The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 17, 1885, Image 7

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II Wm Her Coucliiiimi, ami tier's Onljro
(, Hur-h HaiilncH."
Some WL'kn nro tli;re appareii in
oclety here a handsome younstrangiir.
well dressed, polished, agreeable. Ho
represented himself to bo a member of
one of the largest banking and mining
firms in thu West, and was regarded
here as a man of groat wealth, soino.
culture, and the best Hoeiitl position..
The doors of tho best society were)
thrown open to him, ami the iridescent
glory of our beau was for tho timei
eclipse by this new luminary. Hut, al
though like the sun, he shone for all,
he soon sl.igled out "the one fair'
woman," upon whom as a focus he'
concentrated tho full force of his amor-!
ous ardor. She was one of the lovelies! !
of Rochester's beauties, one of tin) most
popular of Rochester's belle's, and lhe
daughter of one of our most wealthv
and respected citizens. Oilier lovers
had wooed her in vain, hit to him, lil.e
the suullower to her king, her whi le
being burst into . the full iWir
of love beneath- his beaming my-'
and she turned her face to h m,
and followed him loyally, tnislin. 1
followed him to thealtaVaml took tipo i
herself tho most sacred of all vows; an I
then, when the wedding cake had l.eer,
cut, and her traveling dross donned, ,-h
said eood-bve to her parents uml th
friends of her youth to the old g'r!
life which she was leaving behind km.
"good-bye," "good-bye," and cteppe
into me camnge 10 ioliow mm "aeros
the hills and far away," and all th
world over, if so ho might will. And
the carriage rolled over the gas-studded
etrcet toward the Central Depot, .she
rested upon her husband's shoulder and
pictured to herself the new home whitlic
she was going pictured a proud old
piaco uy mo western sea, with its swisli
of fountains, and its lap of lakes, and it
towering trees, and iU sumptuous inter!
or, and its grand, srrand views overlook
ing tho spires of San Francisco, and tlu
winged argosies of tho nations as thev
beat through tho (iolden Gate, and tho
Rut here the carriage stopped, and ht
hnsband getting out, assisted her tm
alight They were in front of a small,1
runao iu uiu neignuornoou iornieny
known as the Wakelee farm, in the out
skirts of tho city; and, placing his arm
gently around her, ho led her to tho
floor. "Why aro you stopping here,
Frederick?" she asked, in bewilder-i
ment. "Ibis, my darling, is our future
home, ho replied, tenderly but trium
phantly, as ho pushed the door open and
entered me scantily lurnislied domicile.
"Frederick! F-r-e-d-e-r-i-c-k! What
do you mean?"
"I mean, my sweet," drawing her
closer to him, and smiling happily as ho
hjjuku, in it son voice, "i mean uiai I
am not a banker that 1 am not rich
that I am not a Western man, nor
California,! that "
"Sir!" coldly, and drawing haughtily
irom mm.
"Rut that I am a coachman!"
"0, Frederick, you delicious old darl
ing, you!" and she rushed into his arms
mid buried her face on his shirt bosom,
langliing hysterically for iov.
"Yes, my dear, I am a coachman and
have been one ever since I have been
anything almost. You see, I felt a long
ing for love, for true, true love. Many
proud and wealthy maulens smiled on
me, but I feared that they cared not for;
me, but for my position; and so I re.-
solved to disguise myself as a rich swell
and to seek some woman who would
love me for myself alone and not because
1 was a coachman. And now, my dear,
that I have found her, I throw off all
disguise and am a coachman onco more
your coachman, and yours only."
"(), Frederick; you dear, dear old
Frederick! How noble, how generous
you are; And to think that 1 ever
should bo a Coachman's wife! I never,
never dared to dream of such happiness
for poor little me! Hoctester Linon.
The Lapps in Summer.
Tho Lapps seemed to consider tho in
terior of their houses somewhat stuffy'
on a summer night, for they were all,
lying in tho open air, wrapped in thoir
rugs of reindeer skin men, women and1
children, and the old grandmother of all
the Lapps. The men wear tight trous
ers and jackets of untanned leather, asl
- .I . . .ii it .. I
uo aiso ine cntiuren, aim uie women,
have a sort of blouse of the same1
material, stopping above tho knees, their1
legs being swathed in cloth, bound witli,'
long strips of leather.
