of the ettat of Mury Meller deceawi. and all person hav ing claim, a'aiii.t Mid eatate, are hereby re tjuired to premmt llirm, with the pnir voiuthvr, lo the undersigned adaiiui.trator at tbo ollioa of J K Ke'iton, Kngen l"ity) loe County, Oregon, withiu aix iiioutht of th date of tin. notice. Dated .September 12, 14. J'H O. r, . Admiuitrati for Eatata. J. E. Firms, Att'y. A CA11D. To all rho ar autfurinu from lb imn ..I lutoscrriicya m joiun, ucrvoua weaknns, narl rfllMlf. llMUA.' niAllll.tal ..m I wll I that will cur you. t'KEE UK l'HAl;i:L- Thi irreat reunnly wa diaooverwi h a mu. ainary ia South America. Send -lf .o llrd envelowHo th. Kir. J.-r T l I Static DN,w Yee. Oil. mm 1 1 1 . G. T. BOYD, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Junction City, Or. Wagon and Machine repairing promptly attended to. Sheoing and machina repair! a specialty. Joshua J. Walton, Atloiiay-at-Lnxv. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, -IXlLii HtACTICE IN ALL THE Court of the State. Special attention (,'iveu to Heal Entate. Col IfitniK; Probute matters Collecting' all kind of cluimt against the Uiiiti-d State G .veniineiit OOice in Walton', brick room. 7 nud 8. on. lii:esigs Wonderful German Imrigora'or. TIIK OLDEST, GKEATEST and HK.S'J IsEMEUY for the .cure of Nervoua and i' l)e Qhilitv, Vital Exhaustion, Seinl LJnul Weakniifi1, Lom of MuhIiikmI, CC Fail in Memory, and Kelaxeo loud Knft elileil coiiililion bf the cyWj t CtnitoUriiinty orKaim. wjt'? () lTprtWLY Cl'liKa Imroten lii'J. Early l'wy,1.ii of Vi-or, W . . . . . n I a . . . I . I l .. T-!"-...! ..... ..i ....... i...i ..n:. Mil ciirbiM ir, j.'uviiiii, ii'iiim f,iti Jvai the abuse or Excease of Matu- VH'V rity. It permanertly prevent all 7A,Unnturl I.iuw irom the i,, xJ'ti'in, aa thouuamlBcauatteitt v.1 o rave uei me jieniedy in tlie Liviiiat qunrter of ai-entuiy which CD It ia itidtril a wimdetfui renie Oily, toiling the nerve, atrength Xciiing the innwlen, checking tlie infante, ilivigniiitiiiK the whole KVKteiu, and rextoriiuthe afflicted jtii Hialth and IIai' gtl The Doctor will ajiree to forfeit f 1,000 for a aw un.lertiiken, not cuied. The reason no many can not vet cured of Weakness ami the aliove diaeaae ia owin' to a coinpliiatioti called 'Troatatorrhea," which riquire apecial treatment, hii. UEIUG'S INVIGORATOR, No 2, with our iwciilUr apeciai treatment in the only cure for 1 loatatorrhea. liy it ManhiMid ia re stored and the hamt of time moved back from tge to youth. If pi'uplea appenr on the face, if you become liatlrHiand denKndeiit look out for tlie com plication with V till Vei.kneB and lona of ViUlity known a l'r.tatorihea. Hundreili of live have been loat 'or the want of proer treatment forthia complication, and thounauda have loat all their proei ty and pleamire iu life from it etfecta. I'rice of either Inviuorator, 82. Cane of h!x bottle, VIO. Pent to any addria, covered tecurely from ohaeivation. Uli. Lll'.lillJ 'tJ, treat aiicceiwfnlly by HoiiHDopathy every form of (Special, 1'rivnte or 1'hronic liae;mu without norcurv or nuxeoiiR dnik'a. If vitality ia ilrainnl from the Innly, nmiiemu di.ieatiea follow that bailie ordinary medical treatment. If allowed to continue, the unnatural loan can Conaumption, lia bete, liij:lit'a Diaeaae, Inanuity, Ktc. Cure (iiiaraliteeii. Diaeime of the Kenito-tiriunry oruana, kidneya, liver auM bladder speciullj treateil. Diaeaieaof Women Siieeililv Cured. OUALIr'lliU and ltESI'ONSlllLE.