The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 20, 1884, Image 2

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    EUGEflE ClTY GUAf.D.
' TT frrrrrr-
CAT&TnV.U. -f V Piarlplor.
Dal lie Hod an Objection to 91k
' roneoriilns the Roup.
(Mori-liant Truvolor.
B Ridgfly, a Lnuhvillv, Ky., newpapor
Ban, who, for tho first twenty years of his
Jifo, bail Utii accustomed to fooling on
utiainpagne and diamond back terrapin, lion
for tho .at twenty years lieuu having a
catch-an-raU h-ran wrtwtlinj; nint h with the
Mial boardin-bouso gprmd, and is still alivo
. but weak One day, early in tlio spring, he
went to his landlady with a cowpluiiit.
"Madam,' he mid, withadeini-'mi-(iuaver
in hia voice, and a jilcco of in each
eye about an big tin a bm kshut, "haven't I
been a pretty pood bonrdcr for tho two years
I have bt'!i '"'ith yon("
"Why, Mr. liidolv, of courso you have.
Only yesterday a ludy askixl ma how Ions
yon hail bueu a nuimbor of the Youn.'j Men's
Christian association," n-plioJ Uio ludy iu
"Yes, and when you jjavo ua eggs wilb
feathers on, did lover kick!"
"Wlia what' that."' stuininonil tho
woman, thmv.-n off her balance by tlie iud
dmrjifw of tho blow.
"And did I over iuiiiaton your cllpjiliij their
- -Mr, I don't"
And didn't I lux p right on, even though
you K t!;e butter wear Km hair bunged, wheu
you know I hutod Ixingsr'
"Mr. ltidpily, thin in going too
"And did X complain, when I found a but
ton in my pie, Ikvuiikj thuro wusu't uny but
. tutiholu in the flap.'"
"Sir, J won't iitand this any "
"And did I MKirt you to the Hociety of
PniTcntion of I'melty when I picked that
jioor, helpless cockroach out of thu biscuit!"
"tsliut up, you "
"Yes, and when I found a minnow in the
Biilk, did I auk you whether you milked your
oow with a tilting pole or a bou:e.'"
. "Who wha-wlia "
"Don't mention it, inoilain, When th8
' iteuk wax a little tough, was I one of the
bourdon who writ a bu.z-saw and a Htcani
eogine tip to the housof"
, '
"And did I ever object to paying for fiiml
ture rejiuil, because tho bread was 10 heavy
that when I Hwullowod it, it knocked tho bot-
torn of tho clmlrouU"
You mouu, good for nothing "
"Don't get exulted, madutu. Did levor
inquire wln'ther you drew your tea with a
windlum or a chain pump!"
"Oh, you villain, you wretch, you"
"I hear you, iniulaiu, and I wunt to ask If
, I ever roilucted on your nio'a-wed can by asU
ing if you had a nUnt on that fly trapt"
"Oh oh oh you oh "
"I ahk, niaihini, did I ever do any of thee
things t And I anawer by Mying, 'Never, no
never.' (Therefo-6 I want to know why in
thunder, exi'iiw) niy.forviblehingungn, pltcw),
when Uey bring me a plate of soup with a
dinhrng In it, they don't bring along a puir of
arlmoni to cut thu durmxi thing up so a limn
won't choke on it. That's all, nwulam."
When the ludy was i-cmisc iUiUd, Den was
compelled to go out into the cold, cold world
and get another lMHinling-housu. Such is
woman's hihuinauity to man.
Death to i'ralrte Don and A ills.
llx-adville Cor. Dallas Herald.
Koine three years ago, while making a trip
arrows tho continental divide, I stopiiod for
dinner at a road Ki.lo tavern, situuted in a
creek valley; clow at hand was a prtiiriu dog
town, numbering over .VM) inhiiliitantw.
Not long since, 1 had oi-cuslon to stop
at the Mtmo house, and hhw that the small
level prairie, once ooriipiod by prairie dogs.
bad been uu-Iim' plimn.1, and was then cov
rod with a luxuriant crop of grass, riving
no signs of the little IxiaKtM, n jmn Hiking what
had betHime of them, I was told they had
been exUrniinnted in the following way:
Dulls of cotton or rags wore naturatcd with
bi-milphlde of carbon an impure prejiamtiou
will do nud is cheap pushed far ilowu into
the holes, and the hole tlrmly acked with
earth. Hi-sulphide of curium llng an ex
tremely volatile lluid, quickly evaporaUti and
forms a heavy gas, which omipios every
cJminU'r und gallery of Uio animal sdwelluig.