They are a very unprepossessing race
of quaint, eltish-looking little creatures,!
with straight, sandy-colored hair, small
gray eys. The men have stubby mous-j
tactics, suggestive of a retired tooth
brush. They are all undersized, thei
averajro height of the men being five!
feet and the women four and a half.
When the others had departed to yrvk
the reindeer, wo made friends with a
woman who was by herself in a smalll
grass hut, and who very proudly ex-f
hibitcd her new-born baby a queer lit4
tie creature, with a yellow, leathery-'
leaking face. The babies are strapped
oi to boards, ami so carried on the ma-
' Ulrnal back, after the manner of tho In
dian papoose. CasscWs Magazine. i
Tho Story of an Egg. j
' ' Of an iron egg in the Berlin MusewJ
the following story is told: Many years!
ago a prince became aflianeed to a lovely'
princess, to whom he promised to send.
a magnificent gift as a testimonial of
bis affection. In due time the niessen
ger arrived, bringing the promised gift,!
which proved to be an iron egg. The
princess was so angry to think that the
prince should send her so valueless a
present that she threw it upon the floor,
when the iron egg opened, disclosing at
silver lining. Surprised at such a dis
covery, she took the egg in her hand,
and while examining it closely discov
ered a secret spring, which she touched
and the silver lining opened disclosing.
a golden yolk. Examining it closely!
she found another spring, which when
opened disclosed within the golden yolk
a ruby crown. Subjecting that to an ex-l
amination she touched a spring and forth!
came the diamond ring with which he!
affianced her to himself. Chicago Inlet
Louisiana th Mont Cosmopolitan Slate on
tli Continent.
If the great World's Industrial and
Cotton Centennial Exposition was lo
cated in New Orleans for no other
reason, tho widely diversified and cos.
mopolitan character of its Inhabitants
would ba reason enough. Not in any
other city on this continent are as many
nations and peoples gathered together,
maintaining thoir national Individual
characteristics, and at the same timo
blending as part of a generous Ameri
can citizenship.
Whilo Germany and Great Britain are
largely in excess ol all other national!
lies, trance is not lar behind in point
oi inuiK'nce, nnu tneso three form tin
controlling sentiment in our foreign
born element and aro notably powerful
in local pontics. Jn our census re
turns, however, there aro no blanks.
Any nation that has representation i
any State of tho Union is represented
here. Settled by tho French a litll
more than a ceutury and three-quarters
ugo, Louisiana early absorbed lar
numbers of German and Spanish, am
hast and West India people. Her Ger
man coast and lake and Bavoit des A!
lemands bear testimony to the stayin
qualities of tho former. The Spaniards
have vividly impressed their individual
uy upon tho most permanent of ourpas'
century development, while all over tho
Male, Irom La Chinch to Rarataria
still exist the groups of people, close
keeping and isolated, who attest tho
tenacity of tho latter s growth when
transplanted upon our soil.
A largo Italian colony, manv thou
snnus strong, monopolize the retailin
of nui and fruits. Austrian., Turks
and Greeks by the hundreds haunt our
waterways and gulf coast, our lisbin
banks and our oyster reefs, where tho
Chandalours doubtless remind them of
their own archipelago on the island
dotted of the Western Adriatic,
1 he t anary Islanders of St Bernard
divide thoir time between gnrdenin
and fishing. The Frenchmen from the
Pyrenees tho Gascons are the meat
sellers of the markets. The red si"iis
of the industrious Chinese washermen
are conspicuous in a hundred places in
the city, lhe colony of ChoctaWs from
ineir tritml commune across the hiko,
in St lammany, supply the marki
with baskets and bend-work and herbs
and medicine roots. Perhaps the only
well-kept Greek Church on tho conti
nent is maintained here by the Russian
coiony, wnere strangers aro welcomed
with tho traditional hospitality of thi
faithful people. Of Mexicans, Cubans
and Central and orlh Americans,
many nundrcus. hero aro our cigar-
makers and sellers. A Malay colony
was pianieu on the snores ol liaratarm
Ray many years before tho war. They
live by themselves under their own
strict rules, knowing no law and violat
ing none, selling lish to the city
mamem, and comiortaolo in their bain
boo-thatched cabins built after the
model of those of thoir ancestors
thousand years ago.
