The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 01, 1884, Image 7

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    Eugene City Business Directory.
BKTTMAN, G. Dry goods, clothing, groceries
Ana general men-uanmse, uwiunvav vuiiiui
Willamette and Eolith street.
BOOK 8TORE-One door south of the Astor
House. A tun stock ot assorieo, oox papers,
plain and fancy.
CRAIN BUOS.-DealerB In Jewelry, watches,
clocks and musical instruments. Willamette
street, between Seventh and Eighth.
DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer In stoves and tinwaro.
Willamette street, between Seventh and
FRIENDLY, 8. H.-Dealer in dry goods, cloth
ing and general merchandise, Willamette
street, between Eighth and Ninth.
GILL, J. P. Physician, surgeon and druggist,
postottlce, Wiliamete streot, between Seventh
and Eighth.
HENDRICKS. T. G.-Dcaler in general mer
chandise, northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth streets.
HODES, C Keeps on hand line wines, liquors,
cigars and a paol and billiard table, Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Ninth.
HORN, CHAS. M. -Gunsmith, rides and shot
guns, breech and muzzle loaders, fur sale.
Repairing done in the neatest style and war
ranted. Shop en Ninth street.
LUCKEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and jeweler,
keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, Willam
ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store.
McCLAREN, JAMES -Choice wines, liquors
and cigars, Willamette street, between Eighth
and Ninth.
PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and
fancy visiting cards.
PRESTON, WM.-Dealery In saddlery, har
ness, carriage trimmings, etc., Willamette
street, between Seventh aud Eighth,
POST OFFICE-A new stock of standard
school books just received at the post oltleo.
KENSHAW, WM.-Wlnea, liquors and cigars
of the best quality kept constantly on hand.
The best billiard table in town.
T. . Hendricks.
Having purchased the store formerly owned by
T. (. Hendricks, we take pleasure in In
forming the public that we will
keep a well selected stock of
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,
Croclter' sndTobaecos
In fact our stock will be found to be complete.
By honest and fair dealing we hope to be able
to secure a liberal share of the
publlo patronage.
Call and examine our stock and prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
We can always be found at the
Where we will take all kinds of Produce
in exchange for goods.
Feb. 29, 1884.
Eugene City, Oregon.
3Xarble Ilend-stonoN,
Furnished at the lowest market rates, and of
the finest Marble. Uive mo a call and ex
amine my work. Shop on Willani
mette, one door south of
the Olahd otllce.
McClung & Johnson,
We would announce to the citizens of tlifi
county that having purchased the entire stock
of merchandise of the Lane County Mercantile
Association considerably below the original
cost, and having added largely thereto by re
cent purchases lor cash,
Our Stock is now Complete!
And second to none In this county. W e cor
dially invite a careful examination of our
stock, as we know we can give you satisfaction
both in goods and prices.
Oar Aim U to Hell the Rest Goods
for the Least Money.
Call nd examine our goods and be con
vinced, even if you do not wish to purchase.
We always take pleasure in showing goods and
giving prices.
All kills olProlo tab. al Higiest Mamt Rates
Liberal Discounts for Cash.
Is tlie Life of Trade!
Will do work cheaper than any other shop
in town.
Horses Shod for $2 Cash
With new material all around. Resetting
old shoes II. All warranted to
give satisfaction.
Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olive Sti.
g00t and Shoe Store.
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Will htratftw keep s eompleu Hock of
Ladies', Misses' ani Children's Shoes!
Slippers, White and Black, Sandals,
And in fact everything in the Hoot and
Hhoejine, to which i iulend to devole
my especial attention.
And guaranteed as represented, and will
be sold for the lowest prices that a good
articlo can be afforded.
.A.. Hunt.
I herehv give notice that I am the sole owner
of the Patent Might fur Sinking and Driving
Wells in Lane Comity, ftoteof Oregon, and that
said Right is protected by Letters Patent is
sued by the United Slates Government to Nel
son W, Green, of Court hind County, State of
New York. All pontons who hare driven wells
or had them driven, without my permission,
since the 21st day of Kebuary, 1873, are Huble to
prosecution for infringement of said Itiglit and
are hereby notified to come forward and adjust
the same.
All Infringements In the future will be prose
cuted. I am prepared to drive Wells or will grant
permission to others oil application.