This gas is as promptly fatal to animal lifo as
the fumes of burning sulphur or carbolic acid
II y informant also destroyed In a similar
way several colonic of large ants, of the
nine species as those found in Texus. Ho
built a tire close to the nut-tied, shoveled the
earth forming the aut-hill into tho tiro, so as
to bum up the ante contained in it with their
young, then scrauvl the surface of . the
ground clean, and waited a whilo to give the
anU a chance to clear the tunnels from any
earth that may have dropped into them. A
ball of cotton saturated with bi-sulphido of
.carbon was placed In tho center of the bed,
covered over with a tin vessel large enough
to embrace the greater uumlier, If not all the
outlets, and earth was packed about the tin,
to as to exclude air. rtoxt uny the uu was
removed. He showed ui the sites of several his yard where the ants had been
killed lu this manner. Knee then, while in
Colorado Springs, I was told this tdau has
been iux-etfulJy used In California for
number of years; it was used for the exter
mination of gophers, yellow-jackets, and all
ther burrowing animals and insoeU.
That Husband of Mine.
New York Sun.
A woman hastily entered a Harlem lager
beer saloon anil demanded of the proprietor:
"lias my husband been lu herel"
"I don't know him. Is he a tall maul"
"Yes, and nl ccuiplivtiO.'
"Full beard f"
Wear a slouch bat.1"
"He was le Tii uot live minute ago. . Ha
allien, drnnk a leniomule, and tle'ii walked
down the street."
"Drank what."
"Wrong iilci!" she said, shooting herself
at of the door.
Talue of Amrrlcan Loruinullvea,
l"(lnth" iu New York Tribune.
A friend said to me at Long ltran. h that
ttu're were is.ouo locomotive in the Union,
ami Uiat they were worth not lew tljin 10,
OuO apioiv, and moi-e nearly $t5,lx), and tluU
we bad facilities bre for Uiniing out tweuty
auw IsHiiuotives a day, and thai the hvonuv
ive factories In pMieral were nnuiing strong
van now, If the above figure 1h cornv-t the
locomotivee iu the l'nitl Main ha j cost
Mot far from t ltW,(XXt,(X, as-ua of money
which i Mild friglitTvl tlnsmdof
JauxM K. I'olk when llhtui t:ie Mexican war
for during that war his citAr.l wis pvatly
gltatui for fiir be woi.ld banlmpt the na
tion, and with unseemly huto he orJcrt d a
lm: to 1 bought, bi-ixl r i .'cj. to the
war uuuld be sUi ptvL
Iow Jt- Colorrd jl'iople Me
1 F - in l lbrlda.
. , rr
' r- . r 3
j fCt-r. Fun I'mucttco Chioiilclo. ,-.(r
Not tho lijuot interesting quo.stiou to
Id solved in the htatiw of tim colon'd
TKipuhition. .Sumlxi owns bi -t lit Hit hut,
Lia twenty or forty acres, as tho case
may bo, ami only works fur "do white
fulkms" wlion ho wanlu to iHy taxes, or
buy 8omo oowUtd jiiwo of fiiniituri!, or
a new Rariiicnt for Mns. Htin or the
"chilleiih." In a few miles' rido one
conies Heron several of thesii cabins with
thoir dliislers of - beautiful wild orange
trees, their banana lant, their fi; trees,
tlio pigs running everrwliere, tlio chil
dren of tho same color (tortlie native pig
is as black as your liat), little (rrinniiifj
imps, sliowing all their ivories, standing
about tho door, utmost always beginning
to danoo nnd shout with eharaeterUtic
gestures when white "folkses" cotno in
sight. Tho father of tlio family is over
yonder among tlio cotton, freeing up his
nicluncholy little oxen, so sumll that
they look like lilliputians Ijesido our
strung northern oxen, fciometimca the
wholu family, from Mrs. Fain,' with lier
baro, splay fiirt and heitdgear of tower'
ing red or white, to the smallest knock
kneed liltlo 'J-year-o!d. uru out in tlm
iield working like I lack uutonmions. It
would sur)rit-o you to sco our black hoy,
Tony, u lt or 11 year oM urchin, drop
and cover -oni. 1 could w arci ly follow
him, and my admiration boiled over in
adjectives of I ho supeiJativo order and
the most fervid interjections.
"Why, Tony," 1 Mid, "whoro did you
lea r ii to plant corn iu that fashioiu
- "J)o-no," says Tony.
"How long have you Ixvn planting
"ilos' i bber seiieo I's bawn," says
lony, in a drawling tono.
"How old aro you, Tony!"
"J.ttws, 1 do-no, miss," is his reply,
altera moment t study.
"Whero do you live, Tony.''
"t)n do Hamilton place" bv the way,
his naino is Tony Haiuilton, a name, of
noto in tho south, 1 u.-k him various
other questions, to which ho answers in
the saiuo old fashion, "do-no, miss," and
I stop at last, despairing of eliciting
further information.
