rMi Ml Could Dot flrrriu Hf". 'You can't ilm'ivo mo, Mr. Jar. fhyly," siiappiahly and riiihriticallyj "it was fcfUtr 1 o'clock, and I wasn't Mirt!p." "Why, Arunndf, you are liadly mis taken," responded Mr. Jarplily, in a conciliatory tone; "it wasn't mrWn half after eleven." "Now, Jarplily, dont you ait tlirre and falsify to mn. f am no fool, if you think I am." "Amandy, 1 nvr said you wuz; you know I didn't. I only say you wtro mistaken, mj di;r, for it was only half-past vlavnn, or twenty-five min ute of twelve. "Jarplily, wot'a the uw of you Bit ting there and lying? Don't you think I could alio the clock!" 'Well, Aniandy, I've got nothing to aay if you'd rather ltlive a ninety-five cent, nicklo plated clock than your own married liusliond," responded Mr, Jar phi deeply injured, ' Unhealthy Iowa. A traveling man's 'trip look was picked up on Bovonth street, Sr. Paul One page read as follows: Liver regulator, 15 cents. Dinner, 50 cents. Cigar, 25 cents. Liver adjuster, 10 cents. Drayage, 23 cents. Kidney Miters, 8 cents. Newspaper, 5 cents. Toothacho drops, 15 cents. Gargle, 10 cents. II has been traveling in Iowa. We had no idea it was so uhealthy down that way. Minneapolis I'm zoo. 1 Sermon Spoiird. "What snoins to 1 tho inatterr' he asked mildly as they were returning from church; ''didn't you enjoy the iM-nnonl" "Enjoy the sermon?" she repeated, shortly; "and that odious Mrs. Smith itting directly in front of me with a new full wrap on that never cost a cent lass thin $135. You must think I have a very warm, mligiouH tempera mentNew York Sun. Sptaking of tlm DiMe, Carlylo sail': "It is a wonderful book, that. Some years ago I read the four Gospels through, aiid I wept a great deal over it. It is full of sincerities and eveij lasting truths. I did not find Christ that pounJ of fresh-butter character which people have mad) of Him. On th contrary, He is a man with a reat deal of anger in him, but the anger all on the right sido. He always has a aharp word to return to the riiarmees. When one who has kept the Ten Com mandments ftfks Him whether that is not enough He tell him no 'Leave all thy riehes and follow mi'."' Speaking of tlm inditieivnce of the people of our times toward high minded men, he said: "If Jesus Christ were to come to day people, would not even crucify Him; they would ask Him to dinner, and hear what he had to say, and make fun of it." Brown to Jones No, I can't take . your wager; I never bet, I ticcWi d OfT last year; it's too risky. My friend Smith bet me ten dollars that out of hfty persons next patting us over half would be colored people. Just as I was about to win 'long came a nero funeral procession, and I lost. Smith knew they wire coming up the street when ho coveted my ten spot. No, I don't Ik t now. GO TO THE Mipas' Sta, Eugeiio CUy, Oregon, For your Hoot Mil Slum-Kin flood mi J Low l'rlce. O. liECKWITH A SON. WILL EXCHANGE II FOB I TIIK KUfJEXK MILL COMPANY hereby takes the pleasure m! anuouno lag that they will take WKIIAT'. ... any wareiioun north ol I'.ujjene City in txchauge for . FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., at their mill iu Eugene. The Company will Uke wheat receipts, properly signed to '. them, and girt credit to the owner of the Mi oa mill books for the amount in bushel. r.p.&ca 7l SO, ISSe. alMiin AC.3l1U To all r-ho are suffering from the error anj fndincretioas of y.mth, iiervou weakne, early decay, loaaof manhood, Ac, 1 wil!s.