" Representatives of the most enlight
ened of these nations have their social
and benevolent organizations tho Brit
ish, French, Spanish, Italian, Porta
guese, Knssinn, Gorman, Scandinavian
etc. and will bo prepared to extend
to their fellow-countrymen a sineeru
and hospitable welcomo as they come
hither to attend the reposition. No
ono can cumo hero from abroad without
the greeting of his own spoken tongue.
and tho hearty tender of hospitality's
oread and sail even though they came
from far Cathay, from frozen Greenland
or the sands of Araby.
In this connection some figures may
1. . 1 . . i rtl. .... . -
lie iiueresiing. i ne census ol J wo gives
Louisiana a population of about iMD.DOO.
ot Which there is an excess of 2,.j(K) f.
males over nules. Of this IMO.Oi.N),
I.Vi.OOi) aro vh;u. and 484,000 colored.
UI this white 4;r,000, nearly .5".IMI)
aro of foreign birth. Of this 400,1X10
white people remaining, .142.000 are na
tives of this State, leaving MAM) to be
credited to the various other States of
tho Union; l.j.OtH) of this came from
Mississippi and 10,000 from Alabama
lhe other 3:1,000 are divided among all
the other States ami Territories. Tl
aro 2,800 .New Yorkers and 1.8(H) Ohio
icople. Massachusetts, Indiana and
llinois each has UOO, Alaino 300. New
Hampshire and Vermont a trifle over
100 each, and so on. The children of
these States domiciled in IHiisiana,
and part of her proud and loyal citi
zenship are already forming their State
associations to welcome hither and
care for the people of the places of their
The Exposition will bring to New Or
leans for the first time in their lives
hundreds of thousands of people to
whom all our wavsare new and strange
--people to whom this is a veritable Kl
Dorado, full of marvelous sweetness of
climate and temperature, and of un
bounded wealth of agricultural and in
dustrial possibilities. They will bo
charmed at tho social harmony of our
community, its complete unity of pur
poses and interests, and yet astonished
mat ineir ideas nnd tonguo in every
language spoken 'in tho known world.
All nations will find a welcoming voice
in familiar tones. Everv hillside of
New England and every Western prai
rie has its representatives bidding wel
come, and all dwelling happily togeth
er in a community where each main
tains for all others the most complete
freedom of thought and action, render
ing too happy ever to go away from it
the dwellers in this golden Southland
of perennial summer. Cor. Louisville
- George Kern-, a school-teacher of
Reading. Pa., woed. won, and resolved
not to marrv Mks Isabella Schlasmer,
a prepossessing voung miss of the same
city. Recently Mr. Kerry was informed
that he was heir to a large est.ite in the
old country. Isabella heard of the
B.hool-master's sudden wealth, and k
occurred to her that she needed a littla
something to heal her lacerated heart.
Accordingly she brought suit against
Mr. Kerry for $1,000, a very small sum
by the way, for breach of promise. Her
case being a very strong one, tho jury
awarded her the required money.
tittsburqh I'ost.
A Nanaimo (B. C) man applied to
the operator at that place, a day or two
ao, to have a three-pint bottle of med
icine sent by telegraph.
Thirty Chinese attend a mission
ehool : j Walla Walla, W. T.
Laura Sanliorn has taught a school
for forty-three veiirs in Alv:iiuli-l.'i. V
II., and adjoining towns. Huston Jour-
Sewing Is to bo taught in Phila
delphia's public schools, with eleven
teachers for 7.W0 grU. Philadelphia
Mr. Spurgeon employs six secre
taries two at the parsonage study, two
u mu laDcrnauio ,and ! -,Aat the Col
lege. One is a shouhituJYeporter.
There are in the New Testament
more than six hundred instances in
which expressions have been incorpo
rated into it from the Old Testament.