Suppose wo enter ono of these log
shanties. Thuro aro thren rooms and in
every room a bed. Two black babies
with owl's eyes sit sucking their thumbs
hi tho middlo of tho hut. Over tho llre
plaeo a kettle is boiling, in which tho big
boned, big-lipped woman who presides
over the household tells us is tho dinner
of boiled meal.
"We all likes do meal an' bacon," she
says, lifting tho youngest babv bv the
arm, "an' it's lucky wo does, 'case that's
all we kin git."
"Why, don't you grow rice.'" 1 ask
"Laws, yes, honey."
"And don't you plant vegetables."'
"les, miss, we does kinder sorter
sometimes, but de cotton is what we
"Don't von out your riecif"
"Laws, no, miss; wo sells dat to do
white folks, dut and do vegetables all
but de Hwoet potater. or 'sehanges it for
porkau meal at do sto , Oivo we nig
gen corn an lasses an we s happy,
You sees we's bred up to it, an' we don't
take to nothin' else, honey.'
Hie Africans hero, fortunately, hold
the whiles in great respect. They have
not yet rcuchcii to that round on tin1
bidder of civilization which inclines
them to believe and net upon tho saving
that a while man is as good a.s a nigget
if ho only behaves himself." He neither
pushes nor elbows his white friends, htifc
stands at a respectful distance while lie
tiublushingly demands three times the
amount ot the worth ot his labor. He is
awine of his value from the money
standpoint, or thinks he is. A little
w hile ago a good . workman could Ihi
hired for ,10 cents per day and his keep,
which, considering the limited amount
of work performed, Is quite enough, for
he alwavs has live miles to "tote" here
and live miles to "tote" home "IV de
lawd." Now they utiblushinglv demand
$ I, and since the northern people haVu
Hocked here they get it, to the groat
chagrin anil anger of the old settlers,
. lie Was a I ulc)clll.
lllutfulo Express.
She was in humble circumstances
she was a Ho.ston girl for all that.
"Yes, papa is a unioyclist," she re
marked to tho railroad reKrter whom
she met on an excursion tram,
"lndordf" responded tho young gentle
man addressed, very much 'conecrnod to
know what a unicyclist might bo, but
very much afraid of exposing his west
ern rawness by asking.
From a Hoston young man on the
train it was learned that "papa" Im
parted the desired impetus to it wheel
barrow usttliu connection with city im
provements, Reasonable ICnough,
IN'orristowu Herald.
Each of the special performances in
Munich before the kinuof Havana, as sole
auditor, cost over $8,000. Kight thou
sand dollars seems like a pretty steep
price for a man to pay for one night's eu
joyutcut of a drama, but when it is re
membered that his pleasure was not
marred by a number of peanut -mum h
ing idiots m tho gallery, uor the rush
ing out of tho eutre-acto fiend, or tho
audiblo comments of a semi-iiitoxicated
individual in tho audience, tho sum
seems reasonable enough.
Freakish Dame Nature.
Xorristowu Herald
Nature is guilty of somo queer freaks.
For instance: Throw a 10 cent dog, that
has nver scon water, into tho river, and
it will immediately swim ashore; but
when a $00,000 man, whose education in
the natatorial art has been neglivted,
falls overboard, ho incontinently Mnks
to tho bottom.
A tiri Insert Uelro)rr.
corn-tMiiidcnt of tho Fruit !!tvtrdcr
says he has Niilcd leaves and stems of
tomato I'llanis until the juuv is nil ex
tracted, and finds tho liquor dendlv to
caterpillars li-t. and many Mhcr cue-
uih's of vegetation. It dis-s not injure
the growth of jdants, and its odor re
mains for a long time todL iru-t insect
- , ta s it a p.
l-'iiddletoisn npt.J
'Sn.t't are tliouvs of :u! verity bt.t i
we will exchango a Lirlot of a.lvcrsitv.
ist as k.xsJ us lit w, fur nil1 the e; a.uity
Rreeklns UrMgr bv Vibration,
In nnswor to the question,, "Is it trtii
that the i.wrcliiiig of a Isnly uf soldier.''
iu regulur military s'.i p, has been knotwi
to c.i u lu tho fiilling of a bridget" 1 lu
Manufacturer and liuiklr lnu the fol
lowing: Tho statement is substantiate'
by the strongest kind of evidence. Wi
believe that it is a rule observed bv
mareiiiiig urtnies, whi n they cross i
bridge, to stop the iuu; ic, break step am
0s'ii column, lest the mciisu red cadenci
of a condensed Isxly oi men shouk
cause the bridge to vibrato so greatly a;
to endanger its stability or to cause it b
fall. Numerous instunces of accident
caused by the neglect of this rule aro ro
corded. For example, tho Jiroughtol
bridge, near Manchester, gave way bo
neat u the measured tread of only sixt;
luen who were mareiiiiig over it. j
chain bridge, eroding tho Hivtr Ior
dogne near Bordeaux, the jvu
lSoii, gave way from a similar cane.
