Kl EU3EIJE CiTI GUARD. "St-JKt 8ATUUDAV FEUUUAKY 28, 1833. .. CiOkligSccDdOf tbe LtgiilBtore. Friday, Feb, 20t!i, at midnight wai elected u tho time for adjournment of the thirteenth liiVnnial lession of the Oregon Legislature. At noon of that day before an audienco that . occupied every inch of pac in the large room the joint awmhly of the houses tx-gan to ballot, trm' first atanding for W. R. Bilyeu 36, Jhrsch 34, Earhart 10; rest acatWing. At 1 p. m, the Demo crata made a motion to take a recm of one hour for dinner,' hut it waa lost by a party vote, Soon thereafter the different Republican Senatorial candi date! provided their aupportera with elegant lunches, fine cigtra, etc, and while the Republican Solon were talc ' ing their eaue and .wishing the bliss would continue forever, the patriotic, though hungry, Democratio statesmen were going out one by one for proven- dor. . The balloting . continued along Without" change until three o clock when Gor. Moody' name wan nuUti- ' tuted for that of Earhart and he r ceived 18 votes. During thin tune, u thftf did all the evening, the Demo crat , complimented nearly every ' prominent leader in the State. Tliut - the evening wore on and tho minority party grew hungry acain and made motion for a recess of one hour but the Republicans voted it down, and the Democrats once more had to rustln ' for something to eat The Rpubli cans onoe more were enjoying lunchra ' from 6 p. m. until V p. m. there was no break in tbe monotony, At the last mentioned time Senator Lee (R.) made a motion for a recess of twenty minutes. The Democrats saw at once that it was intended for a Republican cauuui, and they voted solidly against if, as did also the "kickers," which defeated it. At this time the hour for adjournment of the joint convention was fixed at 11 p m.t being carried by the Democratio and "kickor vote. At 10:13 another motion to take re cess wis niade nnd voted down, and I motion of tho ringstm made at 10:30 .p. m.'waa voted down. It was ovident ithat these motions were mndo for the .... i mm purpose of euiicting a compromise ion Corbett or Failing. . These gentle' linen, probably thought that they knf w ito whom tho honor would finally fall. At least, at about 10 o'clock they took poesession of the judiciary committee rroom atid opened out a saloon, having whiskey, beer, champagne and cigars. Just think of itl High toned Tort Hand aristocrats acting as barkeepers tdrawing brer, did performing menial ise-rvice for a rustio who is both "sock. Oons and nocktiolt'ss" as tho Oregonian ia one of ila most harmonious moods characterized the interior inhabitants. Two Republicans got drunk in this room. At 10:40 p. in. the clerk Im gan the roll call for. the Inst ballot amid great excitement and with fully 3,000 persona prcrent Before this ballot the Republicans thought that they could vote twice more, but as the roll call procedodj and the tactics of the Democrat were exposed, it was plainly apparent that the fare would end with this ballot. The name of each Democrat had to he called twice and they scattered wildly which caused aome delay. Four Republicans during - this ballot voted for J. II. Mitchell and were cheered wildly by the lobby, and Harvey Scott fairly trembled wiih fear lest that gentleman should be elected. But at the end of the ballot it wu found that Hirsch had gained one vote, that of Saunders. When the roll call was finished, it still lacked five minutes of eleven, and the Demo crats got the floor and one after anoth er the Democrats changed their votes until the dock struck the fated hour when the Democrat cried "Time.' Nevertheless, after the hour the Pres ident allowed Therkelson, Cartwright, and Lyla ' to change their votes t Hirach, making hi vote 37. During this time those voting for the majority candidate lagged tbe "kicker" to change their votes ere it was too late. Hare especially wu importuned but without avail, he decKnn with lean running