-n.t a rvoiiw that U1 cure yon, FKKK UK CIIAKOK. Tbi iftrat remedy was discovered by mU arr ia South America. tH-ml a eelf ad ircwed envelope to the Krv. JaurHT. Ixnan. Wtioo D New Yrk City. Millinery Goods DRESSAMMaNG. HAVING runciIASED THE STOCK of Rood of M in JSonnutt, which in one of the largest ever brought to Eugene, I nm now prepared to cll the ekiue at iiMoiilidiinyly low price. The natronac; of the ladle of fciiKouc la reeutiiuly solicited, Dressmaking a socially. Mils. ft T. Oat. . N. Be 13 lbs rice, (best) $1.00 II llie ugar, (-oh I) .(M) 4 lit tca.. I.OU 8 cane lye 1.00 5 can pie fruit 1.00 1 act extra fiue goblet 73 1 set extra tine glasses '.33 I gloat tea set 40 1 bread plate 2S I cuke eland 50 Finest assortment of GLASS WAKE, CKOCKEKY. WOODEN WAKE, WIL LOW WAKE, and tiKOCEKIKS in Kii;jtnr. Call and get prices--no trouble to show good,-' ' 1 Unods diliveird to nil part of city free of charge. Will grind your coffee without any extra charge. A. .OM.VUITII. ''Cash Haul for all kind of country Produce, Hide, Etc . GOUMMITII-Cuah Gmcer. TtJTTP 25 VEAR3jM USE. Ths Oreatert Medical Trunin of th Age! SYWP"f6?13 of a TORP8DUVER. LohoI nppt'lllc, I;..t!com1vc, 1'uin In the bend, Willi ii dull acirnnllon In tUo bark part, 1'iilu iimlrr tlio elionldrr blade, Kullnoaa after callim, wli h ndle Itu'llnnlloniorxciilonof body irmlnd, Jrrhuullltyoi tuinicr, Low aplrlte, with foellnioriinTliianral''i.-ted xome duty, WearinctH, Dlzzlnea, l'luilrrlng- at the llonrt. Dote bolorelbn ryct, llonduche ever the rlnht eye. Ufatlesanoas, with Atfuldrcnma, Illehly colored I rlue, aid CONSTIPATION. TVTT'H I'lLI-N are eBpecinlly adapted to inch caiv, one doao eirccta such a ehnntf" of fmillnffiittoiisloiilalitlio sufferer. Thi-y Inrreaae the AiipetUe.ond eame the body I TnUe on KlenU.thin Ihj y;tim U nourUhftil.nml liyih'lrToiile Action on tho Itlireil lve Ontaiie.lle vulnr MIooU nro IT!! '"'"'''IIIImJmJKCI' ' ,"rV"y Wt"Wl? runs HAIR DYE. Ghat IlAin or Whiukkh ehnngoit to a OlossT Ulack lv n sIiikIo npnlloatlon of tlila DTK. It iinpartt n natumf color, acta InBtantaiicoiiKly. Sold by Dnigglate, or aent by exprww on rocolpt of at. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. Farm for Sale. I WISH TO SELL MY FAUM OK 4M acrca, aitunted I'i uiilea eouthHt of Eu gene, 4 milet fnun Unlicii, 4 milttt from Cn.'H wolt, anil 3 mile from rie.iwmt Hill vst office. A comfortable dwelling with ImriiH. nuthouse, orchard, ttc. 1'lenty of water And timber. Well adapted to mixed huxbaii'lry, aa grain, fruit and slock ranting. Will rell on reasonable ami eauy terina. For further infor mation enquire of JOHN WHITEAKEIt, AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the dlaensct which eaiine human eutfurlng result from dcraiiite moot of the stomach, bowcli, and liver. AYKit't C'atharvic Fills act directly uiou thoie orgimi, and are eapeclally Ucnlgntd to eure the dlseaset caused by their dermige meut, luoluding Conallpulion, IiiiUg-ia tloii, lyapeiala, lleailavlio, Dyavntery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which, they art a aafe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these Tills by eminent physicians In regular prac tice, shows unmistakably the ettiumtluu In which they art held by the utedieul profes sion. Those Fills art compounded of vegetable tuuslaiicea only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious Ingi cdleuU A Sufferer from Ileudache writes I "Avrh's I'ills are Inviiluallo to me. and arc my constant companion. 1 have Veen a severe aullerer from lleadnclie, and your fll.La are the only thing 1 could look to for rulicf. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my bead from pain. They are the most effective and the easiest physio 1 have evor found. It la a pleasure to me to . aiieak lu their pralso, and 1 always do to Wliou occasion oilers. W. I,. l'Atm, of W. !. TaRe A Itro." Franklin St., Uiohmoml.Va., dune 3, "I hare used Avkh's Fills In miMibor Irs Inslaneee as reeomineiHled by you, and have nover known them to fall to accomplish tlio desired result. We constantly keep tbeiu on band at our home, and prise them as a Iilensaiit. safe, and reliable family medicine. 'Oil m'si'El'SIA they are Invaluable. , . J. X. haras." Mexla, Texas, June 17, 1882. . The Itrv. Fkascis H. IIaiilowb, writing from JIUv&t, ffo., says: " Kor some jenit 'uut 1 have beeu subject to coutlation, from which, lu spile of Die use of moil clues of various kinds, 1 suffered Increasing inconvenience, until some moullis . aco I ban takhiK Avkh's Fills. They bare entirely corrected tiie costive habit, and have vastly Improved my geueral health." Avkr's Catiiautic Film correct Irregu larities of Ilia bowels, stimulate the ape tlio and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action glva lone and rigor to the whole physical economy, rttKl-AnKD BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mas8. Bold by all Druggists. YO'JNQ, OLD, AND AH eiicrlenee the wonderful beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore Fyes, Sore Far, or any scrofulous cr ayph may b. made healthy and strong Illtlo taint. DJ IU UM. Bold by all Druggists ; tl, alt bottles for i CRAIN BROS. lucks, P Witrhri and v Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clock, and Jewelry repaired nd eriirantmL North wea. corufr of Willamette tad Ku;lah street. RlIINEHAUT, J. 1 - House, sign and car . riage pinter. Work g'-rauted first claa.. Stock sold at lower rates than by anyone ia Lugeae. 33S3 A. o, Hovr.r, i . c. ho urn ret, w. t. rr.rr, Notury. Attorr.ey. ' C'ahler. LAKE C0HNI7 BANK. 1IOVEY, II.UMPIIREY Si CO EUGENE CITY, - - OH. Deposits received subject to check. Irfuius made on approved aecuritiea, KL'ht Drafts drawn on rOItTLAND, PAX FKANCISCO AND NEW YOltK. Exchanxe drawn on the principal Cities of Enrol. Collections made nn all points and a general Banking business transacted on avorahle terma. nl3 tf. DO YOl' WANT 7 aii i Mr"! , m: i If an, please leave your orders with 0. H. VARNEY. Ilnving bought the Steam Saw Mill formerly owned by Abbott and Kern, and being a ' t'ractscal lUxn I think I can give antiHfnction. Grain and l'riNluce tiken in exchange for Lumber. Address C. H. VARNEY. . Long Tom P. (., Lane Co., Oregon. St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. H. Yat kin's, Prop! So:r anl Kt j8rln.i8c.l JI a :: mciit. C'lm rircsj moderate. 7-14 tf it a B cu r - & LL M a) w u I s Q a. C P? H tf it s c f4 2"K pwi V) u mtMtu Geo. W. Kinsey, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Peal eatat for sale Town lota and frrra. Collectioi s pio nptly attended to. UminrNi K, corner Eleventh and High SU., Eil :ene ( 'ity, Oregon FOLEY mi Peter lluiiey, - - Pro. I TAKE rLEASlTKH IN ANNOUNCING to the public that I havo rowned this popular place of reaort for the year 1884; Tho budilir.ga have hern thoroughly rKtted. 