Indiana is the only State reported
in mo minutes or the liutieral Assembly
in which Prcsliyt,. -;a,ij,jm in l0,t
ground during the past year. Indian
ijKdts Journal,
Tho Danish Lutherans of America,
wi hav hitherto belonged to the Nor
v :;i;ui Conference, have recently de
cided at a meeting held in Omaha, Xcb,
to constitute a svnodieal body for them
The free text-book experiment in
Massachusetts is said to be n success,
It h as resulted iu n larger attendance
in the schools, and it is more econom
ical thau tho old system. Boston
Tho Christadelphians havo existed
as a sect in JJiitliilo for about eighteen
years, during which timo weeklv ser
vices have been held asnong members
until recently at their various houses,
Tho members at present number less
than a dozen. liujjalo Express,
The Emperor William, rough old
soldier as he is, believes in education
not less than in the power of the sword,
Ho has just opened a vast school, the
new Polvtechiiicum. close to tho city of
Berlin. The school is capable of ac
commodating 2,000 students und is com
plete in all its appliances, as well as
gorgeous m its decorations and archi
tecture, lhe aged sovereign wishes to
see all his subjects well educated, that
they may bo the more useful to uer
With polar bears nt $1,000 each
and ostrich eggs at $120 a dozen, it is
no wonder the tramp can t save money
;.,...- i;,...,. ...
Cream cures sunburn on some com
plexions, lemon iuieo is best on others,
and cold water suits still others best. It
is nlso well to use soap occasionally.
Arkan.ww Traveler.
Several people will bo mad to learn
that -'0,000 human beings can stand on
an acre of ground. Some folks tickle
themselves with the idea that they take
up ai least ten square ieet.
A Chinaman has run away with
viiieago man s who. "iiiais tiio de
graded meanness of a Chinaman," ob
serves Robert J. Burdette; "he 11 steal
anything rather than walk up and ask
ior it.
before ottering to ring tho street
car bell for a lady about' to get off look
closely at her right hand. It she wears
a diamond ring and you null the strap
she will be your enemy for life. De
troit free rresn.
"Is a woman capable of fillin? an
office?" asks nu exchange. Sho is. A
woman has just been inquiring after
some rejected manuscript in this oluuo,
and she filled it completely for the time
Demg. uurunqion tree rress.
"You Americans," said anF'nglish-
man to n young lady, "have no ancestry
to which you can point with undo."
mat is very true," sho assented.
'Most of our ancestors came from lang
uid, you know." X. Y. Independent.
A banana skin lay on tho grocer's
floor. "What aro you doing there?'
asked the scales, peeking over tho edge
of tho counter. "O, I'm lying in wait
for the grocer." "Pshaw!" said the
scales, "I've bteu doing that for years."
ii- ! -. .. nit .
luismngwn uaienei.
It was in a restaurant. A big man
and a little man stood side by side.
'Gimme tho salt, please," said the little
man. "1 in not tho waiter," said the
big man in a surly tone. "Excuse
mis" was tho retort. "It was a mis
take any ono would havo made."
I'utsbu rgh Ch ro n tele- lelcgra pli .
'til n . .
tno lonowing advertisement re
cently appeared: "Being aware that it
is indelicate to advertise for a husband.
refrain from doing so; but if any gen
tleman should be inclined to advertise
for a wife I will answer tho advertise
ment without delay. I am vouiip hnn
a good figure, nm domesticated and con-
idered ladylike. Apply, etc." C'Ai-
cago Tribune
Definitions by children: Ice, water
that staved out in the cold and went to
sleep; dust, mud with the juice squeezed
out; Ian, a thing to brush warm oil with;
sob, when a fellow wants to cry and it
bursts out itsell; wakefulness, eyes all
tho time coming unbuttoned; chaos, a
great pile of nothing, and no placo to
put it in. These aro all actual savings
of children.
"Jeptha," asked Mrs. Jones, .who
was writing a letter home, "how do you
spell sign?' "S-i-n-c," answered Jones,
who always spells by sound. "I thought
there was a g' in it somewhere," re
marked Mrs. Jones doubtfully. "That
would make sing of it. S-i-n-e spells
"That's so," said Mrs. Jones
proudly, and wrote, home that her hus
band "had a new sine painted for his
store. Detroit Free Press.
