1 li ' 171 pi p IV TQl CITY GUARD; JLU OTCTi 1". ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEMINATION OP DEMOCRATIC PaHCIttES, UD TO KIRS 11 HONEST LITI'G BT THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. VOL. 17. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1884. NO. 10. I. L. CAMPBELL, Publisher atii Proprietor. OKFITS-On thi Hut side of WUUmett netbetvrion Seventh and highth Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per Ann'm... Six Month.... Three Mouth. ...82.50 ..i 1.25 ... .73 ODE OSLT RATK OH AT) VKItTISlN'G. lnnrted 10 follows: nil., unm 10 linn or lM. on. insertion S3 1 uh subsequent mi t .on 91. Cash required lu dvance. . Ti;ni alvett'weM will be chanted t the fol owinr. rates: One square three months ? 00 " " six month. 8 01) " " one year 12 00 Transient notice, in local column, 20 cunts per line lor each insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly, All iob work must be paid kob nt obuverv. tttami Ijido No 11. A. F. anit A. M Meet, fi rat and third W. laewbtjre In each neath. 0. F. Meetsevery Tueday evening. Hit oa the Id ua ttb. Wednemlay. in eaca Kuuxxe Loons, No. 15, A, O. w-- Meet, it Muonio Hall the second and fourth Friday, in each innnth. J. M. Sloas, M. W. ' V.riTi.inir PrwT W.v 41. O. A. Tt.-Meets t Masonic H ill, the first and third Friday of eh month. By order, ' Commandkb. Ordsii of Chosks Friends. Meet, the ret and third Saturday evening at Mnmuuc RalL By order of J. M. Sloax, 0 C. Burn Loots No. 307, I. O. G. T. Meet. Tery Saturday night in Oi l Fellow' Hail. . E. O. Poms, W. C. T. Lsvmms Stab Band or Hops Meet at the .P. Church every Sun i ly afternoon at 3:30. .K. Hi'wton. Sst.: Mil" Bi'rtha Cook, Ast Suet; Chas. Hill.'Sec'y, Mis H ittie Smith, Chaplain. Visitors made welcome. L.BILYEU, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- ElMEN'K CITY, OlUV.JOtf. P'iV.-!ri '313 IN V.LTHU COURTS OF tliii .Will :e-pecinl attention t ealle-Jti'MM an I nr.ilut mittiirv. Jsui - )ver W. K. Cj.' lepras, offme CE3. B. D3.13I3, AttomsifiiiM I CuMisdlor- W nLr. pit vci'P-u in niB orirrs 1 ni tin e.-nd .i'l lioi'd Diitriot and in fciStirMi-0 .ir. of t'..U.StiU Hpjil t.;ir.i.n given to cudection aim UAtt:r in lrtita G39. . Wa3hburne &XJ iENE CI1X - ' - - OREOON Onioe formerly ocoupied by Thompson &. Bean. . 8mJ GEO. M. MILLER, Atteasy and Csunsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY-, - - OREGON. OFFICE Two door, narth of Pout Olfice. J.E.FENTON, lAUorney-nt-Law. KUGENE CITY - OREGON. Spioial attention given to Real Estate Prao tie and Abstract of Title. OrnoB Over Grange Store. T.W.HA1UUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. K.ldence on Fifth .treet, where Dr hhelton formerly raided. Dr. Wm Osborne, Office Adjoining.St- Charles Hotel, - orJit ihb W DRtia 8T03S OP HATES aal LUCKET. r.n TnQVVlT P (iTT.L. CAN BB FOUND AT IIISOFFICE or rea idence when not profeionaUy engaged. Otfioeatth. POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence oa Eighth ttreet, oppoaiU Preabr riaD Chnrcb. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, 0& Clacks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Tiep,":" T'mntnt)v y.XPV.ntpd. I B. BUM'S. R3T" A GENERAL PJ 611 A lar$e assortment of La dies ami Childrcns Hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Dress Goods at 12c Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOUTING. Liberal Discount for New Departure ! TWO ES2,3:033S I fATKONIZK THE MEN WHO HELP T I SCHOOL HuUriEb, whoiie inturvoU are pend their profit, at home. 'J ake nutice that- A. V. Will .ell goods for CASH at crreatly reduced prioe., a. low ae any other CASH STORE.' Best Prints lb ami 13 yard. II 00 Beet Brown and Bljaclied Mtulius, 7, 8, !), and 10 cU. Clarki and Broolai .pool cotton 7 ct er Dot Plain nnd Milled Flrnneln, 25, 35: 43 and 00 ota. Water Pnx , oenU Fine White Shirts. 75 ots and $1. And all Other Coods at Also the Celebrated AVHITK SK rVING M-A.Utd.liS hi I Von. btter for strenifth, she, and durability), WTTomy old Customer, who have itood by all sin, a. others, the full credit on my reduction trms as heretofore on tim, hut If at any time 1J Hi Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Prduce. Call and See S. H. Friendly. IamessSliop. HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 05 8th 8TRB west of Crain Bros'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at tb. t ZiOWSSTKATES. ' . Tim Jlout Competent Workmen " - .u,vor i0 j,;ve gatUfaction to til hi rua facr III I Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Velvets in Colors. Hie finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES :nall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. i CASH. ' . BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND vour intorenU 1 Are peruianeiiUy located and ( PETERS J Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 .t and 91. New Assortment Drexi (Joodi (No Trash) 15, 20 and 20 cU Mens' Undorwear. Shirts anil Drawers, 50 et Mens' Overshirts. 75 cts. and . Men.' Overalls, 50, Cj, 76cUand$l. ' ' Kmliroiderie. and Edgini at Fabulous Low Prices. Prooortionate Rates. ' At greatly reduced rates. me so 1 mg, I will con tin iw to sell oi on .am iney wish w uu -" r""-"""7. " ill giv. OR. W. C SEHLCREDE, TBST. IS NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED In Cottaspi Urov. II perform, all opera tions in mechanical and aurgical dentistry. AU work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. Vegetablo Sicilian HAIR EENEWEE w.ts the tlmt pr.nratioii ik tUtiI) idnptrd to urn iliKft. vf the scutt, auil die first suo Cuful rusUMur uf ladod or gray hair to lu . natural color, gru ill, and youthful beantyt It bos had maiiy liiiiutora, but Hunt bar. so fUliy met all the Kiiulreiuelils liretKul for tlte proiier tn-atinrnt of tlio hulr and scnlp. Il.li.h s lljkin ltKsr.n rH lws .icuillly grown lu IiiVor, ni.J sirrsd lu funic nud usclulnis to .rury iiuartur of the globe, lis unra. lelrd surctw call be nllrlliulrd to but on eaiu: tltt rnHiru'liluiail ;' Hi ;iniiMir, The proprietors bare often bteu surprised at Hie receipt of orders from reinoio coun trlts, wiiere llicj had ncrer t- aJe an ellort for lu iiiinxlucllon.K Tlie use for a short lime of HiLI.'s lUl Kknkwkh vomlvrfully Improve tb per tonal npiearance. 1 1 elvnnsi'. the scalp from all Impurities, cures nil humors, fever, and drynexa, and thus prevents baldnrss. It tluiuliitni the weiikcnml glauds, and enHblri them to push fortranl a new and vigorous growth. 'J'lie effcet. of this article are not transient, like the of alcoholic preara tions.biit remain a long time, which uiakei its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ' rou tub , "WHISKERS TDll elisng. tb. Ward to a rmtural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color Hint will not wash awny. Consisting of a sliiplo irepurailon, It Is applied wllhout trouble. rnr.PAKKD ny LP. BALL & CO., Ma N.H. SoH by all Dealer, lu Mwliclms. FOR ALL THE I0EM3 or SrroOilnna, Mcrcnrliil, and Blnml DlsorUere, hMsnse tli ti',''A sesri'liiug m jfVi bloml-purlUor, is and thorough Ayer's Garsaparllla. Sold by all Druggist I tl, six bottles, ti. Children roa Castona. Motbara liJk and Pbyalelaaa rooommaad it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. ' CENTAUK LINIMENTS; the World's great raln-Ro-HcvIiir: remedies. Theyhoal, sootlio and cure Burns, AVounds Atenk Hack and niicumatism upon Sinn, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness jipon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURT3 of tU.sa.tlas Mm, Snuffle. Crackling Pain la th Head, rtld Sreath, Deafa.., aad