The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 22, 1884, Image 5

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    'V- -W.V-"
f- ' '
Thanksgiving Thursday,
for g Hil Ij Jtitry gi to Clark.
Bria i jo it ohicksns U Bsttmau's,
FUhiii i ta;!cl of v.-y Jetcriptiou at Luckey
Common Council failed to meet Monday
Mem' clothing. A large atock juit arrived
' at Bettrnan's.
. The highest naah price will be paid for wheat
. by-FBDunn.
see vraiu nroi hit advertisement Hi
another column.
Ptograph finishe.1 neatly and artis
tically at Winter'.
. A fin lint of ailk plushes ia all shade
and grade at F B Dunn's.
A fall auortment of ladies, qilw'i and chil
dren underwar at Bettraan,.
- Luckey k Co hiv a very fine assortment of
paint brushet and aell them cheap.
Before painting your house, call on Luckey
Co, ah J get your paints, brushes, eta
A fine atock of boya' clothin just received
t Bsttmaa's, Call and examine the good.
Two excellent room to rent. Inquire of
, Joshua J. Walton.
" When you go out camping, go to Luckey &
Co and buy a fishing rod, reel, line, hooks, eta
Call and examine our large atock of btota
and ahoee juit received at the Workingmsna
For all klad of luraW, dressed and un
d rested, go to Skinner k Long, Cuburg, Lane
eaanty, Oregon. '
Btttnunha Just reoiv 1 from the East a
very largs atock of boot and ahoe which will
be nld very cheap.
Good farm for rent two mllea below Eugene
Appfy to
J M Hendricks. '
. Mies Ella Gray had charge of Mr Fitch'
stablishment while ihe wai at Portland at
tending the celebiation.
. If yon are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, re nember that Mr J M
Hendrick keep a nil auortment.
Mr S H Friendly will pay the highest
eah market price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your grain elsewhere.
The sportsmen of Salem will have a-mutch
buut on Thanksgiving day. Why not soms of
the sportsman of this city follow their example.
Qui number of mir Republican friends
were out to view the illiituination last Mon
day night ami expressed a good opinion of it.
Mr J B Rhiuehart thinks himself decidedly
lucky. He purchased ten cents worth of tnhac
co of the peach brand and found $2 50 in the
The light running "Domestic" sewing
mtehiue; the bust sewing ami equipped
machine in the market. Fur sale at C M
r Horn's. t 1
A little child of Mr Milt McMurrsy's has
been quite sick for several day past, anil
but little hopes ant entertained of its re
' Mr N L Hone ' ha completed the ln-idge
emus the Const Fork at Cresswell, anil it ha
been accepted by the superintendent, John
:. . Whiteaker.
Mr Khiuehart has leen engaged the past
week in lettering the bridge across Row river,
. a' the one across the Coast Fork near
A lamp exploded at the residence of Mrs
Rruinley'e last Wednesday evening hut fortu
nately the Are was extinguished before it got
under headway.
The annual meeting of the Board of Man
ager of the State Agricultural society will
beheld in Salem ou Tuesday, the 2d day of
Dee at 2 p in.
Mr R R Hays' wild cat esoapsd Tuedav;
and was captured by Tho Brown at his res',
denoe the next day, while iu the act of -tevour
ing one of hi rabbits.
There will be a sociable at the 'residence of
Mrs J H Underwood's, Thursday evoning, Nov
85th, given by the ladies of th Guild of St
... Mary's Episcopal church.
M nd A Ahrams, who are attending the
'. University, were presented with two of the
lateit improved Columbia bicycles last Thurs
day by their father, Sol Abrauis, of Eoseburg.
The 0 P ft R has only five mile of track
to lay before reaching the summit. Seven
teen mile of track laying and the mad will
be completed to Corvallis, and they are rush
ing it along.
Glen Gillfillan, and family, of Pleasant Hill,
Lane eounty, arrived in Union a few days a,n.
. They will remain her dining the winter, ami
probably loeat i permanently. Mr. Gillfillan
expresses h'mself well pleas )d with th coun
try. Union, (Or.) Scout.
Improving. -Mrs Frank Miller, of Portland,
Whom w reported last week as beinj quite ill, is
at this writing much improve'1.