1 have procured tln servicw of Mr Oeo F Craw and wife, of Euvene, who will aecially care for the welfare of gnceta. Are conliiilly invited, notwiltamliu; report to the ot.iitrary. l'rice twr wuek for lintha, $1 M. Kih and game are plentiful in the vicinity of the snriiiK. The scenery ia iuniticient, and thoae wishing a Summer tour can iro to no better place. A hack will be run to tho apringa trmi-wevkly. Hack leavea 5t. Cliarlcs ITotol every WeiV neadayinoruing, t Nol piora sold on the pi-endae. - ' For urthcr tarliculari addreiw I'KTEIt ItUNEY, MoKenxie Bridge, Iuie Co, Or. Sheriff Tax Sale. NOTICE 18 HKU1..UY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a warrant duly iasueil out of ill. County Court of Lane County, Oregon, hjr tlio Clerk thereof and to me directed, on to-v.it: July 1S84, com luAioling mo to levy upon the personal pror ty of the H-mons namyl in the delinnuent tix list for the year ISjW, m, 18Xi and 1SS3, ami if none be found, then upon the real prop erty a aet forth in said delinquent tax liU, ami beinK t.nable tind any personal pnvperty Iwloncing to the persons hereinafter n.imed, I have leviml Umn the real prnrtv aet forth in 'aid delinquent ta( lid aa follow, to wit: Heint of Joab Knoaj interest in east t of do nation land claim of Joab Knoa and wife, not rW. T 21, KK 8 W, containing lft) acre, in Une County. Oreiron, Ux lSXt, 3 20 Now, th.refore, in pursuance of aaid war rant and to tAtitfy aail tax, I will sell the above desrrilwd real nrorty, or an mnch thereof aa may lie neceaaary, at public auction to the highest hidler for cah in hand, at the Court lioime door ia JCugene City, Oregon, on SaTi'aiuT, NovsMBta 1st, 1W4, at the hour of 11 o'clock A M, of aaid day. Dated Oct 4, 1X81. J R CAxrnm.t, Sheriff of Lane Co, Or. . JUNCTION DIRECTORY. CENTENNIAL LIVERY STABLE J. J. haton, pro. Fint'claa Ttaaoa, Bugv-ies, etc to all point at raonalile rate. 1 lay and srainfor tale. Headquarters Curvalli sia. HI . u G. T. BOYD, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. .)Tii uction City, Or. Wagon and Macliinw ipjminiig " promptly uttcntletl to. Sheoin- and macliin) repairing 'a sin ciulty. Joshua J. Walton, Attoiny-at-L:nVe EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Will rnAoncE in all the ConrU of the State, ttpecial attention itiven to Real Estate. Col lectimr; Probate matters. Collecting all kind of claime against the United States Government Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. DII. LIE BIG'S Wonderful German Invpa'or, THE OLDEST, GREATEST and HEST KEMKUY for the cure of Nervous and Physical De Cbilitv, Vital Exhaustion, Scuil UJnal Weal; new, Loaa of Manhood, DC Failing Memory, and llelaxeil Qnnd hnft ebled conditions tf the s (Jrjiito-l'i im.ry organs, Mi fi eft Jr hrrmiLT Ctkeh lmr,oten- ijjfy. Early l'ecay, l.ossof Vigor, . .SrySemirial Weakneaa, and all the sad t fleets of youthful folliea and the abuse or Excesses of Matu- ;W.rity. It tiermantntlv preventa all i,Ariunnaturni lioca iroin me syM Wteiu, as thnusmid can attest wl.o r7vr' liave used ti:e Jtemeily in the ' fjii-pait quarter of a century which i been lielrre the public, is imlctd a wonderful rema , I . .. .. .. , , u SM Icning the muscles, checking the rWHMe, ii.viuorflting the whole f. ? aj'Htrni.and reatoringthe afflicted if mU Health and Happinesw. " ' 'Ilia Dortnr will m.n-f to forfnit 1,0C0 for a ciso tniiiertaken, not cureil. J'he reason ao many can not Kt cured of WenkncKS and the nlove dkwases ia owing to a complication called "ProstatorrhcF," which requires speciul trentmcut JHt, LIEltlG'S INVIGORATOK, No 2, with one peculiar special treatment is the only cure fur Pioatntorrfiea. l',y it Manhood is re tired and the hauil of time moved buck from jgp to Olltll. If pi uples nppear on the face, if you become !itleK. jinl deapondent b"'k out for the com plication with Vtul Weakness and loaa of Vitality known ns Pn Matorrhea, Humlrciln of live have been hwt. .'or the want of proiier tmatment for this complication, nml tliououmla neve lot all their projicrty and pleasure iu life from ita effect. Priee of either Iuvijiorator, Case of n!x laittli-. 