The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 20, 1884, Image 5

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Hop picker ar in demand.
For food deutirtry go to Clark.
Bring jour chickent to Bettroan'.
Fishing tackl of vry description t Luckty
& Co'.
If you want to buy or tell Grast Seed, go t
Men' clothing. A Urge itock jutt arrived
t Bettnian'a.
rbetograph finihed neatly and artit
tically at Winter'.
Th higheit cash price will b paid for wheat
by T B Dunn.
Wood U wantod at the Guard office upon
subscription account
If you want anything In the implement line
call on Meisr Smith A Cox.
A fine line of silk plushes in all shades
ud grade at F B Dunn'.
Two small house hare been built by students
just north of the 0 it C R H.
Ex-Congressman L F Lane i a candidate
for city recorder of Roseburg.
Abrara A Renshaw are putting the finishing
touches upon then new saloon.
A full assortment of ladies, uiiase and chil
dren underware at Bettiuan,,
. Luckey A Co havo a vary fin assortment of
paint brushes an f sell them cheap.
Call on Goo M Miller and see what im.
mense bargain in real estate he ha.
Before pain tin your house, call on Luckey
C,anl gel y ur p lints, brjshei, etc.
For atl kinds of farming machinery call on
Smith k Cox, Willamette street, Eugene.
A fine stock of boy' eluth'n,' Just received
at Bettnian'a. Call and examine the good.
Two excellent rooms to lent. In iu ire of
Jo ih ii a J. Walton.
If farmer want the bel grate of farming
machinery they should call on Smith k Cox.
When yon go out camping, go to Luckey k
Co and buy a fishing rod, reel, line, book, etc.
The Guard will be turn -d until after the
Fresiilentinl election, for the small sum of fifty
Call and examine our large stock of bt-ot
and shoes just received at the Workingmeiit'
Dr Glenn's Peace in the Family for sale a
the leading drug stores. Sarah Cantrell, gen
eral .gent
The Episcopal parsonage on Olive street is
Bearing completion. It it a handsome dwell
ing. Dr E 0 Clark hat rented the Ream house,
formerly occupied by L G Adair, and moved
We have been shown several fine views
of npper MeKenxie scenery, taken by Mr
Sterling Hill.
For all kinds of lumW, dressed and nn.
dressed, go to Skinner A Long, Coburg, Lane
eounty, Oregon.
Bettraan has jurt received from the East a
very largo stork of boots mid sheet which will
te sold very cheap.
The party given by the Infant Harvesting
Crew, Friday evening, Sept 12th, was a very
pleasant affair.
Bob Flays went on a bear hunt last Thiira.
day up the Mohawk, Inn did not meet hi
lordship brum.
Mr M A Rankin, f irmerly of this cityi
lias removed to Missouri City, Mo., from
Walla Walla.
A host of McKenzie people were in town
this week. We noticed our friend D-'itx among
the number.
Everybody shni.l I attend the County Fair
nest Thursday, Friday and Saturday, aud
make it a grand success.
Hon R 11 Hayes ha been elected a
member of the board of manager of the State
Fair, for Lane county.
Those lot in Chri tiau's addition will be
11 told in a few days. Call on Miller, the
agent, and lecure one or two.
On of ths finest con ( " rrmit of cigars ever
brought to Eugene is now upon tale at T J
Gill and Co't druj store. Buy one.
If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, rente nber that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps a ull a inrtment.
Mr S H Friendly will pay the highest
sain market price tor wdcat. 'jive mm a
call before idling your grain elsewhere.
Preaching at Phinehart hall next Sabbath,
morning and evening, by Rev E A McAlister
He will also preach at Irving at 3:30 p m.
Senator J N Dolph will deliver a defense cf
the writer of the celebrated Mulligan letter,
in thi city Monday, October 13, at 7:39 p m
Service at the Bapt'tt church Sunday
follows: Sunday school and Bible clawe at 10
no. Preaching by the pastor, Mr C M Hill,
at 11 a ra, and 7:30 p ra. All are cordially in'
The light running "Domestic" sewing
machine; the best sewing and equipped
machine in the market. For tale at C M
At a meeting of the stockholders of the
State Fair, J L Hallett was elected president
and T Richmond and J H Burkhart vice'
Hack will leave the St Charle Hote
Eugene, every Friday for Belknap
Springs, commencing, May 2d. Round
trip fare, $8.
