if 7 H. in ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEUimiO DP UE WBAT1C f eltairiES, iti) TO lAM W HONEST Unw NE PF .1 VOL. 17. IMUKMUU 35 1: iCitij Oinrd. I. L. CAMPBELL, P-tblif'tn a 1 1 Proprietor YtS U - i fp "t i It of WilWiUlti Ttjtbit vjl.t jve:it'i an I Ei!it!i Street.' Per Ann'rn.. .'. ...M.V) FVix Mn .mth 1.21 Three Mtutlis 73 OtiBOXLY KATP3 OP AbVKHTirtliVU. AdvertUemmti Itinerted i .. .iowsi j , Out I'l uro. U lln-' ess, nrt irj;Vj& 3: Awn ribuin wt 'rtei con $1. Ch reV.ired in vinoe. a Tinn lr M-tixur.i will bj olinrsd nt t1i fob oWiAjrstes: On. iii'mru three months SO 00 " " lit months 00 " " oua year 12 00 Transient notices in load column, 2D cent per lit for each inirtion. i.Jrertwinj bill, will be rondorel qiiiuterly. All ob work must be paid rou us luaivwiv. " HiClKflES. RnnitNK LotX'K No It. A. f. and A. M Most. Bnt 1 third vYs liW.irs in evh month. HntMrft tlnTm tannic No. I. O. fo.f JJU. r. JllOTIllBTery mon-ny i wiling. ""M WlVtmiLI ENOAHrUKKT Nil. a. tf tk. Muni 4th Wetu1ars in enoli month. tviixr. L'tn iR, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meet at Mwemic Hitll the eicond an. I fourth Fridays in eoh month. J. M. Zms. M. W. ' KurmiCK Put, N. 41, 0. A. R.-Mrft t M m mil H ill, t'ia ti.-it an 1 t iir l Kri 1 iy of aehmmth. 15yordr, (Josuami)Kk. OK'TlHOSKX FlUKXM. Meet th Ht an 1 thir l Sttur Cty-evonin.n at Mvnie HIL 11 or Ur of J. M. 3i.o.vx, (J C. Htrrs Lnis X. 3.7. I. O. G. T. MU try SWi.dty iiU'Jit In D 1 1 FellowV If ill. K. 0. I'OTTEII, W. C. T. Lsvm Sr.vn Bvvioi If ex -MU at. tin .P. 0 inruh every 8.111 Uv ft'tern n ;it 3::t:. It H'-nton. 8:i)t.: MU B-rt!i (oo';, Ant StpttC'itt. Hill, S-so'y, XIU H ittw Smith, fli t;ililiu VUitora nu lu welooina L. filLYEU, Attornsy and Counsellor at Law,- t UfvittN'R CITY, OREOO.V. -3a-vcricE i i allt m iouutsof fin.Sttf. Will vjciiil Rttunlion f i eolleoti ii n 1 prolate in ittera. J.'fij - .-r V. K. Jt J.' Kxpresj olfioe C:3. 3. D113.S, Attorn vj an I Coansdlor at-Law, Wtbri pAcncis ix hik oukt.- V ui t.n ihm i.l -i i it il District ul ii h i H ii.r).n l! i ift of tliU .SUM. S.-jiil utvitio.i jivja to cnllcctiou ni ' miHirs in UMltite G3J. S. iftfashburns Attoracy-at-Lar, isijiKNij cirr, - - - OREGON Ofllee forrasrly occupied by Thompson Bean. '8,n3 GEO. M. MILLER, hlxity aal.Ciaasjllr-at-Liw, ana Real Estate Agent. Euoitxk ctrv, - - OKEOON. OFFICE-Two doom nrth of Post o.fi.-e. J. E. FENTON, Atiornej'-at-Lntv. JSUilSXH CITY , OKEGON. SpaoUl attention ivn to Real Estate Pwo Mm and Abstract of Title. Ofrici Over Grange Store. T.W.HAltlUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. office VilklnTs Drug Store. K.idence on Fifth atreet, where Dr Shelton formerly reaided. Dr Wm Osborne, 0.T.c! AJj j'.VnISt- Charles Hotel, -orJatthi OF HATES ad MCI Et DR. JOSEPH P GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS viKFICi or tt idenoa when not professionally en tea. Olficatthe POST OFFICE DRUGSTORE. Reaidenc. on Ei.-hth atreet, oppo.iU Preaby Man Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DtJttlt 15 Clocks, Wach, Chains, Jetfelry, Etc, Repairinj Troraptly Executed. CsTAHWorai Xfmmutei.. & 3.3. LUCKF.Y, Ki fth iCo'a Brick Willa h.i nr A GENERAL 81 A large assortment of La dies and Childrens Jtose at 11 1-2 c.v. ftcdd Dress Goods at 12c Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. jRit'e ddshmcre in evert shade. New and .Nobby styles in CL01HLYG. Liberal Discount for CAS New Departure ! PAl'KOXIZK THE MEN WHO JUM P T CjUHclj llOUSKiS. whose iiitKresU are ,n I their protitn at home. 'J'ake notice that- A. V. 1V1II aell tfuoda for OASH at ,Tf at!y reduce J pi Uest PrinU ll and 18 yards v XI 00 ;le.it Urown and Dljauhed Miislina, 7, 8, 'J, aud lOcfc. Jlarka and Brookx spool cotton 75 cte per Dor. t'Uiuan lMilled Fhnnels, 25, 35: and 00 cU. Watar Proo . centa !?:..