The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 07, 1885, Image 3

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. UHIKF .M.T10Yt.
Grouse has commenced booting.
For good dautUtr go to Taylor 4 Eberly.
Two dances in town last Saturdayeveniog
City Couuoil will meat nixt Mouday even
Plows! Plows!! at bilrjjlt prion J. M
Student will give a social at Lant Hall
to night. '
Mr Ilobt Sheltou now drive trucks for Ed
The highest rath price wilt be paid for wheat
by F Jl Dunn.
For holiday goods call at E It Luckoy &
Co'f drug tcore. t
Photographs finished neatly and artis
tically at Wioter'e.
A fisticuff took phce on Willametto street
Wednesday eveuing.
A sport-iru m's clu'i will be organize I in this
city next M md iv evonitif.
The express office Iioj lieen moved again to
the store of Oiibtirn i Belshaw.
Sea new advertisement of the assignee's
sale in another column,
A fine line of silk plushes in all shade
ud grades at F B Dunn's.
The Sheriff inform us tliat taxes have
commenced coming in more lively.
Walk into K It l.tickey A Cn's storo and
examine their stock of holiday nods.
A lar;e aort rent f loliday goods fur
sale at B II Lucke. t (V, dru,' store.
Two excellent no.nt to rent. Innle of
JoSHl'a J. W.VI.'ON.
A sow belnwing to LafejHendrick, of Pleas
ant Hill, on March 1st, had a litter n, 17 plii".
Fir all ki i Is of linger, drMel an I mi
dressed, go to Skinner A Long, Coburg, Lam
county, Oregon.
We are liettei prepared to do job work than
ever Wore. All kinds of job printing done a'
PortUol pricy.
The Lurch ewes have all been appealed to
the Supreme Court, and will be tried in a
a few weeks.
Nice pleaant weather since the Deii"
cratio President was inaugurated. All natur
seems to bH Sii.iling.
The celebration tit Rosehnrg on Inaiiuurn
tion Day wa- laigely attended ami a plea tan
time was had by all.
The Guard does all kinds of job printi g
cheaper than any other olliee in Laue cnuu
ty. Call an I get esti nates.
Miss Mary Crowley, one day last week
fell dead at tne residence of Mr C H Van. y
in Spencer precinct from h-art disease.
XI r S H Friendly will pay the h'ghesi
cash market price for wheat, 'live him i.
call before selling your grain eliewliere.
A large tixnt audience greeted Mrs Bridge
at Rhinohart's Hall last Monday evening.
The subject of the lecture was "Florida."
If you are in want of agricultural inachiu
ery of any kin I, r ii" n')r that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps a full assortment.
J W Webb, Grand Lecturer of the IOGT
will address the citizens of Eugene at th-
Court House, March 14th at 7 p in. on tern
The ladies of St Mary's Episcopal chunh
Guild, will meet at tin residence of Mr
Titus on Tenth street, Wednesday ufternoi n
March 11.
Mr L D Smith, who was badly burned bys
lamp exploding at Stockton, Cal, last week, wi
are pleased to statu, is improving rapidly ami
is out or danger. f
The Eugeue party of yonng men in thr
East were at Waa'iiiiijt n ou Inauguration
Pay. MrThos Humphrey, of Farmington,
W f is also with them.
Mr J P Thomson, the oelebrated piano and
orfcan tuner and repairer is in Eugene and
ready to receive orders. He is one of the bent
it his profession on the coast,
A letter from J L Kumscy states th t he
is enjoying himself hugely but is disgusted
with the fold weather. He says be will re
turn to Oregon about M:iy 1st.
See the new advertisement of J L Rollins
in another column. The store will keep a full
line of Brownsville ready made clothing, tlnth
'n the bolt, and gents' furnishing goo Is.
Jos Lane this week went to Portland aid
procured a canvass for bis hall floor, which
will be used for dancing purposes. And also
bad his piano t mod in first class style by
Thomson of Portland.
Weather permitting the people of this vl.
cinlty will witness nn eclipsa of the huh mi
week from Tuesday. It will be nearly total
here, and will be the only eclipse of the mm
visible at this place for several yttrs to nunc
It begins herd at about 7:51 a m and ends at
10 20.