-Dr Iiiebii; & Co, from Europe, are omanized in ooinpliance with Cali'nrnia Medical Law. Dililoina procured by reuular college educntion, and are uow iu their nineteenth year of apeciai practice. Moat powerful electric belt free to patient. Call or addi-rna I.lrbixIHaftcnsary, 400 Geary Street, Sen rraucinco, t'al. Private euterttnc 405 Maaon atreet, four blocka up Gearyfmm Kearny. Muiu eutiuuce through Dispemary Drug Store. ACFflTS WANTED everywhere Tn bamll. our 1 1, 1. I S. I A.IIILY Nrw NutiM't lUioii eoitlou uow ixii' y, Lie mo:t If Tint mi I'lwlnod. Fiuprrb l'uoio, A: hum, m eicluieili'i-lma,il.n'ci;)r luii'or.e'1 t r ft irou'H .ril and aiuudurd rubUcatloiiK: lLh'a y 1'iual, Hl lorle., elo. Wo oilor unrivalled lo. i' :"uiu n!, wllli exclusive temloiy. Write to us. 51 a ( r r j?. nil i nn HUM' LA bhF I m am W I u VreAI'iiif:iruireraftTiiUni,Mner.T,iiie"1iie . .'. a. in.. .u (i. C'uuii bL. CiliCAuo. 1-1. Canvassers Notice. THE UXDEIiSIGyKD IS AUTHOR iieit aeiit for bi'raphieof Uioverl'leve land and Thoinaa A llenilrirka, Democratic nominee for 1'reaident and Vice 1'reahlriit; Twenty year of Cmirei., by J (1 lllnine; I.ifeof Jame. ( lilaine ami John A l.ormi, liepublican n'niineea for 1'reniihnt and Ybt IVeident. Aim the -oeltV Kui; Machine: !StamM Kuk I'atteruaj l.iipiiil Itlnriiiu : luiker rieantsini: rliin : Dr Gd Onuon Catarrh Cure: MiN-ou:i Stouin Wander on of the latent aud I it- -1 in of the Hge. Order taken for aubacrintion to Kin-eue Citv Gt'Allll. M. f. MARKS. Fanners lake iiotice! HAVING PURCHi SKD THE COUX ty right ft r the nu king the Cnutiuuou. Concrete Pipe, For aubirriyation, undenirainiiig and conduct iiii water, I am ready to make contract for laying piiea. AGKNTS-Knene City.L. D. Smith; Junc tion, Wortman tona. J. D. Love, Manufacturer, Eugene City, Or. PLEASANT HILL J. Pittman, Prop. milEBESTOFALL KINDS OE LUM- JL bvr on baml, bth Dressed V lriilr ssed. oer on nami, ismi m B , I fmKies wL-blmr bimts.r Iu Eultk. or rim,'i. ; l-.m t- k .lli.. ...... I ' w a j-iTat" v- Borta nlK. " r"" T. G. Hcsdkicis. S. B. Kalis, Ja HENDRICKS fe EAKUI, BANKERS, Eugene City - - Oregon. HWht draft on NEW YOPK. HAX FRAN CISCO and POliTLAND, OKEUON. All collection en t mated to u will receiy pei-ial attention. Dcpoaita re?eivei1 luhject to check. Loan, made on approved lecunty, and a eeneral Uanking bimiue done on reanonahle terma. DR. W. C SEHLGRED'E IU NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED in Cottaire time. He perform all opera tion in mechanical and aurgical dentiatry. All work warrantml and naliafactiou duarunteed. DR. ALLEN'S IMUVATi: D1KIK.MAKY, 2CJ Kearnt Stkekt, Man Fkancisco, Cal, Kutalili-lied ff r the Scientific' nnd apeedy cure of Chronic, Xervom ami tipeciu! liiseaae. The Expert Specialist, DR. AI.1 EX. AS IS WELL KXOWX, lis a lenuhn undiluted pliysician, educated ut Uouiloin College :md Univernity of Michi ;an. Ilu hua ilevoteil a life-time to the study of the treatment and cure of disease nithili liia biitcialty. YOJ X MUX And taidille-iiyed men, who are Buffering from the effect of youthful indiscretion or excesee in mature year, Nervous and Phyicnl Debili ty, Iinpoteiicy, Lout Manhood, confuninn of aleas, dull eye, aversion to loritty, desiHin-di-ucy, pimple on tlie face, im of energy aud memory, frequency of urinating, etc. liemeni Imr, that by a comhiuatiou of remedie of (frert curutive iower, the DiK'tor ha so Hrranged his Teutnicnt thut it will not only afford immedi ate relief but lieriiisnent cure. MY HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE, Having been auiveon in. change of two leading hospitals etiables me to trat all private trouble with excellent results. I wish it dis tinctly understoi d that I ilo not cluini tn ier form iniMsibilitic, or to have miraculous or Hiipeniatural power. I claim only to be skill ful and .successful physician and surgeon, thoroughly informed iu mv specialty -DISEASES OF MAX. A11 app'yintf to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no exiriuieiitiuK. I will KUarnntee a isisitive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit $1,000. Consultation in office or by letter FREE aud strictly private. Clii.r'eB reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopial analysis ot urine and advice, 85.00. (.'all