- Wku. l.itf 7n pfft and St. And a!l Other Goods at Proportionate Rates Uso the Celebrated TTT,fT, , WEilTli: Sli ArTNG MACHLnE! ..... . .... i i. i,:t:-.. A f rtPfl.lv rithiofiiI rate. !""lr.!!V"iu i1 lo my ,"nns as hei nen, wno nave svoou j rnna as heretofore on tim, but if at any time ill am, as others, the full credit on my ruu:uu nl Goods sold as in Oregon, for uasn ur urec Highest Price paid for all kinds Df Country Prduce, Call and See S. M. Friendly. i . ... Harness SHop. rTAVIVG OrEXED A NEW RADDLE AD HAkSlPS SHOP 0 Sth STRE UL west of Crain Bios'., I am now pr iared to furnish .verythin in that line at the TLe Competent Worknieii AreempbyUndlllenl-.vortogivesttisfa.liou '6V1 mh,n. fa"r roe vith a call EUGENE CITY; OR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER MIFS si i sill i, in illy Trimming Silks nnd Sat ins in all shades. Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES . ever brought to (his place. BOOTS and SHOES 'nail grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. 1 1 .JJUILDYOUU liUliXiE3, ROAIW ANi yi'mr liltttriMtn I Are permanently louitml au PETERS, 1 je, as low as any ctlier CASH STORE. Fine Cheviot Sliiiis. u'l, 75 et and $L New, Ananrtiiient Drei (toinle (No Trash) Ifl Ui) and 25 cU Mma' UuderwMt. S'lirt .n I Drawer. 50 ct Mens' OverehirU, 75 eta. and $1. Mens' Overalls, 59, 65, 75 cts and 81. Embroideries and Ediiu at Fabulou Lo Prices. ii l will continue t, sell on .am, uu !.... I will lv. Uiey wish w w Tyriyii' loW as any House -i if Lib. Slost A, N. CTIU.Ii:. H 11 C11I1T! D!. W. C SEHLBHEDE, TS KOW PKUMANBXTlV tdcATED JL,, in i'ttaipi Umvf. He performs all opera tions In nieclianical and auroral dentistry. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. A Marvelous Story VoLD TWO ljlTERl FROM THE SON ': k"oS&2S " Ornlltwwn: My father resides at Olor.r, Vt. lie has been a great sufferer from So rot la, and the lnoloaed letter will toll yon what r marreloui allect Ayer's Sarsaparilla Las had in his ease. I think hit blood mots bar contained the humor (or at teut ten years ; but It did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about fire years ago. From a few spots which, ajv pea red at that time, It gradually spread so u to cover his entire body. I assure you he was) terribly arnlotcd, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there aro few men of his age who enjoy a good health as ha has. I eouM easily name fifty persona who would Wttlfy to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, . W. M. PkiluMi" tROM THE FATHER ': SLiii a duty for me to state to yon the beuoflt I bare derived from the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilla Six months ago 1 was completely covered with terrible humor and scrofulous tores. The humor caused an lneeaaant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked to at to cause the blood to flow In many placet whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. 1 ooramenced the nse of the BabsIfarilla fn April last, and bare used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at ouoe. The torus hare all healed, aud I foel perfectly well In every respect being now able to do a good day'l work, although 73 yeart of age. Mauj Inquire what bat wrought such a eure In my ease, and I tell them, as I bare her tried to tell yoif, Aren't 8ARSAFAIULLA. Olover, Vt, Oct.' 11; U82. Yours gratefully, . Huum Puilum." Ater'i Sariapadilla enrct Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complalnta, Eryalp elat, Ecsjema, . Blngworm, Itlotches, Soret, Bolls, Tumors, and Ernptlont of the Iklu. It cleats the blood of all Impa rities, aids dlgcttlonj ttlmulHtcs the action of , Jhe bowels, and tuiit restores vitality and ttrengtbent the whole tyttem. . paxpARiD r d?'.J.C.Ayer4Cd.,L'owell,MaM. - Sokl by all DrugglsU; II, tlx bottles for Id, ilnrays Carei aai uovor dlsap polnta. Thoworld'tcreatPain Uellover for Man tuid Boast, Cheap, quloU and reliabla. ffg .'y WrLlWT M " I1L1 PITCUCB'3 (DASTORIA n not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, aud Physicians recommend CASTOIIIA. Itrc-ulatcstho Dowels, cures AViad Colic, inlay revcrishuess, and do itroys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, H Cottetitatlonal Antidote tar tbl terrlblo xaa if, ijr Absorption. The most Important Eisooworyslnoe Vac cination. Other remedies may roller Catarrh, trie caret at Any atago bofor Conaomptlea eta In. DEALER 15 Crocerls o"1 Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Grooerie, Tohaoro, Provisions, ' Cured Meats, Cigars, . canan-a, Candles, rViai, Jiotiona, Green and Dried h niitx, Wood and Willow Wart, Crockery, Kto. jSuslnetj will be conducted on a OASH I3ASIS f Vfiich meant that Low Prices are Established Goodi deliTtred without charge to Eojei ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED yorwaSrS wt will pay tha Mmtraark.t 1 peiee. J AS. h . TA' ' K- mi 2, IKfi ilic 6.ly Slave EVtr Saltl l5:ftp Vr there ever nny nltve taught' and Hold in Oregon, you ftak! I know of hut onn conn of thin aort and tli" pur. I fhiwK-r in a very well known clmVact? on tlm Poi tland ntreU In 18M OoV. Joh. Tual, tluA aatout and vigorous younj uinrchaitt doinc liUHincwt in hune fjity, purchanHd of Mr. South- worth a ngro Iwy named Cole, and his grandmother, agod aliout 7ft Thu price . ! .1 ...... paiu tor mi-He two KervanU wan 5f 1U()U, tnd the dill of tlu wat drawn hy JudgA Strattou, then a practicing law. yer and afierwardn Judge of (he Second Judicial District in this State, and ex-j ollicio justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon.' the hill ' of sale ia in Judi'n Stratton's handwriting throughout, and iit tho most rnmarkahh1 locuinent in the Statu today, outnide of thu puhliu nrchivta, hecau.io it in the titla deed of the. only twin of a alavo that ever took place ' on the Faoirio shores of the United States, I do not hut there was no aid from tha larga in believe, that any like document can lie jatitutions likely to seek from tde Nrt t'ound rem rdwl in a Court I louse in Culi- ( tionul Government now favors in the t'oruia, tier in Oregon, savo the record future or a dontinu.vica df tP.e Valijiahla if this one in Lane county. This is tho uiily cae I can cite of a citizen of Orr'- inn having liouht a negro, though I liavh known several of tho ti tj go out in eleetiun d;iv and I my up a ood many low-down white liieii. Col. Tul ave the old negro woman nnd her sou their freedom nearly three yean hefmv ho emancipation proclamation weijt in- to effi-ct. They got a place on the "Ion roiu river, about three miles west of no present huh oi o unction uiy, w, re i . i . ii ii i in i ifi . they earned a co"iiifi)rtAUe livelihood There are huudruds of men within thu State w ho huvn owned slaves at ona time or another; hut to the hest of my belief there, is hilt onn mart Unrig in Oregon who can say that he bought aud received posVessioit of a slave within this State', and tlldt uian is Col, Joseph Teal. Tho transaction betwet'ul Col. Teal aud Southworth was morn of a loan of money than the purchaxe. of a chattel, for South wortll needed money, and had nothing elni that ho could well atlord td tell. Freijuemly in my life I have teen (Iih time of an apprentice sold by me. employer to another and this was just about a parallel caio. So fdr as any profit in t ho transaction is co i corned, my belief is the l Col. Teal was out of pocket, for tha woman was tuperanuated. Tliey were sirilply a iiill of exieusn to the old man, and tho 'oy was lazy beyond redemption. When tho old grandmother died, lloiiiobody undertook tu break the news gently to the lad, who answohid: "Um! Is dat o1 Granny dead 1 wondeb e( silo done tinihhed dat r par o' corduroy trouHaloous alio was a innkin' fur mel" Uut this is the true inside history of slavery on the Pat i do Coast, to far as it joes, and a correct record of the only sule of a human body within the State of Oregon. -Tom Merry in Sundiy Oregonian: Father mil Son. The stfecess of the Democrats in In diana, will, it is understood, iusura the return of Hoil Daniel V, Vorhees to UniU'd Htstes Senate for another term. There is somo talk of Hon. Joseph . McDonald contesting for the place but he call hardly do so success fully unless an issue is made on the tarilf a qdctftion on which Mr, Vor hees ii not iu harmony with his party. Uut the probabilities are that the Legis Itture will return him te the' Senate notwithstanding his departure from thu faith in this particular. Mr Vorheea .is Senator will no doubt feel .quite proud to greet his son aa a Delegate from Washington Territory to the House of Kepresenlalivci, for it u - quite a distinction for one family to l thus represented in both branches ot Congress. Tlie Hon is said to possess many of tha pronfinVrtt peculiarities of the father, and the two' will no doubt try to make life a burden to the officers ami managers of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, in their advocacy 6f the forfeiture of land grants. Daily Newer Cleveland's successor as Governor of New York, David 11.11111, is also a bachelor, llachclors have reason to uk, Jar, - cX. -cr-- Nuw YoKK, NoT."TV.