down his checks.. At 11:20 precisely, the President announced tin result and dissolved the convention without the election of an U. S- Sena tor. The Democrats in the lobby ' made the building shake with a storm f cheers, while the Republicans wear ing aad countenances slowly passed out. The Democratio meailtera shook hand bugged each othr and congratulat d thems lwe with a good : will But f9 was another scene in the drama, TL House and Senate met in their ieparate chamberi at 11:43 for tbi' purpote of allowing the presiding offi cers to sign some bills, when a brilliant idea struck some RspuMican memW. A motion to rescind the joint resolu. tion pons'! five days liefore by a vote of ayes and noes. In the House with out even a division, which was called for, the Syeaker illegally declared the same carried. In a few moments the resolution wo taken to tho Senate where a motion was already pending, but President Waldo without regard for parliamentary usage or law com manded the clerk to read the resolution The Democratic members objected to its consideration a it was plainly out of order a day's previous notice being required for a reconsideration. But the President arbitrarily declared it in order; the Democrat then called for the ayes and nays, but the Presi dent in a high handed and outrageous manner ignored the Democrats and declared the motion carried. We do not believe that one senator voted for or against the measure, but if the wo luilon was'carried it was by the vote of the lobby as they were the only ones we heard voting. At this junc ture Senators Myers, Wrath erford, Dorris, Bilyeu and Coleman, and Senators Simon, Lee and Hirsch were all tulLing and pounding the desk of the President at the same lime. Senator Carwright icade an at tempt to assuult John Myers but Sen. Coleman sat him down quickly. The Oregonian following it3 usual malicious course falsely reported that Represen tative Bilyeu attacked Senator Simon and attempted to draw a pistol on him. Mr. Bilyeu had no pistol, and did ncjt attempt to assault Mr. Simon or any other person, and if he had so wished could have found plenty of op portunities. Mr. Simon demanded that Mr. Bilyeu 'leave the floor, which Mr, Bilyeu, having a perfect right there, . distinctly declined to do. Out of audi a trifling circumstance the prolific imagination of the Oreguiran genius built bis fabric of falsehood. The Democrats withdrew at' 12:15 after which the majority made a mo tion to adjourn t ill 10 a in., which waa pronounced carried. This was the most diHL'rautifai ollUir that ever was enacted in a Legislature, and the majority was certainly responsible ' for .th , same. After the Democrats withdrew - they held a meeting and resolved not to attend upon any so-called Legislature, and hire' a hall and remained over Saturday, The Republicans nmt' Sat urday at 10 a. ui. in the respective houses, but not having a quorum ad journed to meet in joint convention at noon. . At that lime they nut and balloted for Sentor. Only 41 vcied, not a quorum, and they voted for 29 candidates, the highest vote fur any uiie man luting three. A recess was taken until four. At the appointed Uine the rump legislature met, the most sorrowful and woe begone lut of men ever gathered together. After repeated efforts they could not muster a quorum, and the President adjourned the convention sine die, The iuebtiou now agitating the avcrngu politician is whether the Gov ernor has a riiflit to appoint a U, & Senator for tho next two years.. We believe that thu Governor has no right to appoint, but we think that he wi.l appoint and that the appointee will be admitted to the seat. However, in 1859 a like vacancy "occurred in the State, and Governor Whiteaker refused to avail himself of the privilege, be hoving that he had no legal right to do sa The Secretary of Sttte of the Uuited States at that time, Mr. Cass, the eminent statesman, whose history is identical with that of