The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 27, 1884, Image 4

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"EPTEMHEIt. 27 1834.
For Pbesidkst,
of New York.
For Vice President,
of Indiana.
For Presidential Electors,
. . A. C. JONES, of Jackson,
, LB. ISON, of Laker,
W. D. FENTON, of Ysrahill
That tiDiDaeulait jwntlenian, who a
little over one month ago was full of
fire and fur at the Indianapolis Sen
tinel, has found it newiful to write a
letter of explanation to the country
concerning the litL Instead of the
browbeating, swelling word of a month
lira we hare the the most abject and
craven letter that ever a candidate has
Eut his name to. Instead of vengeance
6 now ben for pity. Coward and
bullr. this letter proves him to be, if
we knew naught else of him. . From
this man we owe the Cleveland scan
dftl, to him personally, lor there is
strons evidence that Jan. Q. Blaine
made it an issus, secured it insertion
in a respecUMa paper, which had re
fused the wild farrago of nonttense and
follv. To Jas. U. lilaine therefor we
owe no consideration but justice.
Ihcre is in this whole thing a rare
vein of humor, which might be drama
tized worthily only by a Shakespeare.
He would have to draw Iapo without
courage, Shylock without dignity, and
the swaggering swash buckler Pistol
in his entirety. That makes Jan. G.
Blaine, cunning, avarice and coward
ice. And. then to paint his shuffling
And ridiculous inconsistencies. A man
with sach keen-edged honor that he
sought a vindication by telegraph,
man who could not wait a month,
man who seeks to vindicate his honor
touched in its raont delicate spot tieen
iv-teven veart after the ttory was
fully published.
Does Mr. Blaine tell the truth when
he relates the secret marriagel Wo be
lieve not. Tho law is very stringent
against secret marriages in Kentucky
It provides a heavy tine and imprison
ment in the penitentiary to the ollicia
ting officer or minister. It is a wildly
improlwble story that any person would
invite there penalties. Mr. Blaine in
4iis letter forgot to tell one thing, tho
name of the person who married him
He tells nothing unless undiir compul
ion. In Kentucky the local papers
publish a lint of til. i marriage licenses
weekly. . Yet a clever young man like
Blaine did not know that a tnarris''
license was indisponsaMo after re
siding there two vears. Jleie is some
thing that will nail tliat lit told by Mr.
Blaine, as we believe it to be, the date
being three mouths subsequent to tl
first secret marriage, at a time wl.nn
J as. G. Bluinn w:i living with his
illegally wedded wife:
Know all men hy these presents that
we, A illiani A. nnd Jns. (J
Blaine, are held and tirmly bound to
the Commonwealth of Kentucky in tht
um of 50 current money, for the
payment of which to be matin to th
aid Commonwealth we bind ourselve
our heirs, executors, and administra
tort jointly and severely, by ihes
vreeents, sealed and dated this 3d iUv
of October, A. D. 1850. The condi
ion of the above oMieation is such
that if there is no lawful cause to o'
struct a marriage between William A,
.McKiin and Miss Sarah E. SUrtwoorl
of Bourton county for which a license
is now obtained, then this obligation
he void or else in full force.
W. A McKi. Sea .1
Js. 0. Blaise, Seal.
in Ulaines there is no record, no
minister, no cause for secrecy. It
may bo :he custom to marrv without
license in Pennsylvania, but there is no
CtJI for secrecy after the marriage,
1 Bniflisi Explanation and Jnoibtr.
"Blaiue'i writing to Fisher refers
V a wholly different matter.
It refers to the allowance made to
Mr Blaine at a commwion for tho
ale to other people." 0. F. Hoir in
vindication of Blaine,
I never heard, and do not believe,
that the Little Hock Company ever
parted with a bond to any person ex
cept at the regular price fixed for their
sale, Instead of receiving bouda of
the Little Rock and Fort Smith road
as a a gratuity, I never had one
excpt at tht regular market
prie. Blaine in his own vindication.
Which one tells the truth!
Republican papers should take no
tice that Carl Schurs is not a a candi
date for the Presidency. The report
that Mr. Schuri receives (230 a speech
he denounces as an untruth. His ac
tion in refusing 1100.000 which ad
miring friends had in a lnk for him
a free gift ahows that be is a highly
iexVpndent and honest man. His
speech U Brooklyn of July 12, is the
ablest peh of the campaign. He
ptored to a certainty that Blaine is a
eorropt jobWr.