A Stinit & Go's Hen I Estate firm last week
old the J E Divis place f 1,27 ) acres, oi
the McKenzie river, to Austin Denny, from
Yamhill county, for fv"(K) Tlmy havu col, I
over 2,200 acres of land, amounting to $-8,
298 50 during the past two months.
Geo M Miller wants it understood that he
baa not quit an 1 has nn Intentions of quittin.'
the real estate business all reports to the con
trary notwithstanding. He believes there is a
better pnsnect for the sal of real estate the
coming season than ever before ami expects to
do a large business.
Prof T F Cauiphell will preach In the Chri
tian church in this city on Sunday niornln
at 11 o'clock. In the evening he will lecture
on Demono'.ngy, casting out devils, involving
ing soul sleeping, spirit rapping, the inter
mediate state, resurrection, iudgrncni and final
destiny of the race. If ree.
Persons who are wearing artificial teetl
that look unnatural and distort and destroy
the natural expression of the mwnth, or
"won't tay up," should call Heudemrn, the
dentist. Special pains will be taken with
inch naws. No charge notes satisfactory
resulU are obtained. jfOllE.
A Stinit 4 Co have lately receive' opp-siU
rem J J Grooms, of California.
the fruit and ca ng K-' " C
Fitch, oi Ohio, interest ETAValry id
Cneeee makinL' bnsinr A eentlemen .
W. her. they will)
to 15,000,000 capital, ana lrj immra
"on will fallow.
Pioneer Association.
At a meeting of the Itoard nf Director! of
the Pioneer Association for Lane County,
held at the bulk of Hendricks k Eskin, on
March 31, 1831, the following directors were
present: Hon Joint Wnitsaker, President;
A 8 Patterson, Vioa Presidents Prof J W
Johnson and lion E P Coleman, Directors;
and T (J Hendricks, Secretary, Phe follow,
ing proceedings were had:
It was resolved ' that the Pioneer Asso
ciation fur Une County should hold their
Seouid "rand U. union at Eugene City, mi
Jj"e 4, ISil, in accordance with the Con
stitution and Ily.Laws of said association.
Dr Ii It Geary was choen as Orator ol the
Diy, witK Ruv I D Drivoraud John Buruett
as attendants.
Rev Pliilipp Mulkey was chosen as Chap
lain, with Kev J Gillespie alternate.
lodge J J Walton, Header of Annals.
lirand Marshal, Judge 0 S Washburne;
Assistant, St John Skinner.
Co:iiniitte on grounds, Samuel Ogden,
Gealiill and (iuu Swift to select aud pro
par.) ground.
Committee ou music Geo Gill, Miss Net
tie McCornick, Miss Irene Dunn, John
Mct'luug and M A limwii.
Committee on toasts Hon A G llovey,
Dr J P .lill ami A V Peters
(' nnmittce nu amusement J It Pliinelmrt,
W II Walker, I! M Day, Henry Huffman
and Dr J (5 W aiteaW.
The following will lie the
1 Pro'!oi iii of Pioneer to be farmed in
front of the Court foii under tliedirection
of the Grand Marshal ami aids.
2 Camp to be funned near stand erected
for the Sp aker.
3 Music.
4 Pr Iyer by Chaplain.
5 Music.
ti Or tion.
7 Muio.
8 Reading of Annals.
!) Mn s.i.
10 Meeting around the camp fire, at
which tioiH short speeches, toasts, tc, will
'ie in order. After which a grand basket
tinner will be enjoyed.
There will he a business meeting at the
''ourt H u-e aftor the ceremonies at the
sT'Vh for the purpose of electing otfi trrs to
trve the Associstion the ensuing year, and
otrausict such other business as may ooinv
!)Hf,.re the meeting.
The Seoretary was instructed to notify
he different Officers of the Day of their
nlect'nn, aud to give a copy nf these pro
feedings to each of the city pipers for pub
Ou motion the meeting adj turned sub
ject to the call of the IVi lent.
T. i. Hkndrk'KS Sec'y.
Eugeue MarnM. 1S4
Lower Siislaw
Flohknck, Feb, 25, 1885.
Items scarce in Florence.