Tunkoivino Service- Qn Thanksgiv
ing day next Thursday, November 27th,
there will be a Thanksgiving service held t
Bt Mary' Epiioopa'. church at 1 1 m. An
offering will be taken np for the Good Sama
ritan hospital. All r cordially invited to
, attend.
Dakcwo School. -Messrs Hulery and Feb
neman orgaulxed a dancing school at Rhiii
triors last Tuesday eveninf. Both
gentlemen are weU qualified to teach the art
nl mrm vtnir a liberal patron Age. A socil
dance will b given each Saturday evening diir-
iwj the term, to which all are nvHL
McKIeszii Road. -A meeting of the tock
holders and dlrsctors of this road was held in
Eugene, Nov IL All of the old officers were
re-elected. The road has been in fair condition
during the .ummer, and in tb early spring
greater improvcmenU will be mvle. All ac
knowledge thi to be the best route over the
NEW MlAT MAKT.-Mr M M Gillespie
will to day open a meat market in the build
ing on door north of F B Dunn's store. The
baildin.ha.lxfitUjpfintyIe nd
prints . neat aprra-ce. rm.
uing Mr G, will alway. fi ;Hb be, tof
wi .f .v.
W besiieak lor nun i-
Fireworks, Music, Speeches and a Pro
cession Jorm the attractions of the
Tsr announcement a lare number of the
Democracy of Lane county assembled iu Eu
(fens City Ust Monday evenui),', from all pm
tii mi of the county for th purpose of celebrat
ing the ifrand victory won on NovermUr th,
In the election of (Jrover Cleyeland to the
Presidency an 1 Tho A Hendrick to th vi.e
Presidency of the United States, By 6 o'clock
W illamette street was a nivs of living people,
parading the aMewalks jostlini; against each
other and enjoying themselves hugely. At 0:10
th booming of four sets of anvils opened the
ceremonies of the evening. Huge bonfires in
different portion of the city lit up the sky.
Formed on th near the court house
headed by the Eugene band, under command
of Chief Marshal Kiusey. It consisted ot the
Clevelatd Guard, in full uniform, bearing
novel transparencies, among which were two
hui; roosters, under which wire th mottoes:
"Burn this." In the precession was als the
University band provided with long tin horns
which made hideoue noises. Besides there
were a host of small boys blowing all kinds of
horns. The line of march was up Oak street
to Ninth up Ninth to , down Eleventh
to Willamette, down Willamette to Fifth, down
Fifth to , thence up Eighth to Charuel-
ton, thence up Charnelton to Ninth, then down
Niuth to Willamette, thence down Willamette
to Eighth, thence down Eid th to the public
square, where th exercises of the evening were
At lsast 1300 people assembled around the
band stand to hear the ditfereut speakers.
Speeches were made by Hons K P Coleman, It
B Cochran, B F Dorris, J. J Walton and L
'iiilyen. The remarks of each were received
with (treat applause. But durinjr the entire
seukiug not one uncourteou word was said
of our Republican friends.
The fireworks were fired under th lupervison
of Mr H M Dy. Himself and auistiuiti pre
ceeded the procession and kept the air filled
with Koman candles and sky-rocket, which
presented a fine spectacular apjiearance.
The following were among; the residences along
the line of uurch which were finely illumina
ted anil presented a grand appearance: Messrs
A V Peters, UUO rris, S II Friendly, Chas
Lauer, (i Bettinau, L llilyeil, (i M Cooper, M
Wallis, Jas McClarn, Jas Barger, T Q Hen
dricks S D Holt and Jams Holt, besides
others. The business houses illuminated were as
follows, many of which wsr gotten up in very
fine style: St Charles Hotel, Mittlock 15ro.
S H Friemlly, Osliurn & C", Win Witherow,
H U It a jos, liemlrioks Kukin, U Hoiles, A
liohlsniith, B II James, U Bettin.-vn, A V
Peters, B F Dorris, Sift. Combs St Co, Jas
McChiren, Crain Brw. Cherry & Diy, I X I.