Utilizing Solar Heat.
Certain ingenious Parisians are ex
perimenting with an apparatus for util
izing solar heat and using it in lieu of
coal. To effect this the sun's rays are
concentrated by a reflector, which so
moves as to keep the rays focused on a
vertical boiler, which U thus heated.
producing steam enough to drive a
press. In a recent experiment the sun
made steam drove a largo press, which
struck off several thousand copies of a
specimen newspaper. Parties interested
in thus obtaining tho cheapest attain
able heat profess themselves as well Bat
tled with the first test, and are in Inch
hopes of soon being able to general
earn without coal or any other mun
dane tcL Albany Journal.
The nnmber of convicts In the Georl
oui jirihun eauiuaieu ai
Young and middle nged men tuflVrlnp
irom nervous tiebllity. premature old ace,
loss of meinnry, and kindred symptoms,
should send three letter stamua for laive
illustrated treatise suKKestingHure menu
oi cure. oriu niitpensarj Medical As
suciaiion, liuuaio, . x.
The pet aversion of a Japanese is the
one ui ueing Durieu ai sea.
P AT A Ul!l! A K!,l,.
ft permanent cure Is effected In from one to
tiiic-v t'l'uiauuuii, i arui'uiani aim irea-
& Son, 305 Ktmt street west, Toronto, Can.
In "frm'ii'ji Jlrmirhinl Tr.i. h.
were introduced, and from that time their
success in tolds. toughs, Asthma and
jiroucnuiH lias ueun unparalleled.
If you wants, handsome photograph go
io me only in-xt-clasH gallery In 1'ortla
Abell & Son, li Washington street.
Mksslts. Kvonv Xr fi Slru- V..l,iun,l
please II ml live dollars for which please
wim ine mm oozt'U 1UA.UU.M) LA.
i ahum iu'..wr.u l . j ins is uot for mv-
Kelf. tlllt fur Atll..l (lal-tluu I lint-a
mvself with jour DIAMOND CATA1UUI
J. HALL. Saii AiuIi-lau Pol
Price Wc per bottle. For sale by Hodge.
'mo u. iu, v. J. I lUlllliHT KIO, aUU
LiarKe, woodard & Vo.t Portland, Or.
Palmer & liey, Type Founders and Press
Dealers, ;iiAr niecml quotations on Type
and Printing Material to Purchasers in
the Northwest. Nos. Hi and 114 Front
street, Portland, Orrgou.
A CA It l. To all wuottre nuiterlnK from r-
rura HiicnimiDcreiioin or youth, norvuus weak
newt, early decay, lou of manhood, etc., I will
send a recipe that will cure you, FHKK OK
CHAItUK. This Kreat remedy xva discover!
or a imtMionary iu south America. Bend stilf
addresscd envelope to lUv. JostaH T. Lnman.
HtatioD U, New York.
This medicine, combining Iron with r-me
vegetaNs tonics, nuh'kly and completely
t'urra lyaprpln, ludltc-Minn, U pnkiinis
Impure Itloml, .)lnlurlu,( lillliaiid Fever,
ana Nruraliiln.
It Is a unliitlinir remedy for Diseases of tho
Khlarya and l.lvcr.
It is invulunlile for Mxt-sscs peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
It docs not Injure the tcetli, cause headuelie.or
produce constipation olhn Jrnn mtylittnet o.
Uenri.'hesand purities the Mood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the aKsimllatlon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Kelehliig, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, &c, it has no equal.
ti- The genuine has above trade mark and
croaked red lines on wraper. lake no other.
Bui. wilj kr lllums MKl IL CO, StlTWOKK, ID.
Bronohiti8, Influenza, Asthma,
8oi.ii y aix Druggists run Fiftv Cunts.
