The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 22, 1884, Image 2

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The strength of tho church Hos not
la tho oratory of the pulpit, but in tho
oratory of tho closot. tmrqton.
The number of students In att id
ance at Boston University has steadily
Increased tho post four years, the sum
marled being as follows: 605, 655, 691
and 610. Zoon Journal.
The Alabama Baptist snys that
there are in that elate uaptist
ohurcbca and 8.00 orda'ned ministers:
bat 860 are unemployed on account of
the once-a-mouth system which is so
maun In vogue there.
It Is. of nil things, not essential
that a school-boy or girl shall know the
various marks by which to distinguish
the "a" In fat, far, fall or flame, and
over which golden time Is sure to be
yasU'ilJ hiiaUcliMa riMic Ledger.
The school savings banks of
France have been wonderfully success.
fuL la 1879, live years after their
foundation, there were 10,440 schools
provwed with such banks, and TU.'iW
depositors. The numbers have now
risen to 21,484 schools and 442,021 do.
Lost year the women of the United
States gavo 1 600,000 toward Christian
izing the heathen. Of this large sum
Presbyterian women gave nearly $200,
000; Baptist women, 11.56,000; Con
gregational women, $130,000; Northern
Methodist women, $108,000, and South
ern Methodist women over $25,000.
Chicago Herald.
During tho past eighteen years, ao
cording to tho Jrih World, the Irish
Roman Catholics have contributed for
various church purposes houses of
worship, convents, colleges, schools,
eta-about $30,000,000. litis includes
$2,600,000 paid to tho Pope. The Irish
are a poor people, and have given this
largo sum out ol their poverty.
It is safe to say that not more than
ono-half tho school population in tho
South received an education covering
the school age. J5ut, In audition to the
children, there are 1,. '164.974 males
twenty-one years of ago and upward
who are illiterate. Adding these to tuo
children who altendod no school, we
have a grand total of 4,010,690 in the
South who at present have no adequate
educational advantages. N. Y. Herald,
The largest single contribution
made lost year to the missionary work
of the Protestant Episcopal Church was
from a Chinaman, Mr. Charles Ping
Lee, of Shanghai, who gave $5,000 to
St. Luke's Hospital In that oity. Tho
gift was niado in reeognltion of the
noblo work accomplished by the hos
pital for tho suffering and distressed
among the countrymen of the donor as
truly a Christian work: as that ot min
istering to tholr spiritual necessities.
N. Y. Examiner.
Cape Town Diamonds.
J. C. Silberbauor. of Cane Town.
in a recent lutorvlow said: When peo
ple tell you that the supply of dia
monds down our way is exhausted you
!ust tako Inom to one side and whlsuor
n tholr ears the solemn fact that they
don't know as much about our business
as thoy did last summon Sabe? Our
diamond Holds are situated In the mid
dle of tho Great Desert. Now, I am
going to toll you something that will
surpriso you. Tho leading diamond
mlno and tho ono that furnishes most
of the diamond wealth, is nothing more
nor less than what do you suppose P
tho crater ol an extinct volcano. 1 his
mine sfneo 1870 has given to the world
at least $100,000,000 worth of dia
monds, and Is still yielding at least
s 18, two, 000 worth yearly. Kow 1 will
toll you something about tho plan of
work In thlsvolonuio diamond mine.
Tho interior of tho oxtinct volcano is
iillod with a sort of ashen substance
which Is of the hardness of rock.
Within this the diamonds are
imbedded. Thousands of crystals
exactly similar to diamonds are
embedded in tho sanio snug quarters.
Tho mlno Is dividod into hundreds of
claims and tho crotor has now boon
emptied to a depth of three hundred
feet. Kxperts havo bored down to al
most ondlesi depths, howevor, and ro-
Kort tho mpply as practically inex
austiblo. As soon as this ashen sub
stance Is loosened, hauled to the sur
faoo of tho earth and exposed to the in
fluence of air or water it dissolves and
crumbles like sand, and tho crystal and
precious stonos lie in tho grasp of tho
speculator. To vou, tho crystals would
appear of equnf valuo with tho dia
monds, but an export knows a great
deal better than that, lie placos stone
after stono betwoen his lips, and tho
precious treasure is easily selected and
carefully lookod aftor. The seorot of
the matter is not much of a socrctwhen
you know that a diamond in its crude
state Is velvety to tho touch, while a
crystal is hard and unyielding. The
mouth of tho diamond volcano is sur
rounded with mining machinery, mostly
of American raamilaoture. The work
men employed in tho mines are entirely
naked, and their movements are
watched with jealous eyo. The laws
have bocn niado exceptionally severe
for tho punishment of thioving minors
the penalty In most instances being long
years of service In tho ponol eolonios but
this fact docs not doter tho poor dovlls
from taking tholr chances for winning
an Immense fortune with as ;gle stone.
