The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 20, 1884, Image 5

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    'f. -
' -'Next Thursday Christmas.
For good, deutistry go to Clark.
Bring your chickeu to Bettnian's.
Hotiilay good at E It Luukey ft Cot.
Fine meats can be had at Gillespie's new
An iCbralla labelled Condon" U at tin's
. office.
Flows! Flows! ! at bedrock prices-J. M.
.. Ilendricks.
.Mens' clothing. A large stock just arrivid
I at Bsttnmn's.
The highest cash price will be paid for wheat
by F B Dunn.
Fur holiday goods call at K R Luckey ft
' Cue drug (tore.
-'Phetographs finished neatly and artis
tically at Winter's.
. -gee the elegant Afghan up fur rAiBe at Mrs '
Fitch's, and take a chance.
'' ' A fine line of silk plushes in all shade
'ltd grade at F B Dunn's.
. A full assortment of la lies, misses- and cbil-
'dren underware at Bettiuau.s.
Walk into K U Luckey & Co's store ami
. 'examine thuir stock of holiday goods.
. If' It U expected that Hie Yaquina railroad will
ke eouipleted to Corratiis by Jan I, 1883,
' C"A large assortment of holiday goods for
' 'sale at E R Lackey ft Co's drug store.
' Mr J E Fenton, clerk of E i,'ene school di
Vfict, is busily engagid assessing the district.
, A fine stock of boys' clothing ju-t received
, at Bettnian's. Call ami examine the good-.
Two excellent rooms to rent Impiiro of
Joshua J. Walton.
' 'Call and examine our hirtre stock of boots
aid shoe juit received at tlio Workingmcii
The masquerade at Rhinehart's Hall last
'evening was well attended and proved a com
flete success.
.Fur all kind of lumber, dressed and nr.
'dreised, go to Skinntr & hung, Coburg, Lane
'-county, Oregon.
Pettraan has jAst receive 1 from the East a
very laree stock of boot and shoes which wili
tie sold very cheap.
Good farm for rent two miles below Eugene.
Apply to
J M Hkndrk ks.
We are better prepared to do job work than
'ever before. All kinds of job printing done at
Portland pricei.
' The Guard does all kinds of job printing
'cheaper than any office iu Lane county. Cull
and get estimates.
We call special attentiou to the new ad
Vertiseinont of J Davis, tailor, in another
'column. He is a good workman.
.If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps a ull a snrtmeut.
Mr S K Friendly will pay the highest
Slash market price for f'tvjat. live him a
call before selling your fj.iiu elsewhere.
if you want to make yur frieuij at a di.
Vance ail acceptable Christinas present, order
jthe Guaru mnt to said person one year.
Tho light running "Domestic" sewing
inaehine; the best rewio and equipped
'machine in' the market. For sale at C M
' Rev S A SUrr, of the Willamette Uni.
versify, delivered two very instructive ser
inons last Sunday to large and appreciative
. On Mudav of this we'k. Dec l!i. 1881, was
the twentieth anniversary of the death if
Eugene F Skinner, who was the fouuder of
Eugene City in 1847.
The people in the hi!l south of Eugene
iiave pnt strychnined meat out for thn pur
. pose of killing coyotes. Dog owners will
please take warning.
The Hook and Ladder Co of this city will
Vive a grand public liall Christmas Eve, Dc
24th. 'This company is noted for the tine
(dances they give. All are cordially invited
' There will i!ot be any service in St Mary'
Episcopal church on next Sunday. But on
taext Thursday, (Christmas day;! there will be
Service at 11 a m. All are cordially invited to
If you want to buy a handsome and
Valuable Christmas present for your friend,
relative or lover, give H It Luckey & Co a
oall and examine their large stocK u. holida)
goods now on sale.
The Good Templars of this bity will .cd
Irate their third anniversary this cvenli'iu
by a literary and musical entertainment.
Refreshment wili be served. Everybody
invited. Admission 25 cents.
Rev' I D Driver will preach at the M E
ehurtri this afterno n at 2 o'clock. Quarterly
conference immciiately afterwards. Regular
fmerterly meeting s -rvios to-morrow, at which
Mr Driver will also prtach.
There will be the usual services at the Bap
tist church to morrow. Sunday school t 10 a
in. Preaching by the pastor, Rev C M Hill,
ktllam and 7:30 pm. A Christmas ser.uon
will be presented iu the evening. All are cor
dially invite 1
Dr J W Watts delivered, a tetnprrarcc
lecture at the Presbyterian Church la-i
Monday evening. From the tone of his f.d"
dress it wouM seem that he did no', hake a
very high opinion of the St John pa-ty. Tim
The Real Estate firm rl Geo M Miller ft Co
bare recently published 10,000 copies of a cir
cnlar setting forth a description of La"e
County its climate, soil, timlier, etc, for the
benefit of irami, Tar. ts. It is for fre di-trihu-
v , ... I
ejw-x- a :iui an'i cnui:ieie ciescri;non oi im
county can get them by calling at their ollice
In tugene.