The bTl'ib!') disaster whicli befell .
battalion of French troops a few year,
sinee while iu tho net of i ros-eing the sii.t
pet sion bridge ut Angiers, in France, i
one of tliu most convincing evidences c
tho extrc. 'no danger from the catifo her;
named. The facts, as recordi!, are n
follows: "l'.eitoiatel warnings wcregivei
to the troops to break into seeMons, as s
usually done. Hut tho rain w.n falliig
heavily, nud in tlio hurry of tho inoiuett
the oi uers Were disregarded. The bridg,
which was only VI years oid, did
which had ixrn repaired the year befov-
at a cost of $7,000, fell, und 'im (lend
bodies were found, besides many who
Wen: wounded."
A bridge, or similar structure, may be
crowded with people going and coming,
with cavalry or with cattle, with in
finitely less danger than witn tne laruss
weight of a body of men going over it iu
regular inarching order. I:i tho latter
case the structure is set into vibration,
which every step that is taken adds
to, until the swing becomes so violent
that it may overcome its powers of re
sistance and cause it to give way at its
weakest point. In the former case
multitude of vibrations are set up iu the
structure, but being lrregitlar that, is,
non-syneiironous ouo is neutralized by
another und no effect is produced.
It has often been noted as a singular
fact that largo trees have leen uprooted
by wind storms of no unusual violence,
which have withstood much more violent
gales. An explanation of this mystery
which appears to us to bo very plausi
ble, may be found in tho facts above de
tailed. Tho wind in powerful gales fre
quently comes iu gusts, which cause tho
tree to swing, and if these gusts happen
to bo so timed as to coincide with tho
natural swing of the tree each siiceessivo
iiiipul.o swings it more powerfully, until
at lcngih it is uprooted by a wind which,
had it blown steadily, would have done
it no damage.
4 nl'llell's .TIuilllll) Npceks.
Chicago News.
President White was slowly unwrap
ping tho Egyptian mummy recently ac
quired by Cornell university.
"Oh, could wo but know what those
sightless eyes have seen, what those
time-dried ears have heard!"
"Or w hat that silent tongue has said,"
put in a sophomore.
"Ves," continued President White, "1
should like to know how this grim visi
tor from the dingy past worked out his
livelihood. Oh, could those palsied lips
hut speak the words that were perhaps
struggling for utterance the moment ho
gave u;i his spirit!"
'.'.'"Perhaps wo might golthovi out with
a corkscrew," nuggestiil a frc-dumin.
"Nonsense," remarked the president.
' "l'.nt all soioiitillo experiments are
nonsense until they succeed," said a
member of the faculty. . ' (,.;
"True!" ; j
"Let lis try."
The students had no trouble in finding
The first jerk brought out the words
"your honor."
"Ah, this reference to honor shows
that ho died in a ehivalrie cause," said
the president.
"Perhaps ho was addressing his king,
whoso honor ho had valiantly defended
to tho death," said tho stroku-oar of the
ancient history class.
"Perhaps. Lot's draw once more."
Tho corkscrew was applied agaiu
and again, and a number of words ex
humed. Wheu spread out on tho table iu the
order of their discovery these words
were: "Your honor, tho defense asks
another continuance."
Malrlinoulal Intelllgcurc,
Texas Biftings.
They had not been married very long,
but she had grown cold and listless; so one
evening, after she had yawned seventeen
consecutive times, ho said:
"lou seem to bo so cold and indiffer
ent, Malvina. Have you forgotten
those happy days when I was paying
you my addresses:'
"lou bet I ve not forgotten those
happy days before we were married. I
never had less than three fellers of an
evening arouud uio, paying mo atten
"Hut, dearest, haven't you cot mo to
pay you attentiou right nowf"
"Y os, I suppose I have. You aro do
ing the best you know how; but- you
don't Hatter yourself that you are equal
to throe, do youf '
Tho parties are both well connected,
and movo in tho highest of Austin so
ciety. Iteniarkable Wisdom.
Burlington Hawkeye.
HutTalo gnats, which have proved fatal
to mules, are now attacking tho farmers
of Arkansas. It was a remarkable dis
play of wisdom on the part of tho gnats
to practice year or to on the mules,
Conner-Journal: Frgotinin is the mot
expensive drug now in tho market, and
costs nearly J 1,000 er pound. .Many
persons when they como to settle up with
their druggist, think they have been
buying frgotinin.
Mr. A. O. Alfrrd, Junior Vice IVpart
meutConimftiideri.f Md., (I. A. It., Haiti
more, Md., writes: "I hsve kept St. Jacobs
OA br me and always found it a ready
remedy for pains, aches and bruises.
When Buffering terribly a few wifks since
with an ulcerated tooth, 1 could not get
any rest, and I applied it. 1 was instantly
relieved, and my sutluriug ceased from
that time."