The Chemical Oil Rectifier is warranted to
prevent all lamp explosiou and breaking of
chimneys; improve! the light and saves oil
It i worth twenty time it price. For tale
at the Grange Store and Matlock Bros..
Bail k Steel, Mffs, Boston.
Mr J 0 Watt, the jeweller, ha jntt re
ceived from the East a new engraving rr.a
chin. Anyone wanting engraving don
ehould give him a call, at he will be enabled
to do the tame at exceedingly low price.
W clip the following from Thursday' Sa
lem Statesman concerning the only Lane
county exhibitor at the Stat Fair: "N
Humphrey of Eugene City, Lane connty, has
aa especially fine Jersey bull which he call
Amatto. Thi it the only exhibit, we think,
Lao county bat, but it it good a far a it
Lots $3,000.
Last fiundav evening at 6 o'clock p m, the
hop house of Mr J a Campbell, of Camp
Creek precinct, was burned to the ground and
the contents contained therein, consisting f
about 8000 lb of p lready dried Mr
Campbell waa attending the furnace when the
fire first started and when he noticed it he run
up stairs and opened tSe r to enter when
the flames burst upon him, burning one of hit
hands and face quite badly. The gentleman
wat knocked down by the flames, and by hard
work managed to crawl out of danger, thereby
probably saving hit life. The low, including
the hops aud dry bouse, will amount to at least
$3,000, upon which there waa uo Imuran e. It
is the supposition that the fire caught from
matches twin o-idently droped into the
green hops by the Chinese while picking, and
then being ignited by the intense heat iu the
dry house, There was i.o chance of a spark
reaching the hop from the furnace. A day or
two prior to the tiro a whole block of matches
waa discovered a the hopt were being emptied
on the floof. Several hop bouse were burned
in Washington Territory two or three years
ago in the same way, and liow they furnish
cit'ar lighter for smokers and prohibit ths car
rying of matches by pickers. Mr Campbell
bad about one half of his crop harvested, and
he Is busily engaged iu saving the balance,
Messrs Siler and McClean having kindly given
him the use of their dry houses. His neigh
bors and friends throughout the county tviu
pethlze with hira in his hard luck, aud wish
him better aucoeat in the future.
Dr A W Prather, late of Llneville, Iowa,
hat concluded to locate in this city, and it now
prepared to attend all professional calls. He
it a man of much experience in medicine, and
comet well recommended from the East We
clip the following from the Lincville Iowa
Tribune, concerning the Doctor' departure
from that city. It it certainly an excellent
Dr A W Prather bid eood bv to his family
and frienil here on Tuesday aud took his de
parture for Monroe county, this slate, where he
is to join a nuulier of his relatives ami start
for Oregon on next Monday. The people of
this town and oomm-jnity regret to part with
Dr Prather and a general hope is expressed
that he will return in due time ami again fill
the place left vacant by his departure, lie
baa lived here since March loth, lMt, and ha
gained an honorable place in the affections and
esteem of the people. In the practice of his
profession he ha always been found skillful,
conscientious aud attentive, nnd his career as
a i.hysician ha been marked with exceptional
success in saving life and relieving the ilixtreas
of the afflicted. In addition to his popularity
and tncucM aa a physician he ha filled the
place of a good citizen and was always found
ou the right side of questions effecting the in
terest and wellfare of the coiiimuiiity. We
take pleasure in recommending him to the peo
ple of any place where he may cast his lot. as
an experienced, skillful and siircesxful physi
cian and a man iu every way worthy of their
highest confidence nd esteem.
Read the Low Rates Given by the O.
fit C. R. R. Co.
The 0. C. R. R. Co. through L. G. Adair,
agent at thia place have given the Lane Conn
ty Fair the following liberal rates to the Fair
to lie held at this place, from Sept 25th tit the
27th. Everybody should uttnd at the rote
are cheaper than ever befoie offered in Oregon.
The company have arreed to give sixty er
cent, off regular fare from nil point between
Salem and Roaeburg, with ths same good from
Sept 2Mb and including the Mth. Tim follow
ing is the rates from closa points, Including fe
t.rn passage:
H.inishurg r 9 00
Junction GO
Cress well
Cottage Grove.
