The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 22, 1884, Image 4

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HATuTtDA Y . .TTTnO V KM MS It SK, ?834.
U.L- . - - . -- -
file Ntw s mill.
llw ooutiicni htaU'H wr onco un.
der Ropultlicau rule We wonder that
no RitnuUiran upon leer or iditor ever
H-fi'M to that halcyon period, to it hp,
aoii'-of (IhIIh on tivrry State, count)-,
cilv, road and hcIiooI (lintricf, to tlm
Bchooln, colored mid whiu, Mint vera
never iimuguratt-d, to the fit-Id lying
wante and Mm town decaying.
Wo wonder that they never men
tioii tho giant HtridH of tho New South
which date from 1870, in eoinmerco,
manufacture and agriculture, to tin
ichooln, colleges, cliurohen and somino
' ries for colored an well a for white, to
. trrettt DuMio i.iiprovninnntii and eco
nninu nnvorn n.atif u Wit Un V
w..... W J
i utrangft, that w prefr
tlm New
Wn wonder that Rumililicati editor
never mention them fact, wc are Kur
prised that thjr never refer to th
cetiHU ficumi In their effort to
raiio inveterate hostility ltweeniieigh
lor and neihhor, colcroJ and white,
Itetwen kinnmn ami kinanmn of the
North and of tlm South they oppea
alwavsto dohkioii and preiudice, never
to fact or reanon.
. Wado llaniptou expreed tho aeii.
timont of tlm Southern peoplo the oth
er day when ho Maid aniJii from
the question of honenty, tlmrn wa hut
one reason why he wu rejoiced at the
election of Cleveland ami that wn
liecaune it would givo tho South tin
ftpportuuity to disprove the cnluiunieH
o freely circulated hy men wIiomh in
'tereU are to perpetuate race jealout
ioua, dtvuton, discord, a Solid South
and a Solid North for the country and
office for thetmelve.
Cleveland will enter the White
House at a bachelor and probaMy re
main one. The Governor a sinter, Mr
Hoyt, will prohahly live with him at
AVaaliinrrtrm flu mIio 1m livAtl with
him at Albany. She hiM never been
what Is called a Mociety woman, but it
blessed with good common wnse. She
ha nevr Wn what in culled a society
womin, but is blessed with good sense.
She dresses quietly but in good tastMe,
talks with ease and nmkes a favorable
impreiiion on evrylody. She is a
good Christian and goes to church
fyery Sunday, wi' preferences for
the Presbyterian fold.
The Republican party had candidates
at Chicago who could have been elected.
The nomination of Dluine brought
. antagonmnn which with a wise selec
tion would have slept, When the
rule or fuin Dlaine next give hi reas
ons for his defeat let him tell the
truth, let him say Mint he and his rec
ord was one of Mm moving cause.
Thousand of people assembled in
the strents of New York City on the
Thursday night after, the election,
shouting, "Gould, Gould, hung Jay
Gould," Tho manipulation of Hjjuroit
ceased the next morning, and Gould
himself declared next morning that
Cleveland was elected.
The great border State, of Ken
tucky, Missouri and Texas gavo Cleve
land majorities ranging all Mm way
from 60,000 to 105,000. The Rpub
Jicans never have and do not now make
charge of fraud or intimidation in
those States,
Mr, Shoemaker of the Indianapolis
Sentinel, expresncH himself a ready to
go to trial. Those, who havo examined
tho affidavit on Shoemaker' sidn are
confident that Mr. Illuiiut will never
allow the case to oomu to trial.
It may le interesting to our farmer
to know that I he latest dispatches in
dicate that the reactionists in France
will toon practically close by a heavy
duty a market which requires fifty
million bushels of American wheat.
tassachusett four years ago gave
Garfield 60,0)0 majority. At the
election on Noveubr4th, Blaine had
several thousand votes less than a ma
jority of all Mie votes cast.
Lord Dunraven, extreme Tory, has
written lottor defending tlm ao-called
American protective tariff". Dace
Lord Dunraven in America and who
could doubt his political affiliations.
