The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 22, 1884, Image 3

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    The Stage Coach In New York City.
When tho railroad car took thb nlaco
iL, ln... -a .
oi ui 8iaM-coacn, it deprived
travel of most of its pleasures. One
sees Din mho or the country as ho is
whirled rapidly through it amid noise
i -J n-1 f . ...
uu uusu .mure is no way in whl h
scenery can be so well enjoyed, as from
an outside seat of a stage-coach. The
moderate rato oi speed allows all the
beauties or the scene to be appreciated,
and the changes of the road present an
erer-varying panorama. Then the
siage-coacu allowed of social enjoy
irient, ana cnai and stories made tho
time pass pleasantly. What a contrast
Detweeu mo tavern, where the Btao-o-passengers
stopped for dinner, and the
present railway station with iu "five
minutes for refreshmenta!" There is
so much that is pleasant and enjoyable
in travel by stage that wealthy gentle-
biou iu ixuw lorn uty and vicinity not
iuug uunuimi a coaenmg club, each
momber of which had a "coach and
four." There are now many members
ui mo ciuo. r,acu nas a coach made in
me oesi possioie style. The body of
eacn ana mo running gear is painted in
a amerent style lrom theotherp. The
norses are carefully selected, and have
the most complete harness and trap
pings. The coaches have seats for six
upon the roof, besides a place for the
"guurd," who with his horn announces
the arrival of the coach. The driver
is usually the owner of tho coach, and
there is no little friendly rivalry amon
the members over their skill in "haniC
ling the ribbons." A parade of the
coaching club is something well worth
seeing, and the club makes occasional
excursions to ,niore or less distant
points. On one occasion its members,
or a part of them, drove to Philadel
phia and back, by the stage-route fol
lowed before the days of railroads. One
momber of the club is so enthusiastic
a coachman that he runs a daily coach
between one of tile hotels of this city
and a point in the suburbs. He takes
passengers at a round price, and thus
allows those who are not mem
bers of the club to enjoy tho
pleasures of this mode of traveling.
So popular is the Tally-ho Coach that
places are engaged many days ahead.
The passenger oy the coach leaves the
city by that beautiful gateway, Central
Park, and sees tho city mult gradually
into the country. His road takes him
past beau ,iful villus as well as primitive
farm houses. His senses are soon
saluted by the refreshing sea air, and
he arrives at his destination prepared to
do justice to tho ample dinner that
awaits him. His destination is Pelhara
Bay, one of the. roost charming spots
upon Long Island Sound. He here ex
changes tho varying scenes and sights
of the road for one of tranquil beauty.
The blue waters of the Sound stretch
out iu front of him, and the many sail
ing craft go lazily by, their quiet'boing
in strange contrast to the fussy little
6teamer that occasionally passc3. After
a few houis of rest at Pelhara Bay the
homeward journey is commenced, and
the passenger enjoys tho samo scene in
the light of tho" declining sun, and
reaches tho starting point just as gas
lights and electric lamps are replacing
the daylight, refreshed by the novel
mode of travel and tho change of air
and scene. "But," somo may say. "it
is very expensive." So it is, but nulike
many of the amusements of tho
wealthy, every dollar exponded by tho
Coaching Club helps somo ono. The
coach maker, the painter, the harness
maker, and many other trades are ben-
eliteu, and even the farmer, who
breeds stajie horses, has their valuo in
creased by what some regard as t lie ex-
of the Coaching Uuo.
Americm Agriculturist.
Billy's Invention.
Billy Longhead, who lives out on
Dayton bluff, has been closely engaged
tho past two years on a contrivance to
check runaway horses. Last week he
brought his scheme to a head and cele
brated the affair by taking his best girl
out foradr've. lie had placed one of
his inventions on the wagon for tho
purpose of showing his girl how long
his head was and how quickly ho could
bring a horse to terms if he took
notion to run away.
Tho invention is simple, being a reel
round which a line linked and very
strong chain is wound. Tho chain runs
.under the horse and is attached to the
bit. The reol has cog wheel connection
with the wagon wheel, and is thrown
into gear by a little lever that runs up
into the wagon.
The day was lars-e. The sun shone,
the birds sang, the rivulets rivlod and
as Billy and his girl rodo along through
tho country, happy in each other s love,
they planned and schemed how they
would have their house arranged and
grounds laid out when Billy's wonder-
lul invention should nil his colters wnn
gold. Everything seemed bright. The
prospect was brilliant and lunch coun
ters and box-cars occupied a very hazy
back ground in the picture which Billy
had paiuted of the tiiture. .