Plenty of raiu for a week past
Everybody is anxious to Knish sowing
their grain.
A social Imp will be giveu at O Young's
text Thursday.
Mr .leff has bt another one nf his chil
dren ; aged about 2 years.
. Mr Pettijolms, who has been quite ill fur
some time, is slowly improving.
The loaning teams were bronght via in
Eugene, and are here ready for business.
0 W Hunl has gone to San Francisoo on
usiiiess. Mr A L Rutolph his had charge
of the store during Mr H's absence.
The mill store is the boss place to buy
lry goods and groceries; 10 per cent cheaper
than any other place ou the river. We hope
Ins will continue.
The new mill has arrived and is being
rapidly put together. It ii being put up on
Captain Cox's place, about four milra east of
here. e are informed that it will be run.
ning within a month. '
We are informed that Mr Nichnl Mullin
'ias offered his claim for sale at the small
uin of $.0 00. Anyone wishing to get a
nice little home should call on him at his
cooper fhop.
Wanted less cross dogs in town. We
be hope the owners of dogs will keep them
tied wIibn country folks come in; otherwise
a coroner will be needed before long.
Town Auker.
Mohawk Items.
Feb. 27, 1885.
Mr F M Houston has a fine lot of young
Farmers ore plowing when the weather wil'
vV'a are having considerable rain only two
r three dry days this month.
We have mo'e grass already than we had
U-t year two mouths later.
Mr V A Ware is plowing up his hop yard
0 i account of the present low prices of hoi
a . 1 the coitiuiwl of the ground.
The Mohawk logging company havs their
1 igi running between the. Ware drift and ('has
lardesty'a. They are paying $3 a day and
Woard, and employ seven men.
Mohawk C.
The Markets.
Elokne, March 7, 1885,
H ips Nominal.
WiiEAT -Hut few sales have taken place,
farmers liobtim; fir hstter terms. We can
piote at 5 cents per bushel nn board on
Oats 25? 30 cents per bunheL Market
BcrrER - l.V?20 cent per pound.
Kuan- 10 cents pr dozen.
BACoXSides 10 cent er lb and scare;
hams very scare-eat L'J cts; shoulders 10 cts.
Labii 12J c-nts p-r lh.
Potatoesi Plentiful at 3335 cts bushel,
Flocr t-1.50 per bbL
Jr 'r'KcnsK.f. Mr J -e Iane has jut
id the largest and twt stock of paints
.;i ever brought t. thie nty. ami no
Pr't of it. Mer. W hitter. Fuller t Co,
-'."ortland. guarantee tins material to be
' ,,ute,y A lot of genuine gold paint
Wit Cal 1 see for yourselves.
Wmnivn f! W hava inst received
, from Cta th. finest 14 of wedding card.
and inviutions .ver brought to Oregon. Prices
i for th. same very htmtL-
Junction Paces.
Junction, March 3, 1835.
Flowing and seeding going on at a good
March has com with its raiu, drlr.le, fog
and sunshine.
Geo M Kirk is putting a fins picket fence
around his yard and garden.
Oar school election on Monday resulted In
choosing Dr N L Lee direoor aud Mrs Susan
E String clerk.
Mrs Bettie Hoffman and Mrs W M Hou.tnn
and MUs Minuie SUver are numbered with
the sick but they are now convalescing.
lio Hay, sun of Miss Levin Hays o
Harrishiug, died at that place of scrofula on
Monday a m. The remains were hnrnght over
the river on this side and buried at the Cald
well ouictery 5 miles from tills place.
The irrepresaible Iem Ijwrence, Walt Pe
Clark, conductor John Uundy, Tom Bleu ami
others had a luuss Saturday and Sunday
nights. A little scratching of each other anil
shooting pistols was the work aud the result
was a replenishment of the city treasury.
A inytterious wedding is still off in the near
There have been soaie sales of town property
A beautiful belle of this city thinks she is
yourg aud will bsyuuug even ill the future.
Chicken thieves are dilligently waitiug upon
the people How of uiglit. We've got track
of tlKIU.