J. It. ii As :N A CO. Proprietor.
417 8an8-.hi Atreet. San Franoisot,
Tho experience in the tn-slmtnt of Cancer with Swift's
Specltlo (H.8.H.) would seem to warrant iu lnssjlnf that
it win cure this much dreaded oiurte. lVr&uaa to
afflicted are invited to correspond with, us,
I believe Swift's SpeclSo has saved mf life. I bad vir
tually lent iue of Ui uirner uart of niv hodv aud mt
arms irom tne poisonous ttirecu ui a large cancer on my
neck, and from which 1 had sutfured for twenty years,
S. S. S. lis relieved sse of all soreuess. and the pelson
u neuig mroeu out ol my system. I will soon he well.
n . ik ttonisoN , uavisnoro, us
Two months aorj mv attention wee sailed to the eeae
ot a woman attUcted with a cancer on her shoulder at
least Sve iuchus in circumfereuoe, anfry, painful, aud
:iTint uie iwuent no rent nay or nifnt I r sis nwinuia
obtained a aunnlv of Hwlft's HueeiAa fur her. Hhe hu
taken 5 bottles and the ulcer is entlrelv healed en. nnlv
a very small scab remaining, and her health Is better
uiaa lor s years pan; seems to be perfectly cured.
I have earn remerkehle results firnn nu M flwirt'a
Slieetho on a rejienr. A vmni mui hra V, iu.u..
afflicted five years with the must aii(ry-lookui( eatlu
wwibw t ever saw, atiu wee nearly aeau. i ne arst bot
tle mule a wonderful ahange, and after Ave bottlee were
saiuu, ue is nearly or quite welL Jtu truly wonderful
m. r. vuuHLzr, n. v., onietnorpe, (,,
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
Tin flwirr firimne Co.. Drawer S Atlanta. Oa
N. Y. Onlce. 159 W. 33d St., bet. 6th and 7th Aveuues.
One Favorite IllliKlrifteil IHi-tlonarr. ninlaln-
ln :i'.'.W) wonlic 1 four-bluded lien knife: 1 tine
Kold-platcd shirt stud; 1 set (ro'd-pluU-d bn-aat
pin aim ear drops; i pair (foia-pluteil collar but
tons: I line rolled xold watch cliuin: 1 nairsold
stono sleeve buttons; I heavy (Iret-iHiiKold wed
ding rliitf. and a wiH-kly fmiilljr Journul three
months-all artli les iiumcd sent to any addreas
IKwipaia inrai.wr. uhiiicuoii iruaranteed.
Addrewi. II. M. DANIELS, 1'ulilixiicr, illoumliiK
Prairie, Minn.
TWs RR.T er "ecenem
UT b mute eipreeeiy for
the cure of derena-cments
of the generative orvaiia
There Is no mistake aoont
this Instrankut, the eon
tlitnous stream of II.EO
TKIOITY permo.Mn'
throcgh tha parts rnesf
, 4 Pi, usp i mwre wiem w nniuii
. '"O (A JU mr , I actloo. Do not confound
I XZyXTfXS ilV tnie with faiioie Belts
Kbotrlo Belt Cu. iU VV aihnWB St., cLkmto, IU.
I bftf prMiu v rmx1 1 fir th sbov dlMwi ; b Its
sUkBdlns: hsve been rured. Indee-I. oo strung Is Br fstta
ihoanftodaof CMoi in wont ktud md of totti
tefrt ber with a VsLCAUI.K THkATISSeu tills disease
cerv.lhat I wl I i-n,! TWO MOTTLES fHKB.
iitt. T. A. SUx-'t a.l.l t-.erlSL, 'sw Terk.1
N. P. N. U. N .7.-8. f. S. V. No. 131,
j BrJpJ jl i
l-l l-l i-i i-i ii i ribaf- m
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powilor nover varlea A marvel of purltv,
etreiuitli and huleaiiienHS, store economic at than
the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in oaupcti.
tlou with the multitude of low test, short aeltiht,
alum or ptiusphnto piwdcm. Hold euly in cans.
ItovAL lUkivu I'uwusa Co., PO Vall stnvt, tl. V.
These Bulkles are
mads trout 48 to 68
pounds, and to 0t
any horse, and are
used by all tha best
trainers and drivors
n the country. Also
by Ex. 0ov. Lelnnd
Stanford and othora
of California.
Brawn's Patent
Price, 1188 OO.
Bosln, 0 extra.