They wcro going down hill. The
wagon was boosting the grajio arbor
that was drawing it along at a pretty
lively ga t. Now was a good opportu
nity for Billy to prove tho value of his
invention, 'Ho whipped tiio horse into
a run, which was not hard work as ho
was going down hill. At last when
they were moving through space at tho
rate of seventeen miles r.n hour. Billy
smiling on his lady whpered "Now
we'll stop, hang on;" just at this point
ho shoved the lever, tho reel com
menced to pull in tho chain at tho rate
of one thousand miles an hour; the horse
was going one way while tho cli.iin was
coming the other. This state of nffairs
lasted about eight se.onds, when the
horse and chain botli camo tho same
way and the wagon with its occupants
continued to proceed through the air.
Somehow things got mixed. Billy got
bewildered, his girl got tangled up
among tho wheels of the buggy, and
tho ho se seemed to bo trying to kick
himself back to town. When Billy had
excavated his eyes he went on a relief
expedition for his girl; he found her in,
several places, but managed to get her
together so he could recognize her and
found that with the exception of s fewt
hair and much of nose, she was all
present A very low temperature has
sprung np between Billy ana the girL
and he hasn't been able to prove that
he didn't put up a scheme on her to get;
her out of the way so that he might tie
to another female on the other sido of
the river. St Paul Herald.
Corn-IIosklnf Festival.
IT... !..! , . . IT"..
vmuiy to ail those of us who
D.o uorn in me country comes the
...iiiuiauuo 01 nusking-timo.
waited for it as the eala-dav of
year. It was called a frolic The trw
uaymg ior the most part shed their
u W, xarmers waded through tho
alien loaves and carao through the
ncen morning air to the eleeful com
pany. i no Irosts which had silvored
everything during the night began to
u-l 'i . 0 I0P 01 ine corn-shocks,
imuio me iarmers worn waitino- f.
oiiiers, mey stood blowing their breath
-.i . . . ----- &
mrougn their lingers or ashing their
arms around their bod v to kenn n
warmth of circulation. Hoarino- mirtK
greeted, the late farmer as he crawlo 1
over me lence. Jokes and repartee
and rustio salutations abounded. All
readv. now! Thn mn iuu nr ,k
8U0CK 01 COm and hurl It nnulrntK
- - wunv uwil V I U U
while tho moles and mice which hnva
secreted themselves there for warmth
attempt to escape. The wltho of straw
is unwound from the corn-shonk. nn,i
the stocks, hoavy with the wealth of
grain, are rolled into bundles, between.
nmu uio iiuBnersiis uown. jiienusK-ing-peg
is thrust in until it strikes, and
then tho fingers rip off the shcathinc ot
nio cur, aim mere is a cracn as me root
ot the corn is snapped off from thn
jiusk, anu tne gram disimprisoned
hurled up into tho sunlight. Tho air is
so tonic, the work is so cxhilaratinc.
the company is so blitho. that soma
laugh, and somo shout, and some sin',
and some banter, and some tease
neighbor for a romantio ride alone the
edge of the woods in eventido in a car-
! il. .i. till.. .
riiiiru uiut noios dui two. and somo
prophesy as to the number of bushols
to the field, and others go into compe
tition as to which shall riilo the most
corn-shucks before sundown. After
while the dinner-horn sounds from the
farm-house, and the table is surrounded
by a group of jolly and hungry men
from all tho pantries and cellars and
perches of fowl on the place the richest
tiainues come, and there is a carnival
and neighborhood reunion, and a socno
which tills our memory, part with
mues, dui more Willi tears, as we ro
membor that the farm now belongs to
other owners, and other bands gather
in the fields, and many of those who
mingled in that merry husking scene
have themselves been reaped ' like as a
shock of corn coineth in his season."
Dr. Tulmage, in Frank Leslie's Sunday.
A Very Hot Taxpayer.
Is this the Uuited States Weather
Bureau?" exclaimed an excited indi
vidual in a melted collar and hot-as-blazes
frarao of mind, rushing Into tho
United States Signal Service ollice on
tho corner of Wood street and Fifth
avenue lost Wednesday,
les, sir: mis is an othco of the
bureau," replied the gcntloman in
0, it is, Is it," sarcastically ox
cla med the perspiring individual. "It
9 a part ot the institution, is it? Well,
ir, it s a swindlo! A barefaced swin-
die on tho taxpaying citizen, sir! That
is what it is, sir!" And the hot man
grew so terribly hot that his face looked
like a bloom just ready lor the squeez
'I do not comprehend you, sir," ro
plied tho signal-service officer, with
'O, vou don t; don t your lou
ou't comprehend me? (), no, of
course not. Certainly, you don t That,
am t what wo taxpayors pay out our
money for, to be comprehended. What
did your bureau promise Saturday?