Their hair is clipped to tho s alp, they
are not allowed to wear Lear Is of any
aort, tliey are entirely naked, am ex
amined critically upon 1 uvlng the
mine, and yet they steal millions.
How? I will tell you. They swallow
the shiners. You should see them gulp
stono down In tho faco of the guards.
After recovering their plunder tho
thieves depose of tho stones to specu
lating Jews, w ho hang about the place
like carrion crows. These receivers
also run a groat risk from stringont
laws, but the great profit justifies the
peril. They generally buy a $10,000
stone for about $500. There are also
several mines In the desert beside the
crater mines, but they are small and
comparatlvely uninnHirtant. Our dia
monds all go to England in the rough,
but the United States buys more pure
dlamonus of the first water to-dav than
any other country upon earth. That's
news Air you, my boys new. The
Indies and Turkey are great markets
or off color stones, the nabobs setting
them In aword and dagger hilts. Our
gold fields north of the Transvaal are
also assuming proportions of real ooin-
merciw LWDortinivL rtrii TV......
v v. v ww . firw.
Fashion Items.
Tim blo bonnet dies bard.
There Is a tendency toward amaller
Ribbon , belts and sashes are im
mensely popular.
Kound and pointed wa'sts are equal
ly fashiouablo.
1 he lull's XV. easaquin is one of the
dressy fall wraps.
Waistcoats o' undressed kid are worn
on tha other side.
The nrettv Moliere waistcoast is
moribund, but it dies hard.
Opalike shot silks are favorites for
early fall wear in the city.
Tho trimmed Jersey Is as popular in
Paris and London as in New i ork.
Children's grmenU for early fall
wear will be composed largely of
Some of the new cheviots woven in
bird's eve eltects are called Floren
Iron nist red velvet Is combined ef
fectively with olive-colored wools in
fall suits.
Gordon blue and Little Duke green
come among a host of new colors for
fall wear.
The plain velveteen skirt will assert
Itselt as soon as laii lasnions are an
Military jackets and half military
styles are affected by certain leaders of
European las Hons.
Whore lawn tennis, badminton, ana
cro ,uot are niu n played me jersey is
sure to be much worn.
Polonaises are draped In many eo-
oentrio and some graceful styles and
sometimes remain undraped.
Laoe-liko eflects appear in the velvet
brocho designs of tho importations of
velvets for fall wraps and dresses.
Gro iter va-iety t.ian ever prevails in
the outlines of garments, dresses,
wraps, jacket, and mantels this fall.
Shades of fashion, the shadows of
coming styles, rather than tho fashions
themselves, are noticeable now.
Pale gray tulle, beaded with crys
tal and worn with posrls and dia
monds forms an Ideal ball toilet for
carlv fall or late summer.
Large pla'di, largo bars, medium
plaids, small checks, and blocks both
targe and small, appear in the now
pluidod lren.;h wools.
Tho bla k lace dress with deep
flounces of lace and a laco basque and
overdress over a colored bodice and
skirt is the to let for tho Casino balls.
Vtloiin friso, vdour fourrure. ve-
lour lame, volour cIsjIs aro some of
tho many namei for tho new vol et
brocades brought out this season.
1 rotty delicato ernbroiderio in
bunches and sprigs dono in feathery,
light designs, appear on tho dark
and neutral grounds of new fancy
wool fabrics.
Among Fall wraps come short Jack
ets litted in to tho figure in the back,
loose, plaited Fedora fronts lace bor
dered and shoulder knots of rib
bon loops.
Among the first importat'ons of for
eign goods are novelties in rich all-wool
trench nlaids. show nr new colors.
new combinations, and admirable shad
ings of the various colors.