"If we start our long felt want betore the
Presidential election it will be Repubiican i
politics; but if aflwr, a'ud Cleveland iselectl
we will make it Independent Deiu tratic '
Moral, you had better waited nntil after the
great event. But still thy claim Ciat they I
are idvocatiog great principles honestly. ''i.t r,..U" n, ,i
fr. . ';,i .., ... .,;,.t... i
Tho S'tdrm.
The recent rain and snow storm has been the
severest known in the Willamette Valley and
eastern Oregon for a good many year. It
couiineiiceil ruining here last Satunlay evening
nd during the night and Suuday nd Monday
e ao not believe it ever stopixd for a minute.
Moad.vy evening it commenced snowing and
s.eetmg. 1 he snow was in the foi iu of frozen
rain and was extremely heavy, one gallon of
nuw mal;mi three quarts of water. All day
1'uewlay and until Wednesday mnruiug the
snow nan fell without intermission, the wind
blowing fiercely all the time and the th r
mometer the most of Tuesday indicating alxmt
15 degrees alsive zero. The snow attuiued a
lep'.h of about ten inches on a level. The
storm was certainly the severest that ha oc-
c irred for twenty years in this portion of Ore
jon. The river has been at it hLh state a.'
week. Sihce Wednesday eveuiug a general
thaw has set iu.
Wood nd hay raiting iu value.
At the time ol going to pruss the river
was rising.
Shovelling snow has been the general occu
pation this week.
Telegraphic lines down tnth south and
n rlh of Eugene.
Numerous womlshcds fell from the weight of
snow throughout town.
The covering of sno.v has preserved the
growing grain and grass.
On account of thi snow the publio schoi.l
as dismissed Thursday.
M iuy chickens are rejmrted having been
frozen to d.uth on the root.
This has been a very l week upon stock
that hive been out ill the storm.
Frank Skeels, nf Lion county, was frozen
to death while nut hunting lust Tuesday.
The barn belonging to T D Rdwar'a in this
ci y, fe'd Thuisibiy evening. Loss, atmut 8100.
The mow nt Cottage Grove is refu ted only
five inches deep. At Junction ahout 10 inches.
Tlie awn i g in front of Friendly et ul store
that f' 1 V iilue by is a complete wreck
Several telegraph und telephone lines have
been broken down in this city by the sleet and
Our sportsmen have had n fine time killing
lucks. In an hour or two they would bag a
dozen easily.
Thursday morning nearly eve y brick store
b i lYillainet'e s reel leaked badly. Consider-
tide d.ima'e was done t gomls.
City M.i,' al Dnraut deserves much piuise
for the work he has done during the week iu
keeping the walks clear, and for otht r w.k. -
At this writing, Frii'ay at 3 p in, the snow
still lies at a depth of ah.iut five inches, and
the thermometer indicates 40 degrees allow
The snow h:is proven that the awnings with
nut posts Kre frail concerns, and are dangerous
to say the least. Everyone nf them had to be
propped up on account of the snow.
The pinning mill cams near falling, lis also
lid T'tus' Kvery stable ami Beekwilh's boot
store, from the weight of .snow. Only a
prompt c'eiuiing oil of the snow saved them.
Moses Solomon, a well known fur and
hide buyer, died at Albany last Tuesday
from heart disease possibly brought mi by
the extromt cold.
The awrilng in front of tHs City II ill came
near foiling yest'Tilny from the effects of siiiiW
sliding from the building. The iron hrncee
were bent badly ami two of the sleepers wsre
Sleigh riding has been the popular amuse
meut of our young people during the past
several dny. The merry jingle of the sleigh
Mis is certainly an uncommon thing in this
part of Ory
The snow and sleet have played sad havoc
with 'he shade and frnit tret in this city,
hundreds of them break'ng down. Tim shade
trees have fared the worst We learn that the
timber in thn forest ii bi by damaged.
A large barn belonging to Mr Presslev
Comegys on his farm above Springfield fell
Thursday. A large a nou ,t of hay was housed
in the structure, besides a quantity nf oats and
all his farming machinery and implements,
Th ) loss will amount to nearly 85eVf.'
The barn belonging to Mr Cheshire, just at
the eilt'e of town, fell from the weight of snow
last Wednesday. Two horses were in -he barn
ami both were knocked down. After cousid
e able work they Wire liberate.!, when the
animals were found uninjured.