aay Catarrhal Complaint, ean to ztonniaatad of Wot Do Meyer'. Catarrh Cora, a Consti tutional Antidote, fcjr Ah.orw tlon. Tba most Important X)! OTry sine Vaooinatlom. DI4LII II Croceris nd Provisions, Will keep en hand a general awnrtment Groceries, Provision, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Hoar. Notion, Green and Dried FrulU, Wood and Willow War, Crockery, Etc Busineat will b conducted on a CASt? BASIS. Which means that Low Prices are established Goodt dcllTfrtd without thirji U injti ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED r-orwlUb w illpr th hlKhirDaikt DEN w . i . if M . I. Oregon llilatnre. From an f xchangA we take ilm fol lowing list of members of tin pretont Igilature of Oregon, which meU on tha first Monday in January nnxt for tha thirteenth biennial aewion. (Demo cratio members arn designated thus,): 8BKATR. . Elected in 1882, Baker I D Hainea Benton: Thos E Cauthorn. Clackamati: John Mjers. Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook: F 0 Reed. Grant: INnry Hall. Jackson: P P prim. larw B Dorria ' Linn: Enoch Holt, MVR Bilyeo. Marion: William Waldo, T W Da venport, Jacob Voorheea. Multnomah: Sol Hirsch. Umatilla: S M Pennington. Elactml in 1884 Clackamas: GOT Williams. Coos and Curry: J M Siglin. Douglas: John Emmit, J II Shupe. Josephina: II B Miller. Lane: E P Coif man. Linn: Jas K Weatherford. Multnomah: Joseph Simon, J 0 Car son, Polk and Benton: Jos D Lee, Polk: John 0 Allen. , Union: L B Rinehart. Wasco, Crook, Klnma'.h and Lake 0 M Cartright, Washington: D W Hare. Yamhill:' Henry Warren, 0 II Burvh. 1I018K. Baker: Geo Chandler, RA Lock- ett Benton: W P Keady, John A Hen kle, M J Connor. Clackamas: F 0 Geer, II Will, J K Wait, Alex Thompsou. Clatsop and Tillamook: C Lienen wclier. Coos: John Rolierts. Coos and Curry: Walter Sutton. ' Columbia: R D Cole. , Douglas: O W Riddle, Henry Rog ers, Chas Wilcox, Wm Manning. Grant: O N Mcllaley. Jackson: T F Brail. Theo Caneron. Josfphiri': Arthur Porter. Klamath and Lake: U F Abshier. Lane: R B Hsyes, L Bilyeu, R M Veatcli, A D Burton. Linn: Henry Cyrus, L II Mont- anye, Harvey Shelton, J H Peery, T J Black, F A Watt. Marion: A N Gilbert, W A Cusick, M A Flinn, Lewis Bleakner, Alex Downing, Chas Miller. Multnomah: John Ken worthy, J Bourne, Sr, Goorge L Storey, Wm Bsrnes, IIS Davenport, J E Mayo, L Thorkelson. Polk: 8 D Gilwon, W II Kuyken- dall, Jos Craven. ' Umatilla: J L Morrow, L B Cox. Union: F T Dick, E E Taylor. Woscoand Crook: A K Lyle, W McDLewis. Washington: W A Prosser, W B Jolly, 1 1 Smith. Yamhill J R Sanders, E II Wood ward, J 0 Nelson. Senate Number of Senators, thirty. Republicans, seventeen; Dmuocrats, thirteen. House Number of Representatives, sixty. Republicans, thirty-five; Demo crats, twenty-five. . Joint Convention IN umber or mem bers, ninety. Republicans, fifty two; Democrats, thirty oiglit. Got lamed. The Paris correspondent of tha New Orleans Picayune tells of a St Louis belle, who, while in the former city, took a dislike to a gentleman who sat at tha same table with ber at the hotel Ont day, noticing biro take soma salt, she called to the waiter to remove the salt-cellar, "because the man's knife has been in it." When dcaert wm reached "that roan" ordered tha waiter to' re move the dish of frnit, because "that ladr helped herself to grapes with ber fingers." ' A day or two later M'lla. appeared at dinner, dressed very decol- letta and determined . to get even.' So, toward the end of the repast, she sent the gentleman a fig, as much as to say: "A fig for you, sir!" Thereupon he sent her a fig leaf. Those two persons hated each other so much that they finally married and ara uuw amonx the I tt beloved in Missouri. Cleveland Expreuet Bit Tlcwr. "ana Boston, Nov. 22. In tha course of an interview with a representative of a Boston paper to-day, President elect Cleveland, speaking of tha business and manufacturing interests of the country and the effect of the change In the ad ministration on these interests said: "It goes without saying that the Democrat io party is made up of merchants, busi ness and working men, and every body suroly deserves good times and realizes that all the peoplo must be prosperous to insur that result. We have 53,. 