Skirts will be tucked, tlouncod, braid
ed bordered with gold-dottud volvots
and other funcv fabrics In brocho wool
or silk, accordion and box plaited ac
cording to fanoy.
i he black and gold uniform of the
Spanish Army is a form of military
toilet brought out and worn at tho sea
side by tho Countess of Alcantara out)
of the leaders of European fashionable
'lho Austrian military jacket of
while cloth, gold braid anil buttons,
and colar and culls of purple velvet, is
the high novelty at European seaside
resorts. It was introduced by the
Prlncoss Motternich.
Plush brocho is a thing of the past;
in its place come furry and curlod pile
volvots. cut and uncut, and with ciso'e
or chiselled pile of various lengths, to
imitate tho chiselling of stono in ornate
Gothic architecture. N. Y. Sun.
la tho Adirondack.
Tho. destructions of forest, without
any relation or benefit to even this po r
agriculture is equally noteworthy.
Mountains which I romomber well as
covered with forest aro now us bare
aud rooky as tho lower White mountain
peaks, and tho face of tho most moun
tainous port!' us of tho country I have
jest passed through is scAiOcly recog
nizable, it was not until l arrivod at
the t-'a anao Lake that I becamo aw aro
ot tho Identity of tho localities I know
twenty years ago, and cvou here I hero
Is great change, lho Invasion of tuo
forest is going on at a rate which, even
if not accelerated, will loavo no solid
mass of forest of any considerable ox
tont after another century, and tlrs
though tho land offers no induocmont
to farmors as compared with western
countries less, even, than districts in
Now England, which are now giveu up
fmt.iralv in sltnnn Anil nntrlu (rrnvlnir
The greater part of this Adirondack
country, it must bo romomborcd, when
once burnt ovor, and tho accumulation
of mould of many centuries, which is
its only soil, destroyed as it is by tho
nres, is absolutely worthioss. oven lor
forest culture. Hero may bo seen re
mains of forests, with stumps of lm;o
trees still rooted among bare crags,
ovory trace of moss and mould having
boon eradicated by the ivnted lires.
lletweeu these trails are occasional
passages of lei tile land, not great in
aggregate extent as t'omparo.l with tho
mountain land, and these aro t .o only
ortious which attract agrieulturUs.
n post vears these lound their market
among tho lumbering population, but
as tho available lumber country is now
becoming rapidly exhausted, lho lumber
trade will lose all its impoitance in
iuw junra, aim iuu uiiucuillfs OI
ommunioation would destroy tho
market valuo of the produce of those
remote and .solated tract. I he newly
discovered sanitary qualities of the Aif-
rondack region are attracting many
invalids, and even in the winter there
is an increasing and a ready consider
able number of visitors for health. This
new Interest complicates tue question
of forest preservation, and it must bo
tudied with botn the lumberman and
the tourist to oonsido . A. present the
lumberman is doing all he can to de
stroy the commercial value of the for
est by tha exhaustive cutting of the
pines and spruces, but the operation, if
done carefully and under strict super
vision, would do no harm, nor is there
any reason why the lumbering should
be stopped. It is not the axe but the
hre-lx-and that destroys the font t, and
thu proper restriction or the and
sportsman In their rocklossness of lire
making, as tho came ot more devasta
tion than the ae and plough com
biued, is a much in the interest i f the
lumberman as of the State. Tho in
c ease of this class of visitors, tho con
so went Increase o hotels and summer
"residences, each one the nucleus of
new cleariu, the centre from which
new lire invasions start, mako th s re
striction every day more important.
Hotels are now building In the very
heart of the wilderness, and each on j
by the local oem nil it causes for the
products oi the soil, tor its own uses
and those of the attendant po u'ation
of guides and boatmen, increase iapld
ly all the difficulties attendant on lho
final regulation of the i uestion. '
That portion o' the responsibil'ty of
the great and profitless destruction
which falls to tho lumberman is due to
the'r reckless ai circulation of tho
"brush wood" which tho trimming of
the trees causes, and which, being of
the pitchy firs, is, whon dried, as in
flammable as powder, and prepare the
ground for the match of the tourist
whose camp-tire leaves the kindling of
the m'ghty conflagrations we see here
at times. Cor. H. X. toentng tvh
1 he first names to be found in the
profession have a ttraugo Dutch and
tiuasi learned Latin air about them-
Ue Bills and Clauderius, Kuysoh a:;d
Swamraerdum - apothecaries, ornVeura
and pbysie'ans; eao i boasting oi' his
own pamculur process and conMmptu
ous of lho other, and each with his own
cabinet where he kept his specimens,
and whence ho jealously ex iudoJ his
Of these, Ruysch, the anatomist, was
tho most celebrated and the most suc
cessful. Up to his day, the Egyptian
process simplified and modified, but
not materially departed from, had
chiclly continued in reputo, and it wa
he who introduced an important change
of detail, and con eived and execute t
tho plan of injecting prescr.atlv j fluids
into tho dead body bv the blood-vessels.