. - -
The Panama canal will pro'mbly I
completed in 1888. It' will add ten
cents to value of every bushel of wheat
raised in Lane county.
Government bonds have risen in
prioe ainoe the election of Ojv. Cleve
land. A fact for Republican editors
to weep over.
The three preat tidal-wave Cover
mors, Cleveland, AbMt and Waller
Wd their Slates firm this year for the
light side.
Republicans are more afraid of good
government from the Democratic Ad
ministration than of misrule.
Gov. Cleveland will resign from' his
prownt office in IWcinler.
The Nat I'abinrt.
It is very probable that Gov, Cleve
land will aelect his rwii cabinet, inde
pendently of the newspapers, Hut
the availablo material he has to sel'ict
from is vt-ry great, and if there be any
embarrassment it will be that of
riches. How would a cuhinet like
this answer:
-Secretary of S atu -Tho. F. Bay
ard. Secretary of the Interior Allan G.
Secretary of tho Treasury Curl
Attorney General T.M Waller.
Postmaster Gem-nil- J. E, McDon
ald. Secretary of tho Navy Geo B. Mo
del Ian.
Secretary of War Winli..ld S.
An increased activity among the
Prohibitionists is noticed in Mm
Eastern States, St. John will (level e
his great ability for the next four
years to their cause, when he expects
to lead a party of 1,300,000 to the
polls in 1888.
' On tho morning following the elec
tion the New York Tribune issued an
edition of 188,888; tlm World hud an
edition uf '.'36,000, nnd Mm Boston
Heru'done of 3U-',0 ii) - tlm largest
ever published ny a'i American jour
M. II. DeYoung of the S. F. Chron
idle wus shot and slightly wounded
last Wednesday iy one ot tlm sugar
monopolistic Sprocklea, It will prob
ably prove a costly shot to SirClaus.
To benr the expenses of the next
fiscal year, the Postolfice Department
asks for nn appropriation of .)6,OU0
by virtu of an execution duly lamied out
nf tiia Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon,
lor tlia County of Miie, by the Clark tin re
ef, nf to ma directed on tn-wit: Nov 17.
ISH4. noon a in lijmeiit rendered in aid
Court Nov 1.1, 1884. in favor of V V Hiii
ton, p!lt, anil luaihtt Alex Drinkill, deff, for
the aum of ',9.0(1, and the further sum of
f.'O 0.1 ooiti ami ilisbiirieinonu, and for the
nle of tlie real property heretofore attneheil in
niil action dcril)tid ai fullnwi, to-wit: The
N J of tho donittion lauo claim of '1 ho i.
Drixkill, known and denizen,) I on the
plati aiul nirvey of the general Inml oilier
a uluim Nn 61, in Mention H.1 and 34, T 17,
S ft 3 VV, ami claim No 58, in lection 3 nml
4, T 13, 8 II 5 W, iiil N i uontaining l(!U
ure, in Lne Comity, Oregon, oonmiaiuiioi:
me t suit all the rulit title and interest of
mm deft in nml to the the above ilvncribril
premiiei. Now, therefore, by virtue ot miiJ
writ I did nn the 18th day of Nv, 18.84.
levy upon the above doicribed property, anil
latnly laid judumeut, interest, coxti ami
Tuinif ontta nnd expeniea of tale, I will
tell all the rhiht title aud interest of aaiil
deft therein, at public auction, to the highest
Imliler, tor rain In hamt, at the Court
House door Id Kut'enu City, Lane County,
Oregon, nn
.1Iondy, December 22, 18MI,
between the hour of 9 o'clock a m, aud 4
o'clock p in of laid day. .
J. It. CAM I KrXL,
Sheriff Lane County, Or.
Dated Nov 22, 1884.