.. 30
. 25
. SO
,. Ml
.1 Oil
.1 10
All should avail themselves of this opjxu tu
nity to visit the Fair.
Thk Liiich BcsINRHm.- Yi'e understand that
uu estimate having been made of the expenses
of an assignment and prel'i rrvd debt of Lurch
Bros, who recently failed in such a auspicious
manner, and by such estimate it was learned
t'-iat the creditor would net receive over three
(flits on the dollar, Lurch abandoned said idet
r.f assignment nnd allowed the firxt two attach
log creditors, G R Clirisinan and E H Luckey,
to take judgnit nts by default. The Sheriff, in
a few day, wilt a dvertise the goo Is and asset
for salt. From the aWe it would appear that
the other creditors will far baHy, as the as
set will i"t more than pay the creditors aliove
named. Ft 11 the penitentiary will stare Aaron
in the face.
It's a Dot. John Rhinchait it one of the
hapuiest men in Oregon, and his friends are
afraid hit case will result fatally if prompt
measure are not taken to (five his head an ap
plication of ice. It's a boy; weighs 10 pounds,
ami has been named Jim li'.aine. Mother ami
child are doin well, but the father is unable
to hold his brush steady, and therefore is con
fined to hi room. The Guahii acknowledges
the receipt of a box of fine civxr ami a bottle
of chaniiagne, anil wmii tne imio one a long
and happy life amid the trials prevaleLt to
tin clime.
Petty Thikve'-. We would caution our
citizen to bo on the lookout for petty
thieves during the fair next week, as a cer
tain percentage of thieves will be here from
the State Fair. Gambling games are also
likely lo be on hand, and we Mould ak our
othcer to arrest the hrst one carrying ou
any of their devicet to rob the uuwary titi
A RltESTEt), Sheriff Campbell arrested one
J H Pennington at Crtaswell, last Thursday,
upon a telegram from Portland, charging him
with the crime of larceny. Pennington is in
jail awaiting the arrival of the proper officer from
that city, lie claim hi innocence. We learn
re intended opening a restaurant in Cress we II
in the near future.
Bio Sfitis. Mr S M Titus dug a natch o
volunteer potatoes one day thi week, which
were exceedingly larire. Six of them weighed
11 iounds, and one of the largest brought down
the beam at five pounds. He will exhibit a
bucket of them at the county Fair.
DIED. Near Irving, Lane county, Sept 13
1881, of consumption, Minnie Pitzer, aged 14
year. The remains were buried in the Conger
cemetery on the 14th. The bereaved relatives
have the sympathies of their many frieud in
the neighborhood.
Harvest. The farmer bav got to work
again. We leant that most of the standing
grain was not damaged, while th shocked
grain it dMnaged considerably.
Correct Idea. A crowd of yonni folk
went picuicing to Ashley Steven hop yard
yesterday, where they picked hop all day.
Some sense in tucb a picnic ,
Hop. Picking is progressing rather tlowly
on account of scarcity of LaoiU. Th recent
rain have aot damaged the crop.
Precincts Requested to Organize Clubs
To the Democrat of Lane county; The
Stat Committee request that Cleveland
and lloudrickt club be formed iu every
precinct iu the State, therefote the County
Central Committee urgently request the im
mediate organization of club in the teveral
preciuct of the county. It i the duty of
all good aud true Democrat to work for the
redemption of the United State from the
misrule that hat prevailed- for the past
twenty-four year, and the only effective
way to accomplish uch purpose i to orga
nize and work steadily until the 4th of No
vemW. We believe it every citnon iu fa
vnr of good gnveriiineut, will devote their
best endeavor to such object, Oregon will
cast her vote iu favor of Cleveland aud re
form. The Secretary of each club organized it re
quested to furnish the Secretary of the
County Committee with a lilt of officers and
date of meeting. Speaker will be furnished
all precinct clubi by addressing the County
Committee. Document will bo furnished
alt clubs after their'perinanent organization.
E P Col kHian,
Geo i Dnititis,
A D Bcrton,
H M Veach,
U B Hayes,
L BiLVtu,
County Central Committee.
L RilYEU, Secretary.
Eugene City, Sept 20, ISS4.
Cottage Grove Fair.