Didn t you say a cold wave was on its
way here, and that it would reach us
Sunday, and tho weather would be cool
er, didn't you?"
"Well, sir, what if wo did?"
"What it you did. Of course you
did. You know vou did. You can't
deny it. Wliero is it?"
" I'm sure I do not know," returned
the official abruptly. "We do not ar
range the wea'her. "
" You don't! Why, what are we tax
payers getting for our money, then?"
exclaimed the hot man.
"lhe bureau simply furnishes me
teorological information relative to the
state of the weather," answered the of
licial, with dignity.
"Information! Great Scotland, do
you think a man has to be shoveled into
a blast-furnace before ho knows it's
hot? Bo you mean to say we taxpay
ers support this bureau to tell us what
the thermometer is when our shirt-collars
are running into our boots? If you
can't regulate the weather, what are
you forf A blind mule with his ta;l
broke off knows when it's hot and cold
without you telling us. What are wo
taxpayers getting for our money?" and
tho wild man turned himself out on the
sidewalk, red, hot, liihsing globule of
wrath. httmirgU Chronicle,
Boston un 1 New York.
As the car swung into Madison ave
nue from Forty-second street two ladies
got aboard. One of them wore glasses
nnd that intellectual contraction of tho
eyebrows peculiar to tho ladies of the
lluh. With tho true Boston instinct she
began talking about books and authors.
"You have rood 'Jane hyre ol
course?" said hor companion.
"Oh, yes," said tho intellectual la ly
from Boston; "I have read a'.l Her
works and like them so niticV
The oilier lady coughed behind her
handkerchief and then asked, wuh a
twinkle in her eye: "Have you ever
read any of Daniel Deronda's novels?"
- . . ... ., . i .j..
" l es. indeed, saiu monosion inu,
" all of them. But do you know I think
ho is almost too analytical?"
"How do yon li c Adam Code's writ
ing?" asked the New Yorker.
'Oh, they a e lovely. Hut don t you
think they are a little shallow;"
"I have never read them," said tho
other, behind her fan.
The lady from lioston cast a loo oi
pity on her illiferato companion and
the two got off the car at Sixty-first
street- .V. Y. Jlera'd.
I be your pardon, madam," said
a gentleman, lifting his hat politely to
richly aresscu wumnu uh mo
but vour face is strangely familiar to
.1 I ... WA V.r
me. l am sure inai i uu mm, juu w
fore." "Yis, Misther Jones," replied
the richly dres.sed woman, "it's nieself
that knows ye. Oi'm your cook. M
t Graphic
lwarfs of Olden Times.
The most famous dwarf of olden tinms
was Philetas, who lived in Kgypt
three hundred years before Christ.
it) lien a grown lliun ho was mi mnll nn
light that ho dared not go out of doors
without having lead weights in his
pockets lest he should bo blown wv.
And vet he wus agreat pact, and so wise
mi jearueu ana trustworthy Unit ho
wus cnosen oy tne lung, ilolemy Soter,
w uireci we studies oi his son l'uiladol
phus, the heir to the throne. How
queer it must have seemed to the young
Prince to have such a mite for a toaohori
'Writers of that long-ago tinio say that
mere was once a whole tribe of dwarfs
living in India; and that they rodo about
on sheep and goats, and cut down tho
corn with axes as if tho corn-field were
a great forest. Kvery winter whole
ilocks of cranes those tall birds with
Inn or Knol-B it u.m a .it.. . T 1
colder lands, and the dwarfs were fond
of picking up the birds' feathers, nnd
what was worse, of stea hn? their two.
nu.!.. i .i
iui maue uie cranes verv niierv.
that they attacked the robbers, and as
the dwarfs would not run away, there
was a temblo battle, where, Addison
llinb In tho midst, the chieftain dvrti f was
Full twenty Inchotiill be strode along-.
But he was killed, and so were all hi
little soldiers, and that was tho end of
the dwarf nation.