10. Sent to any addrcsn, covered aecim lv from obaei vation. ll!.'LIKJ!I(i & CO, treat successfully by Hoinoaopnthy every fo.m of Special, Private or chronic 1 liaeaae without mercury or naseous lini-H. If vitality is drained from the body, nimitnou iliseasrs follow that buKle ordinary iiienical tit ittii ent. If allowed to continue, ll:e uiiiiatnral lewa cause Coiianniptinn, l'ia iK'tea, lirigbt'a I'iitiase, Iuaanity, Etc, Cures (luaraiiieed. IMpease of tiie ifenito-minary or.'aiif, kidney, liver nil I bUddcr speciall) treated. liaeac of Women SH'edilv Cured. QUALIFIED and ltEiPl)N81liLE.-Dr Li big & Co, from Euroa, aro organized in compliance with Cali ornia Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular college education, ami are now m their nineteenth year of ejiecial pnwtiw. Moat jHiwerfu1 electric bclU free to patient. Call or address I.iobisUiteiiMHr,y, 400 Geary street, San Francisco, Cul. Private Mitcrance 405 Mason street, four block up Geary from Kearny. Main entrance through I isM'tary DniK Store. AGENTS WANTED EVERYMRJ To handle onr IIX1M. FAMILY B1H.KS. Kew Hubwrtptloa imon no .levant eter oroduotd. Hup IkM.na. in Alna!vAfltMlimii.dinftv t TmiorieA fcr onr own trde, and stsndard tiuhucatloiis: U.11' aiana&i, luovnm, ma no oner uiiii,uru duounents, with exolusrre territory. rite to us. BAIRD & DILLON , PuWI'her.Mnufchirer nil Importer.Liikeid3 buUdiuK. Sis ana H S, Clua bL. Cuiutuo. l-u Canvassers Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED IS AUTHOIl Ued a'ent for biographieaof GroyerCleve laud and i'homns A Hemlrii'k. Iemocrntic noininee for Presiilent ami Vice President; Twenty years of . Congrexa, by J G Maine; Life of .lames G lllaine ami John A Logan, Itepuhlican nomiuces for l'resiilent and Vice President, Aluo the Novelty Hug. Machine; Stained Uug Pattern; l.hpiid lilueing; llaker'a Cleanoins Fluid; Dr Gill's Oregon Catarrh X'ure; Misoii4 SWam Wnaher oue ot tbe latest and lien inventions of the age. Orders taken for subscription to Eugeue City Gl'AKI. M. M. MARKS. Farmers Tak JUotice! HA VINO' PURCHASED THE COUN ty right fcr the making the Continuous Concrete Pipe, For subirricution, undenlraiiiiugaud conduct ing waU'r, 1 atn ready to make contract for laying piie. AGEM'S-Euene City.L. D. Smith; June tion, W.irtinan Sons. J. D. Love, Mauufat turer, Eugene City, Or. PLEASANT HILL aw Mill, J. rittnian, Prop. THE BEST OF ALL KINDS OF LUM tier on hand, both Dressed &. l'ii1rrs.c(l. Parties withing lumber ia Eugene or vicinity, can learn pliers by calling upon MAP LUCK BROS, ml Sea ugene,.Or. A1 r.t i T. 0. Hemisicss. f. B. KAiiyr, Ja. HENDRICKS h EiHH. Eugene City - - Oregon. M It Vl'lVWiri' Bit IT If A XT. CISCO sud PORTLAND, OREGON. All collections entrusted to n Will receive special attention. Ieiosits received subject to tliccf:. Loans ma.ltt on approved eeouruy. ami a ncncrui Banking biminea done on reasonable temi. DR. ALLEN'S PIUVATi: IHSI'KXS AUV, 2CJ Kearnt Stiieet, Sam Fiiakcisco, Cal, Establiithed U t the Scientific and upeedy cure of Chronic, Ncrvom ami Special iliseuscs. The Expert Specialist, DR. ALLEN. AS IS WELL KNOWN, IS a regulai KTi'luated physician, edncated at Rowdnin College and Univemity of Mul.i- lin. lie Laa ncvoterl