Committee nn arrangements for a fair at
Cottage drove, met for the purpo-e of
furthering arrangements Sept, 10, 1 SS4. J
C Wallace was chosen chairman and W W
Ciithcart secretary. 0 F Knox was appoint
ed president and John Simpson vice presi
dent; W S Chrismnn, marshal: and W W
Cat hcai t aivretarv of the fair,
J C Wallace, J 11 Mcl'arland, (Slim,) and
Alex Cooley wero selected at committee on
Committee ou arrangement of pavilion Mrs
S M Adams, Mrs Laura McFarland, C Steven
son and 11 11 lla.elton.
Judges of dilferent grades of horses J R
Sellers, P Davis and Allen Kirk.
Judges of dilferent grades of cattle Win
KuHsell, W .1 J Scott and W 11 Small.
Judges of dilferent grades of sheep, hogs and
coat -J P Taylor, Geo O-smetit ami Knscoe
Judjet of poultry Mrs U M Veatch, Mrs
II N (Jaroutte and Mrs J H Tetters..
Judges of urain nn1 rcrtals-John J W
Vaughn and I M Xightswander.
Judges on fruit and venetahles Alex Tay
lor, tieorge Kinelieart and S K Veatch.
Judges of neeill" and fancy work Mrs
Martha Stantou, Elziua Taylor and Lillie
It wax decided to hold the fair in Whipple
Itros ball on the Uih and 10th of Oct I SS I.
Everybody invited Mo admission fees. A gen
eral good time is expected.
J V Wallace, )
ti F Knox,
K W Whii'plkJ
, W W Catucart, Secretary.
A Free) Contest to be Given,
Bicycle riding is one of the finest sights to
witness in the amusiintnt liue now given, and
is generally appreciated by all. The malingers
of the (.'.unity Faia inform us that they have
made arrangement with a trio of the best
riders iu the State, who will give exhibition
daily on tlie ra e course of the Asnouiittion.
1 lie names ot the rulers are: iv-rc natcii, in
.Salem, .Mr Mmtn, ot Ainuv, nun nun i.ucaa,
if Monmouth. Allure fist class In the buai-
nesa, and fully unili-rstahd how to manipulate
these machines In the hlv'heet stjle. ol the ni t.
A race between these gentleman will form one
f the att actions, bexi'le all the fancy tricks
iinaiiinnlile will be peiformed. Some of our
local ridrrs will also participate iu the per
formance. Residence Sold. Mr J E lli.ustou, last
Tuesday, told his residence in the western
portion of town to .Mr John Hunter, of 11.
waco, W T, who is a cauneryman, for $1000.
Mr Hunter will move bit family here soon,
for the purp iBo of school privileges. In a
short time Mr Houston will rein ive to Ash
land, having been advised to mi account of
bit health, wdiich we hope will be benelitted
by the change of climate.
' Shinny" ( awe. Last Sunday a match
game of shinny was played between the
(irand I onde and Siletz tribe of Indians,
near Mr Walker Young's place, for-a purse
of $50. Aftar four hour hard playing, and
each tribe having won 15 innings, the game
ii withdrawn and the money divided.
About 150 white people anil 150 Indian
were in attendance to witness thi novej
Nominated. The Democratic Territorial
Convention of Washington Territory, lost
week, nominated Mr J W Duncan, of Day
ton, for joint assemblyman for Columbia,
Carfield and Asotin. Mr Duncan was
formerly a resident of Lane county and hi
many friends hereabout hope to hear of hit
election. He is a gentleman of strict integ
rity, and ia well fitted for the position for
which he hat been nominated.
Married. At the residence of the bride
pnreott, in Eugene City, Oregon, Sept. 24,
1S84, by Rev K It Oeary, Mr J A McQueen,
of Illinois, nd Mi Katie Eakin, of thi city
The happy couple left by the morning train
for their home in the Eatt. Many friends
in Eugene with the couple a life of unalloyed
Hard Timer. Some person who fear m t
the High Sheriff of the county, entered his
barn and feloniously took therefrom a por
tion his harness ami om wrench. Time
must be getting hard among the light fingered
Laror Hotatoei. Mr Canteberry,
Coborg, left at this office Ust Thumlay two
potatoee of the Early Goodrich variety,
t'lat their combined weight amounted to 4
pound. Who can beat them
North and South Eugene Precincts will
Orjanize S tt jrday E.-ning.
