Boot and Shoe Store, A. HUNT, Proprietor. Will bdWUX keep t oumiilets stock of Laiics', Missus' anl Aiilta's Shoes! Bl'TTOX BOOTH, Slippers, White and Black, Sandals, FINE KID SHOES, MEN'S AND BOY'S; BOOTS AND SHOES! And In fact everything In the Hoot anil Shoe .line, to which 1 intend to devote my espaclal attention., MY COOPS ARE FIRST-CLASS! And guaranteed as represented, and will he Hold for the lowest prices that a good article can tie afforded. . A.. Hunt. NOTICE! TO WHOM IT MAY 04'KRX: I herehv give notion that I am the sole owner of the Putent KUht for Sinking and Driving Wells in Lane County, sViteor Oregon, and that aid Right, in protected by Letters Patent Is aued by the United Slate (loveniinent to Nel son W. Green, o( Courlliind I'ounty, State of New York. All persons who have driven welU or had them driven, without my permission, since the 21st day of Kebuary, 187i are liable to prosecution for infringement of said Kight and are hereby notified to tome forward and adjust the Mine. . . , . r All infringement) In the future will be prnso- Ian'i prejiared to drive Wells or will grant pcrmlsalou to others on application. i - ii. r. oonms. SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM t CHARLES M. HORN, Practical Gunsmith PKALES IN CUNS, RIFLES, Fishing Tackles and Materials Ttonalrlnr done In the neatest style and warranted. Sewing Machines, bufes. Locks, etc., repuircJ. Guns Loaned and Ammunition Furnished Shop on Willamette St., opposite Postofllce. Book and Stationery Store, Fostofflce Building, Eugene City. I have on hand and am constantly receiving an assortment of the beat SCHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS STATIONERY, Blank Books, Portfolios, Carilit, Wallets, BLANKS, i:TC. A. S. PATTERSON. D. T. PRITCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Ropalrlnir of Watches and Clocks executed with punctuality and at a reasonable cost. Willamette Ktrect, Kugene City, Or. B. F. DORRIS, DEALEK IN STOVES, RANGES, Pumps, Pipes. Metals, TIlVW-A-llIS AND House FnmisliiGi Goofls Generally. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY, And Satisfaction Guaranteed. t WILLAMETTE STREET, Eugene City, - - - - Oregon. Central Market. PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on hand a full supply of BEEF, MUTTON, PORK AND VEAL, Which they will sell at the lowest market prices. A fair share of the public, patronago solicited. TO THE FARMER: We will pay the highest market price for fat cuttle, hugs and sheep. Shop on "Willamette Street, EUCENE CITY, ORECON. Meats delivered to any part of the city free of charge. junlt t F. M. WILKIHS. Practical Drnsgist I Clisiiilst DRUGS, MEDICINE3, Brushes, Paints, Glass, Oils, Leads. TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded. 2Kr MADAME SAUVAGE. 'New Orleans Times-Dcmoomt from the French of Guy de Mniii:-sint. Whon the war broke out, the mm of Buu vnge, who was then $1 years old, enlisted, leaving his niother totally alone. Folic did not, however, pity the old woman much be cause she had money -verylxx!y knew that! So she remained alone in her isoluted bonne, o far fnw the village at the edge of the forest. But she was not in the least afraid, being of the Mime stock as the men of t ho country a hardy old woman, tnll and gaunt, who seldom laughed, anil whom nobody pre sumed to trillo wth. Indeed, the country women tliere do not laugh much. I-nughing is well enough for the men! The minds of those women are melancholy and nnrmw, for their lives are dismal and fs'ltlnin lightened by an hour of joy. The peasant husband or son learns something of noisy gaiety in the tavern; but their helpmates and mothers ro nuiin serious, with visages iierpctuiilty au.-rtere. The muscles of their faces liave never acquired tlie movements of laughter. Uld Mother Suuvago continued her orvli nnry minle of life in her cabin, which wns kkiu covered with snow. (Mire a week slie used to come t the city to buy a little bread and meat, after which she would return to her dwelling. As there was a grod dial of talk abcut wolves, she never went out with out a gnu slum; at her back the son's gun, a rusty weapon whose butt wns quite worn awny by the mere- rubbing of homy hands against it, and it was really curious to wuUh the tall old wonuin, a little ktoo)'ed by age, striding leisurely through t!u mow, with the Uirrel of the gun sticking up above the blin k covering which surrounded her head and conrned those white tresses which no body had ever