n Fi 1171 0 ' ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, ASD TO EARS IN IIQNEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF OCI BROW. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 18a1). NO. 25. VOL. 17. , flrif i U A x ft I. L OAMP3ELL, , P tvj '& i-- evi l Proprietor. 1 ! - ) t'n 'in1; dli of WilUnitte rwlbitf mi Jjfv'aii ail Eighth Street. tnan o? 3'j3:atpri.o.v. Par Amm.'... Six U t.ii'u Thrj .Mwt'.H.. ...$2.50 .... 1.2!i .... .73 . , OCR ONLY RA.TFB1 OB ADVKUTI81NO. Advertisements inserted ho follows I OA iiiive. 10 linr I us, one insertion $3 j olulwiaeat 'noii.uB $L Cash require J in dv-jirt. , Ti ni almrtUari will be charged at the fol- One t'ire3 month 80 (Hi " ait muth 8 00 one year. It 00 Tumi dent ntice in local column, 20 cents per lias for eash insertion. AJvertuin; bill will be rendered quarterly. All job wn-k n'ist h ruo rim o iifmvsrt. fa Riram Loona So II. A, F. Mil A. H. Meets tint and third We Inesdays in each month. ' ' ' Knur. Bom T-ODOK No. 9 I. O. .OVS? " . . 'v.. a ;n v waTiir TumiUt treninv. mU oa the ll and 4th Wednesdays in eacn roouvu. ' Eouixs Lodoe, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meet at Masonic Hall the second and fourth Fridays in each uiontlu j. M. Sloan. M. W. KarmioK Post, No. 40. d. A R.-Meets t Masonio Hill. t!i first and third Fndvvs of ash month. By order. Commander. Obdss or Chosss Friends. Meets the rtt and third Saturday evenings at Masonic HalL By ordar of Ji M. Sloan, G C. Butts Looss No. 337. I. O. G. T. Meets Tery Sitardiy ni0lit in 01 1 Fellow HalL ' . E. 0. Potter, W. C. T. . Lkawms Star Band or Hope -Meets at the P. Churoh every Sun iiy afternoon at 3:30. Hutun. Sunt; Mim Bertha Cook, Ast Bunts Chai. Hill, Seo'y, Mif Htttie Smith, Ckaalain. Visitors mude welcome. U BILYEU. C H. COLLIER. BILYEU "fc COLI-IEU; Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,- EUGli-VR CITV, OREGON. TUACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF L tlii Suite. Will give special attention to colleoti'im and probate matter. Office- -Over Heiulric'-t & Eakin's bank. PHI R Attorns 'j and Counsellor-ai-Law, VVLh PRCTICE IX THE COURTS V of the Sicond .luliciil District and in Li S i(reine Co.irt of thu Sute. Snjoial attention given to collection! and mattdri in prolate G3J. S. a3h'3Jm) Attorncy-at-Laiv, urjJExa crrv, - - orkoon Onice formerly occupied by Thompson k Bean. 8,c3 GEO. M. MILLER, A.ttorn37 ani Couas3lloat-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGEXE CITY", - OREGON. OFFICE Two doore north of Post Office. J. E. FENTON, Attornoy-at-B-aw. JSUGEXECITY - OREGOX. Special attention iven t Real EsUte Trao tied and Abstracts of Title. OrncK Over Granje Store. T.W. HARMS, M.D. 'Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE ' Wilkin's Drue: Store. ILiidence on Fifth street, where Dr Hhelton formerly resided. Dr. Wm Osborne, O.fcaAJjDinus.St Charles Hotel, -08 AT mi ff Dial 8I32S OP HATE3 and LUCKE7 DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, rikS BE FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or re. Vyidenoe when not proiessiuuauj "o-o Otfic at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Keddence on Eighth street, opposite Presby riaa Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER W Clicks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc, Repairing Promptly Executed, f j-All rrk Warranted. J&i J.S. LUCCKV, " tasTrtb I Ce's Brick WOlametU street. IB A' GENERAL 111 III A large assortment of La dies and Cfdldrens Hose at I J c Good DrMS Goods at 12o Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of eiv and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CL02IIING. Liberal Discount for CASH. MWiMaiia a al) f OSa: AM) JL. SCHUOL HUUSt.3, whose iutereHU are T-aATIMlXIKTIIEMEX WHOHJiLPT jieud their prohU at home. J ake notice mat- A. V. Will eell goods for CASH at greatly reduced prices, as low as any Other CASH STORE. Best Prints lb and 18 yards $1 00 Rest Brown and Bbached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cts. . Clarks and Brooks spool cotton 7S cts per Doz. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35: 43 and 50 cts. Water Proo , cents Fino White Shirts. 75 cts and $1. And all Other Coods Also the Celebrated W I TK S'E'rVINGr MAOHliXJil Xone better for strength, size, and durability), j&-Tomy old Customer, who have stood by tsrms as heretofore on tiras, but if at any time nil m a. iti.nm th I ii 1 1 rrmiit nn inv reaucnun .itj OR 01 Goods sold as in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Prduce. Call and See S. H. Friendly. Harness Shop. HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8th 8TRE west of Grain Bros'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the liQWEST RATES. The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to 1I whjnia favcr me with a call. A. .CURRIE. DOTS III 111.11 I Trimm' ' ''' . ' at ins in all sha es. ' . Moireantiqae ilk& Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place BOOTS and SHOES ;nall grades- GH.WE11ES of all descriptions. CRKB3CT, iUILDYOUR BUIDUES. KUA1JS AINU your interests I Are permanently located and PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 ets and L New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15, 20 and 25 cts. Mens' .T'l lv i in. Shirts and Drawers, 50 ct Mens' Overshirts. 75 cts. and 81. Mens' Overalls, 50, Co, 7b cts and 81. Embroideries and Edging at Fabulous Low Prices. at Proportionate Rates. At greatly reiiuoeji rates. me so ling, I will continue t- sell on same they wish to make CASH purchases, I will give 5 bw as an Hous, 0111 -,1' rtriciiy for Eurutlnj Crlminnli. A fHv yenrn ago tlirre appeared m Ibi'M columns an arliula lUgfstin the aulwtitutiou of electricity for the acaf folJ a:.l ropo in tho execution of OfiiHinalx. A number of letter, on the Duhj'-ct followed our editorial, and, if recollect aright, soveral patents Wre granted on appliances for acooni pIMiinjj the object. 1 ; : The achjiH't Ims come up again 'by' Governor Hill, of Now York, an'onj if "Science of tltt present day cannot provide a nieaiia of taking the, life of such an are condemned to die, in a loan burbarous manner!" To whiuh tlie Electric Keiew, replies: "What mote scientific niPthod can be devised than the application of electricity as an executioner! Persons who have read the series of Inter views with electrical exports which have recently appeared in this journal (Tim llcview) must have observed that an electrical current of 1,000 volts is considered the maximum which the human syht-'n can receive without fatal results, whereas the wires which feed the lamps with which our streets are h"lirnl carry a current of 2,300 volts. How simple a process it. would be to connect the place of exeou tion in the Tombs with the system tf electrical street illiiminttion, so that electricity couhl lie made the execu tioner of murde'ers! The criminal would be placed in a cluir, with the head bound back ng.tinst a bulb at the end of the wire through winch the fatal shock' would be communicated, and it would be possible to furnish the death seat with an nutomatio attach. ment so that the execution could be etFectod at a iven moment by the action of a clock-liku apparatus , and without the .ust movement of the hand of the ellicer, charged with the infliction of the death penalty. 'What more scientific method than the one here proposed 0111 be devised! Death would Se instantaneous and perfectly pvuless, while at tho same time tho awfulnesa of the penalty thu inflicted would be profoundly impress ive."-Soientitio American. Children Pitcher Mother Lie and riiyslolema roooxnmond It. IT 13 KOT'RARCOTIJ. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; tho 'World's great Taln-Kc-llcvlngr remedies. They heal, soothe, and cure Burns, Wounds, AYcak Back and Rheumatism upon Blan, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness jtpoa Coasts. Cheap, quick and reliable 35 EPTJRT3 cf dlicnstinc Mucn., SnulM. Crackling Pains la tho Head, Fetid Ereath, Eoofness, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can le exterminated If Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Core, m Consti tutional Antidote, fcy Absorp tion. The most Important Sis cover sine Vaccination. OsULEB 1 Croceris Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Candles, Cigars, Candies, hoap laps, Notions, Green and Dried r niita, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a 'cask basis- Which means that Low Prices are Established Coodi dtlircred wilhont charge to Enjei ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Yr whish w will pay the hlgWt market Stic. JA3.UTAII w 11 I I, . I'Hil The Qaarrin of Carrara. The marble used by most of the sculptors in Italy, and preferred to any other by artists thrt world over, comes from the famous quarries of Carrara, Italy. A correspondent of the Balti more Sun gives the following interest ing account of his visit to the quarriei He spent several days at Carrara, and, according to his statement, there are some 6,000 men at work in the quar rier, and there are 100 studios of sculpture at Carrara, 63 sawmills, and 25 polishing wheels, which brighten dull marble and smooth tho slight fortunes of some 400 plodding workers. The hewing of rough rocks, huge in their proportions, is something ap. preaching the marvelous here. The men are hoisted to the hoight of some 700 feet a'tove the level of the quarry, and up aloft excavate colossal lumps of marble. Each gang, or the foreman of the gang, goes down with and on the lump as it is swung by derrick ropes out into the air and swiftly brought to mother earth. One of thtse Italians will sing in lusty tones, "Viva, viva Garibaldi," from his dizzy eminence, and suddenly appear below where you are standing, his bright, big black eyes full of un equaled expressiveness and his white tenth glittering lietween unapproach able smiles-the imlienable gifts of these people-and sav, "Ah, signore, will you go up with me again!" just as if it were a perfectly ordinary feat. The free, easy, and primative style of this Carrara flying-trapeze work makes it appear doubly dangerous. Hun- diedsof accidents occur every year, Children scarcely out r-t their swad dling clothes work amid the glare and dust of this lovely white marble, and die with sore- ryes and stilled lungs. The food is dry bread, a raw onion, and dirty water.,1,. It U the only place in Italy where wine is not drunk. Worn out by ihsessant, severe toil, these oeoDle. insuflicienllv f 'd, fall into it' dissipation, violence and crime, dying like dogs, and leaving on the white marble the sweat of their . wrotched lives. We see none of this under the hand of art. - ' . Fully $800,000 worth of marble goes out annually from these quarries, the bulk of it to France. The price of it varies according to its beauty, The first quality is priced at 00 to 80 per square meter at the seaport. This is what we term