At the request of iiuny Dsmocrat wo give '
netioe that on Satmiiat Eveninq, Sept. 20
1884, at 7:30 o'clock, the Democracy of north
and south Eugene f recincts will meet at the
Court House, fur the purine -of organizing a
Cleveland and Hendricks club. Let every
Democrat be cn hand and every citizen who
is in favor of honest government and true re
firm in national affairs, is invited to I pres
ent and aid in the organization.
Farmers and
Festival for
Again we rail special attention to the com
ing County Fair to be npentd in this city Scit
25th, and continuing three days. The list of
awards ii liberal and well arranged, and the
plan for iu complete success well matured,
i.ntl with a certainty of a general disposition on
the pa o the citizens of the county to exhibit
whatever of curiosity or merit they may os-
sess. 1 his annual comparison of the product
and resource of our county will be made i f
grant value to all our people, and the day thus
pent will be the most iiijoyable occasion of the
year. The Association lits prepared a hue
track for trials of speed and stables and stalls
or the exhibition of all kinds of stock in the
western iHiriion of the city, where every uces-
sury facility will be afforded for the care and
safety of animals. Bring what you may have
reaily without extra preparation, and everyone
should firing something. Air Khinehart Is
niakiuir larire additions to his buihliiiLt where
the pavilion exhibits will be placed, and extra
efforts will lie had to alford the must perfect
fuailities for the proper display of eucn article
placed on exhibition. As the time it short, we
ur.'e upon all to call at the driiK store of r ftl
Wilkins and secure a list of ureiuiums offered
and prepare at once to take part in the exhibi
tion. The vrry low prices of season ticket
should secure the attendance of every person
in the county.
Cottage Grove Items.
Sept. 13, 1884.
Miss Sopha Wallace returned home from
Yoncolla where she has been stopping for the
pant several months.
Mrs L B Wh nton hat returned from the
springs, her trip improved her health wonder,
Teiiribi.e Accident to a Child. An acci
dent at Amity, occurred Monday to an 18-months-old
boy of Mr Bud Withrow of Port
land (nee Mist Dot Buffom of Amity.) Mr,
Withrow is a teamster in the employ of Smith
l!nt ii (. The regular train to Corvallis it
a freight as well as a passenger, and in stopping
.it Amity the frout par the trai l nils ast
the depot so that the passenger coach stops in
front of it. At toon as the passtn en have
alighted, the train backs up to receive and dir.
charge freight Mr Withrow waa a passen
ger fiom Portland to Amity, ami was some
what slow in (.cttinif from the car, she had
packages in both hands and the child toddled
ahead of her. Just then the train started to
back, and the bump thiew the child Knm its
feet over the end of the platform upon the
rail. Having both hands full, the uiothei
could not catch the child in time to save him.
I he wheels passed over both leg above the
knees, the members beiiiK held from entire te
paration only by a few tinews. Dr". Uoucher
and Turner of Mc.Minuville, were summoned,
made amputations and gave all relief poaiible.
They think the child cannot recover, though
he was alive when the train passed down yes
terd ii -i' j;oi;ijn. Mrs Win Wi'hrnw,
of this cii.y, leit V udiiesday morning for the
scene of the accident, to furnish any help in
her power.
D i::. - In city, at the residence of Wm
Iteiishaw, of consumption, Srpt 15, 1(S-I, Miss
L E Cook, uged years. The funeral took
place at the Masonic eemctrry, Sept. 10, 188-1,
a large concourse of penpld attending. Mibt
Cool, came to this city a few months ago from
San Francisco, since which time sh j had made
many friends, who ainnerely mourn her un
timely death. Sail Francisco papers will
pleiun.- copy the almve notice.
Enthimiasi'ic (!) Mkktino. A meeting of
tho Blaine and Logan tduh wat held at the
court house last Thursday evening. It wa,
advertised in the party organ and by huge
posters, but notwithstanding all this, hardly
a dozen of the Faithful wc-ro in attendance,
and only one person sienilird hit intention
of attending the rally at Portland, Two
much Mulligan loiters teem to be the cause
of the extreme coldness.
Arrival. A W Stnwell, of the firm of
Moigau ft Stowell on Front itreet, wa pre
sented by his wife with a great big bouncing
boy at the hour of 0 o'clock Tuesday morning.