i r address Dr. Alio n, 2GJ Kearny treet, Sun Kranciaco, Cal. Office hours, 9 to 3 dailj ; 6 to 9 evening: Sunday's, 0 to 12 , o ! if P. S. I have a vegetable compound, the re sult of MAST YEARS of secial practice and hard study, which tinder my special advice has never faileii or Hl'CCEss iu th cure of Lost Manhood. Prostatorrhea, eta Tin: (-ui. r 7Tl a never-lniliug Cure tor Nervous llelnlity, Exhausted Vitality, Seminal Weakness, Siermntorho'a, LOST Prostatorrhea, Pur dysis and all the tni ri de effects of Self Abuse, f youthful follies and xcesse in msturer years, sucli as iiss ol .ileliiory. Lassitude, Xoc turnal Emission, Aversion to Society, Dimmvs of Vision, Noises iu the 'lead; the vital Uuiu passing unobserved in the urine, nnd ninny other diseases that lead to Insanity ami Death. DR. M1XT1K, who is a regular physician (graduate of tho university of Pennsylvania), will agree to forfeit FIVE HUNDRED DOI, LARS for a case of this kind the VITAL Riv SiORATIVE (under hi special advice ami treatment) will not cure, or for anything im pure or injurious found in it. DR. MINT1E treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. CONSULTATION FREE. Thor ough examination and ail vice, including analy sis of urine. $3. Price of VITAL KESTOK ATIVE,ji't.50 a bottle,or four time the quanti ty, (f5; lent to any aildres uisin receipt of price, or C. O. D., secure from observation and in private name if desired, by A. K. MINTIK, M. P.. 11 Kearney St, San Francisco, CaL SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Will lie ent to any one applying by letter, statiug lyiiiptom, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transaction. Dtl. MIX HE'S KIDNEY REMEDY, XEPHKETICUM cure nil kind of kidney and bladder ccnijilaints, gotiorrhina, fWt, lii corrlnea. For sale by all ill uggiats; Si a bot tle; li Isittles for 5. Dlt. MI HE'S DANDELION FILLS are the best and cheapest DYSPEPSI . and F.IL IOCS cere in the market For sale bv all dru-gist. mj-10-83:tf DR. SPINNEY. Xo. 11 KEAUVEY STREET, Troats all Clironio and Special Eheaacs YOUNO MKN w THO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM the effect of youthful foilins or iiirlia. cretioii wil; do w, II to avail themselvei of n.js, the greatest b'xm ever lai.l at the altar of suf fering humanity. 1K. hPlXV EY will uuar antee to forfeit -V.VOT for every case of Seminal v eakness or private disease of atiy kind oi cliamcWr which he undertakes and laila to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at tlie a..e of tl.i:tv to sixty who are troubled with tooii-. ni-i.t of the bladder, oft. n a-coiiiMiiied by a ali 'hi aniai-tiiig or buuif.g amsation and a wcaeiiln of (he system iu a manm r the patient cannot account for. Un examining the uiinarvde IHwitiarrpy edimei,t will often lw f',u. and sometime small particles of iilbunien will apear, or tiie color will I of a thin milUisb hue, again ch inning to da-k and torpid np-IK-araiuv. U here ere many i.o d e of this (lit-h.-ultv , ignorant of the cause, which the se olid staKe of sen inai weakness. Dr. ri uill guarantee a rfect cure in all such rosea, and healthy restoration uf the gcuilo-uriuary or gan. ' Uilicc Hour 10 tn 4 and 6 08. Sundari frm 10 to 11 A. M. Cnulution fK?. Thor ough exainiiiation and advice, J. Call or adurcsa DR. SPINNEY CO., No 11 Kearney fct, San Fi 1 'o. CRAIN BRC DSALEKS is i i.. -.v- JtKflrv. Musical instruments. Tov. Nntion. .v. n i.. , . . 