Store, Wells, Fargo k Co, Joo M Miller & Co,
J I. ltan'dn. J.rry Horn, Mm C W Fitch, J
X Taylor, L Bi'ye i, W T Campbell, J J Wl
ten, Farmers k , Mech.inii s' St ire, Gils Hick-
athier, Ul'ARI) olfice, F A IUnkin and J B
Thus elided the largest political celebration
ever held In Jtugene. li e uuABiiomoe.was
given three cheers for which we le'.nrt. thanks.
Cottage Grove Items.
rKOM (iL'K.-PKCIAL(:oltl!K.HPosr.F.NT.
Nov. 10, 1 4.
Weather delightful, no rain since Saturday.
Miss Mary Medley rctured to Euxeue Inst
Mr It II Hazujton visited Eugene and
Springfield this week.
Messrs Jim Nolaud and Herbert Eakiu
went to Eugene, Monday.
Mr Lewis Martin and her ton Ed, left
here last Saturday for Camp Harney.
Mr Henry Damewood caine up Tuesday
from Buena Vista where ho ha been at work
since earlv in tho spring. .
Mr Sylvester Wallace and family started
for Stockton, California, one day last week,
where Mr Wallace' parent reside.
Mr Ed MoUin's mother, who baa been
spending the summer t her ou's, returned
to her home in Polk comity, the firt of th
A ball was given by Jim Noland last Fri
day evening, in respect to the ieople' kind
no., iliirinff hi hort soionrii here. Had the
heat of music, and refreshments at the hotel.
All had a good time.
The Democrat l l grand rally here
Monday evening, to ratify Cleveland nd
Hendricks' election. A large amount o
powder was cHisnmed in mskmg a noise
ihe Cottage Grove band played several ex.
celleut pieces: and short but very appropriate
speeches were m wle by Hons It M Veatch
and H C Veatch. There was a great deal of
enthusiasm displayed around huge bonfire,
built for the occasion.
New Hall. Mr Jo Lane contemplates
building new ball iu thi city, at an early
day, which will surpass anything of the kind
South of Portland. The building will be 30
xl6) feet with a seating capacity f 1000 on
the ground floor nd 503 in the gallery. The
floor will l inclined from the rear of the
building to the stage. The building need at
present as paint shop will be torn down,
and the new hall erected the Rronnd oc
cupied by the same. The present ball wil
be used for dancing, skatiug and mall par-
t. .ill be a irreat to our
liva. II
Reoi'LAR Mbetim. At , regular meeting
of Eugene Engin Ci No 1, Th'ir lay evenin;
,!,. iwin uerson were elected members:
Win Keuton, J Brady and R D Brown. The
following nominations were made: For Chief
Engineer, Wm Preston; rirst Assistant, -
Taylor-present incumbents.
DrD Near (ttag. Grove. Nov 17,1884,
D R A g lBTier
a-ed to years, 10 mouth nd 14 dsys.
The following ersons, residents of Lane
county, pay Uxe to th amount of $100 and
Arnutnye Geo H
Ilond Allen
Belsiiaw (ieure
lijiley (itl
Bushnell J A !.
Couser Elixabttth
ONtr (t M
Chrisiiisn li H
Crsbtrue Zest
Cuniiiiugs Win
Clirisnisn UK
Dunn FB.
Kiikiu 8 HSr
Edwards F l
Kl.bcrtJ A
Kdwar la S H
F..som F W
Friendly S 11
Ferguson Tho J
illcspie Jaoob ...... .
Harpol J W
Iladley II li
Ilovey, Humphrey Jt Co.
Ilulsey Helen E
.8 20S
. 129
. 108
. 133
. 1U1
. 167
. m
. 178
. 1(57
. 670
. 2.17
. 104
. 14.1
. 11.1
. 129
. 107
. 119
. lul
. 124
. 247
. 11!)
, I jo
Horn J M.
Holt SI) 172
ll .lt J K..
Ili'l ducks I' (.... .
Hendrick k Eakin.
ilu lmsu Jat
Howard R V
Hsu ley Ira
Hylami A U.
S Jnllkill..., 11.1
Lsuer Chas 209
Lnokey K It 801
Million. Join 1.TJ
Maxwell John , 14?