A Mr Stowell was in need of a band nn hit
ranch, he will place the boy as superintendent
over the "Dairy" at once,-Standard.
Will Remain Closed. Saturday and Sun
day, Sept 20th and 21st is the Jewish New
Year and the Jewish store in this city will
remain closed. The 29th inst i their day of
attonemrut and the stores will lie closed that
day also. Those interested will pleas take
notice of the same.
To Hop Growers. W publish the follow
ing rule adopted by the United States Brewer's
Association for the benefit of our hop growers
"llfLE 1 -It shall be the rule that a bale of
hoM shall weigh nn less than 175 or more than
200 pounds." If the weight, therefore, be
more or less a deduction will be made.
Attention. The Guard hat just received a
new invoice of job material, and w are pre
pared to do work better than ever and at East
ern prices. We now can furnish tablet work
to all who may wish, having just received a
Tablet press from the factory in the East
Kendall Troupe. Eugene it to be bored
by auother troupe of only ordinary merit dur
ing the coming week. The troupe baa been
playing at Kale-n during the past week, and
ha been lightly attended ever since its own
ing night
Special Premium. The Lane eonnty fair
will give a special premium fr the fast-It
walking span of horses. This will be a coutest
of HKcial interest
New Store. Krause Broe, f Portland,
have rented the north store in Walton's brick,
and will open with a stock of general merchan
dise, about October 1st
Fine Pear. Mr J J Belvail, of thi ciiy,
last Thursday, presented thi office with the
, finest lot of Bartlett pear we have far seen.
J Thank.
The Markets.
Portland, Oa, Sept. II, 1884.
Hors We iwie the following from Coch'
'rancCo, dated at Nan Francisco
8 , w t.,,h Th mtrV,K continue Tery
dull and price are, in
a measure nominal.
There have been no sal of oontequence in
this market tince our last report New
York market i in much the tame condition
as our own; brewer are holding back from
making any purchase, hoping thereby to
create an anxiety on th part of grower to
put their crop on the market at present or
lower prii-vi, but the indication are their
game wilt not work. Report from hop
growing district in NW York (Stat show
that growers are preparing to hold by stor
ing their hop, and when necessary getting
advance to pay coat of picking, eta, fully
believing that owing to abort orop in New
York and England, later on they mutt go
higher. One fact is a moral certainty, that
the hop will all lie needed for the brewing
season of '84 and '85, and 'ere long brewer
will be forced on the market to buy. The
report ol the crop in England anil Germany
are unchanged. New Yerk dispatcher how
that their crop it disappointing them all,
many yard yielding lest than half a crop.
The crop prosott on thi coast are no
changed, with the exception of the Russian
River district, where the hop are coming
dow n somewhat lighter than wa anticipa
ted. We quote market nominal 23 to .10
cent. Receipt for th week 897 bale.
No quotation have been made yet, We
have bean! of a small lot being old there
for 21 cent per pound.
Wueat Foreign market continue about
the am a last week't report The market
in Portland it a little ttronger. We cannot
quoto above $1 10 f 1 I2 per cental.
Oats Small business being (lone at from
32 33 ctt. per cental.
Etias 27J cent per dozen, with large ar
Eugene, Sept 10, 1834.
Wheat But few sales have taken place,
farmer holding for better term. W can
quote at 62(a 53 cent per bushel on board of
Oats-2025 cent per bushel. Market
Hors No offer are being mail yet Grow
ere have not completed picking yet, and ar
not ready to se.lL
Butter Very carc at 30 cent per pound.
Kiiom- 25 cent pr dozen. Market not lib
erally supplied.
Bacon Side 15 cent per lb and scarce;
hami very scarce at 10 cts; shoulders 12J eta.
Lard 15 ( 17J cent per lb.
Potatoes Plentiful at 23(3 30 cU perbushtl,
l'LOUR 14.00 per bbL
Speed Programme.
The following is the tpeed programme
for the Lane Connty Fair:
Itunning, 10 am. Five hundred yards,
froe for all Lane county raited horses, 3
year old. lit premium, $35 j 2d, f 13.
Trotting, 3 p in. One mil in tingle har
nets, and to draw not lost than 1,000 poondi.
lit premium, $20; 2d, $10.
liuuuiug, 10 a m. One mile, free for all
Lane county raited hornet, lit hone, 30!