1 '""7 Vff - Ma Jtwlr "l-""i and wzm mm 1 and Eighth itmtc corn-r ot WUlamett GO. DRUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAME'iTK STREET NEAE 8TH. Eugene City, dealer ia DRUGS. CHEMICALS, OIL, ULASfi, VARNISHES, CRUTCHES, PATENT MEDICINE Of miat every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines arid Liqucis of the very beat quality fa n cdicitu 1 fui) i rci WE ha e alway kept abreast uf tlie time in our line, and without boasting, we think we are nu.'e in claiming that we have 1HE LEST assortment uf DRUGS in E'Jgene, Particular attention ia called to aur stick PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, arid CELLULOID CASES For tb year 1884, We hll he able to sell PAINTS, OILS and ISRUrHES, (of which w now have a largo stock on hand) Than nny house in this city, and our friend can rest assrred thnt anything bought from u will be first-class. A we buy ninny of oar fronds East and have fneililie that few in our business have-, we think we are prepared to un dersell nnd furnish a better quality of good thnn anyone in our line in I.njie county. We cull estiecinl nttentior to PI.'ESCRIP 'IT ONS. which will he raiefully filled at all hooisnftlo dny or nii-'ht. The IiUTEna' CrjiBB Is to- (sued March and bejit, each year: 216 pages, 8xlli niciics, with ovur 3.300 illustrutiuua a whole pio tare L'ullcry. (jives whole sale prices dirtcl lo contumert on 1 11 goods fur personal or family use. Tells how to urJcr, mi 1 gives exact cost of every thing yuu Uf-e, cat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable Looks con tuin information gleaned from the map kcts of the world. We trill mail cony Free to nny address u; receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us Leur lrom you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1ST Wskaeh Avaae. C'Ucasaa lit. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements. - and : Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon. UERVOU.l brt. 1- li. WKST'S NlIIlVK AND l.'RAiN UllAT- MENT, o riira-iienl epeciliu f r lijetirin, I 'jm i:si. (o::v'isioi"S J I's, hrv'l; h'Vlu.'r. lloadachi, Norvoi.i Tiui trplion m i ir1 1 tt ( cm ct ui.-..) i .1 or o!:;:nr , V.rl (ft !nrs, I ti til li pressioi, Sortc:iinit oi ll o hra.n incllii t in '.. amity aid Imli. n to m ii t ry, dtmy aid denih, I'reniatai-o Old An, I unn.rf , Li t f poi' inoitiicr snx. 1-ivoluntarjr Jjibks, aid k'htriKitt-o-rbuia caused by cvi-wiertion ct tl rbiain.wlf obuso or ovcr-iiidulcence. lrdi l:( X coi Inir one ino itb' Irpatnunt. f l.m n box, or six boxes .or SVU, ai-t bv mnil nrrr A rtcr'T' f' rrico Wai (il'AltATI li I l KOX1 to cure try enso. With errh oulcr r' crivtd byr far six bjxos. accompanied with (3.10, we will send the purchaser our written gcarHtlce tore, fund the money if tho treatment dooanot effect cure. Oiinmntoo issmd orlv by lVUUiAi.I, !.AHH & CO., w JiclcJil and Hcto.ll lucC1. PORTLAND, OltrCON. Ordon by mail will receive jirompt attention. 2ii. ELIX LE BRUN'S Prpventle nnd t lire, for either Sex. This remedy beiiiu i: jwied directly to the aeut of thott disense of the tienilo-Urinary Organ, require no cbanco of dirtornatieeuDti, mercurial or poiaonon niedirlLf a lo te teken ii ten ally. When tiiknun a iirtcrtiely titbtr eex, it is iiupcssibloton i in cu.iyvereTmldiiesri.e lut in the bip tf tine already unfortu i.atrly nft.iclcrt iiib Gonnorhaa and Gleet, woi nmnntio J boxes lo cure or wo will refund il.e mcney. I'rice by n ail, rcatrue jiaid. $2X0 per Lox or, boxes for 15.00. Written guarantee lucd by Ml onthoriti d pent. uv. I clix I.c Urun A "o. Sole PreM. W 001AR:. LARK A CO., . . Authorized A(.cnt, VvTiiclBcale cxd Itfia'l rnaereSato. IOKTI.AM),Clitr.ON. Orders nuiil will rersivo vror sHontion. THIS GREAT Strengthening Remedy AND J Nerve Tonic itimate result twenty yesr, KKS cal r m lnw 10 -Vaknts.. Si.rti, nal f . . . , -i"-riiia(or. v.. . . "renstl. and Vinr of V.tV' ,f!?.. Hf " tMkt li l,i.l,..l . t-" ilUlll IIII1(1LI 1 ntnZT"''rni-' " ,r,c r u ' I ' V Ill-Hi prig, 'rvation 218 Ki BtHM vriAKiisoi, Ct. w rre, -'. -oviniY. Oreu ' nt to i . t aoa- - I . r orVt"::HW;?,.B,"Ct,y MtH by letter t-'TSSSTSS FIT ' - 1 1 1 ithWhl Pis-I Pt'fflV? the lc. Wf$ ? J ',"rnnKl'ly Qnal- U'1 "' j'hy. SZ'J:M;. vFi 2 medical col- cur.. ,cv,.,i1M invoh ,,t-,ry ' jnlA 1 V T