Philip Best, the leading German of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has in his em
ploy 1500 Germane, heretofore all Re-
Ciblicans, now they are all for Ch-vr.
A milnmn ArvnttA-la th Interest of the
Laurean and Eatsxian Literary Societie, and
tba Stat University.
i i i
Asiu Vattiho KmroH.
AfUr pleasant vacation w hart again as-
ssmbLd fur soother yar of ttutly. Ones mors
tht hall of tht University tcho tht greeting
which the returning ttuilent give to leather
tad cIm mate. Each day bring back aoint
tardy on glad and eager tn return to bis
tchool life to full alike of toil and pleuurt.
lint among tht returning on, ;e thall look
In vain for the 101111112 ' u:' t-'heering worJ
of one, who was wont to dime among
ui. For tht ftnt time in iu history the En.
Uxiani havt lot', a member by death. Hardly
did wt think whea but year our little company
disbanded, that tht wortli of farewell givtn n
by Lulu Skagge would be to many of ui her
Ust A promising and beloved member of onr
Society, a faithful friend, a dutiful daughter
and s loving tiiter truly art wt all bereaved
by her death.
Brief Items.
New officer! will 1 installed In tht Laureao
and Eutaium tocietiet next Friday evening.
' Several sew dictionari hart bten ail Jed to
tht library during vacation.
A F McClain, an ahimnua of "80, hat been
vlaiting friendt (Tl in this city during tht week.
Among tht Bret visitor at tht University
thii year, wt nutiot tht name of Mitt Ida
Prim, of Jacksonville.
Wt art sorry to notice that several of tht
claM trees on tht University campus havt died
during tht Mummer.
Mark Bailey, Jr, hat returned from his Sum1
msr t surveying trip and re-enlerea tnt t ni
vertity last Monday.
Hon M McConnell, of Idaho, visited tht
University hut week. Ht leaves a ton who
will attend school tht o mlng ytar.
Edgar McClurt rt-opened tht Junction
school hut Monday.
Rhetorical divisions hsvt been organized by
Prof Hawthorn. The first tssayt are dut next
Tht seuior classes havt commenced their
usual elocutionary training, under tbt charge
of Mrs Spiller.
Mary Wallace left last Saturday for Grant
Pati, where she will takt S class in music.
ext rrulay tht Lsureans debate the ques
tion, "Resolved that radical mtuurtt should
bt taken to abolish Mormunism within the
bounlnriesof the United States. It F Mo
("lure an I Win Miller will support tht affirms
live, and E McAllister and W I Vauter, the
At their meeting last Friday, tbt Eutaxisnt
mimed the genial countenance of Lena Mo
Cown. Lena will not return to the University
this year, and wt understand tht intends teach
Ing school May success attend her efforts.
Some of the freshmen art becoming to dignl
Red looking, that ii is feared, it will lit neces
sary for tht pmffesaors to wear badges to avoid
mUttkea. A promising young freshman was
recently addressed by tht nance of our most
austere instructor, and he now thinks his ap
pearance alont would gaiu him a professorship
wherever ht might apply.
From the "Clinton Courant" wt takt the
following concerning one of the alumni: "Dr
Edward llniley, of Chicago, who is visiting
here this Summer, has been stopping at N'( w
port, Narrnnett Pier and lloslon during the
past two weeks." We understand that on his
return to Chicago he enters upon the lat ytar
of his professional course.
Quite a sumW of new books have been ad
ded to the University library during the past
few months. We take tht lint from the
Laurean column: Enjliih Imperial Diction
ary, 4 volumes; Riverside Etitioi of British
Ports, about AO volumes; Kngtinh KMsyint, 6
volumes; Cone's IVirds id North America,
Fresenntaii's Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis Wurt's I'heinbtry, 7 volumes; Wol
seley's Selene of Weilth, 2 volumes; Wnlker't
Wnaltli of Nations; Itowen's Political Econo
my; Kent's "Pure Reason," 2 volumes; Por
ters 'Unman Intellect;" Kiscotn's Science of
the Mind; Calderwnnd on the Connection Be
tween Mind ami llndy; Young's Treaties on
the Sun; Proctor's Moon; Proctor's Uyways nf
Science; Proctor'a New Stsr Atlax; "The
Heaven's,'' by (tiiylleniiue, revined by Proctor;
John son.s Atlas of the Heavens; Etymological
Dictir.nnry. Iy Skeat; Wnrcester't Unahriilged
Dictionary, and Works of the German writers,
Schiller, Gootht and 1-ewing, complete lu the
Our Last.