Tuesday's tnin did not arrive here from
Portland until Thursday morning at 8 a li
Thursday's train got in at 7 p in of that day.
This is the fiist time that trains have ever been
lelayeil hy enow iu the vuliny. One reason for
the !elay was that tho company hud no silow
At Jun tion last Thurs 1 ly, the engine room
of J A I'ushell's w.ueh"Ue fell breaking the
machinery th r in budly; the loss Will pinba
b:y be Ko.10. Berry's barn also f' 11 on the same
lay. The down train jumped the track Tues
lay at Junction, but no serious damage was
A gentleman who lives on the Military road
?out twenty miles from thti city informs ns
that there is no now on the high mountains, a
Chinook having ta'un it all nut last Wednes-
lay night. This a-counts for the high stage of
the river, which lias reached the thirteen fisit
mark on the gtiagi at the bridge.
Last Wednesday evening about 8 p in the
enple on Willamette street were ttarthd by a
deafening crash. On investigation it wa
foind that a port! in nf the roof nf the large
livery stable belonging to Mr John Stewart
had fallen in. Something like l!!0 feet of tl..
roof gave wav snd the east side spread letting
i dow n on' the Joists, breaking a large immli. f
The pppet- st.:; y of the lam wn filled i.h
,'if.y, wiii h i-' Isiund to be d uuaud con-.ii.-r
'.iy. Ir is..tiiate.lthat Mr Stewait's l...s
will am mitt ;' tl.OOJ.
At fiie srrnw attained a depth of
about 18 inches; at alem 21 inchet; Albany,
21 inches; I'airi'lmf.', 15 inches. At Bos
burg no snow' .'el!, the storm li .l reuhing
much liejon 1 the Calapnoia range of mountains.
Astoria was si, Vi-ct to one of the heaviest wind
t-irms ever know n, which did much damage.
Tiii" lay no tr.r.ns were run nrer the OA I' 1!
It or the Oregon Central railrr d. The North
n...:c. I i.l.u.l-.lH.l 1... ..... '
i i i . n ,
M,t' 1 ..v... mi c li..fiirrt trind w.ll Ik. f nn '
I " "v J - - - - i
over that thomugi.Tare. On Wednesday at 8
p m it wis still snowing at all p. inU in East-i
ern Oreg in and W ashingt-m, anil the following
was the depth of snow at the following diff.r.
ent fwes: Baker City, 2 feet; La Grand. 18
1' n,i:-lon. I' incl,e: D.iv t-.n. W T. 10
inches: Wa'la Walla. 12 inches; The Dalles,
W are eal!el niton to chronicle the denar-
from single bl.ssedness, of two of Lane
i "'"nty s "rUlng stars." The happy event took
1 11' ' at the residence of the luiio's parents
i tl' ""'itraclinj pirties being Mr W
" '"'" Mlt "' tomenys. 1 lie per-
euts of the ! ride had made preparations to en
tertam quite a number of guests, but owing
the high waters ami bad weather there were
but few presei.t compared with what were ex
pected. Ibe ceieinony were conducted by
ltev Mr Wooly. Aftei the knot bait beer
securely tied, the friends retired to the dining
room and proceeded to do justice to the sump
i u me n, awaiting (Hem. 1 Here were som
clde.'ly friends present who seemed to enjoy
thesu 'por immensely. Supper was followed
by a sociable which was participated in hy all
present, J he company dispersed at ten
The young couple have the heartiest congratu
Utions and be it wisht s of all who know them,
. The following is list of presents received
by the biide.
Crvt 1 iiitcher-T I) Edward.
Emln ideivd napkinal.eno Edward and
rmra itiuenari.
Cake basket -Mr and Mrs J W Stewart
11 indkerchief Nettie Stewart
Crys'itl water set Minnie and Dora Scott
Clothe wringer --Mr and Mrs Itndney Scott
Cow I. ii I c ill Fr-sslcv Comegv.
Set of iliahes, table ami towel linen Mrs
I'air nf blankets Piessly Cnmegys.
Rocking chair Kob.-rt mid Bessie Day.
Table linen McClung A Johnson.
Inkstuinl Ar h ir Coni'gy. .
Bedspread, nillow shams -Nellie Cnmegys.
Lace tidy Nlrs Ifodnev Scott.
Stand enver--Emuiu Edwards, 'T A Rine
n irt, L l.ilwanl.
( 'astor-Mr nn I Mrs J E P Withers:
Bouquet holoer -i'ri- Withers.
Buter :ni'e Anna Witners.
Sugar sisuni Allie Wishers. .4
Saudi dishes E.iima and Jessie With ere'
A Fill EM).
Pleasant Hill, Or., Dec. 18, 1884.