Health getting so good that our only dot tor
low coucluileil to take ollice under the liew
Last Thursday nhdit at Wilkin's Hotel, it
was exjivcte.i ami tin pans ami the players
Mere ready, but ah! they tlidu 't nutty, boys,
bd sure next time.
A shooting match was exercised nearly all
day Sunday uy the urchins of this place just
Hack ot the schnol house to the animyauce ot
many .eopie, the statute of Oregou to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Some fuiks think that on the 4th inst the
tjo.eriimeiit cleaved to the laud and that Gro
wer is chief of the militia aud that a boosier
Democrat wields the gavel iu the Senate. Won
acr if lie Knows how to read and write. Well.
ilie lieinocrat's tine banner was spreading ib
coli rs iu the Wednesday's morning breese; a
ioue Iteiaihlicun tW tUuueil Inunly on terry's
saioon; atop! stop! there oniue one out at the
lop ot liuslmeils WaruhoiiiM, nip It goes, me
wag s. ad they are all turuiug over.
Some of our citizens don't like the Kealv
law, out we guess they will have to stand it.
Ij. U. DTU.Nir.
Lost Valley Items.
Feb. 24, 1885
Grouse hooting.
Mrs Emma Preston is visiting here.
Mr Buer will soou have hit shop io opera
Mr Backus will toon have hit mill in
operation again.
A lively school meeting is expected, as
several are ul-ctioneeriug for director.
Justice Huusaker and Constable Wil
liams have 'mnsiderable business at present
Mr Edwards, from North Carolina, will
sMon have a boot aud shoe shop in operation
Joel Addingtnn had the misfortune of
lireakiug one of hit legs receutiy. He it
able to hobble ab ut now.
Thomas Kuney bat been dangerously ill
for tome time. Hit physician, Dr Scar
brough, informs us he it improving.
Mr C L Williams hat a contract for deliv
ering 2,500,001) feet of logs for the Spring
held Mil1 Co. He will give employment to
about twenty meu at fn;r waget.
Ctmwrli Itrmt.
March 6, 1885.
Town quiet as usual
Mr P F Close has moved to tht farm of L
The district election resulted as follows: Geo
Hswley, director; Geo Gil fry, Clerk.
Mr Knox intends moving to his lots In town
soon For the purpose of sending bis children to
W l Gilfry shlped one lotd nf beef cattle
this week and intends shipping the second load
The social dance to be given at the Jim
Buoy store house Friday night is expected to
he well attended.
A tramp came to to town one day this week
with a Kirl twelve years of age. Mr 1) Uhiue
hart gave him employment.
Mrs Burnrson from Euv'ene Is now in town
as a book ageut: also Mrs J P Curt in and Mrs
J Perkins are vutitmg menus Here.
James Whiteaker, who has been absent
while bis father wus attending the legislature,
is a raiu with us as assistant clerk tor uuiry
It Son.
.1 L Slim) has been in town this wsek mov
ing Gilfiy's chopper, which odds business to
ur little town. vauicu i i.
Dexter Items.
Farmers busy plowing betwuen showers.
MrT Howard had tbe misfortune to loss all
of his hops. That, with the sickness he has
had tint Winter is Working quite a hardship.
Uncle Thomas Honey has been very sick
hut is gradually convalcsii.g under the tkil
ful care of Dr Scarbrough.
Capt Backus hat not got hit mill dam
done yet The water hat been up so higli
that it has been impossible to work at it.
Mr C L Williams has a large contract lor
delivering logs to the Springfield Milling
Company, to be delivered this Summer, lie
says he will be able to give employment to
24 or 30 men.
Sring(irlJ Dupprnlnst.
March 5. 1885.
The farmers are very busy (lowing.
We had a female book agent here one day
this week.
Mrs Baxter Young has been very sick,
but is now better.
A dark eved blonde it attractiug th. atten
tion of one of our hop growers. Uuest who it
The wife of Senator Miller of Josephine
county, waa visiting her f her, Hon. John
Keller ol Mpnngtield, last Sunday,
Waldo Cheshire who baa been attending
to fa hi. fonu.r position as enginer in
) a itesm sawmut i, l.
Cottage Qrovo Item.
March 4, 1885.
Inauguration Day. -
Three drummers in town Tuesday.
Miss Pmiiia Wallace returned from Irving
Miss Katie Hanson returned tro:n Kugene
last Friday,
Dr J C Whiteaker returned from Salem
There was a surprise party at the residence
of 11 II Chance last night.
Miss Anna Underwood returned from
Eugene the first of the week.
Mr (I II Chrisiuan and wife, of Eugene,
were in town last week.
Mr WW Scott and lady, of Cresswell,
were iu torn last Friday and Saturday.
MrCStoulfer was elected Director aud
W W Cathcart Clerk of this district.
Mr (ienrge Mtck, a.former resident of this
vicinity, but lately of California, returned
last Friday.
Mr U It Abshire, Represent itive from
Lake aud Klamath counties, gave this place
a call last Friday.
The school at this place, under the man.
agciueiit of Miss Anna Underwood, termin
ated lust Friday.
Ml W 11 Martin was elected Clerk.and W
McCoy and Nathan Martiu were elected
directors in district No 43.
MrCC Jackson, wuu has been abreut
uiat ol the mountains for sonic mouths, la
among u i once more.
DrJC Wliiieiker wtnt to Salem hwt
Friday on a proiessnuiai iall from Hon It M
V eaten, whose wife was dangerously ill
Mr Job Spray moved .mm this place to
his ranch, aud Mr John Spmy moved into
the house Vacated by the former gcnlleinun.
Mr Fred Earl, who opened a skating rink
here, ln-iaoic disgusted and took his depar
ture for home uftcr one night's performance.
The social party, whicli was to have been
iveii last Wednesday evening iu honor ol
the intended ilepartutn of our friend Harry
Mazleton, was "decided a draw," ou account
if tome miauiuicrsta di g between some ul
the girls and the manager.
Hon II M Vcatch came up fmni Salem
yesterday, bringing the ivmains of his wile
w ho died last Saturday. She went to Salem
to nurse her husband who hail the measles,
ud contracted the disease from w hicli she
died. There was a large number of relatives
and friends at the depot when the train
arrived to receive tho remains, which were
buried at noon to-day. Mr Veatch and
Iniuily have the sympathy of the entire com
munity iu their bcrei.vemeni.
Card of Thanks.
The committee ou arrangements for entertain
ment of Butte Lodc, k'iveu last Saturday
evening, Feb 28th, at Kliinehart't Hull, in In
htlf of the members and friends nf the order,
deMire to express their thanks to thosd who ho
kindly assisted in the piwrainme.
Jly order of the Com.
J. 1). Smith, Chairman.
Last Notice.
Couuty taxes will be delinquent April 1,
1885, aftir whicli per oetit and mileage will bu
charged for collection of the same. Hoed this
notice and save costs.
Dated March 5, 1885.
J. U. Cammem.,
InacoukatioN Day. March 4th was not
generally celebrated in Euguiie, but still a
smile was visible upnii the facu of nearly
nvery patient waiting Democrat, who had
labored for the old Jeirersoniau party for so
many years, and besides a few of our yonng
Democrats were noticeable wearing "Cleve
land plugs." In the evening at 7 p m thu
juvenile Democracy, about forty strong,
paraded our streets carrying torches headed
by a drum, besides many of the rank and
rile were blowing horns. A sniallcart, which
was handsomely decorated, was one of the
features of the procession. Firecrackers
were liberally exploded by the paraders
Several private residences were adorned with
flaus ami illuminated, the most noticeable ol
which was tho residence and grounds of Mr
A V Peters. It was handsomely illuminated
and was admired by our oitizena generally.
Thus ended Inauguration Day in Eugene.
Diwwnid. Last Monday morning Carl
Csats and a son of M J Carmen went to the
Swift P lough Monday rooming to get a note
that a person promised to leave in bis skiff.