A ( ontomporary of Peter tho (.Teat, he
carriod the art to such peno t;on thai
Ins spcoimens wercithe wonder of the
time in which ho lived, and it is e en
re orded that the C-ar on seeing the
body of achild which ho had preserved,
did not detect It was dea I and kissed it.
i'.ut he died with his seo et uudisclo-ed,
jealous of it to the last, at they all were;
Do mis, too, departed i ncoiniuuiuca
tive; though Clauderius, on one occasion
admitted to his cabin t on the s r t
undorstaud ng that he touch nothing,
managed to wet his finger and apply it
tie reuy to a specimen, auu losiiiig it,
. .v.. - ; " i . . ..
dotected the presence ol salt.
In England, William Hunt fol
lowed the process of huysch, making a
woll-known usi) of it with tho wifo ol
the eocontrlo Martin v. n Jiutouell, who
reposes to this day in the Museum
of tha Collego of Surgeons, to whoso
receptions alter death many of tho most
learned and fashionable of the London
world Hocked iu curiosity.
Madamo van liutcholl Is no longer
tho attraction she once was., j-ho lies.
or lather stands, in an upright case
with a glass i d, in a tar-on, locked-up
room, among odd bo es a d d st v pic
ture-frames. Her eyes are sunk and
tho mouth Is drawn, her hair is frowsy
and tho limbs wofully pinched and
shrivel d, but tho general outline of tho
iiumi nun icuiuru re ui.suuei enougu lor
recognition, and the nose retains a cer
tain archness and piquancy erv re
markable in a lady who should have
boon dust any t'mo thesj hundred and
ten years pat. JNexttolier, iuasim
liar case, stands a person embalmed by
Sheldon. She died of consumpt on, just
a hundred years ago, and Is not at all a
pleasant sight. Curnhill Magaiino.
A Peddler's Trick.
An Allechcnev ohvsic.ian. hivinw his
suspicions aroused that then was somo
trick about tho livm r thin s found iu
the water on the South Side when, ex
amined under a microscopo, found that
u pcddlor of micros jopo liad led to all
tho trouble. Tho attention of Dr.
Shillito, of Allegheny, was called to
the matter. Dr. MiHIito possesses ono
of tho finest microscopes in the country
and is an export in all mierosooj leal
niauer. no examined one ot tho i od
dler's plates and found that tho
"wrigglers" wore what are known as
sour-pnsto lizards. Iheso creatures,
Invi-uilo to tho naked eve, aro gen
erate i by sour paste. The paste can
bo dr oit and kept for years. A drop of
water win uissoivo it and reanimato the
thousands of lizards that it contains.
Tho peddler w is hunted up au forced
to divulge his secret. Ho hat In his
vest pockot a small bottlo filled with
sour paste in liquid form. On entering
an o nco no would oiler to show the
impurities in a drop of water. The
urp would be brought to him on his
glass plate. In tho most natural uian-
nior possible he would draw his tooth-
lck, wh cu was sticking in tho invisi-
bio bott o. and spread the water o.erthn
surfaco of the glass. Just enough of the
sour posto adhered to tho toothpick and
was depo-ited on tho glass to carry a
number of li anh with it. The clas.
so prepared, would bo placid under
tno, and tho water would be
found to b) alivo with transparent
ha ds that seemed never t ied of
ashing back and forth under tho glass.
Dr. illito exposod the trek 'to a
numlicr of friends last evening, ifter
having suooo-sfully made them tndieve
that it was the water alono that th y
were exam'ning. Pits'jurgi (I'a.)