the Republic for a third of a century, in an opinion to the Governor expressed the come view as held by Mr. Whitraker. The Democratio Territorial Commit tee of ashington Territory has passed a resolution favoring the appointment of Senator James Slater to the position of Commissioner of the Genera! Land office it Wash ingtori. The Democrats of the Ore gon Legislature unanimously recum mended biia for the position of Com missioner of Indian affair. We have information that Idaho and Montana will follow the example of Washiugtcn Territory, and press his appointment for the position named. We hope Senator Slater will be appointed to ono of lh a'xyre positions. Such an appointment would meet the hearty and unqualvtW approval of the people of Oregon, and would greatly sliength- en the Administration in this State. President Arthur tarries rith him fishes if into hia retirement the best Amrrrican peoplfc 1 . Ihoii loBumet I e With fourteeu Republican majority is the Republican Legislature to blame in refosing to elect a Senatbrl Wu there not a deiestable preju dice iu the minds of not a few Repub lican legislators, and is not theirs the i party tliaf contains the narrow minded individual who hate the Eu ropean immigrant and loves only ' the yellow mongolian! . Were not a majority of the nominal supporter of Hirsch rcslly indifferent in his cause, merely masquerading! Why did not the stupid rustics cower under tho blackguardism and abusive epithets of the overgrown Oregonian! Can it be, that St John is at the the bottom of this muddle, or is it "British money!' both of which rea ons are . always bogies to the Republi can mind. Messrs. Hare, Keady, '. Voorhars and tbe "kickers" on the 6ne hand and Messrs Simon, Lee and the atalwarls, both sides shculd thoroughly . discuss and fix the responsibility somewhere, in order that the people may , know, By all means, let us know. ' ' . -, Next Wednesday Grover . Cleveland will become President of the U, His action since the election, if we had no other light, convince us that he will make a model president. In tb interval he has invited to meet factions, win and portions of the Democratio party and has consulted and advised with them. His rema'rka ble success in the most diflicult posi tion in the United States, that of Gov ernor of New York, muke as assured that the future of the party, of the na' tion and of the people ir. in good hand Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortgoo lor Lane Count, B C Curtis, Plaintiff, vs x Thomas Cnrtis, Defendant. To Thomas Curtis, defendant above named t TN THE NAMK OF TUB STATE OF A Oregon, you are hereby suminonrd and re ouircd u appear and aimwer ulaintiir cone plaint' now on file allium y 0 in tlis alstve entitled stilt with the tiers of said Court. on or before the 20th. day of April. 1SH5. beiiifi the first day of the n st renular term of eaid I ourt, to tie bolden iu said County at tha Court Honne in Kirgene City, Oregon Am you are notified that if you fail to antweraaid coHipbiiil a herein rruuired. the plaintiff will npply to the Court (r the relief demandeil In the coinnlaiot. to-wit: For a decree of asid Ci itrt dixsolving the marrma uontract now existinn between, plaiutilfind defendant, and tor judgment agninut dsendant for the mwta and (litburee- nienti of tint suit. I'uhlithed iu the Kenr.SE City fiOASD newipaner for ix com-ei utive weeks, by imier ol lion l( Mean, Jude of aaid Court, winch order U duttd rehruary SI, j BlLTKC t Col.l.lKK, I Atty'a f.'