Enitoit Gl'aiiii: I wish to make some cor
rections in the letter from Pleasait Hill iu the
Gl'AKI) of Dec Rl, lt84. Fil-st, instead of tie
anvils bring proiuUe I b. lore the election, the)
were Hot promised until a few days after the
election, but before it was known who was
elected. Second, w here it says, "not being
satisfied with this a crowd of boys, of which
Kraijc Mulkey was tin ring leader, proceeded
with fire-crackers and Winchester rifles sin
hurrahing for to at continental liar, J G
Blaine, tried to break up the meeting;" Frank
Mulkey was no more a ring leader than others
who were there. And as to breaking up the
meeting, they say it was not their intention,
hut to have a little sport, which we ac pt
Third, "you have got to live under one honest
administration, of which Grover Cleve'and is
President, for the next four years, nil state
ments of l(ev I X Mulkev to tha contrary no!-
withstanding." I think tl'i an injustice to Mi
Mulkev as he has said nothing to us on politics
since the election.
R. E. BmsTow.
Aarrjn Lurch Sentenced.
Circuit Court convened Fridry morning at
9 a in, for the purpose of sentencing Aaron
Lurch. The prisoner when asked if ho h id
anything to say why sentence should not be
passed replied that he had committed no in'
tentic'iml crime, us ho bad full authority to
ign tin names cLiaicd it have been forged
Judge Bean then said that tho juries hud
convicted him after fair t'ial.i, ami hu also
lid that ho believed Lurch guilty beyond
on lit, Tho Judge then passed the follow ing
sentences: l or forgery on the J E Holt
note, 15 years; for uttering and pusing as
true and genuine a note to S II Friendly,
live years; for obtaining money in d r false
pretenses from Mr. Phoebe B. Kinsev,'
live years; making in ull twenty live years.
Lurch was visibly alfiictcd b the sentence.
He was taken to Salem by yesterday morn
ing's train. Tho case have cost Lane
county in the neighborhood of foiir thousand
The Markets.
Poiitlanii, Olt.Dsc. l!l,188.
Wheat 1 ho wheat market iu foreign lands
seem to continue dull and low. In Portland
valley wheat may be quoted S1.10 (, 41.1-A per
Oats -Quotable nt 3033 cents per bushel,
with a slow market
Euus 'W cents per dot
Local maiiket.
Eucenk, Dec 19, 1881.
H qis Nominal.
Wheat --But fw sales have taken place,
farmers boiling for Iwtttr terms. We can
quote at M.' 55 cents per bushel nn board on
Oats 295 25 cents per bushel. Market
Bctteh- 20 cent per iiound.
Ki.os 30 cents pr dozen. Market not lib
erally sup lied.
Bacon Side 12J rents pT 11 ami scare;
hams very scaree at 15 cts; shoulders 12J cts.
1. Aim 10 (o 15 cents p r lb.
Potatoes Plentiful at 25.'.' 33 cts per bushel,
FloikI.50 per bid.
ClKiTIT Cot'RT. The adj"Urui'd term nf
the Circuit Court convened at the Court
House iu this city last Monday morning. -A
jury was empaneled in the Lurch case. The
charge tried was that of forging (he names
of Samuel Dillard and A li Spare to a $1000
n ite and pasing the same upon Mr J E
Holt. The rase was submitted to the jury
a", noon Wedn-sday, and upon the "ir tbalh t
h : was couvieteil. In all the ca-es Lurch
has lii'-n nh'y defended by Hon (i B Dnrris
and W B V .1:1-, and ppseeuU'l in an able I
manner by Prosecuting Attorney Haoiiltou.
suit lodge V "bbitrne
After the verdi t was '
rendered the Court adjourned without day,
IIiil.lliAY I o'i'lis, One of the nicest di
p'sys of ho iday g' o Is ever made in thii city
is tit t now on exlobiti'oi 't the fancy dry
goyds stnr of Mrs (.' W Fitch. They
received direct fr-un San Frwicisco and
were specially selected for this trade. The
Cbri tinasand new year cards are ilcsnrving
of special noli f, as they are the laudsomesl
ev r received in Oregon, (iive the store a
cat' snd examine and price tho gucdi.
A F and A M.-The election of Eugene
l.o-'gc, Xo 11, A F A A M occurred last
r;LT::.n:l ;ti ztSn
... ' i u st -a ir fi it... T
.. ...... . i
ii. ,. f c.:r. I.... .... V II fl,i..n. .
I) , JTJ I. Will, HCI.. II. I, M l ,'IIIIM,.L.. i
ry. T W Peet; tyler, V MeFarland. There
will be public installation n St John's Day,
Dec 27tb, for only .Master Masons, their wives,
dtughter and invited lady friends.