Xl by virtue of an exwution ilulv iiwuuil out
of the Circuit 'Jonrt of the .State of Oregon
tor the Conuty of Lane, by tho Clerk there
of, and to me ilireeted on to-wit: N..v 17,
1884, upon a ju lu ueut anil ileerue of fore
aloiure rendered in nl Cum t Nov 1.1, 1884,
in a uit then and there iiendmir. wherein
(ieortie Huley wat pllf and J.kine M 8haub
and A nut A S:iauo werv defti, in favor of
aid pltf for the eu.n ot fl3.2li.OU in U 8
g'dil coin, with interest theieou at the rate
of 8 per vent per annum from data of said
uilument, ami the tunher nvn of 8100 At
torney fee, and coiU and clialiurKemenU nf
aotmii, and a deoree for the eule of the fol
lowing deurilied inortageil premiaea to tat
iafy aaid jud'iimut and expense nf makiim
tucli ale. to witt Uttifiiuimg at point 12 50
uh wot from the S K ooruer of ao 32. T
13, M It 4 W, thouott north 40.00 ch, thence
W I2..M) oh, thence 8 40.00 ch, thence K
I'i.OOuh toplaoe of Iwuinninn. contniiiina
AO acre in Lane Comity. Oiyuoii. Now.
therefore, by virtue of aiil writ uf execu
tion, and to atify mud judiuieut. aci-ruimt
oot and rxpenie .f tale, I will tell the
above iletvribo I . real propel ty at public
auction to the liichent bidder, for eaiti in
hand, at the Court Home door in Kutene
City, Lane County, Oregon, on
.nonUt-, December 21, ISH I,
between the hour of 0 o'clock a m. and 4
o olocK p in ot laid itny.
Sheriff Line Co, Or
Dated Xov 22, I8S4.
by virtue of a writ i execution duly
iiiei nut oi me circuit Umrt of Hi Mate
ot Uregon, for the County of Lano, by the
I lera thereof and tn me directed, on tn-wit i
November 17, 1884, upon a judgment aud
decree nf foruclour rendered in said Court
Nov 3, 1884, in a au it then ami there pend
ing hi tavor in j y vtaliburn pill, aud
again.t Jamea Taylor and Catherine Taylor
dvft'i, for th um of til 1.80 in U S gold
coin, and the further sum of 173.00 att'y
fee, and for oU ami dislxiraementa of laid
nit, with interest un aid iudxiiMiit from
date thereof at the rate uf 10 pr cent per
annum, ana a decree for the lata of the fol
lowing tiescribed mortgaged premitee, ti-
wit: 80 acre off of the north em) of EW
Bagley'i and wife' dona' ion Uad claim,
being claim No 37, lectioni 19 and
20, T 17. 8 It It W, in Un County, Oregon,
commanding ma to sell all aud lingular the
interoat of said deft'a, in anil to laid prtmi
ie. Now,, by virtue ot said writ
of execution, and to aatify laid judgment,
accruing costs and expert nf sale, I wil)
ell the ibo dcribd premiiei at public
anction. to the highest bidder' for cash in
hand, at the Court Moat door iu Eugene
City, Iao lYunty, Oregon, on
.Itonasvy, nfeinax-r t. Its I,
between th hours of 9 o'elock a m, and 4
o'clock f m of said day.
henfl Usi Co, Or.
Ute.1 X.. 22, 1884.
Graduataof Woman Medical College, Chlcan)
OFFICE nd rwldence at Prfeor Mark
A Life Saving Present.
Mr M K Allixnti, Hutchimnin, Kani Saved
hit life by a (ample trial bottle of Or King'
New D.o..vrry, for o namption, which
caui-il liim ' to procure a lar 'e bottle, that
ooiupletely cured liim, when iliictori, clunne
nf cliumti and everything elue failed. An
tluna, liniioliili', hoarenea, tevere congh,
aud ad throat and lung diteae, it ii gnar
antetd ta cure. Trial lxttle free at K It
Luckey k Co' drug (tore. Large lit ft.
Syrup of Figt.