Mosby David 103
Mathew A 11(5
Matlock Bro " 149
Milliorn J P 180
Meek Sam'l 414
MuClungA Johnson 107
Osburn&Co 117
Owen Hi!. ., r 170
04 CR It lauddept 134
0C l( It lb'90
OACIandCo ; 120
I'attison Robt 103
Peters A V 144
I'attsrson, Edna k Co KiO
Soverus (Jen ,- 106
Smith Mae 106
Sctt W J J Ill
Seller J R 106
Springfield Mill Co 186
SbeltonTW 122
Stewart K 133
Stemburg k Sender 131
SanlfordXi 192
Spencer S H 133
Test Mary K 130
Vandyne I. 19")
Wilkin M and A J 131
Wallis M 142
Washburne C W 320
Whiteaker John 114
Young C W 213
Zuinwatt A J 116
Mohawk Items.
Mohaws, Nov 18. 1881.
Query! Who Is K Y and who is M Max?
A Christmas tree is spoken of at the Ware
school house. 1
Joe Stout and family left for their old home
in Ohio, last week.
Mohawk went one majority for 111 line, but
oh. Lord! N i s Y o r k.
John Kelly, of Springfield, was at bis ranch
ou Mohawk last Monday.
Mr. i H McFarlsnd, of Cottage Crove, is
visitius his daughter, Mrs J YarnilL v' : '
We could bear the guns iu En ene Monjlsy
night and we thought, '"Bah for Ueveland and
reform." ,
Married-On Sunday, Nov 1 0, by Bev B H
Baxter, Mr Frederick Wilson and Mis Addie
S Evan, both of Mohawk.
Old Republican on election day "I sin go
ing to vote for J G Hlnlne to-day, the lest
man in the United States. A man ho stood
in Coiuress for twenty year without a rua'
His speeches were read and studied hy all the
civilized world. His very movements wsre
feared by the Democrats, while yet they hon
ored him the 'Plumsd Knight.' Yes, boys, I
am going to support the nominees, and we will
win. Such men as Blaine and Logan are
bound to melt the hearts of th American
voters." Here the old man gave bis pocket a
terrible spank, drew out his plug of "Cross
Cut" and says, "boys, have a chew." "
After election-I knew it, lioys, I knew that
no such a darned thief as "Boss I'daine" could
ever lie elected to the Presidency. Why, he
stole enough in that railroad matter to buiM s
marble wall around all Orego . I knew It.. And
then that private wedding, tint's too thin. 1
knew that everybody would hate him on that
account. The cursed "bull frog" got himslf
elected to Congress hy his risc dity and money,
hut what pood did he do there? Blaine, the
devil. I can't see what the Republicans ever
nominsted such a rascal for. I knew nil the
time be could not be elected am I when Cleveland
was nominated 1 knew Klain) could never ent
ry New York. I knew i. I am coing to vote
for Butler next time. No more Blaine for me.
Here the old man got np, brushed the rear of
hi rants, smiled while the boy all Ian .'bed,
swore some terrible oaths ami said, "bovs,
soma nt vou irive me a chew, I am out" He
then walked oil saying, uuine, me nevu. i
knew it. By gosh I knew it all the time. .
M Max.
Bound Over. Ou the 5th day J June
last, t!ie house of Tho Bailey five toile
west of Eugene, was entered and a Msnton
breech loa.ling shotgun taken therefrom.
A warrant for his arrest was sworn eut at
the time but no trace of th thief could be
found. Several week afterward the gun
was found at th Revere house at Albany,
where it had been placed in pawn for 920
by a man named J dm Adams, who skipped
the town shortly after pawning the gun. Last
week Sheriff Campbell learned that Adams
was in Albany and had him held nutil Mon
day when he w brought to this city. A
erelimiuary examination wm held before E
f Henderson, J P, Thursday, and Adam
was he'd iu (200 bsil to await the action of
the grand jury. A Circuit Court convene
Dec 8th, it is thought thst th grand jury
will be resummoned to consider hi case,
otherwise lie would hsv to remain in jai
until the April terra of eonrt.
Is the Citv. Mr John Killingsworth,
former residjiit id the rity, and for many
years proprietor of tht Star Bakery, U viit-
i.,g relative and friend hre. Hi present
home i at Dayton, W T, wher he own
l.rga band of sheep. He reports himself
r.ll ntasl with the npoer eouutry. lis
r -
will remain with nl l-ut two week.
The Ceiebsatio!!. Qiite a number (
onr citizen attended th Democratic cele
bration at Portland Wednesday, 114 ticket
being sold at the Engen dejK.t. Nearly all
I reterned horn ye.terdsy.
Roll of Honor.'
The folluwlng pupils of th Eugsne public
schoi J hare neither been sleiit or tardy, and
have m.iiDtainesI x11! detortui. nt during the
jut month:
Grace Bushnell
Iittie Myers
Angie Pattersisa
Mary Watt
Luther Fisher
Henry Fisher
Frank Wsre
Hose Wvatt
George Park
lister Huliu
Maggie Whipple
Jessie l ark
Mary Coat
Mary Cleaver
Ina McCliing
Ertna Smith
Nettie Whitney
Etta Goodman.
N M .MOCuHNACK, teacher.
Dora Sherman
Mon Hutchison
Ijiwrence Elder
Kmanuel Lauer
Joseph ('urrie
('or Churchill
Eddie Test
Carol Johnson
Kva Alford
Linnie Alfonl
Lixxw Anderson
Minnie Witter
Kdis Matlock
WsUter Wallis
Mary Kinsey
Annis Potter
Preston Anderson
Etta Owen
Edward Judkln
Rose Hanson
Litiie Hanson.
Auutrta Patterhom, teacher.
William Elder
Clarence Matlock
Maud Fitch
Katie Watkln
Kate Patterson
I'eua Dickil son
Lawienr Harris
Frank Xansou
Carrie Hovey
Carrie Friendly
Francis Brown
Ifis Matlock
Emm Attsbery.
C E McI.ArrERTT, teacher,
rirm ukahx.
Maud Kerns
Lulu Ynran
Maggie Blaine
Lulu Matlock
liose Myres
Clara Itaber
John Puree!!
Hatti Walton
Mabel Rrnsrn
Emily Elder
Ktta Gilliert
Belle Haines
Minnie Cheshire
Ixi'a Dunton.
Mattii E Dickinson, teacher.
il Johnson Ivan Marks
Clyde Gay
Myr Brown
Carrie Matlock
Nettie Stewart
Mahal Dlxou
Johunix Idxnn
Emma Horn
May Myers
.laut-he I'ngo
Annie Seavy.
M.R UnheuwooIi, teacher.
Ifenrv Marx Ceoree Marx
Josoph Myers Wiley Usui
linen Ham I heresa r rlen uy
Clara Stune Daisy Ogdeu
Rebeca Forkuer.
T M Jacesom, teacher.
m Board of Regents.
The following iiieiiilMr of the St.ite Unli sr-
sity Board of Regents were present at called
meeting November 14th. Ju leDeady, Hons
Henry Failing, A Bush, T U Hendricks, Rod
ney SjoU, Judge Bean, r S Hamlltoii and
Dr E R Geary. The executive committee re
port I tint they h td employed a janitor and
iiightwat-.-hatanetpeuseof $9K) per annum;
and mwle Improve. n nU on building to ths
amount of :i8; an I that 8200 n ore would U
iwpiired foi plant ng tries ou the campus The
uoimalonur.ewasali a tiew four
years course, the Kn,didi,A-asst'!Uhe I. Mr,
Norils was allo jre I $i'.'3 In t' itlon in payment
of an old cUi'ii.ttii I $130 was ordend exwudeU
tor iHtiiisliealH.
The eti iiiic einmilte. was a ithorized to
draft iiindm -nt to the las organizing th
Ciiirty, and ut ihisim to the uevt
le,i-.ature, also t present a petition ask
ing tit a law lie isss.l making a certificate of
gra- na'.ion snflicicnt evidence of scholarship la
entit the holder to teach Iu th common
s bi,"'U without iurther eiauiiustion. .
Dexter Items.
DExn.R.Novll, 1844.
Here's to Dcmocrary which thep.oplea'rigl.ti
to maintain, have foughtnor fought in vain.