It is har il work In hn linnnat
erythlng worth having that is good or
prcui cisia lauor, eiuiurnnod anu sacrt
tiv. And hnnAst.v ta nnn it tha nhiira..
tristics that rails for this rwiL Whv
then, should not honesty re eive some
iiiuo encoura emeot inrougn the
nruumt mmlshmnnt nf thoi.i wlm nnVn.l
against A.bvston Commerj al liullt
tin. It is a mistake that Santa Anna
loft Mexico a poo.' man. i.e arried
Into exile In the est Indies a great
fortune, spent thousands co k fiehr no
and gambling, aud left his widow rich.
Tempered Glass.
It Is not very long since the discovery
of M. Alfred de la IJastie filled all our
newspapers with paragraphs, more or
ri,li,.iilnim. about the properties of
(his glass. Some claimed ft was malle
able; others that It could not bo bro-;
ken. In tact, tempered gioss was io.
minorsede all other materials. The ex
citement being over, tempered glass,
may now take its rank among vaiuauie
inventions, subject, nowever, w muj
defects in its present state.
The process of tempering gloss, as is
well known, consists in heating a piece
of glass, say a window pane, to such a
degree as to approacn maueaBiijy, dm
not hot enough to lose its shape; the
fdass in this state Is Instantly plunged
it to a bath composed of fatty and res
inous matter, which is heated and main
tained liquid at a temperature ranging,
from three hundred to six hundred de
grees, according to the quality of the
glass. The difference of temperature
between the malleable state, about
1,400 degrees, and that of the bath con
stitutes the temper.
Glass in the plastic state, when
plunged into cold water, will fly to
pieces if dropped indiscriminately, but
if a piece of fluid glass1 is allowed to fall,
into water in the shape of a tear or drop,
it will be perceived that the outside of.
the glass cools at once, while tne lnsiue
remains partly fluid for somo time, as
can bo distinguished by the red color
Hhowing through the water. This cool
ing will continue until the mass is per
fectly solid. This indicates that the
outsido ' layer becomes at once con
densed bv cooling, while the In-
sido remains fluid and consequently
more distended, ibis cooling process
goes on, the outside, laver compressing
the noxl adjoining, until the whole mass
ta tlinrnnrrlitv t'ttnlftrl Thla nrllfinr
form ana state of glass is known as
Prince Rupert's drops. Though a hard
blow may be struck upon the thick part
of these drops, it ha no perccptiblo ef
fect, but if tue thin tail end is ruptured
the whole mass instantly flies to pieces.
The glass appears to be under a great
tamo vi u-nsiuu, anu me icum rupture ui
the equilibrium, such as the breaking of
the slender thread terminating tho drop,
i . . . . t i . i - , . . .
is HiUlicicnt to destroy the mass.
Until tho discovery of tempered glass
by M. de la Bustle, it had always been
considered that unless a lamp chimney
or any other piece of glass was perfectly.
annealed, dillerences oi temperature
brought on suddenly would invariably
cause a breakage, lho isaslie glass
would seem to prove this view to be er
roneous, as the tempered glass can sus-,
tain sudden and extreme changes of
tcmperaturo without breaking. Molten
lead has been poured into a glass bowl,
or tumbler without producing a frac
ture. A piece of plate glass tempered
by the Bastie process, having been.
heated among coals, was suddenly
plunged into coia water without pro
ducing any effect. This experiment.
rcieated live times in succession, did
not seem to impair the qualities of the'
class, for on dropping it from ai
mm BKiry winuow it uiu not ureas, ii
' .i 1 t. I ; 1 i i i I.
may be said, however, that if in the;
heating the temperature should reach
the point at which it would be an
nealed, the temper would be destroyed.;
This action does not seem to take place
wnen tne period oi reheating is not con
tinued too long. A plate of glass 61
by 4 inches and three-sixteenths
inch thick could only bo broken under
the shock of a weight of seven ounces
falling-thirteen feet, while an ordinary
piece of glass of the sanio dimensions
would break under half of that weight
fulling about sixteen inches.
fll. Mcmens, ot Dresden, says that
the strength of glass is increased fifty,
times bv being tempered. A bent pluto
of gloss laid upon tho floor, the convex
side upward, is capable of resisting the
weight of on ordinary sized man with-,
out breaking. The glass while subjected
to the weight will flatten out, but as
soon as the pressure is removed it will
spring bock to its original shape.;
Hardened glass seems to be. less denso
than ordinary glass; it is harder, how
ever, and is more difficult to cut by the
diamond and tempered tools; it also
possesses a much superior elasticity.
over the ordinary glass.
binco tempered glass, however, can
not bo cut with the diamond without'
Jlyiii"; to pieces, its use must necessarily
be limited to dciinite sizes not re
quiring to be modified; this is quite a
drawback to its use. It would seem,
however, that some of the defects have
already been overcome, for at the Paris
Exposition quite a display of tem
pered goods was made by tho Socicte
.1.. i t . 1 r.. : .
aiiuu uiu uu tvna j.reuipu, ui i una.
Among other things was quite a display
of druggists' and chemical glassware,
mortars, pestles, beakers, covered
bowls, funnels; also a variety of plnin
and cut glass tumblers, goblets, do
cantcrs, globes and chimneys; opal
plates; a depolished bowl with cut
facets, colored gloss, engraved, cut,
etc. It is said that tho making of ar-
tinlntt Tnrvincr in tlilnkrtncQ ia hnvnrilniia
as many of tneni aro apt to fly to pieces
eithor in the making or cutting. Glass-
wart Reporter.
"Come in," said tho fourth floor
lawyer as the bov rapped on the door.
"av, mister:
Well?" "
"Are you going to burn coal this win
"I may."
"Then you'll have to buy somo."
"And you'll have to have it carried
"Miouidn t wonder."
"And I'd like the job."
The lawyer locked his hands back of
his head and looked out of the window
for a long timo without a word in reply.
The boy put in his time looking around
tho room, and when the silence had be
come painful he said:
"Well, good-bye. If you get a case
this fall, and get any money, and buy
any coal, and don't want to carry it up
yourself after dark. I'd like tha tnh.
Vou can remember I'm the boy who
spoke to you. I've got red hair and two
boils on my log, and I feel awful sorry
for poor folks. Detroit Free Press.
Manv of next winter's fashions will
be almost an exact reproduction of the
.1.1.. ..J -. V . .Oi-A
wii-s auu UBiierns oi int rear loou.
.V. r. iut.
Kergrur-lcn's Land.
In former years the Kerguelcn group
of Islands was noted as a favorite breeding-place
for the sea elephant. On this
accouut it has been mucn frequented by
sealers for the last forty years, and re
sorted to by whalers as a wintering
place The elephants have been so
recklessly killed, that they are now
quite rare, but are still found in con
siderable numbers on Hurd's Island.
Probably they would long ago hove
entirely abandoned .the Kerguelen
Island, but for the single inaccessible
stretch of coast called "Bonfire Beach,"
where they still "haul up" in the
months of October and November, and
breed In considerable numbers. This
beach is shut in by precipitous clifls,
across which it is quite impossible to
transport oil in casks, nor can boats
land from the sea, or vessels lie at an
chor In the offing, on account of the
heavy western winds which prevail a
great part of the time. On capturing
a small female some scientists made
a careful examination of it with
this result: It was eight feet and ten
Inches long, and in girth eight feet and
four inches, being enormously fat. The
layer of fat, beneath the skin, was four
inches thick, and the body seemed al
most formless, and the fat quivered
like a lolly. Another specimen which
they killed, a bull elephant, measured
twenty-three feet in length. These fel
lows, which alone are provided with a
proboscis, take charge of each, of
large number of females, guarding them
from the approach of other bulls, and
prevent them from returning to the sea
before the young are old enough to do
so with safety. During the breeding
the bulls are very pugnaoious, hgbting
fiercely with each other, and even at
tacking the scalers themselves. Al
though seemingly so unwieldly, they get
over the beaches with surprising speed
advancing both flippers at a time and
using them like crutches. The beaches
of the Royal Sound are fringed by in
numerable wallows or cradle-shaped
pits, in which the animals lie during
the breeding season, recalling the buf
falo wallows of our Western prairies.
Besides the sea elephant the sea leop
ard often visits the island, as do several
species of seal. The leopard is hunted
for its oil, but is less valuable than the
elephant, being a much more active
animal, and therefore less heavily loaded
with blubber. The king penguin is said
to be its favorite food, which speaks
well for tho sea leopard's activity in
water, the penguin swimming rapidly
enough, of course, to catch the fish upon
which it feeds. The leopard ii described
as pursuing and overtaking the penguin
under water, rising to the surface and
tossing it into the air, so as to catch it
more securely, crosswise, in its jaws.