He Proper and Improper Treatment,
' with Hints aa to IU Prevention.
Chicago Times Interview.
" Yhat is the distinguishing feature of
Asiatic cholera, doctor? "
"It is this, I think; thnt the poison or
germs of cholera invariably destroy the
epithelium or soft skin lining the mucous
membrane of the bowels, and luy it bare
as if it had been flayed. Hence the red
ness and congestion of the mucous mem
brane. From the red surfaeo tho scrum
or watery portion of tho blood flows in
lurtre quantities, just as it does from uu
ordinary blister on tho skin. Previous to
lstitl theso enormous discharges were at
tributed to weakness and relaxation of thp
bowels, und I was tho first to point out
that they were due to the destruction of
the epithelium. This is not a theory, but
a fact amply proved by postmortem exam
inations, and showing the necessity of de
stroying the germs, and not ali'.ie of re
straining the discharges and soothing the
raw muco'.s membrane.
"Here I mention that much mischief
has been caused by u popular .medicine
largely composed of nil pepper, cinger
and brandy, und which, though useful ill
cases of 'cholera niorbir. is among the
most in;ut;ous that ton., he selected in
cases of real cholera. The reason is that
the coli!ne-s of the surface of the liody, or
what is called collapse, is caused bv thu
tremendous irritation of the bowels. anil that
any further irritation naturally increases Stningo to say this medi
cine has iacii largely u-i'd for the past tifly
years. 'o skillful doctor, however, would
dream of recommending it. Hencefor
ward the sciintilic treatment of cholera
vill bo ba-ed on the use of germicides. Of
tin-so sulphate of iron, suggested by me in
gallic acid and all the dilute mineral
acids, ( ip'ciallv the sulphuric, are also
astringents. The dilute sulphuric
aciA, especially the uromatic tinc
ture, Las idta'incd the highest repu
latiu) as a preventive and euro of Asiatic
chulra. Corrosive sublimate, which
would probably be used by seielititic physi
cians, Is not ulono poisonous, , but very
dungetvus, n'uce it can only bo used in a
ininiiteforiu. One particle would kill
'MMH) ryrnts. Hill it is tho most eliicicut
germicid' known ut present. Koch recom
mends picnic acid, which is the same as
chcniicall; pure carbolic acid. Chemically
pure, nihil, for the chemically impure has
signally l'a'liil, since it has liceu proved
thai baeliviu will live a long tune iu
strong solutions of it Among the domes
tic prevei tives, the best to my mind are
common inlio salt and vinegar, used sep
arately and hi fairly large 'quantities as
eoii'limeiit.s if food. A strong solution of
chloride of fula or table salt would be as
effectual as chloride of zinc, or even chlor
ide of mercury, which is the siimu as cor
rosive sublimate. If nurses and doctors
washed their lands regular in vinegar ami
water while unending cholera patients 1
feel sure they would cscuic the di case. "
I'nnuturul .uiural History.
All llr Year Round.
The pelican feu Is its young with, the
life blood lrom its own bleeding bosom.
This is a la atitiful misiiike, that will live
forever in symbol und legend. The "real
live" pelican has a large bag under her un
wieldy beak, and digging with the beak
towaid the breast, she feci Is her brood and
soils her feaihers with red siained tidbits of
fish from the bag. The uiglitingale leans
her breast against a thorn and sings iu
paiu. In the old pocls not only hus she a
thorn iu her breast but she puts it there.
Instead of being the voice of lonely love
sl.c ought to 1,-e the emblem of tho-e dis
contented w ho, iu u position en
viable to others, riisi make tin ir own
troubles und then sp. nd their lives in self
commiseration. Of course the nightingale
is not such u fool as she looks in poetry.
iSwans are said to sing a death song;
this is poetry too. Rut they are hatched
during lliiiuiler; nnd this is prose the be
lief of othcrw ise .sensible folk. Crows and
curlews hale each other so that their eggs
put in the same nest will nil burst. Talk
ing of eggs, the cock of the south of
linghind lays un egg when the bin has
ceased laying; it is u small iiisiguilicant
ail'air wiih no yolk in it, clearly an ama
teur attempt. These cock's eggs are to be
found iu Sussex, if nowhere else. As we,
h ive got to the poultry yard li t .lob's
turkey have a word; the Americans have
the honorof discovering that ill-conditioned
bird. They say "as pov r us Job's turkey
thai had to lean against u fence togolJble. "
but there we must have him, as ue docs
not strictly he!' ng tons.
Kov. A. V. Moore, of Darlineton, S. C,
sends us for publication the follow ing re
sults in his case:
"DAin.iKiiToN, S. C, Jan. lfith. lSSlt.