The Nellie Boyd Company hare cancelled
all date ia the Willamette valley on ac-
I tomtit of the recyut st-jrin.
- .-Jl!S." J ..'J'J'.A "J
Roll of Honor.
Perfee' iu deportm "it and n tfier abseu
nor tanl. :
bw.n:) uradk.
John Mct'lure Ina Mct'lung
Mary Cleaver Maggie Whipple
Lottie Meyer j liraee Bushnell
Lillian Bhinehnrt
X. McC'H.ack, Teacher.
tlllltl) llllADK.
Albert Cheshirei
Liuie Han-on
('rrie Latter
l!e Hanson,
Annie Potter,
Coriune Churchill
Liliuie Alford
Eva Alford
Afiii'sTA Pattkuson, Teacher.
!ina Diton
dand Fitch
ilonarl Rowland
May Auliery .
Frank Hanson
Howard Roland
Bernetta Dorris.
G E McLaitehtt, Teacher.
riFTii UllAllE.
Mabel P.tnwn
Lulu Yoran
Karl Church
Wirt Church
Edith Park
Willie Hode
Lvnn Alexander
Er.iest Beigvs
George ttuver
llattie Walton
Maggie Luckey
Willie BabH
Arthur f omecvt
I'.mily Elder
daud Kerns
U.tggie Blaine
Lulu Matlock
icna Go.ilsmith
lierl'tide II, ult.m
eitie Cox
llerliert 'J'hoinpson
iarah Driskill
'liver Hanson
Jonie Whitney
hnuis .Mcrferson.
Mattik Dickinson, Teacher.
Vivian Dunteii
Frank Page
Virgil Johnson
Kvart Patterson
Willie Judkins
Itotwrt Foikner
I. ina Ham
Eva Attebery
Stella Dorri
Aoa Hendricks
Emma Horn
Carrie Matlock
May Myers
Chester Bean.
Wl Kittle
Oro lVuitt
lohnie Dixon
rtoreiwe Watktns
Vila Brown
Mahala Dixon
Viinie Seavy
Xettie Stew art
ddie llvmau
Creed Hammond
Mae Ukuekwooii, Teacher.
hevkntH uraiif.
Clara Stona
Lena Horn
Cordelia Ham
llenrv Marx
Joe Myers
Arthur Attebery
Jennie Hammond.
Uebecca Korkner
Herbert Murch
George Marx
Ernest Sloau
Hugh Ham
T. M. Jackson, Teacher.
Public School.
The following is the report of the Eugene
public school for the mouth ending December
Whole number days taught 20
No days attendance 5.1S2
No, day absence' 423
No days tardiness '. 180
No boys enrolled 180
No girls ourolled 187
T"tal jNo enrolled HVi
Averngo No belonging 822
Avsrage daily attendance 2!l!l
No new students enrolled 11
Dexter Items.
December 14, 1S84.
Messrs Hunsukcr and ('lark have rutin ned
from their trapping campaign.
The people, of Lost Valley have ile!l:!ii to
have their Christmas tree on Christmas eve.
Die school, ill this place is progressing
finely under tho management of Miss Clyde
Ihyhre. n ,
It is now rumored that thero will be a
sociul dance in but Valley ou the night nf
the 2Gi"h.
Mr Baker Hanilsaker celebrated his 21t
hii'tliday on thn I2tli int, by entertaining a
host of h:s nil mi' on friouds.
CoMMKNriAlil.K During the recent cold
simp Chief Engineer Preston has had the
cistern cover cleaned of snow and iu such
condition that the port boles could be opened
in u few seconds in caso ol tire. , He also ha
had a lire kept in the engine house night and
lay, thus keeping tho engine in good con
iitiou for service. Such forethought is
Shoulder Dislocated. As Mr R It
Hays was wending his way homeward last
Fueailay evening he accidentally slipped
from the sidewalk l.orth nf Ell sou's grocery
store and fell; dislocating the right shoulder
nut, beside injuring the muscle hadl.
Dr Jones was caTletl and reduced tho disloca
tion, Mr Hay is getting a'ong allnglit, but
complains that the arm is quite Sore.
Annual Election. -The annual election of
EuL'ene Lodt.e, A O U W, took place Friday
evening, Dec 12th, with the following rusu.t:
M W. J M Shwn; F, AC Briggs; i, U F
Johnson; R, C C Croner; Treas, F IJ Dunn;
F, G B Donis; G, Jun O'Bii -n; I W; James
Warrti'k: O W. V MeFarland; Trusteo, G
Bcttmsn; M E, T Harris.