seen. One hiy the lYussinai came. They wire quartered upon the inhabitant!! of the plice, nccortling to tho fortunes nnd rceuives of each fnmily. The old woman had to rocxjvo four, lx-cuiiw she wns known to lie rich. These were four bLr lads w ith fair flesh, fuir U-nn's nnd blue eyes who had remained stout in iq-ite of all the fatigues they bad en dured, and who seemed to lie ri;;lit goxl fal lows, nlthctifh conquerors in a conquered country. Finding theimclves nlono with the oil wot aim tbey took pains to show her ull pn.ibli consideration, and did nil in their power to save, her trouble and expense. They cctikl be seen every morning, till four together, making their toilet nt the well, In tin ir ihirt kIisjtos; pouring the cold wnter over that lair, rosy, northern H-wh of theirs even on the days whon it was snowing most heavily w hilo Mother Sauvagn wnt to and fro. prepnrinj the soup for thrm. Then they could I seen denning up the kitchen, wash lug tho windows, chopping the wood, peeling lh" jHilnt'jrs, washing tlie lmcn, in short, do ing all the bousc-work, just like four good ons might do for their mother. Hut sha, the old woman, was ever thinking of her own sou her lull giant lxy, with his honked noso and brown eyes, mil thick mous tache that seemed to cover his lip with a veritable pud of black hair. And every day i.he used to usk each of the four soldiers quar tered in her home: "Do yon know where that French regiment is the Twenty-Third of the linen My son's in that" They wonld reply, at well as they could: "Nein! don' know doh' know findings." And compreJiending her pain and anxieti-, these young men, who had mothers living far away in (iernmny, paid her a thousand delicate lit tle attentions, She liked them well enough, too those four enemies of hers; for peasants do not feel patriotic hate; such feelings only belong to the upper classes. Tlie humble folk those who pay the mrt j-t because they are poor, nnd who oro lieing perpetually weighed down by new burthens; thi who are slaughtered wholesale, w ho form tho ver itable food for powder, tsxnuse they are the majority; those, in t ne, who sulTer most ntrociou.-ly from the miseru of war, because tlrt-y are the weakest and thelenst nggres;ive sm h folk do not at all understand whnt war enthusiasm is, nor touchy points of military honor, and still less thio jireten led pclitical combinations w hich exhaust two ntttions in fix months, the ricloras well as the van qtiifhed. l'eople in that part of the country used always to say whon shaking of Mother tviuvago's Germans: "There's four felllows who've found a mug berth. " Well, one morning while Mother Sauvage was all alone at home, sho caught sight of a man, quite far off on tho plain, hastening towurd her dwelling. He soon came near enough for her to recognize hun; it was the country postman. He handed her a sheet of folded paper; and she took her glasses, which she always wore when sewing, out of an old spectacle-case; and read as follows: Madamk Sacvaoe: This will bring you a rad piece of news. Your boy Victor was killed yesterday by a round-flint, which liter ally cut him in two. 1 was ciow' to him at the time; for my place was always next him in tho company ; und it wivi unly that very day that he wiis talking to me about you, so that 1 could lot you kuow if anything should linpicn hiin. I took his watch out of his pocket to bring it to you when the war is over I uUuta you amicably, CrsATm Rrvnr. IVivnte second clas in tho Twenty-Third regiment of the lino. llio letU-r was dated Uiroa weeks rre vioasly. She did not cry. Hie remained motion less, so overwhelmed, so stupefied by the blow, that she did not i t enco f.'l t e p'dnof it. tsbo thought only: "There's Victor killed, now!" Then, little by l t;l tlie t.n : lowly rose to her eyes, and tho pan:; began hi make ituelf felt at her henrt Fancies cmne to her, one ofUT tho other frightful, torturing. Kever could he ki s her child again her only child, her greitt iU ton! never! The Tiidnruits hsxi killed bit fuller, the poacher; now the l'russiuiis luul killed her son. Ha had been cut in two by a cannon balL Ami it memel to her s-he could lee the tiling tho whole horrible thing; the bead falling off, with eyes wide opn, and l is teeth still gnaw ing the corners of his thick moustache, as he was wont to do in his Lairs of anger. And after, whnt had they done with his Ixxly. If they liad even given her bock hor son again, as they hod brought hor husband back to her, with a r.fle bull through tho center of his forehead. Cut she heard a sound of loud voioes. It t as the rmsxians returning fmra tho village. Quickly sho hid the letter in her pocket, and received th(tn very calmly with bercus tnuiary fine; for she had had the time to w ipe her cy well. 'h;ey wt re all laughing, the four of them quite delightA-d bwause they had btn abl to bring home a sjilcadid rabbit with them rtolen, no doubt; and they modo tigns to the old worian that thy were going to have something wonderfully good to eat. She set to work at once to prepare lireak-f(u-t for them ; but whon tho tinw came to kill tlx rabbit, har boart failed her. And yet it was net the first rabbit by any means that die had been given to killl One of the sot orfn killeal it by fftriiing it behind the ean with hit han't. Once it was dead (he took tve red body out of the skin; but tlie light of Ae blood whict stie was handling, which covered ber bands tlie wsnu bknd which ths felt getting cold and ng"itng taads hr tremhls from head to foot: and she always saw before her tlie llgure of her tall son, cut in two, und all rod jiwt like tlie body of tlie still palpitating animal Hh sat down to table with her Pnwlum; hut she could not eat ven n much as a mouthful. They tinl-Jicd the rabbit with ut noticing her. Meanwhile she watched them sideways, without iqs'iiking maturing a singular purjoae in her mind, and yet with such au linpassivo face that none of them otwrved anytliing unusuiil. All of a sudileu sheasktsl: "Idou't so much an know your uiuum; and yet we've Urn month together nowf" They were not able to understand what she wanted without some dilllcnlty; and then they told her their names. That was not enough! Kho made them write the minim down on a pieif of jmiier, together with the addresses of their families; and, perch ing her sjiectaclni upon her groat 1101, she looked nt the strange tlerniim writiin. Then sho foldi-d up the pnjier cnrcfully, and put It into her pocket, next to the letter which had toll her about the death of her sou. When the meal was over she snlil to them, "Now, Tin going to do some work for you." And she pm-vnlisl to ent ry hay up to the loft in which they slept. They thought this wns very queer; but she explained to them that it would enable them to keep nice nnd warm, so they all helsl her. They piled up the hay to the straw roof; and thus male themselves a sort of bed room with four sloping walls of forage, warm and frr.gnuit, w hero they could sleep delightfully. At diunor timo one of them lieenmo quite anxious at seeing tliat old Mother S:iuvii:,v ate nothing. Khe told them she hud cram;. Then sho lit a good lire in order to warm herself ; and the four Hermans ascended to their loft by the ladder which livl to It, As soon as they had closed down the trai door, she took away the bidder; und goin out noiselessly, she began to collect struwiind till her kitchen with IU She walked liarfoot through they snow so softly that in one could hear her. From time to time she tjcord tlie loud and irregular snoring of the four sleeping soldiers. When sho judged her piviini!lnH com plete, she put a bunch of straw in . he l-iv. then flung the burning heap upou (he rest; and she went out and looked! A fierce glan lighted the interim of th. building in a few seconds; tlie 4 tin whole U canie a frightful furnace, a gigmtie oven, whoso violent light blazed thrown tht sin-le narrow window, a ad Hung a loiif bright bnml across the snow. Then 11 gnat and terrible 'ry rang out from the upper part of thohiuse; succeeded by a clamor of yells, huiinn bowlings, hideous cries of agony nt id fear. An then, tho f oor crumbling in, a ttorm of Humes, roared up into the loft, birst through the roof of straw, rose to li'iiven like u vast torch-fire; and the wholi structure tin ifd inmiiist tho night. Nothiu could now lie heard but the (ruckling of the conllnation, the crumb ling of tho walls, the tailing of the great Ix-anis. Tlie last frngnieirs of the roof fell in, and tho red hot carcass )t the dwelling Hung skyward a great Jet of shirks through u cloud of heavy smoke. Tho snow-whitened country, illuminated by the tiro, shone likeaihect of silver, tinted w ith crimsom. Afar ofT, a great bell liegnn to rins. Old Mother Hauvag? stood erect before the rel ruin of her home, armed with a rillc, her dead son's rifle, fearing that one of the men might cecnie. When she saw it was all over, sho flung the weapon into the lire. A single sharp report rang out Teople came running to tho scene oas:iiits and I'russiun soldiers. They found tho old woman sitting on the trunk of a tnHj-H-uhn and satisfied. A Gorman olllecr, who sisko Freiieli like a Frenchman, asked her: "Where are your soldiers?" She stretched out her long, Iran arm to ward tho crimson miss of ruins, where the fire was dying down ut last, am! answered in a strong and violent voice: "INISIDEI" All gathered aliout her. The Prussian asked: "How did tho lire startr Bhe replied sonorously: "I started it." They could not believe her; they thought tho disaster had rendered her insane. And then, while all listened, and pressed doner ubout her to hear, sl)o told the whole story from tho beginning to the end from the re ceipt of the letter even to the last cry of tho men burned up in her house. She did not forget one single detail of what she had fult, nor of what she had done. Then, when sho had told all, she took from her pocket two pieces of piqier, nnd in order to distinguish them by tho light of the lire, sho coolly put on her glasses. Then she said, fhowing one pnper: "That is the letter alsiut Victor's death." And holding up the other slio added, no'hling her head toward the ruddy ruins: "There! that's their numes, so you ran write to their folks nlxiut them." t:he presented ths pnper to the ollleer who held her by the shoulders, nnd she continued: "You enn write to them bow this thing boppencd; find you can just tell their iront.s that it wns I who did it I, Victoiro Simon, Hilled La Suuvuge! Pon't you forget it!" Tho officer ronif d out some orders In ( icr mnii. They seized her and (lung her back iignins-t tlw still glowing walls of her dwell ing. Quickly twelve men bsjk their places in fn ntof her, twenty ynrdsaway. She never winkid. She Knew what wua coining. She wuibdin i-rfeet calm. An order rung out, followed by a long de tenntion. due shot was heard later thuu the tost all by itself. Tlie cM woman did mit fall; bhe sank down perpenli' ularly, as though her legs had boon cut awoy from under her. The lYu"ian oillcer ajiiiroachiHl to lisk. Hhe bad bnen almost iwverol in two by the volliy, and hor stiToned fliirers still ckwis.'d tho letter, all spattered with blood. The Wire's Mrstegy. New York Moniiiig Journal "My dear," said a young w ifo to her hir I and. who hail already fallen into the haMt of going ti the Imlgo in tlie evening, and who was just prejxiring to go out, "1 am going up stroet to inferview tiie sujieriutaiideut of Hie post ofbee this evening." "Ah! indesl; on what business, prayr "I wont to see if ho ran give 1110 any nd vk'e in nx.'srd to getting a habitually bile nuile in on time." The husband blushed, pretendil he was licking f.'r a newspaper instead of his hat, and tlvre was a member absent from tlie lodge that night. Effects of the KsrthquaUe. Exchange. A curious result of the recent earthquake iiw k in Essex, England, was that the wi'lli in and around Colchester exhibited a rise in their water level of about five feet Thin gradually increased for five days after the phenomenon until a height of eight feet was attained. The wells at lost accounts bail Hreutly permanently rested at the height U sstsk feet above their old water mark. rORHON TELEGBAPHIC NBU'l. Soup houses have been opened at Spexla, taly. Hundreds of people are fleeing from Na iles for Koine. A sanitary cordon has lieeu established li round Madrid. The Emperor of Germany reviewed the roopii last week. Count Llmburg Stlrlum, the Dutch min ster of stale, is dead. Vessels from the Mediterranean are sub ected to quarantine by Portugal ports. A Prussian was arrested at Xlce last week w Idle sketching the forts and werks here. President Grew has sllchlly arknowl- (ded tho receipt of a letter from a dele gatiou of the extreme left. The Ilelnlan Chamber of Deputies re ently passed a bill imposing a sur tax on bugar until January 1, lStsi. The rebels have removed another mine placed by troops near Sunklm. It wan af iward seen to explode in the enemy's camp. The two towinir romnanlcH at Victoria. li. C, hitherto amalgamated, have dis solved and are now running in opposition. Admiral Courbet's movements In tho Chinese waters are kept secret. lie is taking a circuitous route to deceive the I hluese. A Iiusslan corvette recently seized the American schooner Sophia Johnson, at Ifchring's Island, lielirlng's sea, (or illicitly Helling rum to natives. The Hrltlsh foreign ofllco denies all know led L'e ot nnv intention on the part of Germany to propose a new conference on the r.gypllan question. The German corvette Elizabeth has lieeu ordered to proceed from Australia, where she has been stationed, to lloug Kong, to reinforce the German licet. The United States government ban In strueted Its minister at Lima, Peru, to protect the protierty of the Central and South American Uiiiio company. It is reported in London that General Wolselcy lias offered lleurv M. Stanley a position on Ins stall. Stanluv husi asked jiermission of the King of Belgium to 11c cepU Mnte. Puttl writes that her appearance In Paris in opera. October Zolh. is contin gent upon the favorable settlement of her divorce proceedings against Marquis do taux. As the German steamer Ilolienstaufcr was sailing from lierlin for Halt imore, she collided with the German Ironclad Sophie. llotn vessels were damaged, yo. one in jured. The London 7VfA asserts that Karon Carlingford, lord of tho privy seal, will shortly resign his cabinet position. It is tirobablo his successor will be Lord Hose berry. Numbers of Anarchists' printing ma terials have been found in tho suburbs of Vienna. Tho police have seized a quan tity of newly printed revolutionary aocU' incuts. Major Kitchener telegraphs that the route from Dougola to Horlier Is perfectly open as fur as the wells of Prcsem, ami hostile tribes are dispersing and lleciug the country. A Montreal dispatch of last week states Lieutenant Gruely's paper was read ls?fore the geographical section of tho llrltish as sociation, which was a review of the work of ttje hraiiklin Hay expedition. The English committee of Mexiraa bondholders has approved of tho general proposals for the set t lenient o( the JUexl can debt, submitted by Noelzlln, agent In England tor the Mexican treasury. Word has been received In Halifax, N.S., that the expedition steamer Neptuno was at Ford's Hartxir, thirty-four miles from Naln, Labrador, July iiotli. Sho reports all hands well, seven stations nave ueen established. The British Science Association, Intel In session at Montreal. Can., have ad journed to meet in Aberdeen, Scotland, In 1HH3. McGnl University conferred tlie tie. gree of LL. 1). upon many members of the association. The inhabitants of the Cameroons coun try, western Africa, are about to present a protest to the English foreign olllce, against the annexation of that district to the German possessions, as they prefer lirlusli protection. The Berlin North German Gazette at tributes to Bismarck the design to create a political blockade against England, by the formation of a coalition of the powers, unless her egotistical policy of colonial extension Is abunuoned. A London dispatch of last week says at the Lloyd Insurance Agency trading ves sels for China were insured for 6 per cent. The steamer Imbros, with a cargo of guns and munitions of war for China, was re quired to pav.O per cent. Upon the occasion recently of the annl versarv of the battle of Sedan, the Em Deror of Germany sent to Bismarck the order of "Pour Lemeritc," surrounded by oak eaves and on autograph letter, ex pressing the deepest appreciation ef his services. Growinir activity is apparent In the Ger man electoral ranipulun. The Socialists of Berlin have brought forward six rand! Hates: Vol mar, llnzencleur, Liitzuner, Neitz. Singer and Guellenbcrger. Among tho ProirresMist condldtttes are irchow Loewe, Klotz, Trager and Eugene Kichler, Gvde intends to bring suit In London against Furscli, made on the ground that after agreeing on thirty performances in European capitals and to make a tour of England and ll'illand, singing in concerts, she has suddenly goire to America to sing at Ihe autumn festival without informing him of her intentions. The Chinese merchant fleet, sold to Ittisscll recently, consisled of twenty-six steamers, aggregating 2-),oh tonnage, The. coinpain started twelve years ago, and was under the patronage of Hi Lung Chang, who obtained loans from tne gov eminent, to whom the company was in debted for ',W),IW taels ($:,UW,UUl. A Dublin cablegram stays: The National League adopted a resolution, last week. denoiinciiu Irish executives for rt-fusiiiK to hold a fresh inquiry In the Muaintrasna murder case, In view of 1 11 former Carey 1 confession. The refusal is denounced as a breach of public faith. The previous in quiry, the resolution asserts, was a mere farce. Gladstone, the other evening at Waverly market, Edinburgh, delivered his third and last sneech to his constituents. In bis address be mode the admission that francbi-e might lie better coupled with the redistribution of parliamentary seats; but the passage of the franchise law ought not to be delayed. The question now rested with the people. , From St. Johns, N. B., we learn an In spection of the abandoned brig Itesolver demonstrates that a collision w ith an ice berg occurred, followed by a sudden panic among the crew and passengers, w ho Im mediately launched boats and left the brig, leaving everything lxhlnd: that the boats were dashed by the b illing sea against the Iceberg and swamped, and all hands perithed. DOMESTIC TUEORAPHIC NLW3. Missoula. M. T.. had a 8:10,000 fire last week. The summer season at Long Branch has ended. There Is no pleiiro pneunioiila In Ken tucky. Kansas City, Mo., had a SoO.OOO fire re cently. The American Hotel at Fort Erie. N. Y.. burned a few days ago. An unknown man was drowned In San Francisco bay last week. Jay Eye See is still trying to reduce the trotting record of z:0Ui. Snn Frnnclsco clerks arc consUloriua the early closing movement. The town of Marathan. N. Y was de stroyed by fire lust week. Five horse thieves were banged at Hocky Point, M. T., the other day. The New York Continent has been Dur- chased by Mrs, Frank Leslie. An anti-Chinese demonstration took place at Philadelphia recently. The Livingston. M. T.. Enttrvrist and Tribune have been consolidated. Hearing In tho Hill-Sharon rase has been continued until October 'Jlst. San Francisco merchants are scheming to recover the lost ivortiiern trade. Senator Henry H. Anthony, of Kliodo Island, died at Providence last week. Tho Hush-Fitzgerald prize fight on Lotm island lust week was declared a draw. The total rainfall In New York for the past eight months has been 40.41 Inches. Mrs. Nellie Holbrook. of San Francisco. will stump Indiana for Blaine and Logan. The National Engineers Association held its annual session at Baltimore last week The Pittsburg chief of police refuses to apologize ior tils insult to the Austrian Hug. General Harney, t veteran of the Mexi can and Florida w ars, is residing in Wash ington. Hlshoti Pierce, senior blshon of the M K. Church South, died at Auiiusta. Ga.. nisi week. At Heron. M. T.. rerrntlv. Charles Holotr was shot and fatally wounded by Frank ciR'inan. Charles J. Folger. secretary of the treasury, died at his homo in Geneva, N. Y luHt week. Tho American Association for the Ad vancement of Science convened at Phila delphia last week. H. A. Charles, secretary of the Julia Mining Company, died In San Francisco, laHt week, aged llo. Charles Foils was blown to atoms by (he explosion of a giant powder cartridge uear Sun Francisco recently. The next re union of the Armv of the Potomac is to be held In Baltimore on the full and 7th of May, 15. Emanuel Neumann, secretary of the Alaska Commercial Company, died at San Franciuco recently, aged to. Oklahoma Pal no and his followers are protesting at the manner lu which they are being brought to justice. Teenier defeated llostncr In the three- mile sculling race at llaugett's pond, near jjuwrcuce, Mass., a lew days ago. Receiver OslKirn, of tho suspended Wall street. New York bank, has beirun the payment of a 00 pur cent dividend. Albert SutlllT left Snn Francisco for China, last week, to act as war correspond ent of the Sun Francisco Chronicle. , The Indians at Polar River Agency, In northeastern Montana, threaten to go on the war-path if they are not better fed. Tho Associated California Pioneers of Now York celebrated Admission Day by a clam buko and excursion to Glen Island. Tho headless body of Dr. Rock, surgeon of the sunken United States steamer Tab lapoosa..was found in Boston harbor last week. I'letro Del mas, French champion wres tler, has challenged Clarence YV histler to another match to take place in San Fran cisco. Attachments aggregating $25,000 were taken out against ths Bankers and Mer chants' Telegraph Company atChicaro re cently. All doubt as to the payment of the Jer sey Central dividend has been settled by the shipment of funds to New York to meet it. Martin Weinberg, a Jew, was hanged at ritlstiiirg, J 'a., last week, lie is believed to be the second of his race ever hanged In the United States. At RulTalo. N. Y.. recently. Mrs. Fred Merrill, crazed with grief over the death of her child, shot her husband and took a latal dose of sarbolic acid. Says a Vinccnnes, Ind., dispatch: Mollis J- Ai'anis, a lz-yeur-oiu girl, committed suicide lust week w hile the family was ah sent from home. She was discoverdd ly ing on her face In bed, with an empty bot tie by her side. 'A Pittsburg dispatch says: The coke and coal syndicate of the Conncllsville re L'lons have decided to run their ovens six days hereafter Instead of fire, on account or tho Improved demand, nils will in crease Hie output between U00 und 700 cars Paper manufacturers of New England are indignant at the action of the United States government prohibiting for three months the unloading of Imported rags. Heprescntatives were appointed to go to Washington to obtain a modification of the order. Prefcssor Dodge, statistician of the de partment of agriculture, says reports show that the crops have been somewhat damaged by drouth in Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois and Kentucky. The injury, however. Is not Kufllclcnt to cause any feeling of panic, as there Is every indication that In general the crops will be good. H. W. Watcrson, of Milton, Wis., filed a summons and complaint last week in 95,000 damages in a suit against the Chi cago and Alton Railway Company with the sheriff of Milwaukee county. Water man was Injured for life, he alleges, at Chicago by the carelessness of tlie railway company's employees. Service was made on the company's agent iu Milwaukee. A Sandusky, O., dispatch says: The Forty-second Ohio (Garfield's) lt-glment held a re-unlon at Lakeside last week, and voted to meet there next year. Since the death or Gartlelu no president lias been elected, the vhe president presiding Abotit 2uO members survive. Captain Ilubls-ll of Cleveland Is vlc--president. No special action was taken this year. Joseph W. Henma was to have been hanged at While Sulphur Springs, Mon tana, last week. The gallows wtre built. coffin prepared, and the grave about to be dug, pending an appeal to the Territorial Supreme Court, but judgment ot the lower was revoked. When informed lT bis coun el of the result he cried out: "Thank God I God is indeed g-acinus," and ha indulged In paroxysm of Joy. (All FA NCIBCO MARKETS. RECEI ITS-Wheat, 2.&0 ctls.: flour. ll,6oV qr. sks.: oats, g,75u ctls.; potatoes. S.tMlsks.: eggs, 7.000 dox. r l.ULK-San r ranclsco extra, nest, at 94.Suro5.00; medium, l;.50s 4.00; shipping superfine. (:i.NK44.U. W 1 1 hA 11 he market can be considered as fairly steady at l.i' V ctl for the bet ter class ol shipping qualities. All offer ings that come up lu needed requirements are promptly taken, while buyers will nflen nav a simill Ailvsnc. for snmethlns . choice sooner than miss the purchase'' Farmers are show ini more wilUugness to meet the situation, and ItJonk1 as if busl- -ness during the mouth will be largo in volume. Call trading is not very general, though a few operators Impart a good deal of life ur.d spirit to the dally sessions. Sales were: Buyer season l.rjOO tons, fl.41; 100, 1 .inl 'inn ki .1,0 ' Buyer seusou, clty-MO tons, 91.41J; 100, ?1.4o. Buyer 1HS4-100 tons, fl.KI. 100, fl.33f. Seller ltW-100 tons, f U. Closing prices were: No. 1 While- Bid. Buyer season tl 404 Buyer season, city 1 41 J Buyer 1KW I Ml Seller 1SHI 1 1T7 Asked. 1 :uk FISH -Extra Pacific codfish, whole, lu C, 7Jc, boneless, in bxs., hjc V th.j domestic salmon, hf bills., $t).0(M7.oa bb)s..f 11.00, l-tli. cans, f dot., 81.4o; mackerel, No. 1, w kit, ei.7.V2.tX, No. 2, 91.fiOwl.75, No. 1, hf bbls., 910.00, No. Si, 9Uk; herrings, salted, hf bbls.. . dried, ID-lb. bxs.. Toe. BAGS AND RAGGING Tho condition of the wheal bag market is substantially tho same as so fully out iued two weeks aim. Some of the large holders have nominally withdrawn their goods from the market. We ouote best quality Calcutta wheat bags,' standard shut nnd weight, attljfolo for spot lots;' San quentln factory make, 7J; California Jut Mill iiiake, Vic: potato gunuivs, 11&($1,c; wool bags, :tnp 40c apiece. BARLEY There Is a pretty steady trade In progress, causing supplies to move oil" with celerity. Prices keep fairly uniform for feed descriptions, the range for good to choice quality being HO'aHl'ic, w hile lower grades are placed wtihiu the limit of 7.'K i7Ac f ctl. Brewing remains stationary, with no pressing demand. Old sells from IX!c(a 9l.0, according to quality, while new ran be had at 8i(u,00o V ctl. In Cheva ler there is a fair move ment. The market is well scanned for extra choice lots, for which custom is nulck at full figures, say 91.53 f ctl. Slock that could be simply clussed as No. I cannot i placed at over fi.oo, wniio anything lx-low this grade Is Irregular In price, as tliere are comparatively 110 buy ers for any such oll'erings. Bidding at the close Is represented oy tno following table: No. 1 Feed- Rid. Asked. 9 mi 82 Hoi Ki 1 07 Buyer season 9 u Seller season HO Buyer 18M 87 Seller 1SKI 8ll No. I Brewing Buyer season 1 01 DltlEII PICAS Green, J.0O; titles, JJ2.00; blaciseye, $ 2.i V ctl. Wilis y (ton., ;aMa ;nc. WOOL-V'alluv, litgilic: Eastern Ore gon. l.KU IMC ST ha w-uwitabie at i.xp .c r n CHEESR-California. KKs i:ic. APPLES-d bx.,60fui7oc. BEESWAX Quotable at glcflti. BEANS We quote as follows: Kayos, B'.'.OOit 2.50; butter, t2.ft; pinks, 92.2.i( 2.611; red, t:i.(Hi; Linos, 92.75; small white, -92.2A; pea, 2.!i.i f ctl. POULTKl. Live turkeys, gobblers, zi (li'JDc, do, hens. 20(iii22c. do. dressed, 4 ' r: roosters, eo.oo a.v.00 for old. ana jo.iv- for young; hens 97.00X? 8.50; broU-, ; f-rs, Sll.t tCu 4.5(1. accordlnu to sue; ducks, 9J.K'liui7.0ij f doz.igeese Ji.00ii,2.60 f pair. DRIED KK U1US Apples, machine- cured, lb., Htd.U'c, sun-cured, 6(a8c; peaches, machine-cured, lu boxes, l.K,l4c; prunes, Gcrninn, In lxm-s, 10 tit., Kwic; ilium, suu-cured. uitless, 8c, macbluo- curcd, 8Ci,llc; pears, machine cured. HfailOo; sun-cured, 5(n,o; tigs. Cullfornla, ?5 V., bx.. He: Smvrnr . Kl'i Jle CRACKED CORN -Quotable at 93334 Ki ton. i I A Y Al ful fa, 9H.0Offl 12.00; whoatJbl.OO . (Ti)lll.00; oat. 912.00(flli.0O; barley, JfU.lXKS 12.00; mixed. Si.OOm, 11.00 v ton. OATS Tho general tone of the market Is of wenk character. Supplies are coin- ' inn forward from Humboldt county, and are said to be up to the usual standard for quality. As It is mainly from this direc tion that we receive our nest muting oats, the market will no longer be bare of this , description, whilo prices will necessarily be lower. We qnote: Surprise and milling, 91.A0 (SI. 0.5; No. 1. 91.:iX"L50; No. 2, 1. 15(a) 1.25: black. l.l(KftL20 f ctl; new Salinas' feed, fl.KKiiI.SB. POTATOES -We quoU wharf rates: Early rose, 40(?50c; garnet chile, 00c; peerless, OOo k etl. PORTLAND MAUXKT JUP0KT f LOUR Fancy extra, K bbl, 94,8'xH -4.60 superfine. 93.50; country brands, 94 (.1.4.25. U'lllTlf IM. MMV .nHilniiaa . 1 lllutx i A no n'ui iiiai nvv iiiiuiiucnt quite inactive with 91.121 named as out- side price for valley. It is stated that , some warehotiHeinen, or interior operators. i-n rtfiv'intp nil jiiivaiii-r nil inm ill liih i'.iiii- ' tldeut expectation of an improvement. We can only say that shippers show no , 1 lsKjsiiion to pi.y up, particularly as Ions as not pressed. i We quote: Good to choice, l! 100 lbs., fl.lUigi.ti.; good valley, 9l.l1.20; Walla ' Walls. 91.0 t LAUD California, 10-rh. tins. lOKallci IjisUirn, li'U'ic for ticiecs.aud lUJo r I' It) for pulls, BUTTER- Good to choice roll. If tt i 2.S(a.3nc: fair, 15(jlBc; Urkin, 20(k21c; east- em, MCnl8c 1 WOOL - Mendocino. 18(221c. l lb.: Humboldt, lH21c; San Joaquin, HXlbc; eastern Oregon, louMUc. CORNMEjXI. -Millers quote feed at 34 ru,U5 V ton; tine kinds, for the table, 1st large or small packages. 3c 0 fl. ON IONS-Quotable at 40a50c tor red. 4.Va 05c r Kl lor silverskins. . TALLOW -Grease, 4(i5; crude, 61OJo; ! rcllned.8lrHc If lb. BRAN-Tlie spot market la quolabU at 915.5tl(a 1(1.50 per ton. HULK WUKAT-QuoUble at fl.7521.8a ct l GROUND BARLEY-Quotable at fl8 (J2' tyton. OATS The market Is now quite well . supplied for a short time, but mure could doubtless find a buyer at over 30c. POTATOES The request Is easily mot, values being steady at 4tX4 50tt ctl. SLGjtlto Ooltluu C. In bbls.. If lb., 8c, In hf bbls., 81c; refined D, bbls., . ht bbls., -: dry granulated, bbls.. (ije, hi bbltu, l)jc: crushed, bins., CJc; II ns crushed, bbls.. 10, hf bbls., 10c; cube, bbls. bjje. ht bbls, 10c; islands, No. 1, kgs, 7c, b(TH. 7c. , I SIRUPS California refinery hI If gal, bbls., H2JC. kgn.. Km, c.. gal. tins, 05c; Eastern, bbls.. If gal, 55c, kg, OOcca.. (sic. . HONEY-In conili, fti.. 18c: strained In 6 gal., 10c f tb.; I gal. tins, f tot, 914.06 fcl.MO. half-Kal., 97.50. UUTTF.U fancy, fresh roll. If R 251 30c; Inferior, grade, 10200; pickled, Wt 25c. ' FEED, Etc.-Corn meaL If 100 Us., 92.75 t:t.OO: buckwheat, 95-50; oat meal. 4.U0(?) ii; cracked wheat, (125(0.5.50: br.u. If ton 914(a,10; shorts. Tll,at; middlings, fine. 9V5-OU: hay, baled, 910.00 UU0; Chop. 9'2.50: oil cake meal, fcio-l'- SEEDS Hrown mustard. 150'!.75; yellow, $1.75(2,2.00: canary, 45c; bemp, 8i(:3c; rape, 2if3c; Umothy, 5j(Sc al faUa, 7,Wc lb-; nax, 92.0O&2.75 If ctl.