They mticed to their S'.ipiise when theyneared
the hoat a ninn in tbe skiff with his brad
bent over the side and in the water. A coro
ner's jury was formed, nu their report, and
the testimony showed that the name of the
deceased was John Q Olimjer, aged 30 years,
and that he was subject to epileptic fits,
during one of which he fell ovc mid was
.Irowned. The jury found in accordance with
the almve facts. Mr Olitiger was a brother
of Mrs Dr A W Ptterson. and was highly re
pected aud esteemed by his circle of acquain
tances. Nkw Store. Mr Ed P.aum, formerly of
lloseburg, has rented the brick building one
door north of the St Chariot hotel of W T
Campbell, anil in the near future, will open a
variety and cnifectiourey store after the sty .
of the Alisky & Hegele's place in Portland.
ie has also rented tbe residence of Mr 8 M
Qutr.R. Prof X P Blaine, t brother of
tbe celebrated Jim of Maine, hat bten em.
ployed to teach in one of the public school,
of Salem. The queer part of the busiues
was that a Prof Cleveland resigned the
position to whieh fthine was elected.
Dim. In this city, March 28, 1885, Mrs
Henry Hill, aged about 63 years. Mrs Hill
was a consistent Christian, a pioneer, and a
la ly possessed of many excellent qualities i f
mind and heart, whose loos will be dreply re
gretted by many friends.
Puso TtNiNO and Kepairino. Mr J P
Thomson is in town to remain a few dys'
All parties wishing piano or Organ work done,
please leave orders at ('rain Urn,
Died. Al Ebelsbach, Bavaria, Feb 3,
184, Moses Bettman, geil 82 years. Tbe
deceased was the father of Mr 0 ficttinau of
1 city.
A column devoted to the interests of tbs
Laurean and h mxiaii Lilerary Societies, aud
the State Cuiyornity.
Km Mixihi.
"It don't make no difference. " Tutor.
The Caesar class is reviewing the second
Geo Houck entered th. Trkouometry class
Several students will not return to school
alter th. April vacatio.
It C Johnson was absent from school several
days of last week.
Miss Angle Patterson entered the University
duriug the week.
M II Bridge, son of tbe talented lectures,
has entered the University.
L H Wheeler, a graduate of '80, hasreturaed
to Kugene from Portland.
Ida Cogswell and Ida Patterson were absent
tmni recitation during the week.
We understand A T Ambroe left school last
week to leach iu the rural districts.
A number of stud nls are indulging in the
;auie of foot ball during spare moment.
Set end of the Seniors have handed iu their
gi aib ating tssays w Inch are being corrected.
The classes in Elocution will be excuuil
for the remainder of the year alter the next
class met ting.
There will be puMio exercises in the audi
to'ium one we -It from yesterday. Everybody
is cordially invited.
Last week a young lady iu society, not find
iiij anything bjlle.' ou which to try the power
f her ciiurms, made a m.wt disastrous "mash
on a hat.
Chat Feuton met with a mishap while praa
iiciug in the Auditoiluin and was obliged to
remain from school a day or so ia consequence
of a sprained ankle.
Prof Gautenbciu d livered a very instructive
and hit 'resting lecture with stcieoptican views
of Swit. erland, Paris aud Iwiudon, at Grace M
E Church, Portland, last Weduesilay.
A committee has been npiiuteil from the
Eutaxian society to confer with tbe Laurean
commuted in regard to making arrangements
for reunion. The committee consists of Misses
(laid Walton, Ida Hendricks and Jessie Murcb.
A young lady of the Sophomore class was
recently seen industriously mullliiu the latch
on the front gate, hut ere the shades nf evening
tell some cruel miscreant had as carefully un
wound the wrappings and at the wonted hour
the gate clicked as Usual.
The Eutaxians debated the question, lie-
solved, That the execution of Major Andre
was justitiiible," last Friday. The atlirmative
was ably supHr'.ed by Jennie McClure, Vina
Gore, (Isid Walton and Minnie Uren. The
negative was equally well discussed by Emily
Bristol, Sue Dorris, Isabella Gray and Glen
We are sorry to learn that Mist Viola Col
bert was compelled to return to her home in
Brownsville owing to ill health. Her mother
ca ue to this place to atten I her and acoom
pa.i d her homo last Tmsd y. If her health
permit, she will return to school next term.
Miss Colbert hat made many friends among
the students who much regret her departure.