Here's to Grover Cleveland, onr incoming
President, who like Washington, believes in
truth being our m .tto, what er betides.
May the irreat American eagle, tb
of our freedom, dait forth from his lofty ierch
w ith hs.der screams than ever known before.
May we have no more of solid North nor a
solid South, but a solid Union forever. May
the wealth of the world be Hinrod into the
lap nf free America; like sunshine in a valley
on a summer day.
May the incoming administration prove sn
entire success, and msy our brethren who have
so long and successfully npoed us at the bal
I it box, say of Grover Cleveland, "Well done,
thou good acd faithful serrsnt,"
Beinir fully satisfisd with the returns at
hand, the Democrats of this place thought it
was not worth while to wait for the officia
count, w they gathered up some anvils and
procesiled t celebrate. Two hundred aud
thirty three anvil salutes were fired, besides
many Parinj salute from th gunner present
The following toasts wsr read and approved:
Cresswell Items.
Weather coed of mornings.
MUs Lebo went to Cottage Grov yesterday.
Another drummer In town.
The bridge at this place Is now completed.
Some hnrsebsckinsn have crossed.
Mr N L Boney Intends going East U oel,
ebrate the World's Fair at New Orleans. -
Several thousand pounds of hop are stored
in ths warehouse wailing for better prices.
Miss Whiteaker, of this place, received a
ipraiued ankle one day this week by accidental
ly falling.
Several extra cars have leen put on the road
for the aooomnvxlation of the ratification Bieet
ing at Portland, and all seem to be pretty well
P. in Tlir.lH Br.r. Georae Wright nd
GenrL'e Morri paid their lection bet ye
Urdsv morning in front of Dugan Bros' pin
of business. They each wd half a cord
of wood in t ityle that would make a Coma
man tired to witness the performance. East
Portland. well a Salem p ple, bid win
fun nut of the psying nf a sinKular bt yes
tei.Uy. At 2 o'clock Mr 8 K Keenan, with
colors flying. w wheeled on Fourth street
from I to L and return, by l I. Leathers,
th procession was headed by the East Port
land nanii. ' maimn.
Thauksoivieo Ball. There will be a grand
ball and social party at Lane' Opera hall on
Thanksgiving evening. Noverber 27, 1881, to
which all respectable person nre invited
i:..L... ul. at line's O-iera ball. No sup
per. Eaatern nm.ic will be furnished oa this
FisrvE'l ElbctioS. Th annual election
-.!?.-.. Fire DeDartment will Uke
' place on wek from next Monday, Dee I,
' at which time a thief engineer nd lt !-
tant will bs Utd-
A oolumi devoted to the Interest of th
Laiireaa and Kutaxinn Literary Societies, And
ths State University.
Gala- Waitu.
. . Editor.
Brief Items.
KiVar MoClure visited at home Saturday.
Miss Yina Gar signed th constitution last
After Thanksgiving the senior class will tak
up mineralogy.
Th class in natural philosophy will cum
menc next week.
Prof C E Lambert returned to hi hnm in
Eugene Inst Monday.
Mr John Tait, of CressWsll, entered the
University last week.
Ill corporation meet at 1 o'clock Fridsy to
finish th amendment
Samuel Simpson will write the class tre
poem for the senior class.
We recently learned that you can "go plum
through anything" if you want to.
A certain young lady wants to know which
teacher "sot" his foot down on his class?
The g -nss pcocesds of Joseph Cook's lectures
were t2Gl, the corporation's uet gain was
Darwin Brlstow, a graduat of last years
normal class, has gone Into the mercantile bu
siness at Coltag Grov,
The janitor ha th thank of th young
ladies for th improvement h made for them
in th East end of the hall.
George Vanduyn, a retired member of the
Laurean, will return home Christmas from
Eastern Oregon, on a visit to relative and
The rhetoricals last Friday In the Eutaxlan
society, consisted of an essay by Miss Clara
Condon. The others who were appointed did
not respond .
The singing class under W II Gore promises
to be a large aud prospeitiu one, Meeting
every Saturday night In th basement of th
Presbyterian church.