Xittiu-e' nwn tnie laxative, rieaaant to the
Palnte, acceptable to the Htoniach, harnili-M In
it imtu-, pniulcM In it action. Cure Ha
bitual (Vwiitipation, llilioutne, Indi-tion
and kiiiilrvd ill". CleaiiM- the yUm, puritir
the hiond, ri-Kolittr the Liver and art on the
linwoU Jireuk up Cold, Chill and h'evera,
etc. Straighten tle ordain on wh ch' it act,
letter than liittvi, iiaiiteou Liver meilieine,
pill, null and diuu. Sample ImiIiIi free,
nnd large one foraule by V Al Wilkin,
Euiieue, W 8 Ia-c, Junction.
New Firm-
l)r N J Tay'or derirc to inform hi pat.
rou and the u'llio geneilly ( he la
aociated with him I'r J C Elx-r'y late' of
St Joeph, Mo, in th j p -actiie of ileutit'rv,
r Kberly ha had f mrteeii yearaof exprri
euce in hi profel non, and ha taken a comne
in the I'lnUflel.iiii Dentil College. All
work warrant) d to give intivfaction. Ollice ,
lu Ualtoui bruk.
Tax Notice.
X hereby nntilied that the tax roll of
Iiane County for the year 1884 ii now m my
hand for oollectiou. -Dated
Nov 10, 1.88 1.
J. u. campr::ll.
Sheriff and Tax Colluctor, Lane Co, Or.
by virtue of a decretal order of the ( 'ircuit
Court of the Couuty of Ijiue, made the regu
lar November term thereof, 1884, I will
nffer for Sale tn the highest bidder, at the
Court Hnuse door in Eugene City. Lane
County, Oregm, on Tuesday, the liith day
of December, 1 SSI, the following, dexcribed
premiiei, tn-wit; Tho W J of the S K J and
lot I and 2, nf Seo 31, TIB, S It 5 V; also
beginning at a point nn the center of S Eline
of T D Hiutou and Nnncy llinton'i donation
land vbiim, T 10 and 17. SUA V, running
thence N 40 4.V, E 36 C t ehs, thence N 4ri
4li' 13 W 7(1 00 uh. thence V fi 40 rh.
thence S4I.0!.'. W 37.00 oh to corner J W.JJEURIMAX & T0FFELLMIRE,
Iticliardsni, a land, thence 8 47' 35 , K 88 30 '
ch to the place of beginning-, also lots 2, ?,
4, 9 and 10. of Seu 32, ami l..t I of )Su
T 10, S R 6 V. a d lot 1 ..f Sim- 3. and lot 4
of Sen 4, T 17, S I! 3 V, containing in the
aggregate (.08.03 acres, in Lane (.'miiitv,
Oregon, the sule to C'iinuio:iu at I o'clock
p m of said day (Won l'h. .
S. It KaXIM, .In, Side llcferce.
- JoNiirAl. Walton, Att'y.
Tax Notice.
I will Ii- a the usual nlnon of vi tb.u t
the various pirc'ncU in Ijtne County, Oregon."
tor me prrpiwe hi ncelvinu taxes for the venr
1H8I, front 10 o'elock a in to 4 o'clock n in nf
each dayai follows:
Willanintt. 'eilnrJay IWrulnjr 3. 1K84
Moliauk. 1 hiimilnv. " 4.
Oainp Creek, Friday, " 5,
Sprmhelil, Saturday, - " (i,
l.on-4 1'ohi. Monday, " 8,
Itk'hnnUiii, Tuesday, " f,
f'heshire, Wednesday, " 1(1,
Sjieni-er, Thursday, , " jl,
iiihL.w. Friday, " 2,
Coyote, Satnninv, " 13,
Pleasant Hill, Monday, " 15,
!''!ill t'reek, Tuesday,' "
Middle Fork, Wednesday, " 17,
Lost Valley, Thursday, " Id,
Cresswell, Friday, 1,
Irving, Saturday, " 20,
Junction, Monifny, " 22,
0'ittags tirove, Tuesday, " 23,
Hvde Dell, WedneKlay, " 21,
McKensie, Friday, " 25,
Florence, Saturday, " 27,
South Kugeiir, Monday, " 29,
North Kiiloiiw. Tues lev. " 30,
opened the largest and best
selected stock of
In the City of Eugene, Lane County
Goods marked in "plain figures."