.r I'lfl, Notice. mo coxsrMKifs of y.umbeu J Springfield and Knueiie ( It v. IN From and after thhi liutr. bilN for all lorn ber delivered by mill teonn will be due and pavalile follow.: will lie delivered thmnj(h the noatoffice or otherwixe on or before the 6th of ea:h month, fur all limilier delivered duriug the ureviou. montn. ana euitoMera will lie wi t iiium for payment at their remdeucee or pla of rnifinef.. un the 10th. On all bill met promptlt a. Indicated or pitid at nor nflhw In ri.rini;field on or before me lotn, a discount of so eta per thoiwand will be niaue. but iMMttiv.lv rwi .iiiiv.ii.it will I I made unlem paid a. alsive provided. rSNQKA, VHKItLIB4 CO. hraiNunuu, Feb. IS, liW, w. a rsNOHA. a j. nnoha. a. whieu.r. Fenpjblsrldo SPRINGFIELD. OREGON. Lumbermen, Country ' "Merchants, 1 . and Millers. Cash and otlier ready pay buyers will consult their own interests by giving us' a call. New Barber Shop and nam Rooms (One door North of P,t OfRee.i RATHS. 25 CKNTS. EVKKYTHIXO . ..) ... i i . t i ... . aud hair cutting don iu the aiuet aeprored order. JERRY HORN, Propriety. DR. L. F.JONES, Physician and Surgeon. TILI. ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL T call, day or Bfcfat. OFFK'K-CDeiairaiB Hara' nri.tr. . be found at E k LaeieT Co'. Araa Oflioe hour.: to li 1 to 4 d m. tn unlit W. V. Henderson, D B KT T I S T. v "A3 BESUSrtD PRACTICB Cf.. Jth In Hay.1 brick. UtlllJ operation, will be fini. c!" and cnar.'M reaaonalde. ' patrons a wet a a ruse are iariUeT i!ISI!;tEI,!Elii! The assigned stock of Rrause ; Bros., Walton's Brick. Eugene City, Oregon, is being rapidly re duced. In Dry Goods iv'e have yet a good assortment of Prints, Drillings, Linseys, Ladies& Childrens' hose Knitting yarn, Ladies knit Underwear, and numerous small arti ' cles necessary for ladies toilet. Of interest if We offer the following mem orandum of articles on hand, and would re spectfully ask of. j them to redd . it attentively and pay special heed to the differ ence of prices prevail ing in regular trade and -those which we present. i ? n. WE HAVE OK HAND 5it 6 Csaainiere suits 8CMi!UersuiU 6 Cawimere suit i$16 50 g22 50 15 00 14 00 20 00 21 CJ 10 CaMimer .uits. 12 t'amlmere diits 18 CO 20 00 12 50 10 50 1500 10 00 10 00 20 00 17 50 15 00 12 50 13 51) 6 Cssaimere .nit. 6 ('amimere luita. 6 Chanchilla coat ft veit. . . . 6 Rhanchilla ooaU k vest 750 M 9 50 5 00 6 Chanchilla ooata A reat. . . . 6 Overcoat 5 Over coats 4 Over coat...... 4 Over coats 4 50: 1 03 12 00 V50 8 0C, 62 75 110 50i fvi! 75 v 2 511 17 4 01V 160, htc. Kto. Etc Etc lllue and brown orerall , 100 125 150 100 100 125 200 400 300 600 350 Cotton panta. r lann.l underahirts and drawer' ' an ton fl a " " Merino " " Whits .hirt graded from. . , . , llat gradol from.., , Hoot traded from Huckle and ooncreas Baiter. . .. Trunk. Valiaes The above price lisi will give tlwse who have not vet pauea upon us an idea of rue enormous amount of saving Uiere w in taking ad vantage of a sale such as our. iieretore don't miss this c tiance but try and be one of the fortunate. j - Itaxember thn saV hours are from 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Bj order of the ASSIGNEE, Dr.A.W.Prather. OrTICE SOCTH SIDE OF XINTH Street, oppoaiu Us Star Bakery. CmlU - iumiw tuMsss a arjcuui7.' Real Estate Agents, EUGENE CITY, LA HE COUhTY, OREGON. PARTIES wishing to locate, by Pre emption or Homi .tead, upon Government Land, or to plirclia-e School or Jtsilrosdl4tn.lt, will do . ..... ii it i aimn laiiiiM EiiruiiL' ill mi. having money to inmt in property caina, Parties conreved to and from an of our .i.r .. .I,,,, n.rtui tho mmt vs.lnn.Me and. suit desirable location, from O to K sen in a body. Also vacant U. bimine. and dwelling house for tale and U rent Prtls tion pertaining to land furninhed gratis. SOME OF OURBAROAIN8. 450 seres, 12 miles from Euene on county! lof timber; rich soil, several hones and byn road: well fenced and enm fenced, 300 acrw V'Ood water and fruit, near achoul; wUl d vitt open; 400 scree rich black tandy loam. miiuble into 40. 80, 1(50 or 200 acre trscts, at $13, $1: for irraiu or hop.; two-.tory house, 3 barnj, Si'and $18 50 per acre according to location; on iwelU, runuini water all the year; 2 giodjlialf down. orchards, school nous aw yaru., gnoji out rang ee. Plenty of koo.1 timlier, mau lour lime, a week t. title l'.mkI. Price. 