1 his sounds rather like a fairv-tnln.
and perhaps it is not all true. but. at
the sa.ue time It is not impossiblo that a
very small raco of people lived long
ago, inoeeci meir bones have been found
buried in the ground in many differcut
hole acres of land in tho Slato of
Tennessee are thought to havobeon tho
burying grounds of a pigmy raeo that
must have lived before the rod Indian
It is said that about fifty years ago some
one accidentally discovered there hun
dreds of little skeletons under the
ground, the largest not moro than nine
teen inches long, and peoplo knew by
the shape of the teeth that these were
the skeletons of grown-up persons. The
eoflius were made of four rough, flat
stones, and were all placed in regular
rows, about two feet down in tho earth,
tho little people lying on their backs.
their arms crossed on their breasts, and
each ono holding a sort of small stono
jug; one of these skeletons wore a neek-
luee made of niiictv-four pearl heads.
and at a short distance from tho burial
place were found tho ruins of what
seemed to have been a very old town.
Whether this account is authentic, I
cannot say. Dwarf-graves havo also
been found in Central America, nnd
in some parte of Europe and Asia; and
on an island near Scotland, called the
Isle of Pigmies, is an old ruined chapel.
In whoneanmll vimlUa pigmy folk In found,
Whose bones the dulvor with bis spade up
In the time of the Roman Kmpiro it
was the custom for rich peoplo to buy
dwaris and keep them lor pets. Julio,
the niece of Ciesur Augustus, had a lit
tle favorite named Conopos, and a hand
maiden, Andromeda, each of whom was
only "twofectandahand breadth high."
Augustus himself was verv fond of
dwarfs, and used to send to all parts of
the world lor them; but ho would not
have any excepting those who were
well-shaped, handsome and lively. Ho
and his little pets used to play together
n the palace; whilo listening to their
pretty prattling tho great hinocror for
got his worldly cares. Tho Romans had
a cruet practice oi miiKing uwans uy
, .r . i - i , .
keeping young babies in wooden boxes
to prevent their growing; and by tho
time tho poor little creatures were
few years old they were worth a great
deal oi money.
In hgvpt Hud Persia and lurkov, pet
Iwarfs had been kept from the verv
earliest times, and from thoso countries.
the fashion spread to Europe. In tho
it v of Mantua, in Italy, thero is in the,
Duke's palace a suite of six very small
rooms with ceilings so low that a tail
man cannot stand up under them; two
tiny staircases led to these rooms, which
are said to hare been bunt lor the
Duke's dwarfs to live in. William,
Duke of Normandy, the conqueror of
England, had dwarf-pages, and it was
tho fashion among his nobles to have as
many of these littlo creatures as they
could get to wait on them and lead
their horses in grand processions.
Wide Awake.
The Dunce of the Onondugas.
At nine o'clock a tocsin was souudod,
and ten minutes later tho redskins were
assembled in the Council House. Fires
wero lighted on the hearths, and boil-
. " , .
ers ot green corn ana ueans wero sei
steaming. Chief Webster, with un
covered head, addressed tho people. Ho
said: "Driven from his native hunting
grounds by the white man, vet the In
diau has his freedom nnd plenty of
beans, corn, and squash. When we
at these to-day, we should thunk tho
Great Spirit for them, and remember
tho bravo deeds of our forefathers.
Every true red man will rcmemlier the
traditions of our forefathers, Hnd take
iart in these ceremonies. hilo wo
. 4.. II . .....
give tliaiiKS ior a iuu niirvesi, wo mum
not forget 'tho kindness of the Great
Spirit the last year, but bo better In
dians than ever before. Love your tro-
ilions, be brave like your mighty fore
ithers, and you w ill bo good Indians."
ten followed the green-corn dance.
'lie dance continued Ior an hour, aim
the perspiration stood in great drops on
the trows of the dancers. A song was
then chanted, and after an intermission
f ten minutes the dancing wbs resumed.
'lie Indians, frem the oldest to the
oungost, indulged in this ancient cus
tom, and shouted ana jumped in giee.
ho gay and fantastic costumes, tne
weird strains of the music, anu me
aricd and grotesque figures of the
ince reminded ono forcibly that a dis
tinct civilization 1 in our niiiisi. ai
nmm tho big mess of maize and beans
was distributed among tho Indians, who
had brought pails for that purpose, ajd
they took it home for private feasts. A
k.rVout. (t.incn. lostin? four davs. will
be held at the reservation when the corn
cut and gathered. byracuse louner.
The Walnut Street Theater, Phila
delphia, seventy-five years old, is the
oldest theater in America, It was orig
inally built in an outskirt; it is now in
the center of wealth, Wo and lasuion.
The building of the theater was begun
la 1808. Ihuadelphia Time.
DH. EVORY Dear Sir: I Ivwn tmii
bled with Nan! Catarrh In its very womt
form fur twelve years, and had given up
all hopes of being cured until I uned your
wnicn nas effectually cured me. I am
well known In this city, havlna lived here
Ince '4U, and I want every one who is
irouoica wnn uatarrn to know or my rase,
and your name and remedy should be
known throughout the civilized world,
31 y gratitude to you shall never reuse.
Yours, truly, CAIT. F. DKNT,
S. F. Cal.
Price 80c per bottle. For aale by Hodge,
Davis & Co., C. A. Plummer & Co. and
Uarke, Woodurd & Co., Portland, Or.
My dear an expreatilon used by husband
aim wue at tne begiuning ot a quarrel.
If vou are Dale, emarlatflil. tiavn a kark
Ing couch, with night sweats, spitting of
blood and short nesa of breath, you have no
time to lose, uo not herniate too long
'till you are past cure; for, taken In iU
early stages, consumption can be cured by
the use of Dr. Piercea "Golden Medical
Discovery," as thousands can testify, lij
After a man has lead a fast lifo for a
while the fast life begins to lead him.
Dr. Ilfnlrti Caery, But ami ren is
the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered.
Try Gbrmea for Breakfast.
rraucisco rcmrimx'r Uiat the Amnrlran kx
chaiiKe Hotel continues to be the farmers' head-
quarters: under uie eiuvriem-cd manaironirn
of I'harlea Montgomery,' Die traveling imbllo
are aitauird of fair, honorable trvalmt'iit: board
and room per day, tl, II. 25 nnd S1.S0: niccting-le
rooms, AO cents iter night; this hotel stands at
seMMly Is doinK etennire family business
Ilia liettil nr thn lint tir ntanm-ljitiiMtv ami mn,
it is strlciiy a temperance hotel, liavlim no con
nection directly or indirectly with a saloon that
is not door in Inn samo build inn: Monttmmery s
Temperance Hotel on Second street was the first
temperance hotel ever started in 8an Kranclaco
(14 years axol and has the largest number of
sU-adr natrons of any hotel In the Btato: board
and room, $1 to fi per week, or 75 cents to (1 per
day: sinirio rooms, 25 to ou cents per norm; when
you visit tke city don't forgot to try either the
American nxi-uange or Montgomery! Hotel:
both hotels have free coaches to and from all
steamers and trains.
This medtctno. combining1 Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics, quickly and onimilvluly
I urrs Uyspepala, Indlarallnn, W enUn
Impure blood, Malaria,!, bills ana hum.
il Nenraliila.
It Is an unfailing
Inn I
remedy for Diseases of the
K liners and l.lvrr.
It is Invaluable for Disease peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or
produce constipation othrr Iron mtdicinn do.
lienncnesanii purine" uieuiuiiu,iuunumw.-
the appetite, aids the assimilation of fond, re
lieves Heartburn and Kclcking, and strength
en the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, tack of
Energy, Ac, it has no eqtinl.
Mr The genuine nas above trade mam ana
Groused red Hues on wrapiwr, Take no other.
.!, rinnHn'U, on- mitwom, ID.
CAl'TIOX. -Ririrt'i
Rnnclflo Is entirely a vesrUMe nranantlon.
and should lint be otinfmimlud wltb the various sulwti.
lutes, Imitations, non-secret hmubiig "Huoeus Alter
aua, etc., etc, wliit-a are now Ik-Iiim insnaiautureri by
various person. None of these oonlalii a sliurle artlrle
which enU-rs into the cuinivitlnn of H. H. H. There
Is onlr one Hwlft s rliwelllc nii there is noininf in tne
world like it. To pniTiiit disaster anu diuuuuiuUueut,
be sure to gt Uie genuuie.
Rwl't's HiifcMc Is a enmulet antidote to Blood Taint.
Illuod l'olsoa, Malarial I'oison, and Nktn Humor.
J. uicKaua anu it, n. v.. Atlanta, us
1 hue had renisrkable success with Haiti's RdkjIHc In
the treatment of Hloml ami Hkln Diseases, anil In Fe
male Diseases, I took It mjriu-lf for ( 'arl,.uioli with
happy effect. V. O. C. lliiuv, M. I)., Atlanta, Ua,
T nant Swift's Rneoitlo on niv little dauihter. who was
afflioleil with some lllood I'oison whiik hail resisted all
aorta of treatment, The Hiwcitlo relieved her perma
nently, ana I snail use in my practice.
W. K. Bkokt, U. 1.. Cypress Ridge, Ark.
Our treatise on Blood ana Bklu Diseases nailed free
to applicants.
BWIKT hTKCIFTO CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
New York Ollice, 1W West 23d Hi.
1 he litYEnV GuiDH i burned Sept.
and March, each yeur ! 221 rages, x 1 1 1
iHi'hes, with over itituv iiitiBirnuon
a wholepioturegallery. Ciivcs wholesale
prices direct1 to contumcrt on nil gondi for
personal or
family use.
Tells how to
order, and.
cist of ev
use, drink,
have fun
gleaned from
gives exact
cat, wear, or
with, llio-e
liookf contain information
the markets of the world.
AVe will mail
copy I'roc to any address Mpon receipt
of the postage 8 cents. Ixt us hear
from you. japectiuiiy,
ItUJ ak Wabaaa AVeani, t-aieasa, sib
The Science of Life, Only $1,
Great Mcflica Wort on
wv ..a vii.ii,. Vmnnum and Phveloal Debtlltr
iw-ii, fa, n,an Krran of VouUi, and the ua
wild ailaeiies rwultlnf from biillsoretlops ev eijesaaaJ
book lor every man. jfouimj mlilille-eel aniTolil II ono
laliia 138 praseriptlnos far ell acute and ehriHile nlaraaes,
each one of which U UxeJiuvMa. bo l.uid by U,e aulbo.
wboM eiperleiios fi rears Is sue as probably M
befora feu to lhe lot of any physician. passe, bound
Id beautiful French muslin, mboeaed auvers, run fill!
fuaraateed la be a liner work In erea senamwiianUal.
burarv and profeseiimal-than any oO-r w.wk sold In ltd
eonnUT lor h M. or the nviuey will ue refunded In erery
fauulnsa. I-riosonlje-lOOb, maU. I-JW!. Ulrtra.
tr. aamnk) leenU Bend now. Gold Bnedal awarded
IheTXVby uTs Naalmial Medical AaoeiaUon, to ibt
Doers of wntcn B reiem , ,
a-t.. OMm ,i Ufa ahnuld bs mad Of lb tOOnf fOt
fciaUucUoa, and by the aSUcleal b rauef. Ilwuloen
Stall Loadw LaoOM. . a, .
Ther. is do nil of society to whom the fWoe of
Ufa wtl! aot bs useful wbetbef youth. P. suardtaa.
luatroctoe or alerrrman -Trlljuj
.. arA A UMnSnh atfant. BosVML Masa. who
aitdraaa Uia ritnav aiwiioai -
be eousulual on all dlaeaaes muuing skill and ei
rarker, Mo. 4 Bullfinch estwii. BosW Masa, wno sh
CbionU and obaUnase diseases as f- a was
hae haroed lhe skill ol all otbef pbyaV ss a.aeaa
1 1- k..t u, , ut.nM n failure.
uca inawi iiwTHYSFLF.
n u a h uimtmA I .atLev ee P. O Op-
Books eaa be sent to any address ea the Paolfk
Coast as aaMy as al boata. Ooneeated Id wbstaaUal
arafypafs taavue Oolf IDD ailpuoani s auaraae.
i W(9 F
Absolutely Pure.
Tbh powiler never varlca A man si of purit y,
Strength and holeaonw noa. Mora etMiiomlral tban
Uie ordinary kinds, anil eannol be sold III romiwtl
Uonwith the multitude of low tcet, short wofciht.
alum or iihosphata powders. Hold only in cans.
Hot At, IUhimu I'uann I'e., lie nail strvot, N. Y,
use wmmi
Bronohitis, Influenza, Asthma,
Ami sll TIIHOAT and l.l'NG T KOI' Ill.kS,
Sold sv all Druugists roa Kirtv Cents.
J. It. UATF.N A ili. Proprietors,
417 Sansomi Streit. 8an Franoisot.
TjnicioussVrne- isrynrmous.
Thls Valuable lllsrovrry Is belni eib-nslvely
aaeil a, id is performing nuuiy astonishing cun-s, Asa
Senior and Tonlr It Is unsuriwaml. Ci,li-ry. Ilerf
and lronpuseeaMM wondurfuliiowvrlobulltlupliroken
dewn oi'iiatliutlnna, and rratore !, to both mind
andboily. II Is a Hiire Heninly In eases uf (leu.
eral lK-btllty, Nervous KxIiaiisIIoil Nieeplvasnesa eu-
iliiaTy liiiiioultii-a and all IrrrHiiK. nii nu f
HenllB whrraa IODIC ana ftrrvine. is reiiuireu.
lie ware of imitations, ssa worthless and spurious aril
ale is bolus sold, piinmrtlng to 1m Celery, llovlaudlruu,
il iiiii.L,iv.iai
KIT Clar tUrert. see. bum I rnnrlsre.