This is cur last column. We now retire from
tht tditnrthlp, tht term for which wt wert
elected having aspired. With ranch gratitude
for the honor thus bestowed iion us, thanl.t to
those who may have asristtd us in collecting
items, and with th kindest fielings to all we
say "gKxl hye,"
Wt art pleased to note that Mr () R TVn
has so far recovered at to be abl to bt about
onr street.
Judge R S llesn and family returned home
from Coos Ray, whers . hey have been spend
ing the Summer, last Wednesday.
Mr J W Ciowdy, of Cottagt C.mve, left
Wednesday morning n a visit to hit old
home in Illinois. Wt wish him a pleasant
trip and a safe relura.
Hon I. R Don, Democratic nominee for
Presidential Elector, pd through our
city on Wduday't train bound for Ash
land, where he opened tht campaign Thar-
Walling' history for Lao oouoty will be
delivered in a f week.
Mill Mary Dorri hai accepted a position
in ths Ashland pnblio school.
Mis Ion Cranfield hat beea electeil W
VTot the Grants Pat Good Ttmplar
All the states will vote for presiden
tial electors on November 4. The elec
tors then chosen will meet at their re
spective state capitols on Wednesday,
December 3. and east their ballot for
president and Tic president of the
Lnited" States. Ohio will elect minor
state ofTicers and congressmen Otolr
M. No sensible man will venture to
predict how the election will" torn cot
An evidence of the deep hostility of
Cleveland to Irishmen is his appoint
ment of Irishmen to fill the three most
important offices the Governor hud in
his gift. The Democrat who was
elected on the State ticket in New
York loHt year by the greatest majority
i an irishman and an original sup
porter of Cleveland.
Uhe New York Turn Verein has
declared it-self for Cleveland, and asks
all the Turners iu the country to join
them in the good work.
A Life Saving Present.
Mr M E Allison, Hutchinson, Kn.:
Saved his life by a simple trial bottle ot Dr
Kings New Discovery, tor Consumption,
which caused him U, procure a large bottle,
that completely cured him, wheu doctors,
ohrnge of climate and everything tlss had
failed Asthma, lironcliitis, Hoantnesi,
Severe Coughs, and all throat and lung dis
eases, it is guaranted to cure. Trial bottles
tret at K K Lackey S Co. s drug store.
Large size f 1.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve iu tht world for Cuts.
Bruiten. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Conn and all Skio Eruptions, asd positively
cures Pilot, or no pay required, it it guar
anteed to uive perfect satisfaction, or money
retuniled. rnce ''.') cents per Oox. ror tai
by E R Lockey & Co
Notice to Farmers.
The Eugene City Mills have been thor
enghly overhauled and the capacity for re
ceivine and storing uraiu increased. Wheat
cleaners of the latest and most improved
patterns have been added. The Milt din-
usnv is now prepared to store wheat on the
follow ing terms: Oregon White and White
Velvet wheat will bt stored free i.f charge;
all other kinds will be charged 1 J cents per
bushel for storage, and 1J vent per bushel
for ticking and loading the same on board
cars or wagons.
We have a large amount of wheat bags on
hand which we will (Impost of to suit pur
P. E. 4 Co.
July 30, 18S4
The tenacity with which people abide by
their early fsitu in Ayer s sarmtparwla can on
ly in explained by the fact that it is the beet
blood medicine ever used, and is not approach
ed in mcellonce by any new candnlato for puo-
he favor.
Scrofula, and all forms of scrofu!nti diseases.
art raidilly purged out by the us of Ayer's
New Firm.
Dr N J Taylor dern'ret to inform liis pat
rons and the puhlic geiierlly that he has
asmciuted with him Dr J C Klierly l ite of
St Joseph, Mo, in the practice of dentistry.
Dr Eberly has had fourteen years of experi
ence in hit profession, and has taken a course
in the I'hiladclpliia Dental College. All
work warranted to give satisfaction. Oltice
in Walton's brick.
Syrup of- Figs.