Affcntn. ... Nan Franrlaro. t'al.
Miscll Gold Medal
Hav lialr. Largest
Factory In tne tstate
The) most wonderful Cur
ntlve) Acent Id the world.
l-'ull l'ower licit, for Lady or Gentleman, price io.
Cures without tho aid of Medlcino
Ccncral Debility, Nervous I'rnstmllon.Klicumntisnl
Seminal Weakness, L)ysieniu, Female Weaknesn.
bale Headache, lnsipicnt Cularrli. Inslpient Con
sumption, I amo Hack, and many other diseases,
n I" I Hp J'"' I"1 tlcuUrs ami ('l, iH in al.lrets
I aoic peopaiSToea,
" 330 Slitter St.. 8nn FmnrUcrt.
t Warranted to rolie-
euro Heart DiseadA
L I I uieu a
Riiit Parlor Poloin? Eeds sV"
. ... . Av1 -ir . I '
Kloiinu an J Conv It tju t
fnrUi u. 'i.r.'fltV";.;
.t. til IK. St.'tA .Vfti-'.-',...
"- L" .11- ,-S-irflr',
1 1 in. .-;-- i
nJlorCaw uU9 1
5 Ttr.V"
If. II. 5ro. Iftnnrl ISHccond V.
KrUbllthsd issl, Ish number ronlsln, ovsr IPO sTertbMneeei
oflhlMe snd (,bU wsntlaf rt.MunU. Hs-npl, r,t, iim,
Sim. Aajm.HIUIll IlANH. Cbkiu,lll. N.I.. UJapsies.
1ST shH0lO.DfBUin .' -'T !J"'1 ?!!
U.nnUU ullUt Ih. krintum. Ii feel tka usia kaSHcitsI C4M
CJ7IALX UUXBIAli AQIHC7. ISO rultia St., Ml Tut
L dyeSL
iLEl rilO-VOLTAJO BELT and other Ki.irTBio
J Am.uicn are sent on DO Days' Trial TO
ES ONLY. YOtlkia OR OLD. who are suffer.
fSVK-ii.iL.I lsrrkk.l
injr from Nsavoes DuirMn. Lost Vitsiht,
Wtsriria WrsKsrHHUi. snd nil those illsesseiof a
rrriwiSAL Natuse, resultlnir from AeesKS Hid
OTHta Oiosn. Rpeedjr relief anit mmplots
restoration to TlrALTH, Vioos and Mash mid
HtJkHiKTr.rn. Bend at onuo tor Ulusir.tted
ramublet free. Address
Voltoio Belt Co., Marstall, Mich.
l Brawn's Patent
1 11111 uu
ia n in etn
If you are going to start a Paper
or Job Office, write to Palmer &
Rey for figures before purchasing
elsewhere. We sell lower than
any house on the Coast and keep
the only stock in the Northwest.
Remember, no house can undersell
us. Send for new Specimen Book.
1 12 and 1 14 Front. PORTLAND, OREGON.
Downright Cruelty.
To permit yourself and famllj to I
With sickness when It can be prevented
and rured no eaally
With Hop Bitters!! I
Having experienced a (treat ileal ot
"Trouble!" from Indigestion, so much
so that I cotiie near lotting my
lift I
My trouble always came after eating any
However llirlit
And dltct'etiblf.
For two or thre. hours at a t line I had
to go through the mont
Kxrruriatlng pains,
"And the only way I ever got"
"Relief 1"
Wan by throw Ing up all my stomach con
tained. No one can conceWe the pain
that I had to go through, until
"At last I"
I wan taken ! "So that for three weeks I
lay In bed and
Could eat nothing!
My HiiiVeringH were no that I railed two
doctors to give me ttomething that would
stop the pain; their
l.ll'orts were no good to me.
At laht I heard a good dual
"Alwut your Hop Hitters!
And determined to trv them."
Uot a bottle in four hours I took the
contents of
Next day I w as out of bed, and have net
seen a
Hour, from the same caue since,
I have recommended it to hundreds of
others. You have no sueh
"Advocate as I am." Geo. Kendall,
Allsion, lloston, Mans.
Columbus Advocate, Texas, April 21, '(3.