It is also said that many species of
whale and porpoises abound in the
neighboring seas. In tho early days of
whaling in tho Indian Ocean, the Deso
lation Islands are said to have literally
swarmed with whales, for which the
numerous inlets and bays of the archi
pelago furnished secure and sheltered
breeding places. Even now this region
is one of the best whale-fishing grounds
of tho AuUrctic Seas. N. Y. Observer.
The World's Great Bells.
Russia is in the lead in the line of
bells, some of her manufacture being
the most famous of the world. It is
said that in Moscow alono before the
freat fire, there were no fewer thou
,70(5 largo bells. One called the giant,
which was cast in the sixteenth cen
tury, and broken by falling from its
support, and recast in 1654, was so large
that it required twenty-four men to ring
it; its weight was estimated at 288,000
pounds. It was suspended from an im
mense beam at tho foot of a bell tower,
but it again fell during the fire of June
19, 1707, and was a second time broken
to fragments, which were used with
different material in 1732 iu casting the
King of Bblls, still to bo seen at Mos
cow. Some falling timber in the fire
of 1737 broke a piece from its side,
which has never been replaced. The
bell is estimated to weigh 443,732
pounds; it is 19 feet 3 inches high, and
measures round the margin CO feet 9
inches. Its valuo iu meUu alone is esti
mated to amount to upward of $400,
000. St Ivan's also in Moscow, is' 40
feet 9 inches in circumference, 16 feet
thick, and weighs 127,830 pounds. The
bolls of China rank next to those of
Russia in size. In Pckin there are seven
bells, each of which, according to
Father Le 'Compt, weighs 120,000
pounds. Tho weight of the leading
great bells of the world may bo seen in
the following:
Kin of Bells-Moscow
tt. Ivan's Moscow luT.KW
Pckin 120.000
Vienna 40,M
Olmuti-Rohomla 40,000
Huimmi France 40.01M
St, Paul's 4S.4T0
"HI- lion" Westminster ao.HV)
Montreal S,m
St. Petor's-Rome. ls.tHW
Boston Herald.
4 i
A Miserable Man.
"Watch that trunk," said the driver
of a stage-coach to a negro passenger,
"and if it falls off, tell mo."
"All right sah."
The coach had gone quite a little dis
tance, when tho driver, looking back,
"Is the trunk all right?"
"Doan' know, sah. It fell off."
"Fell off 'bout three miles back yan
der." "Why in thunder didn't you tell me?"
"Didn't 'low dot ver wuz in er hurry."
"I told you to tell me if it fell!"
"Wall, ain't I dun tole ycr? Ter
didn't say ter tell yer when it fell.
'Clar' ter" goodness de common white
folks is er gettin' so cuis dat er 'tclligcnt
pusson kain' hardly un'erstan' ;ra.
Oa, I'll get off ef yer say so," proceed
ing to climb down. "Ilab er fine time
cr fiuitin' dat trunk, er haw, haw. For
gets de time dot yer 'fused ter lcn' me
er quarter. Jsowyers got dat trunk
ter pay fur, Law. haw. Say, genner
man," addressing a passenger, "wush
ver'd ban' down my baggage. Dat
ain't de one. De udder one is it No
tain't I don't belcbe. Fore de Lawd,
dot wuz my trunk whut fell off! Did
anybody cber see sich er caperP Er
hones' man ain't got no show. Dribe
on yer miserable trapsbun, an1 let dis
miserable man die in de shade." Ar
kansaw Traveler.
Since 1878 the lay schools of Franco
have gained 600,000 students, whllo tho
religious schools have lost 200,000.
It is better to preach a large Gospel
In a small church than to preach a
small Gospel iu a lurge church. The
Good Way.
Nothing expands the mind like an
active participation in somo form of
work. Education and idleness are In
compatible. Prof. Swing.
Not a week in the year goes by that
somo Christian missionary does not sail
from some American port on the Atlan
tic or Pacilio sea-board bound for some
heathen land. Men and women, mar
ried and single, are pushing out almost
daily with no other errand than to
spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Never before havo Christian missions
shown such abundant promise. 7.
diampolis Journal.
Cne of our New York exchanges
calls attention to a matter that seems to
invite a remedy. We mean the failure
of the churches generally to givo no
tice, by a s'gn upon their outer walls,
of their denominational connection and
hours of service. We hove occasional
ly seen such a sign, and thought it an
excellent idea. But the rule is to dis
play only one or more undertakers'
signs on the church front N. Y. Exam
iner. A now method of popular instruc
tion is said to be growing in favor in
Germany. . "Pyramids of Instruction"
ore being erected in various towns and
cities in that country, which show upon
their faces the elevation of the place
above the seo level, tho difference be
tween local time and that of Vienna,
Paris, London, New York, etc., and
much statistical information. On each
pyramid aro placed a clock, a barome
ter and a thermometer.
It Is a custom of the day, in speak
ing of the education of girls, to incorpo
rate Into tho' subject the leading idea
that everything remains to bo done.
The truth is that each mother, in super
intending tho growth of the child, sup
plies, so mr as she can, tho things de
sirable of which sho herself was de
prived in her youth. If the mother
lackod practical training,' tho daughter
gets it or vice versa. Theory is of
value, but the mothers are at work on
this subject all tho time. Current.
The New York Observer says that
for the last thirty-four years the Biblo
societies of England and America have
printed over 10,000 copies for each
business day. And at an outlay of
about $60,000,000, over 145.0o0.000
copies of the Scriptures have been pub
lished by these two societies since their
formation in 1804 and 1816, the dates
of their respective organizations. If, as
has been estimated, the numerous Biblo
societies and private publishers have is
sued as many more copies, the number
of copies of the Scriptures printed would
about equal a copy for every family now
living on the globe.
Home .Nursing.
Apart from the helpless tediousness
of a long illness, which alone may af
fect the patient's temper and cause
varying degrees of irritability, there is,
with somo diseases, an accompanying
frotfulucss or moodiness most difiicult
to manage. ' So marked may this be
come that occasionally, the patient
seems to have changed his character,
and the most amiabio aud unselfish in'
health may become tho most impatient
and exacting in illness. Tho trained
nurse, accustomed to watch the effects
of disease, will understand and make
allowance for such perversion; but in
privato nursing tho patient's friends
often suffer acutely from manifestations
of ill temper, for which thoy could only
account on moral grounds.
There is such a thing as spoiling a
patient even though be be past tho age
we generally associate with the word
"spoil." Illness often brings back
somo of tho wayward peevishness of
childhood, and you get such things to
contend with as positive refusal to take
food or medicine, or to comply wth
some order of the doctor's. As re
gards the question of how far to give
in to a patient's whims and fancies,
there is no better general rule than
th s: oppose his wishes only on ques
tions of right and wrong; and, when
opposition becomes a necessity, use
special efforts so to keep our solf-con-trol
as to avoid ell expression of anger
o.' impatience.
How far you succeed in steering
your patient through such troubled
waters .viil depend greatly upon what
measure you possess of that valuablo
gift sympathy; in other words, tho
power of putting yourself In another's
place, seeing from his point of view,
and iceling with him In his difficulties.
A hard, cold, or even a merely narrow
nature can not bo trained into a really
good nurse; and, indeed, as a broad
rule, lack of health and lack of sym
pathy aro tho only two absolutely in
surmountable obstacles in tho way of
thoso who desire to bo holpful iu tho
For observe that tho qualities of self
control, cheerfulness and pntience,
though much easier to somo thaa to
others, are within the reach of all who
earnestly strive to possess them; and,
moreover, each and all are capablo of
being developed and cultivated to an
almost unlimited extent Sympathy, on
lho other hand, though capable of de
velopment by its fortunate possessor, is
one of those natural gifts which no
amount of training can impart, and
which is no moio within the reach of
all than is that good health without
which attempts at nursing can not but
end in failure. Given these two special
gifts of health and sympathy, and you
have the "born nurse," needing, in
deed, much patient can and training,
but ono who may confidently count up
on success.
Various other qualities and habits,
such as humility, gentleness, tit.nness,
order and accuracy, are useful in nurs
ing. There are also various gilts, as
g od hearing and s'ght cleverne. of
lingers, and natural quickness of ap
prehension and of movement which,
though very desirable, are not absolute
ly indispensable, and on these it is not
necessary to dwell Those who have
them may rejoice; and thoso who havo
not need not be disheartened, as they
can very well be dispensed with, pro
v.ded there is thorough, conscientious
effort made to acquire those more nec
essary things which are to be Lad for
Uie trying. Harper's Weekly.