A part of the Sophomore class thought to
indulge in a boat ride during a spare hour, but
were cruelly disappointed. Just as they had
found a key that would unlock the boat and
weie pushing off, tin owner espied them, and
didn't seem to bo pleased with the idea of
boating. The party dropped the oars and took
an unceremonious departure. ,
Last Tuesday a yoiin,- gentleman was teen
t- be cautiously waiting until tht hall was
vacated when he stationed himself before the
glass ami proceeded to armige his hair after
the latest approved style. After having spent
the grenter part of an hour in primping, the
mirror "reflects back bis smile" and he silently
stole away. The ling gentleman should be
pr ividcd with a mirror and we trust the iuattr
will be looked into.
The following interesting tender little note
was piuked up last week:
Underwood Ranch.
, Doiie, Jane, Cap and Others, Ckeetinu: -I
am happy to inform you of the fact that I
am still alive, even ifl have not seen ennynne
for three or fore days.
Well, how are you getting along ennyhnwf
I nm cumin' to skule ne Muuilay I gess.
It is anllla lonesome, tiresome and tejusome
taing at home I have got a good one to tell
yoi Gurls nex time U see me. I must close
send answer by bearer or In M-rsnn.
J. Johnson,
Of Paisley.
Caned. T as Thus1'' evening the many
friends of Mr S Munra, the popular host of
mine hotel St Charles, gathered ill the parlor
of said house for the purpose of giving him o
surprise, it being his 61th birthday. The
"Gov" was more than surprised, as he knew
nntliing about the ulfair until he was called iu
the presence of his many guests. In a very
neat speech Senator Dorris presented Mr Mnn-
.. .... I...l.,.lf ..I tl. fri,,,!,. iiieuetil i Kn.
gold headed walking cane. Aain 'vas he sur
prised, and liearilly lliauknil ins menus, 1 tie
rest of the evening was spent iu social con
verse and other amusements, after which a fine
luncheon wis spread iu the capacious diniiik
room, aud soon thereafter the party (lis
liersed, having spent a Very pleasant evenlug,
indeed, May the old gentleman pass the re
uiaimler of his birthdays in us happy a manner.
Died at Mrs Veatch, wift of Hon
It M Veatch, died at Salem, Sunday, March
1st, 1885, of measles. She went t) Salem for
tbe purpose of waiting iisin her husband, who
,vas very ill with measles, having no idea she
would take tht disease, as she supposed .lis
had once had them. However, Mr Veatch
wrote to her not to come, as be was fearful
that she might contract them, but having the
.le vol ion ot a true wile she went sacrihe
oer life. The remains were taken to Cottage
irove and buried last Monday. She leaves a
husband, three children ami Humorous relatives
to nn. urn her loss. Kepreseutativ. Veatch, In
his sad affliction, has th. heartfelt sympathy
of the ;eople ot Lane county, and also of
many friends throughout the State.
Gone East. Mr A J Johnson left for the
Eastern States yesterday morning- He rep
resent a number f borrowers in Lane county
who Imld about 300,000 lbs. He took with
him alsmt 1ls0 samples. At first he will In
tervlew the hop dealers of MilwaukK Wis..
and, 1' not selling there, be will v to St Louis
an i I hence to isw York, we hope that
he be successful in rinding a market that will
enable our growers to receive a fair price
To be Continued. The painting business
will be continued permanently and every
t dug done in the very beat of stylo, and at
th lowest evei ofiured in this oitv
I' Joe Lane.
County Court
Thobati Court.
In vacation after January term; iu the mat
ter of the estate of James Spear, deceased! ap
poiiitrusnt of administrator,
la the matter of the estate of I S Swear
Inten, deceased; order nf sale of real estate.
In the matter of the estate of Jerry Luckey,
deceased; petition to set off dowry.
In th. matter nf the estate of T H Elder,
deceased; appointment of administrator.
Iu tbe matter of the guardianship of the
heirs of Hugh Cummings, deceased; approval
of annual aet.lenient.
In the matter of His estate of A Bowtrman,
deceased; admission of will to probate, also or
der of sale of personal ttrm.
March Term.
In th. the matter of the estate of I S
Swearingen, deceased; continuation of tale ef
real estate.
In the matter of th. guardianship of Ettle
Preston, a minor; coufiiniatloa of tale of real
Commissioners Coirt
Commissioners court met at the court bouse
March 4, 1885. Present, Judge Washburn.,
Commissioners Walker and Jsanings, 8heriS
Campliell, Clerk Ware.