Several of th ysung enthuslastlo Republi
cans, burned St John in iffl.or Is-, week. Tis
said that some rising young politicians delivi r
ed the funeral services,
MrMsiion Davis, who in our last column,
we mentioned as having left th nonunl senior
class, to join the freshman class, has concluded
to finish in the normal class.
The class in ihetoria learned that there were
two kinds of cannons, one was a church rule,
and the other was a shoot gun, "tliere is al
ways something new to learu every day."
Last Friday the Rev Joseph Cook delivered
. .. . . .1 . .. . I ..
a short nut elegant auuress w ine aiuueuu aa.
seiubled iu the auditorium. Tis seldom that
such lecturers visit the University, but when
they do, they are highly appreciated by the
Ktrse'slnn are getting to be quit com
mon now, ierhaps om of th teacher ire car.
r.vlng out thj sentiments of Rev Joseph Cook,
"that w respect iu after life th most th
teacher who are the severest with us.
The q-iestion to lie debated in the Laurean
society till week is, "Resolved, That morality
does not necessarily Increase with civilisation.
Leuler ou th alfinnative, F R Nell; enlleagi r,
W J Vauter; leader on the negative, E T
Pow.ll; colleague, 11 1 Met'lure."
At the special meeting of the loan! of re
gents the new 'English course was adnpteil.
This cniira) li.clu les two years and two terms
study of Latin; the other languages are drop.
peil It is Just the xiurss that will please the
ovtjority of student! not wishing to tak so
much langing.
The EiiIaxIhiis did not debat th question,
Resolved, That the tariff policy as advocated
hy the D Jin lursey, Is preferable to that id ths
present system," last week but posponed it un
til this week, owing to ths fact that ths de
later were not all prepared to debate the que
tion a it should be.
Tho Luiream pave tVIr first open sridon o!
this year Friday, Nov 7. Th question de
bated was, Resolved, 'That the Henry Geoigs
theory of the Government owning all lands
would b beneficial il adopted in the United
States." The affirmative was supported by
Chaa Feuton, M Davis and Wm Miller. Ths
negative by Geo W Dunn, E O Potter and II
F MoClur. Th debate was a very interest
UiX one, showing that the young geiitlemeu
had carefully studied, and were In every way
oompetent to discuss th question. The rhe
toricals consisted of a well written esssy, en
titled "Richelieu," by RC John m and ml
clination, "On th Shore nf Tennessee,"
by D W Bass which was well rendered, yul e
number of visitors wsre present. A lew
remarks were made by Rev 8iuisnn, Mr Pot-
t,r .ud the President, who exnressad her
thanks in behalf of the Eutaxlan society.
The regular meeting of th corimratlnn wa
held a week ago last Friday, th officers elects J
for ths ensuing year were! Geo W Dunn,
presidsnt; Lur Muroh, secretary) Robt J
Johnson, trsasurer; Einily Bristol and Cha M
Smith, 4th and 6tb trustees; E M Brattaln,
ibrarian; Etta Moore, assistant librarian
Upon motion, the corporation adjourned until
Friday, Nov 21th, at which time It will con-
sidsr the following amendment. Moved that
the constitution be amended so as to res1 as
follows! "The member of thi corporation
shall y to th treasurer yearly dues, to the
amount of fifty cents, commencing with the
year in which they become members, provided
that persons tecoinlnu members after the first
of April of sach year, shall not be liable for
due until uext year." Th constitution with
out amendment read thus. "Th members of
this eorKiration shall each pay to the treasurer
of the corporation yearly dues, to the amount
of fifty cents." This money, th lith-arun iin
der th direction of the board of trustees, shaU
expend in new books for the lilwary of the cor
poration. Seattno Risk. Having leased Lane's 0;iera
bouse I will open the rink regularly every
night from seven till ten o'clock. Rate arc
reduced to 23 cents for both 11 les and gentle
Bn, and will b run Thursday afternoons
from two till fiv o'clock xelusively for ladie
School chiblren, from one till four 'clocl Sat
urday afternono. The rink will be open from
no o-Jock till four aud every evening from
even till ten o'clock; I also have the exclusive
management of the Opera house.
J C Fletcher.