Dear Kditor: I have tried vour Hop Bit
ters, and find they are good for any com
plaint. The best medicine I ever used in
my family. II. Talknku.
WNone genuine without a bunch ef in-ceo
llmul on th uvMfa lohnl Ul.,.n ull il. ll
sonous stulT with "Hop" or "Hops in Uieir
XI No HQaurtll
Htnmyfst, l'm tsf, He.ttantl mist iCctmum
iful in the Market.
Never Varies In Qim ty.
Itce-ininiuieleii to tiK:.('Mi;ltS by iu lr : T)J
eiuiie, t'heiniHta und nieinliers of 1 ' '3nit
l'r.lllelen ILwril ( Ilea til
rHKI'ARKIl ST tii ri
Sam e'HANL-iNi-o and Sal'KAMkn'k
say is ai lASK, Rfin Francisco aaa Port
land, AseiiU fur Decker pros., Vjecher, behnin Behr
Hros. snd the Kmerson I'Ikiiom. Also fur Mswa k
Hamlilln and the Chase Organs!. These aiendes are
selected fur merit, and represent the best In the Maiket.
Write fur deecrlptien and net prlree. 4 Headquarter
for Baud Instruments and Iluuu Hupiiliea.
O I k.1 II VV A I .Oablcr, Hoenltth I'lun-sij bunlot
Organs, bund instruments, Luiyent sUick ef Hheni
Uuslo and Hooka llamls sit -iilled at Kiwtf rn t ricea
M. UIU Y. m lorit Ktrvvt, Van r'nuHlico.
The Famous Knabe Piano
Host Piano In the world. The Popular Harring
ton, Pease and other iitnnon, and the CbiraKU
Cottage Oryuns. A. L. llHivroft k Co.. 721 Mar
kut SU, San Krancleeo t'ul.. Ueiieral Agents.
kVtll Ul Hatches all Kinds of Egg.
Vteii t; WWScSLl AUsliestrum30toUvegs.
Uihatvhatidraii.eclilekeiisiirefttaliljr. I'lrctileni f res. Ad
drees I'bTALUMA INL'l bAToU CO.. I'etaluiua .CaL
niilckly eiirwi ty tlio JIVIALLMIil lioll. AilopteO In ett
nielHlMFITAKSOKKKANI 'lk I form return of VKKJK.
BinipliT, s. i" l. Horerooni .i.iH. 1'suiplifei
SJUiale Ite-..llid Asem-JTs lOOVulUmBk.Xlaii yutit,
Imuuteuov. Ovemensltire
Uun4itliiiis, rmetatltls, Kid
ney and UladderHotBiilalnte,
IMseaeeaol tneliUxMi.Krus
tluus, and all theeTilelTwIe
uf suuthful fullies aud es-
15 s2j?2 iSl Xcwi ermanentl pre.
PPJlftlR5 JInXlnXM
X j iy.U in, howurer tin y occur,
,eMesJ fe''flng Lnst Miuihood,
nuwever ooniiuicau'ii sue
toss mar be, and where all ether rmneules hate failed,
k Permanent tare Absolutely Guaranteed.
Price MM tier bottle. or tWa battles fur 110. Bent
niien receipt of tirioe, r O.U.I)., to riiyaldrriei, strict.
lynrirate.V.y IsK. ('. I. HAl.llt.lK.
KUkrarny Hlrcct,ni I'raurl'.raial. i
Humclelit to Sho Its
merit, will oesent taauy
one ai'lilylns fc letter.
statins ayiiiirtoruesiMlse-e '
i uusuiwtiutui, smuiiy voultdeiitiaL. by ktter r at
office, FHKK.
S5a!i Rv""' ."PETAIDMA WMUm
f ICcApAGiTY j 1HM1 8tlll Ahead! 1HH
ill - n s.-..,i,i m-i.,1. i no... .n.i is
SM Fust I'remluuii
"srri lToHlr urea iiboat
jfeiet'XA 1 l,'II.Nruusoi'u CnyslaU
rftm IllsbiUty, 4essr' Vitality,
f CT .6' I M I Weakness. Virile iteeline.
0 .
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