We ief j
Giev us a call
selves. No trouble to show goods.
Remember Strictly one Price to All.
Walton's Brick - ".
Of either aex admitted to the
On any weck-dny of the year.
The Collcgo Joursnl, rontni'ninj informa
tion of the course of ktody, rate of tuition,
board, examination, etft.. rnd enta of plain
and ornamental penmanihlp. fre. Addrex.
Lock Box 104. Poktt.akd, On.
pB I urltlnr), vleaim mtnllnn thli vwer.
the undenigned ha been dnly ap
pointed by the County Court of Lane Coun
ty, Oregon, edioinUtrator nf the eitnte of
Mnry MeDer ih)eeaed, mil all iieraon hav
ing claim agniimt oi t state, are hereby re
quired tn prpKMit fin-ill, with the proper
voucher, to the uinlrrigiird adinthintrator,
at the ollieu nf J K Kenton, Eugene 'ity,
1jii Ccuoly, Oregon, witliiu aix months of
the datH of t notice.
Pated ScptembtT 12, 1884.
Joiik O. Day,
Adiniuiitratnr for Kxtate. -J.
K Fexton, Att'y.
Street, rppoaite the Star Itakery.
Call promt. tly attended to night or day.
Chronic disewe a specialty.
Physician and Surgeon.
null day or night
OFFIt.'E-t'psUir in H:iy' brick; or can
be found at K K Luckey & Co's drug atore.
Office hours: t to 12 m, 1 to 4 p m, 6to8
pm. . junl2tf
New Barter Shop and
Bath Hccms
(One door North of Post Office.)
fitted up in the brst of order. Shnvin
Hii'l Imir cutting done in the uiot approved
Flour I Fed Store,
I lT0)riC10rS.
i -
I V uitizrns of Eugene and vicinity that we
have secured the Imilding opiioxite the Star
liakery, nnd will keep a complete stock nf
Flour and Feed
of all Minis, We will lie able to furnish everv-
i filing at the same low prices as heietofore, de
livered free at all time during the day. All
orders left lit the mills will he delivered by us.
We would be pleased to have yon cull and
leav ynnr orders unit they will be promptly at
ten . ed to.
ILmcuiher the plnve, nvoite the Star
Bucklen'i Arnica SaUe.
" The (lent Salve in ths world for Cuts,
i( l!rnise, Si.res, Ulcers, Salt liheiiin. Fever
Sures, Tetter. Clmped I land-, C'hilbluina,
I'oriiH and all Skin Eroptii-ns, and positively
cure Piles, or no pay required. It i gnar
i anfced to give perfect satisfaction, or money
I. , rcfiinilcd. Price 25 cont per box. For sale
' i by K I! I m key A Co
W. V. Henderson,
3E3 IsJ X S T.
1 1 i
with ofKce in llayi brick.
My nperntion will be first-
' i rrrvi
! class and clir,'fS reasonable.
Old patrons ai wel aa new one are Invited
tn c.ill.
Good News!
up Ml ton
and satisfy your
Willamette StreetJ
That the Cheapest and
goods is
75 casein of Dry Goods received
from the great failure of
which we have purchased cheap
tTLook ar.d uc few
22 yds calico for $1 00
1 3 yds unbleached mualin ....... 1 On
14 yds unhl-adifd 1 Ofl
18yda cranh 1 00i
12 ytla drmgooda 1
Come one come all and bny lota of those goods for these prices.
A good suit of mens' clothes for $8,00; Hats 75
cents and upwards ' .
Bring your CASH along as you will surely get $1.50
worth of goods for the little sum of $1.00.
Remember the Cheap I X L Store,
Eugene City, Oregon.