"MusMiis. Starkey & I'ai.i:s: Though
you have not solicited, I feel it to be my
duty to give the following testimonial in
favor of 'Compound Oxygen,' I inherited
the jmlmonary taint from my mother:
and have suffered with L'roncnUis from
my vouth. For the last three or four yeiut,
in the early fall, I have been prostrated
with an acute attack of severe Bronchial
Asthma. Last fall this attack was un
usually perilous, being complicated with
a general derangement of the liver, kid
neys, etc. My medical adviters vould not
ant much hope, of any further uvrk in
thf ministry.
Iu Decemtier I commenced the use of
your Home Treatment. Shortly after I
began its use, nearly all the symptoms
were greatly aggravated, but for the last
three weeks I have been improving. The
constant expectoration has to a great ex
tent ceased, i nave a line appetite; my
digestion is good. I sleep wvll. am
moc vrtachma finre on iundau without
latitude. 1 fed more tiaormore life
than I hare for years. I believe the
'Com pound Oxygen' a blessed, providen
tial discovery, to which you were uncon
sciously directed by the great Healer.
"tiratefully, (Rev.) A. W. Moore."
Our "lYeatise on Compound Oxygen,"
containing a history ot the discovery aad
mode of action of this remarkable cura
tive agent, and a large record of surprising
cures in Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia.
Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range
of chronic diseases, will be sent free. Ad
dress l)K.s. Stark ky &, 1109 and
1111 Girard street. Philadelphia.
All orders for the Compound Oxysren
Homo Treatment directed to II. E. Ma
thews, f'xnl Montgomery etrect, San Fran
cisco, will be tilled on the same terms as if
sent directly to us In Philadelphia.
!Ju iy.
Lady Here, my poor man is a ticket
for a dinner at the soup kitchen; and
you can cat as much there as will
sutlice for to-n.orrow and the day after.
Mendicant 'fhanky kindly, iuuta;but
I'd rather liko first to eat enough for
yesterday and the day afore, if it would
mako no di.lercuee to you to fiat
down rn the ticket.
rrofessor Pavid w,lng: An ago of
wit will alwavs bo a.i ago of pathos,
leeau3; laughter aad tears are re'a-
A Ytini lilrl'a Dementia-How It
was Oeeanloned Home Sew
aud Mtartllng Troths.
The St, Louis express, on the New York
Central road, was crowded one evening
recently, when at one of the way stations,
an elderly gentleman, accompanied by a
young lady, entered, the cars and finally
Secured a seat. As the conductor ap
proached the pair, the young lady arose,
and in a pleading voire said:
"Please, sir, don't let him carry me to
the asvluai. I am not crazy; I am a little
tired, but not mad. Oh! no indeed. Won't
you please have papa take me back home"
The conductor, accustomed though he
was to all phases of humanity, looked
with astonishment at the pair, as did the
other passengers In their vicinity. A few
words from the father, however, sutllccd,
and the conductor passed on while the
young lady turned her face to the window.
The writer chanced to be seated just bo
hind the old gentleman and could not fore
go the desire to speak to him. With a sad
face and a trembling voice the father said:
"My daughter has been attending the
seminary In a distant town and was suc
ceeding remarkably, ller natural quali
ties, together with a great ambition,
placed her in the front ranks of the
school, but she studied too closely, was
not careful of her health, and her poor
brain has been turned. 1 am taking her
to a private asylum where we hope she
will soon be better."
At the next station the old man and his
daughter left the cars, but the incident,
so suggestive of Shakespeare's Ophelia,
awakened strange thoughts in the mind
of the writer. It is an absolute fact that
while the population of America increased
thirty per cent during the decade between
1870 and lbfsJ the insanity Increase was
over one-hundred and thirty-Jive per cent
for tho same period. Travelers by rail, by
boat, or in carriage's in any part of the
land see largo aad elaborate buildings,
and inquire what they are.
Insane asylums!
Who builds them?
Each state; every county; hundreds of
private individuals, and in all cases their
capacity is taxed to the utmost.
Why I
Uccause men. in business and the pro
fessions, women, at home or in society,
and children at school ovprtax their men
tal and nervous fortes oy work, worry and
care. This brings about nervous disorders,
indigestion and eventually mania.
It is not always trouble with the head
that causes insanity. It far oftcner arises
from evils iu other parts of the body. The
nervous system determines tho status of
the brain. Any one who has periodie
headaches; occasional dizziness; a dim
ness ot vision; a ringing in the ears; a
feverish head; frequent nausea or a sink
ing at the pit of the stomach, should take
warning at once. The stomach aud bead
are in direct sympathy and if one bo im
paired the other can never bo in order.
Acute dyspepsia causes more insane sui
cides than any other known agency, and
the man, woman or child whose stomach
is deranged is not aud cannot be safe from
the coming on at any moment of mania
in some one of its many terrible forms.