Sent to the Hast. The two daughten of
Alfred Caldwell, who at present is nn inmate
of the asylum, left Salem and started for St
Louis, Missouri. They were aciaiiiipauie'T as
far as Portland by W D Caldwell, th.-ir uncle,
w here they were put aLoard a sleeping car, so
t at they w ill not have any change of cars.
The chilillen are ageil 11 and 13 reiectively
si'"? Vj'Y""'1'" w'1'' ,,'''t've Louis.
I'Ei.L-fjist Tuesday' j'Ht alter 12 m the
awning.,'from M itlock Bros store to Hay'
-ahum full with a crash from the weight ol
auow ufon the same. Tim only damage ou
aide id lhe awning was the breaking of a
glass jtmti in the store of Matlock Bros,
Osbnrn k Co and McCo'rnauk ft Collier.
Luckily no one was Inneath' the covering or
el-e uh might be compelled to record fearful
Skatixii CaiinivaL The aKating carnival
at Lane's II dl last Saturday evening wa
well attended, and all present enjoyed them
selves hngely. The prize for the neatest
nullum oas awarded Miss rallllV Croner
and the one for the most comical to Fred
. Xew BiiAss Basil A new brass finnd will
be orgauteed In Eugene this evening. The
new bkiid will be under the leadership of Mr
J O Watts.
To Cattle Men.-Tenons having one, two
nrtnree year old steeiH for sale, can find a
p--- h Mure. Euge.
ilence oiiponte Dr Harris ,
,i i i
WkmmVo CAl-We bav just rn-ive.l
frn1 (!,;, . the h.t t nf wedding cards
W1 j,lvjUtini CVer hiought U Oregon. Price
I for the same very lils-ral.
Fakh To Rr.NT. Farm of SOD acres, f-oil
f.ou, l arn and orchard t-. rent
firinire -if
JofHfi J. Wai.tos.
A column dev
(gkiirean and K r
.he State I'niyc
'vl to the Interests of the
.iau I.i.erary Societies, and
Osik Walton 1.011..K.
Election of oIKcers iu the Eutaxian Society
this week.
Mr Jimmie Eakin has taken charge of a
school near Goshen.
Mr Latum II Wheeler of the class of '80, has
been paying Eugene a visit this week.
Mr W W Cardwell, of the class of '8t, paid
a visit to his Alma Mater Monday.
The Isiard of trustees of the coip iration have
sent for the "North American Review."
"Oh, the snow the beautiful," is keeping
quite a uuuibet of students from their recita
tions. Mrs Reasnnr, mother of Mr R S Reasoner,
and Mrs Cole, passed through the University
ond day this week.
Miss Anna Rentier, a former student nf the
University is iu Eugene, and report says is
soon to open an art school.
Geo Bushnell, M D, of the class of '81, lias
returned home from San Francisco, where hs
has been studying medicine.
Again is the normal senior class going to lose
one ot its m -m'-ers. Mr Mulligan ha con
eluded to ta'.ic another course.
The composition class last week handed In
their work and chose subjects from a list ou
the blackboard for their next work.
Misses Linns Holt, Lura March and Leathe
McCortiaek furnished the Society wl h rhetor
ical last week, which were very interesting.
All the classes are Wing examined this week
preparatory for the vacation during the holi
days, commencing Deo 24th aud ending J-in
Tliere is some talk of having school during
the holiday, if the hail weather continues to
keep the trains from running, so that the stu
dents cannot go home.
We hear that Mr Willie Savags who at
tended the University last year, is very ill
with a severs hemorrhage id the lungs. We
aie very sorry to hear this, and hope to hear
soon of hi recovery.
The names of Misses Anna Coffin and Annie
Henderson were proposed in the Society last
Friday, mid Miss Ida Cogswell signed the
constitution. o hope that we may soon add
the names of the rent of the young ladies at
tending tho University to our roll.
The question to be debated in tho Laurean
Society this week is, Resolved, "That Mexico
should li admitted to the United States.1'
The allirmative will be supported by Messrs
Y Chrisman and II F McClure; the negative
by Messrs Dan Bus and W II Gore,
The following is the list of officers elected In
the Laurean Society last week: Pre, Win
Miller of Lane; Vice Pres. J C Welch of
Clackamas; Sec, Frank Mulkey of Multnomah;
Asst Sec, Frank Bybee of Jackson) Censor,
Chas Fenton of Ysyrhlll; T eas, J R Oliver of
Uuion; Editor, RC Johnson of Lake; Ser
geant ut Anus, M F Davis of Uuion.
Last week one nf our Highest and most pop
ular former members, .fiss Nellie Coleman,
was married to Mr Silvoy Stuart of Crook
couutf; Oregoiu While we are sorry to loss
Nellie from our midst, we wish her much hap
piness in her new hoine. And this week Miss
Viola Cnmegys, a f irmer student, was married
to a Mr Withers of Lane county, e also ex
tend her our best wishos.