a life time to tiie atmly of the treatment nml cur of diseases n ithiu hi sitccialty. YOI XJ MEN Anil middle-atred men, who are sulTtiini; from the effect of youthful Indiscretions or excesses iu mature years, Nervous and Physical Debili ty, Iroiiotency, Lost Manhood, confusion of ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, despon dency, pimple ou the face, 1ms of energy and memory, fiennencvof liril.atin-'. etc. lieniem. Iter, that liy a cniiiliinatiou of remedies of Kreit curative power, the Doctor has an arranged his treatment that It will not only altoril immeilt ate relief but permanent cure. MV HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. Having been surveon in charge of two leading hospital) enables me to treat all private troubles with excellent results. I wish it dis tinctly understood that I do not claim to tier form impossibilities, or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be skill ful and succcseful physician and surgeon, thoroughly informed in my siiecialty DISEASES OF MAN. All app'ying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no exiafrimentiug. 1 will gunrantee a punitive cure in every case undertake, or forfeit 81,000. Consultation in ottice or by letter 'KES nml strictly private. Clmrgrs reasonable. Thorough examination. Including chemical ami micnwcnpial analysis os urine and advice, S5.00. Call or address Dr. Allen, 2CJ Kearny street, Sin Francisco, Cal. Office hours, 9 to 3 dail) ; 0 to 8 evening t Sunday's, 9 to 12 n !) if P. S.' I have a vegetable compound, the re sult of 11 ANY YEAHH of siecial practice and hard study, which under my aecial advice hah never failed of Ht'CcEss in the cure of Lout Manhood. Prostatorrhea, etc. THE OK EAT .' -;' 'sta:- -,i5?Jr" 1 ''ever-tailing Cure ''"'' ""V''Si r JNervn,u Delnltty, "X:' K:'nU!,t,l Vitality, .J I Z. f' vj). Seminal Weakness, vrmatorha'A, LOST AMIOOl) lioool.iu yi'lcy, Prontatorrhea, Pur- u: lie toin- Abuse, i s ami Li.-11'Xi-esKea in maturer tars, such as Loa oi Minory, I.asi.Hilo, Not" turnal Eiuission, Avervimi to Society, Diuniers of Vision, Noises in the 'lead; the vital fluid passing unolweive I in the uiinr, and many other diseases that lend to I iihh i.i t v and Death. DR. MIN'llK. who is a regular physician (eraduate of the I'niveMty of Pemisvlvaiiia1, will agnc to forfeit FIVE HCNDHED DI LAHS for a caaj of this kind the VITAL RE STORATIVK (unilcr his upecial advice and j treatment) will not cure, or for anything im pure or rjunous found in it. llt. .U.M1K treat all private diseases successfullv without mercury. CONSULTATION Fl.liE. Thor oiUih cxuuiiiiatidii and advice, including ai.al) ais of nrine. . Price i f VITAL RESTOR ATI K i."i0 a hotth'.or four times the rjuanti ty( $5; suit to any add re upon receipt of price, or C. (. l).,yeutire from observation aud in private lu.ine if desired, hy A. It AUNTIE, M. D.. 11 Kearney St, Sau Francisco, CaL SAMPLE EOTTLE FREE Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating sy m ptoins, ex and ago. Strict secrecy in regard to nil business transactions. DR. MINTIE'S KIDNEY REMEDY, NKPHKETICUAl cure all kinds of kidney and bladder crmphiinto, gouorrhcen, iluct, lu corrhuea. For sale by all druggists; $1 a bot tle: 0 bottle for 5. DR. MINTIE'S DANDELION FILLS are the liest and cheast DYSPEPSI t nnd BIL IOUS cure in- the market For eale by all druggists. myl9-83:tf DR. SPINNEY. No. 11 KEARNEY STREET, Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases- YOCNCJ MKN TTH0 MAY BE SUFFERING FROM T the effects