The value of moderation and the im
perative necessity of rare in keepiug the
stomach right must therefore he clear to
all. The least appearance of indigestion,
or mal-assimilaiion of food should be
watched as carefully as the first approach
of an invading army. Many means have
been advocated for meeting such attacks,
but all have heretofore been more or less
defective. There can be no little doubt,
however, that for the purpose of regulat
ing the stomach, toning it up to proper
action, keeping its nerves in a normal con
dition and purifving the blood, Warner's
Tippecanoe The lfesC excels all ancient or
receut discoveries. It is absolutely pure
and vegetable; it is certain to add vigor to
adults, while it cannot by any possibility
injure even a child. The fact that it was
used in the days of the famous Harrison
family is proof positive of its merit, as it
has so thoroughly withstood the test of
time. As a tonic and reviviller It is
simply wonderful, it has relieved the
agony of tho stomach in thousands of
cases; soothed the tired nerves; produced
peaceful sleep and averted the coming on
of a mania more to be dreaded than death
bused br u Spider.
l ienllem.-m's Viiniue.
The king of the spidi rs :i the p.mipas
is not a Aiygale, but a i.voo.s i of xlraor
dinary size, light vr.i in color, with a
black rhig around its middle. His ieiive
and sw ift, und ini'aUe to such a degree
that one can scarcely helji thinking that ii:
this soe. ics nature has oversnot her mark.
When a pi r-on passes mar one, say within
three or lour yards of its lurking place, it
starts up and gives chase, und will often
follow lor a distance of thirty or forty
yards. I came once very nearly being bit
ten by one of these suvago creatines. Rid
in.i' ai an easy trot ovr the dry gra-s, I
suddenly observed a spider pursuing me,
leaping swiftly along and keeping up with
my beast. 1 aimed a blow with my whip,
im'il the point of the hish struck the ground
close to it, when it insiuntly le.iped upon
and mil up the lash, end' was actually
within three or four inches of my lend
when 1 thing the whip from me. The
gauehos have a verv quaint ballad which
tells that the city of Cordova was once in
vaded by an army of monstrous spiders,
aud that the townspeople went out, with
beating drums and tings flying, to lepcl
the invasion, and after tiriug several vol
leys they were forced to turu and lly for
their lives. I have uo daubt that a sudden
increase of the man-chasing spiders, iu a
year exceptionally favorable to them, sug
gested this fable to some rhyming satirist
of the town.
They Will Not Go.
Bill Arp.
There was a time when a hospital at Rich
mond would have been a greut blessing to
the one-armed, one-legged, one-eyed aud
otherwiifl maimed and disabled Confederate
soldiers, but nineteen years has wrought
great changes. Most of the invalids are
lead. Those who are living have homes and
families, and they will not go to Richmond
Love .Tie, Love .My .
Texas Si f tings.
A gallant policeman otlored to escort
a young lady across 1) roadway, but he
became somewhat embarrassed whoa
she, lifted up her pet dog, and said :
"O ! thank you, if you will carry dear
little Fido across. I can go over alone I"
J. Y. Gruham. Wholesale Ilruifcist of Austin.
Tex- writes: "I have been hamtlinn lilt. W.AI.
HALL'S HALSAM FOP. THE LI" N lift for the
ast year, and have found It one of tho moat
salable medicines I have ever had in my house
for Couifhs. Colds, and even Consumption, al
ways giving entire satisfaction, l'leose send
me another Rmss."
If vou want a good smoke, try "Sea! ( f
North Carolina,'' plug cut."
Dr. Henlty't Itiery, Beef and Iron Is
the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered.
A C.HI.-ToaIl whoarsutterinnfrom er
Mrs and indiscretion of youth, nervous wmk
ness, early lierny, loss of rnsuliood, nr., 1 will
send a m.'i tiist will cure jou.Kl'KK OK
I'HAKGK. This irreat remedy was discover!
by a missionary in tuth America. Send fl
aililresHd envelope to Kkv. Joeum T. l.NUAN,
Muiiou L. New Yivlu
Eczema Is one of the ugliest and nion
troublesome of all blood diseases It nrn
ceeds from humors in the blood which .7."
sometimes very difficult Is eradicate Vn.
five weary years Mr. J. Jj, Itodefer I
(Jreendale, V a., siuTurcd terribly from t'hl.
disease. He writes: "Finding no relief
in the many medicines till I used Brown's
Iron Hitters, I purchased three bottles"
from the use of which I have obtained af
most entiro relief. I recommend it
every one In my neighborhood for any di
order of the blood and as a general tonjc
Pisos Cure for Consumption docs not
dry up a cough; it removes the cause.
The foolishness that can't be cured must
be iu dude.
Paplllon Plood Cure is not nn alterative
but a positive cure for Liver Complaint,
and Dyspepsia.
CATARRH A New Treatment whereby
a permanent cure is effected In from one to
three applications. Particulars and trea.
Use free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dtxos
& Son, boj King street west, Toronto, Can.