We noticed last week iu our brother editor's
column the fact that tho young gentleman
"thought" that th'j young ladies made all the
noise iu the had, iu consequence of which the
faculty are t liukin : seriously of forbidding the
students to t-pealc wher. l assing through the
same. Now our nrother editor i laboring
nn ler a wror.g Impression for it is not the
young hull 's at all; it is iu fact the said young
gentlemen who are laying the blame on the
"girls" poor ereatureej-but we guess they can
stand it.
Public fiheto'icals.
The public rhetorical were held In the
auditorium a week ago last Friday. Tho ex
ercise were opened by calisthenics by the
junior dims, which carried 'f the honors of
the day. The forma th it the cl;.ss went
through showed very plainly that tliey had
been Well drilled. We siuccr ly hope that the
calisthenlu class will form an interesting feature
during ad other clmpd exercises. Declama'
tion were well rendered by W J Robert, Jen.
nie McClure, (i W Dunn, W H Cure and Ma
Patterson; essays were read by Fannie Con
don, Ida Pirler,'D W Bass, Viola' Colbert,
Clara Adams, Frank Neil, Frank Bybee, Ada
Hnodgross, Katie Vai.dyke, II F Mct'lure,
Frank Hays, Hittie Smith, O P Coshow,
Anna Patterson, (.'has Fenton, Emma Doit!,
at. i I R F Reasoner. Quite a large number ot
vi-ltors were present, who Seeii'ed very much
interested in the exercises.
Good bye.
With this issuo wa say goul bye. We can
say that we have hadave.y pleasant time
during our term of office. We have often read
in newspaper about the tfials i f rn editor, but
generally supposed them to hi very small, but
now we c..n folly sympathize with all editors.
We !o not know yet who will be our euecesm r
as there are several names placed in nomina
tion, but we know that the young ladies mu
lling for the nflice are fully qualified to III' the
position of editV. Agaiu we say g'snl bye.
SKATlNi Rink. Having leased Lane's 0era
house I will open the rink regularly every
night from' "'even till ten o'clock. Rutes are
reduced to 25 cents for both ladies and gentls
ip.en, and will lie nn Thursday afternoons
from two till five o'clock exclusively for ladies.
S'jIimiI children, frwm one till four o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. The rink will lie iqirn frm
one o'clock till four and overy evening from
seven till ten o'clock; I also have the exclusive
management i the 0era bouse.
J C Fi.KTt iirit.
Elutiim or Orricriis. The following com
panions were elected officers of Eugene Chap
ter No 10. Royal Arch Mawms, for the ensuing
year: J M Ho'scn, II P; J C Church, K; R
li Cochran. S; G Bettman, Sec'y; F B Dunn.
Tn as: S II Friendly, C of II; C M Yoran, p
S;.f WalW. R A C; Win Preston, G M Ut
V; .1 M Sloan. G M 2nd V; J 0 Gray, G M
3d V; V McFrh.nd, Sentinel.
The -ae of A M Reuhee vs L B Ri wlsnd
was decided Thnr-day by Judge R S Bean
ie favur of tit defendant.
s Mnvle McCain is visiting in Pert-
( Senator H li Milier, of Jneihin ootiety, M
In our city.
Mr E K Henderson came up (rem PortUslu
last Wednemlay.
Mr J L Rumsey returned home from Port-
I ind last Thursday evening.
Mr Win Eilris has returned from the Fe
ley Spring much improved in health.
Ex -Congressman L F Lane wu in Ra
gene on profession busiucts yestorday.
Kobt Caplo, who formerly wont tp the
University in this city, is at present stand
ing a commercial college in San Francisco.
Miss Emma Cnl-miao and Thomas Seavsy,
nf this county, will spend the, Winter ia
Portland a students tf the Portland Com
mercial College.
Mr Jut Nolaiul arrived home ftdm Astorl
hy last Thursday niorning's trsin, where s)
had been visiting for several wetks. He
was on the delayed train from Portland
that was forty-eight hours making the run
and Jim says he only had one meal on the
(rip up.
t Q
Dr Goo Bushnell returned home from elan
Francisco last Monday, where Is has been
tending a medical co'leg. He brought home,
with him "sheep skin" and he now Baa
authority to write M D after his name. The
Doctor will remain in Eugene several week
visiting before he selects a location for the
pratice of his profession.
County jail empty.
Butter and eggs scare.
See now sheriff's sales in this issue.
Syrup of Figt.