-J ' P. Gorman, Cliairnmn of thu " 1 .L i)rinai crntiu Nutionnl F.kipii!va CVtlkiiitii tarn ' I vv. IWi lanya that ,Villiaiii J? Vamlorhilt jhnu not liath. any contrihulioim to tha Nit iomil DuricraMo dampaijn fumf. "Mj reanoii for. v, i:,lm, g to deny the atnteunt that Vanderhilt contrlhuted tlO.OOi or ally other num." Ray Mr Gorman, "in that tho htory in put out I .. .. ... I . wun ino malicious intent of creating a fa!nn iippresurm thnt Cleveland and ( Hendricks receKed aid from that olaas of contrihutors aid act of influences hoe. aiJ, when jiven at all, was . wholly and unMintedl; devoted to the 'amice olf MV. UUV.Ve, UW0 L Um. 'paign of Cloveland and llulricka was jtlrpendeftt wholly ilfon pop'Oar JipJ port, L'iven for thn inoHt part it. small sums. Soma wealthy Democrat did their fair share, as did also somo lndt" ' Pendent Ropuhlicans of largo niaanN,' privileges already enjoyed hy theniC Any part in thu campaign taken hy auch hodies and parties was entirely on the side of lllaino and Iincnn." . . , . .. . .. Salt nr. cr. In general terms Salt River is art imaginary stream up which defeated politicians are supposed to he sent to 0,)Hvi ,(Ut M . mftUftr o( trath thi phrase "To row p Salt River" had its or- jn , lh( fuct U gmaU I. stream of that name, in Kentucky, tl passage of which is made difficult and dangerous as well by its tortuous cour4 as by the abundance of shallows and rocks. The teal application of the. ex pression is to tho unll tppy wight whr5 has the task ef propelling the boat up the stream', but iti political o"r slangy uVge it U applied to those who ere rowed up, as panion'Trs. This is t little gratuitous information that we throw iu for the benefit of those of our Republican readers who have forgotten, oK account of ago, we never knew on account of yorttli, tile arduous labo? that was cut out for them by the Dem ocrats at tho recent Presidential election. The year 1900 will not Le a leap year, although it is divisHile iy lour without a remaindor. In order to make calendar aild solar time agree i nearly as I hey can bo got for years to to come, the Georgian calendar drops three leap years out of ever four centu ries, and these occasions are upon sdclf leap years as will net divide by 400 without a remainder, although they can 1 divided evenly by four. The 16 JO was a leap year, but 1700 aM 1 800 were not, and 1900 will noi be. The girls should make a note of this. The United States' Grand Jtt'ry off Sjturday indicted Ilonry N. Bafnliarl and Francis Anderson, for killing arf fudiuu policeman on the Umatilla res ervation. They were tried in the state Circuit Court for Umatilla county for the above olFoiice, aud acquitted. Their present indictment iu principally to test the -question of jurisdiction, as it is claimed the State courts have no jurisdiction over offenses committed upon Indian resorvstionp,' Robert ToWm', of Georgia owns large tracts df lands in Texas, and has' refused $10 an aCre for one tract of 4,000" tfcrea? When living in Paris just aftef tho reUllion, he was asked how he sUppofW himself: He replied; "I am eating an acre of dirt a day." Ho wctfiMtmrj Texas land at $3 arf icre, which w'as alibu'd h'W daiTy ex pensis. . ' A special from London says: Tho Tablet, the chief Catholic journal, and the Catholio Times both publish long editorial articlea warmly congratulating America on Cleveland's election. The Pelfast News says Blaine was defeated because of his action in the MxSwe.cn' cy case. The Democrats have the Illinois leg filature oh joint ballot by one majority. This legislature will choose a successor to Gen. Lngau to represent Illinois irf the United States Senat, ' ,1 1:1 hi r i it