statuary marble. The socond quality is priced at $45 to 862, and the spotted at $.30 to $59. Then comes pure white, but not statuary marble. The price is $50 per square meter. The second quality is $35, and the third ib $30. Th? veined marble brings on the first quality $50, and on second quality $35. Violet-huud mar ble brings $70 to $100 per square meter. These are the ordinary tariffs, and on them the profits are absurdly high before quarry. the marble loaves the The remains of James Murray was found recently on the farm of L P. Henderson near Dufur. The last known of the deceased was during the storm when he left Kingsley, where he had been stopping at the request of Mr. H. M. Baxter. Ueforo leaving he imbilted considerable liquor and took a bottle of whisky with him. It is supposed on his route home to his cabin, which was situates! in the woods some distance from any dwelling he Imcame intoxicated and fell into the fatal sleep. Justice Menefee held the inquest, and the lody was burwd in the Kingsley cemetery. If I was dead and gone, and you had another wife, you'd find out how gentle and patient, and forgiving I've been you'd see then how I've endured and put up with things!" You ve no immediate attention of giving me this opportunityr "No, sir! I hope I am a Christian as well as a roarjyr, and I've too much sympathy for the othor, wo mari." ' In proposing by letter to a young lady an Indianapolis lawyer borrowed a formula from a liook on etiquette, The young lady learned the source of fie inspiration of his pen, and by way of reply used the formula prescribed in the same book for a declination. 1 Lively Corpie. The colored people of Valdosta, Oa., are somewhat mystified over the irreg' ular proceedings of a corpse, which rvfused the decent burial with which they were complimenting it. Craw Duncan had been for years a leader la colored politics, hut he never took to religion. A few days ago ho became violently ill, and going to bed, he was duly beset by weeping sisters and zealous preachers, but all to no purpose. When the time canio he died and a large number of friends gathered to pay the latt tribute to his memory. As is the custo n among colored people, they sang over his body all night, The weird music that floated over the adjacent forest that night struck responsivo chord in the liosoms of the owls of the hasser note and they joined in the refrain. About midnight a littlo bird flitted in one door and out of the other. This caused the assemblage to go on its knees, when the leader declared that "aperita could not harm 'ligious folks," and the singing was resumed. When daylight came the .weary watchers detailed ono squad to' build cntlin and another to dig the grave. The rude casket was first completed and . conducted to the proper place. It was) . put nn two chairs, facing each other, besido the corpse. Friends drew around to take a last look; pall-bearers pat . themselves in position to bear ths burden to the grave; the .coffin was held over the open grave and at a word it was let drop to the bottom. In an instant the lid went flying off ths coffin and the dead man arose and cursed with all the exuberance of a man who had worked on a canal. Tho mourners scattered in every direction, Dut the funny part of it is that they insist that he is really dead and will havo nothing to do with him. Safety is henceforth to be insured on railroads. According to the Pari Gaulois, an apparatus has just been invented which is simply astounding, for with it the traveler need no longer fear any accident. .This apparatus1 permits the employe charged with the duty to see in a mirror the entirs section of the road he is to control, with all the trains in motion, and he knows at every instant just exactly where each train ia When one of them approaches another at a distance which is dangerous, he can immediately signal the menaced train. The appara tus consists of a sheet of opaque glass, on which the rails are indicated by horizontal lines and the stations by vertical ones, numbered. Little ar rows, representing the trains, move along the horizontal lines. These are put in motion by electricity, developed by the contact of metalio brushes attach sd to the locomotives with sino bands placed alung the rails. The train thus continually traces its trajec tory on the ((lass indicator. The ap paratus was exhibited a few weeks ago in Germany to a commission of ,Berhr scientists. 1 Japanese frami Hie Japanese dentist does not fright' en his pa:ient with an array of steel instruments. All of his operations in tooth drawing are performed by the- thumb and forefinger of one hand. Tb skill necessary to do this is only ac quired after long practice, but once it is obtained the operator is able to extract a half dozen teeth in about thirty seconds without once removing his fingers from the patient's mouth. The dentist's education commences with the pulling out of pegs which have mien driven into an oak plank with, a mallet. A writer in the Union Med icate savs that no human jaw tan re sist the delicate but powerful manipu lation of the Japanese dentist West Virginia is in an uproar bet cause a forty five year old man 1W married an eleven jfear old girl It ia statod that the bride was bought from her father, and that the marriage is not only void, but that the father and hus band can be imprisoned, or even hanged under the laws of the Etste. Savannah Newa Mra Dudley, who shot O Donovan Rofita, is a devout Catholic