Nature's nwn true laxative. Pleasant to the;
Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless Ia
its natu-e, painless in its ss-tion. Cures Han
bitual I Humiliation, Itiliousness, InulgenteA
and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purities
the biood, regulates the Liver and acts on the
liowels. itreaks up Colds, Chills and revere,
etc. Strenghtens the organs on wh eh it acts,
lietter than tntteis, nauseous Liver medicine..
pills, salts and drugs. Sample bottles free,
and largo ones for sale by V M Wilkinsj
Eugene, W S Lee, Junction. '
American Laundry,
We would resiiectfully Invite attention ta
the opening nf a n'.iw American Laundry on'
Oak Street between 8th and 0th. Good work,
low prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Give
u i call. Blaink ft Dickit.
New Firm '.
Dr N J Taylor desires to inform his pat,'
roue and the publio generally that he nasi
associated with him Dr J C Eberly, Me of
M Joseph, Mo, in .the prautiee or dentistry
Or r.lierly has had lourteen years ol ex pen
ence in bis profession, and has taken a oou'ss
Hi tho Philadelphia Dental Inllrge. Al
work warranted to give satisfaction. Dm
in Walton's brick.
D. D. D.
Few real ire that tho stomach is nearly.
always theolTuiiding organ in what are called
billious attack, nevertheless that such is the
ease is a scieutiflo fact. Keep the stomach '
healthy and the wholo budy will be health. ':
Cholera and other "gerul diseases" cannot .
be propagated in the system: if tho- itomaoh,
and blood are ina healthy pta'.e. Pa Haven's)
Dyspepsia Cure secures this desirable, state, '
statu nf the stoiiia.di Ond blood. Sample
bottle free at Uiburn ft Co's drug store.
Is if not true,
, r '
There can be no argument as to the quali
ties essential to a perfect remedy for the llhi r
arising 4 rum a ilisnriteil or inactive con-
lition of the Liver,' Stomach and Bowels. .
Kveryoue will admit that it should be per '
feetly safe for old anil young of both sexes,
a any slid all times; that it should be ao. .
ceptable both to tho taite and stomach; that
it should never fail to act promptly andj
thoroughly, yet painless, and it ahoulu give -
strength to those organ. It is now Well '
known that Syrup of Fig possesses these
pnilitius in a pre-emiueut degree, F M
Wilkin is agent for Eugone, W S Isw
Junction. " .
by virtue an execution duly .issued out
f the Circuit Court, til the Slate ot Oregon,
lor the County of Lane, by the Clerk there
uf, and to me directed mi to-wit: Dee 17 .
UHI. upon a judgment and decree ot
foreclosure rendered iii said Court Dee.
I.'t, IHH4. in a suit then ami there,
uiling, wherein A li llovey was plaintiff,
and Ainlriw Siminons and Lydia Simmons,
his wife, and Joseph Sternberg ami Isaac
Sjinlers, doing business under the firm Mine
if SteriiiHTg ft Meudors, wer delcnUsnta-
wherein said plaintitf recovered judgment ,'.
against Andlew Simmons, deft, .for, the sum
ul (2U70 CH, and the further sum of $2W,'
alty tees, and for costs and disbursement of -action,
and a decree for the foreclosure, of
the following described mortgaged premise,
to wit: A put of land claim Ne 5j, in T.
17. SK4W, described a follow: Benin- '
mug at a point on iiirth boundary of, said
olnini in see 2. .'!!) eh E nf N W our of said
claim, thence S Hi ens,' thence W 211 7S hs.
thence S Id. 2D ch to S W cor o( said claim,'
tiieucv E 77-34 ch to 9 K cr of said claim,
thence N 4 M ch, thence W 1.1 UO chs,
thence N 2.1 01 chs to N E cor,' thence V
I 'J tiU cl.s to phice nf bcgiuinng, containing
1 1.V21 acre of laud in l-ane t otinty, Oregoti, 1
Said execution coinirandiug mo to sell the '
above described premises ,
Now, therefore by virtue nf said wrir, esd
to satisfy said judgment with interest there
mi at the rate' of one per cent, per month '
from fflto id judgment, atty fee, costs, and
accruing costs and expense nf sale, I wdi
sell the shorn de cribed premises, at poblifl,
suctiiin t the highest bidder, fur cask W,
baud, at the Court lionse ilisir iu Eugene
City, rane County, Oregon, on , '
noiiday, Jauuary 10, 1SS5,
between the hour of 9 o'clock a m, aadi 4
o'clock p m uf said day.
, Slientf Lane County, Or. '
Dated Dec 2(1. 1S84.
Physiciart and Surgeon.
y calls day or night, . 1 '"
OFFICE -Cp stairs in Hays' htick; or can. ,
he found at E R Luckey A Co's drug stor.. .
Oltice bo ire: 9 to li in, 1 to 4 p in, ! '.
p ra. unl2cf