2d, J25.
Trotting, 2 p m. Free for all Lan county
horses, one mile, tiugl hainet. lit prem
ium, $.10; 2d, 20.
Runuitijr, 4 p m. Four hundred yardt,
(re for all, lit premium, f20; 2d, f 13,
Trotting, 10 a m. One mile, free for all
Lane County raised horse, tingle barnes.
1st premium, $30: 2d, $20.
ltunuiug, II a in. Free for all Lan Coun
ty horses, tiOO yards. 1st premium, $30) 2d,
illuming, 3 p m. Free for all Lane Coun
ty horses, distance 1 mile, lit prtmium, $30
2d, $20.
In all trial of speed not les than three to
enter and two to start, with 10 per cent en
trance fee.
A Speuiai. Attraction. The Grand
Hondo and Silet tribes of Indian will give
a contest of La Croon or shinny at the
County Fair, next Saturday at 3 p m, for a
purse. The game will be played near th
raoo course. It i one of th most interest
ing games extant to witness, aud is very ex
citing. Tint game alone would draw thou
sands of people in any city.
r.AClNii IIim.Hiw.--We have been informed
that the following gentlemen havo lignillsd
their intention of bringing racing stock to
contest for the purses oflcred by th Lane
County Agricultural Society uext week
Menrt ft It Hay-, Green Zoinwalt, Ene Har.
pule, Jeff Yatee, Wm Blanton and J J Com
stock. A number of exciting contest may
La expected. Don't forget the day of th
Fair are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Camp Ground. The manager of th
County Fair inform ut that 11 who may
wish to onnie and camp, oau have aocets to
the beautiful grove back of th mill free of
any charge whatever for that purpoa
Bring your family and little one aud enjoy
a few day of rest and recreation.
State University. Th Stat University
niened its sessions for th present school ytar
last Monday morning. Th attendance wa
very flattering Indeed considering th lateness
of the harvest which ha a mpelled many to
remain at home for a collide of wrekt longer,
There will be a larger attendance at the school
than ever before.
Will not Accept. We have H npon
good authority that Mr K M Day will not
accept the election to th Council. We
hope Mr Day will reconsider the matter and
accept, at he would mak so excellent mem
ber of that body.
Race Track The race track of the Coon
ty Fair i located on th farsi of Mr Ebea
Htewart, in two minute walk from th can
tre of town. It is pronounced to b in es
cellent condition by experienced horsemen
Narrow Escape. The Patterson bop bouse
bad a narrow eacane Thursday night by
lamp breaking and setting fir to the building,
By bard work the fir waa extinguished before
any damage wat done.
Oak Wood for Sale. Mr Ed Jadkin bat
a quantity of good oak wood for sale. It hat
been seasoned twj yean, and will be odd upon
reasonable He can be found at bis real
dene on Fiithth street
Reduced Fare. The 0 k C K B Co will
give reduced ratee to all who may wish to at
trd the Fair, anywhere along it liue.
Sol Abraham, of Iioasburg, wm ia town latl
Mr J L Ramsey returned from FutUatl
att Monday,
Mr K It Luckey paid Portland a visit oa
day thia week.
Mr J C Wooley hat located at Burn, (iraat
oounty, Oregon,
Mr J R Ream and wif wm la Portlaad
viral days this week.
Senator W J McConntll, of Yamhill coaaty,
wt iu our city last Tuesday.
Mr Geo Thurston, of Portland, 1 In tie
county visiting friend.
Mr T J Cheshire went to Corvallis oo be-
linets last Wednesday.
Mr E L E White and wif are visiting at
th residence of Mr S M Titus.
Mr Wil! Ad Oweu It ft for a thort visit to
Jacksonville Thurnlay afternoon.
Mr Jm H Erani. of Lakeview, paid hi
many friiadi s pleasant vliit th for part ol
thi wk.
Mr Frank Metcalf and wife left for Roaeburg
last Wedaesday, whir they will hereafter pet
mansutly remain.
Mr F M Wilkins sml family, M Wilkins
and N Humphrey, attended th SUts Fair
at Salem thi week.
Assessor MoPherenn wturned from the lower country Utt Saturday. H report
th country improving.