Farm to Rent.-Farm if 300 acre, xd
barn and orchard to rent. Inquir f
Mr Chester (VuU I again attending to bur
Mr lUichett, of thi city, U visitl
friend at Cove, Uniou oounty,
Mr Mart VanWlnklej of this city, pai4
Southern Oregon a visit this wee ..
Mr Feltnn, a representative nf the Portland
Standard, was In th city during th week.
Mr Geo S Washburn returned from Cor
valll Thursday afternoon, where h ha beset
attending court.
Mr J E Fenton and wife went to Portlami
last Tuesday wher they will visit frlsnd fof
a weeks or more.
Mr Samuel Swift, who has bee confined to
his room for a wsek or more on account of sick
ness, is again aid to appear on our streets.
Hill's Mill Items.
November 12, 1894.
Lovely weather.
Mis Mary Lafiiu I teaching onr schoel
The Messrs Sylvester with their families,
ten in number, arrived her recently from
ths States, and expect to make this their
permanent home.
Mr C J Hill i afllicted with a gathering
iu her head which ha nearly destroyed her
hearing. We hope soon to hear ot her re
S Huidsaker, of Dexter, ha established t
tore nt this place with J M Keeney In
nharge. We expect soon to have the pnt
olfice changed to Hillsdale,
Witt. A Mm
Monthly Repot.
Following i th monthly report of the
Eugene Public- Mchooli
No. of day taught 20
Whole number of attendance ., 0941
Whole number of day absent 440
Whol nunibnr of dsy tardiness 204
Whol number of boy enrolled... ... 179
Number of girls onrolled 19S
Total number enrolled 377
Average daily attendance n. Ttti
Average number boluY"0 297
New students boy .,,.... Id
" " girl 22
Mask Carnival. A muk ikating carni
val will be given at line's Opera boos, un
der the management of Mr J C Fh)tohr,
Saturday, Dec 13. A general invitation is
extended to all. Admission with as of
skatei, 50 cents; spectator, 23 cent. Partis
wishing suits will b accommodated by call
ing on the manager. A pri.e will b giveo
to the person wearing tho neatest, also to
the one wearing the most comical tait
The Markets.
Portland, Or, Njv, 21, 1884.
Wheat Hi wheat market In foreign lamia
seem to continue dull and lower. In Portland .
valley wheat may be quoted L10 $L12 per
cental. , , ,
Oath Quotable at 3033 cent per bashel,
with a slow market
Euus 10 cent r dot.
Eugene, Nov 21, 1884.
Il ips Nominal.
WllEAT-But few sales havs taken phvo.
farmers holding for better, terms. W oaf
quota at 68 cent per bushel e ssjesni ew
csrs, i ....
Oatr-202A cents per bushel, uarat
Butter-25 cent per pouml,
Euua- 20 cents per dosen. Market Bot lib
erally supi lied.
MACON-Sltles 10 cent per in ana caiw
hams very scares at 10 eta; shoulders 12 eta.
Lard 10 C'rsj cents per in.
PoTAToES'l'leiitlful at 2g.30 ct perbushel,
Flour 94.00 perbbL
Liased. Mr J C FMcher has leased Lane'
0era, and now has exclusive contrtd nf
the same. Thursday evening, Nov 27. he will
give a grand Thanksgiving ball to which all are
Returnko Home. Miss Maggie Whitney,
principal of th Oottag Grovfibcool, rsturnsd
to her homo In this city last Wednesday oa ao
count nf ill health. She will reiume her duties r
soon as recovered.
Died. Mr M Blevens, a lady living a few
mile west of thi city, disd Thursday morning.
D. D. D.
Feeling ur of th unquestionable virtu
snd absolut euratlv qualities of D Haven'
DyspepsU Cur, w offer free of charge, sam
ple bottle and circulars to all who ar troub
lid with dyspepsia, Indigsstion, sour stomach'
flatulency, slckheadachs or any for of stonv
ach disorder. This remedy contain ao alco
hol, I compounded uKn strictly eolsjsitl
Au principals and never falls to effect a ear.
A trial will convinc the most doubtful of its
wonderful effect. Sample bottle free at Ga
lium 4 Co' drug stors.
. 1 . I ... . .. -- -J IL.-UJ
This Space
Immense adver
tisement of