of youthful follies or indis cretion will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suf fering humanity. DM, SPINNEY willquar antee to forfeit 50O for every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which ho undertakes anil fail to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many nt the ai.e of thi: ty to s'xty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight amartiuK or bniiiuig seusution and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. t)u examining the urinary tie- poeiu a rrpy scuiincnt win t-iten lie found, and sometimes small particle of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin niilkish hue, auin eh uiging to a l-k ami torpid 0 poarani. There are many l.o die of this dif ricitltv, ignorant of the cause, which tho sec ond stK of seirinal weakn. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such caws, ami healthy restoration of the gciuto-urinary or gan. OfKre Hour 10 to ! ami Co 8. Sundayi, frun 10 to 11 A. M. ( limitation frei. Thor ouuh examination and advice, Jo. Call or adoreb DR, SPINNEY & CO., No 11 Kearney St, San Francisco, This is ao Advertisement. SWIFT A COMBS, tJKNEKAI. C LOCEKS and Crockery dealer, wish the public to remember tV at we allow NO ONE to under sell ns. Ew-'rytliin? in stock ceeded in any family, including Willow, Woh1 and Stone YY&r- Choir atwl IfU .iir.N a b.u.; .... Cotne and see na. t'ann produce wanted. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TTOTICE 18 HEKKUY GIVEN THAT X the undersineil ha been liuly op, luted by the Comity (.i.nrt, of Lwie Coniity, Oresion, Administrator of the estate of liowlatd Sim mon. defeased, aud all nrrsona hi vim? claims i-aint said estate, are hereby reqniird to pre sent them, with the proper voncher. to the on. dem'titd Admiiiitrntr, at the ofR r.f J E Kenton, at Kurene City, Lane County. Orev-on, within six month from the date of th. notice, llated Septemlier l'.'th, lSCi JoslPH Mi'l.MK, Adminitratur fur Eitate. J E Flvix, Att'y. mm f - co. MCiSTS & AFCTKECARIES DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, GLASS, VAKNfSHF.r?, - CRUTCHES, OftcveryUdMc':i':Xli:hl,IC1Jf firandifa. Wines and Lirucrs of tli t.ty hst Villi) 'Iriilfr,,lIM, WE ha e always kept at-reart of tl,, , lu our line, m without I ousting,- e ull ?;?.fT5 M,fo tl,,iu,i" that w I,, 1 Si BEST assortment of DRUGS in Kagtae. ' Particular attention ia called to i tr Hxi PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, and " t, 4, tl LULOID CASE I or the year 1884, stock on hand) " . " Than any lintiKe in this city, and our frisada can rest assured that anything bought frosa a will be first-class. As we buy many of oar goods Enst aud have facilities that few ia oar business have, we think we are prepared to an. dcrsell nml furnish a better quality of goods than anyone in our line in Lane county. We call esjiccinl attention to PRE8CKIP T10NS. which will lie carefully 611ed at all hours of the day or nijtht. . .. - The Buyers' Guroa b I sued March and Sept, each Uear: 216 pages, 8JxlU mchca, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture, gallery. Gives whole Bale prices dired to consumers on all goods for personal cr family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, catj drink, wear, or Lave fun with. These invaluable books corf tain information gleaned from the ms kcts of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 rents. Let us Lear from you. Kespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO SST A SS Wabaah Avenue, ChUaso, 111. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer In all Limit of Agricultural Implements. AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon. fia..,JJ-i--r(5..-,fTRI:TMSNI ' Dx l C. Wwr's Kuivk aku I.iiaiji 'lit ment, nirnnnlod aix-t iiio fcr !')" r nn. (o.iv Oslo's Jit", Kuvoi i rni'r'e, lloa'lac'i l. florvoin P:ui: n f n rilMitl; tvctnO of al : ;i il or 'oluicc . V. I ' fi ll I 1. 1. 1 J r. presaio i, !i .'to iiiur of ti o lirain ntch.i r in r . sitii'.y a:d I -dii'i to misery, dicny eld oenih. Prem-ita.'. (ild Airu, I"; nei ucss. Lot f i.v f inmt:ur "!i, voluntary Jottna.rnl r-.erw.t-o-r!ioca ca.i M hy evcrxertion f tl i l lain.n.if abnne or vor-i idnVonco; 1 rr!j lax otluiii :io rio itli'a tn-.tt:nr..t, f '.(On lex, or six toxe .or SVPA s-t liv t:nol jirri a dr- ivti'r l i f rriro. tVi; ;t'A::.r;Tt : t.ix acxi t t'umro a"y c:no, Willi each O'lhr trrrivtdVyM fora'X luxe, accompanicil with iUO, v. ill n nd t!ia fiurchnM'r our writlen granu tie to ro. fund the money if llio Irer.lment doc not elloct a euro. CiuanintiT innn.il orly hy lVttIAliE, B,.tti A CO, l'KTLANI, OI1KCOX. Orders by r.;ad t,-U1 rrccivo prompt nttcntioa. DR. ITLIX LE BRUITS Preventive and i ure, fur either BfX. This remedy bcino injected directly to th aeat if thoFi. diseiifie of tho Oenilo-Uiuinry Orptna. renires no chance of diet or rinnseoua, mercurial orjioisonous meaicicr to ke 1akcn it.ten.all'. When tcken mi a ir vrnl i ve I y either sex. It is imposeitlo to f (Mil rtnLy vmeirsldisrasesi lut in I lie raso i f 1I 00 alroady nnforta i:afcly cii:icled viih Gonnorbaa and Gleet, wa sui.rnnlee 1 boxc to cure or e will refund the money. Price by mail, rotleao ?nid,.Xl) per Loi, or. 8 boxee fcrS5.Ul. Written guuranteee insned y all duthorisid aspnl. iir, Felix l.o Itrun Jk Co. Sole PrepO. V OOIAR. I.ABK & CO Authorized Apen9, Wliolorelo eid Xvirrfflt, I OHTI.AKI), CliEGCN. . r.s ...-ii writirir - attention. this gkp:at Strengthening Remedy AND Nerve Tonic . T the legitimate result f over twenty year f practical experience PIC vi:'j.v.;y(ti?3 lT riwmmr craiai ijuinty; Hemlntl Weaknta. Siiermator- EJLlSii PriwUtorrjl!' "ll y'. -MMMMMMmnlroexthesia (over-rn-sitivelies of the paxta), Kidneyand Bladder Complaint. Impuritica'nf the Blood and Dia ease of the Skin. It pekmanentlt stops all unnatural weakes iux drain njam the system, however they -cur. preveniini; invobiuUiry Seminal losses, de bilitating drcnnis.semiunl l'es with the nrine. or wIuIh at stool, etc. o detnictive to mind and body, and curt all the evil effect rf youthful follies and excesses, restoring .Ex. ha listed Vitality, Sexual Decline and l.oas or Manhood, howkvek complicate!;. A THoimrr.u as well am rraifAVEXT eras and complete restoration to perfect Health, Strength ami Vior of Mauhood ia almolutely (piarank'cd by thijntlycelehiatedandrelialile lireat 1'enie.ly. l'rice ti50 per bottle.or five bottle for t'10. Sent lrpoa receipt of price er C. O. D., toauy addrem, secu.-e fmm olvervatioa and strietlv private hy IK. V. D. NAI.VIF.I.D, 216 Kearkt Stpfft, San KiAjtcirtco, Cai. Trial not ftp t'ree Sufficient to mw iu merita will 1 seat ta any one applyini; by letter, etnthif ki yai tom and ave. I'nnanlUtH n strictly ci if.dtntial, ly letter or at office, free.. ( th convrMieece of pti. nU and ia enhr to secure rifevt secrrcv, I liata aduptcd private addrrs. nader which ail latkaes are forwarxltd. O 1 U fV;5 XUil"y 1 1 horoiiKhlyOual- riSJvT ioian f on of the l'V.','J" l !'fv J.tef.iliiuheat roeilkal cul- "..-'cV'Ci'SftWeKes fI linmiia. .