Nature's own true laxative. ( Pleasant to the
Palate, acceptable to the toiuuch, Kirmlexa in
its na to -e, psinlea in its anion. Cure Ha
bitus! Constipation, DiliotiMieM, Indigestion
and kindred ills. Cenei the yreni, purities
the biood, regulates the Liver and acts on the
Bowel. Jirwiks up ('nlils, Chills and Fevers,
etc. Strenghtens the organs on wheh it sets,
Better than bitteis, nauseous Liver medicine,
pills, salts and driii:. Maniple Ixittles free,
and large ones for s lie by F M Wilkins,
Eugene, W S Lee, J unction.
Nkw Dkstist. Dr W V Henderson will
open a ilentnl olhce in Hays new brick
hiii'ilinj October .t. Mr Henderson is well
known in F.iienu mid vicinity, and has the
reputation of licing a lirt-cl-ies Workman,
having had eiht Jars experience, tiive
him a call.
In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon for
Lane County.
Suiie linden, Plainti.T,
J Nat Hudson, Defend int.
To ,i Nat lliiilson, defendant a)ove named:
Oregon you are hereby iiininnneil and rj
quire to nppea. aii.t answer pUin tills com
plaint, now on file againt you with the Cle k
nf saiii Court, in the ahuve entitled suit, ou or
hsfore the 3.1 day of Nov, 181, it iK-iiu; ti e
tirst day of the uext regular Unu of said Court,
to be holden in said County, at the Court
House in Eugene City, Oregon; and you art
notified that if you fail to ai.awer said com
plaint a herein required, the rl intiff
will apply to the Court for the relief demaiided
in the complaint, to-wit: For the dioliition
of the marriage contract now existing between
plsiutitf and defendant, and for the caie and
ciitoly of the minor children of plaintiff and
defendant, Lli May and Frank Hudson, and
for judgment a.aint defendant for costs anil
disbursement of t'.iis suit. Published in th
Eugene City (li'AKn newspaper for six consecu
tive and successive wneks, ly order of Hot, R
S Bean, Jmlire of said Court, which order bear
date th 19th day or Sept, ItM.
1 Bam:, Attorney for pl'ff.
la th Circuit Court of th Stat ef Oregon for
Lane County.
Emma Bramlett, Plaintiff,
William Bramlett, Defendant
To William Bramlett, defendant above named:
Oregon yon are hereby summoned aid re
quired to appearand answer the plsintiff s com
plaint, now on til against you with the Clerk
of said Court, in th ahov entitled suit, en nr
Wor the 3d day ot Nov, being th
first day of th nsvt regular term of asid Court,
tn b hidden in th sain County, at th Court
House in Eu ene City, Oregon, asd you are
notified if yog fail to appear and answer said
cninplaiut as herein required, th plaintiff will
apply to the Court for th relief demanded in
complaint, to wit: For a decree el said Court
dissolving th marriage contract now espting
between plaintiff and defendant, and that
plaintiff hav th ear and custody of the
minor child f plaintiff and defmiuuil, Nslli
Bramlett, and for judgment f'r th est and
disbursement nf thi suit. PnblUhol in th
Eugene City Gcash newspaper f r i eoocecii
tivt and tiiceewiv week by onler nf Hon R S
Beta, Jndge of said Court, is id order bearing
dat Sf,'t t0, ISM
L. BiiTie, Attorney for pl'ff.
Ifijw' Store.
Eugrne CHy, Orron,
For your Boot sod Fine Ooml asd
Low Pric. O. BECK WITH k SON.
N. B.
13 lb riot, (beet) $1.00
11 lbs sugar, (good) 1.00
4 lbs tea 100
5 cans lye 1 00
5 cant pit fruit 1.00
1 set extra hue goblets to
1 set extra line glasses 35
1 glass tea let 40
1 bread plat 23
1 cake eund
Finest assortment of GLASS WARE,
LOW WARE, and GK0CL1UE3 in .Eugene.
Call and get prices no trouble to show
Goods deliveied to all parts of city fret of
charge. Will grind your coffee without any
extra charge. ,
A. ovsiiss.Tis sii.
Csah laid fur all kiudi of country Produce,
Hides, Eta ,
n a w T n i tr jVT v . ,
iJuuoiiiin vasn urncer.
the undersicned administratrix of tht
estate ef J D Kinsey, deceased, lis filed in
the County Court of l-ane Lounty, Oregon,
her account of final settlement, and Monday,
November 3, 1884, ha been et for hearing
the lame.