. F. JlOIt RIM.
Practical Gunsmith
Fishing Tackles and Materials
Repairing done in the neatest style and
warranted. Sowing Machines, Safes,
Locks, etc., repaired.
Guns Loaned and Ammunition Furnished
Shop on Willamette St., opposite I'ostoffice.
Book and Stationery Store,
Festoffice Building, Eugene City.
I have on hand and am constantly receiving
an assortment of the best
Blank Books, Portfolios, Cards, Wallets,
Repairing of Watches and Clocks
executed with punctuality and at a
reasonable cost.
Willamette (street, Eugene It, Or,
Pumps, Pipes, Metals,
House Fnrnisliiiie Goods Generally,
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Eugene City, - - - - Oregon.
Central Market,
Will keep constantly on hand a full supply of
Which they will sell at the lowest
market prices.
A fair share of the publlo patronage solicited.
We will pay the highest market price for fat
came, nogs anu sheep.
Shop on "Willamette Street,
Meats delivered to any part of the city free
of charge. Junli
Practical Brnggist 1 Cteiist
Brashest. Paints, Gla, OIU, Lead.
Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded.
rattlKsid Meellak
Fau Francisco Argonaut
During tho serenade Putti pat toil
around tho hotel I'orridor with all the
glee ot a small child who lias just
leu-nod to walk and is stiil proud of it.
She wore a short white dross of nun's
ve.ling. simple in fabric, but irresistibly
well made, a luce scurf over lior head,
a:id she flashed liko a head-light every she moved, Positivly it was not
safe to leave tho in the room,
so she put tlioin on as an easy way to
carry them. Possibly, too, she put
thorn on as a harmless bit of satisfac
tion for tho nntltitudo. Patti is politic.
She leaned ovor tho rail at thoso tierce,
dihoordaut shrieks rose from tho or
chestra, and waved bor handkerchief
ecstatically as t.iougU she had never
heard such music before. Probably
she never had. Spcranza meant woll,
of course, and (iod will forgive him
berausd ho perpetrated it in a spirit of
patriotism, the purest and moA exalted
of motives.
The multitude mode it very uncom
fortable for I'atti. We surrounded her
bo pressingly that the little woman had
not the amount of room in the corridor
wk oh nature intended bor to take up
in the scheme of spaco, she was
guarded on either side, however, by a
couple of apparent Italians, tho one
short and fat, the other tail, dark aud
pale. An Italian valet followed re
spectfully in tho roar, l.tden with extra
shawls. Tho tall, dark, pale man we
assumed to bo Nicoliui. He was not
beautiful, aud the public freely told
him so. If he understood l'.ngl sh, the
man must havo readied his room after
the triumphal parade of the quartette
arottud the corridors with no desire
ever to look in the glass again.
M What, is that Nieoliui?" the chorus
would come in stage whispers from
every group tliut they passed. "That
Niolinir Why, 1 thought that sho
hud at least tho excuse of his being
handsome; but who in tho world co.ild
ever stand an old black crow like
Tho old black crow nover winced
under this liroof remark, but it secmod
to afford some slight amusomeut to the
valet with the shawls.
The valet was Nioolini.
The Religion of the Copts.
Iluter Ocean.)
The ancient poople known as tho
Copts, or uimmel Kgyptians, regard
themselves as tho true founders aud pro
servers of tho orthodox Christian
church. This people, distinctly derived
from the old inhabitants of the laud,
were the first to embrace Christianity;
and throughout the many disasters of
change in Egyptian rule, the persecu
tions and martyrdom entailed by Mos
lem opposition, tiio Copts through
their descendants havo maintained, if
not in purity at Icatt in spirit, the early
Christian faith. The time of tho r
greatest strength, perhaps, was alter
they had gathered, avo.ding tho hos
tility of J', in the fortified
town of Coptos, of which now only a
few ruins may be seen on tho way from
l airo to I.uxor up the Nile. In the city of
Cairo, however, are to bo found tho best
evidences, ancient and modern, of tho
mutations through which this hardy
sect passed iu the successful attempt to
preserve the principles of their religion.