And Pulmonary Complaints, "JJrovn's
Jtronchial Troches" manifest remarkable
curative qualities. Sold only in boxes.
Paplllon Skin Cure will remove Dan
drull'cure Larbers' Itch, Inordinate Itch
ing, bebureous Tumors, Hlotches, Maggot
Pimples, (irog Iilossoms, Carbuncles and
Bolls. It never fails.
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
I'urpa l)Tflippin, ImllgrMinn, U rnlinem,
Impure lllooda Jlalariu,C Uilib aud Fever
and Neuralgia.
It is an unfiiilincr remedy for Diseases of the nnd Liver.
It is invaluable fur Pise asm peculiar to
Women and all who lead sedentary lives.
It docs not injure the teeth, cause headache. or
produce constipation other Iron medicine do.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the Assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, aud strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, &c,f it has no equal.
The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take noothor.
VtdcMiirbr iiiumsaiEJiii 4t co iultuoki,io.
The rtputatirtn of
HofltctterA Htoiuftcb
Bitter it prvrentiTH
of fpitUunics, stom
achic, an iimgnraut.ft
general rrntortive,
und a iMcitlc fur fever
and ague, it ligation,
iiiliuua atfectioni,
rheumatiftoi, nervous
debility, coustitutinn
al weakness, ia eMab
liahed upon the sound
basis of more than
tweuty years' eiperi
ence, ana can nn more
be shaken by the cUp
trap nnatruuia of un
scientific preteiidm,
ttiim the eTorlarttinf
hi Hi by the winds tint
rustle tlmniKh their
di-tilen. Kur suit) by all
lirutfpits ami Dealers
gene r idly.
CIVIMS SBrtSlal --
Absolutely ctirrd In 80 to
ilsvs, bv Dr Pierre's Pitnt
Maimetio Elastic Truss,
Warranted theonWBleotrloTruss
In the world. KiiiirclvdiflrentfS
'ill nthra. Prfntt Retainer, nnd it wort
wlth ease ami comfort night and aav. Currd
and hundreds of others. New Illustrated pad
rliM free, cnntainiiiir full information.
704 fetter omen 10 bU. cor. Kearny, 6au J'rauoiaoo. Cat
uuiiilv n-.rwJ ty l Iw WV I A U. j.l 1100. AdoMnl in Jl
flif II0S!-1 1 AlJf OK FKANl'K. i f jliipt roturn of IUOB.
Blinilci s:Mon. rewBoiwM fc-ai Iw"."
!Kil. 'NlAerliej. JSOt''Jltol8l...''.
Tbl Talaalile Dlf OTf ry 1 Wing itenji"W
wd Mid i pt-rtonuiug luuijr iwUtoiihiug cart M
rrt lne J Tonic it ia unsrjw. 'erT. Jrfet
aud Iron poite woulrful power to buildupbritkfn
down oiTutitutioiu, and trtum Tipor to both miiw II laiir KrnirdvlncMrto'J;
crftl Ik-t.lllty, Smna Kl,u.tUm, mw,.l.i i i
rlglfcDyKKPi,lof riiyicidndlnul row,
lruianr Difflcultii, nd all lN-rnng. nfl'"
llrallh where a 1 onle and rrlne l rv.iuirw-In-ware
of a wortliU-M and purioiu aw
deUUgeolpimirt"igtobotftery. Blaaau.
Tl THILL. O.V O , .
W flay Ulrcrl. Han rranrtf
O I 1 1 H Xi A I ,bl. KoenUh Piano.;
Urgaiia, liand Uutrumenta. LartrMt rwk BM"
Uuaic and Booka. Bandni.plied at aartorn
iL ORAT, SUA Post Street, San Kranai
From tit Foot St.
near Uarket btrwt
r.icm aud lncraaed
upily tha tnule
nt wholea.loprlcea
dislmU )On low.
The brt and freah.
market la our flrati
to US tin Clay St
letTT, TTIIU ami--
faollitlK w u
with goods at 1"
in any qn.nW
,prlce to wi7b"J
est gi.ioat In
iUiouulit. Person1
attention to tTeryTlTorder.
mall, protnptoeaa rj
credit, BO loanea for(
TJwlaoliclted. bati.fa.-
maae irooa. iiwiikh
IWlitiicu. .
r,i tar lateatprK
tion guaranieta.
Hat, and give m a
trial order. .
aim P.O. &'
Hmiin-a vmma
2uiJ, bau rracciaco,
r is tiie oniv corawea b
in ,h. wHd. Uit .
irtic Ci aKtvr. wllhont Acid";
,X,H:r dia like wapt F-
or female. HusdrM. cjred I Pimphiet, sc., v
70 Smsenio Street, &ia rrancactt
I IJI 11 1:1 I A l
r I I -4
14 J fLi
ngf' WIS!