C'nlven'a Carbolic,
IM per linlloa.
After dl,pini the shc:,i, U
undid for preservliiK wet
lililus, destroying the vino pest
and for wheat drosslnus anil
disiiifm'tlnirpuriMMrs, etc. T.
W. Jai kson, 0. K., Solo Agent
for i'sclilo Coast
414 and 416 Market htieet, Han Fraudsco, l.'sl.
JAMKH W. DOLAN. BelllnK ARcnt,
These Sulkies are
mads from 48 to 68
pounds, and to flt
any boras, and an
used by all the best
trainers and drivers
in the country. Aleo
by Ex. Oor. Iceland
Stanford and others
of California.
Brown's Patent
Price. 180.00.
Boslnc, IB extra.
Aceatta. FrtstirlRe. Cal.
KleetrMaa-fielfe Bell
r is the only complete Bod y-bsi
f in the world. Only erne
a continuous El.ICTP.o-M AO-
-..... niai Aclda.
Tt lt urrs disease like magic fur male
i. Hundreds cured I PamphUt, c, ftee.
m female.
TO Sacramento street, Saa iraociKo.
R" DR.H ENLEY 's"0
fWjf4 IXTRAtTOr." -w
ILiijiW 1 , JnliUJJ RirssaMitea
,;n J m L-L-l A:i otm
1 1 M 2-1 if I Deipondenl
I lllsCLaMeJaaeajInaiaV, ivj HOffPUt.
13 losuooieis
vv Ina-ALa-Ra.
aT -S"
Warranted to relieve or I'
euro Heart Diaoaso.
j. Ji MACK A CCy
'I V7
Woman's Suffering and Relief.
Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing
you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that
constant drain that la taking from your system
all Its formor elasticity; driving the bloom from
your checks; that continual strain upon your
vllal forces, rendering you Irritable and fretful,
can easily be removed by the use of that mar
veloua remedy, Hop Hitters, Irregularities and
obstructions of your system, are relieved at onoe,
wbllo Uie special cause of periodical pain are
permanently removed. None receive so much
benefit, and none are so profoundly grateful.
and show such an Interest In recommending
Hop Hitters as women.
A Postal Card Story.
I was affected with kidney and urinary
Trouble- '
"For twelve yenral"
After trvlno all tllA iliuitrtra .ml
medicines. I could hear of, I uaed two bot
Hen of Hop
And I am perfectly cured. I keep It
"All the tiiun!" nHiwclfiillir l V llnnih
Smilabiiry, Tenn. Alny i, likl. '
IliiAiiroim, Pa., May 8, 1873.
It has cured me of several dUcasca, such as
nervousness, sickness at tho stomach, monthly
troubled, etc, I have not seen a sick day In a
year, since I took Hop Hitters. All my neigh
bors imc them. Mltn. Fanny Ukkk.v.
$3,000 Lost.
"A tour to Kuropo that cost nie M,00ft, done
me less good tliuu one bottle of if up Hitters;
they aim cured my wife of llfteen years' nerv
ous weakness, slcepleiuuiens and dyHiH-psla."
IU M Auburn. N. V.
Ho. IlMXtMlNovii.i.ic, O., May 1, "79.
Hutu -1 have been siitlurlnir ten veara. and I
tried your Hon Hitters, and It done nie more
good than all lite doctors. Miss a. 8. Hoonk,
Baby Saved.
Wo are so thankful to sav that nur nui-slmr
hahr waa ncriiiauciitlv cured of a danirnmua
and prolracled cnnstiation and Irregularity of
me iHiweie uy me use or nop iiiiuirs ny us
mother, which at lhe same lime restored her to
perfect health and strength.
l lie rurenla, itoclicster, N, , .
tNono irenulne without a hunch nf man
llui on the white label Khun all thn viln nni.
sonoua stuir with "Hop" or "Hope" In their
TXnm 3NT o X) ci tt a 1 1
Stronyeat, Purest, llcttand Most A'coiwhI
iral in tht Market.
Never Varies In Qua ftva
Itemninwiuled to tX)N:;nil-:U8 hy lea UrT Fhjesi
cians, t'lienilsU sud members of i r aa
I'nincisro ll,rd ol lluaith
msrissn sr ths
HOII I.Kit at 'IIANK.a. Vranclaon and Fori.
lauil, AgeuU lor Decker Una)., Fischer, lichiilm Belir
Hrt and the Kmerson Flanon. Also for Mason ft
Hemhlln and Uie Chase Organs, These atreni-les are
seliH-tiMl fur merit, and reiireernt the bi-st rn the Market.
w rite for iit-scriiitton and uei prices, f if lleadiiuarters
for bund Instruments and Uanu Huipliea.