15 Der acre: K.000 down, balance 5 year at 8 per cent. 480 acres, IK mile, from Eugene on county road) all level, 300 acre riieu; jtimkI out rnune, two niiiuiii'' atrea'ne. imitll house, (rood barn, good settlement, excellent rane for stock, title good. Price, Mir-); 1000 cash. 400 acre. Hi mile from K'wene: all feilceil, 100 acre in cultivation; oak and btiuilier. houfce sud barn, chKi 1 mile dUtant; will llvide into 80. 1U0 or acre tracU at 811 50, $10 00 and $13 00 r acre. an. i. ...n:uft.. 1VO acres, niile tnim Migene; all tenrei, watered. gHl out let. Price. $1900; ?7(K) cnsh.acre moro easily cultivated, school and church 1!X0 acr , 7 miles fniin Eugene on county: lone-fourth of a mile, fine oak timber and a road; all fenced and all clear except 200 acre 'good .tiring. Price, $3,300; two-third dowm E. E Luckey &Co DEALERS JJV. DRUGS, PATENT PHEDIP HES, Toilet Articles, Paint. Jils, ; Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will . keep a full assortment and sell at living fixture, PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist ......SUCCESSORS To Luckey ft Bristnw at thu old Ellsworth Store. Pass books, butcher books, memo of all kinds. Ordrs taken foil spcialsize School and Miscellaneous Books. All the stairtlartl authors ly tho volume alid is sets. Juvenile books, Seaside and Waverly Library, llarpers .'' ' Magnzint's, ete. -Bible Depository For Lane County. - We have been getting a large slock of new goods and we hav everything found in a first-class Book fctore. We also have a full stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! McCORNACK &. COLLIER. StfccwMor to CALLISON. - DEALEliS IX Hardware and all kinds of AgrL cultural Implements V STORE-On Willamette Street, opposite" Guard" Officd J. DAVIS, Heneral Tailor. . 1 ALL KINDS OF WORK iONE IN THE bt of itrle at reamnahla et I'.ni. from $7 np. Shop and reside ncs 00 Olirs rtreet lietweei Suth and Seventh. FlourlFeslrs, MERUIU W & TOFFELLMIRE, Proprietors. TtTE WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE 1 f citixen. of Enene and (icinitT that w hare secured the tmilding opposite the Star Bakery, aad will keep a complete tock of Flour and Feed of all kind. V will he aWeto furnUh erery hint st the same low jnoe a. heietofore, ile Hvtl free at all timet during the ri. All onler left at tlx mill, a ill 1-e delivered' hj nK We would be tilrawl to hare yon rail and lear. ynnr order, and they will be promptly at ten.leil to. RemsoklMi th pUcay nppoaiu the Star Bkasry.-. , well to tall iipon or smuts o. a. r- wor; l ..a;u lIl.wneA V I law nwt itlistp aiHa V trie riibiiav 11 iiiniiicbtu v bmiiii ' w ICO , , , . lands free of chsr.'e. Ciitulari and inform- iuu acre., o nines iroin jitixouo m "n"y nisii; an lencen ano wvei; io mvm v'"""' h-nie and b.trn. 100 young frnft tree., near U-lll.e ailU Uhril, 1W JIMlllg irui hieva, hckl ji-hnrch and schooL Piicej $2200; oat-half 'down; will dmde into 80 acre tracts. 80 acres, 12 mile from Eugene; 8 acre, cleared l.nd fenced; comfortable houM and barn, mn jnitig water, gwd out range lay Well, easily 'clenred, title anoA. Price, $500. , I 820 acre. 13 mile, from lWenef house-!! barn, some clearing and fenciirg, . aoros hssTi timlier luilance eauily ciesred, tine running wnter and good out range; will divide into Iwrf tracts, title cloar. Price $HO0. ... ati':nail. ll fnn.l CJ aamm in AtiltJvation. 14(F 318 acre., 6 mde from fcugene oa county I V $5,000 Wanted : ' And to get it I will sell 1Vl.'r,.,1(,; 10 CM "V.tr, $1.00j! 7 lh No 1 CoU Rica coffee, $1.00: Glsss tbeautilul), 50 cU; Set Glawe., Jo cU; set sauce plate.. 25 ct: Brear and rk Plate. 20 cU; Wash Bard 55' CU; W ah tub, $1.00; Br, 25 cts, and I ' other jfood in pMportion. Ot'ALL GET PRICES, It rt;a I n in C'rorbrr fIaiNa a. coLnxniTii, , ask;rorer dellvered 10 ny ut y GO TO liffi as: Eugene CIIyr Oregon, foryoar BooU and Ph-v-fir.. Good. and will do well to call at tuu otnc as we nart aooui raw I-ow Pncs. o. ttCKWlTB SON