They are a well-behaved, iuottcusivo
poople, and have preserved fairly in
corrupted tho .early doctrines of tho
church. They are all educated, and
constitute the most industrious and en
terprising of the community, and siuee
from time to time disabilities havo been
removed, thore is now wealth aud pros
perity among them. Tho hopo is there
fore entertained that tho old religious
vitality may be revived in tho church
bones now exceedingly dry. There is
very good material to begin with, as
there are 2f0,00l) of them in I'pper
l.gypt and 50.OOJ iu tho Delta. Tho
occupancy of Egypt by the English
government will a fiord tho Copts
tho very encouragement thoy need.
Thoy are already kindly to
ward tho English, as - tho lir.tish vic
tory at Tel-ol-Kebir saved thorn from
a threatened and bloody m ansae ro ut
tho hands of tho mob. Cautious pro
cedure will be necessary, however.
The Copti would resout anvlh n; that
resembled evangelism or mission work,
for thoy regard thomselves as tho
representative of the orthodox Chris
tian church.
The Practical lilo of tie 4erinaiiH.
H teh ill Hi Sunday Iloritld.j
There is probably no nation upon the
face of tho earth that knows so well
what tho enjoyment of lifo means as
the (iormuu. They are practical in
everything they undertake, and make
it a part of their business to find all
the beauty there is in living, and to
tnuke the most of it when they do find
it. Their homes aro more than mere
places of shelter, to eat ond sleep in.
l.ven in the, humblest of these there is
a pleasing atte nptof tho inmates to
spread cheerfulness about them, notably
in tiie decoration of their windows with
flowering plants and trailing vines.
They are ulso practical in their charity,
and such a thing as a broken limb, for
the want of a shovelful of ashes or
sawdust on an icy pavement, does not
happen in front of thoir homes. We
Americans might learn a little human
ity, if nothing else, from tho Germans.
One ot the Peril of I.enp-Yenr.
PhilaiMphis Chronicle-Herald.
There were nine men in tho car and
six women. The vehicle was rolling
along with the windows all rattling so
loud that those who were talking had to
shout. Suddenly- tho driver checked
up s j quickly that all in tho vehicle
heard thevoico of a tall, angular woman
away up in the corner excloiming:
"Aow, I propose"
Immediately six unmarried men shot
fur the door, while the three married
ones simultaneously remarked :
"It's useless to propose to us, madam ;
we're married."
B-j-ton I'asUI
A clever Yankee in Paris recently
opened a booth on one of the boule
vards and invited tho public to enter at
an admission fee of 3 sous and in
spect the fashions of the times. What
they saw was their own ima :cs in a
large mirror. He had an enurmoas
Itminine patronage.
Panama lias been declared in a state of
The market town nf HelmhardtM. 1'nner
Austria, was destroyed by tire a few days
The Rmik nf rnliimlil. In Vie.
tori, will soon eivrt a t.VI.UU) hulhliiiir for
A special dispatch from Cairo asserts
that the Canadian boatmen are unruly
and refuse to obey their olllcers.
At the Strauss celebration In Vienna
last week, telegrams, letters and wreaths
from all parts of the world were received.
It Is reported that nearly 400 sugar es
tates in Cutis have either tieen destroyed
or abandoned by owner during the last
New from the Lome Creek mines. In
Dritlsh Columbia, state that the output of
gold ha been large aed all the claims are
The schooner Charles Valentine, from
Halifax for Svdnev. N. S.. was totally
wrecked near' I,oulsburg last week, and
the crew of six drowned.
Cairo advices state that provisions are
extremely scarce throughout the whole
country, from Iterher to Khartoum, and
Irom the River Mle to the lied sea.
A recent Fco Chow dispatch says an
other engagement was fought en the shore
of Tsnisui, Three thousand Chinese were
killed, f he French loss was trilling.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland has left
Dublin to visit the Queen at llalmoral. A
rumor is current In the former city that
the Karl intend to offer hts resignation.
A Berlin dispatch says: The Invitation
of tho United States to the Congo confer
ence will be presented to President Ar
thur in Washington within the next few
days. Dr. Schwelnfurtb, the famous African
explorer, has started on a new tour of ex
ploration at the head of a scientlllc party
fitted out by tho llerliu Academy ef
A Cornwall, Out., dispatch of last week
says: The Scott temperance act ha been
tarried in the united counties of Dundns,
Stormont and Glengarry, by about 2,000
Reports of great suffering and distress
come from l.slirndor, owing to the small
catch of llsh this year. Government aid
will lie absolutely necessary to ward oil'
The French Congress opened last week.
The government demanded a vote and an
election on 1,000,1)00 francs for the Chinese
war. Amid great excitement it was re
ferred to a committee.
Says a Victoria. H. C. dispatch: No
further news has lieen discovered of the
lighthouse keepers who left for the light
house In a boat, aud there is little doubt
that they were drowned.
Tho French press continue to urge upon
the government that reinforcement of the
army in Tonquln will complete the French
success in that country and be the means
of bringing China to terms.
The vintage of 1S84 Is tho best In France
(luce 1874. The present year's wines will
be delicate and full of bloom. The excel
lent quality of the vintage gives a flatter
ing prospect of the wine trade.
The Mudlr of Dongola telegraphs to
Cairo that he has sent scouts to the scene
of the murder of Colonel Stewart, in order
to ascertain further particulars in regard
to the fate of the Colonel and his com
mand. ,
The Chamber of Deputies of France has
elected a committee, Instructed to report
upon the bill raising the duties on foreign
cattio. anu a majority or me iiiemoers de
mand that the duties upon corn be also
A bomb was maliciously exploded last
i .i.j. i. ..i i ' i .. ....
vrvea lipuil niiiuiMV ria ut mo vjumiui mco
RarrackH. Hellecour ouarters. Lyon.
France. The wladows of the barracks
were broke and the wall damaged, but
noliony was hurt.
The I,omln Times' Dongohi correspond
ent complains on behalf of himself and
l. ; I . 1 . .. - !.... tl,.,. .11 i.u.
grams to aud from England are subject to
military censorship, which render their
telegrams practically woruuess.
High Sheriff Greghan, of Cork, enter
tained the Duke of Cambridge last week
at lunch, after the Duke had made an in
spection of tho fort in the harbor. The
IMilie expressed nimscn exeeeaingiy grat
ified with his reception in Ireland.
Australian advices state that Ilanlan
will row Hcach for the ehamiilonshlp of
the world on the first Saturday In May,
im. He will also row Clifford for iltfOO
some time within the next six months.
Both races will occur on the Paramatta
Admiral Courliet has decided to block
ado the northern coast of Formosa, before
issuing orders for a renewal of the attack
unmi JriiihuI. J lie Admiral lias telo
graphed his government that ho expects
to resume ollensive operations on lana
and sea next week:.
In the French Chamber of Deputies last
week notices were given of interpolation
of the government, especially In regard to
the course pursued in China. The Senate
unanimously voted the gratitude ef the
coontry for services rendered France by
the troops in cinna.
Five thousand troops havo been fur
nished General Tolentino, Governor of the
state of Jalisco, Mexico, to suppress out
laws infesting that state. The movement
has no political signincance. the national
force now being sent is sumclent to sup
press the brigands for all time.
The prize debt between George Full
James and Harry Cllmore, which was to
come off last week near Toronto, Can.,
did not take place, owing to the failure of
the latter to appear. Fulljaroes stripped
and entered the ring, and claimed the
slakes $50U), which were allowed.
The disclosure by the London Standard
last week of the English government's re
distribution plans caused a general sensa
tion and led to a severe investigation as to
the source of the Standard's information.
It is learned that the secret was betrayed
by a workman in the ofllce of Spottes
woode & Co., the Queen' printers.
As the passengers were disembarking at
Liverpool last week from the American
line steamer Ird Clive from Philadelpla,
an Irish detective arrested a Hungarian
steerage passenger on suspicion. His lug
gatre was subjected to search, with the re
sult of the discovery of thirty packages of
dynamite, making alxiut a pound and a
Dublin advices state that If the Darnell
lies fail to obtain a pledge from Gladstone
that the Kovernmeiit will recall Earl Silen
cer from the lord-lieutenancy of Ireland
and allow the Disk crimes act to lapse, as
proposed by Captain O'Shea, M. P. for
Clare, they will not vote with the Tories,
but will withhold their votes from the
The Paris Temps' dispatch from Ha-Nol,
Toniuiu, states that the Chinese army
was completely dispersed after its recent
defeat, leaving the killed and wounded
upon the Held, and atianaomng an im
mense qusntity of provisions. Nany maa
darins were killed. The weather in Ton
quin I cooler and more favorable for mil
itary operation.
Tim I'roulilxlit Ima mw.lnt,t Paul Pill.
ton consul general at Uucharest.
Heavv snow was rermrted from New
Hampshire, the other day. tho first of the
Walter Hatton has been appointed Post
master-General, vice James Q. G realism,
At a meetliiKof the Dubuque and North
western road, recently held in Dubuque,
is., ti was decided to commence work this
A neirro was shot last week at Guthrie.
Mo., bv a posse of armed citizens for the
out rag of a 10-year-old girl named Item
Secretary Teller has appointed Henry J.
W 'I'lwiriw, of Vlrrrlul.. Un...l I ., .I-., 1
of the Indian Industrial School at Cull
occo, Kas,
Pierre Ixirlllard has withdrawn his libel
suit against the New York Star, being
convinced that the matter was published
wunoui mauve.
William F. Kltzlncr. a well known crim
inal lawyer of New York, died last week
t hi residence on Seventy-sixth street,
of typhoid malaria.
Jack Ilurke, an English pugilist, has Is
sued a challenge from Hoston to Domlnlck
Met anrey to tight him for sat receipts or
a purse with hard glove.
The mill of the Dubuque Standard Lum
ber Company w ill close In a week. The
cut this vear will bo over 20,000,000 feet,
against 15,300,000 feet lost year.
Davis, Atkinson & Co.. an extensive
pork-packing house f Chicago, on account
of tlnanrial troubles, have Wen attached.
Their liabilities are over $10,000.
The collar and elbow wrestling match
at Hoston last week, for $500 a side and
the championship of the world, between
II. .11. iiuiur and joint Mediation, was
won by tho latter.
David Austin, chairman of tho hoard of
commissioners of Missoula county, M. T..
was last week accidentally snot ami killed
while out hunting near Missoula. He was
an old timer in Montann.
Managers and freight agents of the new
I'tah and Colorado pool mut at Chicago
last week, and chose J. W. Mldgley as
commissioner. He and arbitrator Tucker
will formulate a plan of operations.
fT. I . it II I I , . . . , r T".
i lie iinn niinii orig Kiira, irom onn i-rnu-clsco
September loth for Lapnz, is a total
loss on the coast of Lower California. The
steamer l.stado de Ninora is asnore at the
same place, and is probably a total loss.
Tl, !.!.. ...IIU .1 17.11 111... Xf,.au
have shut down for an indefinite period.
t. 1 1UIA ffcllt ...I...I1.... - I 1 J,Ul
liver i,',!! niiiiut'n ui n uiiiu ti i,ny
000 employed on print goods are stopped,
and 10,000 men are thrown out ot work.
Says an Allentown, Pa., dispatch: A re
duction of 10 per cent has been mado in
the wages of the men employed in quar
ries belonging to the slate exchange of
the I.elilgli and rtorthamptou companies,
S. S. Davis, the Cincinnati banker who
assigned recently, gives as the cause of his
trouble the defalcation of fiu.oou by ins
paying teller, Samuel Judor. Judor ha
confessed and say he lost it In wheat
Says a Columbus dispatch of a recent
date: The (Ire in the Syndicate mine at
Carbon Hill has been extinguished. The
ellort to smother the fire in the mine at
Sand Hun is a failure, aud the flames are
still raging.
Agents of the Alton, Wabash. Missouri
Pacific and ltock Island roads nave noti
fied the Burlington road that they will
make the passenger rate from Kansas
City to Chicago f 13, first-class, meeting
the cut which they allege has been made
by the Uurilngton.
A Milwaukee. Wis., dispatch says: The
committee having in chargo the matter of
the Newhall house victims last week form
ally presented the monument at the Forest
Homo cemetery to tho city. Acting Mayor
Ilaumgsrtncr accented the monument on
behalf of the public.
John Gerhard t, ex-alderman of Necuah,
Wis,, went home last week under tho in
fluence of liquor, and with a revolver In
his hand threatened his family. They
made their escape from the house and
Gerhnrdt then shot himself in the breast,
Inflicting a fatal wound.
A prize fight with hard gloves, for a
purse of $500, took place last week on a
steamlsiat on the Monnngshela river,
near Pittsburg, IsHween Denny Harron
and James Connors. Thirty-six rounds
wore fought, resulting In the defeat of
Connors, llolh men were badly punished.
The tobacco factory of C. A. Jackson &
Co., on High street, Petersburg, Va., the
second largest in that city, was totally
consumed by flre last week, with the con
tents, Involving a loss of $140,000; insur
ance, $100,000. Four hundred colored
operatives are thrown out of employment.
James Pcnnlstan and George Smith, of
Argyle, Wis., have been arrested for caus
ing the death nf the former' sister, a
beautiful girl of 17 years. They crimin
ally assaulted her a week ago. Great ex
citement prevails at tho place and lynch
ing is freely talked of. An examination
of the accused Is now going on.
Last week, twenty miles north of
Jamestown, Dak., the wife and 8-year-old
child of Karl Schrocder were burned to
death In a prairie flre which the woman
was trying to prevent destroying wheat
stacks. The mother and child had reached
ground burned over, but were suffocated
by smoke and fell, and their clothing was
consumed on their bodies.
Jonas Robblns, of Pattenherg, N. J., af
ter having uffered for two years from
what the doctors called consumption, ac
companied by an abscess in hi side, a few
days ago, when he was declared to be
nearly at the point of death, had a violent
coughing spell, and coughed up a piece of
peanut shell, bince men ne naa improvea
rapidly, and Is nearly well.
The Texas Pacific Railroad Company
has five writs of attachments against it.
Issued by United State courts in New
York. The suit are for the recovery of
money and for breach of express contracts.
The attachments are made upon bond
and other property belonging to the Texas
1'acitlc Hallway, now on deposit wun me
Mercantile Trust company.
I). E. Seymour. President of the bank at
t nippewa, IS ins isniKiieo i ru uicr,
of Illooincr. Wis., who made an assign
r.i . I . I I T,' I J
ment a few day ago. 'the liabilities are
placed at $r,0, and the assets $.W,000, a
good portion of the latter Isjlng book ac
counts. Tho cause of the assignment was
damage to stork by high water, slow col
lections and general depression of bust
A native, who recently arrived at Wady
Hnlfo from Kl Abeld by way or juorawace,
reDorts that no steamer has been wrecked.
but a dahabrlrh, the crew of which were
murdered within a day' march of friendly
terr torv. The native reports that r.l Mali
ill's troops occupy the heights along the
Nile north of Khartoum, and have thrown
broken telegraph wires over the river,
General Grant believes the best way to
promote trade with Central and South
America would he to re-organize our con
sular svstem. He suggests that In every
one of the southern ports there should be a
consular agent appointed, who should per
form thedutles now discharged by consuls,
and be allowed to engage In trade, to act as
the agent of American merchant and
manufacturer and introduce their good.
FLOUR - Fancy extra. bbl. $4.25;
luperrtne. $3.0d; country brands, $3.75.
WHKAT A disposition is manifest on
the part of most buyers to reduce paying
prices, particularly asregardsvalley. Those
who were slow to concede the rise are now
the ones that are the slowest to favor a de
cline. However, should other markets
continue on the down grade ours must
follow, for shippers are not in the flz they
were last year.
We quote: God to choice, 100 lbs.,
fl.WlCBl.U5: good valley, 11.13 ft 1.15;
Walla Valla, $l.Wlftl.()5.
UUTTEIt-Per lb. choice dairy. 27iffi30c:
country store, 20c; eastern, iWc.
SYKUPS-California rennery n if gal.,
bbls., ftijc, kgs,. toe, cs gal. tins. O&c;
Eastern, bbls., gal., 55c, kgs, 00c, cs
DEANS -Small whlte,$3; bayos, $5.50;
pinks, ?V and butters.? 1.50.
GKEKN FltUlTS-AnDles. bu. fi0
52c; lemons, f7.00fa COO: pears, 4060c;
oranges, bx., $4.75; limes. 100, $1.40;
peaches, fc' bx, $1.5(1; plums, 75c; figs, t lb;
0c; watermelons, f doz,$3.00; canteloupes,
. , . a,, n
9 emir, f. iu,
POULTHY-Oilckens. f do., spring,
$2.5U(3. old. $3.50(0)4.60: ducks. I7.0tKa.U;
geese, $ri10; turkeys, Hi.. 121(4140.
HRAN The spot market is quotable at
$17.rxKtf 18.50 per ton.
WOOL Vtlley, 1218c; Eastern Ore
gon. lfi(a,lHc.
F.GGS-tf do.. 30c.
LAHD-Steady with free storks. Wc
quote: Oregon, kegs, if lb., lliitalc; Una,
13c; Kasteru, small tins, 121a)13c.
KICK Sandwich Islands, No, 1, ? Ib.,
51c; China mixed, 4(ftljc; China No. 1,
6c: Rangeon. 5c
FRUlTS-l'ruues, Hungarian, pit., l'Ji
15c; raisins (new), bx., $1.50i2.00, ht
bx., $2.00(12.25, qr bxs., $2.25($2.50, 8th
bxs., $2.2T$2.50; currants, Zaute, tb.
In bxs., 10c; citron, t lb. In drums, 221c;
almonds, Marseilles, tff lb., KKilSe, Lane,
20c; walnuts, Chili, lll21c, California,
SUUIW-Golden C. in bbls., f tb., 8c.
In hf bbls., Me; refined D, bbls., . ht
bbls., ; dry granulated, bbls.. 0e, hf
bbls,, (ijjc: crushed, bins., Hjjc; fine
crushed, bbls., 10, hf bbls., 10c; cube,
bbls. Vic lit bbls, 10c; Islands, No. 1, kgs,
7c, bgs., 7c.
liARLKY nrewlnet, If 100 tb., $1.10
1.211: feed, $1.10; ground, $25.00.
FISH Extra Paclilc codllsh, whole, In
C, 74c, boneless, in bxs.. Hjc f lb.: domestic
salmon, hf bbls., $1.005.00, bbls., $8.50,
l ib. cans, t' doi., $1.30; mackerel, No. 1, r
kit, $2.50, No. 2. $1.0O(2.25, No. 1,
hf bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $S.MI; herrings,
salted, hf bbls.. $1. dried. 10-lb. bxs., 60c,
OATS-Market dull at Kg3oc, with
small business doing.
V KG ETA ULES Ca hUige, t lb, He;
turnips, ft sck., 75c: carrots, COc;
beets, $l(u.l.2i; onions, f tb, lie: parsnip,
t sck, $l(in.2.'i; tomatoes, t' lb. 2c.
PROVISlONS-Cholce local cured Is in
free movement, and country kinds are do
ing well. We quote bacon. 121(aU41c;
hams, likil7c; shoulders, 10(gllc; eastern
hams, 17((j:lSc for bext.
DRIED FRUl'IW- Apples, machine
cured, If lb,. 9(1$ 10c, sun-cured, tK?i8c;
peaches, machine-cured, In boxes, 13c;
prunes, German. In boxos, 4f tb 8c;
plums, sun-cured, pitless, 10c, machine
cured, HKl.te; pears, machine-cured, ftia
10c; sun-cured, 5(a 8c; figs, California, 25-tb,
bx.. lie: Snivrnc, ItKirtDOc
HOPS-Hf lb., 17d.20c;
RYK-Nominal, 4f 100 lbs., $1.001.50.
HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry,
sound. 15 Hie f It), culls, one-third less;
nit hides, heavy plump, 8c, light
weights, 7c; kips and calf, He. sheep pelt,
lust shorn, 10c. two months wool, 20o.
lambskins, M,Mc., tallow, 6c; burlaps, 44)
In. tic, 45 In., 8Jo, 60 In., 15c; twine, flour, 3
(tftOc, wheat, 35c, tleece, 12 13c; gunnies,
15M8c, wheat sacks. 74(a.7ic:
CHEESE Per lb Oregon choice local, 10c;
Imported. 15c.
COHNMEA L Millers quote feed at $34
(335 if ton; fine kinds, for the table, la
large or small packages, ac f
llOPS-lSGSlHc If lb.
CRACKED CORN -Quotable at $3 1 (35
If ten.
RECEIPTS-Whcat, 143,000 ctls.: Hour.
05,000 qr. sks.: oats, 10,500 ctls.; potatoes,
6,500 sks.: eggs, 10,500 doz.
No. 1 Feod- Hid. Asked.
KGGS ' rtoz.. 38ffi40c.
POULTRY Live turkey, gobblers. 20
(2a21c, do, her. lWailiOc. do, dressed. Co)
c: roasters, e.'.00(a6.50 for old, and $5.00
(u.6.50 for young; hens $0,008.00; broil
ers, $3.0tHa;4.00, according to size: duck,
$5.50(0.7.00 10 ilo.:Koese $1.75 2.00 If Pair.
TALLOW Grease, 4(o5; crude, tXaflic;
re 11 ned. 8j)0Rtc If lb.
DRIED PEAS Green, $2.08; nlles,
$1.75; blaciceve, $2.00 f rU.
SI it A w tjuoiAoie at zog, iikj v Daie.
POTATOES We quote wharf rates:
Early rose. HOfrf.OOc; garnet chile, U0c(g$l;
peerless. 85c If eti.
Vll UUUl, V l.l' IW, .1. t, ,um,,uv,
CORN California yellow is quotable at
l.451.50 for large, and $l.ftXi;1.024 for
small; white, $1.401.45; Nebraska, white,
$1.4o1.471 f otl.
II AY Alfalfa, $fl.00fflll.00; wheat,$12 00
(&15.00; oat, $ll.(JO(ail4.00; barley, $8.00($
10.00; mixed. $7.00(0.10.00 V ton.
HARLEY The somtile market is more
or less agitated, owing to outside specu
lative operations, 'i rude is dull and price
are irregular. For anything that can be
classed as No. 1 Feed, 821c V ctl is the ask
ing figure, while some choice lots are held
at $1. No business, however, Is reported
at these figures. Still, on call, $1 If ctl
was paid for seller 1881 contracts. There
are lilieral offerings of old crop at 871c,
and buyers for Intermediate use more
often take this quality because of it being
cheaper. Brewing remain at about old
tlgnres, say, w)c,$i.up r cti, accoruniK w
allty. Jildding at me ciose is repre
sented by the following table:
Huyer season $1 10 $1 km
Seller season U7 074
Duycrl8Kl 1 051 1 0o
Seller 1881 08t
SEEDS Hrown mustard. $2.50(33.00;
yellow, $2.0tKa2.25; canary, 45c; hemp,
313Jc; rape, ZiSc; timothy, 6!8c, al-
fairs, vyaiNj r m.; nax, va.uxgd r cu.
ai-tlrs r dx., atxaouc
MELONS-Cantaloupes, 2550c If crate;
watermelons. $3(6 If 100.
HONKY-ExtracUd, 67 tt lor
choice: comb, 7(a,0c; extracted. 45c
HIDES Dry. V m.. usual selection.
174c; dry kip. 17a,174c; dry calf, 2022c;
salted steer, 50 to ftolt. 8c.
22.50 If ton.
liUUKWHEAT-Quotable at $1.75 If
LARD-Callfornla, 10-lb. tin. I0nc:
Eastern, 1212c for tierees.and 12i12ic
If tti for pails.
HUTl'ER-Good to choice roll. If ft..
3.-)tu:374c: fair, 1518c; firkin, 2021c; east
ern. lKlc.
DEES WAX This article nnds poor cus
tom. Quotable at 2ir2oc If tb.
MIDDLINUS-AcUve at $18.0O21.00 If
WOOL - Mendocino. 1820c. f lb.;
HumboUlt, I8fe2fle; San Joaquin, 1015c;
eastern Oregon, lifeltfc..
ON IONS Quotable at 407250c If ctl.
FEED, ETC.-Corn meal, If 100 lbs., $3.00
buckwheat, $5.25fc5.50; oat meal,i$4.24;
cracked wheat, $3.5; bran. If ton
$U.00(ali).r0; shorts. $1.00, middlings,
fine. $i"..Ul; hay, baled, $11.00; chop,
$22.50; oil cake meal, $35.00.
HONEY In comb, f lb., 18c: strained
In 5 gal.. 10c If lb.; 1-gaL Una, If aox, $14.00
15.00. half gal., $7.50.
DEANS We Quote as follows: Bayos,
13.121; red, $2,121; butter, $1121: pink.
$2.15; llmas. $2.75: small white. $2.35 (9
140; pea, $20 If ctl.