Mr Ceo McGowan, formerly of Cottage
Grove, gave u a pleasant oaU Wednesday,
lis Is now conducting a dry goods tor at ,
Barn, Grant oounty, Oregon.
PuMio school begin Monday;
County Fair Thnrtday, Friday and 8etnr.
Nic plewant dap, but rathr cool venlng
and nights,
A drill of th Engls Co took place yetter-
day evening.
Painter ar at work on th Oraag tulldlug.
It loo much better
The county fair It all the talk now. A large
number will be In attendance.
Th masont ar now working open th third
story of th biw hotel building.
Mr Sterling Hill, the enterprising Ortgoalaa
carrier, will open anew stand la this city
about October 1st
Several of our people are talking of attend
ing the World' Expotltlon at Nw Vlau,
th coming winter.
Attend the organization of th Cltvtland
and Hendricks club at th ourt bout, this
evsnlng at 7:30 p m.
Mr Thi Lac, of Florence, tiM goa on
iiit to El Dorado county, Cal. aodwlll b ab
sent teveral months,
"Ttlood food" is th (usriMliv nam often
given to Ayer' Sarsapariila, because of it
blood enriching qualities.
Th. new machinery hall being contracted
by Mr J B Rhlnehart will be completed In
time for the oounty fair. The pens for stock
around the publio square bav been completed.
Try Ayer' Pills, and b cured. Misery I a
mild word to duvribed th mischief to body
and mind caused by habitual constipation.
The regular use of Ayer' Cathartic Pills, in
mild dotes, will restore th torpid viscera to .
ealthy action.
Examination of the Oregon Pacific.
Acting upon an official notification from
Colonel T Kgenton Hogg, preildes of th Y711.
lamettc Valley and Coast railroad company of
the completion of ten mite ef (aid railroad,
and in compliance with the provisions of lec
tion 2 of an act appreved October 14, 1879. to
provide for th construction of (aid mail, Gov
ernor Moody a few daye since ajeaiiited Hon
John Miuto, Hon R B CochranT! Jeremiah
Hinkle as eommlssloaer nn Muff tne state
ti aiamin the lam. They ptrtormsd that
duty on th 0th instant, and report to th gov
ernor that aaiil ten muea ni rowi nave uvea
completed in a good suhsttntial manner and
furnished with the rolling stock and equipments
of a-rirst-cluai standard gauge railroad. Tb
end tiM been will anl substantially mad,
and laid with steel rail from th Krupp
Harrow rolling mills, of fifty pound wslgtit
to th yard; that th trestle are of good and
accurate workmanship and first clan in all re
uanta: and the mulDiiienls consist at present
ot three first-claw 48-ton locomotive (rent the
Roger work, on W ton locomotive from tne
Danforth work, on 20 ton looomotiv from
th Grant work, and of a full itock of Daaca
ger eoaches and freight cart from th Waeon
car manufacturing work suHicieut for a con
siderable tralllo; t provided with Urmisal fa
cilities, round bouse, ear hoi and othr ne
cessary and appropriate building. Th com.
pany now desire that the land may be sar
Appointed. Mr M Wilkins hu been sp-
pointed by Governor Moody a oommiulontr to
th Exposition at New Orleans. Th gentle
man informs ut that be will mak a collection
of grains, grasses, and wool, and have them
placed on exhibition at tin Fiir, It is an
ctllent appointment
Married, By th Iter J Gilleepi at hi
residence, on Sept 14, 1834, Mr ChM J Brady
and Mis Eliza K MasUrioni all of Lan coun
ty. Th young coupl have tne D wmii ot
the Guard. k
Will Open One Day this Week.
Probably the finest saloon building in the
State i sow reccivicg the flniablng teaches.
It is th proprty of Mr Renthsw and
Abram who wil npin It for tb icception of
th publio nxt Wednesday. It Is finished In
ath and walnut and th xquiiit ikilll ol the
mechanic it vied with In the airy Koch of the
painter's brush, in forming th uprb and
palatial picture.
Of either sex admitted to the
On any week-day of the year.
The College Journal, containing toforma
tion of the courts of study, rates of tuition,
board, examination. et, nnd cuts of plain
and ornamental penmanship, free. Addrees,
Lock Box 10L Portland Onw
J p7 U wU'mj, p.'caitf wenfion ttii Pfn