Dated Anguit 30, 1884.
PuoebkB. Kiksev,
Canvassers Notice.
ized aiient for biographies of GmverCleve
land and Thomas A Hendricks, Democratic
nominees for President and Vice President;
Twentv vears of Congreos, by J G Blaine;
Life of .lame G Blaine and John A Logan,
Remihlican nominees for President and Vice
President Also the Novelty Rug Machine
Stamned Rng Patterns; Liquid Blueing
Baker's Cleansing f laid; Dr (Jill's Ongon
Catarrh Cure; Missouri Steam Washer one
of the latest and nest inveiiticns of tho age.
Orders taken for subscription to Eugene City
Millinery Goods
XI of ro.k1s of Miss ltonnett, which is one
of the largest ever brought to Eugene, I am
now prepared to sell the same at astonishingly
low prices. The patronAge of the ladies of
Eugene is respectfully solicited. Dressmaking
a sjwcialty. Mrs. C. I. Gay.
Physician and Surgeon.
f v calls oay or nijjnt.
OFFICE Up atairs in Hay' brick; or can
be found nth K Mickey ft los urug store.
Office hours: 9 to li m, 1 to 4 p in. f to
p m. juul2tf
New Barber Shop and
Batli Rocm3
(On d.Kr North of Office.)
fitted ni in the best of order. Shavinn
and hair cutting done in tho most apju-oved
JERKY HORN, Proprietor.
m m i
X hereby takes the pleasure of announc
ing that they will take
"W JtdL3E3.sA.T-
at any warehouse north of Eugene City in
exchange for
at their mill in Eugene. The Company will
lake wheat receints. DroDerly signed to
them, and give credit to the owner of tl
same on mill books for the amount
P. E. 4 CO.
July SO. 1884. a2-6m
Jontractors & Builders,
Eugene City, Or.
Plan and FpeciBeationa furnished. Esti
mate given.
Estimates on all plastering will be given by
Paul Stanley,
at the same rooms,
give satisfaction.
H warrant all work to
RHINEHART, J. R-Hone, ign and car
riag painter. Work guaranteed first class. -Stock
sold at lower rate than 'by an yon is
11 the undesigned has been duly sp
pointed by the O-ontv Court of Lane Coun
ty, Oregon, administrator of the estate of
Mary Meller deceased, snd all person hav.
ing claims (gainst said estate, are hereby re
quired to pivamit them, w ith tSe proper
voachsr. to the nndersigned administrator,
at the nffic of J E Fen ton, Eugene City,
lane County, Oregon, within sis months of
the date nf this notice.
Dated September 12, ISM.
JonjC. tUT,
Admisistrator for Estate.
J. E. risms, Att'y.
any dehu ereU.I by av pern r
any debt
iU. No oi
Birsei. No one except mywlf has autrity
to siga my nam.
FinsMTw PomniiTia,
San ! union,
100 Cases of Goods direct from
5 case of Ladies
of latest styles,
The finest
We Keep the Best
Stock of
Toilet Articles, Paints. Oils.
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and sell at living fixture. -
In hands of a competent druggist.
To Luchai A' Bi'istaw at the. old Ellsworth Store.
Pass books, butcher books, memo
randums, ledgers, day books, etc.,
of all kinds. Orders taken or
especial size.
School and Miscellaneous Book
All the standard antliors by tho volume and is seta. Juvenile
books, Seaside and Waverly Library, Harpers
Magazines, ete.
Bible Depository For Lane County.
We have been getting a large stock of new goods and we have
everything found in a first-class Book fetor?.
We also have a full stock of
Successors to CAILISON.
Real Estate Agents,
Improved Farms for Sale Cheap
and on easy terms.
PARTIES wishinstn locate, by Preemption nr Hmnesteail, upon Cnversment 1-snnf,
U pnrchassj School or Raikosd Ijin.fs will do well to call nn r us, a we ar tnnr
onuhlv aoraaite.1 with such lands thmut-hmit the entire W illsmette Valley, no lth"! , JJ
the rirer, ao ess show parties th most valuable lands and desirable location, from 40 to
acrrsina body. Informal training to lauds fnrnihHl pratia. Yet location and pne
end for rirrulsr. Address nr rail on A. STIN IT QO-, T."?s City, Oregon-
The East
& Misses Cloaks
direct from N. Y.
m Eugene.
lust fee MM: