Two LoTtri l'nlttd-By the Fed There is a boy in Altoona that should bft killed. L-wf. Sunday evf fl ing he crawled under the twfa, and when his liig water and her l'Ht young man were Kitting as cIoho together a possible, ribbed a slip knot around their feet When the old gentleman cnine into the parlor to look for his uignr stub they thought they would occupy separate pews The young man fell over the center tabln and Mary sat down on the floor, with ft two hundred pound to the inch concuiwion that dis located her adjuHtabln hanjp. The old gentleman thought that Adolphui war drunk, and hit him with bin cane nix teen times liefore he could get himself loose and fall out of the window. The match is declared off. -Altoona Sunday CalL Ellen Terry, the a.'trenH, ban had four husbands, and it is a pleaxing tribute to her gentlenenH of disposition to note that they are still alive. Jinks (after midnight): "What lovely weather we'ro bavin', el tA'.u Finka: "Yen, lovely; but (hie) I see the stoi'ln sigtinl is up." Jinks: "Storm signal! Where, ol' felT Finks; "Right up (hit) there-that light in my wife's bed-room." It aeems very probable fro .11 the action of the corporations having con trol of the 0. Si C. and C. it 0. railroad, that they propone to connect their linen during the coming Summer. The con flicting interests of the various railroad corporations contending for the control of the tranxpnrtatioiiK of I be north went and inter-ocean traffic compels suth action. Vindicator. 4k HOVir, H. C kUMNIHEY, W. T. m.T, Notary. Attorr.ey. Caehier. LANE COUHTY BANK. HdVEY, HUMPHREY it CO EUGENE CITY, - OK. received subject to check. Loan mad on approved aeviiritiea. Bitflit Draft drawn nu l'ORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Exchang drawn tu th principal Citle of Europe, Collection made 011 ll point and a general Banking buaines transacted nn avorable Urine nlJ-tf. CRAIN BROS. CMSa. malms mm. IS- Clotki, LAW :.Ji K) Wntchfi and Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watclie. Clock, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwefc corner of Willamette ad Eighth itrteti. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IS HEKEIJY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution duly iaaued out ( the Circuit Court, uf the Mate of Oregon, foe the County of Lane, by the Clerk there of, and to mo directed on to-wit: Nov 17. 1KS4. upon a judgment rendered in aaid Court Nov 13, 1884, in favor of W W lliu ton, pill, and againat Alex l)riakill, deft, lor tha auin of JjU.00, and the further an in of $20.05 onata and ilialinraeuieiita, and for the bale of the real property heretofore attached iu aaid action deaurihed aa lellowa, to-n it: The N of the doimtion land claim of Thoa L Dnaklll, kuown and deainuated on the plate anJ eurvay of the general land oltica M claim No ftl, in Hectiona 33 and 34, T 17, R 6 W, and claim No M, in aectin 3 and 4, T 18, 8 It S W, aaid N J containing ICO orea, in Lane County, Oregon, couiiuiindinu ma to tell all the right title and iutereat of aaia daft in and to the the aliv dexcrihed preiniaea. Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid writ I did on the lsth day of Nov, 1 8X4. levy upou the almvo ileacrilied property, and Sooatiafy taid judgment, iutereat, coata and aocruiog coata und expeuaea of aale, I will aoll all the right title and interest of aaid daft therein, at public auction, to the liigheat Mddtr, for eaah in hund, at the Court Ileuae door in Kntiiie City, Ijiiiu County, Ureon, on Monday, Dccombcr aa, IhSi, between the hour of U o'clock a in, and 4 o'clock p in uf aaid day. J. It. CAM WELL. Sherilf l.ane Cuunty, Or. Dated Nov 22, 1884. ' SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IS II E HE BY CIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution duly IwrntM out id the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Ijine, by the Clerk there of, and to me directed ou to-tait: N"v I", 1884, upon a judgment and decree o loaiiro remtenHl in aaid Court Nov l.'t, I8.S4, ia a auit then and them pending, wherein George liailey m pill and Jamea M Shaub and Agnea A Miaub were nvtu, m lavor of aaid pi tT for the au.u of $1320.1X1 in LT 8 fold eotn, with iutereat theieon at the rate of S per cent per annum from date of aaid judgment, and the further emu of $100 at torney feea, and ouata and iliahuraeuienta of action, and a decree for the aale of the fol lowing; ileecrdwd mortgaged prmim-a to eat lafy aoit judgnieat and expeuar of makiiitf aoch aalo. to-witi IWginning at point 12 AO eh woat from the 8 K corner of ao 32. T 15, 8 K 4 W, thence north 411 00 cha, then.-e W 12.59 ch,thnc8 40.00 cha, thence K 11.60 ch to place of beginning, containing 00 aero in Lane County, Oregon, Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid writ of execu tion, aud to eatiefy aaid judgment, accruing net and expeoaee of tale, I will aell the above ileauribed real propeity it public action to the higheat bidder, foe e.ali in band, at th Court Houa lMr la Kdgeue City, lno County, Oregon, on JfwMdar, Dcrnubrr 2J, IHH1, between th hour of 0 o'clock a in, autl 4 aekwk p in of aaid day. J II CAMI'nEl.U Sheiid Lui t'o, Or Dat,l Nov 22, 1834. Sheriffs Sale. J-OTICK LS HEREBY GIVEN THAT jj by virtue of an execution duly iaatied out of the Ciruuit Court of the .State of Oregon, for the county of Lane, liy the clerk thereof, and to me directed on to-wit: November 28, 1884, upon a judgment and decree -if foreclosure rendered in Maid curt N'"V 5th, 1884, in auit then and there pending, wherein Enoch Hoult and It U aril were pllla, ami Jttinei M U Mann, ami Mnry K Wileim hi wife, wereihfta, in favor of laid pill, for the mirn of tftj,'IOI.0O, with in terest tliereno, at the rate ol 10 per cent, per annum from duy of judgment, together with cost and disbursements, and a decree for the dale of the following described mortgaged premises, to wit: The N J of Sec 30, mid 1 he M W of Sec 10. in T 1(1 S It 3 iV. Alan the donation land claim of Hubert Wilaoii and wile, being Not No .T.'fi'J, i-Ihiiii No 38 iti Sec St and 25, T 10 S I! 4 W, containing 320 (H) acrea; alao lota I 2, 3 toil 4, in sec 23, T Hi. S It 4 VV, containing 107 10 acrcsi al.n Iota No fl, fi ami 7, in Sec 25. T S It 4 W, Containing 4(1 (M) ai'ie; also Iota 1 and 2 of nee 30, Mini the 8 K J of S K J of sec 2.". ill T 10, S R 4 W, containing Uu' 24 acre; aln commencing at a quarter section post on aouth line of See 30, 'I' 10 8 I! 3 W, miming theme west 30 "" cha, thence north 40.00 cha, thence east 30.00 cha, thence aoiith 40 00 cha, to plane of beginning, cnutuiuioif 120 acreaj alio the N of ..u Noa 1. 2, 3 and 4 in Sou 2.1, T 10 SI It 4 V. id N J containing 72.31 ucrea. All of said lunda be ing aitnute in Lane county, Orcgou. com manding me to aell the alwive described premise. Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid writ of execution, and to a.ifisfy Mid judg ment, iuti-reat, cost ami dn-huraeinriita ami expenses of aaid nle, I will sell the ahove deacribed premisea at public auction, to the higheat bidder for null in hand, at the c-ourt lioua door, in Kugene City, Lane vouiuv, Oregon, on .Mondity. Orcein Der 20th, 1BHI, between the hnura of 0 o'clock in, and 4 o'clock p in, of aaid dev. JR CAMPBELL, Slienlf of Ijioe Co, Or. Dated Nov 29. 1884. ' TUTTP: PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tat Greatest Modical Irinmph of the Age! 8YIWIPTOWIS OF A TORPID LIVER. I,oee of appetite. Iluwi-Ucaallve, I'uln la Ibe head, wltli a dull aoiiaallon In Ibe back part, I'uln euUrr lbs aboalder blade, Kallneee aHer cntlua. wli Sadie Inclination to exertion of body jrmlud, lrrltublllir oftemper, Low aplrlte, with feellnr fhiiTlng nrgleloil aomo dulj. Wearleraa, Ulzzlneaa, i'lutlorlng at Ibe Heart. Dote boforothe ejrpa, lleaducho over the right eye, lteetleaancee, with tfal dreamo, Highly colored I rlue.and CONSTIPATION. IUTT I'lLLS nr eapeciully adapted to auoh raaoa, onn doae ell'ecls audi a ahaniriioffoelintriiHtoiialonlilitlieauirerer. They Inrreaao the A petlle,Hiiil tauae the body U T.ko ou Kleali, I'ok Hi" ay .tem la nowrlaheil.anil byihelr Tonle Action ou tu llKatl Orjane.H-BMUr Ntoola are nrtiii"t. I'rli-e lllte. 4 I IWiirroy WI..IV.V. TUm HAIR DYE. Ghat Haiu or ohanged to a OLoasr IJlack hv ft alnglo applloutlon ol thla Dra. It linparta n liuturul color, acla inatantaneoualy. Sold by Uraggiata, or entby einreanon receiptor $1 OfTioc, 44 Murray St., New Ycrk. Farm for Sale. I WISH TO SELL MY FA KM OK 450 arrea. aituated 12 luilea aonthenxt of Ku gene, 0 milea fnmi (i when, 4 milea from CieKn well, and 3 milea from I'leiumnt Hill poat oflice. A coniforUMe dwelling with Imrnx, nuthntiae", orehurd, etc. I'lcnty of water mil timlier. Well adapted to mixed huxhtiudry, oa grain, fruit mid atook ruining. Wi 1 aell ou reaaoiiiihle and ei-y teriiix. For further iufor ination eiuniiie of JOHN WHITHAKKIt. SCROFULA and all orofutou.i diaeaaea, Sorea, Kryalpo. Ua, Ecxeina, lllott-hea, lllnajworin, Tu aura, Carbuncle, Holla, and Eruption of th Skin, are the direct reiult of mi Impure itat of the blood. To cure theae diaeaaea the blood mint be purilted, and reatured to a healthy anil na tural condition. AVKit'a Sahsai' haa for over forty year been reiHgnled by eiul. nent medical authoritle aa tlie moat kw erful bliMHl purltter lu exlatem-e. It free tlie ayattin from all foul liumora, emicliea and atrengthen the blood, reinovoa all tram of mercurial treatment, and prove Itaelf a complete muter of all acrofuloua diaeaaea. ' A Iteeent Cure of Scrofulou 8orea. "Some month ago 1 waa traiibled llh aerotuloua aorra (ulcera) on my leua. 'J lie limba were llly awollvn and niMuuied, ami the aore discharged large iiiautltlva or ntfenalve matter. F.very remedy I tried failed, until I uaed Avni a SAiiaAl'AHH.l.A, of which I have now taken three hotlle. with the reault that the aorea are henlei!, Aud my gtueral liealtli greatly Ininroveil. 1 feel very grateful for the good your medicine ba done me. Your reapcetfiillv, MR ANN O ltRlAN." UH Sullivan St., New Vork, Juno J4, 1N1'. tV All peraona Intereetrd are Invited to enllnii Mr. U'llrlan; alao upon tlie Kev. I. I. Wild of IS Knat 04IU Street, New York City, who will lake pleaaure In tealirvlng to tlie wonilerfnl ertleaey of Aver' tiaraiiparllla, not only In Ibe rum of thla lady, but In lila own raae aud many other wlthlu hi knowledge. Tlie well-known irriterimlkf Iktlon Iterattl, II. W. Ball, of lloclu$Ur, AT.., write, June T, W2: ' Having anffered aeverelv for aome yeara with Keiruia, and having fulled to Hud relief from other remediea, I have made uau. during the paal three monllia. of A Vl.a'a 8akai a HILLA, which haa effected a cnmulrlf cei. 1 eonalder It a magulflceut remedy for all blood diaeaaea." Ayer'sSarsaparilla (tlmulate and regulate th action of the dlgeatlv and aaainillatlve organa, renew and atrengthena th vital force, and (llly urea Ithrumatlam, Neuralgia, llheuma lie flout. Catarrh, flrneral lability, and all diaeaae arlalng from an Inipoverlahed or eorrupted condillou of th blood, aud t weak ened vitality. It I luoooiparably th eheapeat blood meU In, on account of It concentrated atrength, and great poaer over diaaaaa. t rarrxRr.D ar Dr. J. C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. old by all Druggiata; pric f I, III bottle for i. A CAllD- To aD v-ho arc autfering from the error and ndiacretio'ia of y .111th, liervou weaknem, early eoay, louo nianlinoil, vc, 1 wtlla'itd a recii hat will cur you. Fit EE OF CHAKtiE. Thia irreat remedy waa diooverel by a mia aioaary in South Ameriea. Send a aelf ad dral envei to the Kcv. JodFl'HT. Ismam, ! U Niw Y-i City. WILL EXCHANGE TIIK KUfiKXK MILL COM P NY herehy taKei the pleaaure of announc ing that I In-y wil! take 'XWJBLJEIj&JJ?- . at any warehouse north of Eugene City- in exchange for FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., at their mill in Eugene. The Company will take tvlicat receipt, properly aigned to them, and giv credit to the owner of the aaine on mill book for th amount iu buaheN. P. E. A CO. July 30. 18S4. aS-Cm DO YOU WANT ait & r Ui If ait, pleaae leave your order with 0. H. VAENEY. . ti.. Having bought th Steam Saw Mill formerly owned by Abbott and Kern, aud bciuig Pr.'ictical illill illan I think I can give antiafaction. (train and l'roduce taken in exchange for Lumber. Addrcea C. II. VARXEY. Lnnir Tom P. 0., Lane Co., Oregon. St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. VV. H. Watkins, Prop. Xcir mid i::orlNicr-d Manitfe niriil. liargeit nintlrrat. 714-tf 2 4- 'Si o u Ll el mm a) w U aa I V S il i i- r i-TTAral lUHXEHAIIT, J. K - Houae, ai-n nl rnr ring p'tiuti-r. Work g'uiranteed firnt claaa. ' Stuck aold ul lower r.ttea tliiiu by anyone in KlIlfllH. J UNCT 1 6x1)1 llECTOlt Y. CEXTEXXIAL LIVERY ST A RLE J. J. Katun, pro. Eirat chiaa Tca na, llugciea, etc. to all Hiint at reunntmhlc ratea. liny and uniinfor aitlu. HiMdiiuurtera Corrallia atae. Geo. W. Kinsey, ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Real estate for aale Town lota and frrma. Collection promptly attended to. Hksidknc k, corner Eleventh and High St., Eugene City, Oregon Peter lUinev, TO. TAKE n.EASUREIN ANNOUNCIN'l to the public that 1 have reoiened this iMipulnr plac of resort for the year 1SS4; The lull. In. K have been tlioiouclily n-li'te.l. I have proi-nred the aerilcea of Mr (Jeo F Craw and wife, of Euiiene, who will apecially care for the welfare of gnesU. Are cordially imited, notwithstanding reorU to th o utrary. Price per week for hatha, 1 Ml Fish and game are plenv. In th vicinity of thei'irink-a. The scenery ia manilicieiit, and those wishiui; a Summer tour can l'" to no better pi ot. A hack will be run to the sprint; a. mi-weekly. Hack leave Sit. Charles Hotel every Wed nesday morning. Not ptora mid on the premiae. For urther particular addresa PETEU RUXEY, McKenzie Bridge, Lane Co, Or. REFEREE SALE. NOTICE IS HERKHY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a decretal nnlcr of the 'ircuit Court of the County of Lane, .nade the regu lar November term tlurcof, J8S4, I will oiler tor ale to the liiglirat bidder, at the Curt ll"us diair in Ktitfene City, lane County, Oreg ui, on Tuesday, tha llith day of llecemlier, ISM, the following deacrilied premi'ea, to-wit; The W of lie SE J and lot I and 2, of See 31, T 1H. S I! 5 W; alao beginning at a point on tha center of 8 E line of T I) Hiiitii and Nancy llint -n 'a donation land claim, T 18 and 17. 8 It H running thence N 40' 43', E .It 64 cha, thence N 4ti' 4li' 13 V 76 00 cba, thence W 6 40 cha, thence S 41. (HI', W HT.OO oh to corner J liichaniaon' land, thence S 47" 3.V. K 88.50 eh to the tdaoe nf b. ginning; alto lot 2, it, 4, 0nd 10, of Seu X!, and l-t I nf Sec 3.X, T 16, S H 5 W. and h. 1 of See .1. ami lot 4 of i-e 4, T 17, S It 3 W, containing in th aggregate Mn 0.1 acre. In lane Comity, Oregiwi. The aale to commeticv at 1 o'clock p m of aaid day 1'eron I'aah. S. K. Eakin, Jr. Sole Heferee. JosnrU.WALTon, Att'y. LUMBEB taVJPTT4r3 wimii IS 1 . G. T. BOYD, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Jciziction City. Or. Wagon mid M.icliine repairing promptly uttemled to.' Sheoing and liincliin ) repnirini a 8pecialtv. Joshua J. Walton, AUot ny-nt-La w. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILii l'KACl'ICK IX ALL THE ConrU of the State. Sftecial att? ntion .dven to Iteal atate. Col lecting; Probate matter. Collecting all kinda of claim againat the United Stale G vernuient. Oftice in Wnlton'a brick -Paima 7 nnd 8. I) It. LIEBIG'S Wonderful German Invpalor, THE OLDEST, Git EATEST and J'.KSI llh.MKK V for the .cure of Xervona and t'hyaical l)e Chditv, Vital Exhaustion, iSeuil Uinnl Weakneaa, Loaa of Manhooil, CFailing Memory, and l'elaxed nnud hufeebled condition if the ....:.. it.:..... ..... tn iTM'fEDiLV t. IHK8 Jnir" ten- kjiy, Early 1ery, l.oa of Vigor, ry-t' Weakneaa, and all the r aad effect of Youthful folliea and i&tt the ubuae or Exceaae of Matu- Wmzr1?: LiJ.vrJ 11 jiermaneriiy preveuia nil r5irV.Ciinaturttl Loaa from the aya- Fr rYx,L.. Ai i . ...t vwiU) a iiiouaninia can HiieKt wi o nave naeu ine jieineiiy in me J .psi-t quarter of a century which 1 Tit haa been before the public. O It ia iiidted a wonderful reme Oily, toning the nervea, atrength Xcuiiig the mnaclea, checkim; the jjwnate, invigorating the vhole ayatein, ami reat-iringthe atllicted JJito and Hatpinkmh. t The I loctor will agree to forfeit 81,000 for a ciae uinlertaken, not cured. The reason so many can not vet cured of Weakneva and the above diaeaae ia owing n a complication called "Proetatorrhea," which require apecial treatment. DK. LIE1IKVS IX VIGOR ATOIl. Xo 2. with one ieciilmr aiiecial treatment i the only cure for l'toatatnrrhea. liy it Munhiaid ia re attired and the hand of time moved back from age to youth. If piiiplev appear on th face, if yon become liatlraa aud ileaioiiileut look nut for the com plication with Vtol Weakneaa and lo-ia of v'ltulity known ia Pn atntorrhea. Hun. Ire U of liven have been loat. for the want of proper treatment for thia complication, and thouaauda have loat all their proiKUty and pleaaure in life from it i-IIecta. Plice of either Invinorator, 82. Caae of aix bottle", $10. Sent to any adilresa, covered aeeiirelv frmn oliaervation. Il(. LlKI'.Ki ft CO, treat anccWnlly by I toinocopatliy every form of Seciid, Private or l.'liroiiic lliae.ia.- without merciirv or nnwima druija. If vitality ia drained from the laaly, UUiiieioua iliaeaae follow that ImlHe ordinary medicid trcHtn ent If allowed to continue, the unnatural loaa count a t'onaumption, Uiu-iM-tea, lliight'a, Inanuity, Etc. ture GuarautRed. )ineiuea of the ueiiito-miniiry organa, kidney, liver and bladder apeciullj trcfited. Iliaraaca of Women S-eililv ('tired. QUALiriEl) and liESPO.VSlliLE.-l'r Licbiu' & Co. from Enroiie, are crHiiieil in roiniiliiinre with Culi'urnin Medical Law. ! Diploma procured by regular college education, and are now in their nineteenth year of special I practice. JUoat powerlu' electric tieiu iree to paiienra. Call or ftddrea l.ioUitflMMrnnar.v. 400 Geury Street, Sim rranciaco, Cal. Trivale t nterance 4'5 Mitaon street, four lilocka up Gearyfrom Kearny. Main entrance thniugh liapenury Drug Stoi. AGFtjTS WANTED everywhere To hin.lle onr I I.I.I H. KAMI I. Y llinbLN. he ti ...... i in .i,.ri..v !. Wi, ollir unrivalled in. iViiwenb. with exclusive tcrnlorr. Write to ua. fiAIRD & piLLON m Siin(seiirraariil IiDportera.Likealile ... i . ij 8. Ciaia Li . Cuioioo. lu. Canvassers Notice. milE UNDEUSKiNEI) IS AUTHOR X ued :,'eut for biomphieaof tj rover (.'leva html and Thnuiae A Heuiliicks, Democratic noiuineea fur Pivaideiit and Vice President; Twenty yeara of Congress, by .1 J lllnine; l.ifoot .luiues O l.laine and John A Lo;au, Kepubliran n-niiiiees for President and Vice President. Aln the Noxeltv liug Machine; Stamped Rug Patterns; Liquid I'dueiug; linker's Cleansing Fluiil; Dr tiill'a Orison t'atarrh Cure; Missouri Stejim Washer oue of the latest and best of the age. Orders t.ikeu for subscriiition to Eugene City Cil'AKII. M. M. MARKS. Farmers Take notice! HAVIXO PUEC1L! SED THE COUN ty right for the in. king the Continuous Concrete Pipe, For auhirru-ation, underdrawing and conduct ing water, 1 am ready to make contract for laying pijie. AOENTS-Eugene City.L. D.Smith; Junc tion, Wortuian tvnia. J. D. Love, Manufacturer, Eugene City, Or. PLEASANT HILL SawfflEUI, J. Pitt man, Prop. fpHE BEST OF ALL KINDS OF LUM- 1 brron band, Loth Drcscl V IJnflrcse1. Parti, a wishing lumber in Euen or vicinity, can learn price by callini; uin I MAT LOCK BROS. 1 nil 3m Eugene, Or. t. G. Hendricks. . H. B. Eakis, J r. HENDRICKS & EAKIN, Eugene City - - Oregon. ei..t.f nn NKW VOFK. SAX FliAX- CISCO an.1 POKTLANO, OliEUOX. All cnllectiona entruated to u will receive ipecial attention. Tlertoaita received uliient to check. Loan made on approved Heounty. and a fencrul liaiiuing buainea ilune on rcasonulile tcrlin. DR. ALLEN'S PKIVATE DlSPi;JAKY, 2"J Kearnt Sthekt, San Fhancihco, Cal, EntaMi-hed fr r the Scientific and apeedy cur of Chronic, Xervoua and Special dibcaaee. The Expert Specialist, DR. AI.l.EX. AS IS WELL KXOWX, IS n regulnr gri 'iiateil phyaioian, educatad at liowdoin t'oilegj and Univeraity of Michi gan. He haa devoted a life-time to the atudy nf the treatment and cure of diaeaae within hia pecialty. YOlXtt MEM And middle-aged nien, who are aufTtring from th effect of youthful indiacretiona or exceaae in mature years, Xervoua aad Phyaicul Dcbili tv, Impotency, Loat Manhood, confuaion of ideaa, dull eye, averaion to aociety, deapnn dency, pimple on th fiu-e, 1om of energy and memory, frequency of iiriii.iting, etc. Ilemem la?r. that bv a combination of remediea of grett curative latwer, the Doctor haa ao arranged hia i :i ...III . ....I -IT 1 i .l: vreainienb inatu win nu. muj nuuru iuhucui ate relief but iieriniinent cure. MY HOSPITAL EXPEr.IEXC'E, Having been anrgeon in charge nf two leading lioapitiila enable me tn treat all private trouble with excellent reault. I wiah it itia tinctlv iinderatra d that I do not claim to tier- form imKuwiliilities, or to have miraculoua or Miipernatural power. I claim only to be skill ful mid am-ccaaful physician and aurgeon, TlluRui'UMLT informed iu mvapeci.dty D1SEASES OF MAX. All app'ying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaint no ex.erimentitig. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit $1,000. Consultation in office or by letter 'KFK and strictly private. ; Chi.rgea renaoiiuble. Thorough examination. including chemical and nncroaccpial analysis oa urine and advice, ft.'i.OO. Call or addrea Or. Allen, 20.J Kearny street, San Kranciarn, Cal. Office hours, 9 to 3 dailj ; 6 to 8 eveninp: Sumhiv'a, 9 to 12 oflif P. S. I have a vegetable compound, the re ault of MANY YEAKB of apecial practice and hard study, which under Biy aieciul advice hah NEVKH faii.kii or hi'ccess in the cure of Lost Manhood, Priattatorrhea, etc. TIIK OH t; AT (iLISII HE.1IEBV N a nevcr-lailiug Cure for Nervous Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Seminal Weaknexa, !ermatnrhen, Lt 1ST Prohtatorrliea. Pur- lyaia and all the tei ri le efiec trtof f It Abuse, f youthful follies and XcesKc-M in inatuier w i oaa o( .tinniory, I HMUIIIe, iic turnal ElnUfion, Avereimi to Society, IHiimei-a ot V n-c n, guinea iu the Mcail: the vital Uuid pasainir unolerved in the urine, and many ntl er discus n that had to IiiNauitv aud Death. Uii. M1NTIK, who ia a regular pl.ysieian (gr.uluate of the Univerdly of l'ennvlui ii), will agree to forfeit FIVE HCNDKED 1ML LAliS for a caau of thia kind the VII A), RE STORATIVE (under his special advice and treai uieiit) will m cure, or for anything im pure or injurious found in it. DR. MINT'lE treats all private diaeanea siu-cessfullv without mercury. CONSULTATION FlihK. 'Jhor ough exiindnuiioii and advice, including analy sis of mine. ili. Price of VITAL l.'LSTOK A'i lVE,$i..V) a Isittle.or four tiiiiestheqiinnti ty, ?5; aeiit tn any aildreaa niam reuiptof price, or C. O. I ., secure from observation and iu plitate nmue it desired, by A. E. MINTIF, M. D.. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco, CaL SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Will lie sent to any one app.Mng by letter, stating svmptoiua, aex and age. Strict secrecy in regnnf U all husineM trHiiKitetiona. Dlf. MIX I IK'S KIDNEY REMEDY, NEl'HHE'l'ICUM curea all kind of kidney and bladder ccuijiluinta, gonorrluea, gleet, lu cotrluea. For sale by all druggists; Si a bot tle: 0 bottlce for SS. DU. MIX HE'S DANDELION FILLS are the heat and cheaieet DVSPEPSI i and BIL IOUS cure in the market. For sale by all druggist. myl9-KJ:tf DR. SPINNEY. No. 11 KEARNEY STREET, Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases- YOfJNC MR.V 71IO MAY RE SUFFERING FROM II the eirects of youthful follies or indis cretion will do Wi II to avail themselves uf this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar nf suf fering humanity. DR. SPINEY will guar antee to forfeit f.VH) for every case of Seminal W eakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at the auo of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or butnoig sensation aud a weukcinn,' of the system in a manner the utient-cannot account for. On examining the urinary de ls wits a rrpy sedimeht will ofreu be found, uud sometimes small particles of albumen w ill npiear, or the color will be of a thin hue, again ch inking to a da-k and torpid ap-H.-arance. There ire many wl.o die of this dif ticultv, ignorant of the cause, which the se" ond sbie of sen inul weakness. Dr. H. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such casta, and a healthy restoration of the gciiito-urinary or gans. Ottice Houra 10 to 4 and 6 8. Sundayt, frun 10 to 11 A. M. C nsultation fr?. 'J'biir otitth examination aud advice, $j. Call or aduress DR. SPINNEY 4 CO., No 11 Kearney St, San Francisco. This is an Adveriissmen SWIrT COMBS, t;EN EI! AL GROCERS and CnH-kery ilealers, w ish the public to rememlier tl at we allow NO ONE to under sell ua. tiling in stock needed in any family, including Willow, Vxsi and Stone Ware. Choice .V and 10c cuiara a specialty' Come and see us. Farni pnaluce wanteil. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 the iimleraiuril haa been duly apainted by the County C nrt, of Ine Countv, llregon, Administrator nf the eatate nf Horn (and Sira inona, deeae.l, aud all perwn tiavinir claim au'ainat aaid estate, are hereby mpiiied to pre sent them, w ith the prier vouchers, to the un dersigned Administrator, at the ottiev nf J E Fruton, at Eugene City, Ijine County, Oreiron, wi'liin aix nxiuths from the date of thia notice. Dated September I'-.tii, l.-t. i r .1 Administrator tor imitate. J E Ft.xto.-c, Att'y. OSBURN ft- GO. DBUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAMETTE SHEET KEAR 8T1I. Lugene City, dealer in DRVGS, CHEMICALS, OILm, GLASS, VARNISHES, 'CRU'J'CHES, Of m-wt every kind, etc. Brardiea. Wines and Liquris of the very hi ft qiitlitj fr n ttlin'iil jmj WE ha e always kept abreast of th tine in our line, and without legating, w. tkiis. we are safe in claiming that we hav IKK LEST Mwirtnirut uf DRUGS in Ejgen. I'articular attention I called to tur ttitk PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, and , CELLULOID CASES For the year 1884, We ahall he able to ell PAINTS, OILS aid 1U1VSHES, (of which wa now; lav a lar( stock on Imud) Than any limine in thia chy, and nnr friend can rest assured that anything bought from u will be first-clnaa. A we buy many of ear ge.od Eust and have facilities that few ia .r business have, we think we are prepared to in dersell and furnish a lietter quality nf gaod. than uu.vone in our line in Lane ennnty. We call especial attention to PKEKruif. TI0XS. which will lie carefully filled at alt hour of the day or niyht. The Hotter Gutdk It I sued March and Sept., each year: 210 pages, 8x"t inches, with over 3.30O illustnitiona a whole pic ture culler?. Give whole- tale prices (fi'recf to coiMuinra on til good for jiersonul or family uso. Tell how to order, and give exitct com ot every thing you use, cut. drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluuble book con tain information gleaned from the mat lets of the world. We will mail cony Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let ut hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. S? Me Wabaeh Iniw CUnta 111. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kluils of Agricultural Implements. AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon. BVev ; ij. :. V:Tr.1 Nvi;E a.-cs I taiK !JJ-'t-HE.rr, a irmraplu"! fT;!ie frr lnp. I' ai nvn. t ji-v iNiors, litis JfiTna r -i-ra (. a, ll"-idii"!ii, liwn Ti i-':rlii im; i ii I ; . cro of iiI.m i 'i or 'o!),--A..i. V, u'.x'.. !i ess. f l. u l 1 c-pre-sio i, !;.,';n-ig ot tl o llru.n l" it ;i I in " sr.ii:y n-d l"iii:-! to iriscry, tk-tny tier in. I)u.n! ., t'.', A.-.. mM!.' f CtS Cf HV I irieitmr p --:, 1-volc.nUiy 1 cfcua. f. A Yxm oi-rho.ii ru..sK( by pvcr-oiirmn r n e i.: sih.m.-o-nbuao or over-i:id'i!r"nce. rrili lux toit.-ui jiiominth's ti-i-naiu .t. !(1.l'Ui I ir., c r fx Iv.ii .orSV.U, hi- -t bv nifilj-rn a dr- rccr j I tl fnre, vi cii AA?;';,i v. mx tocnreii -yrus.1. With ewh oit!r l'ceidl. ri fornix b.isia, nocnmimnicd-wilh i"i.(0. t.o will send tli9 parchiiMr our written giiirmtce lore find tie money if tlie treatment doeoLctefiect a cure, fninrnntmi issni d orly by UOOI E.I, CfiABK & CO, "TTa.elcaial'j oni He toil Ilria-CC1"' 1'UUTI.AXU, tl.'tl CON. Order by mail will receive i rcinpt tltonto. 332. F13LIX LE BRUITS C3r Prox-rntle nnd t ure. tor cither Res. 'ihis p-medy being K jecled directly to the e of thou disease of the Genilo-Lncary Orpasa. reqnirr no chanpo of dirt or r.anseoua. mercmial or poisonous mrmcii ea to he lken ir tt n ell. When I nken 8N a lvrtle 1 y enter se it ia impossible 1oi i.m rliiLyxn etir.ldiifSsH. I nt in the (lite t line already anl'artu l ately nirielet wiih lionnorl.oa and (ileeL w i.r.ntnniio !l boxe to enro or we -will refnua i no imucy. Price by, roetrce paid. t'Ltf) jn-r lex. or, 3 boxes fi;r t!.t(). tViitttn gtiarantee jviicd by i II aiitlioriiul epenta Lr. IU l.c IFren A o. Nolo Prop WOODA5t:. J.AIiK & CO., Aulhoriznl Asent, TlJ.elcle esid. 3T.iail trMtffl VOKT1.AM), ClttftCN. n-ml wil rvirr iirir " ttentla- THIS GREAT ' Strengthening Remedy AND Nerve Tonic Ia the legitimate reault f o-er twenty yeara f nrai-ticid exrienee by a Thoroughly Oual- bed Itnuluate I l y- irian of one of the lighrat nieilical cul- .ege of turope. It pumTivri T CI'IIW N'ervon and Fhvsical 'b-bility: Semin' Weakness. Spermatid- tf , uj-ef, rhoea, Impotencj. pNVMrVe.fSrV 1 Proetatorrhoen, Hy- neraestheaia (oversi-a- siuveiiess nl tlie pris, Kidnevand BW',r Complaints. Impurities of the Blood and W ease of the Skin. I r PKItMANKNTLT Mors all nnnatural weakt ing drains upon the system, however they cur. preventing involuutary seminal I-wses, oe bilitatiii); drvanis.aeininal hawOT with the urine, orwhil" at stool, etc. sn destructive tomino and lasly, anil cure all the evil effect " vnuthfiil foil ie and exroaaes, restoring M" hausteil Vitality, Sexual Decline and lA)r Manhood, howkveh iovi-ucatk';. A THOIIOI'CH A WKI.L Art HUMVtST O'1 nl irntlr.n t. twrf-t Hea't". Streni;th ami Viaor of Manhood ia alaadntely guaranteed bv thisjuatly celebratel and reli1,1 tirent Remedy. Price 2.50 per bottle.or ' !.... lu f,.- bin Qul nru.n Mwwji.t Al llMr W O. D., to any addresa, aecn.-e from olwervatii and strirtlv l-rivate bv UK. ('. 1. N ILFlt.LD. 216 Kiaknt STRrrr, Sam F"tAici!cn, CaU Trial Bottle Free, SufSHent to sbow its merits will I sft " any one apfdying by letter, atnting Li )'' toma aud aye. , ,rf Conaultati. n atrh-tly cotfidential, hy or at i -trior, free. j,r F- the convenience of patient nd w "7, to secure s?rfect aecret-y, I hav ,'"'Tt ITivate aildrea under which all packed f-rwanled. wmmiil t raniani ai n l