000,000 people almost boundlfss re sources of hundreds of tha strongest fi nancial institutions in the world, thou sands of enterprising merchants, tha most skillful manufactures, and the most intelligent farmers and working men on the face of tha earth. Now, surely a country with those characterise tirs has every qualification for solid prosperity. It will be my aim and ths aim of all those associated with m in the conduct of affairs at Washington, to g,ive the people of the United States a safe, economical and conservative gov ernruent The fact that so many busi ness men and manufacturers and work' ingmen voted with the Democrat! party this election shows that they were not afraid of a change in the adminis tration. The Domocratio party, in il Chicago platform, meant what it said ' and said what it meant, and will carry the provisions of that platform which relate to the business interests of thff country into effect The roost import' ant thing is a restoration of contideneo and determination to forgot partisan heat, and devote our lives to th coun try and all ot its people. In this work every man should feel t,hat he has part to perform." Contllintlaoal Intendment. At ths election recently held in Cal ifornia an amendment to ths eonstitu' tion of the state was submitted to the people to have the state printer print the school books for the state instead of letting contracts to various book publishers to furnish them to the state. Two years ago the senate of, that state passed the following" resolution; Resolved, That the State Printer ber and is hereby directed to institute art ' inquiry into the cost of compiling and publishing free text-books by the state-, and ascertain, in connection, the cost to pupils in common schools of Readers, Histories, Arithmetics and Spelling; Books, and to report the' result of ruvlv inquiry at an early day. In otadience to that . resolution, James J. Ayers, Superintendent of State printing made his report which was very can-fully considered after which the bill submitting the constitu tional amendmunt was drtwn up and passed. ' Ihe report of the Superintendent contained the following synopsis as- the final rate that ths various hooks couli be furnished at: Spellers, 100,000 copies, cost per copy. ' 8.12(5 cts First Reader, 100,000 copies, cost per copy, 8.286 otv Second Reader 00,000 cop ies, cost per copy. 17.920 etc. Third Reader, 60,000 cop- ies, cost per copy. 2 CI,' 14 ctf. Arithmetic, 60,000 copies, cost per copy. 28.891 eta. Grammar, 60,000 copies, cost per copy. 20. 1 67 cts. History, 60,000 copies, cost per copy. 29.658 cts. Grand total I 38 292. Important to All. Ths following is found irt the new postal law and ia of interest to all "When a letter has only one stamp when two are required, it will not be forwarded, hot detained at the mailing olBce, and the postmas ter will send a postal card to the ono addressed, for stamps sufficient to pre pay the lardy letter. If the writer name be known to them, he is first no tified, and if neither party respond;, the missive is sent te the dead letter office."" For sale: A job lot of correct chart a for Salt river the result of a' quarter of ft century's experience on that stream giving bars, sunken rocks, etc. Ap ply at this office. We hv no further use for thin, and will therefore accom Buxkte our Urpublican (iu;iiLUto them. EUiwo I,. lA'.t