In the matter of th. petitiuu of A L
Vauglian and others, for couuty toad; ordered
Iu the matter of the petition of Ell Perkiot
et al, for county road; A J Zumwalt, Geo
Belshaw end ltobt Pattison appointed at
viewers to meet March 10, 1885, for the pur
pose of as'arding daiuager.
At this time it is ordered that W J J Scott
be appointed Justice of the Peace ef Crssswsll
precinct, vice H C Hunter, resigt-ed, until the
next general election.
At this time th. court apolntod supervisors
for the year 1885, as follows:
Dit. Xo 6 Baxter Young.
" " MVH Walker.
" " 12-Win Williams.
" " 15-D C L'angleman.
" " 32-W W Hinton.
" "35-ZTFiak.
" " 10-Jas Horn.
" " 37-Jess. Sovern.
" " 41-MiIton Robinson.
" " 40- W A Smith.
" " Bl-K P Allison.
" V 53-Jat H Kins.
" " 67-John Deadwood.
" " 69 II J Dickey.
" " 65-T II Cannon,
" 67 T H McClaue.
" " 68-Austin Knot
" " 52-Geo C Millei.
In the matter of the petition of J 0 Church
et al, for change of county rsad) ordered es
tablished. In the matter of the petition or 0 W Rob
erts et al, for county rood; ordered established.
At this time John Long was appointed Con
stable of W Ulamette precinct, vice Geo Smith
resigned, until the next .lection.
In the matter of the application ot Dundee
Mortgage and Trust Investment Co; ordered
that th. Sheriff make credit upon double tax
ation on proper showing.
At this time ordered that nn Wednesday,
May 6, 1885, at 1 p m, the court will receive
bids for keeping all the county paupers for the
period of one year.
Mr Geo Millies a it in Salem,
MrT 11 Cox has gone to Portland to re.
MrThos Burrows, ot Salem, was ia town
one day this week.
Mr A Goldsmith paid the metropolis
visit last Thuttday.
Mr C M Coe, of the Portland News was la
town one day this week.
Gov Whiteaker and Senator Co'eman were
in town a couple of dayt tint week.
Mr Gen Swift hat been confined to his
room with sickness tht greater portion of the
Miss lone Cranfill bu returned home from
Grants Pass, where the hat been teaching ,
schn J.
Mrs A Hunt Is lying quite 111 at hsr real-.
dence In this city. We hope to hear of her
early recovery.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr
C Shannon, recently from Illinois. He it in
town visiting at the residence of his nncle,
Mr Wesley Shannon.
Mrs Timor it quite ill, wl her recovery
is about despaired of. A couple of Eugene
ladies, called upon our merchants and others
one nay tins ween ana tuaaeeuea in raisins;
quite a sum of money to hire a nurse to take
are of the lady. The action of the ladies U
highly commended by all.
All persons indebted to E W Whipple &
Bro't, either by note or bonk account will
please call and settle the same. Our store
is burned and we muit oollect the money
due nt.
E. W. WHippukBioe.
Cottage Grove, Feb 25, 1885.
For Sale.
One house with five rooms, large barn, two
lots, with fruit of all kinds; in plsant part
of city. Also one new family carriage that
h it never been used, for tale cheap. For
further particulars inquires of
Mrs. M. E. Pao.
Eugene City. '
Dumped. A drummer, last Satur
day, by the name of Dawson, who
travels for Murphy, Grant it Ca, con
cluded he would take ride on Abhie
Abrahams' bicycle, lie mounted the
untamed vehicle, and it immediately
iiiada for a deep mud hole and pro
wpilnd to dump its load therein. When
the rider extricated himself his eyeo,
mouth or nose could not he seen and
his clothes were literally covered with
pure Orenn mud. Ho wended hia
way to the hotel, took a hath and went
to bed while a Chinaman washed hia
clothes. He wan somewhat mad.
Hops. 1'hsre seems to be no market at all
f .r hops on the coast. Mr S II Friendly will
ship fiv. carloads of hops ta commission met
chants in the East an the next freight train,