.Uahler. lloenlah l'uuvis; BimleS
onimns, band fiiatruinanta, Larirest stink el Hheet
Sliulo and llonka liamls siipiilluil at Eastern trloea
H. OUAY, K) I'uet rllroot, Han Frandioo.
N. P. N. U. No. 4II.-H. If. S. U. No, lai.
PlSCfS rtrVEDl rOr CTAn;iH J
Rahv In use. A eerlaln cure. Not expensive. Three
inonliia' trailiiii-ut in one niu-kiure, (lnod fur (Vll
In the lli ail, lliwlHi-he, lilsritirM, Hay Kevef, ato,
t llty ot-nia. Hy all llrutulns, nr by mall.
K.T. IIAIriNK. Warren. Pa.
n.. iiitrif'ii-Aijffiit- ihani:i,i l rmiut n-turnof VIOOIU
. LL.Min. I ,.. II I.1. I,,.
all- Ill. Ailotitnl inali
Slniilei-aaea,JleS. Beereon,i ,k$K. l'uillBa,
.-rv DR.
(svr.M.V. l . tsnsH.)
niEt'TrlO-VOLTAlO PKI.T and other Kiecrmfl
IJ Amjicrs are sent on ) Days' Trial TO
HKM ONLV, YOU NO OH Ol.l), wl are suffer
ing from Nanviii-s Pfsimtv. Ixt Vitaltit,
WsSTisn WrsKKrsHKS, and all tnoae dlsensesof a
rciwasAf, HsTiiaa, resultliiff from Ausu rnd
Onisa Oavses. Sreily relief and ojmiplele
restoration Iu Usaliii. Viooa and Mash xid
SOAatiHTsrn. Bi-nd at ouue for Olustrtted
ramiihlel tree. Address
Voltaio Bolt Co., Marshall, Mich,
Atwolutr.f cur-d In It) ta 19
hsr fW llsfH,'s Palaxafi
'J M tut-n (til a XlMtia Tru.
'Z'Wiimnu-ii live only BltrloTruM
Intti workl. KuttirlrailftrpntfSm
1lo(hr. forfoot ReUlnsjr, tnd Isvoni
wtthotMAntl wnft)rt niht silvd tj. Cura
tllel fTIUlWDeMl I. J. NltllllM Of NtW Ytrta.
nil liundrwlfKif trl).f rt, Nrw liluttrmtad
7o4 ruiouto bu.oof. Komf . Baa .VrsuwtMO. CM.
--" At 41avQ. b a . a a . ,sH-tt U ea Staf
saa. A I MKTHI.I bent freele
i Astnns.-I maniilMi-lure
X r Rinmaiillvon band avar an
'e and keen f
wWINwIllk I
d for mam I 1
I. Iimi a,'. -av
w Iart tin.
a I'ytnestMirtinsiraieriiiirto
S,, J1" e'"" " niir, onui
, SsaaSel SaMSaSlwel, lark CUf .
V. X. Wi'Ht'H lllt'ctrlc lit'ItH.
I a niunoer in r.i.Ki
1HI0IJKI.TI, now nrieut
to the world uiy ' 'Nrw 1m
nrtived lMt,M siiimtIot in
e 'ery resiMtto all others,
T iis Is tlie CHl V HKM
which can be Oil AROED WITH WATER and conn.
aeoiistaul current of electricity throiiKh the buniau
bwly. eurinfALl. i)isrjtsr.wiTiiui!Tsim.irijKaiiil re
sbulnc lost uiauhoniL TuoUMtxlAof tt-stimonials of Its
falueounui. rur male aiiuieniaie. neiut.n i, on.
ouh. l'rice. till. He d for circultrs to O. M. WEHU
IM Msrket street, Han Fransiani.
VJTWT1H,T- 1J I BrXT or Pnroneea.
for 'a mala ei)niy lor
the cure ol deraiMO-menie
of Ibe eraeratlveoorana.
There ts no mistate alioul
this Inetrnwienl, the con
tlnnous stream ol Si.l.i
TKIOIT Bermeatlnrj
throuKh the parts inu4
mtiire them to health
action. Do no, ronlound
tms with letno Belts
adrertua-d to cure ell Ills
(rum had to It Is foi
M'ina tmriyiaa
Till.,. lTlni Iuu Infonnalton, aiKlreee U
yjrtfr? t--arliSWlUAttICuav,iaV