E. E. Luckey &Co.
Toilet Articles, Paints. Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and sell at living fixture ;
In hands of a competent druggist.
To Luckcu Bristowat tha .old Ellsworth Store.
Pass books, butcher books, memo
randums, ledgers, day books, etc.,
of all kinds. Ordrs taken for
spcial size
. School and Miscellaneous Books. .
All the standard anthois ly the volume and is arts. Javt-nile
books, Seaside and Waverly Library, Harpers
MagnzinfS, ete.
Bible Depository For Lane County.
We have been petting a large slock of new goods and we hav
everything found in a first-class Book btore.
We also have a full stock of
Successors to CALLISON. .
Real Estate Agents,
FAKTIES lulling to lm-at., ly Pre-mitiin nr Hnmntead, npoi Gnveramept Iud, or
tn pnrctiam Kchml nr liailioad 1 -anih, will Jo well tn rail Uua or aililrrs u, a ' ar thor
oiiLrlily acuuaited with auch land thMiiuhnut the entire Willamette Valley, fin either mAm if
th river, and can hw jiartm tha innot valuikhla land and desirable location, fmm 6 tn S200
acn-a in a tly, Alan vacant Lit, hnainew and dwelling holme fur tain and to rent Prti
having money to ioTet in I'ropertr will do well to call at tlii oftii-o a wa hav about 200 bar
Ifaiii. , wPartie conveyed to and from any of our land free of charKf. Circular anj informa
tion pertaining to land lurniHiietl prati.
Jl?!.TV,2S!iIe,,rUU, ''"Jy"'. limber, rich ..a.atTeriil l-onae. and ban...
road;w.ll f-edai d cro,. lencd, 3lK acre ,mxl WRt,r ,,, ,n;it , .enr .!,,. wi divi1;
..,! 400 acrea rich black Mndy l.rn .mtahle ?nto 40, so, 100 nr 2U0 acr. tracta, at 13. 16
U pw or hop.; two t..ry hnUW. 3 barUJ, ,,, m M' a, liTlt
wells runi.ii.rf wer all th year; 2 K"d, ,a)f ,wn. fc '
Z227.1:S7'K'T T-
f 7 ' fc"-. hi i-. 1 1 UiBll .1(111 iiirra h
1 1 1 la . I I'Mn K 1 . . ... Aii...
: - - ' - 1 v-.ww. n.tiiaM anil n.irn .111 ijumj
. . .hi. .1 g pct arm. t 1, 1. .. 1 I.. : .
1 -.. K . . u . ' ' j - "n
acre, lit mile from iiL-en on couutv .i..... .,:n .i:j.i. : un ' J
; all levtLSOO acrea rix-n; uood wot ranae.', tin i-n.iif... i
nS!!AV UniUr'pKHl 0Ht well, 'easily
..iTo fiL...,, Jy'itWo,.!. Price. .
iw ion, :i mutt inim xu:ne: an lenceriJi
vTuMa 1 , "i1 liBlbr UIe' cleared; fia. ru.ninc
W aTM ,;l r' " m " Bd nnt w: will divi.1. into t.
11000 and fl3 00 r acre. tnw., titIe c, rri fsoa
LtM '.m.: f.t ail fenced, GO acre in wltivation, 140
SSl'jrrt L, r;.' ' acre, more ei!y rnltiT.te,l, ool and rfinrck
J..nT'l.7 iT hnfcW. V" C"unty f"rth. .fa mile, fine oak tin.Ur and
road; all fen and all clear exce1-t SX) acre. KO(M wi !r... ytivt K 9. , .aJrJj,
Best place to buy your
of our prices:
1 doz nnpkina (pure linen) $ 73
! dor good toveh...,"., . ,. ." 75
6 ydtt whirling J Q0
A very good corset..., 50
00l0 yda gingham .1 00
lMcre,.ilr. fro Er-en. on" county
I . 1 1 f. I . . .1 I. . I . ...
fnnt tree, near
.'200; one-balf
HaiTe cleared
o ii n i v